% Copyright 2019 by Till Tantau % % PS-3 shadings, image and opacity masks (fadings), transparency groups, % blend modes copyright 2020 by Alexander Grahn % % This file may be distributed and/or modified % % 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or % 2. under the GNU Public License. % % See the file doc/generic/pgf/licenses/LICENSE for more details. \ProvidesFileRCS{pgfsys-dvips.def} % Driver commands for dvips \def\pgfsys@invoke#1{\special{ps\ifpgfsys@ps@boxmode\else:\fi: #1}} \def\pgfsys@outerinvoke#1{\special{ps: #1}} \def\pgf@sys@postscript@header#1{\pgfutil@insertatbegincurrentpage{\special{! #1}}} \def\pgf@sys@postscript@object#1{\special{! #1}} % % Load common postscript commands: % \input pgfsys-common-postscript.def % % dvips-specific stuff: % \def\pgfsys@beginpicture{\pgfsys@ps@boxmodefalse\special{ps: }\special{ps::[begin]}\pgfsys@invoke{pgfo}} \def\pgfsys@endpicture{\pgfsys@invoke{pgfc}\special{ps::[end]}} \def\pgfsys@hbox#1{% \pgfsys@begin@idscope% \pgfsys@invoke{pgfs}% \special{ps::[end]}% \wd#1=0pt \ht#1=0pt \dp#1=0pt \box#1 \special{ps::[begin]}% \pgfsys@invoke{pgfr}% \pgfsys@end@idscope% } \def\pgfsys@begininvisible{% \special{ps::[begin]}% \pgfsys@invoke{gsave nulldevice}% \special{ps::[end]}} \def\pgfsys@endinvisible{% \special{ps::[begin]}% \pgfsys@invoke{grestore}% \special{ps::[end]}% } \def\pgfsys@color@unstacked#1{\special{ps: \XC@usecolor{#1}}} \def\pgfsys@imagesuffixlist{.epsi:.eps:.ps:} \def\pgfsys@papersize#1#2{% \special{papersize=#1,#2}% % \expandafter\gdef\expandafter\pgfsys@atbegindocument\expandafter{\pgfsys@atbegindocument\special{papersize=#1,#2}}% } \def\pgfsys@prepare@papersize#1#2{% \expandafter\gdef\expandafter\pgfsys@atbegindocument\expandafter{\pgfsys@atbegindocument\special{papersize=#1,#2}}% } \expandafter\gdef\expandafter\pgfsys@atbegindocument\expandafter{\pgfsys@atbegindocument% \pgf@sys@postscript@header{ /pgfsc{}bind def% stroke color is empty by default /pgffc{}bind def% fill color is empty by default /pgfstr{stroke}bind def% /pgffill{fill}bind def% /pgfeofill{eofill}bind def% /pgfe{a dup 0 rlineto exch 0 exch rlineto neg 0 rlineto closepath}bind def% rectangle /pgfw{setlinewidth}bind def% setlinewidth /pgfs{save pgfpd 72 Resolution div 72 VResolution div neg scale magscale{1 DVImag div dup scale}if pgfx neg pgfy neg translate pgffoa .setopacityalpha}bind def% save /pgfr{pgfsd restore}bind def %restore userdict begin% /pgfo{pgfsd /pgfx currentpoint /pgfy exch def def @beginspecial}bind def %open /pgfc{newpath @endspecial pgfpd}bind def %close /pgfsd{globaldict /pgfdelta /delta where {pop delta} {0} ifelse put}bind def% save delta /pgfpd{/delta globaldict /pgfdelta get def}bind def % put delta /.setblendmode where {pop} {/.setblendmode{pop}def} ifelse % install .setblendmode /.setfillconstantalpha where {% pop /.setopacityalpha {.setfillconstantalpha} def% } {% /.setopacityalpha where {pop} {/.setopacityalpha {pop} def} ifelse% install .setopacityalpha (fallback) } ifelse /.pgfsetfillopacityalpha{/pgffoa exch def /.setfillconstantalpha where {pop pgffoa .setfillconstantalpha} {% /pgffill{gsave pgffoa .setopacityalpha fill 1 .setopacityalpha newpath fill grestore newpath}bind def /pgfeofill{gsave pgffoa .setopacityalpha eofill 1 .setopacityalpha newpath eofill grestore newpath}bind def% } ifelse% } bind def /.pgfsetstrokeopacityalpha{/pgfsoa exch def /.setstrokeconstantalpha where {pop pgfsoa .setstrokeconstantalpha} {% /pgfstr{gsave pgfsoa .setopacityalpha stroke grestore newpath}bind def% } ifelse% }bind def /pgffoa 1 def /pgfsoa 1 def % mandatory, transparency-related per-page operations, see % https://www.ghostscript.com/doc/current/Language.htm#Transparency % (bop-hook & eop-hook automatically executed if defined in userdict, see texdoc dvips) /.pushpdf14devicefilter where {pop [userdict /bop-hook known {userdict /bop-hook get aload pop} if {0 .pushpdf14devicefilter} aload pop] cvx userdict exch /bop-hook exch put [userdict /eop-hook known {userdict /eop-hook get aload pop} if {.poppdf14devicefilter} aload pop] cvx userdict exch /eop-hook exch put% } if % keeps printers from choking on pdfmark operator systemdict /pdfmark known not {userdict /pdfmark systemdict /cleartomark get put} if end }% } \AtBeginDocument{ % needed for plain TeX \pgfsys@atbegindocument \let\pgfsys@atbegindocument=\pgfutil@empty } % % Position tracking (needs pdftex or luatex in dvi mode) % \ifx\savepos\@undefined \ifx\pdfsavepos\@undefined \else \let\pgf@savepos\pdfsavepos \let\pgf@lastxpos\pdflastxpos \let\pgf@lastypos\pdflastypos \fi \else \let\pgf@savepos\savepos \let\pgf@lastxpos\lastxpos \let\pgf@lastypos\lastypos \fi \ifx\pgf@savepos\@undefined \else \def\pgfsys@markposition#1{% \pgf@savepos% \edef\pgf@temp{#1}% \expandafter\pgfutil@writetoaux\expandafter{% \expandafter\noexpand\expandafter\pgfsyspdfmark\expandafter{\pgf@temp}{\the\pgf@lastxpos}{\the\pgf@lastypos}}% } \def\pgfsyspdfmark#1#2#3{% \expandafter\gdef\csname pgf@sys@pdf@mark@pos@#1\endcsname{\pgfqpoint{#2sp}{#3sp}}% \pgfutil@check@rerun{#1}{{#2}{#3}}% } \def\pgfsys@getposition#1#2{% \edef\pgf@marshal{\let\noexpand#2=\expandafter\noexpand\csname pgf@sys@pdf@mark@pos@#1\endcsname}% \pgf@marshal% } \def\pgf@sys@pdf@mark@pos@pgfpageorigin{\pgfpointorigin} \fi % Path usage: \def\pgfsys@discardpath{% \ifpgfsys@@clipnext% \ifpgfsys@eorule% \pgfsysprotocol@literal{% /pgfsmaskinplace dup where {exch get}{pop false} ifelse not {eoclip} if}% \else% \pgfsysprotocol@literal{% /pgfsmaskinplace dup where {exch get}{pop false} ifelse not {clip} if}% \fi% \pgfsys@@clipnextfalse% \fi% \pgfsysprotocol@literal{newpath}} % % Blending % \def\pgfsys@blend@mode#1{% \expandafter\ifx\csname pgf@sys@pdf@bm@#1\endcsname\relax% \expandafter\let\expandafter\pgf@temp\csname pgf@sys@pdf@blend@mode@map@#1\endcsname% \expandafter\xdef\csname