%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% This file is a copy of some part of PGF/Tikz. %%% It has been copied here to provide : %%% - compatibility with older PGF versions %%% - availability of PGF contributions by Christian Feuersaenger %%% which are necessary or helpful for pgfplots. %%% %%% For reasons of simplicity, I have copied the whole file, including own contributions AND %%% PGF parts. The copyrights are as they appear in PGF. %%% %%% Note that pgfplots has compatible licenses. %%% %%% This copy has been modified in the following ways: %%% - nested \input commands have been updated %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Date of this copy: Mi 14. Jul 21:31:43 CEST 2010 %%% % Copyright 2006 by Till Tantau % % This file may be distributed and/or modified % % 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or % 2. under the GNU Public License. % % See the file doc/generic/pgf/licenses/LICENSE for more details. \ProvidesFileRCS $Header: /cvsroot/pgf/pgf/generic/pgf/basiclayer/pgfcoreexternal.code.tex,v 1.8 2010/07/10 20:51:57 ludewich Exp $ \newif\ifpgfexternal@aux@in@dpth \pgfkeys{ /pgf/images/include external/.code={\pgfimage{#1}}, /pgf/images/aux in dpth/.is if=pgfexternal@aux@in@dpth, /pgf/images/aux in dpth/.default=true } % The external read/write mechanism is used as follows: % % In your document, you put a number or all of your pgfpicture (or % tikzpicture) environments inside a pair of \beginpgfexternal and % \endpgfexternal. The \beginpgfexternal gets one parameter called the % graphics name. % % Once this is done, the next step is to declare the names of your % graphics in the document at the beginning using the % \pgfdeclaregraphicname command. % % Now, when you typeset your document, each time a \beginpgfexternal % command is encountered, it will be checked whether the corresponding % graphics file exists. If this is the case, it will be included and % the code between \beginpgfexternal and \endpgfexternal is % ignored. Otherwise, the code is executed normally. % % Things change when you run tex on your file with the \jobname set to % the name of a decalred graphics name. In this case, only your % graphic will be typeset, the rest of the document will be "thrown away". % To be more precise, everything is gobbled up to the beginning % of the first \beginpgfexternal with the given graphics name. Then, % the content of the "environment" is put in a box (this "environment" % need not contain a graphics, it may contain anything that can be put % in a box). Then a single page is output whose size is exactly the % size of the picture. % % So, once you have run tex repeatedly, each time with the jobname set % to each of the graphics, you can then run tex on the whole document % and this will cause all graphics to be included rather than begin % typeset. % % Finally, once all the graphics have been created, you can also say % \input pgfexternal.tex instead of including pgf/TikZ. \newif\ifpgfexternalreadmainaux \pgfexternalreadmainauxtrue % Tells pgf which jobname is the name of the real file % % #1 = name % % Description: % % This command is used to tell pgf that the file named #1 should be % typeset normally. If \jobname is not equal to #1, only % the graphic called \jobname will be typeset. % % Example: % % \pgfrealjobname{survey} % % Note that afterwards, \jobname will be set to the argument. In our % example, \jobname will be 'survey'. This is to accomplish % compatibility with aux-file generation. \def\pgfrealjobname#1{% \global\let\pgfactualjobname=\jobname \edef\pgf@tempa{\expandafter\string\csname #1\endcsname}% \edef\pgf@tempb{\expandafter\string\csname\jobname\endcsname}% \ifx\pgf@tempa\pgf@tempb% \else% \pgf@external@grabshipouttrue% \pgfexternal@nofiles% see