%% BEGIN: pstricks.con (for dvips driver) %% %% Configuration file for PSTricks %% %% Version 1.00 (2010/01/16) %% %% For use with Rokicki's dvips (tested with v5.74 and older) \def\pstdriver{Rokicki's dvips} {\catcode`\"=12\gdef\pstverb#1{\special{" #1}}} % Check catcode of " \def\pstunit{1bp}% \def\pstVerb#1{\special{ps:#1}}% hv write it without a preceding space \def\pstverbscale{SDict begin normalscale end} \def\pstnodescale{} % DG/SR modification begin - Apr. 28, 1997 (D. Carlisle + S. Rahtz) % \def\pstheader#1{\special{header=#1}} % We used to check for |\AtBeginDvi|, but that was broken in early release % so we now check for the existence of |\textsuperscript| (added 1995/05/16) \ifx\textsuperscript\@undefined \def\pstheader#1{\special{header=#1}} \else \ifx\Gin@PS@file@header\@undefined \def\pstheader#1{\AtBeginDvi{\special{header=#1}}} \else \let\pstheader\Gin@PS@file@header \fi \fi % DG/SR modification end %% %% In the following, CP is short for currentpoint. %% The neg is necessary because dvips scales the coordinates by 1 -1. %% \tx@NET means neg exch neg exch translate. \def\pstrotate{CP CP translate 3 -1 roll neg rotate \tx@NET} %% %% ****************** END Rokicki's dvips ***************************** %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !! CUSTOMIZATION STUFF GOES HERE: !! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% If you want to include your own customizations to pstricks.tex, then %% uncomment the \pstcustomize command, and include your modifications %% after \pstcustomize. These will be read in after pstricks.tex. %\pstcustomize \endinput %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !! GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS !! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Because there are no standards for dvi-to-PS driver \special's, some driver-dependent commands must be defined in this file. Possibly correct definitions for some dvi drivers are given below. Copy the section for the driver you want to use to the indicated place near the beginning of the file, replacing any other definitions you might find there. When changing drivers, you may need to remake the header file. See the PSTricks read-me file for further installation instructions. Please report good and bad experiences with dvi-to-PS drivers, along with the definitions of these commands that worked for you, to tvz@Princeton.EDU. Thanks. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DESCRIPTION OF CONFIGURATION DEFINITIONS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Here are the commands that must be defined in this file: \pstverb{} - The argument is included as verbatim PostScript, grouped by save and restore. The coordinate system should be square, not rotated, and with the origin at TeX's currentpoint. \pstVerb{} - The argument is included as verbatim PostScript, not grouped by (g)save and (g)restore. The currentpoint should be TeX's currentpoint. \pstunit - The units used by driver for graphics included with \pstverb. Probably 1bp or 1sp. \pstverbscale - The PostScript code that scales the coordinate system from that in effect with \pstVerb to that in effect with \pstverb. Should not translate to the currentpoint. \pstrotate - The PostScript code that takes a number off the stack and rotates the axes properly. I.e., \pstVerb{angle \pstrotate} is used to begin rotations. \pstheader{} - The argument is a header file (e.g., .pro file). If your driver does not support such a special, then the command might just remind you to include the header when printing. You can use PSTricks without a header, in which case it does not matter how you define \pstheader. See read-me.pst for details. If you cannot change the default directory where your driver looks for header files, and you cannot write to that directory, then you include the path for your PSTricks header files. E.g., \def\pstheader#1{\special{header=~/tex/#1}}. \pstdriver - The name of the driver. %%%%%%%%% !! HOW TO MAKE A TEX FORMAT WITH PSTRICKS PRELOADED !! %%%%%%%% See your local TeX documentation for instructions on creating a TeX format. Before making the format, be sure that this configuration file is correct. It will be read only when creating the format, and not with every job. If you are not using header files, there are no more special instructions. Special instructions when using header files: - If you want to include supplementary PSTricks files (e.g., pst-node.tex), add \input commands in the customization section above. - If your definition of \pstheader is, e.g. \def\pstheader#1{\special{\header=#1}} then change it to \def\pstheader#1{% \expandafter\everyjob\expandafter{\the\everyjob \special{header=#1}}} and put your original definition in the customization section, AFTER any \input commands. E.g., the customization section might look like: \pstcustomize \input pst-node.tex \input pst-coil.tex \def\pstheader#1{\special{header=#1}} - Input pstricks.tex at the appropriate time when creating the format. E.g., when initex stops running: *\input pstricks *\dump %%%%%%%%%% !! CONFIGURATIONS FOR SOME DRIVERS !! