-- merged file : c:/data/develop/context/sources/luatex-fonts-merged.lua -- parent file : c:/data/develop/context/sources/luatex-fonts.lua -- merge date : 05/06/17 23:06:49 do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-lua']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } _MAJORVERSION,_MINORVERSION=string.match(_VERSION,"^[^%d]+(%d+)%.(%d+).*$") _MAJORVERSION=tonumber(_MAJORVERSION) or 5 _MINORVERSION=tonumber(_MINORVERSION) or 1 _LUAVERSION=_MAJORVERSION+_MINORVERSION/10 if _LUAVERSION<5.2 and jit then _MINORVERSION=2 _LUAVERSION=5.2 end if not lpeg then lpeg=require("lpeg") end if loadstring then local loadnormal=load function load(first,...) if type(first)=="string" then return loadstring(first,...) else return loadnormal(first,...) end end else loadstring=load end if not ipairs then local function iterate(a,i) i=i+1 local v=a[i] if v~=nil then return i,v end end function ipairs(a) return iterate,a,0 end end if not pairs then function pairs(t) return next,t end end if not table.unpack then table.unpack=_G.unpack elseif not unpack then _G.unpack=table.unpack end if not package.loaders then package.loaders=package.searchers end local print,select,tostring=print,select,tostring local inspectors={} function setinspector(kind,inspector) inspectors[kind]=inspector end function inspect(...) for s=1,select("#",...) do local value=select(s,...) if value==nil then print("nil") else local done=false local kind=type(value) local inspector=inspectors[kind] if inspector then done=inspector(value) if done then break end end for kind,inspector in next,inspectors do done=inspector(value) if done then break end end if not done then print(tostring(value)) end end end end local dummy=function() end function optionalrequire(...) local ok,result=xpcall(require,dummy,...) if ok then return result end end if lua then lua.mask=load([[τεχ = 1]]) and "utf" or "ascii" end local flush=io.flush if flush then local execute=os.execute if execute then function os.execute(...) flush() return execute(...) end end local exec=os.exec if exec then function os.exec (...) flush() return exec (...) end end local spawn=os.spawn if spawn then function os.spawn (...) flush() return spawn (...) end end local popen=io.popen if popen then function io.popen (...) flush() return popen (...) end end end FFISUPPORTED=type(ffi)=="table" and ffi.os~="" and ffi.arch~="" and ffi.load if not FFISUPPORTED then local okay;okay,ffi=pcall(require,"ffi") FFISUPPORTED=type(ffi)=="table" and ffi.os~="" and ffi.arch~="" and ffi.load end if not FFISUPPORTED then ffi=nil elseif not ffi.number then ffi.number=tonumber end end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-lpeg']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } lpeg=require("lpeg") if not lpeg.print then function lpeg.print(...) print(lpeg.pcode(...)) end end local type,next,tostring=type,next,tostring local byte,char,gmatch,format=string.byte,string.char,string.gmatch,string.format local floor=math.floor local P,R,S,V,Ct,C,Cs,Cc,Cp,Cmt=lpeg.P,lpeg.R,lpeg.S,lpeg.V,lpeg.Ct,lpeg.C,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Cc,lpeg.Cp,lpeg.Cmt local lpegtype,lpegmatch,lpegprint=lpeg.type,lpeg.match,lpeg.print if setinspector then setinspector("lpeg",function(v) if lpegtype(v) then lpegprint(v) return true end end) end lpeg.patterns=lpeg.patterns or {} local patterns=lpeg.patterns local anything=P(1) local endofstring=P(-1) local alwaysmatched=P(true) patterns.anything=anything patterns.endofstring=endofstring patterns.beginofstring=alwaysmatched patterns.alwaysmatched=alwaysmatched local sign=S('+-') local zero=P('0') local digit=R('09') local octdigit=R("07") local lowercase=R("az") local uppercase=R("AZ") local underscore=P("_") local hexdigit=digit+lowercase+uppercase local cr,lf,crlf=P("\r"),P("\n"),P("\r\n") local newline=P("\r")*(P("\n")+P(true))+P("\n") local escaped=P("\\")*anything local squote=P("'") local dquote=P('"') local space=P(" ") local period=P(".") local comma=P(",") local utfbom_32_be=P('\000\000\254\255') local utfbom_32_le=P('\255\254\000\000') local utfbom_16_be=P('\254\255') local utfbom_16_le=P('\255\254') local utfbom_8=P('\239\187\191') local utfbom=utfbom_32_be+utfbom_32_le+utfbom_16_be+utfbom_16_le+utfbom_8 local utftype=utfbom_32_be*Cc("utf-32-be")+utfbom_32_le*Cc("utf-32-le")+utfbom_16_be*Cc("utf-16-be")+utfbom_16_le*Cc("utf-16-le")+utfbom_8*Cc("utf-8")+alwaysmatched*Cc("utf-8") local utfstricttype=utfbom_32_be*Cc("utf-32-be")+utfbom_32_le*Cc("utf-32-le")+utfbom_16_be*Cc("utf-16-be")+utfbom_16_le*Cc("utf-16-le")+utfbom_8*Cc("utf-8") local utfoffset=utfbom_32_be*Cc(4)+utfbom_32_le*Cc(4)+utfbom_16_be*Cc(2)+utfbom_16_le*Cc(2)+utfbom_8*Cc(3)+Cc(0) local utf8next=R("\128\191") patterns.utfbom_32_be=utfbom_32_be patterns.utfbom_32_le=utfbom_32_le patterns.utfbom_16_be=utfbom_16_be patterns.utfbom_16_le=utfbom_16_le patterns.utfbom_8=utfbom_8 patterns.utf_16_be_nl=P("\000\r\000\n")+P("\000\r")+P("\000\n") patterns.utf_16_le_nl=P("\r\000\n\000")+P("\r\000")+P("\n\000") patterns.utf_32_be_nl=P("\000\000\000\r\000\000\000\n")+P("\000\000\000\r")+P("\000\000\000\n") patterns.utf_32_le_nl=P("\r\000\000\000\n\000\000\000")+P("\r\000\000\000")+P("\n\000\000\000") patterns.utf8one=R("\000\127") patterns.utf8two=R("\194\223")*utf8next patterns.utf8three=R("\224\239")*utf8next*utf8next patterns.utf8four=R("\240\244")*utf8next*utf8next*utf8next patterns.utfbom=utfbom patterns.utftype=utftype patterns.utfstricttype=utfstricttype patterns.utfoffset=utfoffset local utf8char=patterns.utf8one+patterns.utf8two+patterns.utf8three+patterns.utf8four local validutf8char=utf8char^0*endofstring*Cc(true)+Cc(false) local utf8character=P(1)*R("\128\191")^0 patterns.utf8=utf8char patterns.utf8char=utf8char patterns.utf8character=utf8character patterns.validutf8=validutf8char patterns.validutf8char=validutf8char local eol=S("\n\r") local spacer=S(" \t\f\v") local whitespace=eol+spacer local nonspacer=1-spacer local nonwhitespace=1-whitespace patterns.eol=eol patterns.spacer=spacer patterns.whitespace=whitespace patterns.nonspacer=nonspacer patterns.nonwhitespace=nonwhitespace local stripper=spacer^0*C((spacer^0*nonspacer^1)^0) local fullstripper=whitespace^0*C((whitespace^0*nonwhitespace^1)^0) local collapser=Cs(spacer^0/""*nonspacer^0*((spacer^0/" "*nonspacer^1)^0)) local nospacer=Cs((whitespace^1/""+nonwhitespace^1)^0) local b_collapser=Cs(whitespace^0/""*(nonwhitespace^1+whitespace^1/" ")^0) local e_collapser=Cs((whitespace^1*P(-1)/""+nonwhitespace^1+whitespace^1/" ")^0) local m_collapser=Cs((nonwhitespace^1+whitespace^1/" ")^0) local b_stripper=Cs(spacer^0/""*(nonspacer^1+spacer^1/" ")^0) local e_stripper=Cs((spacer^1*P(-1)/""+nonspacer^1+spacer^1/" ")^0) local m_stripper=Cs((nonspacer^1+spacer^1/" ")^0) patterns.stripper=stripper patterns.fullstripper=fullstripper patterns.collapser=collapser patterns.nospacer=nospacer patterns.b_collapser=b_collapser patterns.m_collapser=m_collapser patterns.e_collapser=e_collapser patterns.b_stripper=b_stripper patterns.m_stripper=m_stripper patterns.e_stripper=e_stripper patterns.lowercase=lowercase patterns.uppercase=uppercase patterns.letter=patterns.lowercase+patterns.uppercase patterns.space=space patterns.tab=P("\t") patterns.spaceortab=patterns.space+patterns.tab patterns.newline=newline patterns.emptyline=newline^1 patterns.equal=P("=") patterns.comma=comma patterns.commaspacer=comma*spacer^0 patterns.period=period patterns.colon=P(":") patterns.semicolon=P(";") patterns.underscore=underscore patterns.escaped=escaped patterns.squote=squote patterns.dquote=dquote patterns.nosquote=(escaped+(1-squote))^0 patterns.nodquote=(escaped+(1-dquote))^0 patterns.unsingle=(squote/"")*patterns.nosquote*(squote/"") patterns.undouble=(dquote/"")*patterns.nodquote*(dquote/"") patterns.unquoted=patterns.undouble+patterns.unsingle patterns.unspacer=((patterns.spacer^1)/"")^0 patterns.singlequoted=squote*patterns.nosquote*squote patterns.doublequoted=dquote*patterns.nodquote*dquote patterns.quoted=patterns.doublequoted+patterns.singlequoted patterns.digit=digit patterns.octdigit=octdigit patterns.hexdigit=hexdigit patterns.sign=sign patterns.cardinal=digit^1 patterns.integer=sign^-1*digit^1 patterns.unsigned=digit^0*period*digit^1 patterns.float=sign^-1*patterns.unsigned patterns.cunsigned=digit^0*comma*digit^1 patterns.cpunsigned=digit^0*(period+comma)*digit^1 patterns.cfloat=sign^-1*patterns.cunsigned patterns.cpfloat=sign^-1*patterns.cpunsigned patterns.number=patterns.float+patterns.integer patterns.cnumber=patterns.cfloat+patterns.integer patterns.cpnumber=patterns.cpfloat+patterns.integer patterns.oct=zero*octdigit^1 patterns.octal=patterns.oct patterns.HEX=zero*P("X")*(digit+uppercase)^1 patterns.hex=zero*P("x")*(digit+lowercase)^1 patterns.hexadecimal=zero*S("xX")*hexdigit^1 patterns.hexafloat=sign^-1*zero*S("xX")*(hexdigit^0*period*hexdigit^1+hexdigit^1*period*hexdigit^0+hexdigit^1)*(S("pP")*sign^-1*hexdigit^1)^-1 patterns.decafloat=sign^-1*(digit^0*period*digit^1+digit^1*period*digit^0+digit^1)*S("eE")*sign^-1*digit^1 patterns.propername=(uppercase+lowercase+underscore)*(uppercase+lowercase+underscore+digit)^0*endofstring patterns.somecontent=(anything-newline-space)^1 patterns.beginline=#(1-newline) patterns.longtostring=Cs(whitespace^0/""*((patterns.quoted+nonwhitespace^1+whitespace^1/""*(P(-1)+Cc(" ")))^0)) local function anywhere(pattern) return P { P(pattern)+1*V(1) } end lpeg.anywhere=anywhere function lpeg.instringchecker(p) p=anywhere(p) return function(str) return lpegmatch(p,str) and true or false end end function lpeg.splitter(pattern,action) return (((1-P(pattern))^1)/action+1)^0 end function lpeg.tsplitter(pattern,action) return Ct((((1-P(pattern))^1)/action+1)^0) end local splitters_s,splitters_m,splitters_t={},{},{} local function splitat(separator,single) local splitter=(single and splitters_s[separator]) or splitters_m[separator] if not splitter then separator=P(separator) local other=C((1-separator)^0) if single then local any=anything splitter=other*(separator*C(any^0)+"") splitters_s[separator]=splitter else splitter=other*(separator*other)^0 splitters_m[separator]=splitter end end return splitter end local function tsplitat(separator) local splitter=splitters_t[separator] if not splitter then splitter=Ct(splitat(separator)) splitters_t[separator]=splitter end return splitter end lpeg.splitat=splitat lpeg.tsplitat=tsplitat function string.splitup(str,separator) if not separator then separator="," end return lpegmatch(splitters_m[separator] or splitat(separator),str) end local cache={} function lpeg.split(separator,str) local c=cache[separator] if not c then c=tsplitat(separator) cache[separator]=c end return lpegmatch(c,str) end function string.split(str,separator) if separator then local c=cache[separator] if not c then c=tsplitat(separator) cache[separator]=c end return lpegmatch(c,str) else return { str } end end local spacing=patterns.spacer^0*newline local empty=spacing*Cc("") local nonempty=Cs((1-spacing)^1)*spacing^-1 local content=(empty+nonempty)^1 patterns.textline=content local linesplitter=tsplitat(newline) patterns.linesplitter=linesplitter function string.splitlines(str) return lpegmatch(linesplitter,str) end local cache={} function lpeg.checkedsplit(separator,str) local c=cache[separator] if not c then separator=P(separator) local other=C((1-separator)^1) c=Ct(separator^0*other*(separator^1*other)^0) cache[separator]=c end return lpegmatch(c,str) end function string.checkedsplit(str,separator) local c=cache[separator] if not c then separator=P(separator) local other=C((1-separator)^1) c=Ct(separator^0*other*(separator^1*other)^0) cache[separator]=c end return lpegmatch(c,str) end local function f2(s) local c1,c2=byte(s,1,2) return c1*64+c2-12416 end local function f3(s) local c1,c2,c3=byte(s,1,3) return (c1*64+c2)*64+c3-925824 end local function f4(s) local c1,c2,c3,c4=byte(s,1,4) return ((c1*64+c2)*64+c3)*64+c4-63447168 end local utf8byte=patterns.utf8one/byte+patterns.utf8two/f2+patterns.utf8three/f3+patterns.utf8four/f4 patterns.utf8byte=utf8byte local cache={} function lpeg.stripper(str) if type(str)=="string" then local s=cache[str] if not s then s=Cs(((S(str)^1)/""+1)^0) cache[str]=s end return s else return Cs(((str^1)/""+1)^0) end end local cache={} function lpeg.keeper(str) if type(str)=="string" then local s=cache[str] if not s then s=Cs((((1-S(str))^1)/""+1)^0) cache[str]=s end return s else return Cs((((1-str)^1)/""+1)^0) end end function lpeg.frontstripper(str) return (P(str)+P(true))*Cs(anything^0) end function lpeg.endstripper(str) return Cs((1-P(str)*endofstring)^0) end function lpeg.replacer(one,two,makefunction,isutf) local pattern local u=isutf and utf8char or 1 if type(one)=="table" then local no=#one local p=P(false) if no==0 then for k,v in next,one do p=p+P(k)/v end pattern=Cs((p+u)^0) elseif no==1 then local o=one[1] one,two=P(o[1]),o[2] pattern=Cs((one/two+u)^0) else for i=1,no do local o=one[i] p=p+P(o[1])/o[2] end pattern=Cs((p+u)^0) end else pattern=Cs((P(one)/(two or "")+u)^0) end if makefunction then return function(str) return lpegmatch(pattern,str) end else return pattern end end function lpeg.finder(lst,makefunction,isutf) local pattern if type(lst)=="table" then pattern=P(false) if #lst==0 then for k,v in next,lst do pattern=pattern+P(k) end else for i=1,#lst do pattern=pattern+P(lst[i]) end end else pattern=P(lst) end if isutf then pattern=((utf8char or 1)-pattern)^0*pattern else pattern=(1-pattern)^0*pattern end if makefunction then return function(str) return