also \pgf@external@init@aux@in@dpth \ifpgfexternalreadmainaux % and reset the jobname. This should allow to handle any % \label/\ref constructions which are stored in \jobname.aux (and % which won't be found otherwise) \gdef\jobname{#1}% \fi \ifpgfexternal@aux@in@dpth \csname newwrite\endcsname\w@pgfexternal@auxout \fi \fi% \gdef\pgfrealjobname##1{}% avoid multiple calls. } \def\pgfexternal@nofiles{% % replace \relax. The \nofiles macros does % \let\makeglossary=\relax % but the glossary.sty calls \renewcommand\makeglossary (which % will fail if \makeglossary=\relax). Stupid, but it works. \let\pgfexternal@nofiles@=\relax \def\relax{\relax}% % % suppress generation of LaTeX .aux, .toc etc files. % generation of these files is not thread-safe. % the \csname \endcsname yields \relax if \nofiles doesn't exist. \csname nofiles\endcsname % \let\relax=\pgfexternal@nofiles@ }% \newif\ifpgf@external@grabshipout \newbox\pgfexternal@startupbox \pgfutil@ifundefined{AtBeginDocument}{}{% \AtBeginDocument{% \ifpgf@external@grabshipout% \global\let\pgfexternal@originalshipout=\shipout% \global\def\shipout{\setbox\pgfpic=}% \maxdeadcycles=10000% % Ok, gather everything we have seen up to now in a box. This box % will contain any specials that have been used. {% \output{\global\setbox\pgfexternal@startupbox=\vbox{\csname @begindvi\endcsname\unvbox255}}% \hbox{}\eject% }% \fi% } }% \pgfutil@ifundefined{AtEndDocument}{}{% \AtEndDocument{% \ifpgf@external@grabshipout \pgfutil@ifundefined{pgfexternal@did@a@shipout}{% \pgfexternal@error@no@shipout }{}% \fi }% } % This will be overwritten by the tikz external lib if it is loaded. \def\pgfexternal@error@no@shipout{% \PackageError{pgf}{Sorry, image externalization failed: the resulting image was EMPTY. I tried to externalize '\pgfactualjobname'. Perhaps there was a typo somewhere? Please check that your document contains '\string\beginpgfgraphicnamed{\pgfactualjobname} ... \string\endpgfgraphicnamed'}% }% % "Environment" for an external graphic. % % #1 = graphic name % % Example: % % \beginpgfgraphicnamed{main-graphic2} % \begin{tikzpicture} % ... % \end{tikzpicture} % \endpgfgraphicnamed \def\pgf@externalbegin#1{% % First, check whether we wish to grab this graphic: \let\pgf@next=\pgf@external@normal% \ifpgf@external@grabshipout% \edef\pgf@tempa{\expandafter\string\csname #1\endcsname}% \edef\pgf@tempb{\expandafter\string\csname\pgfactualjobname\endcsname}% \ifx\pgf@tempa\pgf@tempb% \let\pgf@next=\pgf@external@grab% \fi% \fi% \pgf@next{#1}% } \AtBeginDocument{ \let\beginpgfgraphicnamed=\pgf@externalbegin% overwrite definition of pgfexternal.tex if necessary \let\endpgfgraphicnamed=\unskip } % Normal operation: Include an external graphic instead of the % picture, if such an external picture exists. \def\pgf@external@normal#1{% \let\pgf@filename=\pgfutil@empty% \expandafter\pgf@findfile\pgfsys@imagesuffixlist:+{#1}% \ifx\pgf@filename\pgfutil@empty% % Ok, no such image... Just typeset the picture normally. \let\pgf@next=\relax% \else% \let\pgf@next=\pgf@replacepicturebygraphic% \fi% \pgf@next% } \long\def\pgf@replacepicturebygraphic#1\endpgfgraphicnamed{% \expandafter\pgfincludeexternalgraphics\expandafter{\pgf@filename}\unskip } % This is almost the same as \includegraphics{#1}, but it checks % whether '#1.dpth' exists. In such case, it restores the boxes depth % stored in #1.dpth. % % Furthermore, the .dpth file may contain .aux related information % collected for the external graphics (references). They start after % the first line (if any). \def\pgfincludeexternalgraphics#1{% \begingroup \pgfexternalreaddpth{#1}% \pgfkeysifdefined{/pgf/images/include external/#1/.@cmd}{% \pgfkeysgetvalue{/pgf/images/include external/#1/.@cmd}\pgf@tempa \pgfkeysgetlet{/pgf/images/include external/.@cmd}\pgf@tempa }{}% \setbox1=\hbox{\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/images/include external/.@cmd}{#1}\pgfeov}% \ifdim\pgfexternaltrimleft=0sp \else \kern\pgfexternaltrimleft\relax \fi \ifdim\pgfexternaldepth=0pt \box1 \else \dimen0=\pgfexternaldepth\relax \hbox{\lower\dimen0 \box1 }% \fi \ifdim\pgfexternaltrimright=0sp \else \kern\pgfexternaltrimright\relax \fi \endgroup } % Defines \pgfexternaldepth to be the depth of the external picture % '#1' and \pgfexternaltrimleft / \pgfexternaltrimright to be the 'hbaseline' shift. % % % Furthermore, it handles any auxiliary information stored in the % .dpth file (it appends it to the main aux file). % \def\pgfexternalreaddpth#1{% % no \begingroup. Handle that manually: \edef\pgfexternalreaddpth@restore{% \noexpand\endlinechar=\the\endlinechar\space \noexpand\catcode`\noexpand\@=\the\catcode`\@\space }% % \def\pgfexternaldepth{0sp}% \def\pgfexternaltrimleft{0sp}% \def\pgfexternaltrimright{0sp}% \endlinechar=-1 % suppress white space at end \catcode`\@=11 \openin\r@pgf@reada=#1.dpth \pgfincludeexternalgraphics@read@dpth % \pgfexternalreaddpth@restore }% % % The .dpth consists of 0-N lines, where each is either a single % dimension (the box' depth) or something which belongs to the .aux % file (such lines will always start with a macro). \def\pgfincludeexternalgraphics@read@dpth{% \ifeof\r@pgf@reada \closein\r@pgf@reada \else \read\r@pgf@reada to\pgfincludeexternalgraphics@auxline \ifx\pgfincludeexternalgraphics@auxline\pgfutil@empty \else \expandafter\pgfincludeexternalgraphics@read@dpth@line\pgfincludeexternalgraphics@auxline\pgfincludeexternalgraphics@read@dpth@line@EOI \fi \expandafter\pgfincludeexternalgraphics@read@dpth \fi }% \def\pgfexternal@restore#1{}% \long\def\pgfincludeexternalgraphics@read@dpth@line#1#2\pgfincludeexternalgraphics@read@dpth@line@EOI{% \ifcat\noexpand#1\relax % Ah -- the first token is a control sequence. It belongs to % the .aux file. % \ifx#1\pgfexternal@restore #2% \else % do NOT execute #1#2! many LaTeX commands don't support it (\label for example) \pgfutil@ifundefined{if@filesw}{% % sorry, .aux file support only for latex }{% % append to main .aux file (for forward references) \if@filesw {% \toks0={#1#2}% % believe it or not, but the % \def\dpthimport{...}\dpthimport *makes* a % difference! In ensures any occuring `##' characters are properly expanded to `#'. \immediate\write\@auxout{\noexpand\def\noexpand\dpthimport{\the\toks0 }\noexpand\dpthimport }% }% \fi }% \fi \else% it is the depth (which is simply a number for backwards compatibility) \def\pgfexternaldepth{#1#2}% \fi }% % Stores '#1' into (expanded!) into the .dpth file of the currently % exported image. % % Just before the image is included into the main document, '#1' will be % invoked. % % This command has only an effect if an image is being exported. \def\pgfexternalstorecommand#1{% }% \def\pgfexternalstorecommand@isexporting#1{% \immediate\write\w@pgfexternal@auxout{\noexpand\pgfexternal@restore{#1}}% }% % Grab operation: If jobname matches the graphic name, typeset this % picture normall. % REMARK: % this method is also invoked from within the tikz external library. \def\pgf@external@grab#1{% \def\pgf@filename{#1}% \ifpgfexternal@aux@in@dpth \begingroup \pgf@external@init@aux@in@dpth \let\G@refundefinedtrue=\pgf@external@grab@refundefinedtrue \fi \gdef\pgf@trimleft@final{0sp}% \gdef\pgf@trimright@final{0sp}% \setbox\pgfpic=\hbox\bgroup\bgroup% \let\endpgfgraphicnamed=\pgf@externalend% } {\catcode`\^=12 \gdef\pgfexternal@hat{^}} \expandafter\let\expandafter\pgf@external@grab@refundefinedtrue@orig\csname G@refundefinedtrue\endcsname \def\pgf@external@grab@refundefinedtrue{% \pgf@external@grab@refundefinedtrue@orig \begingroup \def\n{\pgfexternal@hat\pgfexternal@hat J}% \pgfexternalstorecommand{% \noexpand\immediate\noexpand\write16{\pgf@external@grab@refundefinedtrue@warning}% \noexpand\G@refundefinedtrue }% \endgroup }% \def\pgf@external@grab@refundefinedtrue@warning{% LaTeX Warning: External picture `\pgfactualjobname' contains undefined references\noexpand\on@line.