% Copyright 2006 by Till Tantau % % This file may be distributed and/or modified % % 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or % 2. under the GNU Public License. % % See the file doc/generic/pgf/licenses/LICENSE for more details. \ProvidesFileRCS $Header: /cvsroot/pgf/pgf/generic/pgf/modules/pgfmodulematrix.code.tex,v 1.8 2013/09/17 17:34:00 tantau Exp $ \usepgfmodule{shapes} \newif\ifpgfmatrix \newif\ifpgf@matrix@correct@call \newif\ifpgf@matrix@fixed \newcount\pgfmatrixcurrentrow \newcount\pgfmatrixcurrentcolumn \newcount\pgf@matrix@numberofcolumns \let\pgf@matrix@cell=\pgfnodeparttextbox % alias \let\pgf@matrix@box=\pgf@matrix@cell % alias % Sets the default row or column sep % % #1 = default row or column sep list % % Description: % % Sets the macro \pgfmatrixrowsep or \pgfmatrixcolumnsep to #1. % % Example: % % \pgfsetmatrixrowsep{5pt} \def\pgfsetmatrixrowsep#1{\def\pgfmatrixrowsep{#1}} \def\pgfsetmatrixcolumnsep#1{\def\pgfmatrixcolumnsep{#1}} \def\pgfmatrixrowsep{0pt} \def\pgfmatrixcolumnsep{0pt} % The pgfmatrix command creates a node that contains a matrix. Like % the \pgfnode command, it is to be used inside a pgfpicture % environment. % % #1 = shape type % #2 = anchor % #3 = name for later reference % #4 = path usage command % #5 = inner shift % #6 = startup code % #7 = the matrix code (may contain verbatim stuff) % % Description: % % This command creates a node that contains a matrix. For % each cell of the matrix, drawing commands may be given. These % commands will create a cell picture and a bounding box is computed % for each cell picture. The cell picture is then placed inside the % cell. The position inside the cell is computed according to the % following rules: % % 1. In each column, the origins of the cell pictures are all on a % vertical line. % 2. In each row, the origins of the cell pictures are all on a % horizontal line. % 3. All cells in the same row have the same height and depth. % 4. All cells in the same column have the same width. % 5. The size of cells are chosen minimal such that the boxes fit into % the cells and still meet the above requirement. % % Next, the whole resulting matrix, which is given as #7, is placed % inside a node whose name is given as #3, whose shape is #1, and % whose anchor is #2. This means that the resulting node is shifted % such that the given anchor lies at the origin. Then, as for a normal % node, the #4 path usage command is used for the node. % % The parameter #5 is an additional negative shift for the node. Normally, such % a shift could be given beforehand (that is, the shift could be % preapplied to the current transformation matrix). However, when #5 % is evaluated, you can refer to temporary positions of nodes inside % the matrix. In detail, the following happens: When the matrix has % been typeset, all nodes in the matrix temporarily get assigned their % positions in the matrix box. The origin of this coordinate system is % at the left baseline end of the matrix box, which corresponds to the % text anchor. The position #5 is then interpreted inside this % coordinate system and then used for shifting. % % The idea behind using the parameter #5 is the following: If you % specify "text" as anchor #2 and specify \pgfpointanchor{inner % node}{some anchor} for parameter #5, where inner node is a node that % is created in the matrix, then the whole matrix will be shifted such % that inner node.some anchor lies at the origin of the whole picture. % % At the beginning and at the end of each cell, the macros % \pgfmatrixbegincode and \pgfmatrixendcode are called. Inside these % macros you can use \pgfmatrixcurrentcolumn and \pgfmatrixcurrentrow % to access the current row and column. % % Before each column except for the first, an extra space given by the % macro \pgfmatrixcolumnsep is added. Additionally, an extra space % given by the optional argument of the \pgfmatrixnextcell commands in % the first line are added, which may vary between columns. Between % rows, an extra space given by the macro \pgfmatrixrowsep is % added. You can also change this value for each row by using a \gdef. % % % Lines are ended using the command \pgfmatrixendrow. The command \\ % is \let to be the same, but \\ is sometimes overridden by, say, % minipage, so it's good to have \pgfmatrixendrow as a "fallback". % % Inside the matrix, \\ must be used to end every line ***including % the last***. You can pass an optional parameter to \\ as in \\[2pt] % to give an additional space after this particular line. % % The usage of \\ at the end of the matrix is imporant since this % command is used to find the end of the matrix. What happens is that % \\ followed by a closing brace ends the matrix. % % Inside the matrix, you must use \pgfmatrixnextcell to separate % columns. The reason is that two columns are used internally for % every single column shown. The macro \pgfmatrixnextcell is yields % (more or less) two && (and some further trickery). % % The parameter #6 is executed at the beginning of the matrix % group. It is inside the protecting group of the matrix, but outside % the matrix itself. It can be used for different purposes: 1) It can be % used to simplify the next cell macro. 2) It can be used to issue an % \aftergroup command. 3) It can be used to setup local settings. For % example, by setting #6 to \let\&=\pgfmatrixnextcell you can use \& % instead of \pgfmatrixnextcell. You can also set the catcode of & to % active. % % % Example: % % \begin{tikzpicture} % % \draw (0,0) circle (1mm); % b.north will lie on the center of this circle % % \pgfmatrix{rectangle}{text}{mymatrix}{\pgfusepath{}}{\pgfpointanchor{b}{north}}{\let\&=\pgfmatrixnextcell} % { % \draw (0,0) circle (1cm); \& \node (a) [draw] {Hallo}; \\ % \node (b) [draw] {Welt}; \& \draw (0,0) circle (5mm); \\ % } % % \draw [->] (a) -- (b); % % \end{tikzpicture} \def\pgfmatrix#1#2#3#4#5#6{% \ifpgfmatrix% \pgferror{You cannot nest pgfmatrix environments, yet} \fi% \bgroup% \everycr{}% #6% \def\pgf@matrix@par@shape{#1}% \def\pgf@matrix@par@anchor{#2}% \def\pgf@matrix@par@name{#3}% \def\pgf@matrix@par@usage{#4}% \def\pgf@matrix@par@shift{#5}% % the matrix must have a name: \ifx\pgf@matrix@par@name\pgfutil@empty% \def\pgf@matrix@par@name{pgf@matrix@internal}% \fi% \pgfmatrixcurrentrow=0\relax% \pgfmatrixcurrentcolumn=0\relax% \pgf@matrix@numberofcolumns=0\relax% \let\\=\pgfmatrixendrow% \tabskip=0pt% \offinterlineskip% \pgfmatrixtrue% \let\pgf@matrix@node@list=\pgfutil@empty% \expandafter\let\csname