% utf8-csf.tex %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % This file implements the conversion from UTF8 to ISO-8859-2 % encoding (used by CSfonts in csplain and cslatex). % The conversion is done by encTeX v. Dec 2002 or higher. % % Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Petr Olsak % Copyright (C) 2003 David Necas (Yeti) % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software % Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA \ifx\mubyte\undefined \errhelp{Sorry, you can't use this file without encTeX ver. Jan. 2003.} \errmessage{The encTeX extension of TeX is not found} \endinput \fi % first, we set the identity mapping in xord/xchr: \bgroup \ifx\xordcode\undefined \errhelp{May be, you are using this file from csplain which disables the \xordcode primitive. Use initex \let\enc=u \input csplain.ini for csplain generation instead this file. If you are using ISO8859-2 input encoding in csplain, you can skip this error message.} \errmessage{I can't set the xord/xchr to identity mapping} \def\xchrcode\count255=\count255{} \def\xordcode\count255=\count255{} \fi \count255=128 \loop \xordcode\count255=\count255 \xchrcode\count255=\count255 \advance\count255 by 1 \ifnum \count255<256 \repeat \egroup % we remove the current conversion table, if exists: {\catcode`\^^@=12 \gdef\clearmubytes{\bgroup \count255=1 \loop \uccode`X=\count255 \uppercase{\mubyte XX\endmubyte}% \advance\count255 by1 \ifnum\count255<256 \repeat \mubyte ^^@^^@\endmubyte \egroup} } \clearmubytes % include these first, so we can redefine some characters better later here \input utf8cseq \input utf8math \input utf8unkn % now, the conversion table is created: \mubyte ^^c1 ^^c3^^81\endmubyte % \'A \mubyte ^^e1 ^^c3^^a1\endmubyte % \'a \mubyte ^^c9 ^^c3^^89\endmubyte % \'E \mubyte ^^e9 ^^c3^^a9\endmubyte % \'e \mubyte ^^cd ^^c3^^8d\endmubyte % \'I \mubyte ^^ed ^^c3^^ad\endmubyte % \'i \mubyte ^^d3 ^^c3^^93\endmubyte % \'O \mubyte ^^f3 ^^c3^^b3\endmubyte % \'o \mubyte ^^da ^^c3^^9a\endmubyte % \'U \mubyte ^^fa ^^c3^^ba\endmubyte % \'u \mubyte ^^dd ^^c3^^9d\endmubyte % \'Y \mubyte ^^fd ^^c3^^bd\endmubyte % \'y \mubyte ^^d4 ^^c3^^94\endmubyte % \^O \mubyte ^^f4 ^^c3^^b4\endmubyte % \^o \mubyte ^^c4 ^^c3^^84\endmubyte % \"A \mubyte ^^e4 ^^c3^^a4\endmubyte % \"a \mubyte ^^d6 ^^c3^^96\endmubyte % \"O \mubyte ^^f6 ^^c3^^b6\endmubyte % \"o \mubyte ^^dc ^^c3^^9c\endmubyte % \"U \mubyte ^^fc ^^c3^^bc\endmubyte % \"u \mubyte ^^c8 ^^c4^^8c\endmubyte % \v C \mubyte ^^e8 ^^c4^^8d\endmubyte % \v c \mubyte ^^cf ^^c4^^8e\endmubyte % \v D \mubyte ^^ef ^^c4^^8f\endmubyte % \v d \mubyte ^^cc ^^c4^^9a\endmubyte % \v E \mubyte ^^ec ^^c4^^9b\endmubyte % \v e \mubyte ^^c5 ^^c4^^b9\endmubyte % \' L \mubyte ^^e5 ^^c4^^ba\endmubyte % \' l \mubyte ^^a5 ^^c4^^bd\endmubyte % \v L \mubyte ^^b5 ^^c4^^be\endmubyte % \v l \mubyte ^^d2 ^^c5^^87\endmubyte % \v N \mubyte ^^f2 ^^c5^^88\endmubyte % \v n \mubyte ^^d8 ^^c5^^98\endmubyte % \v R \mubyte ^^f8 ^^c5^^99\endmubyte % \v r \mubyte ^^a9 ^^c5^^a0\endmubyte % \v S \mubyte ^^b9 ^^c5^^a1\endmubyte % \v s \mubyte ^^ab ^^c5^^a4\endmubyte % \v T \mubyte ^^bb ^^c5^^a5\endmubyte % \v t \mubyte ^^d9 ^^c5^^ae\endmubyte % \r U \mubyte ^^f9 ^^c5^^af\endmubyte % \r u \mubyte ^^ae ^^c5^^bd\endmubyte % \v Z \mubyte ^^be ^^c5^^be\endmubyte % \v z \mubyte ^^c0 ^^c5^^94\endmubyte % \' R \mubyte ^^e0 ^^c5^^95\endmubyte % \' r % Non-characters \chardef\erqq="22 \mubyte \erqq ^^e2^^80^^9d\endmubyte % right double quotation mark \chardef\erq="27 \mubyte \erq ^^e2^^80^^99\endmubyte % right single quotation mark % there's no \elqq, \elq, they are the same Unicode character as \crqq, \crq \chardef\endash="7B \chardef\emdash="7C \mubyte \endash ^^e2^^80^^93\endmubyte % en dash \mubyte \emdash ^^e2^^80^^94\endmubyte % em dash \chardef\utfinvexclamation="3C \chardef\utfinvquestion="3E \mubyte \utfinvexclamation ^^c2^^a1\endmubyte % inverted exclamation mark \mubyte \utfinvquestion ^^c2^^bf\endmubyte % inverted question mark \chardef\utfligatureff="0B \chardef\utfligaturefi="0C \chardef\utfligaturefl="0D \chardef\utfligatureffi="0E \chardef\utfligatureffl="0F \mubyte \utfligatureff ^^ef^^ac^^80\endmubyte % latin small ligature ff \mubyte \utfligaturefi ^^ef^^ac^^81\endmubyte % latin small ligature fi \mubyte \utfligaturefl ^^ef^^ac^^82\endmubyte % latin small ligature fl \mubyte \utfligatureffi ^^ef^^ac^^83\endmubyte % latin small ligature ffi \mubyte \utfligatureffl ^^ef^^ac^^84\endmubyte % latin small ligature ffl % You can add more UTF-8 codes here. You can map these codes to % control sequences (see encdoc.tex for more datails) so, % the number of UTF-8 codes examined by TeX is unlimited. % ... \mubytein=1 \mubyteout=3 %% for compatibility with hyphen.lan file: \let\csaccents=\relax \let\cmaccents=\relax % now we still have to deal with accents \input csfmacro \input encmacro % This needed for hyphenation patterns. % (1) Czech/Slovak alphabet % input TeX lc uc sf cat prn sequence \setcharcode ? "C1 "E1 "C1 999 11 1 \texaccent \'A \setcharcode ? "E1 "E1 "C1 1000 11 1 \texaccent \'a \setcharcode ? "C4 "E4 "C4 999 11 1 \texaccent \"A \setcharcode ? "E4 "E4 "C4 1000 11 1 \texaccent \"a \setcharcode ? "C8 "E8 "C8 999 11 1 \texaccent \v C \setcharcode ? "E8 "E8 "C8 1000 11 1 \texaccent \v c \setcharcode ? "CF "EF "CF 999 11 1 \texaccent \v D \setcharcode ? "EF "EF "CF 1000 11 1 \texaccent \v d \setcharcode ? "C9 "E9 "C9 999 11 1 \texaccent \'E \setcharcode ? "E9 "E9 "C9 1000 11 1 \texaccent \'e \setcharcode ? "CC "EC "CC 999 11 1 \texaccent \v E \setcharcode ? "EC "EC "CC 1000 11 1 \texaccent \v e \setcharcode ? "CD "ED "CD 999 11 1 \texaccent \'I \setcharcode ? "ED "ED "CD 1000 11 1 \texaccent \'i \texaccent \'\i \setcharcode ? "C5 "E5 "C5 999 11 1 \texaccent \'L \setcharcode ? "E5 "E5 "C5 1000 11 1 \texaccent \'l \setcharcode ? "A5 "B5 "A5 999 11 1 \texaccent \v L \setcharcode ? "B5 "B5 "A5 1000 11 1 \texaccent \v l \setcharcode ? "D2 "F2 "D2 999 11 1 \texaccent \v N \setcharcode ? "F2 "F2 "D2 1000 11 1 \texaccent \v n \setcharcode ? "D3 "F3 "D3 999 11 1 \texaccent \'O \setcharcode ? "F3 "F3 "D3 1000 11 1 \texaccent \'o \setcharcode ? "D4 "F4 "D4 999 11 1 \texaccent \^O \setcharcode ? "F4 "F4 "D4 1000 11 1 \texaccent \^o \setcharcode ? "D6 "F6 "D6 999 11 1 \texaccent \"O \setcharcode ? "F6 "F6 "D6 1000 11 1 \texaccent \"o \setcharcode ? "C0 "E0 "C0 999 11 1 \texaccent \'R \setcharcode ? "E0 "E0 "C0 1000 11 1 \texaccent \'r \setcharcode ? "D8 "F8 "D8 999 11 1 \texaccent \v R \setcharcode ? "F8 "F8 "D8 1000 11 1 \texaccent \v r \setcharcode ? "A9 "B9 "A9 999 11 1 \texaccent \v S \setcharcode ? "B9 "B9 "A9 1000 11 1 \texaccent \v s \setcharcode ? "AB "BB "AB 999 11 1 \texaccent \v T \setcharcode ? "BB "BB "AB 1000 11 1 \texaccent \v t \setcharcode ? "DA "FA "DA 999 11 1 \texaccent \'U \setcharcode ? "FA "FA "DA 1000 11 1 \texaccent \'u \setcharcode ? "D9 "F9 "D9 999 11 1 \texaccent \r U \setcharcode ? "F9 "F9 "D9 1000 11 1 \texaccent \r u \setcharcode ? "DC "FC "DC 999 11 1 \texaccent \"U \setcharcode ? "FC "FC "DC 1000 11 1 \texaccent \"u \setcharcode ? "DD "FD "DD 999 11 1 \texaccent \'Y \setcharcode ? "FD "FD "DD 1000 11 1 \texaccent \'y \setcharcode ? "AE "BE "AE 999 11 1 \texaccent \v Z \setcharcode ? "BE "BE "AE 1000 11 1 \texaccent \v z \redefaccent \' \redefaccent \v \redefaccent \" \redefaccent \^ \redefaccent \r % finally, we can forbid the encTeX primitives in document % (this is commented out here because it is only an example): % \let\xordcode=\undefined \let\xchrcode=\undefined\let % \let\xprncode=\undefined % \let\mubytein=\undefined \let\mubyteout=\undefined % \let\mubyte=\undefined \let\endmubyte=\undefined \endinput