% Copyright 2007--today Alexander Grahn
% This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License. See
% http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/base/lppl.txt
% for the details of that license.
% Package for creating portable, JavaScript driven animations from sets of
% graphics files or inline graphics (e. g. LaTeX-picture, PSTricks,
% pgf/TikZ, ...)
% Supports LaTeX->dvips->ps2pdf, (Xe)LaTeX->(x)dvipdfmx, LuaLaTeX,
% pdfLaTeX and LaTeX->dvisvgm workflows.
[\@anim@version\space PDF & SVG animations from files and inline graphics]
%driver options (the only package options we process immediately)
\setboolean{@anim@dvips}{true}% default dvi mode
%exporting animation frames
\DeclareOptionX*{}\ProcessOptionsX*\relax %allow anything as an option
%(remaining package options will be processed near end of this file)
\RequirePackage{graphics}%\scalebox, \resizebox, \rotatebox
% get number of pages in file given as #1 (file basename); #2 extension;
% store result into macro given as #3
\ifpdf %pdflatex/lualatex
\pdfximage page 1 {#1.#2}\xdef#3{\the\pdflastximagepages}%
\xdef#3{\the\numexpr\XeTeXpdfpagecount "#1.#2"\relax}%
\else %dvipdfmx, dvisvgm
\def\%##1: ##2:{%
\expandafter\edef\csname ##1\endcsname{##2}%
\endlinechar`\:% `:' appended to every line read
%read from xbb file
Cannot read number of pages from file\MessageBreak%
This file seems to be invalid and should be deleted%
%read from command pipe (`extractbb')
%firstly, check whether reading from pipe is allowed
\immediate\openin\@inputcheck="|extractbb -h"\relax%
Cannot determine number of pages in file\MessageBreak%
Try --shell-escape option (--enable-pipes in MiKTeX),%
\MessageBreak or run\MessageBreak%
\space\space extractbb #1.#2\MessageBreak%
on the command line to provide a valid `xbb' file%
{\catcode`\:=12\catcode`\%=0\sbox0{\@@input "|extractbb -O #1.#2"}}%
Option `export' requires `standalone' document class.\MessageBreak%
Replace current document class with `standalone'%
Put the line\MessageBreak%
at the beginning of the document preamble.%
% low level PDF/SVG operations
Support package `pdfbase.sty' too old.%
Please install an up to date version of `pdfbase.sty'.\MessageBreak%
\def\@anim@updatebbox#1#2#3{\special{dvisvgm:bbox #1 #2 #3 transform}}
%approach similar to OCGs, that is, putting the frame content in an svg group,
% ..., whose visibility is then manipulated by JavaScript
\def\@anim@newocg#1#2{\xdef\@anim@curocg{id='#1.#2' class='ocg'}}
\xdef\@anim@curocg{\@anim@curocg\space visibility='hidden'}%
\def\ocgbase@oc@bdc#1{\special{dvisvgm:raw {?nl}}}
\def\ocgbase@oc@emc{\special{dvisvgm:raw {?nl}}}
\RequirePackage{ocgbase} %OCG generating and configuration macros
\def\@anim@newocg#1#2{%#1:@anim@num, #2:@anim@curframe@zb
\if@anim@dvisvgm\else % dvips
%if geometry package is loaded, execute `\geometry{dvips}' right before
% `\begin{document}'; not sure whether still needed at all
%\pdfmdfivesum is used for hashing object references of embedded files based
%on their MD5 digest (in order to avoid multiple inclusion); if it is not
%available, hashing will be based on the file name
\ifcsname pdfmdfivesum\endcsname
\def\@anim@pdfmdfivesum#1{\pdfmdfivesum file {#1}}
\ifcsname mdfivesum\endcsname
\def\@anim@pdfmdfivesum#1{\mdfivesum file {#1}}
%creating and using global definitions
\ifcsname @anim@rerunwarned\endcsname\else%
@ Rerun to get internal references right! @\MessageBreak
%macro for writing global defs to external *.aux file
%missing package error message
Package `#2' required.
