% TeXdraw macros % $Id: texdraw.tex,v 2.3 1995/12/19 texdraw-V2R0 $ % Copyright (C) 1991-1995 Peter Kabal % The TeXdraw routines in this file are provided free of charge without % warranty of any kind. Note that the TeXdraw routines are copyrighted. % They may be distributed freely provided that the recipients also % acquire the right to distribute them freely. The notices to this % effect must be preserved when the files are distributed. % Peter Kabal % Department of Electrical Engineering % McGill University % 3480 University % Montreal, Quebec % Canada H3A 2A7 % kabal@TSP.EE.McGill.CA \def\setRevDate $#1 #2 #3${#2} \def\TeXdrawId{\setRevDate $Date: 1995/12/19 16:40:42 $ TeXdraw V2R0} % =============================================================== % The TeXdraw macros allow PostScript line drawings and such to be % generated from within TeX and LaTeX. % (1) TeXdraw allows TeX text (either horizontal or rotated) to be % superimposed on the figure. % (2) TeXdraw implements a \bsegment-\esegment environment which allows % parameter changes and coordinate changes to be kept local. In % effect, these segments are self-contained relocatable procedures. % (3) TeX's macro facility can be used to modularize drawing units and % produce more complex entities from simple elements. % (4) The drawing can be positioned on the page like any other TeX box. % TeXdraw coordinate units have positive X to the right and positive Y up. % The drawing units can be selected (initially inches). In addition, two % scaling parameters - unit scale and segment scale - are available. Their % effects are multiplicative. % Segments allow for relocatable drawing units. Inside each segment the % coordinates are relative to the initial point, which becomes (0 0). % Scaling is local to segments. Each segment inherits the unit scale % scaling from outside the segment, but any changes apply to that segment % and inferior segments. The segment scale factor is reset to unity on % entry to each segment. % The coordinates given as command arguments are used to determine % the size of the drawing. The width of the plot line, sizes of % arrowheads, arcs or text do not affect the size of the drawing. % TeXdraw writes PostScript commands to an intermediate file. After the % drawing is finished, the PostScript file is included in the document as a % PostSript include file. % This file is divided into 4 parts, % - TeXdraw user interface % - Utility definitions % - Low level definitions % - PostScript file macros \chardef\catamp=\the\catcode`\@ \catcode`\@=11 % =============================================================== % ===== TeXdraw user interface ================================== \long % \centertexdraw needs to be very \long \def\centertexdraw #1{\hbox to \hsize{\hss \btexdraw #1\etexdraw \hss}} % ====== Begin TeXdraw % Inside the texdraw box: % The \vbox should be of zero size; none of the TeXdraw drawing commands % generate text, the TeXdraw text commands generate zero size boxes. \def\btexdraw {\x@pix=0 \y@pix=0 \x@segoffpix=\x@pix \y@segoffpix=\y@pix % Set the default values (define outside of the group so that \etexdraw can % see the scaling parameters) \t@exdrawdef \setbox\t@xdbox=\vbox\bgroup\offinterlineskip \global\d@bs=0 % pending segments \global\t@extonlytrue % no PS commands yet \global\p@osinitfalse \s@avemove \x@pix \y@pix % capture the initial position \m@pendingfalse \global\p@osinitfalse % capture the next move \p@athfalse \the\everytexdraw} % ====== End TeXdraw % Write out a trailer, close the file, bring in the PostScript code as % a \special include file. The \special is offset to position on the page % to be (llx,ury) in PostScript coordinates. % The drawing is placed in a \vbox of appropriate size (zero depth). The % temporary PostScript file is superimposed with offsets such that the % lower lefthand corner of the drawing is aligned with the lower lefthand of % the box. Then, the position is temporarily offset to that corresponding % to (0 0) to place the TeX text. Note that TeX text goes on top of the % PostScript drawing. \def\etexdraw {\ift@extonly \else \t@drclose % close the PostScript file \fi \egroup % ends the \vbox \bgroup \ifdim \wd\t@xdbox>0pt \t@xderror {TeXdraw box non-zero size, possible extraneous text}% \fi \vbox {\offinterlineskip \pixtobp \xminpix \l@lxbp \pixtobp \yminpix \l@lybp \pixtobp \xmaxpix \u@rxbp \pixtobp \ymaxpix \u@rybp \hbox{\t@xdinclude [{\l@lxbp},{\l@lybp}][{\u@rxbp},{\u@rybp}]{\p@sfile}}% \pixtodim \xminpix \t@xpos \pixtodim \yminpix \t@ypos \kern \t@ypos \hbox {\kern -\t@xpos \box\t@xdbox % TeX text \kern \t@xpos}% \kern -\t@ypos\relax}} % ===== Drawing scaling % The units in any segment may be scaled arbitrarily. A unit scale is % local to a segment but affects enclosed segments unless specifically % overridden in that segment. In addition there is a segment scale. The % overall scale is the product of the two