% \iffalse meta-comment % % This is file `swedish.apc'. % % Copyright 1994-2005 Erik Meijer and any individual authors listed % elsewhere in this file. All rights reserved. % % This file is part of the `apacite' package. % ------------------------------------------- % % It may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 % of this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2003/12/01 or later. % % The list of all files belonging to the `apacite' package, with a % short description, is given in the file `manifest.txt'. % % \fi \ProvidesFile{swedish.apc}[2005/06/01] %% swedish.apc - swedish translation of apacite elements %% Written by Stefan Bjork %% $Revision: 1.2 $ %% %% Translation of APA elements into swedish is not obvious. Ideas of %% which terms to use have been taken from the following sources: %% %% Eriksson, M. G. (2001). Att skriva litteraturreferenser enligt %% Harvard-systemet. Retreived December 9, 2004, from: %% http://www.ida.his.se/ida/kurser/exjobb/kursmaterial/referenser.pdf %% Jonsson, Mattias. (n.d.). Lathund for referensskrivning. Retreived %% December 9, 2004, from: %% http://www.ped.gu.se/users/berner/htmarkiv/referens.html %% Referensskrivning. (1994). Retreived December 9, 2004, from %% Gothenburg University Web site: %% http://www.ped.gu.se/forskarutbildning/Referens_skrivning.htm %% %% Punctuations \renewcommand{\BBAB}{och} %% Labels \renewcommand{\BOthers}[1]{m.\thinspace{}fl.} \renewcommand{\BOthersPeriod}[1]{m.\thinspace{}fl.} \renewcommand{\BIP}{under tryckning} \renewcommand{\BIn}{I} \renewcommand{\BCHAP}{kap.} \renewcommand{\BCHAPS}{kap.} \renewcommand{\BED}{red.} \renewcommand{\BEDS}{red:er} \renewcommand{\BTRANS}{\"overs.} \renewcommand{\BTRANSS}{\"overs.} \renewcommand{\BTRANSL}{\"overs.} \renewcommand{\BCHAIR}{ordf\"orande} \renewcommand{\BCHAIRS}{ordf\"orande} \renewcommand{\BVOL}{vol.} \renewcommand{\BVOLS}{vol.} \renewcommand{\BNUM}{nr.} \renewcommand{\BNUMS}{nr.} \renewcommand{\BEd}{upplagan} \renewcommand{\BPG}{s.} \renewcommand{\BPGS}{ss.} \renewcommand{\BTR}{teknisk rapport} \renewcommand{\BPhD}{diss.} \renewcommand{\BUPhD}{opublicerad diss.} \renewcommand{\BMTh}{examensuppsats} \renewcommand{\BUMTh}{opublicerad examensuppsats} \renewcommand{\BOWP}{Original publicerat} \renewcommand{\BREPR}{\AA{}terutgivning fr\aa{}n} \renewcommand{\APACmetaprenote}{% Referenser markerade med stj\"arna avser studier inkluderade i meta-analys.} %% Commands for specific types of @misc entries. \renewcommand{\bibmessage}{meddelande} \renewcommand{\bibcomputerprogram}{datorprogram} \renewcommand{\bibcomputerprogrammanual}{handbok till datorprogram} \renewcommand{\bibcomputerprogramandmanual}{datorprogram och handbok} \renewcommand{\bibcomputersoftware}{mjukvara} \renewcommand{\bibcomputersoftwaremanual}{handbok till mjukvara} \renewcommand{\bibcomputersoftwareandmanual}{datorprogram och handbok} \renewcommand{\bibprogramminglanguage}{programmeringsspr\aa{}k} %% Publication date unknown \renewcommand{\bibnodate}{u.\thinspace\aa{}.} %% Author Index \renewcommand{\authorindexname}{F\"orfattarindex}