-- Copyright 2013 by Till Tantau -- -- This file may be distributed an/or modified -- -- 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or -- 2. under the GNU Public License -- -- See the file doc/generic/pgf/licenses/LICENSE for more information -- @release $Header: /cvsroot/pgf/pgf/generic/pgf/graphdrawing/lua/pgf/gd/circular/doc.lua,v 1.1 2014/03/19 09:20:57 tantau Exp $ local key = require 'pgf.gd.doc'.key local documentation = require 'pgf.gd.doc'.documentation local summary = require 'pgf.gd.doc'.summary local example = require 'pgf.gd.doc'.example -------------------------------------------------------------------- key "simple necklace layout" summary [[ This simple layout arranges the nodes in a circle, which is especially useful for drawing, well, circles of nodes. ]] documentation [[ The name |simple necklace layout| is reminiscent of the more general ``necklace layout,'' a term coined by Speckmann and Verbeek in their paper \begin{itemize} \item Bettina Speckmann and Kevin Verbeek, \newblock Necklace Maps, \newblock \emph{IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics,} 16(6):881--889, 2010. \end{itemize} For a |simple necklace layout|, the centers of the nodes are placed on a counter-clockwise circle, starting with the first node at the |grow| direction (for |grow'|, the circle is clockwise). The order of the nodes is the order in which they appear in the graph, the edges are not taken into consideration, unless the |componentwise| option is given. \begin{codeexample}[] \tikz[>=spaced stealth'] \graph [simple necklace layout, grow'=down, node sep=1em, nodes={draw,circle}, math nodes] { x_1 -> x_2 -> x_3 -> x_4 -> x_5 -> "\dots"[draw=none] -> "x_{n-1}" -> x_n -> x_1 }; \end{codeexample} When you give the |componentwise| option, the graph will be decomposed into connected components, which are then laid out individually and packed using the usual component packing mechanisms: \begin{codeexample}[] \tikz \graph [simple necklace layout] { a -- b -- c -- d -- a, 1 -- 2 -- 3 -- 1 }; \end{codeexample} \begin{codeexample}[] \tikz \graph [simple necklace layout, componentwise] { a -- b -- c -- d -- a, 1 -- 2 -- 3 -- 1 }; \end{codeexample} The nodes are placed in such a way that \begin{enumerate} \item The (angular) distance between the centers of consecutive nodes is at least |node distance|, \item the distance between the borders of consecutive nodes is at least |node sep|, and \item the radius is at least |radius|. \end{enumerate} The radius of the circle is chosen near-minimal such that the above properties are satisfied. To be more precise, if all nodes are circles, the radius is chosen optimally while for, say, rectangular nodes there may be too much space between the nodes in order to satisfy the second condition. ]] example [[ \tikz \graph [simple necklace layout, node sep=0pt, node distance=0pt, nodes={draw,circle}] { 1 -- 2 [minimum size=30pt] -- 3 -- 4 [minimum size=50pt] -- 5 [minimum size=40pt] -- 6 -- 7 }; ]] example [[ \begin{tikzpicture}[radius=1.25cm] \graph [simple necklace layout, node sep=0pt, node distance=0pt, nodes={draw,circle}] { 1 -- 2 [minimum size=30pt] -- 3 -- 4 [minimum size=50pt] -- 5 [minimum size=40pt] -- 6 -- 7 }; \draw [red] (0,-1.25) circle []; \end{tikzpicture} ]] example [[ \tikz \graph [simple necklace layout, node sep=0pt, node distance=1cm, nodes={draw,circle}] { 1 -- 2 [minimum size=30pt] -- 3 -- 4 [minimum size=50pt] -- 5 [minimum size=40pt] -- 6 -- 7 }; ]] example [[ \tikz \graph [simple necklace layout, node sep=2pt, node distance=0pt, nodes={draw,circle}] { 1 -- 2 [minimum size=30pt] -- 3 -- 4 [minimum size=50pt] -- 5 [minimum size=40pt] -- 6 -- 7 }; ]] example [[ \tikz \graph [simple necklace layout, node sep=0pt, node distance=0pt, nodes={rectangle,draw}] { 1 -- 2 [minimum size=30pt] -- 3 -- 4 [minimum size=50pt] -- 5 [minimum size=40pt] -- 6 -- 7 }; ]] --------------------------------------------------------------------