scaling factors. % % Scaling is handled entirely on the TeX side, the PostScript side gets % absolute pixel coordinates. % Drawing units, e.g. "in" or "cm" \def\drawdim #1 {\def\d@dim{#1\relax}} % \u@nitsc - unit scale % \s@egsc - segment scale % \d@sc - drawing scale, product of the unit scale and segment scale % Note that successive application of relative scale factors can lead % to poor accuracy of the final scale factor. Each scale factor is % represented to about 5 decimal digits after the decimal point. \def\setunitscale #1 {\edef\u@nitsc{#1}% \realmult \u@nitsc \s@egsc \d@sc} \def\relunitscale #1 {\realmult {#1}\u@nitsc \u@nitsc \realmult \u@nitsc \s@egsc \d@sc} \def\setsegscale #1 {\edef\s@egsc {#1}% \realmult \u@nitsc \s@egsc \d@sc} \def\relsegscale #1 {\realmult {#1}\s@egsc \s@egsc \realmult \u@nitsc \s@egsc \d@sc} % ===== Drawing segments % The position is restored after a segment. % Segments use TeX grouping on the TeX side and gsave/grestore on the % PostScript side to keep changes local. On the TeX side segments have % (0 0) as the initial point, while the PostScript side sees no scale % changes or translations. \def\bsegment {\ifp@ath \f@lushbs \f@lushmove \fi \begingroup \x@segoffpix=\x@pix \y@segoffpix=\y@pix \setsegscale 1 \global\advance \d@bs by 1\relax} \def\esegment {\endgroup \ifnum \d@bs=0 \writetx {es}% \else \global\advance \d@bs by -1 \fi} % Save a position % Save each coordinate as the macro "*name". The macro is defined to % be the pixel coordinate value. \def\savecurrpos (#1 #2){\getsympos (#1 #2)\a@rgx\a@rgy \s@etcsn \a@rgx {\the\x@pix}% \s@etcsn \a@rgy {\the\y@pix}} \def\savepos (#1 #2)(#3 #4){\getpos (#1 #2)\a@rgx\a@rgy \coordtopix \a@rgx \t@pixa \advance \t@pixa by \x@segoffpix \coordtopix \a@rgy \t@pixb \advance \t@pixb by \y@segoffpix \getsympos (#3 #4)\a@rgx\a@rgy \s@etcsn \a@rgx {\the\t@pixa}% \s@etcsn \a@rgy {\the\t@pixb}} % ===== Line parameters % The following parameters apply to subsequent lines. Each of these % commands invokes a stroke to draw the previous line segments, % establishes the current point and then changes the line parameter. % The parameters are kept local by the PostScript gsave/grestore % mechanism. We use \writetx here, instead of \writeps, since we % do not want to flush any moves. \def\linewd #1 {\coordtopix {#1}\t@pixa \f@lushbs \writetx {\the\t@pixa\space sl}} \def\setgray #1 {\f@lushbs \writetx {#1 sg}} \def\lpatt (#1){\listtopix (#1)\p@ixlist \f@lushbs \writetx {[\p@ixlist] sd}} % ===== Line drawing % PostScript uses the concept of a path consisting of line segments. % In this interface to PostScript, paths are continuous across the % beginning of segments. Paths terminate at the end of a segment with % an implicit move. In addition, paths are both terminated and started % with a move. There is a current point at all times, starting with % initial position (0,0). \def\lvec (#1 #2){\getpos (#1 #2)\a@rgx\a@rgy \s@etpospix \a@rgx \a@rgy \writeps {\the\x@pix\space \the\y@pix\space lv}} \def\rlvec (#1 #2){\getpos (#1 #2)\a@rgx\a@rgy \r@elpospix \a@rgx \a@rgy \writeps {\the\x@pix\space \the\y@pix\space lv}} \def\move (#1 #2){\getpos (#1 #2)\a@rgx\a@rgy \s@etpospix \a@rgx \a@rgy \s@avemove \x@pix \y@pix} \def\rmove (#1 #2){\getpos (#1 #2)\a@rgx\a@rgy \r@elpospix \a@rgx \a@rgy \s@avemove \x@pix \y@pix} % ===== Circles, ellipses and arcs % Note that arcs do not update the size of the drawing. % \lcir, stroked circle % r:#1 - radius % \fcir, filled circle % f:#1 - fill gray level, 0 is black, 1 is white % r:#2 - radius % \ellip, stroked ellipse % rx:#1 - x radius % ry:#2 - y radius % \fellip, filled ellipse % f:#1 - fill gray level, 0 is black, 1 is white % rx:#1 - x radius % ry:#2 - y radius % \larc, stroked counterclockwise arc, with the present position being % the center of the arc. Only the arc is drawn (not the line % joining the center to the beginning of the arc) % r:#1 - radius % sd:#2 - start angle (degrees) % ed:#3 - end angle (degrees) \def\lcir r:#1 {\coordtopix {#1}\t@pixa \writeps {\the\t@pixa\space cr}% \r@elupd \t@pixa \t@pixa \r@elupd {-\t@pixa}{-\t@pixa}} \def\fcir f:#1 r:#2 {\coordtopix {#2}\t@pixa \writeps {\the\t@pixa\space #1 fc}% \r@elupd \t@pixa \t@pixa \r@elupd {-\t@pixa}{-\t@pixa}} \def\lellip rx:#1 ry:#2 {\coordtopix {#1}\t@pixa \coordtopix {#2}\t@pixb \writeps {\the\t@pixa\space \the\t@pixb\space el}% \r@elupd \t@pixa \t@pixb \r@elupd {-\t@pixa}{-\t@pixb}} \def\fellip f:#1 rx:#2 ry:#3 {\coordtopix {#2}\t@pixa \coordtopix {#3}\t@pixb \writeps {\the\t@pixa\space \the\t@pixb\space #1 fe}% \r@elupd \t@pixa \t@pixb \r@elupd {-\t@pixa}{-\t@pixb}} \def\larc r:#1 sd:#2 ed:#3 {\coordtopix {#1}\t@pixa \writeps {\the\t@pixa\space #2 #3 ar}} % ===== Fill commands % The form here completes a path with a closepath, applies the fill, % starts a newpath and moves to the current point. The gray level has % 0 as black and 1 as white. The current path is