pgf@matrix@column@finish@1\endcsname=\pgfutil@empty% \let\pgf@matrix@row@finish=\pgfutil@empty% % % Get rid of bgroup % \afterassignment\pgf@matrix@cont\let\pgf@next=% } \def\pgf@matrix@cont{% \setbox\pgf@matrix@box=\hbox\bgroup\vbox\bgroup% \halign\bgroup% \pgf@matrix@init@row% \pgf@matrix@step@column% {% \pgf@matrix@startcell% ##% \pgf@matrix@endcell% }% &% ##\pgf@matrix@padding&&% \pgf@matrix@step@column% {% \pgf@matrix@startcell% ##% \pgf@matrix@endcell% }&% ##\pgf@matrix@padding% \cr% } \def\pgf@end@matrix{% \egroup\egroup% \egroup% % % If there are named nodes, we must adjust their coordinates. % \ifx\pgf@matrix@node@list\pgfutil@empty% \else% % Ok, this means we got a lot of work to do... \pgf@matrix@compute@origin% \pgf@matrix@shift@nodes@initial% \fi% % % Compute additional shift % \pgftransformresetnontranslations% \pgftransformshift{\pgf@process{\pgftransformreset\pgf@matrix@par@shift\pgf@x=-\pgf@x\pgf@y=-\pgf@y}}% % % Create node % \pgfmultipartnode{\pgf@matrix@par@shape}{\pgf@matrix@par@anchor}{\pgf@matrix@par@name}{\pgf@matrix@par@usage}% % % If there are named nodes, we must adjust their coordinates, again. % \ifx\pgf@matrix@node@list\pgfutil@empty% \else% {% \pgftransformreset% \pgf@process{\pgfpointanchor{\pgf@matrix@par@name}{text}}% \xdef\pgf@matrix@offset{\noexpand\pgfqpoint{\the\pgf@x}{\the\pgf@y}}% \pgf@matrix@shift@nodes@secondary{\pgf@matrix@offset}% }% \fi% } % Ending a cell % % #1 = (optional) spacing between previous and next column. This % parameter only has an effect in the first row. % % Description: % % This command ends a cell of a matrix. % % Example: % % \pgfmatrix{rectangle}{text}{mymatrix}{\pgfusepath{}}{\pgfpointanchor{b}{north}}{} % { % \draw (0,0) circle (1cm); \pgfmatrixnextcell[1cm] \node (a) [draw] {Hallo}; \\ % \node (b) [draw] {Welt}; \pgfmatrixnextcell \draw (0,0) circle (5mm); \\ % } \def\pgfmatrixnextcell{% % if the cell contains nothing, the following \let will be at the % beginning (macro expansion has stopped here since neither \omit % nor \span was found) \let\pgf@matrix@signal@cell@end=\pgf@matrix@signal@cell@end% \pgfutil@ifnextchar[{\pgf@matrix@cell@cont}{\pgf@matrix@cell@cont[0pt]}}%} \def\pgf@matrix@cell@cont[#1]{% \xdef\pgf@matrix@last@nextcell@options{#1}% &\pgf@matrix@correct@calltrue&% }% \def\pgf@matrix@fixed@text{between origins} \def\pgf@matrix@natural@text{between borders} \def\pgf@matrix@addtolength#1#2{\edef\pgf@temp{#2}\expandafter\pgf@matrix@addtolength@\expandafter#1#2,\pgf@stop} \def\pgf@matrix@addtolength@#1#2,#3\pgf@stop{% \def\pgf@temp{#2}% \ifx\pgf@temp\pgfutil@empty% \else% \ifx\pgf@temp\pgf@matrix@fixed@text% \global\pgf@matrix@fixedtrue% \else% \ifx\pgf@temp\pgf@matrix@natural@text% \global\pgf@matrix@fixedfalse% \else% \pgfmathaddtolength{#1}{#2}% \fi% \fi% \fi% \def\pgf@temp{#3}% \ifx\pgf@temp\pgfutil@empty% \else% \pgf@matrix@addtolength@#1#3\pgf@stop% \fi% } % Init a line \def\pgf@matrix@init@row{% \relax% \global\advance\pgfmatrixcurrentrow by 1\relax% \global\pgfmatrixcurrentcolumn=0\relax% \expandafter\gdef\csname pgf@matrix@maxy\the\pgfmatrixcurrentrow\endcsname{0pt}% \expandafter\gdef\csname pgf@matrix@miny\the\pgfmatrixcurrentrow\endcsname{0pt}% } % Step the row column number \def\pgf@matrix@step@column{% \relax% \global\advance\pgfmatrixcurrentcolumn by1\relax% } % Start a cell \def\pgf@matrix@startcell{% % % Step 1: Init the list of nodes for this cell % \let\pgf@nodecallback=\pgf@matrix@nodecallback% % % Step 2: Setup the bounding box % \pgfinterruptboundingbox% % % Step 3: Reset the transformation matrix % \pgftransformreset% % % Step 4: Collect everything in a cell box % \setbox\pgf@matrix@cell=\hbox\bgroup\bgroup% % make sure that cell pictures are not affected if matrizes have % 'overlay' option on: \pgf@relevantforpicturesizetrue \pgfsys@beginpicture% \normalbaselines% % Find out whether the cell is empty: \pgfutil@ifnextchar\let% {% ok, candidate, check following symbol \afterassignment\pgf@matrix@empty@check\let\pgf@matrix@temp=% get rid of \let }% {% no, not empty \pgf@matrix@empty@cell@false% \pgfmatrixbegincode% }% } \def\pgf@matrix@empty@check{\futurelet\pgf@matrix@check@token\pgf@matrix@empty@check@cont} \def\pgf@matrix@empty@check@cont{% \ifx\pgf@matrix@check@token\pgf@matrix@signal@cell@end% \pgf@matrix@empty@cell@true% \expandafter% \pgfmatrixemptycode% \expandafter% \let% reinserted \else% \pgf@matrix@empty@cell@false% \expandafter% \pgfmatrixbegincode% \expandafter \let% reinserted \fi% } \newif\ifpgf@matrix@empty@cell@ % End a cell \def\pgf@matrix@endcell{% \ifpgf@matrix@empty@cell@% \else% \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\pgfmatrixendcode% \expandafter\ifpgf@matrix@last@cell@in@row\expandafter\pgf@matrix@last@cell@in@rowtrue\expandafter\fi% \fi% \pgfsys@endpicture% \ifnum\pgfmatrixcurrentcolumn<\pgf@matrix@numberofcolumns% \else% \ifpgf@matrix@last@cell@in@row\else% {% \global\pgf@matrix@fixedfalse% \pgf@x=0pt% \pgf@matrix@addtolength{\pgf@x}{\pgfmatrixcolumnsep}% \pgf@matrix@addtolength{\pgf@x}{\pgf@matrix@last@nextcell@options}% \ifpgf@matrix@fixed% \expandafter\pgfutil@g@addto@macro\csname pgf@matrix@column@finish@\the\pgfmatrixcurrentcolumn\endcsname% {\global\pgf@picmaxx=0pt}% \fi% \advance\pgfmatrixcurrentcolumn by1\relax % only temporary for the following: \expandafter\xdef\csname pgf@matrix@column@sep@\the\pgfmatrixcurrentcolumn\endcsname{\the\pgf@x}% \ifpgf@matrix@fixed% \expandafter\gdef\csname pgf@matrix@column@finish@\the\pgfmatrixcurrentcolumn\endcsname{\global\pgf@picminx=0pt}% \else% \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname pgf@matrix@column@finish@\the\pgfmatrixcurrentcolumn\endcsname=\pgfutil@empty% \fi% }% \fi\fi% % Special case of the empty picture \ifdim\pgf@picmaxx=-16000pt\relax% \global\pgf@picmaxx=0pt\relax% \global\pgf@picminx=0pt\relax% \global\pgf@picmaxy=0pt\relax% \global\pgf@picminy=0pt\relax% \fi% \csname pgf@matrix@column@finish@\the\pgfmatrixcurrentcolumn\endcsname% \pgf@matrix@row@finish% \egroup\egroup% % % Step 5: Horizontal gap % \ifnum\pgfmatrixcurrentcolumn>1\relax% \pgf@y=\csname pgf@matrix@column@sep@\the\pgfmatrixcurrentcolumn\endcsname\relax% \advance\pgf@picminx by-\pgf@y% \fi% % % Step 6: Protocol and adjust height and depth % % Step 6.1: Protocol... % \ifdim\pgf@picmaxy>\csname pgf@matrix@maxy\the\pgfmatrixcurrentrow\endcsname% \expandafter\xdef\csname pgf@matrix@maxy\the\pgfmatrixcurrentrow\endcsname{\the\pgf@picmaxy}% \fi% \ifdim\pgf@picminy<\csname