%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % hecmd.sty % ArabTeX % special commands for Hebrew mode % using ideas by Rama Porrat, Bernd Raichle and others % 07.05.2000 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % (c) Klaus Lagally % Institut fuer Informatik % Universitaet Stuttgart %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \a@ident {hecmd.sty} {3.05 additional commands for Hebrew} {07.05.2000} \let \RLtext \arabtext \let \endRLtext \endarabtext %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newcount \is@m \newcount \is@n \newcount \is@l \def \heb@catcodes {% make chars 128-154 and 224-250 into letters \is@m = 96 % oldcode \is@n = 128 % pccode \is@l = 224 % newcode \loop \lccode \is@n = \is@m \catcode \is@n = 11 \lccode \is@l = \is@m \catcode \is@l = 11 \ifnum 122 > \is@m \advance \is@m 1 \advance \is@n 1 \advance \is@l 1 \repeat } \def \heb@catcodes {% make chars 128-154 and 224-250 into letters \is@m = 96 % oldcode \is@n = 128 % pccode \is@l = 224 % newcode \loop \global\lccode \is@n = \is@m \catcode \is@n = 11 \global\lccode \is@l = \is@m \catcode \is@l = 11 \ifnum 122 > \is@m \advance \is@m 1 \advance \is@n 1 \advance \is@l 1 \repeat } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % activate most commands from hebrew.sty \begingroup \heb@catcodes \allowarab \ \allowarab \Ԩ \allowarab \ \allowarab \ \allowarab \ \allowarab \ \allowarab \ \allowarab \԰ \allowarab \ \allowarab \԰ \allowarab \ \allowarab \հ԰ \allowarab \ \allowarab \ \allowarab \ \allowarab \հ \allowarab \ \allowarab \ڱ \allowarab \ \allowarab \ڱڱ \allowarab \ \allowarab \ޭ \allowarab \ \allowarab \ڭխڷ \allowarab \ \allowarab \ \allowarab \ \allowarab \հگڴ \allowarab \ \allowarab \հ \allowarab \ \allowarab \ٵ \allowarab \ \allowarab \ \gdef \ {\hadgesh} \gdef \Ԩ {\hadgesh} \gdef \ {\makafgadol} \gdef \ {\makafgadol} \gdef \ {\makafanak} \gdef \ {\makafanak} \gdef \ {\geresh} \gdef \԰ {\geresh} \gdef \ {\opengeresh} \gdef \԰ {\opengeresh} \gdef \ {\closegeresh} \gdef \հ԰ {\closegeresh} \gdef \ {\openquote} \gdef \ {\openquote} \gdef \ {\closequote} \gdef \հ {\closequote} \gdef \ {\piska} \gdef \ڱ {\piska} \gdef \ {\piskapiska} \gdef \ڱڱ {\piskapiska} \gdef \ {\smallskip} \gdef \ޭ {\smallskip } \gdef \ {\medskip} \gdef \ڭխڷ {\medskip } \gdef \ {\bigskip} \gdef \ {\bigskip } \gdef \ {\rightline} \gdef \հگڴ {\rightline} \gdef \ {\leftline} \gdef \հ {\leftline} \gdef \ {\centerline} \gdef \ٵ {\centerline} \gdef \ {\hebday} \gdef \ {\hebday} \endgroup %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \a@hadgesh #1{% poor man's bold version \setbox0 \hbox {#1}% \kern-.025em\copy0\kern-\wd0 \kern.05em\copy0\kern-\wd0 \kern-.025em\raise.025em\copy0\kern-\wd0 \raise-.025em\box0} \def \a@c@hadgesh #1{\putwordb@x {\a@hadgesh {\R{#1}}}\test@token } \def \hadgesh #1{\a@hadgesh {\R {#1}}} \def \a@c@makafgadol {\putwordb@x {\bf --}\test@token } \def \a@c@makafanak {\putwordb@x {\bf ---}\test@token } \def \a@c@geresh {\a@spacefalse \putwordb@x {\bf `}\test@token } \let \a@c@closegeresh \a@c@geresh \def \geresh {`} \let \closegeresh \geresh \def \a@c@opengeresh {\putwordb@x {\bf '}\a@spacefalse \test@token } \def \opengeresh {'} \def \a@c@closequote {\a@spacefalse \putwordb@x {\bf ``}\test@token } \def \closequote {``} \def \a@c@openquote {\putwordb@x {\bf ''}\a@spacefalse \test@token } \def \openquote {''} \def \a@c@undertext #1{\putwordb@x {$\underline {\R {#1}}$}\test@token } \let \undertext \underline \def \a@c@hebday {\putwordb@x {\number\day }\a@spacetrue \edef \themonth {\ifcase \month \or \or \or \or \or \or \or \or \or \or \or \or \fi }% \putwordb@x {\xpa \RL \xpa {\themonth }}\a@spacetrue \putwordb@x {\number\year }\test@token } \def \hebday {\RL{\hebday }} % this looks wrong, but works ! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \a@c@Hebrewtoday {% internal calendar routine \Hebrewsetreg \tracingmacros 1 \edef \theHebrewDay {\HebrewDayName {\Hebrewday }\space \HebrewMonthName {\Hebrewmonth }{\Hebrewyear },\space \a@HebrewYearName {\Hebrewyear }}% \tracingmacros 0 \putwordb@x {\xpa \R \xpa {\theHebrewDay }}\test@token } \def \a@HebrewYearName #1{% max 4 digits, fully expandable version \ifnum #1>9999 \errmessage{HebrewYearName: illegal argument #1}\else \ifnum #1>999 \xpa \a@HYName \number #1\else \ifnum #1>99 \xpa \a@HYName \xpa 0\number #1\else \ifnum #1>9 \xpa \a@HYName \xpa 0\xpa 0\number #1\else \xpa \a@HYName \xpa 0\xpa 0\xpa 0\number #1\fi \fi \fi \fi } \def \a@HYName #1#2#3#4{% max 4 digits to Hebrew number \ifnum #1= 5 % Change it in the next Hebrew Millennium.. \ifnum #2#3#4> 0 \else \DigitInHebrew {#1}'\fi \else \DigitInHebrew {#1}'\fi \a@ShortHYName {#2#3#4}% \ifnum #1< 1 \space )"(\fi \ifnum #2#3#4= 0 \space )"(\fi } \def \a@SHYNumber #1{% fully expandable version \ifnum #1>999 \errmessage{ShortHYName: illegal argument #1}\else \ifnum #1>99 \xpa \a@SHYName \number #1\else \ifnum #1>9 \xpa \a@SHYName \xpa 0\number #1\else \xpa \a@SHYName \xpa 0\xpa 0\number #1\fi \fi \fi } \def \a@SHYName #1#2#3{% max 3 digits, fully expandable \ifcase #1\or \or \or \or \or \or \or \or \or \fi \ifnum #2#3 = 16 \else \ifnum #2#3 = 15 \else \ifnum #2 = 0 \else \TensInHebrew{#2}\fi \ifnum #3 = 0 \else \DigitInHebrew{#3}\fi \fi\fi } \def \a@ShortHYName #1{% format Hebrew number < 1000 \xpa \xpa \xpa \a@FormatNumber \a@EvalToCS {\a@SHYNumber {#1}}\@ } \def \a@EvalToCS #1{% fully expand the parameter to a \cs name string \xpa \string \csname #1\endcsname } \def \a@FormatNumber #1\@ {\xpa \a@Format #1\@ } \def \a@Format #1#2\@ {\a@Formati #2\@ } \def \a@Formati #1#2\@ {% first digit #1\ifx \relax #2\relax '\else \ReturnFi \a@Formatii #2\@ \fi } \def \a@Formatii #1#2\@ {% following digits \ifx \relax #2\relax ''#1\else #1\ReturnFi \a@Formatii #2\@ \fi } \def \ReturnFi #1\fi {\fi #1}% FALSE branch \def \ReturnElseFi #1\else #2\fi {\fi #1}% TRUE branch %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \iffalse % from heb_pc.mac %\def\ifundefined#1{\expandafter\ifx\csname#1\endcsname\relax} \everydisplay{\aftergroup\beginR } \def\piska#1{\item{#1}\hangindent=-\hangindent} \def\piskapiska#1{\itemitem{#1}\hangindent=-\hangindent} \def\leftquotation{\L{''}} \def\rightquotation{\L{``}} \fi %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \endinput %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! 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