% tcolorbox.4ht (2024-01-15-13:12), generated from tex4ht-4ht.tex % Copyright 2020-2024 TeX Users Group % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either % version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any % later version. The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions % of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". % % The Current Maintainer of this work % is the TeX4ht Project . % % If you modify this program, changing the % version identification would be appreciated. \immediate\write-1{version 2024-01-15-13:12} % use custom counter that increments for every \tcolorbox \newcounter{:tcbcolcount} \def\:tempa{% \stepcounter{:tcbcolcount}% % save text and background colors for use in CSS \get:xcolorcss{tcbcolbacktitle}\:tcbcolbacktitle% \get:xcolorcss{tcbcoltitle}\:tcbcoltitle% \get:xcolorcss{tcbcolback}\:tcbcolback% \get:xcolorcss{tcbcolframe}\:tcbcolframe% \get:xcolorcss{tcbcolupper}\:tcbcolupper% % make unique ID for this box \gdef\:tcbcolid{tcolobox-\arabic{:tcbcolcount}} % Open box \a:tcolorbox% % set label if it exists \ifdefined\tcolorbox:label:key% \let\@currentlabel\tcolorbox:currentlabel% at this moment, \@currentlabel has wrong value \o:tcb@set@label:{\tcolorbox:label:key}% \AnchorLabel% save cross-ref destination \global\let\tcolorbox:label:key\undefined% \fi% % open title \b:tcolorbox% \kvtcb@before@title\kvtcb@title\kvtcb@after@title% % close title and open main box \c:tcolorbox% \box\tcb@upperbox% % the paragraph opened in the upper box can be unclosed % but I cannot find an example where it matters. \RecallEndP caused issues in the following sample: % https://github.com/michal-h21/make4ht/issues/142#issuecomment-1891507567 % \RecallEndP % deal with lower box, if it is set \iftcb@hasLower% \a:tcolorlowerbox% \box\tcb@lowerbox% \b:tcolorlowerbox% \fi% % We need to close box in \tcb@endboxanddraw } \HLet\tcb@drawcolorbox\:tempa % overwrite other versions of box drawing macros \HLet\tcb@drawcolorbox@standalone\:tempa \HLet\tcb@drawcolorbox@breakable\:tempa % save the state of paragraph before opening the content box \pend:def\tcb@set@@upper@and@lower{\SaveEndP} % we need to close tcolorbox environment here, % in the box. otherwise, last paragraph end % would be ignored and we would get invalid XML \def\:tempb{\d:tcolorbox\o:tcb@endboxanddraw:} \HLet\tcb@endboxanddraw\:tempb % tcolorbox supports libraries, but it loads them % in a way that doesn't register them for the use % with .4ht files. % this fix is for tcblistingscore.code.tex \NewConfigure{tcblisting}{1} \def\:tempb{\o:endtcblisting:\d:tcolorbox\a:tcblisting} \HLet\endtcblisting\:tempb % this code prevents emptying of the box title when % some Tcolorbox options are used \def\:tempb{} \HLet\tcb@detach@title@code\:tempb % require end of paragraph before Tcolorbox \long\def\:tempb[#1]{\EndP\o:tcb@@icolorbox:[#1]} \HLet\tcb@@icolorbox\:tempb \NewConfigure{tcolorbox}{4} \NewConfigure{tcolorlowerbox}{2} % we need to save current label for a later use \def\:tempa#1{% \xdef\tcolorbox:label:key{#1}% \global\let\tcolorbox:currentlabel\@currentlabel% } \HLet\tcb@set@label\:tempa \pend:def\tcb@minipage{\SaveEndP} \pend:def\tcb@minipage@top{\SaveEndP} \pend:def\tcb@minipage@bottom{\SaveEndP} \pend:def\tcb@minipage@center{\SaveEndP} \AfterEndPreamble{% % fix \nameref support \def\:tempa#1{% \gdef\NR:Title{\a:newlabel{#1}}% \o:tcb@gettitle:{#1}% }% \HLet\tcb@gettitle\:tempa } \Hinput{tcolorbox} \endinput