-- Copyright 2011 by Jannis Pohlmann -- Copyright 2012 by Till Tantau -- -- This file may be distributed an/or modified -- -- 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or -- 2. under the GNU Public License -- -- See the file doc/generic/pgf/licenses/LICENSE for more information -- @release $Header: /cvsroot/pgf/pgf/generic/pgf/graphdrawing/lua/pgf/gd/layered/NetworkSimplex.lua,v 1.2 2013/05/23 20:01:27 tantau Exp $ --- This file contains an implementation of the network simplex method --- for node ranking and x coordinate optimization in layered drawing --- algorithms, as proposed in --- --- "A Technique for Drawing Directed Graphs" -- by Gansner, Koutsofios, North, Vo, 1993. local NetworkSimplex = {} NetworkSimplex.__index = NetworkSimplex -- Namespace local layered = require "pgf.gd.layered" layered.NetworkSimplex = NetworkSimplex -- Imports local DepthFirstSearch = require "pgf.gd.lib.DepthFirstSearch" local Ranking = require "pgf.gd.layered.Ranking" local Graph = require "pgf.gd.deprecated.Graph" local lib = require "pgf.gd.lib" -- Definitions NetworkSimplex.BALANCE_TOP_BOTTOM = 1 NetworkSimplex.BALANCE_LEFT_RIGHT = 2 function NetworkSimplex.new(graph, balancing) local simplex = { graph = graph, balancing = balancing, } setmetatable(simplex, NetworkSimplex) return simplex end function NetworkSimplex:run() assert (#self.graph.nodes > 0, "graph must contain at least one node") -- initialize the tree edge search index self.search_index = 1 -- initialize internal edge parameters self.cut_value = {} for _,edge in ipairs(self.graph.edges) do self.cut_value[edge] = 0 end -- reset graph information needed for ranking self.lim = {} self.low = {} self.parent_edge = {} self.ranking = Ranking.new() if #self.graph.nodes == 1 then self.ranking:setRank(self.graph.nodes[1], 1) else self:rankNodes() end end function NetworkSimplex:rankNodes() -- construct feasible tree of tight edges self:constructFeasibleTree() -- iteratively replace edges with negative cut values -- with non-tree edges (chosen by minimum slack) local leave_edge = self:findNegativeCutEdge() while leave_edge do local enter_edge = self:findReplacementEdge(leave_edge) assert(enter_edge, 'no non-tree edge to replace ' .. tostring(leave_edge) .. ' could be found') -- exchange leave_edge and enter_edge in the tree, updating -- the ranks and cut values of all nodes self:exchangeTreeEdges(leave_edge, enter_edge) -- find the next tree edge with a negative cut value, if -- there are any left leave_edge = self:findNegativeCutEdge() end if self.balancing == NetworkSimplex.BALANCE_TOP_BOTTOM then -- normalize by setting the least rank to zero self.ranking:normalizeRanks() -- move nodes to feasible ranks with the least number of nodes -- in order to avoid crowding and to improve the overall aspect -- ratio of the drawing self:balanceRanksTopBottom() elseif self.balancing == NetworkSimplex.BALANCE_LEFT_RIGHT then self:balanceRanksLeftRight() end end function NetworkSimplex:constructFeasibleTree() self:computeInitialRanking() -- find a maximal tree of tight edges in the graph while self:findTightTree() < #self.graph.nodes do local min_slack_edge = nil for _,node in ipairs(self.graph.nodes) do local out_edges = node:getOutgoingEdges() for _,edge in ipairs(out_edges) do if not self.tree_edge[edge] and self:isIncidentToTree(edge) then if not min_slack_edge or self:edgeSlack(edge) < self:edgeSlack(min_slack_edge) then min_slack_edge = edge end end end end if min_slack_edge then local delta = self:edgeSlack(min_slack_edge) if delta > 0 then local head = min_slack_edge:getHead() local tail = min_slack_edge:getTail() if self.tree_node[head] then delta = -delta end for _,node in ipairs(self.tree.nodes) do local rank = self.ranking:getRank(self.orig_node[node]) self.ranking:setRank(self.orig_node[node], rank + delta) end end end end