% mixcodes.tex ... allows mix od UTF-8, ISO-8859-2 and CP1250 in input files % -------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Petr Olsak, Oct. 2012 % % You need to use the csplain initialised by encTeX with UTF-8 input % % After \input mixcodes % % you can input the files with czech+slovak alphabet encoded % by UTF-8 or ISO-8859-2 or CP1250 ecodings. You can input more files with % various of these three encodings. The output by \write is always done by % UTF-8 encoding and you can read these files again. % This is a little ,,dirty trick`` using encTeX :-) % Note: there is a conflict between the slovak lcaron and the czech zcaron % characters. See the end of this file of more information about it. \ifx\mubyte\undefined \message{WARNING: I need encTeX initialised, all settings are ignored} \expandafter\endinput \fi % ISO-8859-2 on input needs one-to-one reencoding. % We need to re-declarare the original table defined in utf8unkn.tex. \mubyte ^^c1 ^^c1\endmubyte % \'A \mubyte ^^e1 ^^e1\endmubyte % \'a \mubyte ^^c9 ^^c9\endmubyte % \'E \mubyte ^^e9 ^^e9\endmubyte % \'e \mubyte ^^cd ^^cd\endmubyte % \'I \mubyte ^^ed ^^ed\endmubyte % \'i \mubyte ^^d3 ^^d3\endmubyte % \'O \mubyte ^^f3 ^^f3\endmubyte % \'o \mubyte ^^da ^^da\endmubyte % \'U \mubyte ^^fa ^^fa\endmubyte % \'u \mubyte ^^dd ^^dd\endmubyte % \'Y \mubyte ^^fd ^^fd\endmubyte % \'y \mubyte ^^d4 ^^d4\endmubyte % \^O \mubyte ^^f4 ^^f4\endmubyte % \^o \mubyte ^^c4 ^^c4\endmubyte % \"A \mubyte ^^e4 ^^e4\endmubyte % \"a \mubyte ^^d6 ^^d6\endmubyte % \"O \mubyte ^^f6 ^^f6\endmubyte % \"o \mubyte ^^dc ^^dc\endmubyte % \"U \mubyte ^^fc ^^fc\endmubyte % \"u \mubyte ^^c8 ^^c8\endmubyte % \v C \mubyte ^^e8 ^^e8\endmubyte % \v c \mubyte ^^cf ^^cf\endmubyte % \v D \mubyte ^^ef ^^ef\endmubyte % \v d \mubyte ^^cc ^^cc\endmubyte % \v E \mubyte ^^ec ^^ec\endmubyte % \v e \mubyte ^^c5 ^^c5\endmubyte % \' L \mubyte ^^e5 ^^e5\endmubyte % \' l \mubyte ^^a5 ^^a5\endmubyte % \v L \mubyte ^^b5 ^^b5\endmubyte % \v l \mubyte ^^d2 ^^d2\endmubyte % \v N \mubyte ^^f2 ^^f2\endmubyte % \v n \mubyte ^^d8 ^^d8\endmubyte % \v R \mubyte ^^f8 ^^f8\endmubyte % \v r \mubyte ^^a9 ^^a9\endmubyte % \v S \mubyte ^^b9 ^^b9\endmubyte % \v s \mubyte ^^ab ^^ab\endmubyte % \v T \mubyte ^^bb ^^bb\endmubyte % \v t \mubyte ^^d9 ^^d9\endmubyte % \r U \mubyte ^^f9 ^^f9\endmubyte % \r u \mubyte ^^ae ^^ae\endmubyte % \v Z \mubyte ^^be ^^be\endmubyte % \v z \mubyte ^^c0 ^^c0\endmubyte % \' R \mubyte ^^e0 ^^e0\endmubyte % \' r \mubyte ^^a7 ^^c2^^a7\endmubyte % section sign ISO input, UTF-8 output % CP1250 to ISO8859-2 re-encoding: \mubyte ^^a5 ^^bc\endmubyte % \v L, don't use zacute in ISO-8859-2 input \mubyte ^^a9 ^^8a\endmubyte % \v S, safe reencoding \mubyte ^^ab ^^8d\endmubyte % \v T, safe reencoding \mubyte ^^ae ^^8e\endmubyte % \v Z, safe reencoding \mubyte ^^b9 ^^9a\endmubyte % \v s, safe reencoding \mubyte ^^bb ^^9d\endmubyte % \v t, safe reencoding \mubyte ^^be ^^9e\endmubyte % \v z, safe reencoding \if\language=\slovak \mubyte ^^e5 ^^be\endmubyte % see comments at the end of the file \fi % After setting \mubyte \endmubyte, the mubyte table % is removed. In order to work the UTF-8 input properly, we need to read % csenc-u.tex file again: \input csenc-u \endinput The character code ^^be is: zcaron in ISO-8859-2 (used by Czech) but the same code is lcaron in CP1250 (used by Slovak language). Slovak users have to write \shyph before \input mixcodes in order to the lcaron works in both encodings (CP1250 and ISO-8859-2). The zcaron is not working in ISO-8859-2 in such case. Czech users don't write \shyph before \input mixcodes, thus the zcaron works in both encodings but lcaron doesn't work in CP1250. The UTF-8 encoding is without problems in both languages, of course.