% tabularray.4ht (2024-06-17-13:42), generated from tex4ht-4ht.tex % Copyright 2022-2024 TeX Users Group % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either % version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any % later version. The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions % of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". % % The Current Maintainer of this work % is the TeX4ht Project . % % If you modify this program, changing the % version identification would be appreciated. \immediate\write-1{version 2024-06-17-13:42} \NewConfigure{tabularray}{8} \NewConfigure{tabularrayignoredcell}{2} \NewConfigure{tabularrayattributes}[1]{\concat:config\CellAttributes{#1\space}} \NewConfigure{tabularraystyles}[1]{\concat:config\CellStyle{#1}} \NewConfigure{tabularraycolumnwidth}{1} \ExplSyntaxOn \NewConfigure{tabularrayhalign}[2]{% \cs_set:cpn{tabularray_halign:#1}{#2} } \NewConfigure{tabularrayvalign}[2]{% \cs_set:cpn{tabularray_valign:#1}{#2} } \ExplSyntaxOff \ExplSyntaxOn \long\def\:tempa#1#2#3#4{% % insert ...
\a:tabularray\o:__tblr_environ_code:nnnn:{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}\b:tabularray } \HLet\__tblr_environ_code:nnnn\:tempa \long\def\:tempa#1{\int_set:Nn \c@rownum {#1}\xdef\HRow{\@arabic\c@rownum}\c:tabularray\o:__tblr_build_row:N:{#1}\d:tabularray} \HLet\__tblr_build_row:N\:tempa \ExplSyntaxOff % disable rules \ht:special{t4ht@_} \ExplSyntaxOn % #1 row number, #2 column, #3 hline number (there can be multiple), #4 css property to be set \def\:tblr:hlinestyle#1#2#3#4{ % get line height \tl_set:Ne \l__tblr_h_tl{ \__tblr_spec_item:ne { hline } { [#1](#3) / @hline-height } } % get dash style \def\@tblr@dash{} % remove "dash" word from the variable for correct CSS string \tl_set:Ne \l__tblr_f_tl{\__tblr_spec_item:ne { hline } { [#1][#2](#3) / @dash }} % create CSS only when a dash style is set \tl_if_empty:NF\l__tblr_f_tl{ % get hline color \tl_set:Ne \l__tblr_g_tl { \__tblr_spec_item:ne { hline } { [#1][#2](#3) / fg } } \def\:hlinecolor{\#000000} % convert color to CSS value if color is set \tl_if_empty:NF\l__tblr_g_tl{\get:xcolorcss{\l__tblr_g_tl}\:hlinecolor} % \Configure{tabularraystyles} doesn't expand attributes, so we need to expand it here % otherwise, we would get wrong color and hline style in the last row, because this macro is called twice here \cs_set:ce{#4:}{#4:\dim_to_decimal_in_unit:nn{\l__tblr_h_tl*2}{1px}px~\l__tblr_f_tl\space~\:hlinecolor;} \Configure{tabularraystyles}{\csname#4:\endcsname} } } \def\:tblr:vlinestyle#1#2#3#4{ \tl_set:Ne \l__tblr_t_tl{ \__tblr_spec_item:ne { vline } { [#2](#3) / @vline-width } } \def\@tblr@dash{} % remove "dash" word from the variable for correct CSS string \tl_set:Ne \l__tblr_f_tl{\__tblr_spec_item:ne { vline } { [#1][#2](#3) / @dash }} \tl_if_empty:NF\l__tblr_f_tl{ \tl_set:Ne \l__tblr_g_tl { \__tblr_spec_item:ne { vline } { [#1][#2](#3) / fg } } \def\:hlinecolor{\#000000} % convert color to CSS value if color is set \tl_if_empty:NF\l__tblr_g_tl{\get:xcolorcss{\l__tblr_g_tl}\:hlinecolor} % \Configure{tabularraystyles} doesn't expand attributes, so