self:initializeCutValues() end function NetworkSimplex:findNegativeCutEdge() local minimum_edge = nil for n=1,#self.tree.edges do local index = self:nextSearchIndex() local edge = self.tree.edges[index] if self.cut_value[edge] < 0 then if minimum_edge then if self.cut_value[minimum_edge] > self.cut_value[edge] then minimum_edge = edge end else minimum_edge = edge end end end return minimum_edge end function NetworkSimplex:findReplacementEdge(leave_edge) local tail = leave_edge:getTail() local head = leave_edge:getHead() local v = nil local direction = nil if self.lim[tail] < self.lim[head] then v = tail direction = 'in' else v = head direction = 'out' end local search_root = v local enter_edge = nil local slack = math.huge -- TODO Janns: Get rid of this recursion: local function find_edge(v, direction) if direction == 'out' then local out_edges = self.orig_node[v]:getOutgoingEdges() for _,edge in ipairs(out_edges) do local head = edge:getHead() local tree_head = self.tree_node[head] assert(head and tree_head) if not self.tree_edge[edge] then if not self:inTailComponentOf(tree_head, search_root) then if self:edgeSlack(edge) < slack or not enter_edge then enter_edge = edge slack = self:edgeSlack(edge) end end else if self.lim[tree_head] < self.lim[v] then find_edge(tree_head, 'out') end end end for _,edge in ipairs(v:getIncomingEdges()) do if slack <= 0 then break end local tail = edge:getTail() if self.lim[tail] < self.lim[v] then find_edge(tail, 'out') end end else local in_edges = self.orig_node[v]:getIncomingEdges() for _,edge in ipairs(in_edges) do local tail = edge:getTail() local tree_tail = self.tree_node[tail] assert(tail and tree_tail) if not self.tree_edge[edge] then if not self:inTailComponentOf(tree_tail, search_root) then if self:edgeSlack(edge) < slack or not enter_edge then enter_edge = edge slack = self:edgeSlack(edge) end end else if self.lim[tree_tail] < self.lim[v] then find_edge(tree_tail, 'in') end end end for _,edge in ipairs(v:getOutgoingEdges()) do if slack <= 0 then break end local head = edge:getHead() if self.lim[head] < self.lim[v] then find_edge(head, 'in') end end end end find_edge(v, direction) return enter_edge end function NetworkSimplex:exchangeTreeEdges(leave_edge, enter_edge) self:rerankBeforeReplacingEdge(leave_edge, enter_edge) local cutval = self.cut_value[leave_edge] local head = self.tree_node[enter_edge:getHead()] local tail = self.tree_node[enter_edge:getTail()] local ancestor = self:updateCutValuesUpToCommonAncestor(tail, head, cutval, true) local other_ancestor = self:updateCutValuesUpToCommonAncestor(head, tail, cutval, false) assert(ancestor == other_ancestor) -- remove the old edge from the tree self:removeEdgeFromTree(leave_edge) -- add the new edge to the tree local tree_edge = self:addEdgeToTree(enter_edge) -- set its cut value self.cut_value[tree_edge] = -cutval -- update DFS search tree traversal information self:calculateDFSRange(ancestor, self.parent_edge[ancestor], self.low[ancestor]) end function NetworkSimplex:balanceRanksTopBottom() -- available ranks local ranks = self.ranking:getRanks() -- node to in/out weight mappings local in_weight = {} local out_weight = {} -- node to lowest/highest possible rank mapping local min_rank = {} local max_rank = {} -- compute the in and out weights of each node for _,node in ipairs(self.graph.nodes) do -- assume there are no restrictions on how to rank the node min_rank[node], max_rank[node] = ranks[1], ranks[#ranks] for _,edge in ipairs(node:getIncomingEdges()) do -- accumulate the weights of all incoming edges in_weight[node] = (in_weight[node] or 0) + edge.weight -- update the minimum allowed rank (which is the maximum of -- the ranks of all parent neighbours plus the minimum level -- separation caused by the connecting edges) local neighbour = edge:getNeighbour(node) local