% This is the file Bg5.cpx of the CJK package % for using Asian logographs (Chinese/Japanese/Korean) with LaTeX2e % % created by Werner Lemberg % % Version 4.7.0 (17-Oct-2006) % Copyright (C) 1994-2006 Werner Lemberg % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program in doc/COPYING; if not, write to the Free % Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, % MA 02110-1301 USA \def\fileversion{4.7.0} \def\filedate{2006/10/17} \ProvidesFile{Bg5.cpx}[\filedate\space\fileversion] % Chinese captions % % character set: Big 5 % encoding: Big 5 % % preprocessed \renewcommand\contentsname{¥216~~¿253} \renewcommand\listfigurename{¹207~¥216~¿253} \renewcommand\listtablename{ª237~¥216~¿253} \CJK@ifundefined\chapter {\renewcommand\refname{°209~¦210~¸234~®198} %\renewcommand\refname{°209~¦210~¤229~Ä109} } { \renewcommand\bibname{¤229~~Ä109} %\renewcommand\bibname{°209~¦210~®209~¥216} % \newcommand\prechaptername{²196} % \newcommand\postchaptername{³185} } \renewcommand\indexname{¯193~¤222} \renewcommand\figurename{¹207} \renewcommand\tablename{ª237} \newcommand\prepartname{²196} \newcommand\postpartname{³161} %\newcommand{\postpartname}{³161¤192} \renewcommand\partformat{\prepartname\CJKnumber{\value{part}}\postpartname} % \newcommand\presectionname{²196} % \newcommand\postsectionname{¸96} % \renewcommand\appendixname{ª254~¿253} \CJK@ifundefined\mainmatter {\renewcommand\abstractname{º75~­110}}{} % \renewcommand\ccname{} % ? % \renewcommand\enclname{ª254¥243} % \newcommand\prepagename{} % ? % \newcommand\postpagename{} % ? % \renewcommand\headtoname{} % ? % \renewcommand\seename{} % ? \renewcommand{\today}{\number\year¦126 \number\month¤235 \number\day¤233} \CJK@ifundefined\CJKnumber {\def\CJKnumber#1{% \ifcase#1\or ¤64\or¤71\or¤84\or¥124\or¤173\or ¤187\or¤67\or¤75\or¤69\or¤81\fi}} \endinput