\def\ExPexMessage {5/1/2017 v5.1a ExPex linguistics example formatter (JF)} % ------------------------------------------------------- % jf 2011/12/09 (v4.0a) % 1) fixed bug in how exceptional gla items are detected % 2) added everytrailingcitation parameter % 3) made \glft a long definition to allow \par % 4) fixed bug in \printrbrack and \printlbrack, now not math mode % jf 2011/12/09 (v4.0b) % 1) allow {} gla item % jf 2012/03/10 (v4.0c) % 1) fixed problem with IJAL \deftaglabel caused by nonexpansion % of \@actualexno % jf 2012/12/01 (v4.1) % 1) added auto glskip mode to glosses % /abovemoreglskip/ now obsolete % 2) fixed bug in \@setinckey so that value is expanded when set % jf 2013/01/13 (v4.1a) % 1) added \let\pageno=\c@page to LaTex specializations % jf 2013/06/27 (v4.1b) % 1) fixed bug in skip over \glft entries % jf 2013/07/27 % 1) LaTex \include/\includeonly mechanism now works for \excnt % jf 2013/10/08 % 1) revise the definition of \glw@printcol (now named % \glw@printglword) to use token lists rather than edefs, and to build % glwords as \vtop{\halign{#\hfil\cr...} structures % rather than stacked hboxes. This allows items like {\hfil % word}, which results in center alignment. % 2) removed w from the prefix in \glw@append, \glw@lop, and % \glw@lopff since these will be used in other gloss styles % jf 2013/10/10 fixed belowpreambleskip bug % jf 2014/01/27 (v5.0) % MAJOR REVISIONS: vertical spacing in glosses, introduction of % nlevel style glosses (see User's Manual, also revised at this time) % for more detail about the changes % jf 2014/03/08 (v5.0b) % 1. restored allowing {} empty items in wrap glosses % 2. introduced parameter % jf 2014/03/14 (v5.0c) % 1. fixed reference for IJAL style % 2. fixed initialization for roman number parts in \pex % jf 2015/01/06 (v5.0d) % glftpos=right now works with the nlevel style % many internal names were changed to the general form % \gl@