%% %% This is file `pst-ode.tex', %% %% Alexander Grahn, (C) 2012--today %% %% This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms %% of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN archives: %% http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/base/lppl.txt %% %% `pst-ode' defines \pstODEsolve for integrating systems of first order %% ODEs using the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg (RKF45) method with automatic %% step size adjustment %% \def\fileversion{0.12} \def\filedate{2018/06/07} \csname PSTODELoaded\endcsname \let\PSTODELoaded\endinput % % Requires some packages \ifx\PSTricksLoaded\endinput\else \input pstricks \fi % \message{`pst-ode' v\fileversion, \filedate\space (ag)} % \edef\PstAtCode{\the\catcode`\@} \catcode`\@=11\relax \pst@addfams{pst-ode} %% prologue for postcript \pstheader{pst-ode.pro}% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % pstODEsolve % % LaTeX command for integrating systems of first order ODEs using the Runge- % Kutta-Fehlberg method with automatic step size adjustment; % values of the integration parameter `t' as well as the solution (= state) % vectors `x(t)' at output points are stored as a long list in a Postscript % object; its content can be plotted using the listplot* functions % of pst-plot and pst-3dplot packages. % % Optionally, the result can be written to a file (ps2pdf -dNOSAFER ...) % % Usage: % % \pstODEsolve[Options] % {result}{output vector format}{ta}{tb}{number of output points} % {initial cond.}{function} % % options: % * append result appended to which must already exist (e. g. % from previous use of \pstODEsolve); usually the initial % condition vector argument is left empty in order to continue % integration from the last state % * saveData result is written to file .dat % * algebraic (system of) ODE given in infix notation % * algebraicIC initial condition vector given in infix notation % * algebraicT integration interval limits ta, tb given in infix notation % * algebraicOutputFormat output vector format given in infix notation % * algebraicAll output vector format, ta, tb, initial cond., function given % in infix notation % * silent suppress output of stepping information % * varsteptol relative tolerance for step size adjustment % * dt0 first tentative integration step size, overrides output step % size (#4-#3)/(#5-1) used as default value % % arguments: % % #1: Postscript identifier taking the result as a long list of state vectors % calculated at the output points % #2: output vector format, e. g. `(t) 0 1'; specifies which data to be written % to #1; (t) (parentheses required) puts value of integration parameter `t' % into the output list; 0, 1, 2, etc. specify the elements of the state % vector to be put into the output list % #3: start value of integration parameter (ta) % #4: end value of integration parameter (tb) % #5: number of output points, including ta and tb; must be >= 2 % #6: initial condition vector; if empty, continue integration from the last % state vector of the previous \pstODEsolve usage or from state vector set % by \pstODEsetOrRestoreState macro % #7: right hand side of ODE system; if given in Postscript notation (algebraic= % false), the function provided should pop (in reverse order!) the elements % of the current state vector from the operand stack and push the first % derivatives (right hand side of ODE system) back to it; inside the % function, the integration parameter can be accessed using `t' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \define@boolkey[psset]{pst-ode}[PstODE@]{append}[true]{}% \define@boolkey[psset]{pst-ode}[PstODE@]{saveData}[true]{}% \define@boolkey[psset]{pst-ode}[PstODE@]{algebraicT}[true]{}% \define@boolkey[psset]{pst-ode}[PstODE@]{algebraicIC}[true]{}% \define@boolkey[psset]{pst-ode}[PstODE@]{algebraicOutputFormat}[true]{}% \define@boolkey[psset]{pst-ode}[PstODE@]{algebraicAll}[true]{}% \define@boolkey[psset]{pst-ode}[PstODE@]{silent}[true]{}% \define@key[psset]{pst-ode}{varsteptol}{\def\ode@varsteptol{#1}}% \define@key[psset]{pst-ode}{dt0}{\def\ode@dtInit{#1}}% \def\pstODEsolve{\def\pst@par{}\pst@object{pstODEsolve}}% \def\pstODEsolve@i#1#2#3#4#5#6#7{% \pst@killglue% \begingroup% \use@par% \def\filemode{w}% \ifPstODE@append\def\filemode{a}\fi% \edef\ode@ta{#3{}}% \edef\ode@tb{#4{}}% \edef\ode@init{#6{}}% \edef\ode@init{\expandafter\ode@zapspace\ode@init\@nil}% \edef\ode@arg{#7{}}% \ifPstODE@algebraicAll% \PstODE@algebraicTtrue% \PstODE@algebraicICtrue% \PstODE@algebraicOutputFormattrue% \Pst@algebraictrue% \fi% \ifPstODE@algebraicOutputFormat\edef\ode@fmt{#2{}}\fi% \pstVerb{ tx@odeDict begin \ifPstODE@silent /odeprint systemdict /pop get def \else /odeprint {0 cvs print flush} def /odeprint load 0 256 string put \fi /ode@tol \ode@varsteptol\space def % rel. tolerance for step size adjustment %process arguments \ifPstODE@saveData /statefile (#1.dat) (\filemode) file def \fi \ifPstODE@algebraicT tx@Dict begin (\expandafter\ode@zapspace\ode@ta\@nil) AlgParser cvx exec end ode@dict /tStart exch def end tx@Dict begin (\expandafter\ode@zapspace\ode@tb\@nil) AlgParser cvx exec end ode@dict /tEnd exch def end \else tx@Dict begin 1 dict begin #3 end end ode@dict /tStart exch def end tx@Dict begin 1 dict begin #4 end end ode@dict /tEnd exch def end \fi ode@dict /dt tEnd tStart sub #5\space 1 sub div def end % output step size \ifx\@empty\ode@init\@empty\else \ifPstODE@algebraicIC true setglobal globaldict /ode@laststate [ tx@Dict begin (\ode@init) AlgParser cvx exec end ] put false setglobal \else true setglobal globaldict /ode@laststate [tx@Dict begin 1 dict begin #6 end end] put false setglobal \fi \fi% ode@dict /xlength ode@laststate length def end % number of equations ode@dict /xlength1 xlength 1 add def end % number of equations plus 1 \ifPst@algebraic /ode@rpn tx@Dict begin (\expandafter\ode@zapspace\ode@arg\@nil) AlgParser end cvx bind def /ODESET {%system of ODEs /x exch def /y x def tx@Dict begin ode@rpn end ode@dict xlength end array astore } bind def \else /ODESET { aload pop tx@Dict begin 4 begin #7 end end ode@dict xlength end array astore } bind def %ensure local scope of user defined variables in #7, from BlueBook, p. 133 /ODESET load 4 1 dict put \fi \ifPstODE@algebraicOutputFormat /ode@fmtrpn tx@Dict begin (\expandafter\ode@zapspace\ode@fmt\@nil) AlgParser end cvx bind def /formatoutput {% ode@laststate /x exch def /y x def /t ode@dict tcur end def tx@Dict begin ode@fmtrpn end } bind def \else /formatoutput {[#2] assembleresult} def \fi% %perform ode integration (\string\n pstODEsolve (RKF45),\string\n) odeprint (-/+ failed/successful step, "o" output step, "!" step size underflow (stop):\string\n) odeprint ode@dict /tcur tStart def % current parameter t value /outStepCnt 1 def % output step counter /tout tStart dt add def % next output t %initial integration step size `ddt': either same as first output step % size `dt' or last from previous solution (empty initial condition) or % user provided (option `dt0') \ifx\@empty\ode@init\@empty \ode@dtInit\space 0 eq {/ddt ode@ddt def}{/ddt \ode@dtInit\space def} ifelse \else \ode@dtInit\space 0 eq {/ddt dt def}{/ddt \ode@dtInit\space def} ifelse \fi end \ifPstODE@append\else [ [formatoutput] \ifPstODE@saveData dup writeresult \fi aload pop true setglobal ] globaldict exch /#1 exch cvx put false setglobal (o) odeprint \fi #5\space 1 sub { ode@laststate ODEINT [ exch aload pop true setglobal ] globaldict exch /ode@laststate exch put false setglobal [ #1 [formatoutput] \ifPstODE@saveData dup writeresult \fi aload pop true setglobal ] globaldict exch /#1 exch cvx put globaldict /ode@dt ode@dict dt end put globaldict /ode@ddt ode@dict ddt end put globaldict /ode@tcur ode@dict tcur end put globaldict /ode@tout ode@dict tout end put false setglobal } repeat (\string\n) odeprint \ifPstODE@saveData statefile closefile \fi end % tx@odeDict }% \endgroup% \ignorespaces% } \def\ode@zapspace#1#2\@nil{% helper for stripping spaces from argument \ifx#1 \relax\else#1\fi% \ifx\@empty#2\@empty\else\ode@zapspace#2\@nil\fi% } %macro for saving last state \def\pstODEsaveState#1{% #1: identifier \pstVerb{ true setglobal globaldict /#1@ode@laststate [ode@laststate cvx exec] cvx put globaldict /#1@ode@dt ode@dt put globaldict /#1@ode@ddt ode@ddt put globaldict /#1@ode@tcur ode@tcur put globaldict /#1@ode@tout ode@tout put false setglobal }% } %macro for restoring state \def\pstODERestoreState#1{% #1: identifier \pstVerb{ true setglobal globaldict /ode@laststate [#1@ode@laststate] put globaldict /ode@dt #1@ode@dt put globaldict /ode@ddt #1@ode@ddt put globaldict /ode@tcur #1@ode@tcur put globaldict /ode@tout #1@ode@tout put false setglobal }% } \psset[pst-ode]{append=false,saveData=false,algebraicIC=false,algebraicT=false, silent=false,varsteptol=1e-6,algebraicOutputFormat=false,algebraicAll=false,dt0=0 } \psset{algebraic=false} \catcode`\@=\PstAtCode\relax %% END: pst-ode.tex \endinput