neighbour_rank = self.ranking:getRank(neighbour) min_rank[node] = math.max(min_rank[node], neighbour_rank + edge.minimum_levels) end for _,edge in ipairs(node:getOutgoingEdges()) do -- accumulate the weights of all outgoing edges out_weight[node] = (out_weight[node] or 0) + edge.weight -- update the maximum allowed rank (which is the minimum of -- the ranks of all child neighbours minus the minimum level -- sparation caused by the connecting edges) local neighbour = edge:getNeighbour(node) local neighbour_rank = self.ranking:getRank(neighbour) max_rank[node] = math.min(max_rank[node], neighbour_rank - edge.minimum_levels) end -- check whether the in- and outweight is the same if in_weight[node] == out_weight[node] then -- check which of the allowed ranks has the least number of nodes local min_nodes_rank = min_rank[node] for n = min_rank[node] + 1, max_rank[node] do if #self.ranking:getNodes(n) < #self.ranking:getNodes(min_nodes_rank) then min_nodes_rank = n end end -- only move the node to the rank with the least number of nodes -- if it differs from the current rank of the node if min_nodes_rank ~= self.ranking:getRank(node) then self.ranking:setRank(node, min_nodes_rank) end end end end function NetworkSimplex:balanceRanksLeftRight() for _,edge in ipairs(self.tree.edges) do if self.cut_value[edge] == 0 then local other_edge = self:findReplacementEdge(edge) if other_edge then local delta = self:edgeSlack(other_edge) if delta > 1 then if self.lim[edge:getTail()] < self.lim[edge:getHead()] then self:rerank(edge:getTail(), delta / 2) else self:rerank(edge:getHead(), -delta / 2) end end end end end end function NetworkSimplex:computeInitialRanking() -- queue for nodes to rank next local queue = {} -- convenience functions for managing the queue local function enqueue(node) table.insert(queue, node) end local function dequeue() return table.remove(queue, 1) end -- reset the two-dimensional mapping from ranks to lists -- of corresponding nodes self.ranking:reset() -- mapping of nodes to the number of unscanned incoming edges local remaining_edges = {} -- add all sinks to the queue for _,node in ipairs(self.graph.nodes) do local edges = node:getIncomingEdges() remaining_edges[node] = #edges if #edges == 0 then enqueue(node) end end -- run long as there are nodes to be ranked while #queue > 0 do -- fetch the next unranked node from the queue local node = dequeue() -- get a list of its incoming edges local in_edges = node:getIncomingEdges() -- determine the minimum possible rank for the node local rank = 1 for _,edge in ipairs(in_edges) do local neighbour = edge:getNeighbour(node) if self.ranking:getRank(neighbour) then -- the minimum possible rank is the maximum of all neighbour ranks plus -- the corresponding edge lengths rank = math.max(rank, self.ranking:getRank(neighbour) + edge.minimum_levels) end end -- rank the node self.ranking:setRank(node, rank) -- get a list of the node's outgoing edges local out_edges = node:getOutgoingEdges() -- queue neighbours of nodes for which all incoming edges have been scanned for _,edge in ipairs(out_edges) do local head = edge:getHead() remaining_edges[head] = remaining_edges[head] - 1 if remaining_edges[head] <= 0 then enqueue(head) end end end end function NetworkSimplex:findTightTree() -- TODO: Jannis: Remove the recursion below: local marked = {} local function build_tight_tree(node) local out_edges = node:getOutgoingEdges() local in_edges = node:getIncomingEdges() local edges = lib.copy(out_edges) for _,v in ipairs(in_edges) do edges[#edges + 1] = v end for _,edge in ipairs(edges) do local neighbour = edge:getNeighbour(node) if (not marked[neighbour]) and math.abs(self:edgeSlack(edge)) < 0.00001 then self:addEdgeToTree(edge) for _,node in ipairs(edge.nodes) do marked[node] = true end if #self.tree.edges == #self.graph.nodes-1 then return