%%% ==================================================================== %%% @LaTeX-file{ %%% author = "Ognyan Tonev", %%% version = "beta", %%% date = "1990-09-30" %%% time = "12:18:01 EET" %%% filename = "bghyphen.tex", %%% address = "Center of Informatics and Computer Technology %%% Bulgarian Academy of Sciences %%% Acad. G. Bonchev str., block 25-A %%% 1113 Sofia, BULGARIA" %%% telephone = "", %%% FAX = "", %%% checksum = "", %%% email = "", %%% codetable = "UCY", %%% keywords = "", %%% supported = "?", %%% docstring = "" %%% } %%% ==================================================================== % % % >From "bgcict::otonev"@ATGBOX.edvz.uni-linz.ac.at Wed Sep 30 12:18:01 1992 % To: yannis@gat % Subject: Bulgarian hyphenation rules and patterns % % Dear Mr Haralambous, % % My address is: % % Ognyan Tonev % Center of Informatics and Computer Technology % Bulgarian Academy of Sciences % Acad. G. Bonchev str., block 25-A % 1113 Sofia, BULGARIA % % Hereafter you will find a not very good translation of the rules for % hyphening Bulgarian words. % % I work in this direction, also. But I have not a 100% working complect % of patterns. So, the copy I send you is only a betta-version. % % As the e-mail can handle only first 127 ASCII symbols, in the examples % I will use the phonetic transcription of cyrillic letters. % % 1. A consonant between two vowels has to go to the next line together with % the second vowet. (ko-min) % % 2. If there are two or more consonants between two vowels, at least one of % them has to stay on the first line (ses-tra or sest-ra, but not se-stra). % % 3. If there are two equal consonants in the word, they have to be cutted. % (radost-ta, not rados-tta) % % 4. If there are a pair of two vowels in the word, at least one has to stay % on the first line. (kamio-ni, kami-oni, but not kam-ioni) % % 5. If there are three or more vowels in the word, at least one has to be % on the second line. (ma-o-izam, but not maoi-zam) % % 6. If there is a consonant after the "short i"(^^Z), it ("short i") has to be % on the first line. (maj-ka, not ma-jka) % % 7. If there are two or more consonants after the "short i"(^^Z), at least % one of them has to be on the first line. (majs-tor, not maj-stor) % % 8. If there are a vowel after the "short i"(^^Z), they together go to the % second line. (ma-jor, not maj-or) % % 9. The pair \char'176 and "o" always goes together. (akt\char'176 o-ri) % % 10. \char'176 always goes together with the consonant before it. (ak-t\char'176 % or) % % 11. The pair \char'144\char'031 always goes together. % % 12. At every part of the cutted word has to be at least one vowel. Words of % one syllable could not be cutted. % % 13. It is forbiden to cut one vowel of a word. % % 14. Punctuation marks after a word has to stay on the firs line. % % 15. Compound words are cutted using the rules for the other words. % % I work in this direction, also. But I have not a 100% working complect % of patterns. So, the copy I send you is only a beta-version. % % %%%% Top of file bhyphen.tex %%%%%% %This is bhyphen.tex (Bulgarian hyphenation patterns) as of 07/31/90 %Written by Ognyan Tonev for own use only ! %There is no copyright associated with this code. %Evryone can use it in its own responsibility. %\message{ Bulgarian hyphenation } % The BGPlain TeX hyphenation tables \patterns{ % just type if you're not using INITEX .