%% %% This is file `spanish-archaeologie.lbx', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% archaeologie.dtx (with options: `lbx,es') %% ---------------------------------------------------------------- %% biblatex-archaeologie --- %% Author: Lukas C. Bossert %% E-mail: info@biblatex.texografie.de %% License: Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later %% See: http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% ---------------------------------------------------------------- %% \def\archDate{2020/02/15} \def\archVersion{2.4.4} \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[2005/12/01] \ProvidesFile{spanish-archaeologie.lbx} [\archVersion\space\archDate Spanish conventions required by the biblatex-archaeologie style] \InheritBibliographyExtras{spanish} \DeclareBibliographyStrings{% inherit = {spanish}, magthesis = {{}{}},% FIXME! mathesis = {{}{}},% FIXME! subvoce = {{sub\addspace voce}{s\adddot\addnbthinspace v\adddot}}, reference = {{Artículo}{Art\adddot}}, origtitle = {{Título\addspace original}{Título\addspace original}}, firstprint = {{Primera\addspace edición}{Primera\addspace edición}}, talk = {{Conferencia}{Conferencia}}, owntranslation = {{??}{??}},% FIXME! } %% %% Copyright (C) 2019 Lukas C. Bossert // digitales-altertum.de %% %% End of file `spanish-archaeologie.lbx'.