% \iffalse meta-comment % % This is file `english.apc'. % % Copyright 1994-2005 Erik Meijer and any individual authors listed % elsewhere in this file. All rights reserved. % % This file is part of the `apacite' package. % ------------------------------------------- % % It may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 % of this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2003/12/01 or later. % % The list of all files belonging to the `apacite' package, with a % short description, is given in the file `manifest.txt'. % % \fi \ProvidesFile{english.apc}[2005/06/01] %% english.apc - dummy english version of apacite elements %% Written by Erik Meijer %% NOTE! NOTE! NOTE! NOTE! %% If you use this as a template for other languages, %% don't forget to uncomment the commands! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Commands for specific types of @misc entries. %%% These commands are recognized by apacite.bst. %\renewcommand{\bibmessage}{Msg} %\renewcommand{\bibcomputerprogram}{Computer program} %\renewcommand{\bibcomputerprogrammanual}{Computer program manual} %\renewcommand{\bibcomputerprogramandmanual}{Computer program and manual} %\renewcommand{\bibcomputersoftware}{Computer software} %\renewcommand{\bibcomputersoftwaremanual}{Computer software manual} %\renewcommand{\bibcomputersoftwareandmanual}{Computer software and manual} %\renewcommand{\bibprogramminglanguage}{Programming language} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Other labels %\renewcommand{\bibnodate}{n.d.{}} % ``no date'' %\renewcommand{\BBAB}{and} % between authors in text %\renewcommand{\BOthers}[1]{et al.{}} % ``others'', the argument contains a % dot to suppress an additional one % in the reference list %\renewcommand{\BOthersPeriod}[1]{et al.{}}% ``others'', the argument contains % a dot to suppress an additional one % in the reference list. The difference % with \BOthers is that, if another % string is used to define \BOthers, % this one should always finish with a % period and the previous one not % necessarily (e.g., if explicit % ``others'' is used). %\renewcommand{\BIP}{in press} % used as year for in-press citations %\renewcommand{\BIn}{In} % for ``In '' editor... %\renewcommand{\BCHAP}{chap.{}} % chapter %\renewcommand{\BCHAPS}{chap.{}} % chapters %\renewcommand{\BED}{Ed.{}} % editor %\renewcommand{\BEDS}{Eds.{}} % editors %\renewcommand{\BTRANS}{Trans.{}} % translator %\renewcommand{\BTRANSS}{Trans.{}} % translators %\renewcommand{\BTRANSL}{trans.{}} % translation, for the year field %\renewcommand{\BCHAIR}{Chair} % chair of symposium %\renewcommand{\BCHAIRS}{Chairs} % chairs %\renewcommand{\BVOL}{Vol.{}} % volume %\renewcommand{\BVOLS}{Vols.{}} % volumes %\renewcommand{\BNUM}{No.{}} % number %\renewcommand{\BNUMS}{Nos.{}} % numbers %\renewcommand{\BEd}{ed.{}} % edition %\renewcommand{\BPG}{p.{}} % page %\renewcommand{\BPGS}{pp.{}} % pages %\renewcommand{\BTR}{Tech.\ Rep.{}} % (default) technical report type name %\renewcommand{\BPhD}{Doctoral dissertation} % (default) PhD thesis type name %\renewcommand{\BUPhD}{Unpublished doctoral dissertation} % (default) unpublished PhD thesis % type name %\renewcommand{\BMTh}{Master's thesis}% (default) master's thesis type name %\renewcommand{\BUMTh}{Unpublished master's thesis}% % (default) unpublished % master's thesis type name %\renewcommand{\BOWP}{Original work published} %\renewcommand{\BREPR}{Reprinted from} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% The name (heading) of the Reference List %\renewcommand{\refname}{References}% Name of ref. list if it's a section. %\renewcommand{\bibname}{References}% Name of ref. list if it's a chapter. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Prenote used just before the references in the reference list % when a meta-analysis is reported. % %\renewcommand{\APACmetaprenote}{% % References marked with an asterisk indicate studies % included in the meta-analysis.} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% The name (heading) of the Author Index %\renewcommand{\authorindexname}{Author Index}