lpegmatch(pattern,str) end else return pattern end end local splitters_f,splitters_s={},{} function lpeg.firstofsplit(separator) local splitter=splitters_f[separator] if not splitter then local pattern=P(separator) splitter=C((1-pattern)^0) splitters_f[separator]=splitter end return splitter end function lpeg.secondofsplit(separator) local splitter=splitters_s[separator] if not splitter then local pattern=P(separator) splitter=(1-pattern)^0*pattern*C(anything^0) splitters_s[separator]=splitter end return splitter end local splitters_s,splitters_p={},{} function lpeg.beforesuffix(separator) local splitter=splitters_s[separator] if not splitter then local pattern=P(separator) splitter=C((1-pattern)^0)*pattern*endofstring splitters_s[separator]=splitter end return splitter end function lpeg.afterprefix(separator) local splitter=splitters_p[separator] if not splitter then local pattern=P(separator) splitter=pattern*C(anything^0) splitters_p[separator]=splitter end return splitter end function lpeg.balancer(left,right) left,right=P(left),P(right) return P { left*((1-left-right)+V(1))^0*right } end local nany=utf8char/"" function lpeg.counter(pattern) pattern=Cs((P(pattern)/" "+nany)^0) return function(str) return #lpegmatch(pattern,str) end end utf=utf or (unicode and unicode.utf8) or {} local utfcharacters=utf and utf.characters or string.utfcharacters local utfgmatch=utf and utf.gmatch local utfchar=utf and utf.char lpeg.UP=lpeg.P if utfcharacters then function lpeg.US(str) local p=P(false) for uc in utfcharacters(str) do p=p+P(uc) end return p end elseif utfgmatch then function lpeg.US(str) local p=P(false) for uc in utfgmatch(str,".") do p=p+P(uc) end return p end else function lpeg.US(str) local p=P(false) local f=function(uc) p=p+P(uc) end lpegmatch((utf8char/f)^0,str) return p end end local range=utf8byte*utf8byte+Cc(false) function lpeg.UR(str,more) local first,last if type(str)=="number" then first=str last=more or first else first,last=lpegmatch(range,str) if not last then return P(str) end end if first==last then return P(str) elseif utfchar and (last-first<8) then local p=P(false) for i=first,last do p=p+P(utfchar(i)) end return p else local f=function(b) return b>=first and b<=last end return utf8byte/f end end function lpeg.is_lpeg(p) return p and lpegtype(p)=="pattern" end function lpeg.oneof(list,...) if type(list)~="table" then list={ list,... } end local p=P(list[1]) for l=2,#list do p=p+P(list[l]) end return p end local sort=table.sort local function copyindexed(old) local new={} for i=1,#old do new[i]=old end return new end local function sortedkeys(tab) local keys,s={},0 for key,_ in next,tab do s=s+1 keys[s]=key end sort(keys) return keys end function lpeg.append(list,pp,delayed,checked) local p=pp if #list>0 then local keys=copyindexed(list) sort(keys) for i=#keys,1,-1 do local k=keys[i] if p then p=P(k)+p else p=P(k) end end elseif delayed then local keys=sortedkeys(list) if p then for i=1,#keys,1 do local k=keys[i] local v=list[k] p=P(k)/list+p end else for i=1,#keys do local k=keys[i] local v=list[k] if p then p=P(k)+p else p=P(k) end end if p then p=p/list end end elseif checked then local keys=sortedkeys(list) for i=1,#keys do local k=keys[i] local v=list[k] if p then if k==v then p=P(k)+p else p=P(k)/v+p end else if k==v then p=P(k) else p=P(k)/v end end end else local keys=sortedkeys(list) for i=1,#keys do local k=keys[i] local v=list[k] if p then p=P(k)/v+p else p=P(k)/v end end end return p end local p_false=P(false) local p_true=P(true) local function make(t,rest) local p=p_false local keys=sortedkeys(t) for i=1,#keys do local k=keys[i] if k~="" then local v=t[k] if v==true then p=p+P(k)*p_true elseif v==false then else p=p+P(k)*make(v,v[""]) end end end if rest then p=p+p_true end return p end local function collapse(t,x) if type(t)~="table" then return t,x else local n=next(t) if n==nil then return t,x elseif next(t,n)==nil then local k=n local v=t[k] if type(v)=="table" then return collapse(v,x..k) else return v,x..k end else local tt={} for k,v in next,t do local vv,kk=collapse(v,k) tt[kk]=vv end return tt,x end end end function lpeg.utfchartabletopattern(list) local tree={} local n=#list if n==0 then for s in next,list do local t=tree local p,pk for c in gmatch(s,".") do if t==true then t={ [c]=true,[""]=true } p[pk]=t p=t t=false elseif t==false then t={ [c]=false } p[pk]=t p=t t=false else local tc=t[c] if not tc then tc=false t[c]=false end p=t t=tc end pk=c end if t==false then p[pk]=true elseif t==true then else t[""]=true end end else for i=1,n do local s=list[i] local t=tree local p,pk for c in gmatch(s,".") do if t==true then t={ [c]=true,[""]=true } p[pk]=t p=t t=false elseif t==false then t={ [c]=false } p[pk]=t p=t t=false else local tc=t[c] if not tc then tc=false t[c]=false end p=t t=tc end pk=c end if t==false then p[pk]=true elseif t==true then else t[""]=true end end end return make(tree) end patterns.containseol=lpeg.finder(eol) local function nextstep(n,step,result) local m=n%step local d=floor(n/step) if d>0 then local v=V(tostring(step)) local s=result.start for i=1,d do if s then s=v*s else s=v end end result.start=s end if step>1 and result.start then local v=V(tostring(step/2)) result[tostring(step)]=v*v end if step>0 then return nextstep(m,step/2,result) else return result end end function lpeg.times(pattern,n) return P(nextstep(n,2^16,{ "start",["1"]=pattern })) end local trailingzeros=zero^0*-digit local case_1=period*trailingzeros/"" local case_2=period*(digit-trailingzeros)^1*(trailingzeros/"") local number=digit^1*(case_1+case_2) local stripper=Cs((number+1)^0) lpeg.patterns.stripzeros=stripper local byte_to_HEX={} local byte_to_hex={} local byte_to_dec={} local hex_to_byte={} for i=0,255 do local H=format("%02X",i) local h=format("%02x",i) local d=format("%03i",i) local c=char(i) byte_to_HEX[c]=H byte_to_hex[c]=h byte_to_dec[c]=d hex_to_byte[h]=c hex_to_byte[H]=c end local hextobyte=P(2)/hex_to_byte local bytetoHEX=P(1)/byte_to_HEX local bytetohex=P(1)/byte_to_hex local bytetodec=P(1)/byte_to_dec local hextobytes=Cs(hextobyte^0) local bytestoHEX=Cs(bytetoHEX^0) local bytestohex=Cs(bytetohex^0) local bytestodec=Cs(bytetodec^0) patterns.hextobyte=hextobyte patterns.bytetoHEX=bytetoHEX patterns.bytetohex=bytetohex patterns.bytetodec=bytetodec patterns.hextobytes=hextobytes patterns.bytestoHEX=bytestoHEX patterns.bytestohex=bytestohex patterns.bytestodec=bytestodec function string.toHEX(s) if not s or s=="" then return s else return lpegmatch(bytestoHEX,s) end end function string.tohex(s) if not s or s=="" then return s else return lpegmatch(bytestohex,s) end end function string.todec(s) if not s or s=="" then return s else return lpegmatch(bytestodec,s) end end function string.tobytes(s) if not s or s=="" then return s else return lpegmatch(hextobytes,s) end end end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-functions']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } functions=functions or {} function functions.dummy() end end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-string']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } local string=string local sub,gmatch,format,char,byte,rep,lower=string.sub,string.gmatch,string.format,string.char,string.byte,string.rep,string.lower local lpegmatch,patterns=lpeg.match,lpeg.patterns local P,S,C,Ct,Cc,Cs=lpeg.P,lpeg.S,lpeg.C,lpeg.Ct,lpeg.Cc,lpeg.Cs local unquoted=patterns.squote*C(patterns.nosquote)*patterns.squote+patterns.dquote*C(patterns.nodquote)*patterns.dquote function string.unquoted(str) return lpegmatch(unquoted,str) or str end function string.quoted(str) return format("%q",str) end function string.count(str,pattern) local n=0 for _ in gmatch(str,pattern) do n=n+1 end return n end function string.limit(str,n,sentinel) if #str>n then sentinel=sentinel or "..." return sub(str,1,(n-#sentinel))..sentinel else return str end end local stripper=patterns.stripper local fullstripper=patterns.fullstripper local collapser=patterns.collapser local nospacer=patterns.nospacer local longtostring=patterns.longtostring function string.strip(str) return str and lpegmatch(stripper,str) or "" end function string.fullstrip(str) return str and lpegmatch(fullstripper,str) or "" end function string.collapsespaces(str) return str and lpegmatch(collapser,str) or "" end function string.nospaces(str) return str and lpegmatch(nospacer,str) or "" end function string.longtostring(str) return str and lpegmatch(longtostring,str) or "" end local pattern=P(" ")^0*P(-1) function string.is_empty(str) if not str or str=="" then return true else return lpegmatch(pattern,str) and true or false end end local anything=patterns.anything local allescapes=Cc("%")*S(".-+%?()[]*") local someescapes=Cc("%")*S(".-+%()[]") local matchescapes=Cc(".")*S("*?") local pattern_a=Cs ((allescapes+anything )^0 ) local pattern_b=Cs ((someescapes+matchescapes+anything )^0 ) local pattern_c=Cs (Cc("^")*(someescapes+matchescapes+anything )^0*Cc("$") ) function string.escapedpattern(str,simple) return lpegmatch(simple and pattern_b or pattern_a,str) end function string.topattern(str,lowercase,strict) if str=="" or type(str)~="string" then return ".*" elseif strict then str=lpegmatch(pattern_c,str) else str=lpegmatch(pattern_b,str) end if lowercase then return lower(str) else return str end end function string.valid(str,default) return (type(str)=="string" and str~="" and str) or default or nil end string.itself=function(s) return s end local pattern_c=Ct(C(1)^0) local pattern_b=Ct((C(1)/byte)^0) function string.totable(str,bytes) return lpegmatch(bytes and pattern_b or pattern_c,str) end local replacer=lpeg.replacer("@","%%") function string.tformat(fmt,...) return format(lpegmatch(replacer,fmt),...) end string.quote=string.quoted string.unquote=string.unquoted if not string.bytetable then local limit=5000 function string.bytetable(str) local n=#str if n>limit then local t={ byte(str,1,limit) } for i=limit+1,n do t[i]=byte(str,i) end return t else return { byte(str,1,n) } end end end end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-table']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } local type,next,tostring,tonumber,ipairs,select=type,next,tostring,tonumber,ipairs,select local table,string=table,string local concat,sort,insert,remove=table.concat,table.sort,table.insert,table.remove local format,lower,dump=string.format,string.lower,string.dump local getmetatable,setmetatable=getmetatable,setmetatable local getinfo=debug.getinfo local lpegmatch,patterns=lpeg.match,lpeg.patterns local floor=math.floor local stripper=patterns.stripper function table.strip(tab) local lst,l={},0 for i=1,#tab do local s=lpegmatch(stripper,tab[i]) or "" if s=="" then else l=l+1 lst[l]=s end end return lst end function table.keys(t) if t then local keys,k={},0 for key in next,t do k=k+1 keys[k]=key end return keys else return {} end end local function compare(a,b) local ta=type(a) if ta=="number" then local tb=type(b) if ta==tb then return a1 then sort(srt) end return srt else return {} end end local function sortedindexonly(tab) if tab then local srt,s={},0 for key in next,tab do if type(key)=="number" then s=s+1 srt[s]=key end end if s>1 then sort(srt) end return srt else return {} end end local function sortedhashkeys(tab,cmp) if tab then local srt,s={},0 for key in next,tab do if key then s=s+1 srt[s]=key end end if s>1 then sort(srt,cmp) end return srt else return {} end end function table.allkeys(t) local keys={} for k,v in next,t do for k in next,v do keys[k]=true end end return sortedkeys(keys) end table.sortedkeys=sortedkeys table.sortedhashonly=sortedhashonly table.sortedindexonly=sortedindexonly table.sortedhashkeys=sortedhashkeys local function nothing() end local function sortedhash(t,cmp) if t then local s if cmp then s=sortedhashkeys(t,function(a,b) return cmp(t,a,b) end) else s=sortedkeys(t) end local m=#s if m==1 then return next,t elseif m>0 then local n=0 return function() if n0 then local n=0 for _,v in next,t do n=n+1 if type(v)=="table" then return nil end end local haszero=rawget(t,0) if n==nt then local tt={} for i=1,nt do local v=t[i] local tv=type(v) if tv=="number" then if hexify then tt[i]=format("0x%X",v) else tt[i]=v end elseif tv=="string" then tt[i]=format("%q",v) elseif tv=="boolean" then tt[i]=v and "true" or "false" else return nil end end return tt elseif haszero and (n==nt+1) then local tt={} for i=0,nt do local v=t[i] local tv=type(v) if tv=="number" then if hexify then tt[i+1]=format("0x%X",v) else tt[i+1]=v end elseif tv=="string" then tt[i+1]=format("%q",v) elseif tv=="boolean" then tt[i+1]=v and "true" or "false" else return nil end end tt[1]="[0] = "..tt[1] return tt end end return nil end table.is_simple_table=is_simple_table local propername=patterns.propername local function dummy() end local function do_serialize(root,name,depth,level,indexed) if level>0 then depth=depth.." " if indexed then handle(format("%s{",depth)) else local tn=type(name) if tn=="number" then if hexify then handle(format("%s[0x%X]={",depth,name)) else handle(format("%s[%s]={",depth,name)) end elseif tn=="string" then if noquotes and not reserved[name] and lpegmatch(propername,name) then handle(format("%s%s={",depth,name)) else handle(format("%s[%q]={",depth,name)) end elseif tn=="boolean" then handle(format("%s[%s]={",depth,name and "true" or "false")) else handle(format("%s{",depth)) end end end if root and next(root)~=nil then local first,last=nil,0 if compact then last=#root for k=1,last do if