%% %% This is file `norsk.apc', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% apacite.dtx (with options: `norsk') %% %% This is a generated file. %% %% Copyright (C) 1994-8888 Erik Meijer and any individual authors listed %% elsewhere in this file. %% %% This file is part of the `apacite' package. %% ------------------------------------------- %% %% It may be distributed and/or modified under the %% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either %% version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later %% version. The latest version of this license is in: %% %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% %% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of %% LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. %% %% The `apacite' package consists of the files apacite.dtx and %% apacite.ins, and the following generated files: %% apacite.sty, apacdoc.sty, apacite.drv, %% apacite.bst, apacitex.bst, apacann.bst, apacannx.bst, %% apa5ex.bib, apacxmpl.tex, %% english.apc, dutch.apc, finnish.apc, french.apc, %% german.apc, ngerman.apc, greek.apc, norsk.apc, %% spanish.apc, swedish.apc. %% %% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained' %% %% The Current Maintainer of this work is Erik Meijer %% %% This file may only be distributed together with a copy of the %% source files of the apacite package, i.e., apacite.dtx and %% apacite.ins. You may however distribute the apacite package without %% the generated files. %% \ProvidesFile{norsk.apc} [2012/02/25 v6.01 apacite language file] %% %% norsk.apc - Norwegian Bokmal & Nynorsk versions of apacite elements. %% Version 1.1. %% Written by Karl Ove Hufthammer. %% \edef\APACrestoreAtCode{% \catcode`@=\the\catcode`@\relax }% \makeatletter \renewcommand{\onemaskedcitationmsg}[1]{% \emph{(#1\ citation removed for masked review)}}% !!! CHANGE \renewcommand{\maskedcitationsmsg}[1]{% \emph{(#1\ citations removed for masked review)}}% !!! CHANGE \renewcommand{\refname}{Referanser}% Name of ref. list if it's a section. \renewcommand{\bibname}{Referanser}% Name of ref. list if it's a chapter. %% The name (heading) of the Author Index \renewcommand{\authorindexname}{Forfatterregister}% %% %% A note before the references if a meta-analysis is reported. \renewcommand{\APACmetaprenote}{% Referanser merket med en stjerne viser til studier som er med i metaanalysen.} %% %% Commands for specific types of @misc entries. \renewcommand{\bibmessage}{innlegg}% \renewcommand{\bibcomputerprogram}{dataprogram}% \renewcommand{\bibcomputerprogrammanual}{dataprogramh\aa ndbok}% \renewcommand{\bibcomputerprogramandmanual}{dataprogram og brukerh\aa ndbok}% \renewcommand{\bibcomputersoftware}{programvare}% \renewcommand{\bibcomputersoftwaremanual}{programvareh\aa ndbok}% \renewcommand{\bibcomputersoftwareandmanual}{programvare og brukerh\aa ndbok}% \renewcommand{\bibprogramminglanguage}{programmeringsspr\aa k}% %% %% Other labels \renewcommand{\bibnodate}{u.d.\hbox{}}% ``no date'' \renewcommand{\BIP}{under publisering}% ``in press'' \renewcommand{\BOthers}[1]{et al.\hbox{}}% ``and others'' \renewcommand{\BOthersPeriod}[1]{et al.\hbox{}}% ``and others'', with a period \renewcommand{\BIn}{I}% % for ``In'' editor... \renewcommand{\Bby}{av}% % for ``by'' editor... (in reprints) \renewcommand{\BED}{red.\hbox{}}% % editor \renewcommand{\BEDS}{red.\hbox{}}% % editors \renewcommand{\BTRANS}{oms.\hbox{}}% % translator \renewcommand{\BTRANSS}{oms.\hbox{}}% % translators \renewcommand{\BTRANSL}{oms.\hbox{}}% % translation, for the year field \renewcommand{\BCHAIR}{ordstyrer}% % chair of symposium \renewcommand{\BCHAIRS}{ordstyrere}% % chairs \renewcommand{\BVOL}{vol.\hbox{}}% % volume \renewcommand{\BVOLS}{vol.\hbox{}}% % volumes \renewcommand{\BNUM}{nr.\hbox{}}% % number \renewcommand{\BNUMS}{nr.\hbox{}}% % numbers \renewcommand{\BEd}{utg.\hbox{}}% % edition \renewcommand{\BCHAP}{kap.\hbox{}}% % chapter \renewcommand{\BCHAPS}{kap.\hbox{}}% % chapters \renewcommand{\BPG}{s.\hbox{}}% % page \renewcommand{\BPGS}{s.