-- Copyright 2013 by Sarah Mäusle and Till Tantau -- -- This file may be distributed an/or modified -- -- 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or -- 2. under the GNU Public License -- -- See the file doc/generic/pgf/licenses/LICENSE for more information -- @release $Header$ local BalancedNearestNeighbourInterchange = {} -- Namespace require("pgf.gd.phylogenetics").BalancedNearestNeighbourInterchange = BalancedNearestNeighbourInterchange -- Imports local InterfaceToAlgorithms = require("pgf.gd.interface.InterfaceToAlgorithms") local DistanceMatrix = require("pgf.gd.phylogenetics.DistanceMatrix") local lib = require("pgf.gd.lib") -- Shorthand: local declare = InterfaceToAlgorithms.declare --- declare { key = "balanced nearest neighbour interchange", algorithm = BalancedNearestNeighbourInterchange, phase = "phylogenetic tree optimization", phase_default = true, summary = [[" The BNNI (Balanced Nearest Neighbour Interchange) is a postprocessing algorithm for phylogenetic trees. It swaps two distant 3-subtrees if the total tree length is reduced by doing so, until no such swaps are left. "]], documentation = [[" This algorithm is from Desper and Gascuel, \emph{Fast and Accurate Phylogeny Reconstruction Algorithms Based on the Minimum-Evolution Principle}, 2002. "]] } --- declare { key = "no phylogenetic tree optimization", algorithm = { run = function(self) end }, phase = "phylogenetic tree optimization", summary = [[" Switches off any phylogenetic tree optimization. "]], } -- creates a binary heap, implementation as an array as described in -- the respective wikipedia article local function new_heap() local heap = {} function heap:insert(element, value) local object = { element = element, value = value } heap[#heap+1]= object local i = #heap local parent = math.floor(i/2) -- sort the new object into its correct place while heap[parent] and heap[parent].value < heap[i].value do heap[i] = heap[parent] heap[parent] = object i = parent parent = math.floor(i/2) end end -- deletes the top element from the heap function heap:remove_top_element() -- replace first element with last and delete the last element local element = heap[1].element heap[1] = heap[#heap] heap[#heap] = nil local i = 1 local left_child = 2*i local right_child = 2*i +1 -- sort the new top element into its correct place by swapping it -- against its largest child while heap[left_child] do local largest_child = left_child if heap[right_child] and heap[left_child].value < heap[right_child].value then largest_child = right_child end if heap[largest_child].value > heap[i].value then heap[largest_child], heap[i] = heap[i], heap[largest_child] i = largest_child left_child = 2*i right_child = 2*i +1 else return element end end return element end return heap end -- BNNI (Balanced Nearest Neighbour Interchange) -- [DESPER and GASCUEL: Fast and Accurate Phylogeny Reconstruction Algorithms Based on the Minimum-Evolution Principle, 2002] -- swaps two distant-3 subtrees if the total tree length is reduced by doing so, until no such swaps are left -- -- step 1: precomputation of all average distances between non-intersecting subtrees (already done by BME) -- step 2: create heap of possible swaps -- step 3: ( current tree with subtrees a,b,c,d: a--v-- {b, w -- {c, d}} ) -- (a): edge (v,w) is the best swap on the heap. Remove (v,c) and (w,b) -- (b), (c), (d) : update the distance matrix -- (e): remove the edge (v,w) from the heap; check the four edges adjacent to it for new possible swaps -- (d): if the heap is non-empty, return to (a) function BalancedNearestNeighbourInterchange:run() local g = self.tree -- create a heap of possible swaps local possible_swaps = new_heap() -- go over all arcs, look for possible swaps and add them to the heap [step 2] for _, arc in ipairs (g.arcs) do self:getBestSwap(arc, possible_swaps) end -- achieve best swap and update the distance matrix, until there is -- no more swap to perform while #possible_swaps > 0 do -- get the best swap and delete it from the heap local swap = possible_swaps:remove_top_element() --[part of step 3 (a)] -- Check if the indicated swap is still possible. Another swap may -- have interfered. if g:arc(swap.v, swap.subtree1) and g:arc(swap.w, swap.subtree2) and g:arc(swap.v, swap.w) and g:arc(swap.a, swap.v) and g:arc(swap.d, swap.w) then -- insert new arcs and delete the old ones to perform the swap [part of step 3 (a)] -- disconnect old arcs g:disconnect(swap.v, swap.subtree1) g:disconnect(swap.subtree1, swap.v) g:disconnect(swap.w, swap.subtree2) g:disconnect(swap.subtree2, swap.w) -- connect new arcs g:connect(swap.v, swap.subtree2) g:connect(swap.subtree2, swap.v) g:connect(swap.w, swap.subtree1) g:connect(swap.subtree1, swap.w) --update distance matrix self:updateBNNI(swap) -- update heap: check neighbouring arcs for new possible swaps -- [step 3 (e)] self:getBestSwap(g:arc(swap.a,swap.v), possible_swaps) self:getBestSwap(g:arc(swap.subtree2, swap.v), possible_swaps) self:getBestSwap(g:arc(swap.d,swap.w), possible_swaps) self:getBestSwap(g:arc(swap.subtree1, swap.w), possible_swaps) end end end -- -- Gets the distance between two nodes as specified in the distances -- fields. Note: this function assumes that the distance from a to b -- is the -- same as the distance from b to a. -- -- @param a,b The nodes -- @return The distance between the two nodes function BalancedNearestNeighbourInterchange:distance(a, b) if a == b then return 0 else local distances = self.distances return distances[a][b] or distances[b][a] end end -- updates the distance matrix after a swap has been performed [step3(b),(c),(d)] -- -- @param swap A table containing the information on the performed swap -- subtree1, subtree2: the two subtrees, which -- were swapped -- a, d: The other two subtrees bordering the -- swapping edge -- v, w : the two nodes connecting the swapping edge function BalancedNearestNeighbourInterchange:updateBNNI(swap) local g = self.tree local b = swap.subtree1 local c = swap.subtree2 local a = swap.a local d = swap.d local v = swap.v local w = swap.w local distances = self.distances -- updates the distances in one of the four subtrees adjacent to the -- swapping edge function update_BNNI_subtree(swap, values) local g = self.tree local b = swap.farther local c = swap.nearer local a = swap.subtree local v = swap.v local d = swap.same local w = swap.w if not values then values = { visited = {[v] = v}, possible_ys = {v}, x = a, y = v } -- if we're looking at subtrees in one of the swapped subtrees, -- then need the old root (w) for the calculations if swap.swapped_branch then values.possible_ys = {w} end end local visited = values.visited local x = values.x local y = values.y local ys = values.possible_ys local l = 0 -- number of edges between y and v local dist_x_b = self:distance(x,b) local dist_x_c = self:distance(x,c) visited[x] = x --mark current x as visited -- loop over possible y's: for _, y in ipairs (ys) do -- update distance [step 3(b)] local distance = self:distance(x,y) - 2^(-l-2)*dist_x_b + 2^(-l-2)*dist_x_c if y == w then y = v end -- the old distance w,x was used for the new distance calculation, but it needs to be -- saved under its appropriate new name according to its new root. this case only arises when looking at x's -- in one of the swapped subtrees (b or c) distances[x][y] = distance distances[y][x] = distance l = l+1 -- length + 1, as the next y will be further away from v end -- update the distance between x and w (root of subtree c and d) -- [step 3(c)] local distance = 1/2 * (self:distance(x,b) + self:distance(x,d)) distances[x][w] = distance distances[w][x] = distance -- go to next possible x's table.insert(ys, x) -- when we're at the next possible x, y can also be the current x for _,arc in ipairs (g:outgoing(x)) do if not visited[arc.head] then values.x = arc.head --go deeper update_BNNI_subtree(swap, values) end end end -- name the nodes/subtrees in a general way that allows the use of the function update_BNNI_subtree local update_a = {subtree = a, farther = b, nearer = c, v = v, same = d, w = w} local update_b = {subtree = b, farther = a, nearer = d, v = w, same = c, w = v, swapped_branch = true} local update_c = {subtree = c, farther = d, nearer = a, v = v, same = b, w = w, swapped_branch = true} local update_d = {subtree = d, farther = c, nearer = b, v = w, same = a, w = v} -- update the distances within the subtrees a,b,c,d respectively update_BNNI_subtree(update_a) update_BNNI_subtree(update_b) update_BNNI_subtree(update_c) update_BNNI_subtree(update_d) -- update the distance between subtrees v and w [step 3 (d)]: local distance = 1/4*( self:distance(a,b) + self:distance(a,d) + self:distance(c,b) + self:distance(c,d) ) distances[v][w] = distance distances[w][v] = distance end -- finds the best swap across an arc and inserts it into the heap of -- possible swaps -- -- @param arc The arc, which is to be checked for possible swaps -- @param heap_of_swaps The heap, containing all swaps, which -- improve the total tree length -- -- the following data of the swap are saved: -- v,w = the nodes connecting the arc, across which the swap is -- performed -- subtree1,2 = the roots of the subtrees that are to be swapped -- a,d = the roots of the two remaining subtrees adjacent to the arc function BalancedNearestNeighbourInterchange:getBestSwap(arc, heap_of_swaps) local g = self.tree local possible_swaps = heap_of_swaps local v = arc.tail local w = arc.head local is_leaf = self.is_leaf -- only look at inner edges: if not is_leaf[v] and not is_leaf[w] then -- get the roots of the adjacent subtrees local a, b, c, d for _,outgoing in ipairs (g:outgoing(v)) do local head = outgoing.head if head ~= w then a = a or head b = head end end for _,outgoing in ipairs (g:outgoing(w)) do local head = outgoing.head if head ~= v then c = c or head d = head end end -- get the distances between the four subtrees local a_b = self:distance(a,b) local a_c = self:distance(a,c) local a_d = self:distance(a,d) local b_c = self:distance(b,c) local b_d = self:distance(b,d) local c_d = self:distance(c,d) -- difference in total tree length between old tree (T) and new tree (T') -- when nodes b and c are swapped local swap1 = 1/4*(a_b + c_d - a_c - b_d ) -- difference in total tree length between old tree and new tree when nodes b and d are swapped local swap2 = 1/4*(a_b + c_d - a_d - b_c) -- choose the best swap that reduces the total tree length most (T-T' > 0) if swap1 > swap2 and swap1 > 0 then -- v,w = the nodes connecting the edge across which the swap is performed -- subtree1 = one of the nodes to be swapped; connected to v -- subtree2 = the other node to be swapped; connected to w -- a = other node connected to v -- d = other node connected to w local swap = { v = v, w = w, subtree1 = b, subtree2 = c, a = a, d = d } -- insert the swap into the heap possible_swaps:insert(swap, swap1) elseif swap2 > 0 then local swap = { v = v, w = w, subtree1 = b, subtree2 = d, d = c, a = a } possible_swaps:insert(swap, swap2) end end end return BalancedNearestNeighbourInterchange