rawget(root,k)==nil then last=k-1 break end end if last>0 then first=1 end end local sk=sortedkeys(root) for i=1,#sk do local k=sk[i] local v=root[k] local tv=type(v) local tk=type(k) if compact and first and tk=="number" and k>=first and k<=last then if tv=="number" then if hexify then handle(format("%s 0x%X,",depth,v)) else handle(format("%s %s,",depth,v)) end elseif tv=="string" then handle(format("%s %q,",depth,v)) elseif tv=="table" then if next(v)==nil then handle(format("%s {},",depth)) elseif inline then local st=is_simple_table(v,hexify) if st then handle(format("%s { %s },",depth,concat(st,", "))) else do_serialize(v,k,depth,level+1,true) end else do_serialize(v,k,depth,level+1,true) end elseif tv=="boolean" then handle(format("%s %s,",depth,v and "true" or "false")) elseif tv=="function" then if functions then handle(format('%s load(%q),',depth,dump(v))) else handle(format('%s "function",',depth)) end else handle(format("%s %q,",depth,tostring(v))) end elseif k=="__p__" then if false then handle(format("%s __p__=nil,",depth)) end elseif tv=="number" then if tk=="number" then if hexify then handle(format("%s [0x%X]=0x%X,",depth,k,v)) else handle(format("%s [%s]=%s,",depth,k,v)) end elseif tk=="boolean" then if hexify then handle(format("%s [%s]=0x%X,",depth,k and "true" or "false",v)) else handle(format("%s [%s]=%s,",depth,k and "true" or "false",v)) end elseif tk~="string" then elseif noquotes and not reserved[k] and lpegmatch(propername,k) then if hexify then handle(format("%s %s=0x%X,",depth,k,v)) else handle(format("%s %s=%s,",depth,k,v)) end else if hexify then handle(format("%s [%q]=0x%X,",depth,k,v)) else handle(format("%s [%q]=%s,",depth,k,v)) end end elseif tv=="string" then if tk=="number" then if hexify then handle(format("%s [0x%X]=%q,",depth,k,v)) else handle(format("%s [%s]=%q,",depth,k,v)) end elseif tk=="boolean" then handle(format("%s [%s]=%q,",depth,k and "true" or "false",v)) elseif tk~="string" then elseif noquotes and not reserved[k] and lpegmatch(propername,k) then handle(format("%s %s=%q,",depth,k,v)) else handle(format("%s [%q]=%q,",depth,k,v)) end elseif tv=="table" then if next(v)==nil then if tk=="number" then if hexify then handle(format("%s [0x%X]={},",depth,k)) else handle(format("%s [%s]={},",depth,k)) end elseif tk=="boolean" then handle(format("%s [%s]={},",depth,k and "true" or "false")) elseif tk~="string" then elseif noquotes and not reserved[k] and lpegmatch(propername,k) then handle(format("%s %s={},",depth,k)) else handle(format("%s [%q]={},",depth,k)) end elseif inline then local st=is_simple_table(v,hexify) if st then if tk=="number" then if hexify then handle(format("%s [0x%X]={ %s },",depth,k,concat(st,", "))) else handle(format("%s [%s]={ %s },",depth,k,concat(st,", "))) end elseif tk=="boolean" then handle(format("%s [%s]={ %s },",depth,k and "true" or "false",concat(st,", "))) elseif tk~="string" then elseif noquotes and not reserved[k] and lpegmatch(propername,k) then handle(format("%s %s={ %s },",depth,k,concat(st,", "))) else handle(format("%s [%q]={ %s },",depth,k,concat(st,", "))) end else do_serialize(v,k,depth,level+1) end else do_serialize(v,k,depth,level+1) end elseif tv=="boolean" then if tk=="number" then if hexify then handle(format("%s [0x%X]=%s,",depth,k,v and "true" or "false")) else handle(format("%s [%s]=%s,",depth,k,v and "true" or "false")) end elseif tk=="boolean" then handle(format("%s [%s]=%s,",depth,tostring(k),v and "true" or "false")) elseif tk~="string" then elseif noquotes and not reserved[k] and lpegmatch(propername,k) then handle(format("%s %s=%s,",depth,k,v and "true" or "false")) else handle(format("%s [%q]=%s,",depth,k,v and "true" or "false")) end elseif tv=="function" then if functions then local f=getinfo(v).what=="C" and dump(dummy) or dump(v) if tk=="number" then if hexify then handle(format("%s [0x%X]=load(%q),",depth,k,f)) else handle(format("%s [%s]=load(%q),",depth,k,f)) end elseif tk=="boolean" then handle(format("%s [%s]=load(%q),",depth,k and "true" or "false",f)) elseif tk~="string" then elseif noquotes and not reserved[k] and lpegmatch(propername,k) then handle(format("%s %s=load(%q),",depth,k,f)) else handle(format("%s [%q]=load(%q),",depth,k,f)) end end else if tk=="number" then if hexify then handle(format("%s [0x%X]=%q,",depth,k,tostring(v))) else handle(format("%s [%s]=%q,",depth,k,tostring(v))) end elseif tk=="boolean" then handle(format("%s [%s]=%q,",depth,k and "true" or "false",tostring(v))) elseif tk~="string" then elseif noquotes and not reserved[k] and lpegmatch(propername,k) then handle(format("%s %s=%q,",depth,k,tostring(v))) else handle(format("%s [%q]=%q,",depth,k,tostring(v))) end end end end if level>0 then handle(format("%s},",depth)) end end local function serialize(_handle,root,name,specification) local tname=type(name) if type(specification)=="table" then noquotes=specification.noquotes hexify=specification.hexify handle=_handle or specification.handle or print functions=specification.functions compact=specification.compact inline=specification.inline and compact metacheck=specification.metacheck if functions==nil then functions=true end if compact==nil then compact=true end if inline==nil then inline=compact end if metacheck==nil then metacheck=true end else noquotes=false hexify=false handle=_handle or print compact=true inline=true functions=true metacheck=true end if tname=="string" then if name=="return" then handle("return {") else handle(name.."={") end elseif tname=="number" then if hexify then handle(format("[0x%X]={",name)) else handle("["..name.."]={") end elseif tname=="boolean" then if name then handle("return {") else handle("{") end else handle("t={") end if root then if metacheck and getmetatable(root) then local dummy=root._w_h_a_t_e_v_e_r_ root._w_h_a_t_e_v_e_r_=nil end if next(root)~=nil then do_serialize(root,name,"",0) end end handle("}") end function table.serialize(root,name,specification) local t,n={},0 local function flush(s) n=n+1 t[n]=s end serialize(flush,root,name,specification) return concat(t,"\n") end table.tohandle=serialize local maxtab=2*1024 function table.tofile(filename,root,name,specification) local f=io.open(filename,'w') if f then if maxtab>1 then local t,n={},0 local function flush(s) n=n+1 t[n]=s if n>maxtab then f:write(concat(t,"\n"),"\n") t,n={},0 end end serialize(flush,root,name,specification) f:write(concat(t,"\n"),"\n") else local function flush(s) f:write(s,"\n") end serialize(flush,root,name,specification) end f:close() io.flush() end end local function flattened(t,f,depth) if f==nil then f={} depth=0xFFFF elseif tonumber(f) then depth=f f={} elseif not depth then depth=0xFFFF end for k,v in next,t do if type(k)~="number" then if depth>0 and type(v)=="table" then flattened(v,f,depth-1) else f[#f+1]=v end end end for k=1,#t do local v=t[k] if depth>0 and type(v)=="table" then flattened(v,f,depth-1) else f[#f+1]=v end end return f end table.flattened=flattened local function collapsed(t,f,h) if f==nil then f={} h={} end for k=1,#t do local v=t[k] if type(v)=="table" then collapsed(v,f,h) elseif not h[v] then f[#f+1]=v h[v]=true end end return f end local function collapsedhash(t,h) if h==nil then h={} end for k=1,#t do local v=t[k] if type(v)=="table" then collapsedhash(v,h) else h[v]=true end end return h end table.collapsed=collapsed table.collapsedhash=collapsedhash local function unnest(t,f) if not f then f={} end for i=1,#t do local v=t[i] if type(v)=="table" then if type(v[1])=="table" then unnest(v,f) else f[#f+1]=v end else f[#f+1]=v end end return f end function table.unnest(t) return unnest(t) end local function are_equal(a,b,n,m) if a and b and #a==#b then n=n or 1 m=m or #a for i=n,m do local ai,bi=a[i],b[i] if ai==bi then elseif type(ai)=="table" and type(bi)=="table" then if not are_equal(ai,bi) then return false end else return false end end return true else return false end end local function identical(a,b) for ka,va in next,a do local vb=b[ka] if va==vb then elseif type(va)=="table" and type(vb)=="table" then if not identical(va,vb) then return false end else return false end end return true end table.identical=identical table.are_equal=are_equal local function sparse(old,nest,keeptables) local new={} for k,v in next,old do if not (v=="" or v==false) then if nest and type(v)=="table" then v=sparse(v,nest) if keeptables or next(v)~=nil then new[k]=v end else new[k]=v end end end return new end table.sparse=sparse function table.compact(t) return sparse(t,true,true) end function table.contains(t,v) if t then for i=1,#t do if t[i]==v then return i end end end return false end function table.count(t) local n=0 for k,v in next,t do n=n+1 end return n end function table.swapped(t,s) local n={} if s then for k,v in next,s do n[k]=v end end for k,v in next,t do n[v]=k end return n end function table.hashed(t) for i=1,#t do t[t[i]]=i end return t end function table.mirrored(t) local n={} for k,v in next,t do n[v]=k n[k]=v end return n end function table.reversed(t) if t then local tt,tn={},#t if tn>0 then local ttn=0 for i=tn,1,-1 do ttn=ttn+1 tt[ttn]=t[i] end end return tt end end function table.reverse(t) if t then local n=#t for i=1,floor(n/2) do local j=n-i+1 t[i],t[j]=t[j],t[i] end return t end end function table.sequenced(t,sep,simple) if not t then return "" end local n=#t local s={} if n>0 then for i=1,n do s[i]=tostring(t[i]) end else n=0 for k,v in sortedhash(t) do if simple then if v==true then n=n+1 s[n]=k elseif v and v~="" then n=n+1 s[n]=k.."="..tostring(v) end else n=n+1 s[n]=k.."="..tostring(v) end end end return concat(s,sep or " | ") end function table.print(t,...) if type(t)~="table" then print(tostring(t)) else serialize(print,t,...) end end if setinspector then setinspector("table",function(v) if type(v)=="table" then serialize(print,v,"table") return true end end) end function table.sub(t,i,j) return { unpack(t,i,j) } end function table.is_empty(t) return not t or next(t)==nil end function table.has_one_entry(t) return t and next(t,next(t))==nil end function table.loweredkeys(t) local l={} for k,v in next,t do l[lower(k)]=v end return l end function table.unique(old) local hash={} local new={} local n=0 for i=1,#old do local oi=old[i] if not hash[oi] then n=n+1 new[n]=oi hash[oi]=true end end return new end function table.sorted(t,...) sort(t,...) return t end function table.values(t,s) if t then local values,keys,v={},{},0 for key,value in next,t do if not keys[value] then v=v+1 values[v]=value keys[k]=key end end if s then sort(values) end return values else return {} end end function table.filtered(t,pattern,sort,cmp) if t and type(pattern)=="string" then if sort then local s if cmp then s=sortedhashkeys(t,function(a,b) return cmp(t,a,b) end) else s=sortedkeys(t) end local n=0 local m=#s local function kv(s) while n0 then f:seek("set",0) return f:read(size) else return "" end end io.readall=readall function io.loaddata(filename,textmode) local f=open(filename,(textmode and 'r') or 'rb') if f then local size=f:seek("end") local data=nil if size>0 then f:seek("set",0) data=f:read(size) end f:close() return data end end function io.copydata(source,target,action) local f=open(source,"rb") if f then local g=open(target,"wb") if g then local size=f:seek("end") if size>0 then f:seek("set",0) local data=f:read(size) if action then data=action(data) end if data then g:write(data) end end g:close() end f:close() flush() end end function io.savedata(filename,data,joiner) local f=open(filename,"wb") if f then if type(data)=="table" then f:write(concat(data,joiner or "")) elseif type(data)=="function" then data(f) else f:write(data or "") end f:close() flush() return true else return false end end if fio and fio.readline then local readline=fio.readline function io.loadlines(filename,n) local f=open(filename,'r') if not f then elseif n then local lines={} for i=1,n do local line=readline(f) if line then lines[i]=line else break end end f:close() lines=concat(lines,"\n") if #lines>0 then return lines end else local line=readline(f) f:close() if line and #line>0 then return line end end end else function io.loadlines(filename,n) local f=open(filename,'r') if not f then elseif n then local lines={} for i=1,n do local line=f:read("*lines") if line then lines[i]=line else break end end f:close() lines=concat(lines,"\n") if #lines>0 then return lines end else local line=f:read("*line") or "" f:close() if #line>0 then return line end end end end function io.loadchunk(filename,n) local f=open(filename,'rb') if f then local data=f:read(n or 1024) f:close() if #data>0 then return data end end end function io.exists(filename) local f=open(filename) if f==nil then return false else f:close() return true end end function io.size(filename) local f=open(filename) if f==nil then return 0 else local s=f:seek("end") f:close() return s end end local function noflines(f) if type(f)=="string" then local f=open(filename) if f then local n=f and noflines(f) or 0 f:close() return n else return 0 end else local n=0 for _ in f:lines() do n=n+1 end f:seek('set',0) return n end end io.noflines=noflines local nextchar={ [ 4]=function(f) return f:read(1,1,1,1) end, [ 2]=function(f) return f:read(1,1) end, [ 1]=function(f) return f:read(1) end, [-2]=function(f) local a,b=f:read(1,1) return b,a end, [-4]=function(f) local a,b,c,d=f:read(1,1,1,1) return d,c,b,a end } function io.characters(f,n) if f then return nextchar[n or 1],f end end local nextbyte={ [4]=function(f) local a,b,c,d=f:read(1,1,1,1) if d then return byte(a),byte(b),byte(c),byte(d) end end, [3]=function(f) local a,b,c=f:read(1,1,1) if b then return byte(a),byte(b),byte(c) end end, [2]=function(f) local a,b=f:read(1,1) if b then return byte(a),byte(b) end end, [1]=function (f) local a=f:read(1) if a then return byte(a) end end, [-2]=function (f) local a,b=f:read(1,1) if b then return byte(b),byte(a) end end, [-3]=function(f) local a,b,c=f:read(1,1,1) if b then return byte(c),byte(b),byte(a) end end, [-4]=function(f) local a,b,c,d=f:read(1,1,1,1) if d then return byte(d),byte(c),byte(b),byte(a) end end } function io.bytes(f,n) if f then return nextbyte[n or 1],f else return nil,nil end end function io.ask(question,default,options) while true do write(question) if options then write(format(" [%s]",concat(options,"|"))) end if default then write(format(" [%s]",default)) end write(format(" ")) flush() local answer=read() answer=gsub(answer,"^%s*(.