true end if build_tight_tree(neighbour) then return true end end end return false end for _,node in ipairs(self.graph.nodes) do self.tree = Graph.new() self.tree_node = {} self.orig_node = {} self.tree_edge = {} self.orig_edge = {} build_tight_tree(node) if #self.tree.edges > 0 then break end end return #self.tree.nodes end function NetworkSimplex:edgeSlack(edge) -- make sure this is never called with a tree edge assert(not self.orig_edge[edge]) local head_rank = self.ranking:getRank(edge:getHead()) local tail_rank = self.ranking:getRank(edge:getTail()) local length = head_rank - tail_rank return length - edge.minimum_levels end function NetworkSimplex:isIncidentToTree(edge) -- make sure this is never called with a tree edge assert(not self.orig_edge[edge]) local head = edge:getHead() local tail = edge:getTail() if self.tree_node[head] and not self.tree_node[tail] then return true elseif self.tree_node[tail] and not self.tree_node[head] then return true else return false end end function NetworkSimplex:initializeCutValues() self:calculateDFSRange(self.tree.nodes[1], nil, 1) local function init(search) search:push({ node = self.tree.nodes[1], parent_edge = nil }) end local function visit(search, data) search:setVisited(data, true) local into = data.node:getIncomingEdges() local out = data.node:getOutgoingEdges() for i=#into,1,-1 do local edge = into[i] if edge ~= data.parent_edge then search:push({ node = edge:getTail(), parent_edge = edge }) end end for i=#out,1,-1 do local edge = out[i] if edge ~= data.parent_edge then search:push({ node = edge:getHead(), parent_edge = edge }) end end end local function complete(search, data) if data.parent_edge then self:updateCutValue(data.parent_edge) end end DepthFirstSearch.new(init, visit, complete):run() end --- DFS algorithm that calculates post-order traversal indices and parent edges. -- -- This algorithm performs a depth-first search in a directed or undirected -- graph. For each node it calculates the node's post-order traversal index, the -- minimum post-order traversal index of its descendants as well as the edge by -- which the node was reached in the depth-first traversal. -- function NetworkSimplex:calculateDFSRange(root, edge_from_parent, lowest) -- global traversal index counter local lim = lowest -- start the traversal at the root node local function init(search) search:push({ node = root, parent_edge = edge_from_parent, low = lowest }) end -- visit nodes in depth-first order local function visit(search, data) -- mark node as visited so we only visit it once search:setVisited(data, true) -- remember the parent edge self.parent_edge[data.node] = data.parent_edge -- remember the minimum traversal index for this branch of the search tree self.low[data.node] = lim -- next we push all outgoing and incoming edges in reverse order -- to simulate recursive calls local into = data.node:getIncomingEdges() local out = data.node:getOutgoingEdges() for i=#into,1,-1 do local edge = into[i] if edge ~= data.parent_edge then search:push({ node = edge:getTail(), parent_edge = edge }) end end for i=#out,1,-1 do local edge = out[i] if edge ~= data.parent_edge then search:push({ node = edge:getHead(), parent_edge = edge }) end end end -- when completing a node, store its own traversal index local function complete(search, data) self.lim[data.node] = lim lim = lim + 1 end -- kick off the depth-first search DepthFirstSearch.new(init, visit, complete):run() local lim_lookup = {} local min_lim = math.huge local max_lim = -math.huge for _,node in ipairs(self.tree.nodes) do assert(self.lim[node]) assert(self.low[node]) assert(not lim_lookup[self.lim[node]]) lim_lookup[self.lim[node]] = true min_lim = math.min(min_lim, self.lim[node]) max_lim = math.max(max_lim, self.lim[node]) end for n = min_lim, max_lim do assert(lim_lookup[n] == true) end end