-- Copyright 2011 by Jannis Pohlmann -- Copyright 2012 by Till Tantau -- -- This file may be distributed an/or modified -- -- 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or -- 2. under the GNU Public License -- -- See the file doc/generic/pgf/licenses/LICENSE for more information -- @release $Header$ --- A class for handling "coarse" versions of a graph. Such versions contain -- less nodes and edges than the original graph while retaining the overall -- structure. local Graph = require "pgf.gd.deprecated.Graph" -- we subclass from here local CoarseGraph = Graph.new() CoarseGraph.__index = CoarseGraph -- Namespace: local force = require "pgf.gd.force" force.CoarseGraph = CoarseGraph -- Imports local Node = require "pgf.gd.deprecated.Node" local Edge = require "pgf.gd.deprecated.Edge" local lib = require "pgf.gd.lib" -- Class setup CoarseGraph.COARSEN_INDEPENDENT_EDGES = 0 -- TT: Remark: These uppercase constants are *ugly*. Why do people do this?! CoarseGraph.COARSEN_INDEPENDENT_NODES = 1 CoarseGraph.COARSEN_HYBRID = 2 --- Creates a new coarse graph derived from an existing graph. -- -- Generates a coarse graph for the input |Graph|. -- -- Coarsening describes the process of reducing the amount of nodes in a graph -- by merging nodes into supernodes. There are different strategies, called -- schemes, that can be applied, like merging nodes that belong to edges in a -- maximal independent edge set or by creating supernodes based on a maximal -- independent node set. -- -- Coarsening is not performed automatically. The functions |CoarseGraph:coarsen| -- and |CoarseGraph:interpolate| can be used to further coarsen the graph or -- to restore the previous state (while interpolating the node positions from -- the coarser version of the graph). -- -- Note, however, that the input \meta{graph} is always modified in-place, so -- if the original version of \meta{graph} is needed in parallel to its -- coarse representations, a deep copy of \meta{graph} needs to be passed over -- to |CoarseGraph.new|. -- -- @param graph An existing graph that needs to be coarsened. -- @param scheme Coarsening scheme to use. Possible values are:\par -- |CoarseGraph.COARSEN_INDEPENDENT_EDGES|: -- Coarsen the input graph by computing a maximal independent edge set -- and collapsing edges from this set. The resulting coarse graph has -- at least 50% of the nodes of the input graph. This coarsening scheme -- gives slightly better results than -- |CoarseGraph.COARSEN_INDEPENDENT_NODES| because it is less aggressive. -- However, this comes at higher computational cost.\par -- |CoarseGraph.COARSEN_INDEPENDENT_NODES|: -- Coarsen the input graph by computing a maximal independent node set, -- making nodes from this set supernodes in the coarse graph, merging -- adjacent nodes into the supernodes and connecting the supernodes -- if their graph distance is no greater than three. This scheme gives -- slightly worse results than |CoarseGraph.COARSEN_INDEPENDENT_EDGES| -- but is computationally more efficient.\par -- |CoarseGraph.COARSEN_HYBRID|: Combines the other schemes by starting -- with |CoarseGraph.COARSEN_INDEPENDENT_EDGES| and switching to -- |CoarseGraph.COARSEN_INDEPENDENT_NODES| as soon as the first scheme -- does not reduce the amount of nodes by a factor of 25%. -- function CoarseGraph.new(graph, scheme) local coarse_graph = { graph = graph, level = 0, scheme = scheme or CoarseGraph.COARSEN_INDEPENDENT_EDGES, ratio = 0, } setmetatable(coarse_graph, CoarseGraph) return coarse_graph end local function custom_merge(table1, table2, first_metatable) local result = table1 and lib.copy(table1) or {} local first_metatable = first_metatable == true or false for key, value in pairs(table2) do if not result[key] then result[key] = value end end if not first_metatable or not getmetatable(result) then setmetatable(result, getmetatable(table2)) end return result end local function pairs_by_sorted_keys (t, f) local a = {} for n in pairs(t) do a[#a + 1] = n end table.sort (a, f) local i = 0 return function () i = i + 1 return a[i], t[a[i]] end end function CoarseGraph:coarsen() -- update the level self.level = self.level + 1 local old_graph_size = #self.graph.nodes if self.scheme == CoarseGraph.COARSEN_INDEPENDENT_EDGES then local matching, unmatched_nodes = self:findMaximalMatching() for _,edge in ipairs(matching) do -- get the two nodes of the edge that we are about to collapse local u, v = edge.nodes[1], edge.nodes[2] assert(u ~= v, 'the edge ' .. tostring(edge) .. ' is a loop. loops are not supported by this algorithm') -- create a supernode local supernode = Node.new{ name = '(' .. u.name .. ':' .. v.name .. ')', weight = u.weight + v.weight, subnodes = { u, v }, subnode_edge = edge, level = self.level, } -- add the supernode to the graph self.graph:addNode(supernode) -- collect all neighbors of the nodes to merge, create a node -> edge mapping local u_neighbours = lib.map(u.edges, function(edge) return edge, edge:getNeighbour(u) end) local v_neighbours = lib.map(v.edges, function(edge) return edge, edge:getNeighbour(v) end) -- remove the two nodes themselves from the neighbor lists u_neighbours = lib.map(u_neighbours, function (edge,node) if node ~= v then return edge,node end end) v_neighbours = lib.map(v_neighbours, function (edge,node) if node ~= u then return edge,node end end) -- compute a list of neighbors u and v have in common local common_neighbours = lib.map(u_neighbours, function (edge,node) if v_neighbours[node] ~= nil then return edge,node end end) -- create a node -> edges mapping for common neighbors common_neighbours = lib.map(common_neighbours, function (edge, node) return { edge, v_neighbours[node] }, node end) -- drop common edges from the neighbor mappings u_neighbours = lib.map(u_neighbours, function (val,node) if not common_neighbours[node] then return val,node end end) v_neighbours = lib.map(v_neighbours, function (val,node) if not common_neighbours[node] then return val,node end end) -- merge neighbor lists local disjoint_neighbours = custom_merge(u_neighbours, v_neighbours) -- create edges between the supernode and the neighbors of the merged nodes for neighbour, edge in pairs_by_sorted_keys(disjoint_neighbours, function (n,m) return n.index < m.index end) do -- create a superedge to replace the existing one local superedge = Edge.new{ direction = edge.direction, weight = edge.weight, subedges = { edge }, level = self.level, } -- add the supernode and the neighbor to the edge if u_neighbours[neighbour] then superedge:addNode(neighbour) superedge:addNode(supernode) else superedge:addNode(supernode) superedge:addNode(neighbour) end -- replace the old edge self.graph:addEdge(superedge) self.graph:deleteEdge(edge) end -- do the same for all neighbors that the merged nodes have -- in common, except that the weights of the new edges are the -- sums of the of the weights of the edges to the common neighbors for neighbour, edges in pairs_by_sorted_keys(common_neighbours, function (n,m) return n.index < m.index end) do local weights = 0 for _,e in ipairs(edges) do weights = weights + edge.weight end local superedge = Edge.new{ direction = Edge.UNDIRECTED, weight = weights, subedges = edges, level = self.level, } -- add the supernode and the neighbor to the edge superedge:addNode(supernode) superedge:addNode(neighbour) -- replace the old edges self.graph:addEdge(superedge) for _,edge in ipairs(edges) do self.graph:deleteEdge(edge) end end -- delete the nodes u and v which were replaced by the supernode assert(#u.edges == 1, 'node ' .. u.name .. ' is part of a multiedge') -- if this fails, then there is a multiedge involving u assert(#v.edges == 1, 'node ' .. v.name .. ' is part of a multiedge') -- same here self.graph:deleteNode(u) self.graph:deleteNode(v) end else assert(false, 'schemes other than CoarseGraph.COARSEN_INDEPENDENT_EDGES are not implemented yet') end -- calculate the number of nodes ratio compared to the previous graph self.ratio = #self.graph.nodes / old_graph_size end function CoarseGraph:revertSuperedge(superedge) -- TODO we can probably skip adding edges that have one or more -- subedges with the same level. But that needs more testing. -- TODO we might have to pass the corresponding supernode to -- this method so that we can move subnodes to the same -- position, right? Interpolating seems to work fine without -- though... if #superedge.subedges == 1 then local subedge = superedge.subedges[1] if