-- Copyright 2014 by Ida Bruhns -- -- This file may be distributed and/or modified -- -- 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or -- 2. under the GNU Public License -- -- See the file doc/generic/pgf/licenses/LICENSE for more information local SpringElectricNoCoarsenClass = {} -- Imports local declare = require "pgf.gd.interface.InterfaceToAlgorithms".declare local ForceController = require "pgf.gd.force.jedi.base.ForceController" local ForceCanvasDistance = require "pgf.gd.force.jedi.forcetypes.ForceCanvasDistance" local ForceGraphDistance = require "pgf.gd.force.jedi.forcetypes.ForceGraphDistance" local Storage = require "pgf.gd.lib.Storage" --- declare { key = "spring electric no coarsen layout", algorithm = SpringElectricNoCoarsenClass, preconditions = { connected = true }, postconditions = {fixed = true}, summary = [[This layout uses the algorithm proposed by Fruchterman and Reingold to draw graphs."]], documentation = [[The Fruchterman-Reingold algorithm is one if the oldest methods for force-based graph drawing. It is described in: \begin{itemize} \item Thomas M.~J.~ Fruchterman and Edward M.~ Reingold, \newblock Graph Drawing by Force-directed Placement, \newblock \emph{Software -- practice and experience,} 21(1 1), 1129-1164, 1991. \end{itemize} Fruchterman and Reingold had to principles in graph drawing: \begin{enumerate} \item Vertices connected by an edge should be drawn close toa another and \item in general, vertices should not be drawn too close to each other. \end{itemize} The spring electric no coarsen layout uses spring forces as attractive forces influecing vertex pairs connected by an edge and electric forces as repulsive forces between all vertex pairs. The original algorithm also contained a frame that stopped the vertices from drifting too far apart, but this concept was not implemented. This algorithm will not be affected by coarsening. This layout was implemented by using the Jedi framework. ]], example = [[ \tikz \graph[spring electric no coarsen layout, speed = 0.35, node distance = 2.5cm, nodes={as=,circle, draw, inner sep=3pt,outer sep=0pt}, coarsen = true, maximum step = 1]{ a -- {b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j}, b -- {c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j}, c -- {d, e, f, g, h, i, j}, d -- {e, f, g, h, i, j}, e -- {f, g, h, i, j}, f -- {g, h, i, j}, g -- {h, i, j}, h -- {i, j}, i -- j }; ]], example = [[ \graph[spring electric no coarsen layout, speed = 0.25, node distance = 0.25cm, horizontal = c to l, nodes={as=,circle, draw, inner sep=3pt,outer sep=0pt}, coarsen = false, maximum step = 1]{ a -> b -> c -> {d1 -> e -> f -> g -> h -> i -> {j1 -> e, j2 -> l}, d2 -> l -> m}, m -> a }; ]] } -- Implementation starts here --define a local time function local time_fun_1 function time_fun_1 (t_total, t_now) if t_now/t_total <= 0.5 then return 0.5 else return 2 end end -- define storage table to add attributes if wanted local fw_attributes = Storage.newTableStorage() function SpringElectricNoCoarsenClass:run() -- add options to storage table fw_attributes.options = self.ugraph.options --Generate new force class local spring_electric_no_coarsen = ForceController.new(self.ugraph) spring_electric_no_coarsen:addForce{ force_type = ForceCanvasDistance, fun_u = function (data) return data.k*data.k/(data.d) end, time_fun = time_fun_1, epoch = {"after expand"} } spring_electric_no_coarsen:addForce{ force_type = ForceGraphDistance, fun_u = function (data) return -data.d*data.d/(data.k) end, n = 1, epoch = {"after expand"} } -- run algorithm spring_electric_no_coarsen:run() end return SpringElectricNoCoarsenClass