pgf@sys@pdf@bm@#1\endcsname{/\pgf@temp}% \ifx\pgf@temp\relax% \pgferror{Unknown blend mode '#1'}% \def\pgf@temp{Normal}% \fi% \fi% \pgfsysprotocol@literal{\csname pgf@sys@pdf@bm@#1\endcsname\space .setblendmode}% } \expandafter\def\csname pgf@sys@pdf@blend@mode@map@normal\endcsname{Normal} \expandafter\def\csname pgf@sys@pdf@blend@mode@map@multiply\endcsname{Multiply} \expandafter\def\csname pgf@sys@pdf@blend@mode@map@screen\endcsname{Screen} \expandafter\def\csname pgf@sys@pdf@blend@mode@map@overlay\endcsname{Overlay} \expandafter\def\csname pgf@sys@pdf@blend@mode@map@darken\endcsname{Darken} \expandafter\def\csname pgf@sys@pdf@blend@mode@map@lighten\endcsname{Lighten} \expandafter\def\csname pgf@sys@pdf@blend@mode@map@color dodge\endcsname{ColorDodge} \expandafter\def\csname pgf@sys@pdf@blend@mode@map@color burn\endcsname{ColorBurn} \expandafter\def\csname pgf@sys@pdf@blend@mode@map@hard light\endcsname{HardLight} \expandafter\def\csname pgf@sys@pdf@blend@mode@map@soft light\endcsname{SoftLight} \expandafter\def\csname pgf@sys@pdf@blend@mode@map@difference\endcsname{Difference} \expandafter\def\csname pgf@sys@pdf@blend@mode@map@exclusion\endcsname{Exclusion} \expandafter\def\csname pgf@sys@pdf@blend@mode@map@saturation\endcsname{Saturation} \expandafter\def\csname pgf@sys@pdf@blend@mode@map@color\endcsname{Color} \expandafter\def\csname pgf@sys@pdf@blend@mode@map@hue\endcsname{Hue} \expandafter\def\csname pgf@sys@pdf@blend@mode@map@luminosity\endcsname{Luminosity} % % Shadings % \def\pgfsys@horishading#1#2#3{% {% \pgf@parsefunc{#3}% \pgf@xb=\pgf@max \pgfmathsetlength\pgf@y{#2}% \pgf@yb=\pgf@y \pgf@sys@bp@correct{\pgf@xb}% \pgf@sys@bp@correct{\pgf@yb}% \xdef\pgfutil@tempa{\hbox to \the\pgf@max{% \noexpand\vrule width0pt height\the\pgf@y% \noexpand\pgfsys@beginpurepicture% \noexpand\pgfsys@outerinvoke{ \pgf@sys@tonumber{\pgf@yb} \pgf@sys@tonumber{\pgf@xb} 0 0 pgfe << /PatternType 2 /Shading << /ShadingType 2 /ColorSpace \pgf@shading@device\space /Domain [\pgf@pdfparseddomain] /Coords [\pgf@doma\space0 \pgf@domb\space0] /Function \pgf@pdfparsedfunction >> >> matrix makepattern setpattern fill }% \hss% \noexpand\pgfsys@endpurepicture% }}% }% \global\expandafter\let\csname @pgfshading#1!\endcsname\pgfutil@tempa% } \def\pgfsys@vertshading#1#2#3{% {% \pgf@parsefunc{#3}% \pgfmathsetlength\pgf@x{#2}% \pgf@xb=\pgf@x \pgf@yb=\pgf@max \pgf@sys@bp@correct{\pgf@xb}% \pgf@sys@bp@correct{\pgf@yb}% \xdef\pgfutil@tempa{\hbox to \the\pgf@x{% \noexpand\vrule width0pt height\the\pgf@max% \noexpand\pgfsys@beginpurepicture% \noexpand\pgfsys@outerinvoke{ \pgf@sys@tonumber{\pgf@yb} \pgf@sys@tonumber{\pgf@xb} 0 0 pgfe << /PatternType 2 /Shading << /ShadingType 2 /ColorSpace \pgf@shading@device\space /Domain [\pgf@pdfparseddomain] /Coords [0 \pgf@doma\space0 \pgf@domb] /Function \pgf@pdfparsedfunction >> >> matrix makepattern setpattern fill }% \hss% \noexpand\pgfsys@endpurepicture% }}% }% \global\expandafter\let\csname @pgfshading#1!