%% %% This is file `pgf-xetex-bidi.def', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% bidi.dtx (with options: `pgf-xetex-bidi.def') %% %% ______________________________________ %% Copyright © 2009–2012 Vafa Khalighi %% %% License information appended. %% %% \ProvidesFile{pgf-xetex-bidi.def}[2010/07/25 v0.3 bidi adaptations for pgf package for XeTeX engine] \AtBeginDocument{% \@ifdefinitionfileloaded{tikz-xetex-bidi}{}{% \let\origin@pgfpicture=\pgfpicture \let\origin@endpgfpicture=\endpgfpicture \def\pgfpicture{\ifmmode\else\LTR\beginL\fi\origin@pgfpicture} \def\endpgfpicture{\origin@endpgfpicture\ifmmode\else\endL\endLTR\fi}% }% } %% %% Copyright © 2009–2012 Vafa Khalighi %% %% It may be distributed and/or modified under the LaTeX Project Public License, %% version 1.3c or higher (your choice). The latest version of %% this license is at: http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% %% This work is “author-maintained” (as per LPPL maintenance status) %% by Vafa Khalighi. %% %% %% %% %% End of file `pgf-xetex-bidi.def'.