function NetworkSimplex:updateCutValue(tree_edge) local v = nil if self.parent_edge[tree_edge:getTail()] == tree_edge then v = tree_edge:getTail() dir = 1 else v = tree_edge:getHead() dir = -1 end local sum = 0 local out_edges = self.orig_node[v]:getOutgoingEdges() local in_edges = self.orig_node[v]:getIncomingEdges() local edges = lib.copy(out_edges) for _,v in ipairs(in_edges) do edges[#edges + 1] = v end for _,edge in ipairs(edges) do local other = edge:getNeighbour(self.orig_node[v]) local f = 0 local rv = 0 if not self:inTailComponentOf(self.tree_node[other], v) then f = 1 rv = edge.weight else f = 0 if self.tree_edge[edge] then rv = self.cut_value[self.tree_edge[edge]] else rv = 0 end rv = rv - edge.weight end local d = 0 if dir > 0 then if edge:isHead(self.orig_node[v]) then d = 1 else d = -1 end else if edge:isTail(self.orig_node[v]) then d = 1 else d = -1 end end if f > 0 then d = -d end if d < 0 then rv = -rv end sum = sum + rv end self.cut_value[tree_edge] = sum end function NetworkSimplex:inTailComponentOf(node, v) return (self.low[v] <= self.lim[node]) and (self.lim[node] <= self.lim[v]) end function NetworkSimplex:nextSearchIndex() local index = 1 -- avoid tree edge index out of bounds by resetting the search index -- as soon as it leaves the range of edge indices in the tree if self.search_index > #self.tree.edges then self.search_index = 1 index = 1 else index = self.search_index self.search_index = self.search_index + 1 end return index end function NetworkSimplex:rerank(node, delta) local function init(search) search:push({ node = node, delta = delta }) end local function visit(search, data) search:setVisited(data, true) local orig_node = self.orig_node[data.node] self.ranking:setRank(orig_node, self.ranking:getRank(orig_node) - data.delta) local into = data.node:getIncomingEdges() local out = data.node:getOutgoingEdges() for i=#into,1,-1 do local edge = into[i] if edge ~= self.parent_edge[data.node] then search:push({ node = edge:getTail(), delta = data.delta }) end end for i=#out,1,-1 do local edge = out[i] if edge ~= self.parent_edge[data.node] then search:push({ node = edge:getHead(), delta = data.delta }) end end end DepthFirstSearch.new(init, visit):run() end function NetworkSimplex:rerankBeforeReplacingEdge(leave_edge, enter_edge) local delta = self:edgeSlack(enter_edge) if delta > 0 then local tail = leave_edge:getTail() if #tail.edges == 1 then self:rerank(tail, delta) else local head = leave_edge:getHead() if #head.edges == 1 then self:rerank(head, -delta) else if self.lim[tail] < self.lim[head] then self:rerank(tail, delta) else self:rerank(head, -delta) end end end end end function NetworkSimplex:updateCutValuesUpToCommonAncestor(v, w, cutval, dir) while not self:inTailComponentOf(w, v) do local edge = self.parent_edge[v] if edge:isTail(v) then d = dir else d = not dir end if d then self.cut_value[edge] = self.cut_value[edge] + cutval else self.cut_value[edge] = self.cut_value[edge] - cutval end if self.lim[edge:getTail()] > self.lim[edge:getHead()] then v = edge:getTail() else v = edge:getHead() end end return v end function NetworkSimplex:addEdgeToTree(edge) assert(not self.tree_edge[edge]) -- create the new tree edge local tree_edge = edge:copy() self.orig_edge[tree_edge] = edge self.tree_edge[edge] = tree_edge -- create tree nodes if necessary for _,node in ipairs(edge.nodes) do local tree_node if self.tree_node[node] then tree_node = self.tree_node[node] else tree_node = node:copy() self.orig_node[tree_node] = node self.tree_node[node] = tree_node end self.tree:addNode(tree_node) tree_edge:addNode(tree_node) end self.tree:addEdge(tree_edge) return tree_edge end function NetworkSimplex:removeEdgeFromTree(edge) self.tree:deleteEdge(edge) self.tree_edge[self.orig_edge[edge]] = nil self.orig_edge[edge] = nil end -- Done return NetworkSimplex