%% %% This is file `english-oxref.lbx', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% oxref.dtx (with options: `lbx,en') %% ---------------------------------------------------------------- %% biblatex-oxref --- Biblatex styles inspired by the Oxford Guide to Style %% Author: Alex Ball %% E-mail: a.j.ball@bath.ac.uk %% License: Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later %% See: http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% ---------------------------------------------------------------- %% \def\Version{2024/08/26 v3.3} \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1999/12/01] \ProvidesFile{english-oxref.lbx} [\Version\space Generic English conventions required by the biblatex-oxref styles] \InheritBibliographyExtras{english} \DeclareBibliographyExtras{% \def\finalandcomma{\addcomma}% \def\blx@ox@langbibstring#1#2{#1\setunit*{\addspace}\bibstring{#2}}% } \UndeclareBibliographyExtras{% \def\blx@ox@langbibstring#1#2{\bibstring{#2}}% } 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{{edited, with an introduction, by}% {ed.\adddotspace with introduction}}, byeditorfo = {{edited, with a foreword, by}% {ed.\adddotspace with foreword}}, byeditoraf = {{edited, with an afterword, by}% {ed.\adddotspace with afterword}}, byeditortrco = {{edited, translated\finalandcomma\ and commented by}% {ed.,\addabbrvspace trans\adddot\finalandcomma\ and comm\adddot}}, byeditortran = {{edited, translated\finalandcomma\ and annotated by}% {ed.,\addabbrvspace trans\adddot\finalandcomma\ and annot\adddot}}, byeditortrin = {{edited and translated, with an introduction, by}% {with introduction, ed\adddotspace and trans\adddot}}, byeditortrfo = {{edited and translated, with a foreword, by}% {with foreword, ed\adddotspace and trans\adddot}}, byeditortraf = {{edited and translated, with an afterword, by}% {with afterword, ed\adddotspace and trans\adddot}}, byeditorcoin = {{edited and commented, with an introduction, by}% {with introduction, ed\adddotspace and comm\adddot}}, byeditorcofo = {{edited and commented, with a foreword, by}% {with foreword, ed\adddotspace and comm\adddot}}, byeditorcoaf = {{edited and commented, with an afterword, by}% {with afterword, ed\adddotspace and comm\adddot}}, byeditoranin = {{edited and annotated, with an introduction, by}% {with introduction, ed\adddotspace and annot\adddot}}, byeditoranfo = {{edited and annotated, with a foreword, by}% {with foreword, ed\adddotspace and annot\adddot}}, byeditoranaf = {{edited and annotated, with an afterword, by}% {with afterword, ed\adddotspace and annot\adddot}}, byeditortrcoin = {{edited, translated\finalandcomma\ and commented, with an introduction, by}% {with introduction, ed.,\addabbrvspace trans\adddot\finalandcomma\ and comm\adddot}}, byeditortrcofo = {{edited, translated\finalandcomma\ and commented, with a foreword, by}% {with foreword, ed.,\addabbrvspace trans\adddot\finalandcomma\ and comm\adddot}}, byeditortrcoaf = {{edited, translated\finalandcomma\ and commented, with an afterword, by}% {with afterword, ed.,\addabbrvspace trans\adddot\finalandcomma\ and comm\adddot}}, byeditortranin = {{edited, translated\finalandcomma\ and annotated, with an introduction, by}% {with introduction, ed.,\addabbrvspace trans\adddot\finalandcomma\ and annot\adddot}}, byeditortranfo = {{edited, translated\finalandcomma\ and annotated, with a foreword, by}% {with foreword, ed.,\addabbrvspace trans\adddot\finalandcomma\ and annot\adddot}}, byeditortranaf = {{edited, translated\finalandcomma\ and annotated, with an afterword, by}% {with afterword, ed.,\addabbrvspace trans\adddot\finalandcomma\ and annot\adddot}}, bytranslatorco = {{translated and commented by}% {trans\adddotspace and comm\adddot}}, bytranslatoran = {{translated and annotated by}% {trans\adddotspace