%% This file is part of the ANTOMEGA project version 0.6 %% ----------------------------------------------------- %% %% It may be distributed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public %% License, as described in lppl.txt in the base LaTeX distribution. %% Either version 1.0 or, at your option, any later version. %% Copyright (C) 2001 -- 2003 by Alexej Kryukov %% Please report errors to: A.M. Kryukov %% This file was taken from the original collection of Russian hyphenation %% patterns and renamed to ruhyph16.tex to avoid name clashes. %% I've only changed the default value for the \Encoding parameter to `ucy'. %% This was enough to make it work with Omega. \begingroup % Please uncomment the encoding and pattern value you need before % creating a new format file containing Russian hyphenation patterns: \ifx\Encoding\undefined %\def\Encoding{t2a} \def\Encoding{ucy} %\def\Encoding{lcy} %\def\Encoding{ot2} %\def\Encoding{koi} \def\Pattern{al} %\def\Pattern{as} %\def\Pattern{ct} %\def\Pattern{dv} %\def\Pattern{vl} %\def\Pattern{zn} \input catkoi \input koi2\Encoding \input ruhyph\Pattern % the following four lines are optional \input cyryo\Pattern \def\t{t2a}\ifx\t\Encoding\input hypht2 \fi \patterns{.ÎÅ8 8ÎÅ.} \patterns{8Âß. 8×ß. 8Çß. 8Äß. 8Öß. 8Úß. 8Ëß. 8Ìß. 8Íß. 8Îß. 8Ðß. 8Òß. 8Óß. 8Ôß. 8Æß. 8Èß. 8Ãß. 8Þß. 8Ûß. 8Ýß.} \endgroup \lefthyphenmin2 \righthyphenmin2