\n }% \let\pgf@external@@protected@write@orig=\protected@write \long\def\pgf@external@@protected@write@immediate#1#2#3{% \begingroup \let\pgf@write@=\write \def\write{\noexpand\immediate\pgf@write@}% \pgf@external@@protected@write@orig{#1}{#2}{#3}% \endgroup }% \def\pgf@external@init@aux@in@dpth{% \let\pgfexternalstorecommand=\pgfexternalstorecommand@isexporting % % tell LaTeX to write aux files... \csname @fileswtrue\endcsname % ... but redirect output to the .dpth file! \immediate\openout\w@pgfexternal@auxout=\pgf@filename.dpth \let\@auxout=\w@pgfexternal@auxout % ... and disable the correct page numbers. I can't get that % (because the correct page number is only available in the % shipout routine). Use immediate output: \let\protected@write=\pgf@external@@protected@write@immediate }% \def\pgf@externalend@storeshifts#1{% \immediate\write#1{\the\dp\pgfpic}% \ifx\pgf@trimleft@final\pgfutil@empty\else \immediate\write#1{\noexpand\pgfexternal@restore{\noexpand\def\noexpand\pgfexternaltrimleft{\pgf@trimleft@final}}}% \fi \ifx\pgf@trimright@final\pgfutil@empty\else \immediate\write#1{\noexpand\pgfexternal@restore{\noexpand\def\noexpand\pgfexternaltrimright{\pgf@trimright@final}}}% \fi } % REMARK: % this method is also invoked from within the tikz external library. \def\pgf@externalend{% \unskip\egroup\egroup% {% \def\pgf@external@trim{0}% \def\pgf@external@store@dpth{0}% % \ifdim\pgf@trimleft@final=0sp \gdef\pgf@trimleft@final{} \else\def\pgf@external@trim{1}\fi \ifdim\pgf@trimright@final=0sp \gdef\pgf@trimright@final{} \else\def\pgf@external@trim{1}\fi \if1\pgf@external@trim % UNDO the trimming! export to pdf doesn't supported trimmed % bounding boxes (has to do with the mediabox/trimbox etc). % I'll keep the bounding box intact and store the trim information % into the .dpth file. \setbox\pgfpic=\hbox{% \ifx\pgf@trimleft@final\pgfutil@empty\else\kern-\pgf@trimleft@final\fi \box\pgfpic \ifx\pgf@trimright@final\pgfutil@empty\else\kern-\pgf@trimright@final\fi }% \def\pgf@external@store@dpth{1}% \fi % \parindent0pt % leave the space % \leftmargin0pt% % \rightmargin0pt% \dimen0\ht\pgfpic% \advance\dimen0\dp\pgfpic% \ifdim\dp\pgfpic=0pt\relax \else% store the picture's depth. Otherwise, it would be lost. \def\pgf@external@store@dpth{1}% \fi % \if1\pgf@external@store@dpth \ifpgfexternal@aux@in@dpth \pgf@externalend@storeshifts\@auxout \immediate\closeout\@auxout \else \immediate\openout\pgf@plotwrite=\pgf@filename.dpth \pgf@externalend@storeshifts\pgf@plotwrite \immediate\closeout\pgf@plotwrite \fi \fi \pgfsys@papersize{\the\wd\pgfpic}{\the\dimen0}% \setbox0=\vbox{% \kern -1truein % \hbox{% \kern -1truein % \hbox to0pt{% \wd\pgfexternal@startupbox=0pt % \ht\pgfexternal@startupbox=0pt % \dp\pgfexternal@startupbox=0pt % \box\pgfexternal@startupbox% \pgfsys@atbegindocument\hss}% \box\pgfpic% \kern 1truein }% \kern1truein }% % % compatibility with eso-pic package: \nointerlineskip is not % allowed here, but the eso-pic package uses \nointerlineskip in % its shipout routine. \let\pgfexternal@nointerlineskip@orig=\nointerlineskip \let\nointerlineskip=\pgfexternal@nointerlineskip % \pgfexternal@originalshipout\box0 % \gdef\pgfexternal@did@a@shipout{1}% }% \ifpgfexternal@aux@in@dpth \endgroup \fi } \def\pgfexternal@nointerlineskip{% \ifvmode \pgfexternal@nointerlineskip@orig \else \relax% \nointerlineskip in horizontal mode not allowed. Silently ignore the error message. \fi }% \endinput