Put the line\MessageBreak%
to the preamble of your document%
% \if@anim@dvisvgm% disable `landscape' environment
% \renewenvironment{landscape}{}{}%
% \else%
% \fi%
% true if any of `autoplay' or `autoresume' options is set
% true if any of `controls' or `palindrome' or `label' options is set
\newboolean{@anim@timeline} %true if `timeline' option is set
\newboolean{@anim@multipage} % multipage document?
\newboolean{@anim@nomouse} % animation widget to react on mouse events?
\newbox\@anim@box %stores animation frames
\newbox\@anim@measbox % for measuring purposes
\newdimen\@anim@tmpdima %length registers for occasional use
%macros for recalling saved nat. dimensions
%helper macro that typesets graphics file into savebox
\def\@anim@filebox#1#2{% dvips: no multi-page support
%pdfTeX, LuaTeX, dvipdfmx, xetex, dvisvgm
\def\@anim@checkboxsize#1#2{% #1: box number, #2: file
Graphics to be used for first frame%
\MessageBreak must not have zero width%
Check content of file #2%
Graphics to be used for first frame%
\MessageBreak must not have zero height%
Check content of file #2%
%create Form XObject from graphics file
\def\@anim@ximage#1#2#3#4{%#1:@anim@num, #2:@anim@curframe@zb, #3:filename,
% #4: page number of multipage file
% with dvisvgm, final animation dims must be passed to includegraphics;
% otherwise, final bbox of the document may be wrong, in particular in the
% case of standalone animations with downscaled graphics
\@anim@filebox{#3}{#4}% store file in a box
\@anim@scale\@anim@box% get final dimensions of animation widget
%prevent later re-scaling
%append final dims to inclusion opts, also used for the remaining files
%of the current animation
\ifx\@anim@gropts\@empty\else,\fi width=\@anim@animwidth%
% fingerprint "..."
% of external graphics to prevent re-embedding
% new ".."
\@anim@filebox{#3}{#4}% store file in a box
\@anim@xinline{#1}{#2}{\@anim@box}{newfile}% delegate Form XObject creation
}{% file known, re-using existing form xobject
\setbox\@anim@box=\hbox to \@anim@xformnatwd{\@anim@curndims}{%
\vrule width \z@
height \@anim@xformnatht{\@anim@curndims}
depth \@anim@xformnatdp{\@anim@curndims}%
%creates Form XObject from box contents
\def\@anim@status{#4}% "newfile", "knownfile" or "inline" (inline graphics)
%measure 0th frame
\setbox\@anim@measbox=\hbox to \wd#3{%
\vrule width \z@ height \ht#3 depth \dp#3\hss}%
%determine final dims of animation widget
%test if natural dimensions of the current frame differ from
%final widget size
%if it's a new file, make xobject from it at its natural size
\@anim@xform{1}{0}{}{}{#3}% `{1}'-->with additional resources (opacity etc.)
\global\setbox#3=\hbox to \@anim@curwd{%
\vrule width \z@ height \@anim@curht depth \@anim@curdp%
%adjust size of current frame to final animation dims, if necessary
\@anim@xform{0}{0}{}{}{#3}% without additional Resources
%distill box with inline graphics to xobject
\@anim@xform{1}{0}{}{}{#3}% with additional Resources
%keep a record of XObject number
%inserts one animation frame into the output acc. to
% \ifcase\@anim@method as
% 0 & 1: non-interactive Widget annotation
% 2: Form XObject referenced in the page content, tagged as OC
% or dvisvgm
%container box
\global\setbox\@anim@box=\hbox to \@anim@animwidth{%
\vrule width \z@ height \@anim@animheight depth \@anim@animdepth%
%inside a `landscape' environment together with the icon and widget methods,
