\ifx\LABELS\relax\endinput\else\let\LABELS=\relax\fi % \input only once % % labels.tex: Macros to print address labels (and bulk letters). % version: 1.0 release: 24 October 1991 % % copyright (c) 1991 Marcel R. van der Goot % You can use these macros to typeset documents. You may % distribute this file freely, provided that you also distribute % the accompanying documentation. % You may make changes to this file, or extract portions % of it for inclusion in other files, provided that % (1) you change the name of the file; % (2) you give proper credit and include copyright % information where applicable; % (3) explain how an unchanged version can be obtained; and % (4) document the usage of your macros/changes (if usage % of your macros is not worth documenting, they must not % be worth using). % You are not allowed to use the name ``Midnight Macros'' for % any changed files. % The above rules for making changes do not apply where it % is explicitly noted in this file that something can be changed % to conform to your local installation. % % USAGE: % See the file labels.doc % You need Midnight/dolines.tex and Midnight/loop.tex to use these % macros. % % original: csvax.cs.caltech.edu [] in pub/tex % (use anonymous ftp). Also in various archives. % % Caltech, Pasadena --- Marcel van der Goot % marcel@cs.caltech.edu % Caltech 256--80 % Pasadena, CA 91125 % USA % (818) 356--4603 % % update history: % version 1.0: This one. % release 24 Oct 1991: I undid the change from 6 Aug 1991: Matthias % Feyerabend suggested a more elegant change that has the % same result (involving \the\expandafter\lbl_txt#1). % release 6 Aug 1991: Dolines.tex was changed since the previous % release: it now calls \everyline with a single macro rather % than with the text of the line. This required a change in % the creation of \lbl_txt; \addlbl_txt was added. % release 14 Feb 1991: The original % %%%%%% CODE: (you don't need to read this to use the macros) \input Midnight/dolines % CHANGE this filename to correspond to % your installation %%%%%%% Registers % All user-accessible registers. Some private registers are declared % later. % Individual labels: \newdimen\vlblsize \newdimen\hlblsize \newskip\vindent \newskip\hindent \newdimen\lbloutline \newtoks\beforelbl \newtoks\afterlbl % Labels on a page: \newcount\vlbls \newcount\hlbls \newdimen\vfirst \newdimen\hfirst \newdimen\vinter \newdimen\hinter % We make `_' into a letter to make macros private \vlbls=\catcode`\_ % minor trick to remember old value \catcode`\_=11 \newbox\lbl_ % box in which a label is constructed %%%%%%% Error message % If a label is too large, we give an error message. \err_dim is the % excess size of the label, \lbl_txt is the text of the label. \lbl_txt % is set while reading the label, so that we can report which label is % too large. Depending on the value of \err_act, more action is % taken: 0 --> nothing, 1 --> print label anyway, others --> print % this label on \lbl_log=lblerror.tex as well. \lbl_log is closed % and an appropriate message printed by \close_log. \newdimen\err_dim \newtoks\lbl_txt \newcount\err_act \newcount\err_cnt \newwrite\lbl_log \let\erroraction=\err_act \def\err_lbl#1% #1 = "wide" or "high" {{\global\advance\err_cnt by 1 \newlinechar=`\^^J \immediate\write16{^^J**** Label is \the\err_dim\space too #1:}% \immediate\write16{\the\lbl_txt}% \ifcase\err_act \or\make_lbl \else\immediate\write\lbl_log{\the\lbl_txt}% \fi }} \def\close_msg#1% {\ifnum\err_cnt>0 \immediate\write16{#1}% \fi } \def\close_log {\ifcase\err_act \close_msg{**** \the\err_cnt\space error(s) ****}% \or \close_msg{**** \the\err_cnt\space label(s) with errors % are included in the dvi file ****}% \else\immediate\closeout\lbl_log \close_msg{**** \the\err_cnt\space error(s): see lblerror.tex ****}% \fi } %%%%%%% Reading a label % Every group of lines is set in a vbox, using dolines.tex (see dolines.doc). % \lbl_before corresponds to \beforelines (see dolines), etc. % Every line itself is set in an hbox. The sizes of the hboxes and % vboxes are not specified here, because we want to do our own checking % rather than rely on TeX's checking and error messages. The computation % in \lbl_before is used to position the baseline of the first line % independently of the height of that line. \vindent is similar to TeX's % \topskip. \def\lbl_before {\global\lbl_txt={}% \setbox\lbl_=\vbox\bgroup \advance\vindent by -\baselineskip \ifdim\vindent<0sp \vindent=0sp \fi \vskip\vindent \prevdepth=0sp \the\beforelbl } % #1 is always equal to `\_ln', which in turn expands to the line of text. % That works fine with \hbox, but we must somehow expand \_ln first before % we put it in \lbl_txt. That is what the second expandafter is for. The % first expandafter is to expand \the\lbl_txt (and \_ln) before the '{' is % read. Otherwise no expansion is done: TeX does not expand the tokens in % the text of a token variable. % --- thanks for this solution to Matthias Feyerabend. \def\lbl_every#1% {\hbox{#1}% \global\lbl_txt=\expandafter{\the\expandafter\lbl_txt#1^^J}% } \def\lbl_after {\the\afterlbl \egroup % closes \lbl_=\vbox{...} \check_lbl } %%%%%%% Making a label % \check_lbl checks whether the label is not too large, and, if not, % calls \make_lbl. (\make_lbl can also be called from \err_lbl.) % Note that \check_lbl only checks for the natural size of the label; % if \hindent or \vindent have shrink components, the label may % actually fit. \def\check_lbl {\err_dim=\wd\lbl_ \advance\err_dim by \hindent \ifdim\err_dim>\hlblsize \advance\err_dim by -\hlblsize \err_lbl{wide}% \else\err_dim=\ht\lbl_ \advance\err_dim by \dp\lbl_ \ifdim\err_dim>\vlblsize \advance\err_dim by -\vlblsize \err_lbl{high}% \else\make_lbl \fi \fi } \def\make_lbl {\setbox\lbl_=\vbox to \vlblsize{\unvbox\lbl_ \vss}% \setbox\lbl_=\hbox to \hlblsize {\kern -\lbloutline \vrule width\lbloutline \hskip\hindent \box\lbl_ \hss \vrule width\lbloutline \kern -\lbloutline }% \setbox\lbl_=\vbox {\kern -\lbloutline \hrule height\lbloutline \box\lbl_ \hrule height\lbloutline \kern -\lbloutline }% \add_to_row } %%%%%%% Making a page % \lbl_out takes the label constructed in \lbl_ and adds it to the current % row. If the row is full, as counted by \h_cnt, the row is added % to the current page. Similarly, if \v_cnt indicates a full page, % the page is shipped out. (Note: There is no interline glue between % rows because of the way \unvbox does (not) affect \prevdepth.) % \finish_page ships out any remaining incomplete page. % \count1 is used to count the labels (this is only used to report % to the user when a page is shipped out). \newbox\lbl_page \newbox\lbl_row \newcount\v_cnt \newcount\h_cnt \def\add_to_row {\ifnum\h_cnt=0 \global\setbox\lbl_row=\hbox{\kern\hfirst \box\lbl_}% \else\global\setbox\lbl_row= \hbox{\unhbox\lbl_row \kern\hinter \box\lbl_}% \fi \global\advance\h_cnt by 1 \global\advance\count1 by 1 \ifnum\h_cnt<\hlbls \else\add_to_page \global\h_cnt=0 \fi } \def\add_to_page {\ifnum\v_cnt=0 \global\setbox\lbl_page=\vbox{\kern\vfirst \box\lbl_row}% \else\global\setbox\lbl_page= \vbox{\unvbox\lbl_page \kern\vinter \box\lbl_row}% \fi \global\advance\v_cnt by 1 \ifnum\v_cnt<\vlbls \else\shipout\box\lbl_page \global\v_cnt=0 \global\advance\count0 by 1 \fi } \def\finish_page {\ifnum\h_cnt>0 \add_to_page \fi \ifnum\v_cnt>0 \shipout\box\lbl_page \global\advance\count0 by1 \fi } %%%%%%% Typesetting labels % In \setup_lbl the \bgroup is to prevent some changes from continuing % after \endlabels (e.g., catcode changes). Of course, we could also have % reset them to the (presumed) old values in \endlabels. And anyway, % it is a rather unnecessary refinement, since it doesn't make much % sence to combine typesetting labels with other things in the same % TeX run. We prevent changes of \erroraction while labels are being % typeset, since such changes would cause confusion with respect to % the log file. (Another unnecessary refinement: if you change the % action you deserve what you get.) % The \hsize is set properly in case \beforelbl or \afterlbl contains % horizontal material (this will be typeset as a normal paragraph). % It also allows the use of \line in these token registers. \def\catcode_lbl{\catcode`\&=12 \catcode`\#=12 } \def\setup_lbl {\vfill\supereject \ifcase\err_act\or\else \immediate\openout\lbl_log=lblerror.tex %<- significant space \fi \let\beforelines=\lbl_before \let\afterlines=\lbl_after \let\everyline=\lbl_every \let\finishdolines=\endlabels \def\enddolines{\endlabels}% \bgroup \dimen0=\hlblsize \advance\dimen0 by-\hindent \hsize=\dimen0 \let\erroraction=\relax \err_cnt=0 \h_cnt=0 \v_cnt=0 \global\count1=0 \voffset=-1in \hoffset=-1in \catcode_lbl } \def\endlabels {\finish_page \egroup \close_log } \def\beginlabels{\setup_lbl \begindolines} \def\labelfile#1{\setup_lbl \filedolines{#1}\endlabels} %%%%%%% Typesetting bulk letters % This is kept quite simple: Labels are read one by one from a file, % and consist of a vbox with an hbox for each line. No extra indentations % or other frills. After each label has been read, we simply \input the % bulk letter. In the letter, \bulkaddress will typeset the label. % Just before we input the letter, we set \end=\relax, just in case the % letter ends with \bye. (This is better than setting \bye=\relax, since % \bye may insert extra material.) The grouping from \filedolines will % restore the original \end. \def\bulk_before{\setbox\lbl_=\vbox\bgroup} \def\bulk_every#1{\hbox{#1\strut}} \def\bulk_after {\egroup % closes \setbox\lbl_=\vbox\bgroup \catcode_plain \let\end=\relax \input\bulk_in % \vfill\supereject \catcode_lbl } \def\bulkaddress{\copy\lbl_} \def\bulk#1#2% addresses, letter {\vfill\supereject \edef\catcode_plain{\catcode`\noexpand\&=\the\catcode`\&% \catcode`\noexpand\#=\the\catcode`\#}% \let\beforelines=\bulk_before \let\afterlines=\bulk_after \let\everyline=\bulk_every \catcode_lbl \def\bulk_in{#2}% \filedolines{#1}% \catcode_plain } %%%%%%% Initial values % \errorcontextlines (exists in TeX 3.0 and later versions) is set in % order to not unnecessarily confuse unexperienced users. Supposedly, % the macros above don't cause errors. Any errors are most likely % caused by something in \beforelines or \afterlines. \catcode`\_=\vlbls % restore catcode \ifx\errorcontextlines\undefined % \then old TeX version \else\errorcontextlines=-1 \fi \erroraction=2 \lbloutline=0sp \beforelbl={} \afterlbl={} % The following defaults are rather arbitrary, in practice the user % always has to set these values. \vlblsize=5cm \hlblsize=10cm \vindent=1.3\baselineskip \hindent=0.5cm \vlbls=5 \hlbls=2 \vfirst=1cm \hfirst=5mm \vinter=2mm \hinter=2mm %%%%%%%