% Copyright 2006 by Till Tantau % % This file may be distributed and/or modified % % 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or % 2. under the GNU Public License. % % See the file doc/generic/pgf/licenses/LICENSE for more details. \ProvidesFileRCS[v\pgfversion] $Header: /cvsroot/pgf/pgf/generic/pgf/libraries/pgflibrarytikzer.code.tex,v 1.3 2006/10/11 15:22:26 tantau Exp $ % Styles for entity types: \tikzstyle{every entity}= [] \tikzstyle{entity}= [rectangle,draw, minimum height=2\baselineskip, minimum width=4\baselineskip,every entity] % Styles for relationship types: \tikzstyle{every relationship}= [] \tikzstyle{relationship}= [diamond,draw, minimum size=1.5\baselineskip, inner sep=1pt, every relationship] % Styles for relationship types: \tikzstyle{every attribute}= [] \tikzstyle{attribute}= [minimum size=1.5\baselineskip,ellipse,draw,every attribute] \tikzstyle{key attribute}= [font=\itshape,attribute] \endinput