terminated. \def\ifill f:#1 {\writeps {#1 fl}} % Fill only \def\lfill f:#1 {\writeps {#1 fp}} % Stroke and fill % ===== Text % TeX text superimposed on the drawing % \htext (x y){text} or \htext {text} % \vtext (x y){text} or \vtext {text} % \rtext td:angle (x y){text} or \rtext td:angle {text} % \textref h:#1 v:#2 % The TeX text (or whatever) is placed in an \hbox. The box is rotated % for vertical text. The text is placed on the drawing at the specified % location (coordinates specified) or the current location (coordinates % not specified). The text reference point is placed at that location. % For the purposes of determining the drawing size, the text box is of % zero size. % Horizontal text % Check if the argument starts with a left parenthesis \def\htext #1{\def\testit {#1}% \ifx \testit\l@paren \let\next=\h@move \else \let\next=\h@text \fi \next {#1}} % Rotated text \def\rtext td:#1 #2{\def\testit {#2}% \ifx \testit\l@paren \let\next=\r@move \else \let\next=\r@text \fi \next td:#1 {#2}} % Vertical text \def\vtext {\rtext td:90 } % Text reference point % h:#1 text horizontal reference point - L, C or R % v:#2 text vertical reference point - T, C or B \def\textref h:#1 v:#2 {\ifx #1R% \edef\l@stuff {\hss}\edef\r@stuff {}% \else \ifx #1C% \edef\l@stuff {\hss}\edef\r@stuff {\hss}% \else % default L \edef\l@stuff {}\edef\r@stuff {\hss}% \fi \fi \ifx #2T% \edef\t@stuff {}\edef\b@stuff {\vss}% \else \ifx #2C% \edef\t@stuff {\vss}\edef\b@stuff {\vss}% \else % default B \edef\t@stuff {\vss}\edef\b@stuff {}% \fi \fi} % ===== Arrow vectors \def\avec (#1 #2){\getpos (#1 #2)\a@rgx\a@rgy \s@etpospix \a@rgx \a@rgy \writeps {\the\x@pix\space \the\y@pix\space (\a@type) % \the\a@lenpix\space \the\a@widpix\space av}} \def\ravec (#1 #2){\getpos (#1 #2)\a@rgx\a@rgy \r@elpospix \a@rgx \a@rgy \writeps {\the\x@pix\space \the\y@pix\space (\a@type) % \the\a@lenpix\space \the\a@widpix\space av}} % Arrowhead size % l:#1 - length of the arrowhead % w:#2 - width of the base of the arrowhead \def\arrowheadsize l:#1 w:#2 {\coordtopix{#1}\a@lenpix \coordtopix{#2}\a@widpix} % Arrowhead type % t:#1 - arrowhead type, F filled triangle (using current gray level) % T empty closed triangle % W white filled triangle % V Vee shape, at the end of the vector % H (or other character) Vee shape, vector stops % short of the Vee \def\arrowheadtype t:#1 {\edef\a@type{#1}} % ===== Bezier curve % The initial point is assumed to be the current point. Only the last % coordinate affects the size of the plot. \def\clvec (#1 #2)(#3 #4)(#5 #6)% {\getpos (#1 #2)\a@rgx\a@rgy \coordtopix \a@rgx\t@pixa \advance \t@pixa by \x@segoffpix \coordtopix \a@rgy\t@pixb \advance \t@pixb by \y@segoffpix \getpos (#3 #4)\a@rgx\a@rgy \coordtopix \a@rgx\t@pixc \advance \t@pixc by \x@segoffpix \coordtopix \a@rgy\t@pixd \advance \t@pixd by \y@segoffpix \getpos (#5 #6)\a@rgx\a@rgy \s@etpospix \a@rgx \a@rgy \writeps {\the\t@pixa\space \the\t@pixb\space \the\t@pixc\space \the\t@pixd\space \the\x@pix\space \the\y@pix\space cv}} % ===== Draw the bounding box \def\drawbb {\bsegment \drawdim bp \linewd 0.24 % line width 1/300 inch = 0.24 bp \setunitscale {\p@sfactor} \writeps {\the\xminpix\space \the\yminpix\space mv}% \writeps {\the\xminpix\space \the\ymaxpix\space lv}% \writeps {\the\xmaxpix\space \the\ymaxpix\space lv}% \writeps {\the\xmaxpix\space \the\yminpix\space lv}% \writeps {\the\xminpix\space \the\yminpix\space lv}% \esegment} % =============================================================== % ===== Utility macros used by TeXdraw ========================== % ===== Decode coordinates % Get coordinates % This macro is used to get two arguments separated by a blank, with % possible leading and trailing blanks. Symbolic coordinates are % converted to user coordinates. % (#1 #2) - coordinates % #3 - macro name to receive the x-coordinate value % #4 - macro name to receive the y-coordinate value \def\getpos (#1 #2)#3#4{\g@etargxy #1 #2 {} \\#3#4% \c@heckast #3% \ifa@st \g@etsympix #3\t@pixa \advance \t@pixa by -\x@segoffpix \pixtocoord \t@pixa #3% \fi \c@heckast #4% \ifa@st \g@etsympix #4\t@pixa \advance \t@pixa by -\y@segoffpix \pixtocoord \t@pixa #4% \fi} % Get symbolic coordinate names % (#1 #2) - symbolic coordinates % #3 - macro name to receive the symbolic x coordinate name % #4 - macro name to receive the symbolic y coordinate name \def\getsympos (#1 #2)#3#4{\g@etargxy #1 #2 {} \\#3#4% \c@heckast #3% \ifa@st \else \t@xderror {TeXdraw: invalid symbolic coordinate}% \fi \c@heckast #4% \ifa@st \else \t@xderror {TeXdraw: invalid symbolic coordinate}% \fi} % ===== Convert a list of values to pixel values % (#1) - blank separated list of values in user coordinates % #2 - macro name to receive the blank separated list of pixel values \def\listtopix (#1)#2{\def #2{}% \edef\l@ist {#1 }% % append a blank to the string \m@oretrue \loop \expandafter\g@etitem \l@ist \\\a@rgx\l@ist \a@pppix \a@rgx #2% \ifx \l@ist\empty \m@orefalse \fi \ifm@ore \repeat} % ===== Real multiplication % This function uses the property that a box dimension may be scaled by % a real value. The values are converted to dimensions in units of pt. % This choice gives us a reasonable dynamic range. The final step is to % clean off the "pt" on the resulting dimension. Note that these are fixed % point operations with each operand represented to an accuracy of about 5 % decimal places. % Note we must use magnified points not "true" points, since the answer is % expressed in magnified points. The result will be calculated in the same % manner no matter what the magnification is. % #1 and #2 are multiplicands % #3 macro name to capture the real result \def\realmult #1#2#3{\dimen0=#1pt \dimen2=#2\dimen0 \edef #3{\expandafter\c@lean\the\dimen2}} % ===== Divide integers, real result % #1 integer numerator value % #2 integer denominator (divisor) value % #3 macro name to capture the real result \def\intdiv #1#2#3{\t@counta=#1 \t@countb=#2 % Limitations: #1 must be negatable, i.e. it must not be the largest % magnitude negative number % #2 must be able to be multiplied by 2 without overflow % Calculate a*65536/b where the factor 65536 converts from pt to sp. % This operation can also be interpretated as an extended precision % numerator divided by the denominator. The scheme used is basically a % long division, except that it is bootstrapped by an integer divide. % The computations are carried out with positive numerator and % denominator, with the appropriate restoration of sign at the end. % \t@counta == remainder, r, initially set to a % \t@countb == denominator, b % \t@countc == quotient, q % \t@countd == +1, a and b have the same sign % -1, a and b have opposite signs % \t@counte == temporary register \ifnum \t@countb<0 \t@counta=-\t@counta \t@countb=-\t@countb \fi \t@countd=1 % record the sign \ifnum \t@counta<0 \t@counta=-\t@counta \t@countd=-1 \fi % % q=a/b, r=a-q*b \t@countc=\t@counta \divide \t@countc by \t@countb \t@counte=\t@countc \multiply \t@counte by \t@countb \advance \t@counta by -\t@counte \t@counte=-1 \loop \advance \t@counte by 1 \ifnum \t@counte<16 % loop 16 times \multiply \t@countc by 2 % q=2q \multiply \t@counta by 2 % r=2r \ifnum \t@counta<\t@countb \else % if ( r >= b ) \advance \t@countc by 1 % q=q+1 \advance \t@counta by -\t@countb % r=r-b \fi \repeat \divide \t@countb by 2 % rounding \ifnum \t@counta<\t@countb % if ( r >= b/2 ) q=q+1 \advance \t@countc by 1 \fi \ifnum \t@countd<0 % restore the sign \t@countc=-\t@countc \fi \dimen0=\t@countc sp % express as a dimension \edef #3{\expandafter\c@lean\the\dimen0}} % =============================================================== % ===== Internal TeXdraw macros ================================= % ===== Macros for converting between dimensions and units % Convert drawing units (coordinate value, scaled by the unit scale and % segment scale) to pixels. We use rounding to get more accurate results. % #1 dimension in drawing units % #2 count in pixels (returned into a count) \def\coordtopix #1#2{\dimen0=#1\d@dim \dimen2=\d@sc\dimen0 \t@counta=\dimen2 % scaled dimension in sp \t@countb=\s@ppix \divide \t@countb by 2 \ifnum \t@counta<0 % rounding \advance \t@counta by -\t@countb \else \advance \t@counta by \t@countb \fi \divide \t@counta by \s@ppix #2=\t@counta} % Convert from absolute pixels to relative scaled coordinates % #1 - input integer pixel value % #2 - macro name to receive the character string corresponding to the % floating point coordinate value \def\pixtocoord #1#2{\t@counta=#1% \multiply \t@counta by \s@ppix \dimen0=\d@sc\d@dim \t@countb=\dimen0 \intdiv \t@counta \t@countb #2} % Convert pixels to TeX dimensions. % #1 - input integer pixel value % #2 - returned dimension (returned into a dimension register) \def\pixtodim #1#2{\t@countb=#1% \multiply \t@countb by \s@ppix #2=\t@countb sp\relax} % Convert pixels to (integer) bp units % #1 - input pixel value % #2 - integer value, returned as a macro definition \def\pixtobp #1#2{\dimen0=\p@sfactor pt \t@counta=\dimen0 \multiply \t@counta by #1% \ifnum \t@counta < 0 % rounding \advance \t@counta by -32768 \else \advance \t@counta by 32768 \fi \divide \t@counta by 65536 \edef #2{\the\t@counta}} % ===== Allocations for registers and counts % == Temporary count registers \newcount\t@counta \newcount\t@countb % Use at lowest levels \newcount\t@countc \newcount\t@countd \newcount\t@counte \newcount\t@pixa \newcount\t@pixb % Use for pixel values \newcount\t@pixc \newcount\t@pixd % == Temporary dimension registers \newdimen\t@xpos \newdimen\t@ypos % == Position and parameter registers % The minimum and maximum extent in the X and Y direction in pixel units % (updated globally to reach outside segments) \newcount\xminpix \newcount\xmaxpix \newcount\yminpix \newcount\ymaxpix % == Arrowhead parameters \newcount\a@lenpix \newcount\a@widpix % == Absolute pixel positions \newcount\x@pix \newcount\y@pix \newcount\x@segoffpix \newcount\y@segoffpix \newcount\x@savepix \newcount\y@savepix % == Conversion factor \newcount\s@ppix % sp/pixel % == Pending segments count \newcount\d@bs % == Counter to form unique file names \newcount\t@xdnum \global\t@xdnum=0 % == TeXdraw box \newbox\t@xdbox % == Output stream number for the PostScript file \newwrite\drawfile % == \newif \newif\ifm@pending \newif\ifp@ath \newif\ifa@st \newif\ifm@ore \newif \ift@extonly \newif\ifp@osinit % == \newtoks \newtoks\everytexdraw % ===== Character definitions \def\l@paren{(} \def\a@st{*} % ===== Special character macros % Need to be able to insert "%", "{" and "}" characters into the % PostScript file. % Define macros which have these characters with category "other". % We will assume, that these characters have the standard meanings -- % after all, we use comments and braces in this code. \catcode`\%=12 \def\p@b {%!} \def\p@p {%%} \catcode`\%=14 \catcode`\{=12 \catcode`\}=12 \catcode`\u=1 \catcode`\v=2 \def\l@br u{v \def\r@br u}v \catcode `\{=1 \catcode`\}=2 \catcode`\u=11 \catcode`\v=11 % ===== Pixel conversion factors % The position is kept as an integer value (count). It is set to a % resolution corresponding to 300 units/inch. We refer to them as pixels, % but in fact the resolution is just that: movements are quantized to lie % on a grid with that resolution. % Using pixel units which correspond to the actual resolution of the device % has advantages in that all horizontal and vertical lines then will be % drawn with the same line thickness. In addition the coordinates are % then integer values (no decimal point or leading zeros) which leads % to a more compact PostScript file. % The following macro sets the conversion from PostScript units (bp) to the % integer units (pixels). The file inclusion \special environment in the % PostScript driver restores the context to default PostScript values % (bp or 72/in and origin in the lower lefthand corner). A scaling value % of 0.24 converts to 300/inch. Note that the PostScript commands written % to the temporary PostScript file do not depend on the TeX magnification % in effect. Magnification should be handled by the dvi to PostScript % driver at the time that the file is included in the output. % Calculate the conversion factors % Let s@ppix = sp/pixel = u / p, where u = sp/unit and p = pix/unit (both % integer values). % We calculate s@ppix as % s@ppix = [ (u+0.5p)/p ] % We also calculate the PostScript scale factor bp/pixel % Let b = sp/bp. We want p@sfactor = s@ppix/b. For 300 pixels/inch, this % gives p@sfactor=0.24. Using rounding % p@sfactor = [ (s@ppix+0.5b)/b ] . % To carry out the arithmetic, we will operate in sp units (integers) and % generate the answer in pt units (multiplying by sp/pt). This result will % expressed as a character string representing a real number after the "pt" % designator is stripped off. {\catcode`\p=12 \catcode`\t=12 \gdef\c@lean #1pt{#1}} \def\sppix#1/#2 {\dimen0=1#2 \s@ppix=\dimen0 \t@counta=#1% \divide \t@counta by 2 \advance \s@ppix by \t@counta \divide \s@ppix by #1% % \s@ppix available \t@counta=\s@ppix \multiply \t@counta by 65536 % 1 pt = 65536 sp \advance \t@counta by 32891 % 0.5 bp = 32890.88 sp \divide \t@counta by 65782 % 1 bp = 65781.76 sp \dimen0=\t@counta sp \edef\p@sfactor {\expandafter\c@lean\the\dimen0}} % ===== Low level coordinate decoding macros % Get two values, separated by a blank % Invoke as \g@etargxy {} \\\ma\mb \def\g@etargxy #1 #2 #3 #4\\#5#6{\def #5{#1}% \ifx #5\empty \g@etargxy #2 #3 #4 \\#5#6% leading blank \else \def #6{#2}% \def\next {#3}% \ifx \next\empty \else \t@xderror {TeXdraw: invalid coordinate}% \fi \fi} % Check for a leading asterisk % Sets \a@stfalse or \a@sttrue, test with \ifa@st \def\c@heckast #1{\expandafter \c@heckastll #1\\} \def\c@heckastll #1#2\\{\def\testit {#1}% \ifx \testit\a@st \a@sttrue \else \a@stfalse \fi} % Decode a symbolic coordinate % Pixel value returned to a count \def\g@etsympix #1#2{\expandafter \ifx \csname #1\endcsname \relax \t@xderror {TeXdraw: undefined symbolic coordinate}% \fi #2=\csname #1\endcsname} % Set a macro named #1 to have value #2 \def\s@etcsn #1#2{\expandafter \xdef\csname#1\endcsname {#2}} % ===== Low level list decoding macros % Pick off the first item -> #3, rest of string -> #4 \def\g@etitem #1 #2\\#3#4{\edef #4{#2}\edef #3{#1}} \def\a@pppix #1#2{\edef\next {#1}% \ifx \next\empty \else \coordtopix {#1}\t@pixa \ifx #2\empty \edef #2{\the\t@pixa}% \else \edef #2{#2 \the\t@pixa}% \fi \fi} % ===== Macros for updating the position % Calculate the position in pixels and update the maximum excursions \def\s@etpospix #1#2{\coordtopix {#1}\x@pix \advance \x@pix by \x@segoffpix \coordtopix {#2}\y@pix \advance \y@pix by \y@segoffpix \u@pdateminmax \x@pix \y@pix} \def\r@elpospix #1#2{\coordtopix {#1}\t@pixa \advance \x@pix by \t@pixa \coordtopix {#2}\t@pixa \advance \y@pix by \t@pixa \u@pdateminmax \x@pix \y@pix} \def\r@elupd #1#2{\t@counta=\x@pix \advance\t@counta by #1% \t@countb=\y@pix \advance\t@countb by #2% \u@pdateminmax \t@counta \t@countb} \def\u@pdateminmax #1#2{\ifnum #1>\xmaxpix \global\xmaxpix=#1% \fi \ifnum #1<\xminpix \global\xminpix=#1% \fi \ifnum #2>\ymaxpix \global\ymaxpix=#2% \fi \ifnum #2<\yminpix \global\yminpix=#2% \fi} % ===== Save moves / flush moves % A TeXdraw segment which generates only TeX text uses only move, begin % segment and end segment commands. The goal is to avoid writing out % empty segments for such cases. To this end, moves are held back and % only written out if necessary to set the position or terminate a path. % Also in this way, a TeXdraw drawing which generates only TeX text will % not generate a PostScript file. % Two flags are used. Both flags are local to a segment. % - move pending: Set when a move has been invoked but the move command % has not been written out to the PostScript file % - path in progress: Set when a PostScript path has been started but the % path has not been terminated and stroked. % (1) Moves are kept back. Using TeX's groups, a local flag and local % position registers are used to keep track of whether the latest % move applicable to a given segment has been written out or not. In % effect there is a stack of pending moves, one for each level of % segment nesting. % (2) At the beginning of a segment, if a PS path is in progress and a % a move is pending, the move is written out, terminating the path % and stroking the path. This is done to ensure that the path is % stroked before lines and/or fills are executed in the segment. % (3) At the beginning of a segment, if a PS path is not in progress, % any pending moves are kept back. Effectively, the move will be % transferred into the segment. It will be written out only when % the position needs to be updated for some other command. Such % moves which are transferred into segments may have to be repeated % outside the segment. The move pending flag will be restored to % the value outside the segment on exit from the segment. % (4) A begin segment command is not written out, but instead a global % segment backlog counter is incremented. The backlog of begin % segment commands is written out when a drawing command is % encountered. % The effect of the above on the TeXdraw commands is as follows. % (a) move: % - set the current position % - record the position of the saved move % - set the move pending flag % (b) begin segment: % - if a path is in progress % - if a move is pending % - if there is a backlog of segments % - write out enough begin segments to clear the backlog % - write out the pending move % - reset the move pending flag (local to the containing segment, % but affects inferior segments) % - reset the path in progress flag % - increment the segment backlog counter % - begin a group % (c) end segment: % - end a group % - if there is no backlog of segments % - write an end segment command % - if there is a backlog of segments % - decrement the backlog counter, thereby omitting an empty % empty segment. % - the move pending flag and path in progress flag are automatically % restored on leaving the TeX group % (d) text: % - create a text box % (e) line parameters: % - if there is a backlog of segments % - write out enough begin segments to clear the backlog % - clear the path in progress flag % - write the PS command changing the line parameter % (f) other drawing commands: % - update the current position % - if there is a backlog of segments % - write out enough begin segments to clear the backlog % - if there is a pending move % - write out the pending move % - reset the move pending flag (local to this segment, but affects % inferior segments) % - set the path in progress flag % - write the drawing command % Notes: % (1) The es PS command strokes the path at the end of a segment to % ensure that the correct line parameters are used for the segment. % The path before the corresponding bs command is restored and % continued. % (2) The \f@lushbs and \f@lushmove commands must be invoked before each % drawing command written to the PS file. The macro \writeps includes % these operations. % Another awkward business has to do with initialization. We want a % default (0 0) initial position so that the user can draw vectors % immediately. However, if the user specifies another move before % beginning to draw, that position should be the initial position. The % importance of this initial position is that the determination of the % maximum excursion must take this value into account. We handle the % initialization in the \s@avemove and \f@lushmove macros. The macro % \ifp@osinit indicates whether the next move should be captured as the % initial values for \xminpix, \yminpix, \xmaxpix, and \ymaxpix. However, % if a \f@lushmove is invoked, then we assume that the appropriate initial % values has already been set. The "mv" command in PostScript is defined % to stroke the current path (if any) and move to the pixel coordinates % specified. % Note that \m@pendingtrue and \m@pendingfalse define the flag locally. % In addition, \x@savepix and \y@savepix are local variables. We make % use of the fact that the values of the flag and positions propagate % down to inferior segments but not up to superior segments. This % behaviour Is consistent with the gsave/grestore operation on the % PostScript side. \def\s@avemove #1#2{\x@savepix=#1\y@savepix=#2% \m@pendingtrue \ifp@osinit \else \global\p@osinittrue \global\xminpix=\x@savepix \global\yminpix=\y@savepix \global\xmaxpix=\x@savepix \global\ymaxpix=\y@savepix \fi} \def\f@lushmove {\global\p@osinittrue \ifm@pending \writetx {\the\x@savepix\space \the\y@savepix\space mv}% \m@pendingfalse \p@athfalse \fi} % ===== Flush begin segment % \f@lushbs flushes any saved up \bsegments. Some of these may be % redundant, but we cannot know without looking ahead beyond the % \esegment. \def\f@lushbs {\loop \ifnum \d@bs>0 \writetx {bs}% \global\advance \d@bs by -1 \repeat} % ===== Internal text macros % Horizontal text, use only 3 levels of box nesting here \def\h@move #1#2 #3)#4{\move (#2 #3)% \h@text {#4}} \def\h@text #1{\pixtodim \x@pix \t@xpos \pixtodim \y@pix \t@ypos \vbox to 0pt{\normalbaselines \t@stuff \kern -\t@ypos \hbox to 0pt{\l@stuff \kern \t@xpos \hbox {#1}% \kern -\t@xpos \r@stuff}% \kern \t@ypos \b@stuff\relax}} % Rotated text % Uses 5 levels of box nesting here (so that the text reference point % is that rotation). This was done so that the reference point % definition makes sense with arbitrary angle rotation. The text is % rotated with respect to the text reference point. The result is zero % sized. These macros generate in-line PostScript. % #1 - rotation angle in degrees % #2 - text to be rotated \def\r@move td:#1 #2#3 #4)#5{\move (#3 #4)% \r@text td:#1 {#5}} \def\r@text td:#1 #2{\vbox to 0pt{\pixtodim \x@pix \t@xpos \pixtodim \y@pix \t@ypos \kern -\t@ypos \hbox to 0pt{\kern \t@xpos \rottxt {#1}{\z@sb {#2}}% \hss}% \vss}} \def\z@sb #1{\vbox to 0pt{\normalbaselines \t@stuff \hbox to 0pt{\l@stuff \hbox {#1}\r@stuff}% \b@stuff}} % ===== Rotate text, in-line PostScript code \ifx \rotatebox\@undefined \def\rottxt #1#2{\bgroup \special {ps: gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate #1\space neg rotate neg exch neg exch translate}% #2% \special {ps: currentpoint grestore moveto}% \egroup} \else \let\rottxt=\rotatebox \fi % ===== Error message % If not defined, use the plain TeX errmessage macro \ifx \t@xderror\@undefined \let\t@xderror=\errmessage \fi % ===== Default values % These are reset each time TeXdraw is invoked \def\t@exdrawdef {\sppix 300/in % 300 pixels/inch \drawdim in % drawing units are inches \edef\u@nitsc {1}% % unit scale 1 (has to be set % before invoking \setsegscale) \setsegscale 1 % segment scale 1 \arrowheadsize l:0.16 w:0.08 \arrowheadtype t:T \textref h:L v:B } % =============================================================== % ===== PostScript file macros ================================== % ===== Include the TeXdraw graphics % The drawing in a box of appropriate size will be placed such that its % lower left hand corner will be at the current TeX position. \ifx \includegraphics\@undefined \def\t@xdinclude [#1,#2][#3,#4]#5{% \begingroup % keep definitions local \message {<#5>}% \leavevmode \t@counta=-#1% % integer bounding box coordinates \t@countb=-#2% \setbox0=\hbox{% \special {PSfile="#5"\space hoffset=\the\t@counta\space voffset=\the\t@countb}}% \t@ypos=#4 bp% \advance \t@ypos by -#2 bp% \t@xpos=#3 bp% \advance \t@xpos by -#1 bp% \dp0=0pt \ht0=\t@ypos \wd0=\t@xpos \box0% \endgroup} \else \let\t@xdinclude=\includegraphics \fi % ===== Write to the PostScript file % Macro to write PostScript commands to the temporary PostScript file % To decrease the size of the PostScript file, moves are kept back to % allow redundant multiple moves to be removed. In addition empty gsave/ % grestore pairs are not written. The PostScript file is not opened if % TeXdraw has not generated any PostScript commands, i.e. it has produced % only TeX text. % \writeps : flushes the pending move to make sure things are positioned % correctly and flushes pending begin segments before calling % \writetx to write to the PostScript file % \writetx : writes directly to the PostScript file. This version is used % only for those commands which just change line parameters % without drawing. This routine opens the file and writes the % PS file header the first time it is called. % \w@rps : lowest level direct write to the PostScript file \def\writeps #1{\f@lushbs \f@lushmove \p@athtrue \writetx {#1}} \def\writetx #1{\ift@extonly \global\t@extonlyfalse \t@xdpsfn \p@sfile \t@dropen \p@sfile \fi \w@rps {#1}} \def\w@rps #1{\immediate\write\drawfile {#1}} % ===== Open