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% ********************************************************************** %% ***** Rokicki's dvips ***** Rokicki's dvips ***** Rokicki's dvips **** %% ********************************************************************** %% Life is bliss with Rokicki's dvips (tested with v5.396, v5.47, 5.491): %% \def\pstdriver{Rokicki's dvips} {\catcode`\"=12\gdef\pstverb#1{\special{" #1}}} % Check catcode of " \def\pstunit{1bp}% \def\pstVerb#1{\special{ps: #1}} \def\pstverbscale{SDict begin normalscale end} \def\pstheader#1{\special{header=#1}} %% %% In the following, CP is short for currentpoint. %% The neg is necessary because dvips scales the coordinates by 1 -1. %% \tx@NET means neg exch neg exch translate. \def\pstrotate{% CP CP translate 3 -1 roll neg rotate \tx@NET} %% %% If using a version before 5.47, clipping may not work. You can %% try the following definition of \pstverb: %\def\pstverb#1{\special{ps: @beginspecial #1 @endspecial}} %% or change "{initclip}ifelse" to "if" in the definition of @setspecial %% in dvips' special.pro. %% %% ****************** END Rokicki's dvips ***************************** %% ********************************************************************** %% **** Arbortext's dvips *** Arbortext's dvips *** Arbortext's dvips *** %% ********************************************************************** %% Thanks to Wolfgang Sienel: %% \def\pstdriver{Arbortext's dvips} \def\pstverb#1{% \special{ps::[asis] 0 SPB /ChartCheckPoint save def Xpos Ypos translate #1 ChartCheckPoint restore 0 SPE}} \def\pstunit{1bp} \def\pstVerb#1{\special{ps:: #1}} \def\pstverbscale{} \def\pstrotate{CP CP translate 3 -1 roll rotate \tx@NET} \def\pstheader#1{% \typeout{**********************************************************}% \typeout{** Don't forget to include #1 when printing:}% \typeout{** \space\space dvips -PRO #1 myfile}% \typeout{**********************************************************}} %% %% Comments by Wolfgang on header files: %% Normally the standard prolog file is downloaded once to the printer %% with psload.ps (the initializing file for your TeX-printer) before %% printing TeX-documents. If you don't make any changes to psload.ps %% you have to type dvips -PRO PATH/pstricks.pro myfile (-PRO just %% works for UNIX systems. I don't have any idea about other systems). %% If psload.ps was not downloaded to the printer you have to append %% pstricks.pro to the standard prolog file dvips.pro. In this case %% invoke dvips as always. Note that after hitting the enter key you %% have to specify the option download all prolog in both cases. If you %% are frequently using pstricks you might want to change psload.ps. In %% this case contact your local TeX-guru and ask him politely to do this %% for you. Attention: If psload.ps is getting too big you may run into %% trouble with printer memory! %% %% ****************** END Arbortext's dvips ***************************** %% ********************************************************************** %% **** Textures *** Textures *** Textures *** Textures *** Textures **** %% ********************************************************************** %% These have been tested with v1.3. It is nice to have a PostScript %% screen previewer, such as TScript (USA: 1-617-734-9700). (The %% Textures preview window will not show the PSTricks graphics.) %% \def\pstdriver{Textures} \def\pstunit{1bp} \def\pstverb#1{\special{postscript /TX@Save save def #1 TX@save restore}} \def\pstVerb#1{\special{postscript grestore #1 gsave}} \def\pstverbscale{Mag 1000 div 72.27 72 div mul dup neg scale} \def\pstrotate{% CP CP translate 3 -1 roll neg rotate \tx@NET} %% %% \pstVerb does not define the currentpoint properly. As a workaround, %% insert the following lines in the customization section above. %% %% \def\pst@Verb#1{% %% \special{postscript \pst@dict /sps { moveto /Mag ed } def %% userdict begin}% %% \special{postscript #1 end gsave}} %% %% Textures does not support header files. %% However, it may still be worth using a header file for increased speed. %% Also, some macros can overload Textures 1.3 when not used with a header %% file. You can include the header file pstricks.pro by saving the %% PostScript output to a file and inserting the pstricks.pro with an %% editor. Probably a better solution is to append pstricks.pro to a %% copy of the laserprep, and, by changing file names of the modified %% laserprep and the original laserprep, use the laserprep with