*)%s*$","%1") if answer=="" and default then return default elseif not options then return answer else for k=1,#options do if options[k]==answer then return answer end end local pattern="^"..answer for k=1,#options do local v=options[k] if find(v,pattern) then return v end end end end end local function readnumber(f,n,m) if m then f:seek("set",n) n=m end if n==1 then return byte(f:read(1)) elseif n==2 then local a,b=byte(f:read(2),1,2) return 0x100*a+b elseif n==3 then local a,b,c=byte(f:read(3),1,3) return 0x10000*a+0x100*b+c elseif n==4 then local a,b,c,d=byte(f:read(4),1,4) return 0x1000000*a+0x10000*b+0x100*c+d elseif n==8 then local a,b=readnumber(f,4),readnumber(f,4) return 0x100*a+b elseif n==12 then local a,b,c=readnumber(f,4),readnumber(f,4),readnumber(f,4) return 0x10000*a+0x100*b+c elseif n==-2 then local b,a=byte(f:read(2),1,2) return 0x100*a+b elseif n==-3 then local c,b,a=byte(f:read(3),1,3) return 0x10000*a+0x100*b+c elseif n==-4 then local d,c,b,a=byte(f:read(4),1,4) return 0x1000000*a+0x10000*b+0x100*c+d elseif n==-8 then local h,g,f,e,d,c,b,a=byte(f:read(8),1,8) return 0x100000000000000*a+0x1000000000000*b+0x10000000000*c+0x100000000*d+0x1000000*e+0x10000*f+0x100*g+h else return 0 end end io.readnumber=readnumber function io.readstring(f,n,m) if m then f:seek("set",n) n=m end local str=gsub(f:read(n),"\000","") return str end end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-file']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } file=file or {} local file=file if not lfs then lfs=optionalrequire("lfs") end local insert,concat=table.insert,table.concat local match,find,gmatch=string.match,string.find,string.gmatch local lpegmatch=lpeg.match local getcurrentdir,attributes=lfs.currentdir,lfs.attributes local checkedsplit=string.checkedsplit local P,R,S,C,Cs,Cp,Cc,Ct=lpeg.P,lpeg.R,lpeg.S,lpeg.C,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Cp,lpeg.Cc,lpeg.Ct local tricky=S("/\\")*P(-1) local attributes=lfs.attributes if sandbox then sandbox.redefine(lfs.isfile,"lfs.isfile") sandbox.redefine(lfs.isdir,"lfs.isdir") end function lfs.isdir(name) if lpegmatch(tricky,name) then return attributes(name,"mode")=="directory" else return attributes(name.."/.","mode")=="directory" end end function lfs.isfile(name) return attributes(name,"mode")=="file" end local colon=P(":") local period=P(".") local periods=P("..") local fwslash=P("/") local bwslash=P("\\") local slashes=S("\\/") local noperiod=1-period local noslashes=1-slashes local name=noperiod^1 local suffix=period/""*(1-period-slashes)^1*-1 local pattern=C((1-(slashes^1*noslashes^1*-1))^1)*P(1) local function pathpart(name,default) return name and lpegmatch(pattern,name) or default or "" end local pattern=(noslashes^0*slashes)^1*C(noslashes^1)*-1 local function basename(name) return name and lpegmatch(pattern,name) or name end local pattern=(noslashes^0*slashes^1)^0*Cs((1-suffix)^1)*suffix^0 local function nameonly(name) return name and lpegmatch(pattern,name) or name end local pattern=(noslashes^0*slashes)^0*(noperiod^1*period)^1*C(noperiod^1)*-1 local function suffixonly(name) return name and lpegmatch(pattern,name) or "" end local pattern=(noslashes^0*slashes)^0*noperiod^1*((period*C(noperiod^1))^1)*-1+Cc("") local function suffixesonly(name) if name then return lpegmatch(pattern,name) else return "" end end file.pathpart=pathpart file.basename=basename file.nameonly=nameonly file.suffixonly=suffixonly file.suffix=suffixonly file.suffixesonly=suffixesonly file.suffixes=suffixesonly file.dirname=pathpart file.extname=suffixonly local drive=C(R("az","AZ"))*colon local path=C((noslashes^0*slashes)^0) local suffix=period*C(P(1-period)^0*P(-1)) local base=C((1-suffix)^0) local rest=C(P(1)^0) drive=drive+Cc("") path=path+Cc("") base=base+Cc("") suffix=suffix+Cc("") local pattern_a=drive*path*base*suffix local pattern_b=path*base*suffix local pattern_c=C(drive*path)*C(base*suffix) local pattern_d=path*rest function file.splitname(str,splitdrive) if not str then elseif splitdrive then return lpegmatch(pattern_a,str) else return lpegmatch(pattern_b,str) end end function file.splitbase(str) if str then return lpegmatch(pattern_d,str) else return "",str end end function file.nametotable(str,splitdrive) if str then local path,drive,subpath,name,base,suffix=lpegmatch(pattern_c,str) if splitdrive then return { path=path, drive=drive, subpath=subpath, name=name, base=base, suffix=suffix, } else return { path=path, name=name, base=base, suffix=suffix, } end end end local pattern=Cs(((period*(1-period-slashes)^1*-1)/""+1)^1) function file.removesuffix(name) return name and lpegmatch(pattern,name) end local suffix=period/""*(1-period-slashes)^1*-1 local pattern=Cs((noslashes^0*slashes^1)^0*((1-suffix)^1))*Cs(suffix) function file.addsuffix(filename,suffix,criterium) if not filename or not suffix or suffix=="" then return filename elseif criterium==true then return filename.."."..suffix elseif not criterium then local n,s=lpegmatch(pattern,filename) if not s or s=="" then return filename.."."..suffix else return filename end else local n,s=lpegmatch(pattern,filename) if s and s~="" then local t=type(criterium) if t=="table" then for i=1,#criterium do if s==criterium[i] then return filename end end elseif t=="string" then if s==criterium then return filename end end end return (n or filename).."."..suffix end end local suffix=period*(1-period-slashes)^1*-1 local pattern=Cs((1-suffix)^0) function file.replacesuffix(name,suffix) if name and suffix and suffix~="" then return lpegmatch(pattern,name).."."..suffix else return name end end local reslasher=lpeg.replacer(P("\\"),"/") function file.reslash(str) return str and lpegmatch(reslasher,str) end function file.is_writable(name) if not name then elseif lfs.isdir(name) then name=name.."/m_t_x_t_e_s_t.tmp" local f=io.open(name,"wb") if f then f:close() os.remove(name) return true end elseif lfs.isfile(name) then local f=io.open(name,"ab") if f then f:close() return true end else local f=io.open(name,"ab") if f then f:close() os.remove(name) return true end end return false end local readable=P("r")*Cc(true) function file.is_readable(name) if name then local a=attributes(name) return a and lpegmatch(readable,a.permissions) or false else return false end end file.isreadable=file.is_readable file.iswritable=file.is_writable function file.size(name) if name then local a=attributes(name) return a and a.size or 0 else return 0 end end function file.splitpath(str,separator) return str and checkedsplit(lpegmatch(reslasher,str),separator or io.pathseparator) end function file.joinpath(tab,separator) return tab and concat(tab,separator or io.pathseparator) end local someslash=S("\\/") local stripper=Cs(P(fwslash)^0/""*reslasher) local isnetwork=someslash*someslash*(1-someslash)+(1-fwslash-colon)^1*colon local isroot=fwslash^1*-1 local hasroot=fwslash^1 local reslasher=lpeg.replacer(S("\\/"),"/") local deslasher=lpeg.replacer(S("\\/")^1,"/") function file.join(one,two,three,...) if not two then return one=="" and one or lpegmatch(reslasher,one) end if one=="" then return lpegmatch(stripper,three and concat({ two,three,... },"/") or two) end if lpegmatch(isnetwork,one) then local one=lpegmatch(reslasher,one) local two=lpegmatch(deslasher,three and concat({ two,three,... },"/") or two) if lpegmatch(hasroot,two) then return one..two else return one.."/"..two end elseif lpegmatch(isroot,one) then local two=lpegmatch(deslasher,three and concat({ two,three,... },"/") or two) if lpegmatch(hasroot,two) then return two else return "/"..two end else return lpegmatch(deslasher,concat({ one,two,three,... },"/")) end end local drivespec=R("az","AZ")^1*colon local anchors=fwslash+drivespec local untouched=periods+(1-period)^1*P(-1) local mswindrive=Cs(drivespec*(bwslash/"/"+fwslash)^0) local mswinuncpath=(bwslash+fwslash)*(bwslash+fwslash)*Cc("//") local splitstarter=(mswindrive+mswinuncpath+Cc(false))*Ct(lpeg.splitat(S("/\\")^1)) local absolute=fwslash function file.collapsepath(str,anchor) if not str then return end if anchor==true and not lpegmatch(anchors,str) then str=getcurrentdir().."/"..str end if str=="" or str=="." then return "." elseif lpegmatch(untouched,str) then return lpegmatch(reslasher,str) end local starter,oldelements=lpegmatch(splitstarter,str) local newelements={} local i=#oldelements while i>0 do local element=oldelements[i] if element=='.' then elseif element=='..' then local n=i-1 while n>0 do local element=oldelements[n] if element~='..' and element~='.' then oldelements[n]='.' break else n=n-1 end end if n<1 then insert(newelements,1,'..') end elseif element~="" then insert(newelements,1,element) end i=i-1 end if #newelements==0 then return starter or "." elseif starter then return starter..concat(newelements,'/') elseif lpegmatch(absolute,str) then return "/"..concat(newelements,'/') else newelements=concat(newelements,'/') if anchor=="." and find(str,"^%./") then return "./"..newelements else return newelements end end end local validchars=R("az","09","AZ","--","..") local pattern_a=lpeg.replacer(1-validchars) local pattern_a=Cs((validchars+P(1)/"-")^1) local whatever=P("-")^0/"" local pattern_b=Cs(whatever*(1-whatever*-1)^1) function file.robustname(str,strict) if str then str=lpegmatch(pattern_a,str) or str if strict then return lpegmatch(pattern_b,str) or str else return str end end end local loaddata=io.loaddata local savedata=io.savedata file.readdata=loaddata file.savedata=savedata function file.copy(oldname,newname) if oldname and newname then local data=loaddata(oldname) if data and data~="" then savedata(newname,data) end end end local letter=R("az","AZ")+S("_-+") local separator=P("://") local qualified=period^0*fwslash+letter*colon+letter^1*separator+letter^1*fwslash local rootbased=fwslash+letter*colon lpeg.patterns.qualified=qualified lpeg.patterns.rootbased=rootbased function file.is_qualified_path(filename) return filename and lpegmatch(qualified,filename)~=nil end function file.is_rootbased_path(filename) return filename and lpegmatch(rootbased,filename)~=nil end function file.strip(name,dir) if name then local b,a=match(name,"^(.-)"..dir.."(.*)$") return a~="" and a or name end end function lfs.mkdirs(path) local full="" for sub in gmatch(path,"(/*[^\\/]+)") do full=full..sub lfs.mkdir(full) end end end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-boolean']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } local type,tonumber=type,tonumber boolean=boolean or {} local boolean=boolean function boolean.tonumber(b) if b then return 1 else return 0 end end function toboolean(str,tolerant) if str==nil then return false elseif str==false then return false elseif str==true then return true elseif str=="true" then return true elseif str=="false" then return false elseif not tolerant then return false elseif str==0 then return false elseif (tonumber(str) or 0)>0 then return true else return str=="yes" or str=="on" or str=="t" end end string.toboolean=toboolean function string.booleanstring(str) if str=="0" then return false elseif str=="1" then return true elseif str=="" then return false elseif str=="false" then return false elseif str=="true" then return true elseif (tonumber(str) or 0)>0 then return true else return str=="yes" or str=="on" or str=="t" end end function string.is_boolean(str,default,strict) if type(str)=="string" then if str=="true" or str=="yes" or str=="on" or str=="t" or (not strict and str=="1") then return true elseif str=="false" or str=="no" or str=="off" or str=="f" or (not strict and str=="0") then return false end end return default end end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-math']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } local floor,sin,cos,tan=math.floor,math.sin,math.cos,math.tan if not math.ceiling then math.ceiling=math.ceil end if not math.round then function math.round(x) return floor(x+0.5) end end if not math.div then function math.div(n,m) return floor(n/m) end end if not math.mod then function math.mod(n,m) return n%m end end local pipi=2*math.pi/360 if not math.sind then function math.sind(d) return sin(d*pipi) end function math.cosd(d) return cos(d*pipi) end function math.tand(d) return tan(d*pipi) end end if not math.odd then function math.odd (n) return n%2~=0 end function math.even(n) return n%2==0 end end end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['l-unicode']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } utf=utf or (unicode and unicode.utf8) or {} utf.characters=utf.characters or string.utfcharacters utf.values=utf.values or string.utfvalues local type=type local