%the frame content needs to be rotated counter-clockwise by 90 deg
\ifcase\@anim@method% icon based
%initial visibility
\ifnum\@anim@poster>\@anim@mtwo\relax% insert poster frame
\ifnum\@anim@poster=\@anim@mone\relax% use last frame as poster
%insert (invisible) widget with current frame as appearance
/F 2%
/FT/Btn/Ff 65537%
/BS <>%
/AP <>%
/MK <>>>%
/T (#1.#2)%
\or% widget based
%initial visibility
\def\@anim@annotflag{/F 2}% default: hidden
\ifnum\@anim@poster>\@anim@mtwo\relax% insert poster frame
\def\@anim@annotflag{/F 4}% not hidden + print (4)
\ifnum\@anim@poster=\@anim@mone\relax% use last frame as poster
\def\@anim@annotflag{/F 4}%
%frame insertion
/FT/Btn/Ff 65537%
/BS <>%
/AP <>%
/MK <>>>%
/T (#1.#2)%
\or% ocg based (abused for dvisvgm backend as well as for
% multipage PDF export)
%initial visibility
\ifnum\@anim@poster=\@anim@mone\relax% use last frame as poster
%frame insertion
% `marked content' method for dvisvgm
% /OC method for PDF output
\@anim@xform{0}{0}{}{/OC \@anim@curocg}{\@anim@box}%
%% `marked content' method (slower, perhaps)
%create XObjects of all button faces
\ifnum\if@anim@dvips 1\else\if@anim@dvisvgm 1\else0\fi\fi=1
%dvips .OR. dvisvgm
%stroking commands
0.5 setlinewidth
1 setlinecap
1 setlinejoin
6.5 1 moveto
1 1 1 6.5 2 arct
1 6.5 lineto
1 14 6.5 14 2 arct
6.5 14 lineto
14 14 14 6.5 2 arct
14 6.5 lineto
14 1 6.5 1 2 arct
gsave \@anim@bg\space fill grestore
1 setlinewidth
4.5 4.7 moveto
8.6 7.5 lineto
4.5 10.3 lineto
0 setlinejoin
10.0 4.7 moveto
10.0 10.3 lineto
0.5 setlinewidth
1 setlinecap
1 setlinejoin
6.5 1 moveto
1 1 1 6.5 2 arct
1 6.5 lineto
1 14 6.5 14 2 arct
6.5 14 lineto
14 14 14 6.5 2 arct
14 6.5 lineto
14 1 6.5 1 2 arct
gsave \@anim@bg\space fill grestore
1 setlinewidth
5.5 4.7 moveto
9.6 7.5 lineto
5.5 10.3 lineto
0.5 setlinewidth
1 setlinecap
1 setlinejoin
0 1 moveto
14 1 14 6.5 2 arct
14 6.5 lineto
14 14 1 14 2 arct
0 14 lineto
gsave closepath \@anim@bg\space fill grestore
0.1 setlinewidth
0 14 moveto
0 1 lineto
1 setlinewidth
5 4 moveto
5 11 lineto
10 7.5 lineto
0.5 setlinewidth
1 setlinecap
1 setlinejoin
0 1 moveto
14 1 14 6.5 2 arct
14 6.5 lineto
14 14 1 14 2 arct
0 14 lineto
gsave closepath \@anim@bg\space fill grestore
0 setlinecap
2 setlinewidth
2.2 4 moveto
2.2 11 lineto
0.5 setlinewidth
1 setlinecap
1 setlinejoin
6.5 1 moveto
1 1 1 6.5 2 arct
1 6.5 lineto
1 14 6.5 14 2 arct
6.5 14 lineto
14 14 14 6.5 2 arct
14 6.5 lineto
14 1 6.5 1 2 arct
gsave \@anim@bg\space fill grestore
1.0 setlinewidth
0 setlinecap
4.7 7.5 moveto
10.3 7.5 lineto
0.5 setlinewidth
1 setlinecap
1 setlinejoin
6.5 1 moveto
1 1 1 6.5 2 arct
1 6.5 lineto
1 14 6.5 14 2 arct
6.5 14 lineto
14 14 14 6.5 2 arct
14 6.5 lineto
14 1 6.5 1 2 arct
gsave \@anim@bg\space fill grestore
1.0 setlinewidth
0 setlinecap
4.7 7.5 moveto
10.3 7.5 lineto
7.5 4.7 moveto
7.5 10.3 lineto
0.5 setlinewidth
1 setlinecap
1 setlinejoin
6.5 1 moveto
1 1 1 6.5 2 arct
1 6.5 lineto
1 14 6.5 14 2 arct
6.5 14 lineto
14 14 14 6.5 2 arct
14 6.5 lineto
14 1 6.5 1 2 arct
gsave \@anim@bg\space fill grestore
1 setlinewidth
7.5 4.7 moveto
7.5 10.3 lineto
0 setlinejoin
3.5 5 moveto
7 7.5 lineto
3.5 10 lineto
11.5 5 moveto
8 7.5 lineto
11.5 10 lineto
1 setlinewidth
2 setlinecap
3 7.5 moveto
3.5 7.5 lineto
12 7.5 moveto
11.5 7.5 lineto
\def\@anim@makebutton#1#2{% #1: name ; #2:current colour, alpha, ...