and annot\adddot}}, bytranslatorin = {{translated, with an introduction, by}% {trans\adddotspace with introduction}}, bytranslatorfo = {{translated, with a foreword, by}% {trans\adddotspace with foreword}}, bytranslatoraf = {{translated, with an afterword, by}% {trans\adddotspace with afterword}}, bytranslatorcoin = {{translated and commented, with an introduction, by}% {with introduction, trans\adddotspace and comm\adddot}}, bytranslatorcofo = {{translated and commented, with a foreword, by}% {with foreword, trans\adddotspace and comm\adddot}}, bytranslatorcoaf = {{translated and commented, with an afterword, by}% {with afterword, trans\adddotspace and comm\adddot}}, bytranslatoranin = {{translated and annotated, with an introduction, by}% {with introduction, trans\adddotspace and annot\adddot}}, bytranslatoranfo = {{translated and annotated, with a foreword, by}% {with foreword, trans\adddotspace and annot\adddot}}, bytranslatoranaf = {{translated and annotated, with an afterword, by}% {with afterword, trans\adddotspace and annot\adddot}}, withcommentator = {{with a commentary by}{with a commentary by}}, withannotator = {{with annotations by}{with annotations by}}, withintroduction = {{with an introduction by}{with an introduction by}}, withforeword = {{with a foreword by}{with a foreword by}}, withafterword = {{with an afterword by}{with an afterword by}}, introduction = {{introduction}{introduction}}, newseries = {{new series}{\mkbibacro{NS}}}, oldseries = {{old series}{\mkbibacro{OS}}}, edition = {{edition}{edn\adddot}}, reprint = {{reprint\nopunct}{repr\adddot\nopunct}}, reviewof = {{review of}{review of}}, reprintas = {{reprinted as}{repr\adddotspace as}}, reprintfrom = {{from}{from}}, translationas = {{English translation as}{Eng\adddotspace trans\adddotspace as}}, origpubin = {{originally published in}{originally pub\adddot}}, paragraph = {{paragraph}{para\adddot}}, paragraphs = {{paragraphs}{paras\adddot}}, urlseen = {{accessed}{accessed}}, idem = {{idem}{id\adddot}}, idemsm = {{idem}{id\adddot}}, idemsf = {{eadem}{ead\adddot}}, idemsn = {{idem}{id\adddot}}, idempm = {{eidem}{eid\adddot}}, idempf = {{eaedem}{eaed\adddot}}, idempn = {{eadem}{ead\adddot}}, idempp = {{eidem}{eid\adddot}}, citedas = {{henceforth}{henceforth}}, thiscite = {{at}{at}}, langamerican = {{American English}{Amer\adddotspace Eng\adddot}}, langbasque = {{Basque}{Basq\adddot}}, langbrazilian = {{Brazilian Portuguese}{Braz\adddotspace Port\adddot}}, langbulgarian = {{Bulgarian}{Bulg\adddot}}, langcatalan = {{Catalan}{Catal\adddot}}, langcroatian = {{Croatian}{Croat\adddot}}, langczech = {{Czech}{Czech}}, langdanish = {{Danish}{Dan\adddot}}, langdutch = {{Dutch}{Dutch}}, langenglish = {{English}{Eng\adddot}}, langestonian = {{Estonian}{Eston\adddot}}, langfinnish = {{Finnish}{Finn\adddot}}, langfrench = {{French}{Fr\adddot}}, langgalician = {{Galician}{Galic\adddot}}, langgerman = {{German}{Ger\adddot}}, langgreek = {{Greek}{Gr\adddot}}, langhungarian = {{Hungarian}{Hung\adddot}}, langitalian = {{Italian}{It\adddot}}, langjapanese = {{Japanese}{Jap\adddot}}, langlatin = {{Latin}{Lat\adddot}}, langlatvian = {{Latvian}{Latv\adddot}}, langlithuanian = {{Lithuanian}{Lith\adddot}}, langmarathi = {{Marathi}{Mar\adddot}}, langnorwegian = {{Norwegian}{Norw\adddot}}, langpolish = {{Polish}{Pol\adddot}}, langportuguese = {{Portuguese}{Port\adddot}}, langromanian = {{Romanian}{Rom\adddot}}, langrussian = {{Russian}{Russ\adddot}}, langserbian = {{Serbian}{Serb\adddot}}, langslovak = {{Slovak}{Slovak}}, langslovene = {{Slovene}{Slov\adddot}}, langspanish = {{Spanish}{Sp\adddot}}, langswedish = {{Swedish}{Swed\adddot}}, langturkish = {{Turkish}{Turk\adddot}}, langukrainian = {{Ukrainian}{Ukr\adddot}}, } %% %% Copyright (C) 2016–2023 Alex Ball %% %% End of file `english-oxref.lbx'.