a PostScript file % Open a PostScript file, write the definitions used by TeXdraw. \def\t@xdpsfn #1{% \global\advance \t@xdnum by 1 \ifnum \t@xdnum<10 \xdef #1{\jobname.ps\the\t@xdnum} \else \xdef #1{\jobname.p\the\t@xdnum} \fi } \def\t@dropen #1{% \immediate\openout\drawfile=#1% \w@rps {\p@b PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0}% \w@rps {\p@p BoundingBox: (atend)}% \w@rps {\p@p Title: TeXdraw drawing: #1}% \w@rps {\p@p Pages: 1}% \w@rps {\p@p Creator: \TeXdrawId}% \w@rps {\p@p CreationDate: \the\year/\the\month/\the\day}% \w@rps {50 dict begin}% \w@rps {/mv {stroke moveto} def}% \w@rps {/lv {lineto} def}% \w@rps {/st {currentpoint stroke moveto} def}% \w@rps {/sl {st setlinewidth} def}% \w@rps {/sd {st 0 setdash} def}% \w@rps {/sg {st setgray} def}% \w@rps {/bs {gsave} def /es {stroke grestore} def}% \w@rps {/fl \l@br gsave setgray fill grestore}% \w@rps { currentpoint newpath moveto\r@br\space def}% \w@rps {/fp {gsave setgray fill grestore st} def}% \w@rps {/cv {curveto} def}% \w@rps {/cr \l@br gsave currentpoint newpath 3 -1 roll 0 360 arc}% \w@rps { stroke grestore\r@br\space def}% \w@rps {/fc \l@br gsave setgray currentpoint newpath}% \w@rps { 3 -1 roll 0 360 arc fill grestore\r@br\space def}% \w@rps {/ar {gsave currentpoint newpath 5 2 roll arc stroke grestore} def}% \w@rps {/el \l@br gsave /svm matrix currentmatrix def}% \w@rps { currentpoint translate scale newpath 0 0 1 0 360 arc}% \w@rps { svm setmatrix stroke grestore\r@br\space def}% \w@rps {/fe \l@br gsave setgray currentpoint translate scale newpath}% \w@rps { 0 0 1 0 360 arc fill grestore\r@br\space def}% \w@rps {/av \l@br /hhwid exch 2 div def /hlen exch def}% \w@rps { /ah exch def /tipy exch def /tipx exch def}% \w@rps { currentpoint /taily exch def /tailx exch def}% \w@rps { /dx tipx tailx sub def /dy tipy taily sub def}% \w@rps { /alen dx dx mul dy dy mul add sqrt def}% \w@rps { /blen alen hlen sub def}% \w@rps { gsave tailx taily translate dy dx atan rotate}% \w@rps { (V) ah ne {blen 0 gt {blen 0 lineto} if} {alen 0 lineto} ifelse}% \w@rps { stroke blen hhwid neg moveto alen 0 lineto blen hhwid lineto}% \w@rps { (T) ah eq {closepath} if}% \w@rps { (W) ah eq {gsave 1 setgray fill grestore closepath} if}% \w@rps { (F) ah eq {fill} {stroke} ifelse}% \w@rps { grestore tipx tipy moveto\r@br\space def}% \w@rps {\p@sfactor\space \p@sfactor\space scale}% \w@rps {1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin}% \w@rps {3 setlinewidth [] 0 setdash}% \w@rps {0 0 moveto}% } % Notes: % - mv (move to) This command includes a stroke before the moveto. The % stroke terminates a path and the move begins another path. % - bs (begin segment) encloses a segment in a gsave/grestore to keep % changes to line parameters local. % - es (end segment) does a "stroke grestore" to make sure lines inside % the segment use the line parameters local to that segment % - ar (arc) The path is generated and stroked inside a gsave/grestore, % leaving the current path intact. % - cr (circle) The path is generated and stroked inside a gsave/grestore, % leaving the current path intact. % - fc (filled circle) The path is generated and filled inside a gsave/ % grestore, keeping the fill level local to the circle. The current % path is left intact. % - el (ellipse) The path is generated and stroked inside a gsave/grestore, % leaving the current path intact. The elliptical path is defined % with different x and y scaling, then stroked with default scaling % to give a constant line thickness. % - fe (filled ellipse) The path is generated and filled inside a gsave/ % grestore, leaving the current path intact. % - fl (fill) The current path is closed and filled inside a gsave/restore, % keeping the fill level local. A newpath terminates the path. % - fp (fill path) The current path is closed and then filled inside a % gsave/grestore. Finally the closed path is stroked, implicitly % terminating the path. % - av (arrow vector) The arrow vector is drawn inside a gsave/grestore. % The line width and type are those currently in effect. After the % grestore, the current path is continued with a move to the tip of % the vector. % ===== Close the PostScript file % Write a trailer with the BoundingBox, close the file. Note that the % BoundingBox may be larger than the commands in the PostScript file % indicate. This is due to the fact that multiple move commands in % a row are collapsed into a single move. The BoundingBox information % includes the effect of the moves which were expunged. \def\t@drclose {% \bgroup \w@rps {stroke end showpage}% \w@rps {\p@p Trailer:}% \pixtobp \xminpix \l@lxbp \pixtobp \yminpix \l@lybp \pixtobp \xmaxpix \u@rxbp \pixtobp \ymaxpix \u@rybp \w@rps {\p@p BoundingBox: \l@lxbp\space \l@lybp\space \u@rxbp\space \u@rybp}% \w@rps {\p@p EOF}% \egroup \immediate\closeout\drawfile } % =============================================================== \catcode`\@=\catamp