[-1 0 0 1 15 0] concat
\ifx\@anim@lscape\@anim@@lscape [0 -1 -1 0 15 15] concat \fi%
\ifx\@anim@lscape\@anim@@lscape [0 1 -1 0 15 0] concat \fi%
\ifx\@anim@lscape\@anim@@lscape [0 1 -1 0 15 0] concat \fi%
[-1 0 0 1 15 0] concat
\ifx\@anim@lscape\@anim@@lscape [0 -1 -1 0 15 15] concat \fi%
\ifx\@anim@lscape\@anim@@lscape [0 1 -1 0 15 0] concat \fi%
[-1 0 0 1 15 0] concat
\ifx\@anim@lscape\@anim@@lscape [0 -1 -1 0 15 15] concat \fi%
\ifx\@anim@lscape\@anim@@lscape [0 1 -1 0 15 0] concat \fi%
\ifx\@anim@lscape\@anim@@lscape [0 1 -1 0 15 0] concat \fi%
[-1 0 0 1 15 0] concat
\ifx\@anim@lscape\@anim@@lscape [0 -1 -1 0 15 15] concat \fi%
\ifx\@anim@lscape\@anim@@lscape [0 1 -1 0 15 0] concat \fi%
\def\@anim@xbutton#1#2#3{% #1: name; #2: stroking commands,
\ifcsname btn#1:#3\endcsname\else% #3: current colour+alpha+ ... combination
% only create if button face doesn't exist yet
\global\setbox\@anim@box=\hbox to 15bp {\vbox to 15bp {\vss%
%distill box into XObject
/Group <>%
%nested XObject if transparency is to be added
\global\setbox\@anim@box=\hbox to 15bp {\vbox to 15bp {\vss%
/.setopacityalpha where {%
pop \@anim@alpha\space .setopacityalpha%
mark /CA \@anim@alpha /ca \@anim@alpha /SetTransparency pdfmark%
} ifelse%
\else %pdftex/dvipdfmx/xetex
%stroking commands
5 w
1 J
1 j
65 10 m
30 10 l
18.957 10 10 18.957 10 30 c
10 120 l
10 131.043 18.957 140 30 140 c
120 140 l
131.043 140 140 131.043 140 120 c
140 30 l
140 18.957 131.043 10 120 10 c
\ifx\empty\@anim@bg\empty s
\else\@anim@bg\space b \fi
10 w
45 47 m
86 75 l
45 103 l
0 j
100 47 m
100 103 l
5 w
1 J
1 j
65 10 m
30 10 l
18.957 10 10 18.957 10 30 c
10 120 l
10 131.043 18.957 140 30 140 c
120 140 l
131.043 140 140 131.043 140 120 c
140 30 l
140 18.957 131.043 10 120 10 c
\ifx\empty\@anim@bg\empty s
\else\@anim@bg\space b \fi
10 w
55 47 m
96 75 l
55 103 l
5 w
1 J
1 j
0 10 m
120 10 l
131.043 10 140 18.957 140 30 c
140 120 l
140 131.043 131.043 140 120 140 c
0 140 l
\ifx\empty\@anim@bg\empty S
\else\@anim@bg\space B \fi
1 w
0 140 m
0 10 l
10 w
50 40 m
50 110 l
100 75 l
5 w
1 J
1 j
0 10 m
120 10 l
131.043 10 140 18.957 140 30 c
140 120 l
140 131.043 131.043 140 120 140 c
0 140 l
\ifx\empty\@anim@bg\empty S
\else\@anim@bg\space B \fi
0 J
20 w
22 40 m
22 110 l
5 w
1 J
1 j
65 10 m
30 10 l
18.957 10 10 18.957 10 30 c
10 120 l
10 131.043 18.957 140 30 140 c
120 140 l
131.043 140 140 131.043 140 120 c
140 30 l
140 18.957 131.043 10 120 10 c
\ifx\empty\@anim@bg\empty s
\else\@anim@bg\space b \fi
10 w
0 J
47 75 m
103 75 l
5 w
1 J
1 j
65 10 m
30 10 l
18.957 10 10 18.957 10 30 c
10 120 l
10 131.043 18.957 140 30 140 c
120 140 l
131.043 140 140 131.043 140 120 c
140 30 l
140 18.957 131.043 10 120 10 c
\ifx\empty\@anim@bg\empty s
\else\@anim@bg\space b \fi
10 w
0 J
47 75 m
103 75 l
75 47 m
75 103 l
5 w
1 J
1 j
65 10 m
30 10 l
