-- Copyright 2012 by Till Tantau -- -- This file may be distributed an/or modified -- -- 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or -- 2. under the GNU Public License -- -- See the file doc/generic/pgf/licenses/LICENSE for more information -- @release $Header: /cvsroot/pgf/pgf/generic/pgf/graphdrawing/lua/pgf/gd/trees/SpanningTreeComputation.lua,v 1.7 2013/05/23 20:01:29 tantau Exp $ --- -- @section subsection {Spanning Tree Computation} -- -- \label{subsection-gd-spanning-tree} -- Although the algorithms of this library are tailored to layout trees, -- they will work for any graph as input. First, if the graph is not -- connected, it is decomposed into connected components and these are -- laid out individiually. Second, for each component, a spanning tree of -- the graph is computed first and the layout is computed for this -- spanning tree; all other edges will still be drawn, but they have no -- impact on the placement of the nodes. If the graph is already a tree, -- the spanning tree will be the original graph. -- -- The computation of the spanning tree is a non-trivial process since -- a non-tree graph has many different possible spanning trees. You can -- choose between different methods for deciding on a spanning tree, it -- is even possible to implement new algorithms. (In the future, the -- computation of spanning trees and the cylce removal in layered graph -- drawing algorithms will be unified, but, currently, they are -- implemented differently.) -- -- Selects the (sub)algorithm that is to be used for computing spanning -- trees whenever this is requested by a tree layout algorithm. The -- default algorithm is |breadth first spanning tree|. -- --\begin{codeexample}[] --\tikz \graph [tree layout, breadth first spanning tree] --{ -- 1 -- {2,3,4,5} -- 6; --}; --\end{codeexample} --\begin{codeexample}[] --\tikz \graph [tree layout, depth first spanning tree] --{ -- 1 --[bend right] {2,3,4,5 [>bend left]} -- 6; --}; --\end{codeexample} -- -- @end local SpanningTreeComputation = {} -- Namespace require("pgf.gd.trees").SpanningTreeComputation = SpanningTreeComputation -- Imports local lib = require "pgf.gd.lib" local Vertex = require "pgf.gd.model.Vertex" local Digraph = require "pgf.gd.model.Digraph" local declare = require("pgf.gd.interface.InterfaceToAlgorithms").declare -- ------------------------- -- -- General tree parameters -- -- ------------------------- -- --- -- declare { key = "breadth first spanning tree", algorithm = { run = function (self) return SpanningTreeComputation.computeSpanningTree(self.ugraph, false, self.events) end }, phase = "spanning tree computation", phase_default = true, summary = [[" This key selects ``breadth first'' as the (sub)algorithm for computing spanning trees. Note that this key does not cause a graph drawing scope to start; the key only has an effect in conjunction with keys like |tree layout|. "]], documentation = [[" The algorithm will be called whenever a graph drawing algorithm needs a spanning tree on which to operate. It works as follows: \begin{enumerate} \item It looks for a node for which the |root| parameter is set. If there are several such nodes, the first one is used. If there are no such nodes, the first node is used. Let call the node determined in this way the \emph{root node}. \item For every edge, a \emph{priority} is determined, which is a number between 1 and 10. How this happens, exactly, will be explained in a moment. Priority 1 means ``most important'' while priority 10 means ``least important''. \item Starting from the root node, we now perform a breadth first search through the tree, thereby implicitly building a spanning tree: Suppose for a moment that all edges have priority~1. Then, the algorithm works just the way that a normal breadth first search is performed: We keep a queue of to-be-visited nodes and while this queue is not empty, we remove its first node. If this node has not yet been visited, we add all its neighbors at the end of the queue. When a node is taken out of the queue, we make it the child of the node whose neighbor it was when it was added. Since the queue follows the ``first in, first out'' principle (it is a fifo queue), the children of the root will be all nodes at distance $1$ form the root, their children will be all nodes at distance $2$, and so on. \item Now suppose that some edges have a priority different from~1, in which case things get more complicated. We now keep track of one fifo queue for each of the ten possible priorities. When we consider the neighbors of a node, we actually consider all its incident edges. Each of these edges has a certain priority and the neighbor is put into the queue of the edge's priority. Now, we still remove nodes normally from the queue for priority~1; only if this queue is empty and there is still a node in the queue for priority~2 we remove the first element from this queue (and proceed as before). If the second queue is also empty, we try the third, and so on up to the tenth queue. If all queues are empty, the algorithm stops. \end{enumerate} The effect of the ten queues is the following: If the edges of priority $1$ span the whole graph, a spanning tree consisting solely of these edges will be computed. However, if they do not, once we have visited reachable using only priority 1 edges, we will extend the spanning tree using a priority 2 edge; but then we once switch back to using