% TeXdraw toolbox macros, useful for extended TeXdraw commands % $Id: txdtools.tex,v 1.9 2019/03/28 texdraw-V2R0a $ % Copyright (C) 1991-2019 Peter Kabal % This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) % License, any version. To view the licenses, visit % creativecommons.org/licenses/by or send a letter to % Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA. % Peter Kabal % Department of Electrical Engineering % McGill University % 3480 University % Montreal, Quebec % Canada H3A 2A7 % peter dot kabal at mcgill dot ca % =============================================================== % These macros use temporary count registers defined by TeXdraw % \t@counta \t@pixa % \t@countb \t@pixb % \t@countc \t@pixc % \t@pixd \chardef\catamp=\the\catcode`\@ \catcode`\@=11 % ===== Real arithmetic % Real addition % #1 - summand % #2 - summand % #3 - macro name to capture the real result \def\realadd #1#2#3{\dimen0=#1pt \dimen2=#2pt \advance \dimen0 by \dimen2 \edef #3{\expandafter\c@lean\the\dimen0}} % Real division % #1 - numerator % #2 - denominator (divisor) % #3 - macro name to capture the real result \def\realdiv #1#2#3{\dimen0=#1pt \t@counta=\dimen0 \dimen0=#2pt \t@countb=\dimen0 \intdiv \t@counta \t@countb #3} % ===== Integer arithmetic % Length of the hypotenuse % Find the length of a vector, lenhyp = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy) % #1 - integer value, dx % #2 - integer value, dy % #3 - count register to capture the integer value \def\lenhyp #1#2#3{\t@counta=#1% \multiply \t@counta by \t@counta \t@countb=#2% \multiply \t@countb by \t@countb \advance \t@counta by \t@countb \sqrtnum \t@counta #3} % Square root of an integer % Newton-Raphson iteration to find the square root, integer argument % Let the current estimate of the square root of x be b(k). % Form an error function, e(k)=b(k)*b(k)-x. Follow the gradient of the % error to calculate the next guess, % % e(k) - 0 d e(k) b(k) + x/b(k) % ---------- = ------ = 2*b(k) ==> b(k+1) = ------------- % b(k)-b(k+1) d b(k) 2 % % Note this iteration does not work for x=0, since the guess is then b(k)=0. % Rename the count registers to have more suggestive names \let\bk=\t@counta \let\bn=\t@countb \let\xval=\t@countc \def\sqrtnum #1#2{\xval=#1% \bk=\xval \loop \bn=\xval \divide \bn by \bk \advance \bn by \bk \advance \bn by 1 % rounding \divide \bn by 2 \ifnum \bn < \bk \bk=\bn \repeat #2=\bn} % ===== Coordinate macros % Return the coordinates of the current position % #1 - macro name to capture the x-coordinate % #2 - macro name to capture the y-coordinate \def\currentpos #1#2{\t@pixa=\x@pix \advance \t@pixa by -\x@segoffpix \pixtocoord \t@pixa #1 \t@pixa=\y@pix \advance \t@pixa by -\y@segoffpix \pixtocoord \t@pixa #2} % Length of a vector % Find the length of the vector between coordinate (#1 #2) and % coordiante (#3 #4). The length is expressed relative to the % current scaling. % (#1 #2) - vector start coordinates % (#3 #4) - vector end coordinates % #5 - macro name to receive the length \def\vectlen (#1 #2)(#3 #4)#5{\getpos (#1 #2)\x@arga\y@arga \getpos (#3 #4)\x@argb\y@argb \coordtopix \x@arga \t@pixa \coordtopix \x@argb \t@pixb \advance \t@pixb by -\t@pixa \coordtopix \y@arga \t@pixc \coordtopix \y@argb \t@pixd \advance \t@pixd by -\t@pixc \lenhyp \t@pixb \t@pixd \t@pixc \pixtocoord \t@pixc #5} % Cossine and sine % Find the cosine and sine of the angle of a vector directed from % the coordinate (#1 #2) to the coordinate (#3 #4). % (#1 #2) - start coordinates % (#3 #4) - end coordinates % #5 - macro name to receive the cosine of the angle % #6 - macro name to receive the sine of the angle \def\cossin (#1 #2)(#3 #4)#5#6{\getpos (#1 #2)\x@arga\y@arga \getpos (#3 #4)\x@argb\y@argb \coordtopix \x@arga \t@pixa \coordtopix \x@argb \t@pixb \advance \t@pixb by -\t@pixa \coordtopix \y@arga \t@pixc \coordtopix \y@argb \t@pixd \advance \t@pixd by -\t@pixc \lenhyp \t@pixb \t@pixd \t@pixc \intdiv \t@pixb\t@pixc #5% \intdiv \t@pixd\t@pixc #6} \catcode`\@=\catamp