%% %% This is file `bez123.sty', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% bez123.dtx (with options: `bez') %% %% Author: Peter Wilson (CUA and NIST) %% now at: peter.r.wilson@boeing.com %% %% Copyright 1998 Peter R. Wilson %% %% This program is provided under the terms of the %% LaTeX Project Public License distributed from CTAN %% archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt. %% \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{bez123}[1998/10/14 v1.1 Bezier curves] \RequirePackage{multiply}[1998/10/14] \newcommand{\lbezier}[2][0]{\@lbez{#1}#2} \gdef\@lbez#1(#2,#3)(#4,#5){% %%%%\def\lbezier#1(#2,#3)(#4,#5){% \ifnum #1<\@ne \@ovxx = #4\unitlength \advance\@ovxx by -#2\unitlength \ifdim \@ovxx < \z@ \@ovxx = -\@ovxx \fi \@ovyy = #5\unitlength \advance\@ovyy by -#3\unitlength \ifdim \@ovyy < \z@ \@ovyy = -\@ovyy \fi \ifdim \@ovxx > \@ovyy \@multicnt = \@ovxx \else \@multicnt = \@ovyy \fi \@ovxx = 0.5\@halfwidth \divide\@multicnt by \@ovxx \ifnum \qbeziermax < \@multicnt \@multicnt = \qbeziermax\relax \fi \else \@multicnt = #1\relax \fi \@tempcnta = \@multicnt \advance\@tempcnta by \@ne \@ovdx = #4\unitlength \advance\@ovdx by -#2\unitlength \divide\@ovdx by \@multicnt \@ovdy = #5\unitlength \advance\@ovdy by -#3\unitlength \divide\@ovdy by \@multicnt \setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{\vrule \@height\@halfwidth \@depth \@halfwidth \@width \@wholewidth}% \put(#2,#3){% \count@ = \z@ \@whilenum{\count@ < \@tempcnta}\do {\@xdim = \count@\@ovdx \@ydim = \count@\@ovdy \raise \@ydim \hb@xt@\z@{\kern\@xdim \unhcopy\@tempboxa\hss}% \advance\count@\@ne}}% } \newlength{\@wxc} \newlength{\@wyc} \newcommand{\cbezier}[2][0]{\@cbez{#1}#2} \gdef\@cbez#1(#2,#3)(#4,#5)(#6,#7)(#8,#9){% \ifnum #1<\@ne \@ovxx = #2\unitlength \@ovdx = \@ovxx \@ovdy = #4\unitlength \ifdim \@ovdy > \@ovxx \@ovxx = \@ovdy \fi \ifdim \@ovdy < \@ovdx \@ovdx = \@ovdy \fi \@ovdy = #6\unitlength \ifdim \@ovdy > \@ovxx \@ovxx = \@ovdy \fi \ifdim \@ovdy < \@ovdx \@ovdx = \@ovdy \fi \@ovdy = #8\unitlength \ifdim \@ovdy > \@ovxx \@ovxx = \@ovdy \fi \ifdim \@ovdy < \@ovdx \@ovdx = \@ovdy \fi \advance\@ovxx by -\@ovdx \@ovyy = #3\unitlength \@ovdy = \@ovyy \@ovdx = #5\unitlength \ifdim \@ovdx > \@ovyy \@ovyy = \@ovdx \fi \ifdim \@ovdx < \@ovdy \@ovdy = \@ovdx \fi \@ovdx = #7\unitlength \ifdim \@ovdx > \@ovyy \@ovyy = \@ovdx \fi \ifdim \@ovdx < \@ovdy \@ovdy = \@ovdx \fi \@ovdx = #9\unitlength \ifdim \@ovdx > \@ovyy \@ovyy = \@ovdx \fi \ifdim \@ovdx < \@ovdy \@ovdy = \@ovdx \fi \advance\@ovyy by -\@ovdy \ifdim \@ovxx > \@ovyy \@multicnt = \@ovxx \else \@multicnt = \@ovyy \fi \@ovxx = 0.5\@halfwidth \divide\@multicnt by \@ovxx \ifnum \qbeziermax < \@multicnt \@multicnt = \qbeziermax\relax \fi \else \@multicnt = #1\relax \fi \@tempcnta = \@multicnt \advance\@tempcnta by \@ne \@ovdx = #4\unitlength \advance\@ovdx by -#2\unitlength \@ovxx = #6\unitlength \advance\@ovxx by -\@ovdx \multiply\@ovdx by \thr@@ \advance\@ovxx by -#4\unitlength \multiply\@ovxx by \thr@@ \@wxc = #4\unitlength \advance\@wxc by -#6\unitlength \multiply\@wxc by \thr@@ \advance\@wxc by #8\unitlength \advance\@wxc by -#2\unitlength \divide\@wxc by \@multicnt \@ovdy = #5\unitlength \advance\@ovdy by -#3\unitlength \@ovyy = #7\unitlength \advance\@ovyy by -\@ovdy \multiply\@ovdy by \thr@@ \advance\@ovyy by -#5\unitlength \multiply\@ovyy by \thr@@ \@wyc = #5\unitlength \advance\@wyc by -#7\unitlength \multiply\@wyc by \thr@@ \advance\@wyc by #9\unitlength \advance\@wyc by -#3\unitlength \divide\@wyc by \@multicnt \setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{\vrule \@height\@halfwidth \@depth \@halfwidth \@width \@wholewidth}% \put(#2,#3){% \count@ = \z@ \@whilenum{\count@ < \@tempcnta}\do {\@xdim = \count@\@wxc \advance\@xdim by \@ovxx \divide\@xdim by \@multicnt \multiply\@xdim by \count@ \advance\@xdim by \@ovdx \divide\@xdim by \@multicnt \multiply\@xdim by \count@ \@ydim = \count@\@wyc \advance\@ydim by \@ovyy \divide\@ydim by \@multicnt \multiply\@ydim by \count@ \advance\@ydim by \@ovdy \divide\@ydim by \@multicnt \multiply\@ydim by \count@ \raise \@ydim \hb@xt@\z@{\kern\@xdim \unhcopy\@tempboxa\hss}% \advance\count@\@ne}}% } \newlength{\@ww} \newlength{\@wwa} \newlength{\@wwb} \newlength{\@wwo} \newlength{\@wwi} \newcounter{@pntscale} \newcounter{weightscale} \newlength{\botscale} \newcommand{\setweightscale}[1]{\setcounter{weightscale}{#1}} \newcommand{\resetweightscale}{\setcounter{weightscale}{10000}} \resetweightscale \newcommand{\rqbezier}[2][0]{\@rqbez{#1}#2} \gdef\@rqbez#1(#2,#3)(#4,#5)(#6,#7)(#8){% \@ovxx = #8\unitlength \ifdim\@ovxx = \unitlength \PackageWarning{bez123}{Rational quadratic denerates to quadratic} \qbezier[#1](#2,#3)(#4,#5)(#6,#7) \else \ifdim\@ovxx = \z@ \PackageWarning{bez123}{Rational quadratic degenerates to linear} \lbezier[#1](#2,#3)(#6,#7) \else \@ovxx = #4\unitlength \advance\@ovxx by -#2\unitlength \ifdim \@ovxx < \z@ \@ovxx = -\@ovxx \fi \@ovdx = #6\unitlength \advance\@ovdx by -#4\unitlength \ifdim \@ovdx < \z@ \@ovdx = -\@ovdx \fi \ifdim \@ovxx < \@ovdx \@ovxx = \@ovdx \fi \@ovyy = #5\unitlength \advance\@ovyy by -#3\unitlength \ifdim \@ovyy < \z@ \@ovyy = -\@ovyy \fi \@ovdy = #7\unitlength \advance\@ovdy by -#5\unitlength \ifdim \@ovdy < \z@ \@ovdy = -\@ovdy \fi \ifdim \@ovyy < \@ovdy \@ovyy = \@ovdy \fi \ifdim \@ovxx > \@ovyy \@multicnt = \@ovxx \else \@multicnt = \@ovyy \fi \@wwi = \@multicnt sp \ifnum #1<\@ne \@ovxx = 0.5\@halfwidth \divide\@multicnt by \@ovxx \ifnum\qbeziermax < \@multicnt \@multicnt = \qbeziermax\relax \fi \else \@multicnt = #1\relax \fi \@tempcnta = \@multicnt \advance\@tempcnta by \@ne \divide\@tempcnta by \tw@ \advance\@tempcnta by \@ne \@wwo = \maxdimen \advance\@wwo by -\@wwi \divide\@wwo by \tw@ \divide\@wwo by \@wwi \@wwi = 10sp \@wwi = #8\@wwi \ifdim\@wwi < \z@ \@wwi = -\@wwi \fi \divide\@wwi by 10\relax \ifdim\@wwi < \@wwo \c@@pntscale = \@ne \else \divide\@wwi