% This file is part of hyph-utf8 package and resulted from % semi-manual conversions of hyphenation patterns into UTF-8 in June 2008. % % Source: mnhyphen.tex (2002-06-30) % Author: Oliver Corff, Dorjpalam Dorj % % The above mentioned file should become obsolete, % and the author of the original file should preferaby modify this file instead. % % Modificatios were needed in order to support native UTF-8 engines, % but functionality (hopefully) didn't change in any way, at least not intentionally. % This file is no longer stand-alone; at least for 8-bit engines % you probably want to use loadhyph-foo.tex (which will load this file) instead. % % Modifications were done by Jonathan Kew, Mojca Miklavec & Arthur Reutenauer % with help & support from: % - Karl Berry, who gave us free hands and all resources % - Taco Hoekwater, with useful macros % - Hans Hagen, who did the unicodifisation of patterns already long before % and helped with testing, suggestions and bug reports % - Norbert Preining, who tested & integrated patterns into TeX Live % % However, the "copyright/copyleft" owner of patterns remains the original author. % % The copyright statement of this file is thus: % % Do with this file whatever needs to be done in future for the sake of % "a better world" as long as you respect the copyright of original file. % If you're the original author of patterns or taking over a new revolution, % plese remove all of the TUG comments & credits that we added here - % you are the Queen / the King, we are only the servants. % % If you want to change this file, rather than uploading directly to CTAN, % we would be grateful if you could send it to us (http://tug.org/tex-hyphen) % or ask for credentials for SVN repository and commit it yourself; % we will then upload the whole "package" to CTAN. % % Before a new "pattern-revolution" starts, % please try to follow some guidelines if possible: % % - \lccode is *forbidden*, and I really mean it % - all the patterns should be in UTF-8 % - the only "allowed" TeX commands in this file are: \patterns, \hyphenation, % and if you really cannot do without, also \input and \message % - in particular, please no \catcode or \lccode changes, % they belong to loadhyph-foo.tex, % and no \lefthyphenmin and \righthyphenmin, % they have no influence here and belong elsewhere % - \begingroup and/or \endinput is not needed % - feel free to do whatever you want inside comments % % We know that TeX is extremely powerful, but give a stupid parser % at least a chance to read your patterns. % % For more unformation see % % http://tug.org/tex-hyphen % %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % File: mnhyphen.tex % Author: Oliver Corff and Dorjpalam Dorj % Date: February 26th, 1999 % mls.sty prevails % Version: \VersionRelease % see mls.sty! % Copyright: Ulaanbaatar, Beijing, Berlin % % Description: The Mongolian Hyphenation Pattern File % to be used together with LMC encoding. % Hyphenation exceptions should be stored % in mnhyphex.tex. % % It may well be possible that the hyphenation % patterns given below are incomplete or plainly % wrong. It should also be mentioned that TeX % sometimes ignores correct hyphenation information % and makes up its own mind. Anyway, please con- % sider all hyphenation data