% Package akkmathfun by Igor Akkerman (c) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005
% Package providing utilities for typesetting mathematical functions.
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License (latest version).
% The latest version of this license can be found at
%     http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% This file may only be distributed together with the full 'AkkTeX' bundle.
\ProvidesPackage{akkmathfun}[2005/04/28 1.0.1 by Igor Akkerman (c) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Package providing utilities for typesetting mathematical functions]


% do not wrap the definitions twice {{}} because the line wrapping of the functions stops working correctly! 

\newcommand \sfn[2]    {#1 \colon #2 \to}                     % function definition with short arrows
\newcommand \sfnm[4]   {\fns{#1}{#2} #3, \quad #4 \mapsto}    % function definition with short arrows and mapsto
\newcommand \sfnd[4]   {\fns{#1}{#2} #3, \quad #4 \defas}     % function definition with short arrows and defas
\newcommand \fn[2]   {#1 \colon #2 \longto}                   % function definition with long arrows
\newcommand \fnm[4]  {\fn{#1}{#2} #3, \quad #4 \longmapsto}   % function definition with long arrows and mapsto
\newcommand \fnd[4]  {\fn{#1}{#2} #3, \quad #4 \defas}        % function definition with long arrows and defas

\newcommand \longto \longrightarrow

\newcommand \id {{\operatorname{id}}}