by \tw@ \ifdim\@wwi < \@wwo \c@@pntscale = \tw@ \else \divide\@wwi by \tw@ \ifdim\@wwi < \@wwo \c@@pntscale = 4\relax \else \divide\@wwi by \tw@ \ifdim\@wwi < \@wwo \c@@pntscale = 8\relax \else \c@@pntscale = 16\relax \fi \fi \fi \fi \@ovxx = #4\unitlength \advance\@ovxx by -#2\unitlength \multiply\@ovxx by \tw@ \divide\@ovxx by \c@@pntscale \@ovdx = #8\@ovxx \@ovxx = #6\unitlength \advance\@ovxx by -#2\unitlength \divide\@ovxx by \c@@pntscale \advance\@ovxx by -\@ovdx \divide\@ovxx by \@multicnt \@ovyy = #5\unitlength \advance\@ovyy by -#3\unitlength \multiply\@ovyy by \tw@ \divide\@ovyy by \c@@pntscale \@ovdy = #8\@ovyy \@ovyy = #7\unitlength \advance\@ovyy by -#3\unitlength \divide\@ovyy by \c@@pntscale \advance\@ovyy by -\@ovdy \divide\@ovyy by \@multicnt \setlength{\botscale}{\c@weightscale sp} \@wwo = \botscale \@wwi = #8\@wwo \@wwa = \@wwo \advance\@wwa by -\@wwi \multiply\@wwa by \tw@ \@wwb = \@wwa \divide\@wwb by \@multicnt \@wwi = \botscale \setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{\vrule \@height\@halfwidth \@depth \@halfwidth \@width \@wholewidth}% \put(#2,#3){% \count@ = \z@ \@whilenum{\count@ < \@tempcnta}\do {\@xdim = \count@\@ovxx \advance\@xdim by \@ovdx \divide\@xdim by \@multicnt \multiply\@xdim by \count@ \@ydim = \count@\@ovyy \advance\@ydim by \@ovdy \divide\@ydim by \@multicnt \multiply\@ydim by \count@ \@ww = \count@\@wwb \advance\@ww by -\@wwa \divide\@ww by \@multicnt \multiply\@ww by \count@ \advance\@ww by \@wwo \divide\@ww by \c@@pntscale \ifdim\@ww = \z@ \else \divide\@xdim by \@ww \divide\@ydim by \@ww \fi \multnooverflow{\@xdim}{\botscale}% \multnooverflow{\@ydim}{\botscale}% \raise \@ydim \hb@xt@\z@{\kern\@xdim \unhcopy\@tempboxa\hss}% \advance\count@\@ne}} \@ovxx = #4\unitlength \advance\@ovxx by -#6\unitlength \multiply\@ovxx by \tw@ \divide\@ovxx by \c@@pntscale \@ovdx = #8\@ovxx \@ovxx = #2\unitlength \advance\@ovxx by -#6\unitlength \divide\@ovxx by \c@@pntscale \advance\@ovxx by -\@ovdx \divide\@ovxx by \@multicnt \@ovyy = #5\unitlength \advance\@ovyy by -#7\unitlength \multiply\@ovyy by \tw@ \divide\@ovyy by \c@@pntscale \@ovdy = #8\@ovyy \@ovyy = #3\unitlength \advance\@ovyy by -#7\unitlength \divide\@ovyy by \c@@pntscale \advance\@ovyy by -\@ovdy \divide\@ovyy by \@multicnt \put(#6,#7){% \count@ = \z@ \@whilenum{\count@ < \@tempcnta}\do {\@xdim = \count@\@ovxx \advance\@xdim by \@ovdx \divide\@xdim by \@multicnt \multiply\@xdim by \count@ \@ydim = \count@\@ovyy \advance\@ydim by \@ovdy \divide\@ydim by \@multicnt \multiply\@ydim by \count@ \@ww = \count@\@wwb \advance\@ww by -\@wwa \divide\@ww by \@multicnt \multiply\@ww by \count@ \advance\@ww by \@wwo \divide\@ww by \c@@pntscale \ifnum\@ww = \z@ \else \divide\@xdim by \@ww \divide\@ydim by \@ww \fi \multnooverflow{\@xdim}{\botscale}% \multnooverflow{\@ydim}{\botscale}% \raise \@ydim \hb@xt@\z@{\kern\@xdim \unhcopy\@tempboxa\hss}% \advance\count@\@ne}} \fi\fi} \endinput %% %% End of file `bez123.sty'.