-- Imports local declare = require("pgf.gd.interface.InterfaceToAlgorithms").declare declare { key = "use pdp", type = "boolean", initial = "true", summary = [[" Whether or not to use the Planar Drawing Postprocessing to improve the drawing. "]] } declare { key = "use sf", type = "boolean", initial = "true", summary = [[" Whether or not to use the Sort and Flip Algorithm to improve the combinatorical embedding. "]] } declare { key = "grid spacing", type = "number", initial = "10", summary = [[" If the |use pdp| option is not set, this sets the spacing of the grid used by the shift method. A bigger grid spacing will result in a bigger drawing. "]] } declare { key = "pdp cooling factor", type = "number", initial = "0.98", summary = [[" This sets the cooling factor used by the Planar Drawing Postprocessing. A higher cooling factor can result in better quality of the drawing, but will increase the run time of the algorithm. "]] } declare { key = "start repulsive exponent", type = "number", initial = "2", summary = [[" Start value of the exponent used in the calculation of all repulsive forces in PDP "]] } declare { key = "end repulsive exponent", type = "number", initial = "2", summary = [[" End value of the exponent used in the calculation of all repulsive forces in PDP. "]] } declare { key = "start attractive exponent", type = "number", initial = "2", summary = [[" Start value of the exponent used in PDP's calculation of the attractive force between nodes connected by an edge. "]] } declare { key = "end attractive exponent", type = "number", initial = "2", summary = [[" End value of the exponent used in PDP's calculation of the attractive force between nodes connected by an edge. "]] } declare { key = "exponent change iterations", type = "number", initial = "1", summary = [[" The number of iterations over which to modify the force exponents. In iteration one the exponents will have their start value and in iteration |exponent change iterations| they will have their end value. "]] } declare { key = "edge approach threshold", type = "number", initial = "0.3", summary = [[" The maximum ration between the actual and the desired node-edge distance which is required to count an edge as stressed. "]] } declare { key = "edge stretch threshold", type = "number", initial = "1.5", summary = [[" The minimum ration between the actual and the desired edge length which is required to count an edge as stressed. "]] } declare { key = "stress counter threshold", type = "number", initial = "30", summary = [[" The number of iterations an edge has to be under stress before it will be subdevided. "]] } declare { key = "edge divisions", type = "number", initial = "0", summary = [[" The number of edges in which stressed edges will be subdivided. "]] }