pgf@matrix@miny\the\pgfmatrixcurrentrow\endcsname% \expandafter\xdef\csname pgf@matrix@miny\the\pgfmatrixcurrentrow\endcsname{\the\pgf@picminy}% \fi% % % Step 6.2: and setup. % \ht\pgf@matrix@cell=\pgf@picmaxy% \dp\pgf@matrix@cell=-\pgf@picminy% % % Step 7: Protocol and adjust left and right width % % Step 7.1: Protocol... % \ifnum\pgfmatrixcurrentcolumn>\pgf@matrix@numberofcolumns\relax% \expandafter\xdef\csname pgf@matrix@maxx\the\pgfmatrixcurrentcolumn\endcsname{\the\pgf@picmaxx}% \expandafter\xdef\csname pgf@matrix@minx\the\pgfmatrixcurrentcolumn\endcsname{\the\pgf@picminx}% \global\pgf@matrix@numberofcolumns=\pgfmatrixcurrentcolumn\relax% \else% \ifdim\pgf@picmaxx>\csname pgf@matrix@maxx\the\pgfmatrixcurrentcolumn\endcsname% \expandafter\xdef\csname pgf@matrix@maxx\the\pgfmatrixcurrentcolumn\endcsname{\the\pgf@picmaxx}% \fi% \ifdim\pgf@picminx<\csname pgf@matrix@minx\the\pgfmatrixcurrentcolumn\endcsname% \expandafter\xdef\csname pgf@matrix@minx\the\pgfmatrixcurrentcolumn\endcsname{\the\pgf@picminx}% \fi% \fi% % % Step 7.2: and setup. % \xdef\pgf@matrix@paddingskip{\the\pgf@picmaxx}% % % Step 8: Put in the box now % \hfil\hskip-\pgf@picminx% \wd\pgf@matrix@cell=0pt% \box\pgf@matrix@cell% % % Step 9: End bounding box \endpgfinterruptboundingbox% } % Default code for the start and end code \let\pgfmatrixbegincode=\relax \let\pgfmatrixendcode=\relax \let\pgfmatrixemptycode=\relax % The following callback is called for every node that is produced % inside a cell \def\pgf@matrix@nodecallback#1{% \def\pgf@temp{#1}% \ifx\pgf@temp\pgfutil@empty% \else% \xdef\pgf@matrix@node@list{\pgf@matrix@node@list,{#1}}% \expandafter\xdef\csname pgf@matrix@node@location@#1\endcsname{{\the\pgfmatrixcurrentrow}{\the\pgfmatrixcurrentcolumn}}% \fi% } % Padding code \def\pgf@matrix@padding{% \ifpgf@matrix@correct@call% \else% \pgferror{Single ampersand used with wrong catcode}% \fi% \hskip\pgf@matrix@paddingskip\hfil% } % Compute the real positions of the origins % We must now compute the real positions of the origins of all the % small pictures. To this end, we need to compute prefix sums. After % the procedure is done, the minx and the maxy will contain the origin % positions. \def\pgf@matrix@compute@origin{% % % Inverse prefix sum on the vertical positions % {% \ifnum\pgfmatrixcurrentrow>0\relax% \expandafter\gdef\csname pgf@matrix@miny\the\pgfmatrixcurrentrow\endcsname{0pt}% \fi \c@pgf@counta=\pgfmatrixcurrentrow\relax% \loop% \ifnum\c@pgf@counta>1\relax% \pgf@y=\csname pgf@matrix@miny\the\c@pgf@counta\endcsname\relax% \advance\pgf@y by\csname pgf@matrix@maxy\the\c@pgf@counta\endcsname\relax \advance\c@pgf@counta by-1\relax% \pgf@ya=\csname pgf@matrix@miny\the\c@pgf@counta\endcsname\relax% \advance\pgf@y by-\pgf@ya\relax% \expandafter\xdef\csname pgf@matrix@miny\the\c@pgf@counta\endcsname{\the\pgf@y}% \repeat% }% % % Prefix sum on the horizontal positions % {% \ifnum\pgf@matrix@numberofcolumns>0\relax% \pgf@x=\csname pgf@matrix@minx1\endcsname\relax% \pgf@x=-\pgf@x% \expandafter\xdef\csname pgf@matrix@minx1\endcsname{\the\pgf@x}% \fi \c@pgf@counta=1\relax% \loop% \ifnum\c@pgf@counta<\pgf@matrix@numberofcolumns\relax% \pgf@x=\csname pgf@matrix@minx\the\c@pgf@counta\endcsname\relax% \advance\pgf@x by\csname pgf@matrix@maxx\the\c@pgf@counta\endcsname\relax% \advance\c@pgf@counta