only priority 1 edges. If neither priority~1 nor priority~2 edges suffice to cover the whole graph, priority~3 edges are used, and so on. "]] } --- declare { key = "depth first spanning tree", algorithm = { run = function (self) return SpanningTreeComputation.computeSpanningTree(self.ugraph, true, self.events) end }, phase = "spanning tree computation", summary = [[" Works exactly like |breadth first spanning tree| (same handling of priorities), only the queues are now lifo instead of fifo. "]] } --- -- declare { key = "root", type = "boolean", default = true, summary = [[" This Boolean parameter is used in the computation of spanning trees. When can be set for a node, this node will be used as the root for the spanning tree computation. If several nodes have this option set, the first node will be used. "]] } --- -- declare { key = "span priority", type = "number", summary = [[" Explicitly sets the ``span priority'' of an edge to \meta{number}, which must be a number between |1| and |10|. The priority of edges is used by spanning tree computations, see |breadth first spanning tree|. "]] } --- -- when it comes to choosing which edges are part of the spanning tree. declare { key = "span edge", use = { { key = "span priority", value = 1 }, }, summary = [[" An easy-to-remember shorthand for |span priority=1|. When this key is used with an edge, it will always be preferred over other edges "]] } --- -- declare { key = "no span edge", use = { { key = "span priority", value = 10 }, }, summary = [[" An easy-to-remember shorthand for |span priority=10|. This causes the edge to be used only as a last resort as part of a spanning tree. "]], documentation = [[" In the example, we add lots of edges that would normally be preferred in the computation of the spanning tree, but use |no span edge| to cause the algorithm to ignore these edges. "]], examples = [[" \tikz \graph [tree layout, nodes={draw}, sibling distance=0pt, every group/.style={ default edge kind=->, no span edge, path=source}] { 5 -> { "1,3" -> {0,2,4}, 11 -> { "7,9" -> { 6, 8, 10 } } } }; "]] } --- declare { key = "span priority ->", type = "number", initial = "3", summary = [[" This key stores the span priority of all edges whose direction is |->|. There are similar keys for all other directions, such as |span priority <-| and so on. "]], documentation = [[" When you write \begin{codeexample}[code only] graph { a -> b -- c <- [span priority=2] d } \end{codeexample} the priority of the edge from |a| to |b| would be the current value of the key |span priority ->|, the priority of the edge from |b| to |c| would be the current value of |span priority --|, and the priority of the edge from |c| to |d| would be |2|, regardless of the value of |span priority <-|. The defaults for the priorities are: \begin{itemize} \item |span priority -> = 3| \item |span priority -- = 5| \item |span priority <-> = 5| \item |span priority <- = 8| \item |span priority -!- = 10| \end{itemize} "]] } --- declare { key = "span priority reversed ->", type = "number", initial = "9", documentation = [[" This key stores the span priority of traveling across reversed edges whose actual direction is |->| (again, there are similar keys for all other directions). "]], documentation = [[" When you write \begin{codeexample}[code only] graph { a -> b -- c <- [span priority=2] d } \end{codeexample} there are, in addition to the priorities indicated above, also further edge priorities: The priority of the (reversed) edge |b| to |a| is |span priority reversed ->|, the priority of the (reversed) edge |c| to |b| is |span priority reversed --|, and the span priority of the reversed edge |d| to |c| is |2|, regardless of the value of |span priority reversed <-|. The defaults for the priorities are: \begin{itemize} \item |span priority reversed -> = 9| \item |span priority reversed -- = 5| \item |span priority reversed <-> = 5| \item |span priority reversed <- = 7| \item |span priority reversed -!- = 10| \end{itemize} The default priorities are set in such a way, that non-reversed |->| edges have top priorities, |--| and |<->| edges have the same priorities in either direction, and |<-| edges have low priority in either direction (but going |a <- b| from |b| to |a| is given higher priority than going from |a| to |b| via this edge and also higher priority than going from |b| to |a| in |a -> b|). Keys like |span using directed| change the priorities ``en bloc''. "]] } declare { key = "span priority <-", type = "number", initial = "8", } declare { key = "span priority reversed <-", type = "number", initial = "7", } declare { key = "span priority --", type = "number", initial = "5", } declare { key = "span priority reversed --", type = "number", initial = "5", } declare { key = "span priority <->", type = "number", initial = "5", } declare { key = "span priority reversed <->", type = "number", initial = "5", } declare { key = "span priority -!-", type = "number", initial= "10", } declare { key = "span priority reversed -!