^^^^04304 .^^^^0430^^^^0432^^^^04382 .^^^^0430^^^^04481 .^^^^0431^^^^04352^^^^04371^^^^04432 .^^^^0432^^^^043a^^^^043b^^^^044e4^^^^04475^^^^0432 .^^^^0434^^^^04382^^^^0430 .^^^^0434^^^^04362^^^^04301 .^^^^04384 .^^^^0438^^^^04371 .^^^^0438^^^^04374^^^^043e .^^^^0438^^^^04374^^^^0435 .^^^^0438^^^^04332 .^^^^0438^^^^04413^^^^043b .^^^^0438^^^^04413^^^^0442 .^^^^0438^^^^04411^^^^0442^^^^0438 .^^^^0438^^^^04415^^^^0442^^^^0440 .^^^^043a^^^^043e^^^^043e^^^^04401 .^^^^043b^^^^04351^^^^043c .^^^^043c^^^^04352^^^^04365 .^^^^043c^^^^04304^^^^0440^^^^043a3^^^^0441 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.^^^^0441^^^^0435^^^^043f5^^^^0442 .^^^^0441^^^^04384^^^^04413 .^^^^0441^^^^043e4^^^^04315^^^^0441^^^^0442 .^^^^0441^^^^043e^^^^043f1^^^^043b .^^^^0441^^^^0432^^^^0440^^^^044a4^^^^04453 .^^^^0441^^^^0432^^^^043e4^^^^0439^^^^0441^^^^04425^^^^0432 .^^^^0441^^^^0442^^^^04381 .^^^^0441^^^^0442^^^^0438^^^^0445^^^^043e3 .^^^^0441^^^^044a^^^^04413 .^^^^0442^^^^04354^^^^043a1^^^^0441 .^^^^0442^^^^043e5^^^^0432 .^^^^0442^^^^043e^^^^043f1^^^^043b .^^^^0442^^^^0440^^^^0430^^^^043d2^^^^04411 .^^^^04434 .^^^^0443^^^^04342^^^^043b .^^^^0443^^^^043a2 .^^^^0443^^^^04406^^^^0432 .^^^^0443^^^^04413 .^^^^0432^^^^043e2^^^^0441^^^^043a .^^^^0432^^^^044a^^^^04425^^^^0440 .^^^^0432^^^^044b^^^^043f^^^^04432^^^^043a .^^^^0432^^^^044b^^^^043f^^^^0443^^^^043a^^^^043b1 .^^^^0437^^^^0430^^^^04412 .^^^^0437^^^^0430^^^^04432 .^^^^0437^^^^0430^^^^04482 .^^^^0437^^^^043e2^^^^043e3 .^^^^0447^^^^04302^^^^0435 .^^^^0447^^^^0435^^^^04402^^^^0441 .^^^^0447^^^^0435^^^^0440^^^^0441^^^^04425 .^^^^0447^^^^04352^^^^0441^^^^04421^^^^0432 .^^^^0443^^^^04411^^^^043f .^^^^0443^^^^0441^^^^04421^^^^0440 % vowels 4^^^^04301 4^^^^04304^^^^04391 4^^^^04351 4^^^^04381 4^^^^04384^^^^04353 4^^^^043e1 4^^^^043e3^^^^0432 4^^^^043e4^^^^04381 ^^^^043e4^^^^043e 4^^^^04431 4^^^^044a1 4^^^^044e1 4^^^^044f1 % a ^^^^04304^^^^04315^^^^043a ^^^^04304^^^^04333^^^^043d ^^^^0430^^^^04483^^^^0432^^^^0438 % b % v 4^^^^04323^^^^043d ^^^^0432^^^^04383^^^^043b^^^^0438. ^^^^0432^^^^044a4^^^^043d1 ^^^^0432^^^^044a4^^^^043f1 % g 4^^^^0433^^^^04353^^^^043b % d 4^^^^04345^^^^0431 4^^^^04345^^^^0434 5^^^^0434^^^^04354^^^^04395^^^^0441^^^^0442 1^^^^04344^^^^04362 4^^^^04345^^^^0433 4^^^^04345^^^^043a 4^^^^04345^^^^043b 4^^^^04345^^^^043c 4^^^^04345^^^^043d 4^^^^04345^^^^043f 4^^^^04345^^^^0440 4^^^^04345^^^^0441 4^^^^04345^^^^0445 % e ^^^^04354^^^^04393^^^^043d ^^^^04352^^^^043b3^^^^0432 ^^^^04354^^^^043c5^^^^043d ^^^^04352^^^^04413^^^^0432^^^^0430 ^^^^04354^^^^04413^^^^0442 ^^^^04354^^^^04423^^^^043b 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7^^^^0442^^^^043e. 4^^^^0431. 4^^^^0434. 4^^^^0432. 4^^^^0449. 4^^^^0447. 4^^^^0440. 4^^^^0442. 4^^^^043f. 4^^^^0441. 4^^^^0444. 4^^^^0433. 4^^^^0445. 4^^^^0458. 4^^^^043a. 4^^^^043b. 4^^^^0437. 4^^^^0448. 4^^^^0446. 4^^^^043d. 4^^^^043c. } \hyphenation{% ^^^^043f^^^^044a^^^^0440-^^^^0432^^^^043e } %%%% Bottom of file bhyphen.tex %%%%%%