-- Copyright 2012 by Till Tantau -- -- This file may be distributed an/or modified -- -- 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or -- 2. under the GNU Public License -- -- See the file doc/generic/pgf/licenses/LICENSE for more information -- @release $Header$ --- -- @section subsubsection {How To Generate Nodes Inside an Algorithm} -- -- @end -- Imports local layered = require "pgf.gd.layered" local InterfaceToAlgorithms = require "pgf.gd.interface.InterfaceToAlgorithms" local declare = require "pgf.gd.interface.InterfaceToAlgorithms".declare -- The class local SimpleHuffman = {} --- declare { key = "simple Huffman layout", algorithm = SimpleHuffman, postconditions = { upward_oriented = true }, summary = [[" This algorithm demonstrates how an algorithm can generate new nodes. "]], documentation = [[" The input graph should just consist of some nodes (without edges) and each node should have a |probability| key set. The nodes will then be arranged in a line (as siblings) and a Huffman tree will be constructed ``above'' these nodes. For the construction of the Huffman tree, new nodes are created and connected. \pgfgdset{ HuffmanLabel/.style={/tikz/edge node={node[fill=white,font=\footnotesize,inner sep=1pt]{#1}}}, HuffmanNode/.style={/tikz/.cd,circle,inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt,draw,minimum size=3pt} } \begin{codeexample}[] \tikz \graph [simple Huffman layout, level distance=7mm, sibling distance=8mm, grow'=up] { a ["0.5", probability=0.5], b ["0.12", probability=0.12], c ["0.2", probability=0.2], d ["0.1", probability=0.1], e ["0.11", probability=0.11] }; \end{codeexample} The file starts with some setups and declarations: \begin{codeexample}[code only, tikz syntax=false] -- File pgf.gd.examples.SimpleHuffman local declare = require "pgf.gd.interface.InterfaceToAlgorithms".declare -- The class local SimpleHuffman = {} declare { key = "simple Huffman layout", algorithm = SimpleHuffman, postconditions = { upward_oriented = true } summary = "..." } declare { key = "probability", type = "number", initial = "1", summary = "..." } -- Import local layered = require "pgf.gd.layered" local InterfaceToAlgorithms = require "pgf.gd.interface.InterfaceToAlgorithms" local Storage = require "pgf.gd.lib.Storage" local probability = Storage.new() local layer = Storage.new() function SimpleHuffman:run() -- Construct a Huffman tree on top of the vertices... \end{codeexample} Next comes a setup, where we create the working list of vertices that changes as the Huffman coding method proceeds: \begin{codeexample}[code only, tikz syntax=false] -- Shorthand local function prop (v) return probability[v] or v.options['probability'] end -- Copy the vertex table, since we are going to modify it: local vertices = {} for i,v in ipairs(self.ugraph.vertices) do vertices[i] = v end \end{codeexample} The initial vertices are arranged in a line on the last layer. The function |ideal_sibling_distance| takes care of the rather complicated handling of the (possibly rotated) bounding boxes and separations. The |props| and |layer| are tables used by algorithms to ``store stuff'' at a vertex or at an arc. The table will be accessed by |arrange_layers_by_baselines| to determine the ideal vertical placements. \begin{codeexample}[code only, tikz syntax=false] -- Now, arrange the nodes in a line: vertices [1].pos.x = 0 layer[ vertices [1] ] = #vertices for i=2,#vertices do local d = layered.ideal_sibling_distance(self.adjusted_bb, self.ugraph, vertices[i-1], vertices[i]) vertices [i].pos.x = vertices[i-1].pos.x + d layer[ vertices [i] ] = #vertices end \end{codeexample} Now comes the actual Huffman algorithm: Always find the vertices with a minimal probability\dots \begin{codeexample}[code only, tikz syntax=false] -- Now, do the Huffman thing... while #vertices > 1 do -- Find two minimum probabilities local min1, min2 for i=1,#vertices do if not min1 or prop(vertices[i]) < prop(vertices[min1]) then min2 = min1 min1 = i elseif not min2 or prop(vertices[i]) < prop(vertices[min2]) then min2 = i end end \end{codeexample} \dots and connect them with a new node. This new node gets the option |HuffmanNode|. It is now the job of the higher layers to map this option to something ``nice''. \begin{codeexample}[code only, tikz syntax=false] -- Create new node: local p = prop(vertices[min1]) + prop(vertices[min2]) local v = InterfaceToAlgorithms.createVertex(self, { generated_options = {{key="HuffmanNode"}}}) probability[v] = p layer[v] = #vertices-1 v.pos.x = (vertices[min1].pos.x + vertices[min2].pos.x)/2 vertices[#vertices + 1] = v InterfaceToAlgorithms.createEdge (self, v, vertices[min1], {generated_options = {{key="HuffmanLabel", value = "0"}}}) InterfaceToAlgorithms.createEdge (self, v, vertices[min2], {generated_options = {{key="HuffmanLabel", value = "1"}}}) table.remove(vertices, math.max(min1, min2)) table.remove(vertices, math.min(min1, min2)) end \end{codeexample} Ok, we are mainly done now. Finish by computing vertical placements and do formal cleanup. \begin{codeexample}[code only, tikz syntax=false] layered.arrange_layers_by_baselines(layers, self.adjusted_bb, self.ugraph) end \end{codeexample} In order to use the class, we have to make sure that, on the display layer, the options |HuffmanLabel| and |HuffmanNode| are defined. This is done by adding, for instance, the following to \tikzname: \begin{codeexample}[code only] \pgfkeys{ /graph drawing/HuffmanLabel/.style={ /tikz/edge node={node[fill=white,font=\footnotesize,inner sep=1pt]{#1}} }, /graph drawing/HuffmanNode/.style={ /tikz/.cd,circle,inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt,draw,minimum size=3pt } } \end{codeexample} "]] } --- declare { key = "probability", type = "number", initial = "1", summary = [[" The probability parameter. It is used by the Huffman algorithm to group nodes. "]] } -- Imports local Storage = require 'pgf.gd.lib.Storage' -- Storages local probability = Storage.new() local layer = Storage.new() function SimpleHuffman:run() -- Construct a Huffman tree on top of the vertices... -- Shorthand local function prop (v) return probability[v] or v.options['probability'] end -- Copy the vertex table, since we are going to modify it: local vertices = {} for i,v in ipairs(self.ugraph.vertices) do vertices[i] = v end -- Now, arrange the nodes in a line: vertices [1].pos.x = 0 layer[vertices [1]] = #vertices for i=2,#vertices do local d = layered.ideal_sibling_distance(self.adjusted_bb, self.ugraph, vertices[i-1], vertices[i]) vertices [i].pos.x = vertices[i-1].pos.x + d layer[vertices [i]] = #vertices end -- Now, do the Huffman thing... while #vertices > 1 do -- Find two minimum probabilities local min1, min2 for i=1,#vertices do if not min1 or prop(vertices[i]) < prop(vertices[min1]) then min2 = min1 min1 = i elseif not min2 or prop(vertices[i]) < prop(vertices[min2]) then min2 = i end end -- Create new node: local p = prop(vertices[min1]) + prop(vertices[min2]) local v = InterfaceToAlgorithms.createVertex(self, { generated_options = {{key="HuffmanNode"}}}) probability[v] = p layer[v] = #vertices-1 v.pos.x = (vertices[min1].pos.x + vertices[min2].pos.x)/2 vertices[#vertices + 1] = v InterfaceToAlgorithms.createEdge (self, v, vertices[min1], {generated_options = {{key="HuffmanLabel", value = "0"}}}) InterfaceToAlgorithms.createEdge (self, v, vertices[min2], {generated_options = {{key="HuffmanLabel", value = "1"}}}) table.remove(vertices, math.max(min1, min2)) table.remove(vertices, math.min(min1, min2)) end layered.arrange_layers_by_baselines(layer, self.adjusted_bb, self.ugraph) end return SimpleHuffman