-", type = "number", initial= "10", } --- declare { key = "span using directed", use = { { key = "span priority reversed <-", value = 3}, { key = "span priority <->", value = 3}, { key = "span priority reversed <->", value = 3}, }, summary = [[" This style sets a priority of |3| for all edges that are directed and ``go along the arrow direction'', that is, we go from |a| to |b| with a priority of |3| for the cases |a -> b|, |b <- a|, |a <-> b|, and |b <-> a|. This strategy is nice with trees specified with both forward and backward edges. "]], examples = [[" \tikz \graph [tree layout, nodes={draw}, sibling distance=0pt, span using directed] { 3 <- 5[root] -> 8, 1 <- 3 -> 4, 7 <- 8 -> 9, 1 -- 4 -- 7 -- 9 }; "]] } --- declare { key = "span using all", use = { { key = "span priority <-", value = 5}, { key = "span priority ->", value = 5}, { key = "span priority <->", value = 5}, { key = "span priority --", value = 5}, { key = "span priority -!-", value = 5}, { key = "span priority reversed <-", value = 5}, { key = "span priority reversed ->", value = 5}, { key = "span priority reversed <->", value = 5}, { key = "span priority reversed --", value = 5}, { key = "span priority reversed -!-", value = 5}, }, summary = [[" Assings a uniform priority of 5 to all edges. "]] } -- The implementation -- -- Compute a spanning tree of a graph -- -- The algorithm will favor nodes according to their priority. This is -- determined through an edge priority function. -- -- @param ugraph An undirected graph for which the spanning tree -- should be computed -- @param dfs True if depth first should be used, false if breadth -- first should be used. -- -- @return A new graph that is a spanning tree. function SpanningTreeComputation.computeSpanningTree (ugraph, dfs, events) local tree = Digraph.new (ugraph) -- copy vertices local edge_priorities = ugraph.options['/graph drawing/edge priorities'] local root = lib.find(ugraph.vertices, function (v) return v.options['root'] end) or ugraph.vertices[1] -- Traverse tree, giving preference to directed edges and, that -- failing, to undirected and bidirected edges, and, that failing, -- all other edges. local marked = {} local stacks = { -- 10 stacks for 10 priorities, with 1 being the highest { { parent = nil, node = root}, top = 1, bottom = 1 }, { top = 0, bottom = 1}, { top = 0, bottom = 1}, { top = 0, bottom = 1}, { top = 0, bottom = 1}, { top = 0, bottom = 1}, { top = 0, bottom = 1}, { top = 0, bottom = 1}, { top = 0, bottom = 1}, { top = 0, bottom = 1} } local function stack_is_non_empty (s) return s.top >= s.bottom end while lib.find(stacks, stack_is_non_empty) do local parent, node for _,stack in ipairs(stacks) do if stack_is_non_empty(stack) then -- Pop parent = stack[stack.top].parent node = stack[stack.top].node stack[stack.top] = nil stack.top = stack.top - 1 break end end if not marked[node] then -- The node is good! marked[node] = true if parent then tree:connect(parent,node) end local arcs = ugraph:outgoing(node) for j=1,#arcs do local arc = arcs[dfs and j or #arcs - j + 1] local head = arc.head if not marked[head] then local priority = arc:spanPriority() local stack = assert(stacks[priority], "illegal edge priority") if dfs then stack.top = stack.top + 1 stack[stack.top] = { parent = node, node = head} else stack.bottom = stack.bottom - 1 stack[stack.bottom] = { parent = node, node = head} end end end end end -- Now, copy vertex list local copy = {} for i,v in ipairs(tree.vertices) do copy[i] = v end -- Now, setup child lists for _,v in ipairs(copy) do -- Children as they come from the spanning tree computation tree:sortOutgoing(v, function (a,b) return a:eventIndex() < b:eventIndex() end) local outgoings = tree:outgoing(v) -- Compute children as they come in the event list: local children = {} local i = (v.event.index or 0)+1 while i <= #events and events[i].kind == "edge" do i = i + 1 end if events[i] and events[i].kind == "begin" and events[i].parameters == "descendants" then -- Ok, the node is followed by a descendants group -- Now scan for nodes that are not inside a descendants group local stop = events[i].end_index local j = i+1 while j <= stop do if events[j].kind == "node" then children[#children+1] = events[j].parameters elseif events[j].kind == "begin" and events[j].parameters == "descendants" then j = events[j].end_index end j = j + 1 end -- Test, whether outgoings and children contain the same nodes: local function same_elements() local hash = {} for v,c in ipairs(outgoings) do hash[c.head] = true end local count = 0 for _,c in pairs(children) do if c ~= "" then count = count + 1 if not hash[c] or count > #outgoings then return false end end end return count == #outgoings end if same_elements() and #outgoings > 0 then -- increase number of children, if necessary local needed = math.max(#children, lib.lookup_option('minimum number of children', v, ugraph)) for i=1,#children do if children[i] ~= "" then local d = children[i].options['desired child index'] needed = d and math.max(needed, d) or needed end end local new_children = {} for i=1,#children do if children[i] ~= "" then local d = children[i].options['desired child index'] if d then local target = d while new_children[target] do target = 1 + (target % #children) end new_children[target] = children[i] end end end for i=1,#children do if children[i] ~= "" then local d = children[i].options['desired child index'] if not d then local target = i while new_children[target] do target = 1 + (target % #children) end new_children[target] = children[i] end end end for i=1,needed do if not new_children[i] then local new_child = Vertex.new{ kind = "dummy" } new_children[i] = new_child tree:add {new_child} tree:connect(v,new_child) end end tree:orderOutgoing(v,new_children) end end end tree.root = root return tree end -- Done return SpanningTreeComputation