\endcsname\pgfutil@tempa% } \def\pgfsys@radialshading#1#2#3{% {% \pgf@parsefunc{#3}% \pgf@process{#2}% \pgf@xa=\pgf@x \pgf@ya=\pgf@y \pgf@process{\pgfpoint{\pgf@max}{\pgf@max}}% \advance\pgf@xa by \pgf@x \advance\pgf@ya by \pgf@y \pgf@sys@bp@correct{\pgf@x}% \pgf@sys@bp@correct{\pgf@y}% \pgf@sys@bp@correct{\pgf@xa}% \pgf@sys@bp@correct{\pgf@ya}% \pgf@max=2\pgf@max \xdef\pgfutil@tempa{\hbox to \the\pgf@max{% \noexpand\vrule width0pt height\the\pgf@max% \noexpand\pgfsys@beginpurepicture% \noexpand\pgfsys@outerinvoke{ << /ShadingType 3 /ColorSpace \pgf@shading@device\space /Domain [\pgf@pdfparseddomain] /Coords [\pgf@sys@tonumber{\pgf@xa} \pgf@sys@tonumber{\pgf@ya} \pgf@doma\space \pgf@sys@tonumber{\pgf@x} \pgf@sys@tonumber{\pgf@y} \pgf@domb] /Function \pgf@pdfparsedfunction /Extend [true false] >> shfill }% \hss% \noexpand\pgfsys@endpurepicture% }}% }% \global\expandafter\let\csname @pgfshading#1!\endcsname\pgfutil@tempa% } \def\pgfsys@functionalshading#1#2#3#4{% {% \pgf@process{#2}% \pgf@xa=\pgf@x \pgf@ya=\pgf@y \pgf@process{#3}% \pgf@xb=\pgf@x \pgf@yb=\pgf@y \advance\pgf@x by-\pgf@xa \advance\pgf@y by-\pgf@ya \pgf@sys@bp@correct{\pgf@xa}% \pgf@sys@bp@correct{\pgf@ya}% \pgf@sys@bp@correct{\pgf@xb}% \pgf@sys@bp@correct{\pgf@yb}% \pgf@xc=-\pgf@xa \pgf@yc=-\pgf@ya \xdef\pgfutil@tempa{% \hbox to\the\pgf@x{\vbox to\the\pgf@y{\vfil \noexpand\pgfsys@beginpurepicture% \noexpand\pgfsys@invoke{% % patch coords /pgfpatchllx \pgf@sys@tonumber{\pgf@xa} def /pgfpatchlly \pgf@sys@tonumber{\pgf@ya} def % shading patch width and height /pgfpatchX \pgf@sys@tonumber{\pgf@xb} pgfpatchllx sub def /pgfpatchY \pgf@sys@tonumber{\pgf@yb} pgfpatchlly sub def % number of samples in each direction (with samples spaced by approx. 1bp) /pgfsamplesx pgfpatchX round cvi 1 add def /pgfsamplesy pgfpatchY round cvi 1 add def % exact sample distance in each direction, in bp /pgfpatchdx pgfpatchX pgfsamplesx 1 sub div def /pgfpatchdy pgfpatchY pgfsamplesy 1 sub div def % pgfpatchllx neg pgfpatchlly neg translate /pgfproc {#4} bind def % % sampling procedure; repeatedly called by /ReusableStreamDecode filter; % on each call, /pgfsamplingproc puts one colour sample (rgb, cmyk or gray) % on the operand stack which is then consumed by the filter userdict /pgfsampleidx 0 put % internal index; updated on each call /pgfsamplingproc { pgfsampleidx pgfsamplesx pgfsamplesy mul eq { () % push empty string on the stack to signal end-of-data } { pgfcolorsample\pgf@shading@model\space % -str- pgfsampleidx pgfsamplesx mod pgfpatchdx mul pgfpatchllx add % -str- x pgfsampleidx pgfsamplesx idiv pgfpatchdy mul pgfpatchlly add % -str- x y pgfproc % -str- pgfwritesample\pgf@shading@model\space % -str- /pgfsampleidx pgfsampleidx 1 add store % (update index) } ifelse } bind def % pgfpatchY pgfpatchX pgfpatchllx pgfpatchlly pgfe << /PatternType 2 /Shading << /ShadingType 1 /Domain [0 1 0 1] /Matrix [pgfpatchX 0 0 pgfpatchY pgfpatchllx