strictly experimental % and *not yet stable*. % % This file is mostly based on Cäwäl's Mongol % Xälniï Towq Taïlbar Tol' (MXTTT for short; % ``Short Explanatory Dictionary of Mongolian) % but contains a few other sources as well. % % Comments, corrections and suggestions are % highly appreciated and should be directed to % the authors at corff@zedat.fu-berlin.de % % U/B/B, February 1999 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % ------------------- identification ------------------- % % \message{mnhyphen.tex - Hyphenation Patterns for % Xalx Mongolian, LMC Encoding} % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % The following code is closely modelled after russian.sty and % its accompanying hyphenation file. % % We first must make some of the non-ASCII range characters known % as characters to TeX, and include case mapping information. % \patterns{% .аа2 .ин2 .оё2 .оо2 .өө2 .уу2 .үү2 .ээ2 аа2ж а1д а2ди ай2б а1п асаа3 а1т а1ф а1х а1ц а3ц2д а1ч а1ш а1ю а2яал 1ба бай2ду ба3ми 2б1г 1би 2бл 2б1р бу3ж 1ва в1б 2в1г 2в1д 1ве ве2д в1ж в1з 1ви 2в1л 2в1н 1во 1вө 2в1р в1с 2в1т 1ву 1вү в1ц 2в1ш 1вэ 1вя 1га г1б г1в 2г1г 2г1д 2г1ж 1ги 2г1л 2г1м 2г1н 1го го2ди 1гө г1р г2рам 3гре 2гс 2г1т 1гу гуулиу2 1гү г1х г1ц 2г1ч 2г1ш г3ши 1гы 1гэ гэ2нү гял3 да1вы д1б 2д1в 2д1г 2д1д 2дек 2д1ж диа1 2дит 2д1л 2д1м 2д1н 2д1р 2д1с 2д1т 3дүү. 2д1х 2д1ц 2д1ч 2дъ 2дı е1б е1в е1г2 е1д е1з е1и е1л е1м ео1 е1п е1ре е3т2ру е1х е1ц еци1 е1ш ё1д ё1з ёо2ч ёх2 1жа 2ж1в 2ж1г 2ж1д 2ж1ж 1жи 3жиг 3жин 2ж1л 2ж1м 2ж1н 1жө 2ж1р 2ж1с 2ж1т 1жу 1жү 1жы 1жэ 1за 2з1в 2з1г 2з1д 2з1ж 1зи 2з1л 2з1м 2з1н 1зо 1зө 2з1р 2з1с 2з1т 1зу 1зү з1х з1ц з1ч 2з1ш 1зы 2зı 1зэ иг2ра и1д и3дал и2ды и1ж и1з ил2ди ис3п и1т и1х и1ц и1ш й1б й1в й1г й2гр й1д й1ж й1п й2пл й1р й1с й1т й1х й1ц й1ч 1ка 1ке к1ж 1ки к1к к1л к1н ко1о кс3п к1т 1ку 2к1ц 1кэ 1ла 2л1б л1в 2л1г 2л1д 1ле 2л1ж 2л1з 1ли 2л1л лли1 2л1м 2лн 1ло ло2д 1лө 2л1р 2л1с 2л1т 1лу 1лү 2л1х 2л1ц 2лч 2лш 2лъ 1лы 2лı 1лэ л1ю 1ма м1б м1г м1д 1ме 1ми 2мин м1к2 м1л м1н 1мо 1мө 2м1п м1р 1му 1мү м1ф м1х м1ц м1ш 1мы 1мэ 1на н1б н1в н1г н2гр нг2ре н1д 1нёврл % Thе оццасионал Rуссиан лоан 1ни н1к н1л н1м 1но 1нө н1п н1с н3с2д н1т 1ну 1нү н1х н1ц 1ны 1нэ н1я о1а о1б о1г2р о1д о1е о1ж о1не он3ст он3т о1п2 о2пе о1сп о1т о1ф о1х о1ц о1э ө1д ө1ж ө2ри ө1х ө1ц ө1ч 2п1д по1 по3с 2п1п 2пра п2ро 2п1т 1ра 2раб р1б р1в 2р1г 2р1д 1ри 2р1л р1м 2р1н 1ро 1рө р1п р1р 2р1с 2р1т 1ру 2рук 1рү 2р1х р1ц 2рч 2р1ш 1ры 1рэ 1са с1б 2с1в 2с1г 2с1д 1се 2с1ж с1з 1си 1ск2 2скв 2с1л 2с1м 2с1н 1со 1сө с1п с2пе с2пи 2с1р 2с1с 2с1т 1су 1сү с1ф 2с1х с1ц 2с1ч с3ш2т 1сы 1сэ 1та 2т1б 2т1в 2т1г 2т1д 2т1ж 2т1з 1ти 2т1л 2т1м 2т1н 1то 1тө 2т1р т2ро 1тру 2т1с 2т1т 1тү 2т1х 2т1ц 2т1ч 2т1ш 1ты 1тэ у1д у2жи у1з у1л у1т у1ф у1х у1ц у1ш ү1д ү1з ү2зэ ү1л ү1п үс2д ү1х ү1ц ү1ш ф1д ф1м 1фо 1ха хаа2ды ха2ю 2х1б 2х1в 2х1г 2х1д 2х1ж 2х1з 1хи хи2да 2хиı 2х1л 2х1м 2х1н 1хо 1хө 2х1р 2х1с 2х1т 1ху ху3ж 1хү 2х1х 2х1ц 2хч 2х1ш 1хы 2хı 1хэ 1ца 2ц1в 2ц1г 2ц1д 2ц1ж 2ц1л 2ц1м 2ц1н 2ц1р 2ц1с 2ц1т 2ц1х 2ц1ч 2цъ 1ча ч1в 2ч1г 2ч1д 1чи 2ч1л 2ч1м 2ч1н 1чо 2ч1р 2ч1с 2ч1т 1чу 1чү 2ч1х 1чэ 1ша ш1б 2ш1в 2ш1г 2ш1д 2ш1ж 1ши 2ш1к 2ш1л 2ш1м 2ш1н 1шо 1шө 2ш1р 2ш1с 2ш1т 1шу 1шү шүү3лı 2ш1х 2ш1ч 1шэ ъ1е2 ъ1ё2 ъ1я2 ы1г ы1с ы1х ı1б ı1д ı1к ı1т ı1х ı1ц ı1ч ı1ш ı1я2 э1д э1ж э1з э2нэхи э1х э1ц 2юд 1яа я1д янш2д я1т я1х я1ш }