char,byte,format,sub,gmatch=string.char,string.byte,string.format,string.sub,string.gmatch local concat=table.concat local P,C,R,Cs,Ct,Cmt,Cc,Carg,Cp=lpeg.P,lpeg.C,lpeg.R,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Ct,lpeg.Cmt,lpeg.Cc,lpeg.Carg,lpeg.Cp local lpegmatch=lpeg.match local patterns=lpeg.patterns local tabletopattern=lpeg.utfchartabletopattern local bytepairs=string.bytepairs local finder=lpeg.finder local replacer=lpeg.replacer local utfvalues=utf.values local utfgmatch=utf.gmatch local p_utftype=patterns.utftype local p_utfstricttype=patterns.utfstricttype local p_utfoffset=patterns.utfoffset local p_utf8char=patterns.utf8character local p_utf8byte=patterns.utf8byte local p_utfbom=patterns.utfbom local p_newline=patterns.newline local p_whitespace=patterns.whitespace if not unicode then unicode={ utf=utf } end if not utf.char then local floor,char=math.floor,string.char function utf.char(n) if n<0x80 then return char(n) elseif n<0x800 then return char( 0xC0+floor(n/0x40), 0x80+(n%0x40) ) elseif n<0x10000 then return char( 0xE0+floor(n/0x1000), 0x80+(floor(n/0x40)%0x40), 0x80+(n%0x40) ) elseif n<0x200000 then return char( 0xF0+floor(n/0x40000), 0x80+(floor(n/0x1000)%0x40), 0x80+(floor(n/0x40)%0x40), 0x80+(n%0x40) ) else return "" end end end if not utf.byte then local utf8byte=patterns.utf8byte function utf.byte(c) return lpegmatch(utf8byte,c) end end local utfchar,utfbyte=utf.char,utf.byte function utf.filetype(data) return data and lpegmatch(p_utftype,data) or "unknown" end local toentities=Cs ( ( patterns.utf8one+( patterns.utf8two+patterns.utf8three+patterns.utf8four )/function(s) local b=utfbyte(s) if b<127 then return s else return format("&#%X;",b) end end )^0 ) patterns.toentities=toentities function utf.toentities(str) return lpegmatch(toentities,str) end local one=P(1) local two=C(1)*C(1) local four=C(R(utfchar(0xD8),utfchar(0xFF)))*C(1)*C(1)*C(1) local pattern=P("\254\255")*Cs(( four/function(a,b,c,d) local ab=0xFF*byte(a)+byte(b) local cd=0xFF*byte(c)+byte(d) return utfchar((ab-0xD800)*0x400+(cd-0xDC00)+0x10000) end+two/function(a,b) return utfchar(byte(a)*256+byte(b)) end+one )^1 )+P("\255\254")*Cs(( four/function(b,a,d,c) local ab=0xFF*byte(a)+byte(b) local cd=0xFF*byte(c)+byte(d) return utfchar((ab-0xD800)*0x400+(cd-0xDC00)+0x10000) end+two/function(b,a) return utfchar(byte(a)*256+byte(b)) end+one )^1 ) function string.toutf(s) return lpegmatch(pattern,s) or s end local validatedutf=Cs ( ( patterns.utf8one+patterns.utf8two+patterns.utf8three+patterns.utf8four+P(1)/"�" )^0 ) patterns.validatedutf=validatedutf function utf.is_valid(str) return type(str)=="string" and lpegmatch(validatedutf,str) or false end if not utf.len then local n,f=0,1 local utfcharcounter=patterns.utfbom^-1*Cmt ( Cc(1)*patterns.utf8one^1+Cc(2)*patterns.utf8two^1+Cc(3)*patterns.utf8three^1+Cc(4)*patterns.utf8four^1, function(_,t,d) n=n+(t-f)/d f=t return true end )^0 function utf.len(str) n,f=0,1 lpegmatch(utfcharcounter,str or "") return n end end utf.length=utf.len if not utf.sub then local utflength=utf.length local b,e,n,first,last=0,0,0,0,0 local function slide_zero(s,p) n=n+1 if n>=last then e=p-1 else return p end end local function slide_one(s,p) n=n+1 if n==first then b=p end if n>=last then e=p-1 else return p end end local function slide_two(s,p) n=n+1 if n==first then b=p else return true end end local pattern_zero=Cmt(p_utf8char,slide_zero)^0 local pattern_one=Cmt(p_utf8char,slide_one )^0 local pattern_two=Cmt(p_utf8char,slide_two )^0 local pattern_first=C(patterns.utf8character) function utf.sub(str,start,stop) if not start then return str end if start==0 then start=1 end if not stop then if start<0 then local l=utflength(str) start=l+start else start=start-1 end b,n,first=0,0,start lpegmatch(pattern_two,str) if n>=first then return sub(str,b) else return "" end end if start<0 or stop<0 then local l=utf.length(str) if start<0 then start=l+start if start<=0 then start=1 else start=start+1 end end if stop<0 then stop=l+stop if stop==0 then stop=1 else stop=stop+1 end end end if start==1 and stop==1 then return lpegmatch(pattern_first,str) or "" elseif start>stop then return "" elseif start>1 then b,e,n,first,last=0,0,0,start-1,stop lpegmatch(pattern_one,str) if n>=first and e==0 then e=#str end return sub(str,b,e) else b,e,n,last=1,0,0,stop lpegmatch(pattern_zero,str) if e==0 then e=#str end return sub(str,b,e) end end end function utf.remapper(mapping,option,action) local variant=type(mapping) if variant=="table" then action=action or mapping if option=="dynamic" then local pattern=false table.setmetatablenewindex(mapping,function(t,k,v) rawset(t,k,v) pattern=false end) return function(str) if not str or str=="" then return "" else if not pattern then pattern=Cs((tabletopattern(mapping)/action+p_utf8char)^0) end return lpegmatch(pattern,str) end end elseif option=="pattern" then return Cs((tabletopattern(mapping)/action+p_utf8char)^0) else local pattern=Cs((tabletopattern(mapping)/action+p_utf8char)^0) return function(str) if not str or str=="" then return "" else return lpegmatch(pattern,str) end end,pattern end elseif variant=="function" then if option=="pattern" then return Cs((p_utf8char/mapping+p_utf8char)^0) else local pattern=Cs((p_utf8char/mapping+p_utf8char)^0) return function(str) if not str or str=="" then return "" else return lpegmatch(pattern,str) end end,pattern end else return function(str) return str or "" end end end function utf.replacer(t) local r=replacer(t,false,false,true) return function(str) return lpegmatch(r,str) end end function utf.subtituter(t) local f=finder (t) local r=replacer(t,false,false,true) return function(str) local i=lpegmatch(f,str) if not i then return str elseif i>#str then return str else return lpegmatch(r,str) end end end local utflinesplitter=p_utfbom^-1*lpeg.tsplitat(p_newline) local utfcharsplitter_ows=p_utfbom^-1*Ct(C(p_utf8char)^0) local utfcharsplitter_iws=p_utfbom^-1*Ct((p_whitespace^1+C(p_utf8char))^0) local utfcharsplitter_raw=Ct(C(p_utf8char)^0) patterns.utflinesplitter=utflinesplitter function utf.splitlines(str) return lpegmatch(utflinesplitter,str or "") end function utf.split(str,ignorewhitespace) if ignorewhitespace then return lpegmatch(utfcharsplitter_iws,str or "") else return lpegmatch(utfcharsplitter_ows,str or "") end end function utf.totable(str) return lpegmatch(utfcharsplitter_raw,str) end function utf.magic(f) local str=f:read(4) or "" local off=lpegmatch(p_utfoffset,str) if off<4 then f:seek('set',off) end return lpegmatch(p_utftype,str) end local utf16_to_utf8_be,utf16_to_utf8_le local utf32_to_utf8_be,utf32_to_utf8_le local utf_16_be_getbom=patterns.utfbom_16_be^-1 local utf_16_le_getbom=patterns.utfbom_16_le^-1 local utf_32_be_getbom=patterns.utfbom_32_be^-1 local utf_32_le_getbom=patterns.utfbom_32_le^-1 local utf_16_be_linesplitter=utf_16_be_getbom*lpeg.tsplitat(patterns.utf_16_be_nl) local utf_16_le_linesplitter=utf_16_le_getbom*lpeg.tsplitat(patterns.utf_16_le_nl) local utf_32_be_linesplitter=utf_32_be_getbom*lpeg.tsplitat(patterns.utf_32_be_nl) local utf_32_le_linesplitter=utf_32_le_getbom*lpeg.tsplitat(patterns.utf_32_le_nl) local more=0 local p_utf16_to_utf8_be=C(1)*C(1)/function(left,right) local now=256*byte(left)+byte(right) if more>0 then now=(more-0xD800)*0x400+(now-0xDC00)+0x10000 more=0 return utfchar(now) elseif now>=0xD800 and now<=0xDBFF then more=now return "" else return utfchar(now) end end local p_utf16_to_utf8_le=C(1)*C(1)/function(right,left) local now=256*byte(left)+byte(right) if more>0 then now=(more-0xD800)*0x400+(now-0xDC00)+0x10000 more=0 return utfchar(now) elseif now>=0xD800 and now<=0xDBFF then more=now return "" else return utfchar(now) end end local p_utf32_to_utf8_be=C(1)*C(1)*C(1)*C(1)/function(a,b,c,d) return utfchar(256*256*256*byte(a)+256*256*byte(b)+256*byte(c)+byte(d)) end local p_utf32_to_utf8_le=C(1)*C(1)*C(1)*C(1)/function(a,b,c,d) return utfchar(256*256*256*byte(d)+256*256*byte(c)+256*byte(b)+byte(a)) end p_utf16_to_utf8_be=P(true)/function() more=0 end*utf_16_be_getbom*Cs(p_utf16_to_utf8_be^0) p_utf16_to_utf8_le=P(true)/function() more=0 end*utf_16_le_getbom*Cs(p_utf16_to_utf8_le^0) p_utf32_to_utf8_be=P(true)/function() more=0 end*utf_32_be_getbom*Cs(p_utf32_to_utf8_be^0) p_utf32_to_utf8_le=P(true)/function() more=0 end*utf_32_le_getbom*Cs(p_utf32_to_utf8_le^0) patterns.utf16_to_utf8_be=p_utf16_to_utf8_be patterns.utf16_to_utf8_le=p_utf16_to_utf8_le patterns.utf32_to_utf8_be=p_utf32_to_utf8_be patterns.utf32_to_utf8_le=p_utf32_to_utf8_le utf16_to_utf8_be=function(s) if s and s~="" then return lpegmatch(p_utf16_to_utf8_be,s) else return s end end local utf16_to_utf8_be_t=function(t) if not t then return nil elseif type(t)=="string" then t=lpegmatch(utf_16_be_linesplitter,t) end for i=1,#t do local s=t[i] if s~="" then t[i]=lpegmatch(p_utf16_to_utf8_be,s) end end return t end utf16_to_utf8_le=function(s) if s and s~="" then return lpegmatch(p_utf16_to_utf8_le,s) else return s end end local utf16_to_utf8_le_t=function(t) if not t then return nil elseif type(t)=="string" then t=lpegmatch(utf_16_le_linesplitter,t) end for i=1,#t do local s=t[i] if s~="" then t[i]=lpegmatch(p_utf16_to_utf8_le,s) end end return t end utf32_to_utf8_be=function(s) if s and s~="" then return lpegmatch(p_utf32_to_utf8_be,s) else return s end end local utf32_to_utf8_be_t=function(t) if not t then return nil elseif type(t)=="string" then t=lpegmatch(utf_32_be_linesplitter,t) end for i=1,#t do local s=t[i] if s~="" then t[i]=lpegmatch(p_utf32_to_utf8_be,s) end end return t end utf32_to_utf8_le=function(s) if s and s~="" then return lpegmatch(p_utf32_to_utf8_le,s) else return s end end local utf32_to_utf8_le_t=function(t) if not t then return nil elseif type(t)=="string" then t=lpegmatch(utf_32_le_linesplitter,t) end for i=1,#t do local s=t[i] if s~="" then t[i]=lpegmatch(p_utf32_to_utf8_le,s) end end return t end utf.utf16_to_utf8_le_t=utf16_to_utf8_le_t utf.utf16_to_utf8_be_t=utf16_to_utf8_be_t utf.utf32_to_utf8_le_t=utf32_to_utf8_le_t utf.utf32_to_utf8_be_t=utf32_to_utf8_be_t utf.utf16_to_utf8_le=utf16_to_utf8_le utf.utf16_to_utf8_be=utf16_to_utf8_be utf.utf32_to_utf8_le=utf32_to_utf8_le utf.utf32_to_utf8_be=utf32_to_utf8_be function utf.utf8_to_utf8_t(t) return type(t)=="string" and lpegmatch(utflinesplitter,t) or t end function utf.utf16_to_utf8_t(t,endian) return endian and utf16_to_utf8_be_t(t) or utf16_to_utf8_le_t(t) or t end function utf.utf32_to_utf8_t(t,endian) return endian and utf32_to_utf8_be_t(t) or utf32_to_utf8_le_t(t) or t end local function little(b) if b<0x10000 then return char(b%256,b/256) else b=b-0x10000 local b1,b2=b/1024+0xD800,b%1024+0xDC00 return char(b1%256,b1/256,b2%256,b2/256) end end local function big(b) if b<0x10000 then return char(b/256,b%256) else b=b-0x10000 local b1,b2=b/1024+0xD800,b%1024+0xDC00 return char(b1/256,b1%256,b2/256,b2%256) end end local l_remap=Cs((p_utf8byte/little+P(1)/"")^0) local b_remap=Cs((p_utf8byte/big+P(1)/"")^0) local function utf8_to_utf16_be(str,nobom) if nobom then return lpegmatch(b_remap,str) else return char(254,255)..lpegmatch(b_remap,str) end end local function utf8_to_utf16_le(str,nobom) if nobom then return lpegmatch(l_remap,str) else return char(255,254)..lpegmatch(l_remap,str) end end utf.utf8_to_utf16_be=utf8_to_utf16_be utf.utf8_to_utf16_le=utf8_to_utf16_le function utf.utf8_to_utf16(str,littleendian,nobom) if littleendian then return utf8_to_utf16_le(str,nobom) else return utf8_to_utf16_be(str,nobom) end end local pattern=Cs ( (p_utf8byte/function(unicode ) return format("0x%04X",unicode) end)*(p_utf8byte*Carg(1)/function(unicode,separator) return format("%s0x%04X",separator,unicode) end)^0 ) function utf.tocodes(str,separator) return lpegmatch(pattern,str,1,separator or " ") end function utf.ustring(s) return format("U+%05X",type(s)=="number" and s or utfbyte(s)) end function utf.xstring(s) return format("0x%05X",type(s)=="number" and s or utfbyte(s)) end function utf.toeight(str) if not str or str=="" then return nil end local utftype=lpegmatch(p_utfstricttype,str) if utftype=="utf-8" then return sub(str,4) elseif utftype=="utf-16-be" then return utf16_to_utf8_be(str) elseif utftype=="utf-16-le" then return utf16_to_utf8_le(str) else return str end end local p_nany=p_utf8char/"" if utfgmatch then function utf.count(str,what) if type(what)=="string" then local n=0 for _ in utfgmatch(str,what) do n=n+1 end return n else return #lpegmatch(Cs((P(what)/" "+p_nany)^0),str) end end else local cache={} function utf.count(str,what) if type(what)=="string" then local p=cache[what] if not p then p=Cs((P(what)/" "+p_nany)^0) cache[p]=p end return #lpegmatch(p,str) else return #lpegmatch(Cs((P(what)/" "+p_nany)^0),str) end end end if not utf.characters then function utf.characters(str) return gmatch(str,".[\128-\191]*") end string.utfcharacters=utf.characters end if not utf.values then local find=string.find local dummy=function() end function utf.values(str) local n=#str if n==0 then return dummy elseif n==1 then return function() return utfbyte(str) end else local p=1 return function() local b,e=find(str,".[\128-\191]*",p) if b then p=e+1 return utfbyte(sub(str,b,e)) end end end end string.utfvalues=utf.values end function utf.chrlen(u) return (u<0x80 and 1) or (u<0xE0 and 2) or (u<0xF0 and 3) or (u<0xF8 and 4) or (u<0xFC and 5) or (u<0xFE and 6) or 0 end local extract=bit32.extract local char=string.char function unicode.toutf32string(n) if n<=0xFF then return char(n).."\000\000\000" elseif n<=0xFFFF then return char(extract(n,0,8))..char(extract(n,8,8)).."