pgfpatchlly] /ColorSpace \pgf@shading@device\space /Function << /FunctionType 0 /Order 1 /Domain [0 1 0 1] /Range pgfrange\pgf@shading@model /BitsPerSample pgfchanneldepth\pgf@shading@model % bits per channel, actually /Size [pgfsamplesx pgfsamplesy] /DataSource /pgfsamplingproc load /ReusableStreamDecode filter >> >> >> matrix makepattern setpattern fill }% \noexpand\pgfsys@endpurepicture% }\hss}% }% }% \global\expandafter\let\csname @pgfshading#1!\endcsname\pgfutil@tempa% } % helpers for converting FunctionType-4 to FunctionType-0, i. e. sampled, functions; % FunctionType-4 functions are not defined in PostScript-3 % % These are the different colour models we are going to use: % +-------+-------------------+-----------+------------------+ % | model | channel depth/bit | max value | sample size/byte | % +-------+-------------------+-----------+------------------+ % | cmyk | 8 | 255 | 4 | % | rgb | 8 | 255 | 3 | % | gray | 24 | 16777215 | 3 | % +-------+-------------------+-----------+------------------+ \expandafter\gdef\expandafter\pgfsys@atbegindocument\expandafter{\pgfsys@atbegindocument% \pgf@sys@postscript@header{ % % -str- c m y k pgfwritesamplecmyk ==> -str- % -str- r g b pgfwritesamplergb ==> -str- % -str- gray pgfwritesamplegray ==> -str- % writes a single colour sample into the /pgfcolorsample* string; % colour components (c,m,y,k; r,g,b; gray) between 0.0 to 1.0 % /pgfwritesamplecmyk { 4 index 0 5 index pgfcheckcolorrange 255 mul round cvi put 4 index 1 4 index pgfcheckcolorrange 255 mul round cvi put 4 index 2 3 index pgfcheckcolorrange 255 mul round cvi put 4 index 3 2 index pgfcheckcolorrange 255 mul round cvi put pop pop pop pop } bind def % /pgfwritesamplergb { 3 index 0 4 index pgfcheckcolorrange 255 mul round cvi put 3 index 1 3 index pgfcheckcolorrange 255 mul round cvi put 3 index 2 2 index pgfcheckcolorrange 255 mul round cvi put pop pop pop } bind def % /pgfwritesamplegray { % grayvalue between 0 and 16777215 (24 bit) pgfcheckcolorrange 16777215 mul round cvi % -str- gray24 1 index 0 2 index -16 bitshift put % high byte 1 index 1 2 index 65535 and -8 bitshift put % middle byte 1 index 2 2 index 255 and put % low byte pop } bind def % % pgfcheckcolorrange ==> % truncates value to the allowed range (user-defined Type-4 functions may % happen to provide values outside this range) /pgfcheckcolorrange { dup 0.0 lt {pop 0.0} if dup 1.0 gt {pop 1.0} if } bind def % %colour depths per channel (bit) /pgfchanneldepthcmyk 8 def /pgfchanneldepthrgb 8 def /pgfchanneldepthgray 24 def % % allocate strings as buffers for storing a single colour sample /pgfcolorsamplecmyk 4 string def /pgfcolorsamplergb 3 string def /pgfcolorsamplegray 3 string def % %/Range array in the FunctionType 0 dictionary /pgfrangecmyk [0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1] def /pgfrangergb [0 1 0 1 0 1] def /pgfrangegray [0 1] def }% } % % Opacity masks % \def\pgfsys@fadingfrombox#1#2{% \ifcsname pgfsmaskxform@#1\endcsname \pgfwarning{Fading '#1' already defined.