we need to expand it here % otherwise, we would get wrong color and hline style in the last row, because this macro is called twice here \cs_set:ce{#4:}{#4:\dim_to_decimal_in_unit:nn{\l__tblr_t_tl*2}{1px}px~\l__tblr_f_tl\space~\:hlinecolor;} \Configure{tabularraystyles}{\csname#4:\endcsname} } } \ExplSyntaxOff \ExplSyntaxOn \long\def\:tempa#1#2{% % find columns that are covered by rowspan and colspan \xdef\HCol{\@arabic\c@colnum} \xdef\HRow{\@arabic\c@rownum} \xdef\HMultispan{\lTblrCellColSpanTl} \xdef\HRowspan{\lTblrCellRowSpanTl} \let\CellAttributes\@empty \let\CellStyle\@empty % calculate ignored cells, if the current cell uses colspan or rowspan \int_step_inline:nnn{\c@rownum }{\c@rownum - 1 + \lTblrCellRowSpanTl}{ \int_step_inline:nnn{\c@colnum }{\c@colnum - 1 + \lTblrCellColSpanTl}{ % the loop always matches the current cell, we must ignore it \str_if_eq:eeF{\HCol.\HRow}{####1.##1}{% \cs_gset:cpn{ignoredcell-####1-##1}{} } } } \cs_if_exist_use:c{tabularray_halign:\g__tblr_cell_halign_tl} \cs_if_exist_use:c{tabularray_valign:\g__tblr_cell_valign_tl} % the vertical aligment can be set also in \g__tblr_cell_middle_tl, so we should try it as well \cs_if_exist_use:c{tabularray_valign:\g__tblr_cell_middle_tl} % calculate column width \dim_compare:nNnT {\__tblr_data_item:nen{column}{\HCol}{@col-width}} > {0pt}{ \__tblr_get_table_width:% initialize \tablewidth \edef\HColWidth{\fp_eval:n{\__tblr_data_item:nen{column}{\HCol}{@col-width}/\tablewidth*100}\%} % save table width, preferably in CSS \a:tabularraycolumnwidth% } % there can be multiple hlines for each cell, but we only suport the first one, because of limitations of CSS \:tblr:hlinestyle{#1}{#2}{1}{border-top} \int_compare:nNnT{\HRow + \HRowspan - 1} = {\c@rowcount}{% % draw hline below the last row \:tblr:hlinestyle{\int_eval:n{\c@rownum + 1}}{#2}{1}{border-bottom} } % the same is true for vlines \:tblr:vlinestyle{#1}{#2}{1}{border-left} \int_compare:nNnT{\HCol + \HMultispan - 1} = {\c@colcount}{% % draw hline below the last row \:tblr:vlinestyle{#1}{\int_eval:n{\c@colnum + 1}}{1}{border-right} } % support for the background color \tl_set:Ne \l__tblr_b_tl { \__tblr_data_item:neen { cell } {#1} {#2} { background } } % save background color to the list of CSS, if it is set \tl_if_empty:NF \l__tblr_b_tl{ \get:xcolorcss{\l__tblr_b_tl}\:bgcolor \Configure{tabularraystyles}{background-color: \:bgcolor;} } % We can use something like \Configure{tabularrayattributes}{rowspan="\HRowspan"} in \Configure{tabularray} % to declare correct attributes for joined cells \int_compare:nNnT {\HRowspan} > {1}{\g:tabularray} \int_compare:nNnT {\HMultispan} > {1}{\h:tabularray} \cs_if_exist:cTF{ignoredcell-\the\c@colnum-\the\c@rownum}{% \a:tabularrayignoredcell\e:tabularray\o:__tblr_build_cell_content:NN:{#1}{#2}\f:tabularray\b:tabularrayignoredcell }{% \e:tabularray\o:__tblr_build_cell_content:NN:{#1}{#2}\f:tabularray } % the ignored cell is global, so we must undefine it after the thes \cs_undefine:c{ignoredcell-\the\c@colnum-\the\c@rownum}% } \HLet\__tblr_build_cell_content:NN\:tempa \ExplSyntaxOff \Hinput{tabularray} \endinput