\000\000" elseif n<=0xFFFFFF then return char(extract(n,0,8))..char(extract(n,8,8))..char(extract(n,16,8)).."\000" else return char(extract(n,0,8))..char(extract(n,8,8))..char(extract(n,16,8))..char(extract(n,24,8)) end end end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-str']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } utilities=utilities or {} utilities.strings=utilities.strings or {} local strings=utilities.strings local format,gsub,rep,sub,find=string.format,string.gsub,string.rep,string.sub,string.find local load,dump=load,string.dump local tonumber,type,tostring=tonumber,type,tostring local unpack,concat=table.unpack,table.concat local P,V,C,S,R,Ct,Cs,Cp,Carg,Cc=lpeg.P,lpeg.V,lpeg.C,lpeg.S,lpeg.R,lpeg.Ct,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Cp,lpeg.Carg,lpeg.Cc local patterns,lpegmatch=lpeg.patterns,lpeg.match local utfchar,utfbyte=utf.char,utf.byte local loadstripped=nil if _LUAVERSION<5.2 then loadstripped=function(str,shortcuts) return load(str) end else loadstripped=function(str,shortcuts) if shortcuts then return load(dump(load(str),true),nil,nil,shortcuts) else return load(dump(load(str),true)) end end end if not number then number={} end local stripper=patterns.stripzeros local newline=patterns.newline local endofstring=patterns.endofstring local whitespace=patterns.whitespace local spacer=patterns.spacer local spaceortab=patterns.spaceortab local function points(n) n=tonumber(n) return (not n or n==0) and "0pt" or lpegmatch(stripper,format("%.5fpt",n/65536)) end local function basepoints(n) n=tonumber(n) return (not n or n==0) and "0bp" or lpegmatch(stripper,format("%.5fbp",n*(7200/7227)/65536)) end number.points=points number.basepoints=basepoints local rubish=spaceortab^0*newline local anyrubish=spaceortab+newline local anything=patterns.anything local stripped=(spaceortab^1/"")*newline local leading=rubish^0/"" local trailing=(anyrubish^1*endofstring)/"" local redundant=rubish^3/"\n" local pattern=Cs(leading*(trailing+redundant+stripped+anything)^0) function strings.collapsecrlf(str) return lpegmatch(pattern,str) end local repeaters={} function strings.newrepeater(str,offset) offset=offset or 0 local s=repeaters[str] if not s then s={} repeaters[str]=s end local t=s[offset] if t then return t end t={} setmetatable(t,{ __index=function(t,k) if not k then return "" end local n=k+offset local s=n>0 and rep(str,n) or "" t[k]=s return s end }) s[offset]=t return t end local extra,tab,start=0,0,4,0 local nspaces=strings.newrepeater(" ") string.nspaces=nspaces local pattern=Carg(1)/function(t) extra,tab,start=0,t or 7,1 end*Cs(( Cp()*patterns.tab/function(position) local current=(position-start+1)+extra local spaces=tab-(current-1)%tab if spaces>0 then extra=extra+spaces-1 return nspaces[spaces] else return "" end end+newline*Cp()/function(position) extra,start=0,position end+patterns.anything )^1) function strings.tabtospace(str,tab) return lpegmatch(pattern,str,1,tab or 7) end local space=spacer^0 local nospace=space/"" local endofline=nospace*newline local stripend=(whitespace^1*endofstring)/"" local normalline=(nospace*((1-space*(newline+endofstring))^1)*nospace) local stripempty=endofline^1/"" local normalempty=endofline^1 local singleempty=endofline*(endofline^0/"") local doubleempty=endofline*endofline^-1*(endofline^0/"") local stripstart=stripempty^0 local p_prune_normal=Cs (stripstart*(stripend+normalline+normalempty )^0 ) local p_prune_collapse=Cs (stripstart*(stripend+normalline+doubleempty )^0 ) local p_prune_noempty=Cs (stripstart*(stripend+normalline+singleempty )^0 ) local p_retain_normal=Cs ((normalline+normalempty )^0 ) local p_retain_collapse=Cs ((normalline+doubleempty )^0 ) local p_retain_noempty=Cs ((normalline+singleempty )^0 ) local striplinepatterns={ ["prune"]=p_prune_normal, ["prune and collapse"]=p_prune_collapse, ["prune and no empty"]=p_prune_noempty, ["retain"]=p_retain_normal, ["retain and collapse"]=p_retain_collapse, ["retain and no empty"]=p_retain_noempty, ["collapse"]=patterns.collapser, } setmetatable(striplinepatterns,{ __index=function(t,k) return p_prune_collapse end }) strings.striplinepatterns=striplinepatterns function strings.striplines(str,how) return str and lpegmatch(striplinepatterns[how],str) or str end strings.striplong=strings.striplines function strings.nice(str) str=gsub(str,"[:%-+_]+"," ") return str end local n=0 local sequenced=table.sequenced function string.autodouble(s,sep) if s==nil then return '""' end local t=type(s) if t=="number" then return tostring(s) end if t=="table" then return ('"'..sequenced(s,sep or ",")..'"') end return ('"'..tostring(s)..'"') end function string.autosingle(s,sep) if s==nil then return "''" end local t=type(s) if t=="number" then return tostring(s) end if t=="table" then return ("'"..sequenced(s,sep or ",").."'") end return ("'"..tostring(s).."'") end local tracedchars={ [0]= "[null]","[soh]","[stx]","[etx]","[eot]","[enq]","[ack]","[bel]", "[bs]","[ht]","[lf]","[vt]","[ff]","[cr]","[so]","[si]", "[dle]","[dc1]","[dc2]","[dc3]","[dc4]","[nak]","[syn]","[etb]", "[can]","[em]","[sub]","[esc]","[fs]","[gs]","[rs]","[us]", "[space]", } string.tracedchars=tracedchars strings.tracers=tracedchars function string.tracedchar(b) if type(b)=="number" then return tracedchars[b] or (utfchar(b).." (U+"..format("%05X",b)..")") else local c=utfbyte(b) return tracedchars[c] or (b.." (U+"..(c and format("%05X",c) or "?????")..")") end end function number.signed(i) if i>0 then return "+",i else return "-",-i end end local digit=patterns.digit local period=patterns.period local three=digit*digit*digit local splitter=Cs ( (((1-(three^1*period))^1+C(three))*(Carg(1)*three)^1+C((1-period)^1))*(P(1)/""*Carg(2))*C(2) ) patterns.formattednumber=splitter function number.formatted(n,sep1,sep2) local s=type(s)=="string" and n or format("%0.2f",n) if sep1==true then return lpegmatch(splitter,s,1,".",",") elseif sep1=="." then return lpegmatch(splitter,s,1,sep1,sep2 or ",") elseif sep1=="," then return lpegmatch(splitter,s,1,sep1,sep2 or ".") else return lpegmatch(splitter,s,1,sep1 or ",",sep2 or ".") end end local zero=P("0")^1/"" local plus=P("+")/"" local minus=P("-") local separator=S(".") local digit=R("09") local trailing=zero^1*#S("eE") local exponent=(S("eE")*(plus+Cs((minus*zero^0*P(-1))/"")+minus)*zero^0*(P(-1)*Cc("0")+P(1)^1)) local pattern_a=Cs(minus^0*digit^1*(separator/""*trailing+separator*(trailing+digit)^0)*exponent) local pattern_b=Cs((exponent+P(1))^0) function number.sparseexponent(f,n) if not n then n=f f="%e" end local tn=type(n) if tn=="string" then local m=tonumber(n) if m then return lpegmatch((f=="%e" or f=="%E") and pattern_a or pattern_b,format(f,m)) end elseif tn=="number" then return lpegmatch((f=="%e" or f=="%E") and pattern_a or pattern_b,format(f,n)) end return tostring(n) end local hf={} local hs={} setmetatable(hf,{ __index=function(t,k) local v="%."..k.."f" t[k]=v return v end } ) setmetatable(hs,{ __index=function(t,k) local v="%"..k.."s" t[k]=v return v end } ) function number.formattedfloat(n,b,a) local s=format(hf[a],n) local l=(b or 0)+(a or 0)+1 if #s -0.0000000005 and a%s < 0.0000000005) and '0') or format((a%s %% 1 == 0) and '%%i' or '%%.9f',a%s))",n,n,n,n) else return format("format((a%s %% 1 == 0) and '%%i' or '%%%sf',a%s)",n,f,n) end end local format_k=function(b,a) n=n+1 return format("formattedfloat(a%s,%i,%i)",n,b or 0,a or 0) end local format_g=function(f) n=n+1 return format("format('%%%sg',a%s)",f,n) end local format_G=function(f) n=n+1 return format("format('%%%sG',a%s)",f,n) end local format_e=function(f) n=n+1 return format("format('%%%se',a%s)",f,n) end local format_E=function(f) n=n+1 return format("format('%%%sE',a%s)",f,n) end local format_j=function(f) n=n+1 return format("sparseexponent('%%%se',a%s)",f,n) end local format_J=function(f) n=n+1 return format("sparseexponent('%%%sE',a%s)",f,n) end local format_x=function(f) n=n+1 return format("format('%%%sx',a%s)",f,n) end local format_X=function(f) n=n+1 return format("format('%%%sX',a%s)",f,n) end local format_o=function(f) n=n+1 return format("format('%%%so',a%s)",f,n) end local format_c=function() n=n+1 return format("utfchar(a%s)",n) end local format_C=function() n=n+1 return format("tracedchar(a%s)",n) end local format_r=function(f) n=n+1 return format("format('%%%s.0f',a%s)",f,n) end local format_h=function(f) n=n+1 if f=="-" then f=sub(f,2) return format("format('%%%sx',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n) else return format("format('0x%%%sx',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n) end end local format_H=function(f) n=n+1 if f=="-" then f=sub(f,2) return format("format('%%%sX',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n) else return format("format('0x%%%sX',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n) end end local format_u=function(f) n=n+1 if f=="-" then f=sub(f,2) return format("format('%%%sx',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n) else return format("format('u+%%%sx',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n) end end local format_U=function(f) n=n+1 if f=="-" then f=sub(f,2) return format("format('%%%sX',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n) else return format("format('U+%%%sX',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n) end end local format_p=function() n=n+1 return format("points(a%s)",n) end local format_b=function() n=n+1 return format("basepoints(a%s)",n) end local format_t=function(f) n=n+1 if f and f~="" then return format("concat(a%s,%q)",n,f) else return format("concat(a%s)",n) end end local format_T=function(f) n=n+1 if f and f~="" then return format("sequenced(a%s,%q)",n,f) else return format("sequenced(a%s)",n) end end local format_l=function() n=n+1 return format("(a%s and 'true' or 'false')",n) end local format_L=function() n=n+1 return format("(a%s and 'TRUE' or 'FALSE')",n) end local format_N=function() n=n+1 return format("tostring(tonumber(a%s) or a%s)",n,n) end local format_a=function(f) n=n+1 if f and f~="" then return format("autosingle(a%s,%q)",n,f) else return format("autosingle(a%s)",n) end end local format_A=function(f) n=n+1 if f and f~="" then return format("autodouble(a%s,%q)",n,f) else return format("autodouble(a%s)",n) end end local format_w=function(f) n=n+1 f=tonumber(f) if f then return format("nspaces[%s+a%s]",f,n) else return format("nspaces[a%s]",n) end end local format_W=function(f) return format("nspaces[%s]",tonumber(f) or 0) end local format_m=function(f) n=n+1 if not f or f=="" then f="," end return format([[formattednumber(a%s,%q,".")]],n,f) end local format_M=function(f) n=n+1 if not f or f=="" then f="." end return format([[formattednumber(a%s,%q,",")]],n,f) end local format_z=function(f) n=n+(tonumber(f) or 1) return "''" end local format_rest=function(s) return format("%q",s) end local format_extension=function(extensions,f,name) local extension=extensions[name] or "tostring(%s)" local f=tonumber(f) or 1 local w=find(extension,"%.%.%.") if f==0 then if w then extension=gsub(extension,"%.%.%.","") end return extension elseif f==1 then if w then extension=gsub(extension,"%.%.%.","%%s") end n=n+1 local a="a"..n return format(extension,a,a) elseif f<0 then local a="a"..(n+f+1) return format(extension,a,a) else if w then extension=gsub(extension,"%.%.%.",rep("%%s,",f-1).."%%s") end local t={} for i=1,f do n=n+1 t[i]="a"..n end return format(extension,unpack(t)) end end local builder=Cs { "start", start=( ( P("%")/""*( V("!") +V("s")+V("q")+V("i")+V("d")+V("f")+V("F")+V("g")+V("G")+V("e")+V("E")+V("x")+V("X")+V("o") +V("c")+V("C")+V("S") +V("Q") +V("N") +V("k") +V("r")+V("h")+V("H")+V("u")+V("U")+V("p")+V("b")+V("t")+V("T")+V("l")+V("L")+V("I")+V("w") +V("W") +V("a") +V("A") +V("j")+V("J") +V("m")+V("M") +V("z") )+V("*") )*(P(-1)+Carg(1)) )^0, ["s"]=(prefix_any*P("s"))/format_s, ["q"]=(prefix_any*P("q"))/format_q, ["i"]=(prefix_any*P("i"))/format_i, ["d"]=(prefix_any*P("d"))/format_d, ["f"]=(prefix_any*P("f"))/format_f, ["F"]=(prefix_any*P("F"))/format_F, ["g"]=(prefix_any*P("g"))/format_g, ["G"]=(prefix_any*P("G"))/format_G, ["e"]=(prefix_any*P("e"))/format_e, ["E"]=(prefix_any*P("E"))/format_E, ["x"]=(prefix_any*P("x"))/format_x, ["X"]=(prefix_any*P("X"))/format_X, ["o"]=(prefix_any*P("o"))/format_o, ["S"]=(prefix_any*P("S"))/format_S, ["Q"]=(prefix_any*P("Q"))/format_S, ["N"]=(prefix_any*P("N"))/format_N, ["k"]=(prefix_sub*P("k"))/format_k, ["c"]=(prefix_any*P("c"))/format_c, ["C"]=(prefix_any*P("C"))/format_C, ["r"]=(prefix_any*P("r"))/format_r, ["h"]=(prefix_any*P("h"))/format_h, ["H"]=(prefix_any*P("H"))/format_H, ["u"]=(prefix_any*P("u"))/format_u, ["U"]=(prefix_any*P("U"))/format_U, ["p"]=(prefix_any*P("p"))/format_p, ["b"]=(prefix_any*P("b"))/format_b, ["t"]=(prefix_tab*P("t"))/format_t, ["T"]=(prefix_tab*P("T"))/format_T, ["l"]=(prefix_any*P("l"))/format_l, ["L"]=(prefix_any*P("L"))/format_L, ["I"]=(prefix_any*P("I"))/format_I, ["w"]=(prefix_any*P("w"))/format_w, ["W"]=(prefix_any*P("W"))/format_W, ["j"]=(prefix_any*P("j"))/format_j, ["J"]=(prefix_any*P("J"))/format_J, ["m"]=(prefix_tab*P("m"))/format_m, ["M"]=(prefix_tab*P("M"))/format_M, ["z"]=(prefix_any*P("z"))/format_z, ["a"]=(prefix_any*P("a"))/format_a, ["A"]=(prefix_any*P("A"))/format_A, ["*"]=Cs(((1-P("%"))^1+P("%%")/"%%")^1)/format_rest, ["?"]=Cs(((1-P("%"))^1 )^1)/format_rest, ["!"]=Carg(2)*prefix_any*P("!")*C((1-P("!"))^1)*P("!")/format_extension, } local direct=Cs ( P("%")*(S("+- .")