%% This is french.ldf (french option for Babel) under LaTeX --bg 2006/09/27 % % After Bernard Gaulle's decease this work is now maintained as % the e-French project by a group of enthusiast users % under LPPL copyright as declared in http://www.efrench.org/ % \ProvidesFile{french.ldf}% originally: % [1995/06/19 v1.0 the first try with Babel 3.4 % [1997/01/02 v1.2 well a just in time for 3.5 alpha % [1997/02/21 v1.3 mods for 3.6, pb is loading babel.def at good time. % [1997/03/28 v1.4 % [1997/08/26 v1.5 % [1999/09/21 v1.6 % [2000/07/04 v1.7 % french light support (frenchle) added. % [2000/08/29 v1.8 % french light correction (frenchle speaks french) % [2001/11/28 v1.9 % french loaded before babel, special case. % [2003/11/19 v1.10 % french loaded before babel frenchle/frenchpro, % [2004/06/25 v1.11 % mlp loaded before babel. \atcatcode removed. % [2004/09/13 v1.12 % messages numbers changed. % [2005/03/21 v1.13 % pb francais/frenchb loaded before babel FrenchPro. [2006/09/28 v1.14 % \main@language added before \selectlanguage. french option of babel loading the frenchle/FrenchPro package] \ifx\undefined\captionsfrench% In case french is allready loaded, \else% major switchs should be set now: \ifx\@mlp@loaded\undefined% but only if the mlp package wasn't \else% already loaded. \PackageError{\CurrentOption}% {-80- Babel is willing to load the \CurrentOption\space option% \MessageBreak but the mlp package is already loaded, % please choose % \MessageBreak either mlp with \CurrentOption\space option, % \CurrentOption\space alone % \MessageBreak or babel with \CurrentOption\space option}% {just remove the superfluous package or option.}% \expandafter\endinput\fi% \expandafter\let\expandafter\ifLPA\csname iffalse\endcsname \let\nofrenchtypography\relax \let\nofrenchtranslation\relax \let\nofrenchlayout\relax \let\nofrenchmacros\relax \let\nofrenchhyphenation\relax \ifx\LdfInit\undefined\else\expandafter\LdfInit\fi \main@language{french}\selectlanguage{french}% Select again French \expandafter\ifx\csname endfrench\endcsname\relax \PackageError{frenchle}{-93- You are using two French options for Babel, % please choose only one.} \let\endfrench\stop\fi \endfrench% but stop it until \begin{document}. \expandafter\endinput% \fi \ifnum\catcode`\@=11\else\expandafter\catcode`\@=11\fi% \ifx\undefined\babel@core@loaded% still undefined (>3.5)? \let\babel@core@loaded\main@language\fi% \ifx\undefined\originalTeX \let\originalTeX\empty \fi \originalTeX \ifx\undefined\l@french\@nopatterns{French}\adddialect\l@french0\fi \protected@write\@auxout{}{\protect% insure files integrity \csname auxWARNINGii\protect\endcsname{\protect\typeout {-34- this file and other auxiliary files require to use the following}}} \protected@write\@auxout{}{\protect% \csname auxWARNINGii\protect\endcsname{\protect\typeout {-34- LaTeX packages: french and babel!}}} \protected@write\@auxout{}{\protect% \csname auxWARNINGii\protect\endcsname{\protect\typeout {-34- check \protect\protect\protect\usepackage \protect\space or remove these files. Typesetting is aborted!} \protect\stop}}% \let\auxWARNINGi=\@gobble% accept aux files produces by french \let\auxWARNINGii=\@gobble% and those produces by babel+french \InputIfFileExists{french.sty}{}% load our french pro package {\InputIfFileExists{frenchle.sty}{}% or the light version if any, {\PackageError{french/frenchle}% {-63- french or frenchle style files not found}% {-63- Check if files exist somewhere in your system.}% \let\endfrench\stop% }% }% \endfrench% and stop it immediately until \begin{document} \let\noextrasfrancais\endfrench% bug in babel.sty version 3.5e \let\extrasfrancais\frenchTeXmods% ditto \let\captionsfrancais\captionsfrench% \main@language{french}% \endinput%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%