18.957 10 10 18.957 10 30 c
10 120 l
10 131.043 18.957 140 30 140 c
120 140 l
131.043 140 140 131.043 140 120 c
140 30 l
140 18.957 131.043 10 120 10 c
\ifx\empty\@anim@bg\empty s
\else\@anim@bg\space b \fi
10 w
75 47 m
75 103 l
35 50 m
70 75 l
35 100 l
115 50 m
80 75 l
115 100 l
2 J
0 j
30 75 m
35 75 l
120 75 m
115 75 l
\def\@anim@makebutton#1#2{% #1: name ; #2: current colour, alpha, ...
q -0.1 0 0 0.1 15 0 cm
\ifx\@anim@lscape\@anim@@lscape 0 -1 -1 0 150 150 cm \fi%
\@anim@btnend\space Q%
q 0.1 0 0 0.1 0 0 cm
\ifx\@anim@lscape\@anim@@lscape 0 1 -1 0 150 0 cm \fi%
\@anim@btnend\space Q%
q 0.1 0 0 0.1 0 0 cm
\ifx\@anim@lscape\@anim@@lscape 0 1 -1 0 150 0 cm \fi%
\@anim@btnminus\space Q%
q -0.1 0 0 0.1 15 0 cm
\ifx\@anim@lscape\@anim@@lscape 0 -1 -1 0 150 150 cm \fi%
\@anim@btnpause\space Q%
q 0.1 0 0 0.1 0 0 cm
\ifx\@anim@lscape\@anim@@lscape 0 1 -1 0 150 0 cm \fi%
\@anim@btnpause\space Q%
q -0.1 0 0 0.1 15 0 cm
\ifx\@anim@lscape\@anim@@lscape 0 -1 -1 0 150 150 cm \fi%
\@anim@btnplay\space Q%
q 0.1 0 0 0.1 0 0 cm
\ifx\@anim@lscape\@anim@@lscape 0 1 -1 0 150 0 cm \fi%
\@anim@btnplay\space Q%
q 0.1 0 0 0.1 0 0 cm
\@anim@btnplus\space Q%
q 0.1 0 0 0.1 0 0 cm
\ifx\@anim@lscape\@anim@@lscape 0 1 -1 0 150 0 cm \fi%
\@anim@btnreset\space Q%
q -0.1 0 0 0.1 15 0 cm
\ifx\@anim@lscape\@anim@@lscape 0 -1 -1 0 150 150 cm \fi%
\@anim@btnstep\space Q%
q 0.1 0 0 0.1 0 0 cm
\ifx\@anim@lscape\@anim@@lscape 0 1 -1 0 150 0 cm \fi%
\@anim@btnstep\space Q%
%XObject creation
\def\@anim@xbutton#1#2#3{% #1 name, #2 stroking commands, #3 @anim@num
\ifcsname btn#1:#3\endcsname\else% only create if button face doesn't
\@anim@streamobj{% % exist yet
/Type/XObject/Subtype/Form/BBox [0 0 15 15]
/Group <>%
/Type/XObject/Subtype/Form/BBox [0 0 15 15]%
/Resources <<%
/ExtGState <<%
/R1 <<%
/Type/ExtGState/ca \@anim@alpha/CA \@anim@alpha/AIS false%
/XObject <>%
}{/R1 gs /R2 Do}%
%determines file type of the sequence
\def\zap@finalspace#1 \@nil{\unquote@name{#1}}
\def\@anim@getpath#1#2{% #2: empty | user provided file extension
\gdef\@anim@ext{.pdf}% we start with `pdf'
None of the files\MessageBreak%
`#1.j2k' or\MessageBreak%
could be found.\MessageBreak%
Wrong file type? Mis-spelled file name?%
File `#1.#2' could not be found.\MessageBreak%
Wrong file type? Mis-spelled file name?%
\if@anim@dvipdfmx %XeLaTeX, dvipdfmx
\gdef\@anim@ext{.pdf}% we start with `pdf'
None of the files\MessageBreak%
`#1.jpeg' or\MessageBreak%
could be found.\MessageBreak%
Wrong file type? Mis-spelled file name?%
File `#1.#2' could not be found.\MessageBreak%
Wrong file type? Mis-spelled file name?%
\gdef\@anim@ext{.pdf}% we start with `pdf'
None of the files\MessageBreak%
`#1.jpeg' or\MessageBreak%
could be found.\MessageBreak%
Wrong file type? Mis-spelled file name?%
File `#1.#2' could not be found.\MessageBreak%