+R("09"))^0*S("sqidfgGeExXo")*P(-1)/[[local format = string.format return function(str) return format("%0",str) end]] ) local function make(t,str) local f local p local p=lpegmatch(direct,str) if p then f=loadstripped(p)() else n=0 p=lpegmatch(builder,str,1,t._connector_,t._extensions_) if n>0 then p=format(template,preamble,t._preamble_,arguments[n],p) f=loadstripped(p,t._environment_)() else f=function() return str end end end t[str]=f return f end local function use(t,fmt,...) return t[fmt](...) end strings.formatters={} if _LUAVERSION<5.2 then function strings.formatters.new(noconcat) local t={ _type_="formatter",_connector_=noconcat and "," or "..",_extensions_={},_preamble_=preamble,_environment_={} } setmetatable(t,{ __index=make,__call=use }) return t end else function strings.formatters.new(noconcat) local e={} for k,v in next,environment do e[k]=v end local t={ _type_="formatter",_connector_=noconcat and "," or "..",_extensions_={},_preamble_="",_environment_=e } setmetatable(t,{ __index=make,__call=use }) return t end end local formatters=strings.formatters.new() string.formatters=formatters string.formatter=function(str,...) return formatters[str](...) end local function add(t,name,template,preamble) if type(t)=="table" and t._type_=="formatter" then t._extensions_[name]=template or "%s" if type(preamble)=="string" then t._preamble_=preamble.."\n"..t._preamble_ elseif type(preamble)=="table" then for k,v in next,preamble do t._environment_[k]=v end end end end strings.formatters.add=add patterns.xmlescape=Cs((P("<")/"<"+P(">")/">"+P("&")/"&"+P('"')/"""+P(1))^0) patterns.texescape=Cs((C(S("#$%\\{}"))/"\\%1"+P(1))^0) patterns.luaescape=Cs(((1-S('"\n'))^1+P('"')/'\\"'+P('\n')/'\\n"')^0) patterns.luaquoted=Cs(Cc('"')*((1-S('"\n'))^1+P('"')/'\\"'+P('\n')/'\\n"')^0*Cc('"')) if _LUAVERSION<5.2 then add(formatters,"xml",[[lpegmatch(xmlescape,%s)]],"local xmlescape = lpeg.patterns.xmlescape") add(formatters,"tex",[[lpegmatch(texescape,%s)]],"local texescape = lpeg.patterns.texescape") add(formatters,"lua",[[lpegmatch(luaescape,%s)]],"local luaescape = lpeg.patterns.luaescape") else add(formatters,"xml",[[lpegmatch(xmlescape,%s)]],{ xmlescape=lpeg.patterns.xmlescape }) add(formatters,"tex",[[lpegmatch(texescape,%s)]],{ texescape=lpeg.patterns.texescape }) add(formatters,"lua",[[lpegmatch(luaescape,%s)]],{ luaescape=lpeg.patterns.luaescape }) end local dquote=patterns.dquote local equote=patterns.escaped+dquote/'\\"'+1 local space=patterns.space local cquote=Cc('"') local pattern=Cs(dquote*(equote-P(-2))^0*dquote) +Cs(cquote*(equote-space)^0*space*equote^0*cquote) function string.optionalquoted(str) return lpegmatch(pattern,str) or str end local pattern=Cs((newline/(os.newline or "\r")+1)^0) function string.replacenewlines(str) return lpegmatch(pattern,str) end end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-fil']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } local byte=string.byte local char=string.char local extract=bit32 and bit32.extract local floor=math.floor utilities=utilities or {} local files={} utilities.files=files local zerobased={} function files.open(filename,zb) local f=io.open(filename,"rb") if f then zerobased[f]=zb or false end return f end function files.close(f) zerobased[f]=nil f:close() end function files.size(f) return f:seek("end") end files.getsize=files.size function files.setposition(f,n) if zerobased[f] then f:seek("set",n) else f:seek("set",n-1) end end function files.getposition(f) if zerobased[f] then return f:seek() else return f:seek()+1 end end function files.look(f,n,chars) local p=f:seek() local s=f:read(n) f:seek("set",p) if chars then return s else return byte(s,1,#s) end end function files.skip(f,n) if n==1 then f:read(n) else f:seek("set",f:seek()+n) end end function files.readbyte(f) return byte(f:read(1)) end function files.readbytes(f,n) return byte(f:read(n),1,n) end function files.readbytetable(f,n) local s=f:read(n or 1) return { byte(s,1,#s) } end function files.readchar(f) return f:read(1) end function files.readstring(f,n) return f:read(n or 1) end function files.readinteger1(f) local n=byte(f:read(1)) if n>=0x80 then return n-0x100 else return n end end files.readcardinal1=files.readbyte files.readcardinal=files.readcardinal1 files.readinteger=files.readinteger1 files.readsignedbyte=files.readinteger1 function files.readcardinal2(f) local a,b=byte(f:read(2),1,2) return 0x100*a+b end function files.readcardinal2le(f) local b,a=byte(f:read(2),1,2) return 0x100*a+b end function files.readinteger2(f) local a,b=byte(f:read(2),1,2) if a>=0x80 then return 0x100*a+b-0x10000 else return 0x100*a+b end end function files.readinteger2le(f) local b,a=byte(f:read(2),1,2) if a>=0x80 then return 0x100*a+b-0x10000 else return 0x100*a+b end end function files.readcardinal3(f) local a,b,c=byte(f:read(3),1,3) return 0x10000*a+0x100*b+c end function files.readcardinal3le(f) local c,b,a=byte(f:read(3),1,3) return 0x10000*a+0x100*b+c end function files.readinteger3(f) local a,b,c=byte(f:read(3),1,3) if a>=0x80 then return 0x10000*a+0x100*b+c-0x1000000 else return 0x10000*a+0x100*b+c end end function files.readinteger3le(f) local c,b,a=byte(f:read(3),1,3) if a>=0x80 then return 0x10000*a+0x100*b+c-0x1000000 else return 0x10000*a+0x100*b+c end end function files.readcardinal4(f) local a,b,c,d=byte(f:read(4),1,4) return 0x1000000*a+0x10000*b+0x100*c+d end function files.readcardinal4le(f) local d,c,b,a=byte(f:read(4),1,4) return 0x1000000*a+0x10000*b+0x100*c+d end function files.readinteger4(f) local a,b,c,d=byte(f:read(4),1,4) if a>=0x80 then return 0x1000000*a+0x10000*b+0x100*c+d-0x100000000 else return 0x1000000*a+0x10000*b+0x100*c+d end end function files.readinteger4le(f) local d,c,b,a=byte(f:read(4),1,4) if a>=0x80 then return 0x1000000*a+0x10000*b+0x100*c+d-0x100000000 else return 0x1000000*a+0x10000*b+0x100*c+d end end function files.readfixed2(f) local a,b=byte(f:read(2),1,2) if a>=0x80 then return (0x100*a+b-0x10000)/256.0 else return (0x100*a+b)/256.0 end end function files.readfixed4(f) local a,b,c,d=byte(f:read(4),1,4) if a>=0x80 then return (0x1000000*a+0x10000*b+0x100*c+d-0x100000000)/65536.0 else return (0x1000000*a+0x10000*b+0x100*c+d)/65536.0 end end if extract then local extract=bit32.extract local band=bit32.band function files.read2dot14(f) local a,b=byte(f:read(2),1,2) if a>=0x80 then local n=-(0x100*a+b) return-(extract(n,14,2)+(band(n,0x3FFF)/16384.0)) else local n=0x100*a+b return (extract(n,14,2)+(band(n,0x3FFF)/16384.0)) end end end function files.skipshort(f,n) f:read(2*(n or 1)) end function files.skiplong(f,n) f:read(4*(n or 1)) end function files.writecardinal2(f,n) local a=char(n%256) n=floor(n/256) local b=char(n%256) f:write(b,a) end function files.writecardinal4(f,n) local a=char(n%256) n=floor(n/256) local b=char(n%256) n=floor(n/256) local c=char(n%256) n=floor(n/256) local d=char(n%256) f:write(d,c,b,a) end function files.writestring(f,s) f:write(char(byte(s,1,#s))) end function files.writebyte(f,b) f:write(char(b)) end if fio and fio.readcardinal1 then files.readcardinal1=fio.readcardinal1 files.readcardinal2=fio.readcardinal2 files.readcardinal3=fio.readcardinal3 files.readcardinal4=fio.readcardinal4 files.readinteger1=fio.readinteger1 files.readinteger2=fio.readinteger2 files.readinteger3=fio.readinteger3 files.readinteger4=fio.readinteger4 files.readfixed2=fio.readfixed2 files.readfixed4=fio.readfixed4 files.read2dot14=fio.read2dot14 files.setposition=fio.setposition files.getposition=fio.getposition files.readbyte=files.readcardinal1 files.readsignedbyte=files.readinteger1 files.readcardinal=files.readcardinal1 files.readinteger=files.readinteger1 local skipposition=fio.skipposition files.skipposition=skipposition files.readbytes=fio.readbytes files.readbytetable=fio.readbytetable function files.skipshort(f,n) skipposition(f,2*(n or 1)) end function files.skiplong(f,n) skipposition(f,4*(n or 1)) end end end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['luat-basics-gen']={ version=1.100, comment="companion to luatex-*.tex", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } if context then texio.write_nl("fatal error: this module is not for context") os.exit() end local dummyfunction=function() end local dummyreporter=function(c) return function(f,...) local r=texio.reporter or texio.write_nl if f then r(c.." : "..string.formatters(f,...)) else r("") end end end statistics={ register=dummyfunction, starttiming=dummyfunction, stoptiming=dummyfunction, elapsedtime=nil, } directives={ register=dummyfunction, enable=dummyfunction, disable=dummyfunction, } trackers={ register=dummyfunction, enable=dummyfunction, disable=dummyfunction, } experiments={ register=dummyfunction, enable=dummyfunction, disable=dummyfunction, } storage={ register=dummyfunction, shared={}, } logs={ new=dummyreporter, reporter=dummyreporter, messenger=dummyreporter, report=dummyfunction, } callbacks={ register=function(n,f) return callback.register(n,f) end, } utilities=utilities or {} utilities.storage={ allocate=function(t) return t or {} end, mark=function(t) return t or {} end, } characters=characters or { data={} } texconfig.kpse_init=true resolvers=resolvers or {} local remapper={ otf="opentype fonts", ttf="truetype fonts", ttc="truetype fonts", cid="cid maps", cidmap="cid maps", pfb="type1 fonts", afm="afm", enc="enc files", } function resolvers.findfile(name,fileformat) name=string.gsub(name,"\\","/") if not fileformat or fileformat=="" then fileformat=file.suffix(name) if fileformat=="" then fileformat="tex" end end fileformat=string.lower(fileformat) fileformat=remapper[fileformat] or fileformat local found=kpse.find_file(name,fileformat) if not found or found=="" then found=kpse.find_file(name,"other text files") end return found end resolvers.findbinfile=resolvers.findfile function resolvers.loadbinfile(filename,filetype) local data=io.loaddata(filename) return true,data,#data end function resolvers.resolve(s) return s end function resolvers.unresolve(s) return s end caches={} local writable=nil local readables={} local usingjit=jit if not caches.namespace or caches.namespace=="" or caches.namespace=="context" then caches.namespace='generic' end do local cachepaths=kpse.expand_var('$TEXMFCACHE') or "" if cachepaths=="" or cachepaths=="$TEXMFCACHE" then cachepaths=kpse.expand_var('$TEXMFVAR') or "" end if cachepaths=="" or cachepaths=="$TEXMFVAR" then cachepaths=kpse.expand_var('$VARTEXMF') or "" end if cachepaths=="" then local fallbacks={ "TMPDIR","TEMPDIR","TMP","TEMP","HOME","HOMEPATH" } for i=1,#fallbacks do cachepaths=os.getenv(fallbacks[i]) or "" if cachepath~="" and lfs.isdir(cachepath) then break end end end if cachepaths=="" then cachepaths="." end cachepaths=string.split(cachepaths,os.type=="windows" and ";" or ":") for i=1,#cachepaths do local cachepath=cachepaths[i] if not lfs.isdir(cachepath) then lfs.mkdirs(cachepath) if lfs.isdir(cachepath) then texio.write(string.format("(created cache path: %s)",cachepath)) end end if file.is_writable(cachepath) then writable=file.join(cachepath,"luatex-cache") lfs.mkdir(writable) writable=file.join(writable,caches.namespace) lfs.mkdir(writable) break end end for i=1,#cachepaths do if file.is_readable(cachepaths[i]) then readables[#readables+1]=file.join(cachepaths[i],"luatex-cache",caches.namespace) end end if not writable then texio.write_nl("quiting: fix your writable cache path") os.exit() elseif #readables==0 then texio.write_nl("quiting: fix your readable cache path") os.exit() elseif #readables==1 and readables[1]==writable then texio.write(string.format("(using cache: %s)",writable)) else texio.write(string.format("(using write cache: %s)",writable)) texio.write(string.format("(using read cache: %s)",table.concat(readables," "))) end end function caches.getwritablepath(category,subcategory) local path=file.join(writable,category) lfs.mkdir(path) path=file.join(path,subcategory) lfs.mkdir(path) return path end function caches.getreadablepaths(category,subcategory) local t={} for i=1,#readables do t[i]=file.join(readables[i],category,subcategory) end return t end local function makefullname(path,name) if path and path~="" then return file.addsuffix(file.join(path,name),"lua"),file.addsuffix(file.join(path,name),usingjit and "lub" or "luc") end end function caches.is_writable(path,name) local fullname=makefullname(path,name) return fullname and file.is_writable(fullname) end function caches.loaddata(readables,name,writable) for i=1,#readables do local path=readables[i] local loader=false local luaname,lucname=makefullname(path,name) if lfs.isfile(lucname) then texio.write(string.format("(load luc: %s)",lucname)) loader=loadfile(lucname) end if not loader and lfs.isfile(luaname) then local luacrap,lucname=makefullname(writable,name) texio.write(string.format("(compiling luc: %s)",lucname)) if lfs.isfile(lucname) then loader=loadfile(lucname) end caches.compile(data,luaname,lucname) if lfs.isfile(lucname) then texio.write(string.format("(load luc: %s)",lucname)) loader=loadfile(lucname) else texio.write(string.format("(loading failed: %s)",lucname)) end if not loader then texio.write(string.format("(load lua: %s)",luaname)) loader=loadfile(luaname) else texio.write(string.format("(loading failed: %s)",luaname)) end end if loader then loader=loader() collectgarbage("step") return loader end end return false end function caches.savedata(path,name,data) local luaname,lucname=makefullname(path,name) if luaname then texio.write(string.format("(save: %s)",luaname)) table.tofile(luaname,data,true) if lucname and type(caches.compile)=="function" then os.remove(lucname) texio.write(string.format("(save: %s)",lucname)) caches.compile(data,luaname,lucname) end end end function caches.compile(data,luaname,lucname) local d=io.loaddata(luaname) if not d or d=="" then d=table.serialize(data,true) end if d and d~="" then local f=io.open(lucname,'wb') if f then local s=loadstring(d) if s then f:write(string.dump(s,true)) end f:close() end end end function table.setmetatableindex(t,f) if type(t)~="table" then f,t=t,{} end local m=getmetatable(t) if f=="table" then f=function(t,k) local v={} t[k]=v return v end end if m then m.