% mla.cbx, v1.5 2013/05/05 * compatible with biblatex 2.5
% Maintained at <https://github.com/jmclawson/biblatex-mla> by James Clawson.
% Feel free to improve, redistribute, and adapt to your own ends. Please share improvements in formatting and MLA standards compliance back to James Clawson: <clawson@gmail.com>.
% This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License. See http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/licenses.lppl.html for the details of that license.
% File is in constant progress. Things are messy. Ignore platypi.

\ProvidesFile{mla.bbx}[2013/05/05 v1.5 biblatex bibliography style]





% \renewenvironment*{thebibliography}
%   {\list
%      {}
%      {\setlength{\leftmargin}{\bibhang}%
%       \setlength{\itemindent}{-\leftmargin}%
%       \setlength{\itemsep}{\bibitemsep}%
%       \setlength{\parsep}{\bibparsep}}}
%   {\endlist}

\DeclareFieldFormat{title:inbook}{\mkbibquote{#1}}%platypus 1.0
\DeclareFieldFormat{url}{$<$\url{#1}$>$}% suggested by Jay Savage <http://www.engatiki.org/2007/11/28/171>
\DeclareFieldFormat[video]{mla:publimedium}{\MakeCapital{film}}% 1.4.9 platypus don't forget to localize
    {\href{http://books.google.com/books?id=#1}{\emph{Google Books}}}%
    {\emph{Google Books}}}
    {\href{#1}{\emph{Project Muse}}}%
    {\emph{Project Muse}}}

\DeclareBibliographyAlias{bookinbook}{incollection}% platypus 1.5

\DeclareBibliographyAlias{inbook}{incollection}% platypus 1.0





\DeclareBibliographyOption{dashed}[true]{% platypus 1.0 (from authortitle.bbx)

\newboolean{bbx@annotation}% same as biblatex-dw


% for translated incollections where the collection has no shared translator






% 0.7.1 for years with open range
\newrobustcmd{\openrangeformat}[1]{% 0.7.1

% 0.7.1 for years with open range
\newcommand*{\blx@openrangeformat}{% 0.7.1

% 0.7.1 for years with open range
\newcommand*{\openrangemark}{\mbox{ }}% 0.7.1

% % 0.9 - new commands for open year ranges
% \newrobustcmd*{\mkbibrangefull}[2]{%
%   \printtext{%
%     \csuse{mkbibdate#1}{#2year}{#2month}{#2day}%
%     \iffieldundef{#2endyear}
%       {}
%       {\iffieldequalstr{#2endyear}{}
%          {\mbox{\bibdatedash}}
% 	 {\bibdatedash
% 	  \csuse{mkbibdate#1}{#2endyear}{#2endmonth}{#2endday}}}}}


\renewcommand*{\bibnamedash}{% suggested by StackExchange user Audrey


    {\usebibmacro{bbx:dashcheck}% platypus 1.0 from authortitle.bbx







  \ifthenelse{\boolean{bbx@publimedium}\AND\NOT \(\iffieldundef{url} \AND \iffieldundef{eprint}\)}% 0.9 platypus - check the logic here! should it be and or or between url and eprint?
     \setunit{\addspace}}% Suggested by Stephen Brumbaugh




    {\ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{volume}\OR\iffieldundef{volumes}}% 1.4.9 cleared up most spurious punct






\newbibmacro*{mla:isbn/issn+doi+eprint}{% 0.7.1 modeled after biblatex-apa, here just a proof of concept and work in progress, ignoring any of the URL hiding implemented by Philip Kime



	\iffieldequalstr{entrytype}{bookinbook}}% 1.5 platypus 





    {\printfield{origyear}\clearfield{origyear}}% 1.4.9 cleared origyear

  \ifthenelse{\iffieldequalstr{entrysubtype}{newspaper} \or \iffieldequalstr{entrysubtype}{magazine}}%
  \usebibmacro{publimedium}% 1.4.9 updated



    \ifthenelse{\iffieldbibstring{#1type} \and \not %

    \ifthenelse{\iffieldbibstring{#1type} \and \not %

    {\ifthenelse{\iffieldbibstring{#1type} \and \not %
    \iffieldundef{#1type} \and \not %

    {\ifthenelse{\iffieldbibstring{#1type} \and \not %
     \iffieldundef{#1type} \and \not %

  \usebibmacro{publimedium}% 1.4.9 updated to most recent MLA format

% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % 
% drivers to add eventually:
% * \DeclareBibliographyDriver{misc}
% * \DeclareBibliographyDriver{artwork}
% * \DeclareBibliographyDriver{audio}
% * \DeclareBibliographyDriver{image}
% * \DeclareBibliographyDriver{movie}
% * \DeclareBibliographyDriver{music}
% * \DeclareBibliographyDriver{performance}
% Specifically important mainstay types to add for MLA users
% 0 support for multiple publishers? % can't do with bibtex
% * editorial
% * letter (to the editor, etc.)
% * interview




  \ifbool{bbx@nodate}{\printtext{n.d.}}% platypus-don't forget to localize this string!

  \ifthenelse{\iffieldundef{author} \AND \iffieldundef{nameaddon}}%

    {\ifnum\value{liststop}>1 \finalandcomma\fi










  \ifthenelse{\iffieldequalstr{entrytype}{periodical} \AND \iffieldundef{journaltitle}}%
  \ifthenelse{\iffieldequalstr{entrysubtype}{newspaper} \or \iffieldequalstr{entrysubtype}{magazine} \or \iffieldequalstr{entrytype}{online}}%
     \setunit{\addspace}% platypus-1.0b removed asterisk


  \ifthenelse{\iffieldequalstr{entrysubtype}{newspaper} \or \iffieldequalstr{entrysubtype}{magazine}}%



    test {\iffieldequals{fullhash}{\bbx@lasthash}}
    not test \iffirstonpage
       not bool {bbx@inset}
       test {\iffieldequalstr{entrysetcount}{1}}

