%% BEGIN: pstricks.con (for VTeX) %% %% Configuration file for PSTricks 97 %% %% Version 97 patch 4 (11-17-99) %% %% For use with VTeX PostScript driver v 6.61+ %% [MV, MK, special thanks to Denis Girou for help] %% %% Requires vtex.def 6.61 or newer %% %% For support and possible updates, check %% http://www.micropress-inc.com %% \def\pstdriver{VTeX} {\catcode`\"=12\gdef \pstverb#1{% \ifnum\OpMode=1 \special{pS*#1}% //Raw: PDFmode only. \else \special{pS: GS }% \special{pS: #1}% \special{pS: GR }% \fi }} \def\pstunit{1bp}% \def\pstVerb#1{\special{pS: #1}} \def\pstVerb#1{% \special{pS: #1}% } \def\pstverbscale{SDict begin normalscale end} \ifx\textsuperscript\@undefined \def\pstheader#1{\special{header=#1}} \else \ifx\Gin@PS@file@header\@undefined \def\pstheader#1{\AtBeginDvi{\special{header=#1}}} \else \let\pstheader\Gin@PS@file@header \fi \fi \def\pstrotate{CP CP translate 3 -1 roll neg rotate \tx@NET} %% %% ****************** END VTeX ***************************** %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !! CUSTOMIZATION STUFF GOES HERE: !! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% If you want to include your own customizations to pstricks.tex, then %% uncomment the \pstcustomize command, and include your modifications %% after \pstcustomize. These will be read in after pstricks.tex. % % Some customization needed for VTeX since the coordinate system % is different. \newif\if@colorstack \ifnum\OpMode>-1 \ifnum\OpMode<3 \@colorstacktrue % D.G. modification begin - Nov. 17, 1999 \let\vtex@pspicture=\pspicture \def\pspicture{\@colorstackfalse\vtex@pspicture} \let\vtex@endpspicture=\endpspicture \def\endpspicture{\vtex@endpspicture\@colorstacktrue} % D.G. modification end \fi \fi \pstcustomize \def\tx@RotBegin{neg RotBegin } % D.G. modification begin - Oct. 6, 1999 \def\tx@Rot{neg Rot } % D.G. modification end \endinput %% %% END: pstricks.con