\MessageBreak Going to replace it with new definition}% \fi% \global\advance\pgf@objectcount\@ne% {% \pgf@x=-.5\wd#2% \pgf@y=-.5\ht#2% \advance\pgf@y by.5\dp#2% \expandafter\xdef\csname pgfsmasktrans@#1\endcsname{% \noexpand\pgftransformcm{1}{0}{0}{1}{\noexpand\pgfqpoint{\the\pgf@x}{\the\pgf@y}}}% \edef\@tempa{\noexpand\pgfutil@insertatbegincurrentpagefrombox{% % box coordinates (reference point and top) needed for ps2pdf \pgfsys@outerinvoke{currentpoint /pgf@refy exch def /pgf@refx exch def}% \hbox to 0pt {\hbox to \ifdim\ht#2>\ht\strutbox\ht#2\else\ht\strutbox\fi{\hss\pgfsys@outerinvoke{% /pgf@top pgf@refy currentpoint pop pgf@refx sub VResolution Resolution div mul sub def% }}\hss}% % lower-right box corner coordinates for viewing \hbox to 0pt {\hbox to \wd#2{\hss\pgfsys@outerinvoke{/pgf@right currentpoint pop def}}\hss}% \hbox to 0pt {\hbox to \ifdim\dp#2>\dp\strutbox\dp#2\else\dp\strutbox\fi{\hss\pgfsys@outerinvoke{% /pgf@bot pgf@refy currentpoint pop pgf@refx sub VResolution Resolution div mul add def% }}\hss}% \pgfsys@outerinvoke{gsave clippath pathbbox newpath pop pop translate systemdict /pdfmark known {% % for ps2pdf, translate box to upper-left page corner, so we have the whole clipping % path (i. e. page area) available, as outlying parts get clipped pgf@refx neg pgf@top neg translate% } {% % for viewing, however, we want to hide the box by moving it off-page; we do so by aligning % the lower-right box corner with the upper-left page corner pgf@right neg pgf@bot neg translate% } ifelse % translate origin (0,0) to the reference point gsave pgf@refx pgf@refy translate mark /_objdef {pgfsmaskxform@\the\pgf@objectcount} /BBox [clippath pathbbox newpath] /BP pdfmark grestore% }% \wd#2=0pt \ht#2=0pt \dp#2=0pt \box#2% \pgfsys@outerinvoke{mark /EP pdfmark grestore}% }}\@tempa% \expandafter\xdef\csname pgfsmaskxform@#1\endcsname{\the\pgf@objectcount}% }% } \def\pgfsys@usefading#1#2#3#4#5#6#7{% \ifcsname pgfsmaskxform@#1\endcsname% {% \pgftransformreset% \pgftransformcm{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{\pgfpoint{#6}{#7}}% \csname pgfsmasktrans@#1\endcsname% {% \pgflowlevelsynccm% \pgfsys@outerinvoke{% /.begintransparencymaskgroup where {pop /pgf@sys@currentcolorspace currentcolorspace def /pgf@sys@currentcolor [currentcolor] cvx def /pgf@sys@OverrideICC currentuserparams /OverrideICC get def % Chr. Liddell <> setuserparams % of Artifex /DeviceGray setcolorspace true <> clippath pathbbox newpath .begintransparencymaskgroup gsave 72 Resolution div 72 VResolution div scale 1 DVImag div 1 DVImag div neg scale mark {pgfsmaskxform@\csname pgfsmaskxform@#1\endcsname} /SP pdfmark grestore 0 .endtransparencymask <> setuserparams % restore orig. settings pgf@sys@currentcolorspace setcolorspace pgf@sys@currentcolor setcolor /pgfsmaskinplace true def } if% }% }% \pgftransforminvert% \pgflowlevelsynccm% }% \else \pgferror{Undefined fading '#1'}% \fi% } \def\pgfsys@clipfading{% \pgfsyssoftpath@invokecurrentpath% \pgfsys@clipnext% \pgfsys@discardpath% } % % Transparency groups % \def\pgfsys@transparencygroupfrombox#1{% \global\advance\pgf@objectcount\@ne% \pgfsys@outerinvoke{% mark /_objdef {pgfxform@\the\pgf@objectcount} /BBox [clippath pathbbox newpath] /BP pdfmark gsave /pgf@sys@foa pgffoa def /pgf@sys@soa pgfsoa def /.setstrokeconstantalpha where {pop 1 .pgfsetfillopacityalpha 1 .pgfsetstrokeopacityalpha} if% }% \wd#1=0pt \ht#1=0pt \dp#1=0pt \hskip\pgf@picminx\box#1% \pgfsys@outerinvoke{% /pgffoa pgf@sys@foa def /pgfsoa pgf@sys@soa def grestore mark /EP pdfmark mark {pgfxform@\the\pgf@objectcount} << /Group << /S /Transparency /I \ifpgfsys@transparency@group@isolated true \else false \fi /K \ifpgfsys@transparency@group@knockout true \else false \fi >> >> /PUT pdfmark% }% \setbox#1=\hbox{\pgfsys@outerinvoke{mark {pgfxform@\the\pgf@objectcount} /SP pdfmark}}% } % % Image inclusion, adding SMask reference and image interpolation if mandated % \def\pgfsys@defineimage{% \ifx\pgf@imagewidth\pgfutil@empty\else\edef\pgf@imagewidth{width=\pgf@imagewidth,}\fi% \ifx\pgf@imageheight\pgfutil@empty\else\edef\pgf@imageheight{height=\pgf@imageheight,}\fi% \begingroup% \def\pgf@imageaddedkeys{}\def\@tempa{true}% \ifx\pgf@imageinterpolate\@tempa\def\pgf@imageaddedkeys{/Interpolate true}\fi% \ifx\pgf@imagemask\pgfutil@empty\else\edef\pgf@imageaddedkeys{\pgf@imageaddedkeys /SMask {\pgf@imagemask}}\fi% \edef\@tempa{% \ifx\pgf@imageaddedkeys\pgfutil@empty\else% \noexpand\pgfsys@outerinvoke{% save /pgfparent [(img) cvx cvn rand] cvx def %random name for current image mark /_objdef /pgfparent load /NI pdfmark % sometimes, image metadata contain embedded pdfmarks that prevent us from % writing to the image dictionary ourselves, so we disable them temporarily save /pdfmark /cleartomark load def }% \fi% \noexpand\includegraphics[\pgf@imageheight\pgf@imagewidth]{\pgf@filename}% \ifx\pgf@imageaddedkeys\pgfutil@empty\else% \noexpand\pgfsys@outerinvoke{% % empty image dummy, in case the provided file is not a valid raster image 0 0 1 [1 0 0 1 0 0] {} image restore mark /pgfparent load <<\pgf@imageaddedkeys>> /PUT pdfmark restore }% \fi% }% \expandafter\endgroup% \expandafter\def\expandafter\pgf@image\expandafter{\@tempa}% } % % Image masks % \def\pgfsys@definemask{% \global\advance\pgf@objectcount\@ne% \ifx\pgf@maskmatte\pgfutil@empty% \else% \edef\pgf@maskmatte{/Matte [\pgf@maskmatte]}% \fi% \pgfsys@outerinvoke{% mark /_objdef {pgfmask\the\pgf@objectcount} /NI pdfmark 1 dict begin /pdfmark /cleartomark load def }% \special{psfile=\pgf@filename\space hsize=0 vsize=0}% \pgfsys@outerinvoke{% 0 0 1 [1 0 0 1 0 0] {} image end mark {pgfmask\the\pgf@objectcount} <> /PUT pdfmark }% \edef\pgf@mask{pgfmask\the\pgf@objectcount}% } \endinput %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% End: