-- Copyright 2012 by Till Tantau -- -- This file may be distributed an/or modified -- -- 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or -- 2. under the GNU Public License -- -- See the file doc/generic/pgf/licenses/LICENSE for more information -- @release $Header$ -- Imports local declare = require("pgf.gd.interface.InterfaceToAlgorithms").declare --- -- @section subsubsection {Forces and Their Effects: Electrical -- Repulsion} -- -- @end --- declare { key = "electric charge", type = "number", initial = 1, summary = [[" Defines the electric charge of the node. The stronger the |electric charge| of a node the stronger the repulsion between the node and others in the graph. A negative |electric charge| means that other nodes are further attracted to the node rather than repulsed, although in theory this effect strongly depends on how the |spring electrical layout| algorithm works. Two typcal effects of increasing the |electric charge| are distortion of symmetries and an upscaling of the drawings. "]], examples = { [[" \tikz \graph [spring electrical layout, horizontal=0 to 1] { 0 [electric charge=1] -- subgraph C_n [n=10] }; "]], [[" \tikz \graph [spring electrical layout, horizontal=0 to 1] { 0 [electric charge=5] -- subgraph C_n [n=10] }; "]], [[" \tikz \graph [spring electrical layout, horizontal=0 to 1] { [clique] 1 [electric charge=5], 2, 3, 4 }; "]] } } --- declare { key = "electric force order", type = "number", initial = "1", summary = [[" Sometimes, when drawing symmetric and mesh-like graphs, the peripheral distortion caused by long-range electric forces may be undesired. Some electric force models allow to reduce long-range forces and distortion effects by increasing the order (epxonent) of electric forces. Values between 0 and 1 increase long-range electric forces and the scaling of the generated layouts. Value greater than 1 decrease long-range electric forces and results in shrinking drawings. "]] } --- declare { key = "approximate remote forces", type = "boolean", summary = [[" Force based algorithms often need to compute a force for each pair of vertices, which, for larger numbers of vertices, can lead to a significant time overhead. This problem can be addressed by approximating these forces: For a vertex far removed from a cluster of vertices, instead of computing the force contribution of each vertex of the cluster indiviually, we form a sort of ``supervertex'' at the ``gravitational center'' of the cluster and then compute only the force between this supervertex and the single vertex. \emph{Remark:} Currently, the implementation seems to be broken, at least the results are somewhat strange when this key is used. "]] }