pstricks.pro %% whenever you are printing pstricks documents. \def\pstheader#1{% \typeout{******************************************}% \typeout{*** Include header file #1!! ***}% \typeout{******************************************}} %% %% ****************** END Textures ************************************** %% ********************************************************************** %% ***** dvi2ps ***** dvi2ps ***** dvi2ps ***** dvi2ps ***** dvi2ps ***** %% ********************************************************************** %% I.e., dvi2ps, v2.xx. There are lot's of such things around. %% This probably doesn't work. Considering upgrading to Rokicki's dvips. %% \def\pstdriver{dvi2ps v2.xx} \def\pstunit{1pt} \def\pstverb#1{ pstext="save currentpoint translate Resolution 72.27 div neg scale #1 restore" \space} \def\pstVerb#1{ pstext="#1" \space} \def\pstverbscale{Resolution 72.27 div neg scale} \def\pstrotate{% CP CP translate 3 -1 roll neg rotate \tx@NET} \def\pstheader#1{% \typeout{******************************************************} \typeout{Don't forget to include the header file #1!!} \typeout{******************************************************} %% %% ***************************** END dvi2ps ***************************** %% ********************************************************************** %% ***** dvi3ps ***** dvi3ps ***** dvi3ps ***** dvi3ps ***** dvi3ps ***** %% ********************************************************************** %% I.e., dvi2ps, version 3.xx, by Kevin Coombes. %% This has not been tested. Consider upgrading to Rokicki's dvips. %% \def\pstdriver{dvi2ps v3.xx} \def\pstunit{1bp} \def\pstverb#1{pstext="#1"} % \def\pstVerb#1{% % \special{pstext="@endspecial #1 @beginspecial @setspecial"}} % v3.0 \def\pstVerb#1{\special{psraw="#1"}} % v3.3 \def\pstverbscale{Resolution 72.27 div neg scale} \def\pstrotate{% CP CP translate 3 -1 roll neg rotate \tx@NET} \def\pstheader#1{% \typeout{******************************************************} \typeout{Don't forget to include the header file #1!!} \typeout{******************************************************} %% %% ******************* END dvi3ps *************************************** %% ********************************************************************** %% **** OzTeX **** OzTeX **** OzTeX **** OzTeX **** OzTeX **** OzTeX **** %% ********************************************************************** %% Only the pure graphics objects are supported for OzTeX. %% No color, rotation, clipping, nodes and node connections, overlays, etc. %% Also, \rput cannot be used with \SpecialCoor. %% %% The reason is given in the documentation for Version 1.3, September 1990: %% %% OzTeX generates highly efficient PostScript code but it does so at %% the expense of some \special functionality. Many DVI-to-PostScript %% translators allow you to do things like use one \verb|\special| to start %% rotating TeX text and another to stop the rotation. The way OzTeX %% interprets a DVI page makes this impossible. %% %% If using the header file, you should copy pstricks.pro to global.ps, in %% the same directory as your dvi file. %% \def\pstdriver{OzTeX} \def\pstverb#1{\special{null.ps #1}} \def\pstunit{1bp} \def\pstVerb#1{% \typeout{PSTRICKS WARNING:}% \typeout{\space\space You are using features not supported by OzTeX.}% \typeout{\space\space These will be ignored.}% \gdef\pstVerb##1{}} \def\pstverbscale{} \def\pstrotate{} \def\pstheader#1{% \typeout{******************************************************} \typeout{Don't forget to include the header file #1!!} \typeout{******************************************************}} %% %% ************************* END OzTeX ********************************** %% ********************************************************************** %% ***** DirectTeX ***** DirectTeX ***** DirectTeX ***** DirectTeX ****** %% ********************************************************************** %% DirectTeX is for the Macintosh. These has been tested unsuccessfully, %% apparently due to a problem with DirectTeX. %% \def\pstdriver{DirectTeX} %% %% Check catcode of " {\catcode`\"=12\gdef\pstverb#1{\special{" #1 /Foo{}def }}} \def\pstunit{1bp} \def\pstVerb#1{\special{ps: #1 }} \def\pstverbscale{TeXDict begin normalscale end} %% %% In the following, CP is short for currentpoint. The neg is necessary %% because dvips scales the coordinates by 1 -1: \def\pstrotate{% CP CP translate 3 -1 roll neg rotate \tx@NET} %% \def\pstheader#1{% \typeout{**********************************************************}% \typeout{** Don't forget to include #1 when printing:}% \typeout{** \space\space DVIReader -header #1 myfile}% \typeout{**********************************************************}} %% %% ****************** END DirectTeX ***************************** %% %% END: pstricks.con