\hbox{}}% % pages %% Default technical report type name. \renewcommand{\BTR}{Teknisk rapport}% %% Default PhD thesis type name. \renewcommand{\BPhD}{Akademisk avhandling}% %% Default unpublished PhD thesis type name. \renewcommand{\BUPhD}{Upublisert akademisk avhandling}% %% Default master's thesis type name. \renewcommand{\BMTh}{Masteroppgave}% %% Default unpublished master's thesis type name. \renewcommand{\BUMTh}{Upublisert masteroppgave}% %% \renewcommand{\BAuthor}{Forfatter}% ``Author'' if publisher = author \renewcommand{\BOWP}{Original publisert}% Original work published \renewcommand{\BREPR}{Opptrykk fra}% Reprinted from \renewcommand{\BAvailFrom}{Tilgjengelig fra\ }% Websites; note the space. %% The argument is the date on which it was last checked. \renewcommand{\BRetrieved}[1]{Hentet {#1} fra\ }% Websites; note the space. \renewcommand{\BRetrievedFrom}{Hentet fra\ }% Websites; note the space. \renewcommand{\BMsgPostedTo}{Innlegg p\aa \ }% Messages; note the space. %% %% Punctuation \renewcommand{\BBOP}{(}% opening parenthesis \renewcommand{\BBCP}{)}% closing parenthesis \renewcommand{\BBOQ}{}% opening quote for article title \renewcommand{\BBCQ}{}% closing quote for article title \renewcommand{\BBAA}{\&}% between authors in parenthetical cites and ref. list \renewcommand{\BBAB}{og}% between authors in text \renewcommand{\BAnd}{\&}% for ``Ed. \& Trans.'' in ref. list \DeclareRobustCommand{\BPBI}{.}% Period between initials; no space \DeclareRobustCommand{\BHBI}{.-}% Hyphen between initials \renewcommand{\BAP}{ }% after prefix, before first citation \renewcommand{\BBAY}{, }% between author(s) and year \renewcommand{\BBYY}{, }% between years of multiple citations with same author \renewcommand{\BBC}{; }% between cites \renewcommand{\BBN}{, }% before note \renewcommand{\BCBT}{}% no comma between authors in ref. list when no. of %% authors = 2 \renewcommand{\BCBL}{}% no comma before last author when no. of authors > 2 %% %% Date formatting; adapted from babel's norsk.dtx \renewcommand{\APACmonth}[1]{\ifcase #1\or januar\or februar\or mars\or april\or mai\or juni\or juli\or august\or september\or oktober\or november\or desember\or vinter\or v{\aa}r\or sommer\or h{\o}st\else {#1}\fi}% \renewcommand{\APACrefYearMonthDay}[3]{% {\BBOP}{#1}% year (+ addendum); should not be empty \ifx\@empty#3\@empty \ifx\@empty#2\@empty \else \unskip, {#2}% month \fi \else \unskip, {#3}.% day \ifx\@empty#2\@empty \else \unskip~{#2}% month \fi \fi {\BBCP}% closing parenthesis }% %% Some macros that transform a number (say, `2') to an ordinal one (`2nd') \renewcommand{\PrintOrdinal}[1]{% \afterassignment\print@ordinal \count@ 0#1\relax\@nil }% \def\print@ordinal#1#2\@nil{% \ifx\relax#1\relax \ifnum\count@>\z@ \CardinalNumeric\count@ \else ??.% \fi \else \ifnum \count@>\z@ \number\count@ \fi #1#2\relax \fi }% \renewcommand{\CardinalNumeric}[1]{% \number#1\relax \if \ifnum#1<14 \ifnum#1>\thr@@ T\else F\fi \else F% \fi T% .% \else \@xp\keep@last@digit\@xp#1\number#1\relax \ifcase#1.\else .\fi \fi }% %% %% Differences between norsk (bokmal) and nynorsk. \edef\APACnynorsk{\string nynorsk}% \ifx\languagename\APACnynorsk \renewcommand{\refname}{Referansar}% Name of ref. list if it's a section. \renewcommand{\bibname}{Referansar}% Name of ref. list if it's a chapter. \renewcommand{\authorindexname}{Forfattarregister}% \renewcommand{\APACmetaprenote}{% Referansar merkte med ei stjerne viser til studiar som er med i metaanalysen.}% \renewcommand{\bibcomputerprogrammanual}{dataprogramhandbok}% \renewcommand{\bibcomputerprogramandmanual}{dataprogram og brukarhandbok}% \renewcommand{\bibcomputersoftwaremanual}{programvarehandbok}% \renewcommand{\bibcomputersoftwareandmanual}{programvare og brukarhandbok}% \renewcommand{\BCHAIR}{ordstyrar}% % chair of symposium \renewcommand{\BCHAIRS}{ordstyrarar}% % chairs %% Default master's thesis type name. \renewcommand{\BMTh}{Masteroppg\aa ve}% %% Default unpublished master's thesis type name. \renewcommand{\BUMTh}{Upublisert masteroppg\aa ve}% \renewcommand{\BAuthor}{Forfattar}% ``Author'' if publisher = author \renewcommand{\BREPR}{Opptrykk fr\aa }% Reprinted from \renewcommand{\BAvailFrom}{Tilgjengeleg fr\aa \ }% Websites; note the space. \renewcommand{\BRetrieved}[1]{Henta {#1} fr\aa \ }% Websites; note the space. \renewcommand{\APACmonth}[1]{\ifcase #1\or januar\or februar\or mars\or april\or mai\or juni\or juli\or august\or september\or oktober\or november\or desember\or vinter\or v{\aa}r\or sommar\or haust\else {#1}\fi}% \fi \let\APACnynorsk\undefined \APACrestoreAtCode \endinput %% %% End of file `norsk.apc'.