%% %% This is file `pst-cie.tex', %% %% IMPORTANT NOTICE: %% %% Package `pst-cie.tex' %% %% Manuel Luque %% %% This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms %% of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN archives %% in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt. %% %% DESCRIPTION: %% `pst-cie' is a PSTricks package to draw CIE color space %% with a Planck' locus %% \csname PSTcieLoaded\endcsname \let\PSTcieLoaded\endinput \ifx\PSTricksLoaded\endinput\else \input pstricks.tex\fi \ifx\PSTplotLoaded \endinput\else \input pst-plot.tex\fi \ifx\PSTnodesLoaded\endinput\else \input pst-node \fi %\ifx\PSTXKeyLoaded\endinput\else \input pst-xkey \fi % \def\fileversion{1.05} \def\filedate{2016/05/16} \message{`PST-cie' v\fileversion, \filedate\space (hv)} % \edef\PstAtCode{\the\catcode`\@} \catcode`\@=11\relax \pst@addfams{pst-cie} \pstheader{pst-cie.pro} % \define@key[psset]{pst-cie}{gamma}[2.2]{\def\psk@psCIE@GAM{#1 }} \define@key[psset]{pst-cie}{contrast}[1]{\def\psk@psCIE@contrast{#1 }} \define@key[psset]{pst-cie}{chromaticityCoordinates}[xy]{\def\psk@psCIE@chromaticityCoordinates{#1}} \define@key[psset]{pst-cie}{bgcolor}[black]{\pst@getcolor{#1}\pst@psCIE@bgcolor} \define@key[psset]{pst-cie}{textcolor}[white]{\pst@getcolor{#1}\pst@psCIE@textcolor} \define@key[psset]{pst-cie}{trianglecolor}[black]{\pst@getcolor{#1}\pst@psCIE@trianglecolor} \psset[pst-cie]{gamma=2.2,contrast=1,bgcolor=black,textcolor=white,trianglecolor=black} \define@boolkey[psset]{pst-cie}[Pst@]{primaries}[true]{} \define@key[psset]{pst-cie}{Tfontsize}{\pst@getlength{#1}\psk@Tfontsize} \define@boolkey[psset]{pst-cie}[Pst@]{Planck}[true]{} \define@boolkey[psset]{pst-cie}[Pst@]{showcontour}[true]{} \psset[pst-cie]{primaries,Planck=false,showcontour=false,Tfontsize=4pt,chromaticityCoordinates={xy}} % primary illuminants % systems = Adobe, CIE, SMPTE, sRGB,Pal-Secam, NTSC % #1=type de reservation (action, object...) associee a une liste qui % doit forcement etre du type pst@cie@list@#1 \def\pst@cie@reservednames#1{% \edef\@tempa{\csname pst@cie@list@#1\endcsname} \@for \name:=\@tempa\do{\expandafter\def\csname pst@cie@#1@\name\endcsname{}}} % système \def\txCIEdictBegin{ tx@CIEdict begin } % \def\pst@cie@list@ColorSpace{Adobe,CIE,ColorMatch,NTSC,Pal-Secam,ProPhoto,SMPTE,sRGB} %% Reservation de macros correspondants aux systemes \pst@cie@reservednames{ColorSpace} \define@key[psset]{pst-cie}{ColorSpace}{% \ifcsname pst@cie@ColorSpace@#1\endcsname \def\pst@cie@ColorSpace{#1}% \else \@pstrickserr{This color space is not authorized, sRGB is chosen by default}{}% \fi} \psset[pst-cie]{ColorSpace=sRGB} % datas \def\pst@cie@list@datas{CIE1964,CIE1931} %% Reservation de macros correspondants aux datas \pst@cie@reservednames{datas} \define@key[psset]{pst-cie}{datas}{% \ifcsname pst@cie@datas@#1\endcsname \def\pst@cie@datas{#1}% \else \@pstrickserr{This datas is not authorized, CIE1931 is chosen by default}{}% \fi} \psset[pst-cie]{datas=CIE1931} \def\CIEdefaultYear{CIE1931} % \def\psChromaticityDiagram{\def\pst@par{}\pst@object{psChromaticityDiagram}} \def\psChromaticityDiagram@i{% \begin@SpecialObj %\pstVerb{\ifPst@primaries /primaries {true} def \else /primaries {false} def \fi}% \addto@pscode{ \ifPst@primaries /primaries {true} def \else /primaries {false} def \fi /gamma \psk@psCIE@GAM def /contrast \psk@psCIE@contrast def /ColorSpace (\pst@cie@ColorSpace) def /datas (\pst@cie@datas) def /chromaticityCoordinates (\psk@psCIE@chromaticityCoordinates) def /cie-bgcolor { \pst@usecolor\pst@psCIE@bgcolor } def /cie-textcolor { \pst@usecolor\pst@psCIE@textcolor } def /cie-unit \pst@number\psunit 10 mul def /cie-U \pst@number\psunit 28.45274 div def \txCIEdictBegin SCREEN {datas cvx exec} {ColorSpace cvx exec} gamma contrast traceGamut end }% \ifPst@Planck\gdef\ps@next{\pstPlanck}\else\gdef\ps@next{}\fi% options are local \end@SpecialObj \ps@next }% % \def\pstCIEcontour{\pst@object{pstCIEcontour}}% \def\pstCIEcontour@i{% \begin@ClosedObj \addto@pscode{ \ifPst@primaries /primaries {true} def \else /primaries {false} def \fi /gamma \psk@psCIE@GAM def /contrast \psk@psCIE@contrast def /ColorSpace (\pst@cie@ColorSpace) def /datas (\pst@cie@datas) def /chromaticityCoordinates (\psk@psCIE@chromaticityCoordinates) def /cie-bgcolor { \pst@usecolor\pst@psCIE@bgcolor } def /cie-textcolor { \pst@usecolor\pst@psCIE@textcolor } def /cie-trianglecolor { \pst@usecolor\pst@psCIE@trianglecolor } def /cie-unit \pst@number\psunit 10 mul def /cie-U cie-unit 28.45274 div def \txCIEdictBegin {datas cvx exec} /TAB exch def ColorSpace cvx exec %/system exch def chromaticityCoordinates (xy) ne {/Tabuv [ 0 1 TAB length 1 sub {/i exch def TAB i get /subarray exch def /X subarray 0 get def /Y subarray 1 get def /Z 1 X sub Y sub def % [4 X mul X 15 Y mul add 3 Z mul add div % u % 6 Y mul X 15 Y mul add 3 Z mul add div] % v [4 X mul X 15 Y mul add 3 Z mul add div % u' 9 Y mul X 15 Y mul add 3 Z mul add div] % v' } for ] def /TAB Tabuv def } if % system gsave primaries {CouleursPrimaires} if grestore TAB contour stroke contourTriangle cie-trianglecolor stroke end }% \end@ClosedObj } % \txCIEdictBegin \ifx\pst@cie@datas\CIEdefaultYear CIEXYZ_1931_table \else CIEXYZ_1964_table \fi % \def\pstPlanck{\pst@object{pstPlanck}}% \def\pstPlanck@i{% \begingroup \use@par \font\CMSS=cmss10 at \psk@Tfontsize pt \ifPst@showcontour\pstCIEcontour\fi % lieu des points blancs (Planckian locus) \parametricplot[plotpoints=3000]{1000}{500000}{ \txCIEdictBegin t \ifx\pst@cie@datas\CIEdefaultYear CIEXYZ_1931_table \else CIEXYZ_1964_table \fi BLKBOD Y X X Y Z end add add /S ED S div 10 mul exch S div 10 mul }% \parametricplot[plotpoints=2,arrows=-|]{500000}{502000}{ \txCIEdictBegin t \ifx\pst@cie@datas\CIEdefaultYear CIEXYZ_1931_table \else CIEXYZ_1964_table \fi BLKBOD Y X X Y Z end add add /S ED S div 10 mul exch S div 10 mul }% % point de concours des normales : R.Sève : physique de la couleur (.332,.186) %\psdot[linecolor=red](3.32,1.86) \pnode(3.320,1.858){O}% \psforeach{\iA}{5000,7000,8000,9000,11000,12000,13000}{% \pnode(! \txCIEdictBegin \iA\space \ifx\pst@cie@datas\CIEdefaultYear CIEXYZ_1931_table \else CIEXYZ_1964_table \fi BLKBOD Y X X Y Z end add add /S ED S div 10 mul exch S div 10 mul){D\iA}% \psRelNode(O)(D\iA){0.96}{d0}\psRelNode(O)(D\iA){1.04}{d1}% \psline(d0)(d1)% }% \psforeach{\iA}{1500,2000,2500,3000,4000,6000,10000}{% \pnode(! \txCIEdictBegin \iA\space \ifx\pst@cie@datas\CIEdefaultYear CIEXYZ_1931_table \else CIEXYZ_1964_table \fi BLKBOD Y X X Y Z end add add /S ED S div 10 mul exch S div 10 mul){D\iA}% \psRelNode(O)(D\iA){1 3.2e-5 \iA\space mul sub}{d0}\psRelNode(O)(D\iA){1 3.2e-5 \iA\space mul add}{d1}% \pcline(d0)(d1)\ncput[npos=1.15]{\CMSS\iA}% }% \uput[-125](! 1e5 \txCIEdictBegin \ifx\pst@cie@datas\CIEdefaultYear CIEXYZ_1931_table \else CIEXYZ_1964_table \fi BLKBOD Y X X Y Z end add add /S ED S div 10 mul exch S div 10 mul){$\scriptstyle\infty$}% \endgroup } % \catcode`\@=\PstAtCode\relax \endinput %% END pst-cie.tex \def\pstCIEcontour{\pst@object{pstCIEcontour}}%