by1\relax% \pgf@xa=\csname pgf@matrix@minx\the\c@pgf@counta\endcsname\relax% \advance\pgf@x by-\pgf@xa\relax% \expandafter\xdef\csname pgf@matrix@minx\the\c@pgf@counta\endcsname{\the\pgf@x}% \repeat% }% } % Shift the nodes to their origins % The following procedure shifts all nodes in % \pgf@matrix@node@list to their location inside a temporary % picture. This picture will later be shifted again to its final % position in the real picture. \def\pgf@matrix@shift@nodes@initial{% {% \pgfutil@for\pgf@matrix@node@name:=\pgf@matrix@node@list\do{% \ifx\pgf@matrix@node@name\pgfutil@empty% \else% \expandafter\ifx\csname pgf@matrix@node@visited@\pgf@matrix@node@name\endcsname\relax% \pgf@shift@node{\pgf@matrix@node@name}{% \pgf@x=\csname pgf@matrix@minx% \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\pgfutil@secondoftwo\csname pgf@matrix@node@location@\pgf@matrix@node@name\endcsname\endcsname% \pgf@y=\csname pgf@matrix@miny% \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\pgfutil@firstoftwo\csname pgf@matrix@node@location@\pgf@matrix@node@name\endcsname\endcsname% }% \expandafter\let\csname pgf@matrix@node@visited@\pgf@matrix@node@name\endcsname=\pgfutil@empty% \fi% \fi% }% }% } % The second shifting, done in the following procedure, shifts all % nodes to their real positions inside the real picture. \def\pgf@matrix@shift@nodes@secondary#1{% \pgfutil@for\pgf@matrix@node@name:=\pgf@matrix@node@list\do{% \ifx\pgf@matrix@node@name\pgfutil@empty% \else% \expandafter\ifx\csname pgf@matrix@node@visited@\pgf@matrix@node@name\endcsname\relax% \pgf@shift@node{\pgf@matrix@node@name}{#1}% \expandafter\let\csname pgf@matrix@node@visited@\pgf@matrix@node@name\endcsname=\pgfutil@empty% \fi% \fi% }% } % End of line \def\pgfmatrixendrow{% % if the cell contains nothing, the following \let will be at the % beginning (macro expansion has stopped here since neither \omit % nor \span was found) \let\pgf@matrix@signal@cell@end=\pgf@matrix@signal@cell@end \pgf@matrix@last@cell@in@rowtrue% &\pgf@matrix@correct@calltrue% \global\pgf@matrix@fixedfalse% \pgf@y=0pt% \pgf@matrix@addtolength\pgf@y{\pgfmatrixrowsep}% \pgfutil@ifnextchar[{\pgfmatrixendrow@skip}{\pgf@matrix@finish@line}% } \newif\ifpgf@matrix@last@cell@in@row \def\pgf@matrix@signal@cell@end{\pgf@matrix@signal@cell@end} % exact definition does not matter, only needs to be unique. \def\pgfmatrixendrow@skip[#1]{% \pgf@matrix@addtolength\pgf@y{#1}% \pgf@matrix@finish@line% } \def\pgf@matrix@finish@line{% \global\pgf@y=\pgf@y% \pgf@ya=-\pgf@y% \global\advance\pgf@ya by\csname pgf@matrix@miny\the\pgfmatrixcurrentrow\endcsname% \expandafter\xdef\csname pgf@matrix@miny\the\pgfmatrixcurrentrow\endcsname{\the\pgf@ya}% \pgfutil@ifnextchar\egroup{\cr\pgf@end@matrix}{\pgf@matrix@no@eom@found}% } \def\pgf@matrix@eom@found{% \cr% \pgf@end@matrix% } \def\pgf@matrix@no@eom@found{% \cr% \noalign{\vskip\pgf@y% \ifpgf@matrix@fixed% \vskip\csname pgf@matrix@miny\the\pgfmatrixcurrentrow\endcsname% unskip \vskip\pgf@y% \pgf@y=-\pgf@y% \expandafter\xdef\csname pgf@matrix@miny\the\pgfmatrixcurrentrow\endcsname{\the\pgf@y}% \gdef\pgf@matrix@row@finish{\global\pgf@picmaxy=0pt}% \else% \global\let\pgf@matrix@row@finish=\pgfutil@empty% \fi% }% } \endinput