-- Copyright 2010 by Renée Ahrens, Olof Frahm, Jens Kluttig, Matthias Schulz, Stephan Schuster -- Copyright 2011 by Jannis Pohlmann -- Copyright 2012 by Till Tantau -- -- This file may be distributed an/or modified -- -- 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or -- 2. under the GNU Public License -- -- See the file doc/generic/pgf/licenses/LICENSE for more information -- @release $Header$ --- The Node class -- -- local Node = {} Node.__index = Node -- Namespace local lib = require "pgf.gd.lib" -- Imports local Vector = require "pgf.gd.deprecated.Vector" --- Creates a new node. -- -- @param values Values to override default node settings. -- The following parameters can be set:\par -- |name|: The name of the node. It is obligatory to define this.\par -- |tex|: Information about the corresponding \TeX\ node.\par -- |edges|: Edges adjacent to the node.\par -- |pos|: Initial position of the node.\par -- |options|: A table of node options passed over from \tikzname. -- -- @return A newly allocated node. -- function Node.new(values) local new = { class = Node, name = nil, tex = { -- texNode = nil, -- maxX = nil, -- minX = nil, -- maxY = nil, -- minY = nil }, edges = {}, -- pos = nil, options = {}, -- growth_direction = nil, -- index = nil, -- event_index = nil, kind = "node", } setmetatable(new, Node) if values then for k,v in pairs(values) do new [k] = v end end if not new.pos then new.pos = Vector.new(2) end return new end --- Sets the node option \meta{name} to \meta{value}. -- -- @param name Name of the node option to be changed. -- @param value New value for the node option \meta{name}. -- function Node:setOption(name, value) self.options[name] = value end --- Returns the value of the node option \meta{name}. -- -- @param name Name of the node option. -- @param graph If this optional argument is given, -- in case the option is not set as a node parameter, -- we try to look it up as a graph parameter. -- -- @return The value of the node option \meta{name} or |nil|. -- function Node:getOption(name, graph) return lib.lookup_option(name, self, graph) end --- Computes the width of the node. -- -- @return Width of the node. -- function Node:getTexWidth() return math.abs(self.tex.maxX - self.tex.minX) end --- Computes the height of the node. -- -- @return Height of the node. -- function Node:getTexHeight() return math.abs(self.tex.maxY - self.tex.minY) end --- Adds new edge to the node. -- -- @param edge The edge to be added. -- function Node:addEdge(edge) table.insert(self.edges, edge) end --- Removes an edge from the node. -- -- @param edge The edge to remove. -- function Node:removeEdge(edge) self.edges = lib.imap (self.edges, function(other) if other ~= edge then return other end end) end --- Counts the adjacent edges of the node. -- -- @return The number of adjacent edges of the node. -- function Node:getDegree() return #self.edges end --- Returns all edges of the node. -- -- Instead of calling |node:getEdges()| the edges can alternatively be -- accessed directly with |node.edges|. -- -- @return All edges of the node. -- function Node:getEdges() return self.edges end --- Returns the incoming edges of the node. Undefined result for hyperedges. -- -- @param ignore_reversed Optional parameter to consider reversed edges not -- reversed for this method call. Defaults to |false|. -- -- @return Incoming edges of the node. This includes undirected edges -- and directed edges pointing to the node. -- function Node:getIncomingEdges(ignore_reversed) return lib.imap(self.edges, function (edge) if edge:isHead(self, ignore_reversed) then return edge end end) end --- Returns the outgoing edges of the node. Undefined result for hyperedges. -- -- @param ignore_reversed Optional parameter to consider reversed edges not -- reversed for this method call. Defaults to |false|. -- -- @return Outgoing edges of the node. This includes undirected edges -- and directed edges leaving the node. -- function Node:getOutgoingEdges(ignore_reversed) return lib.imap(self.edges, function (edge) if edge:isTail(self, ignore_reversed) then return edge end end) end --- Returns the number of incoming edges of the node. -- -- @see Node:getIncomingEdges(reversed) -- -- @param ignore_reversed Optional parameter to consider reversed edges not -- reversed for this method call. Defaults to |false|. -- -- @return The number of incoming edges of the node. -- function Node:getInDegree(ignore_reversed) return #self:getIncomingEdges(ignore_reversed) end --- Returns the number of edges starting at the node. -- -- @see Node:getOutgoingEdges() -- -- @param ignore_reversed Optional parameter to consider reversed edges not -- reversed for this method call. Defaults to |false|. -- -- @return The number of outgoing edges of the node. -- function Node:getOutDegree(ignore_reversed) return #self:getOutgoingEdges(ignore_reversed) end --- Creates a shallow copy of the node. -- -- Most notably, the edges adjacent are not preserved in the copy. -- -- @return Copy of the node. -- function Node:copy() local result = lib.copy(self, Node.new()) result.edges = {} return result end --- Compares two nodes by their name. -- -- @ignore This should not appear in the documentation. -- -- @param other Another node to compare with. -- -- @return |true| if both nodes have the same name. |false| otherwise. -- function Node:__eq(object) return self.name == object.name end --- Returns a formated string representation of the node. -- -- @ignore This should not appear in the documentation. -- -- @return String representation of the node. -- function Node:__tostring() local tmp = Node.__tostring Node.__tostring = nil local result = "Node<" .. tostring(self) .. ">(" .. self.name .. ")" Node.__tostring = tmp return result end -- Done return Node