Wrong file type? Mis-spelled file name?%
\else %dvips
\gdef\@anim@ext{.eps}% we start with `eps'
None of the files\MessageBreak%
`#1.mps' or\MessageBreak%
could be found.\MessageBreak%
Wrong file type? Mis-spelled file name?%
File `#1.#2' could not be found.\MessageBreak%
Wrong file type? Mis-spelled file name?%
%counts embedded animations
%current frame
\newcount\@anim@curframe@zb %zero based
\vtop{% draw boxes
\vskip 0.1\@anim@tmpdima%
\hbox to \@anim@animwidth {%
\if@anim@controls@firstgrp\hskip 0.3\@anim@tmpdima\fi%
%detects multipage PDF and corrects user supplied page range
\def\@anim@checkmultipage#1#2{% no multi-page support in dvips
\def\@anim@checkmultipage#1#2{% #1: file base name, #2 user provided file ext
%we need it zero-based
\advance\@anim@curframe by \@ne%
\advance\@anim@curframe by \@ne%
%environment for setting LTR typesetting direction
\ifdefined\textdir% LuaTeX
\textdir TLT\relax%
\else% e-TeX based engines
%user command for embedding animation sequence
% #1: options
% #2: frame rate (fps)
% #3: basename of graphics file sequence (without frame number and extension)
% #4: first frame (integer)
% #5: last frame (integer)
\@anim@reset% to default settings
%store current abs. page num in macro \@anim@abspage
\ifcsname Ginput@path\endcsname% make use of graphic[xs] search path
%correct wrong option combination; totalheight overrides height
\ifnum\@anim@resizeflags=3\relax% height+totalheight->totalheight
\ifnum\@anim@resizeflags=7\relax% height+totalheight+width->totalheight+width
\ifx\@anim@gropts\@empty\else,\fi clip}\fi%
\ifx\@anim@gropts\@empty\else,\fi hiresbb}\fi%
\ifx\@anim@gropts\@empty\else,\fi interpolate}\fi%
%for stepping animations, ignore any `controls' settings except
\setboolean{@anim@controls@play}{false}% `step' and `stop'
\@anim@checkmultipage{\@anim@base}{\@anim@ftype}%test for multipage file
\if@anim@multipage\else% cope with wrong user input
Missing frame number in \protect\animategraphics\space command%
Negative frame numbers not allowed%
\def\@anim@method{\tw@}% using ocg-like method for dvisvgm
%store file in a box
%get file name extension
%draw draftbox according to dimensions of the first frame
\xdef\@anim@nfps{#2\space}% current frame rate
\ifdim\@anim@nfps pt<\z@%
Negative frame rate `\@anim@nfps' is not allowed%
%read all frames of the sequence
%embed graphics
%get path to current file end its extension
%embed graphics
\global\advance\@anim@curframe by \@anim@every%
\global\advance\@anim@curframe@zb by \@ne%
\xdef\@anim@frames{\the\@anim@curframe@zb}% total number
\global\advance\@anim@tmpcnt by -\@ne%
\xdef\@anim@maxframe{\the\@anim@tmpcnt}% highest frame index
%build timeline from optional timeline file
% if last frame used as poster, write frame num to aux file
%insert animation widget & controls
% insert $%