%% SIunits configuration file: SIunits.cfg %% %% You can uncomment one or more of the lines below to set default options. %% %%\ExecuteOptions{binary} % Load binary.sty (binary units and prefixes) %% %% Spacing options (multiplying units): %% %%\ExecuteOptions{cdot} % \cdot %%\ExecuteOptions{thickspace} % thick space \; %%\ExecuteOptions{mediumspace} % medium space \: %%\ExecuteOptions{thinspace} % thin space \, %% %% Spacing options (between quantity and unit): %% %%\ExecuteOptions{thickqspace} % thick space \; %%\ExecuteOptions{mediumqspace} % medium space \: %%\ExecuteOptions{thinqspace} % thin space \, %% %% Compatibility options: %% %%\ExecuteOptions{noams} % When you don't have the AMS font, eurm10, use this option. %% %%\ExecuteOptions{amssymb} % prevent amssymb package from defining \square %%\ExecuteOptions{squaren} % define \squaren for use with amssymb package %% %%\ExecuteOptions{pstricks}% prevent pstricks package from defining \gray %%\ExecuteOptions{Gray} % define \Gray for use with pstricks package %% %%\ExecuteOptions{italian} % define \unita to prevent interference with babel package. %% %% Misc options: %% %%\ExecuteOptions{textstyle}% Typeset units in font of context. %% %% Source: $Id: SIunits.dtx,v 1.33 2002/08/01 11:20:00 root Exp root $ %% %% End of file `SIunits.cfg'.