not self.graph:findNode(subedge.nodes[1].name) then self.graph:addNode(subedge.nodes[1]) end if not self.graph:findNode(subedge.nodes[2].name) then self.graph:addNode(subedge.nodes[2]) end if not self.graph:findEdge(subedge) then subedge.nodes[1]:addEdge(subedge) subedge.nodes[2]:addEdge(subedge) self.graph:addEdge(subedge) end if subedge.level and subedge.level >= self.level then self:revertSuperedge(subedge) end else for _,subedge in ipairs(superedge.subedges) do if not self.graph:findNode(subedge.nodes[1].name) then self.graph:addNode(subedge.nodes[1]) end if not self.graph:findNode(subedge.nodes[2].name) then self.graph:addNode(subedge.nodes[2]) end if not self.graph:findEdge(subedge) then subedge.nodes[1]:addEdge(subedge) subedge.nodes[2]:addEdge(subedge) self.graph:addEdge(subedge) end if subedge.level and subedge.level >= self.level then self:revertSuperedge(subedge) end end end end function CoarseGraph:interpolate() -- FIXME TODO Jannis: This does not work now that we allow multi-edges -- and loops! Reverting generates the same edges multiple times which leads -- to distorted drawings compared to the awesome results we had before! local nodes = lib.copy(self.graph.nodes) for _,supernode in ipairs(nodes) do assert(not supernode.level or supernode.level <= self.level) if supernode.level and supernode.level == self.level then -- move the subnode to the position of the supernode and add it to the graph supernode.subnodes[1].pos.x = supernode.pos.x supernode.subnodes[1].pos.y = supernode.pos.y if not self.graph:findNode(supernode.subnodes[1].name) then self.graph:addNode(supernode.subnodes[1]) end -- move the subnode to the position of the supernode and add it to the graph supernode.subnodes[2].pos.x = supernode.pos.x supernode.subnodes[2].pos.y = supernode.pos.y if not self.graph:findNode(supernode.subnodes[2].name) then self.graph:addNode(supernode.subnodes[2]) end if not self.graph:findEdge(supernode.subnode_edge) then supernode.subnodes[1]:addEdge(supernode.subnode_edge) supernode.subnodes[2]:addEdge(supernode.subnode_edge) self.graph:addEdge(supernode.subnode_edge) end local superedges = lib.copy(supernode.edges) for _,superedge in ipairs(superedges) do self:revertSuperedge(superedge) end self.graph:deleteNode(supernode) end end -- Make sure that the nodes and edges are in the correct order: table.sort (self.graph.nodes, function (a, b) return a.index < b.index end) table.sort (self.graph.edges, function (a, b) return a.index < b.index end) for _, n in pairs(self.graph.nodes) do table.sort (n.edges, function (a, b) return a.index < b.index end) end -- update the level self.level = self.level - 1 end function CoarseGraph:getSize() return #self.graph.nodes end function CoarseGraph:getRatio() return self.ratio end function CoarseGraph:getLevel() return self.level end function CoarseGraph:getGraph() return self.graph end function CoarseGraph:findMaximalMatching() local matching = {} local matched_nodes = {} local unmatched_nodes = {} -- iterate over nodes in random order for _,j in ipairs(lib.random_permutation(#self.graph.nodes)) do local node = self.graph.nodes[j] -- ignore nodes that have already been matched if not matched_nodes[node] then -- mark the node as matched matched_nodes[node] = true -- filter out edges adjacent to neighbors already matched local edges = lib.imap(node.edges, function (edge) if not matched_nodes[edge:getNeighbour(node)] then return edge end end) -- FIXME TODO We use a light-vertex matching here. This is -- different from the algorithm proposed by Hu which collapses -- edges based on a heavy-edge matching... if #edges > 0 then -- sort edges by the weights of the node's neighbors table.sort(edges, function (a, b) return a:getNeighbour(node).weight < b:getNeighbour(node).weight end) -- match the node against the neighbor with minimum weight matched_nodes[edges[1]:getNeighbour(node)] = true table.insert(matching, edges[1]) end end end -- generate a list of nodes that were not matched at all for _,j in ipairs(lib.random_permutation(#self.graph.nodes)) do local node = self.graph.nodes[j] if not matched_nodes[node] then table.insert(unmatched_nodes, node) end end return matching, unmatched_nodes end -- done return CoarseGraph