% minted.4ht (2022-10-31-13:02), generated from tex4ht-4ht.tex % Copyright 2022 TeX Users Group % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either % version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any % later version. The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions % of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". % % The Current Maintainer of this work % is the TeX4ht Project . % % If you modify this program, changing the % version identification would be appreciated. \immediate\write-1{version 2022-10-31-13:02} \NewConfigure{InlineCode}{2} % this is a hack to hide a newline that is produced, and which causes spurious space in the output \NewConfigure{MintedHideNewline}{2} % I cannot reproduce the newline issue now, but it seems that % this comment can hide desired tags sometimes, so we should disable it. % See https://github.com/michal-h21/make4ht/issues/92 %\Configure{MintedHideNewline}{\HCode{}} \def\:tempa#1{% \endgroup% \begingroup% \Configure{BVerbatimInput}{\HCode{}\ht:special{t4ht@(}}% \HCode is necessary for correct paragraph handlingling {\a:MintedHideNewline}{\ht:special{t4ht@)}}{}{}% also hide newline and spurious spaces \a:InlineCode% \begingroup% \o:minted@inline@iii:{#1}\b:MintedHideNewline% \b:InlineCode% \endgroup% } \HLet\minted@inline@iii\:tempa % support for background color in Minted listings \NewConfigure{MintedColorbg}{2} \renewenvironment{minted@colorbg}[1]{% \colorlet{shadecolor}{#1}% \extractcolorspec{shadecolor}{\:tempa}% \expandafter\convertcolorspec\:tempa{HTML}\minted:bgcolor% \a:MintedColorbg% } {\b:MintedColorbg\medskip\noindent} % support for background color in Minted listings \NewConfigure{MintedColorbg}{2} \renewenvironment{minted@colorbg}[1]{% \colorlet{shadecolor}{#1}% \extractcolorspec{shadecolor}{\:tempa}% \expandafter\convertcolorspec\:tempa{HTML}\minted:bgcolor% \a:MintedColorbg% } {\b:MintedColorbg\medskip\noindent} \NewConfigure{mintedfixes}[1]{\concat:config\a:mintedfixes{#1}} \let\a:mintedfixes\empty \def\:tempa#1{\a:mintedfixes\o:minted@input:{#1}} \Configure{mintedfixes}{\def\PYGZlt{\textless}\def\PYGZgt{\textgreater}} \HLet\minted@input\:tempa \Hinput{minted} \endinput