\ProvidesFile{ext-authornumber-terse.bbx} [2022/06/18 v0.16 extended biblatex authoryear bibliography style (MW)] \RequireBibliographyStyle{ext-authornumber} \renewbibmacro{extraname}{% \iffieldundef{shorthand} {\iffieldundef{extraname} {} {\printtext[bibextraname]{\printfield{extraname}}}} {\printtext[bibextraname]{\printfield{shorthand}}}} \endinput % % This file is part of the biblatex-ext bundle. % biblatex-ext is released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c % or later. % % A complete list of files included in that package can be found in % README.md or - failing that - in ext-standard.bbx. % % Official releases of this package are on CTAN % https://www.ctan.org/pkg/biblatex-ext % development takes place on GitHub % https://github.com/moewew/biblatex-ext %