__index=f else setmetatable(t,{ __index=f }) end return t end arguments={} if arg then for i=1,#arg do local k,v=string.match(arg[i],"^%-%-([^=]+)=?(.-)$") if k and v then arguments[k]=v end end end end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['data-con']={ version=1.100, comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } local format,lower,gsub=string.format,string.lower,string.gsub local trace_cache=false trackers.register("resolvers.cache",function(v) trace_cache=v end) local trace_containers=false trackers.register("resolvers.containers",function(v) trace_containers=v end) local trace_storage=false trackers.register("resolvers.storage",function(v) trace_storage=v end) containers=containers or {} local containers=containers containers.usecache=true local report_containers=logs.reporter("resolvers","containers") local allocated={} local mt={ __index=function(t,k) if k=="writable" then local writable=caches.getwritablepath(t.category,t.subcategory) or { "." } t.writable=writable return writable elseif k=="readables" then local readables=caches.getreadablepaths(t.category,t.subcategory) or { "." } t.readables=readables return readables end end, __storage__=true } function containers.define(category,subcategory,version,enabled) if category and subcategory then local c=allocated[category] if not c then c={} allocated[category]=c end local s=c[subcategory] if not s then s={ category=category, subcategory=subcategory, storage={}, enabled=enabled, version=version or math.pi, trace=false, } setmetatable(s,mt) c[subcategory]=s end return s end end function containers.is_usable(container,name) return container.enabled and caches and caches.is_writable(container.writable,name) end function containers.is_valid(container,name) if name and name~="" then local storage=container.storage[name] return storage and storage.cache_version==container.version else return false end end function containers.read(container,name) local storage=container.storage local stored=storage[name] if not stored and container.enabled and caches and containers.usecache then stored=caches.loaddata(container.readables,name,container.writable) if stored and stored.cache_version==container.version then if trace_cache or trace_containers then report_containers("action %a, category %a, name %a","load",container.subcategory,name) end else stored=nil end storage[name]=stored elseif stored then if trace_cache or trace_containers then report_containers("action %a, category %a, name %a","reuse",container.subcategory,name) end end return stored end function containers.write(container,name,data) if data then data.cache_version=container.version if container.enabled and caches then local unique,shared=data.unique,data.shared data.unique,data.shared=nil,nil caches.savedata(container.writable,name,data) if trace_cache or trace_containers then report_containers("action %a, category %a, name %a","save",container.subcategory,name) end data.unique,data.shared=unique,shared end if trace_cache or trace_containers then report_containers("action %a, category %a, name %a","store",container.subcategory,name) end container.storage[name]=data end return data end function containers.content(container,name) return container.storage[name] end function containers.cleanname(name) return (gsub(lower(name),"[^%w\128-\255]+","-")) end end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['luatex-fonts-nod']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to luatex-fonts.lua", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } if context then texio.write_nl("fatal error: this module is not for context") os.exit() end if tex.attribute[0]~=0 then texio.write_nl("log","!") texio.write_nl("log","! Attribute 0 is reserved for ConTeXt's font feature management and has to be") texio.write_nl("log","! set to zero. Also, some attributes in the range 1-255 are used for special") texio.write_nl("log","! purposes so setting them at the TeX end might break the font handler.") texio.write_nl("log","!") tex.attribute[0]=0 end attributes=attributes or {} attributes.unsetvalue=-0x7FFFFFFF local numbers,last={},127 attributes.private=attributes.private or function(name) local number=numbers[name] if not number then if last<255 then last=last+1 end number=last numbers[name]=number end return number end nodes={} nodes.pool={} nodes.handlers={} local nodecodes={} local glyphcodes=node.subtypes("glyph") local disccodes=node.subtypes("disc") for k,v in next,node.types() do v=string.gsub(v,"_","") nodecodes[k]=v nodecodes[v]=k end for i=0,#glyphcodes do glyphcodes[glyphcodes[i]]=i end for i=0,#disccodes do disccodes[disccodes[i]]=i end nodes.nodecodes=nodecodes nodes.glyphcodes=glyphcodes nodes.disccodes=disccodes local flush_node=node.flush_node local remove_node=node.remove local new_node=node.new local traverse_id=node.traverse_id nodes.handlers.protectglyphs=node.protect_glyphs nodes.handlers.unprotectglyphs=node.unprotect_glyphs local math_code=nodecodes.math local end_of_math=node.end_of_math function node.end_of_math(n) if n.id==math_code and n.subtype==1 then return n else return end_of_math(n) end end function nodes.remove(head,current,free_too) local t=current head,current=remove_node(head,current) if t then if free_too then flush_node(t) t=nil else t.next,t.prev=nil,nil end end return head,current,t end function nodes.delete(head,current) return nodes.remove(head,current,true) end function nodes.pool.kern(k) local n=new_node("kern",1) n.kern=k return n end local getfield=node.getfield local setfield=node.setfield nodes.getfield=getfield nodes.setfield=setfield nodes.getattr=getfield nodes.setattr=setfield nodes.tostring=node.tostring or tostring nodes.copy=node.copy nodes.copy_node=node.copy nodes.copy_list=node.copy_list nodes.delete=node.delete nodes.dimensions=node.dimensions nodes.end_of_math=node.end_of_math nodes.flush_list=node.flush_list nodes.flush_node=node.flush_node nodes.flush=node.flush_node nodes.free=node.free nodes.insert_after=node.insert_after nodes.insert_before=node.insert_before nodes.hpack=node.hpack nodes.new=node.new nodes.tail=node.tail nodes.traverse=node.traverse nodes.traverse_id=node.traverse_id nodes.slide=node.slide nodes.vpack=node.vpack nodes.first_glyph=node.first_glyph nodes.has_glyph=node.has_glyph or node.first_glyph nodes.current_attr=node.current_attr nodes.has_field=node.has_field nodes.last_node=node.last_node nodes.usedlist=node.usedlist nodes.protrusion_skippable=node.protrusion_skippable nodes.write=node.write nodes.has_attribute=node.has_attribute nodes.set_attribute=node.set_attribute nodes.unset_attribute=node.unset_attribute nodes.protect_glyphs=node.protect_glyphs nodes.unprotect_glyphs=node.unprotect_glyphs nodes.mlist_to_hlist=node.mlist_to_hlist local direct=node.direct local nuts={} nodes.nuts=nuts local tonode=direct.tonode local tonut=direct.todirect nodes.tonode=tonode nodes.tonut=tonut nuts.tonode=tonode nuts.tonut=tonut local getfield=direct.getfield local setfield=direct.setfield nuts.getfield=getfield nuts.setfield=setfield nuts.getnext=direct.getnext nuts.setnext=direct.setnext nuts.getprev=direct.getprev nuts.setprev=direct.setprev nuts.getboth=direct.getboth nuts.setboth=direct.setboth nuts.getid=direct.getid nuts.getattr=direct.get_attribute or direct.has_attribute or getfield nuts.setattr=setfield nuts.getfont=direct.getfont nuts.setfont=direct.setfont nuts.getsubtype=direct.getsubtype nuts.setsubtype=direct.setsubtype nuts.getchar=direct.getchar nuts.setchar=direct.setchar nuts.getdisc=direct.getdisc nuts.setdisc=direct.setdisc nuts.setlink=direct.setlink nuts.getlist=direct.getlist nuts.setlist=direct.setlist nuts.getoffsets=direct.getoffsets or function(n) return getfield(n,"xoffset"),getfield(n,"yoffset") end nuts.setoffsets=direct.setoffsets or function(n,x,y) if x then setfield(n,"xoffset",x) end if y then setfield(n,"xoffset",y) end end nuts.getleader=direct.getleader or function(n) return getfield(n,"leader") end nuts.setleader=direct.setleader or function(n,l) setfield(n,"leader",l) end nuts.getcomponents=direct.getcomponents or function(n) return getfield(n,"components") end nuts.setcomponents=direct.setcomponents or function(n,c) setfield(n,"components",c) end nuts.getkern=direct.getkern or function(n) return getfield(n,"kern") end nuts.setkern=direct.setkern or function(n,k) setfield(n,"kern",k) end nuts.getdir=direct.getkern or function(n) return getfield(n,"dir") end nuts.setdir=direct.setkern or function(n,d) setfield(n,"dir",d) end nuts.getwidth=direct.getwidth or function(n) return getfield(n,"width") end nuts.setwidth=direct.setwidth or function(n,w) return setfield(n,"width",w) end nuts.getheight=direct.getheight or function(n) return getfield(n,"height") end nuts.setheight=direct.setheight or function(n,h) return setfield(n,"height",h) end nuts.getdepth=direct.getdepth or function(n) return getfield(n,"depth") end nuts.setdepth=direct.setdepth or function(n,d) return setfield(n,"depth",d) end if not direct.is_glyph then local getchar=direct.getchar local getid=direct.getid local getfont=direct.getfont local glyph_code=nodes.nodecodes.glyph function direct.is_glyph(n,f) local id=getid(n) if id==glyph_code then if f and getfont(n)==f then return getchar(n) else return false end else return nil,id end end function direct.is_char(n,f) local id=getid(n) if id==glyph_code then if getsubtype(n)>=256 then return false elseif f and getfont(n)==f then return getchar(n) else return false end else return nil,id end end end nuts.ischar=direct.is_char nuts.is_char=direct.is_char nuts.isglyph=direct.is_glyph nuts.is_glyph=direct.is_glyph nuts.insert_before=direct.insert_before nuts.insert_after=direct.insert_after nuts.delete=direct.delete nuts.copy=direct.copy nuts.copy_node=direct.copy nuts.copy_list=direct.copy_list nuts.tail=direct.tail nuts.flush_list=direct.flush_list nuts.flush_node=direct.flush_node nuts.flush=direct.flush nuts.free=direct.free nuts.remove=direct.remove nuts.is_node=direct.is_node nuts.end_of_math=direct.end_of_math nuts.traverse=direct.traverse nuts.traverse_id=direct.traverse_id nuts.traverse_char=direct.traverse_char nuts.ligaturing=direct.ligaturing nuts.kerning=direct.kerning nuts.getprop=nuts.getattr nuts.setprop=nuts.setattr local new_nut=direct.new nuts.new=new_nut nuts.pool={} function nuts.pool.kern(k) local n=new_nut("kern",1) setfield(n,"kern",k) return n end local propertydata=direct.get_properties_table() nodes.properties={ data=propertydata } direct.set_properties_mode(true,true) function direct.set_properties_mode() end nuts.getprop=function(n,k) local p=propertydata[n] if p then return p[k] end end nuts.setprop=function(n,k,v) if v then local p=propertydata[n] if p then p[k]=v else propertydata[n]={ [k]=v } end end end nodes.setprop=nodes.setproperty nodes.getprop=nodes.getproperty local setprev=nuts.setprev local setnext=nuts.setnext local getnext=nuts.getnext local setlink=nuts.setlink local getfield=nuts.getfield local setfield=nuts.setfield local getcomponents=nuts.getcomponents local setcomponents=nuts.setcomponents local find_tail=nuts.tail local flush_list=nuts.flush_list local flush_node=nuts.flush_node local traverse_id=nuts.traverse_id local copy_node=nuts.copy_node local glyph_code=nodes.nodecodes.glyph function nuts.set_components(target,start,stop) local head=getcomponents(target) if head then flush_list(head) head=nil end if start then setprev(start) else return nil end if stop then setnext(stop) end local tail=nil while start do local c=getcomponents(start) local n=getnext(start) if c then if head then setlink(tail,c) else head=c end tail=find_tail(c) setcomponents(start) flush_node(start) else if head then setlink(tail,start) else head=start end tail=start end start=n end setcomponents(target,head) return head end nuts.get_components=nuts.getcomponents function nuts.take_components(target) local c=getcomponents(target) setcomponents(target) return c end function nuts.count_components(n,marks) local components=getcomponents(n) if components then if marks then local i=0 for g in traverse_id(glyph_code,components) do if not marks[getchar(g)] then i=i+1 end end return i else return count(glyph_code,components) end else return 0 end end function nuts.copy_no_components(g,copyinjection) local components=getcomponents(g) if components then setcomponents(g) local n=copy_node(g) if copyinjection then copyinjection(n,g) end setcomponents(g,components) return n else local n=copy_node(g) if copyinjection then copyinjection(n,g) end return n end end function nuts.copy_only_glyphs(current) local head=nil local previous=nil for n in traverse_id(glyph_code,current) do n=copy_node(n) if head then setlink(previous,n) else head=n end previous=n end return head end end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference characters=characters or {} characters.blockrange={} characters.classifiers={ [1536]=4, [1537]=4, [1538]=4, [1539]=4, [1540]=4, [1541]=4, [1542]=6, [1543]=6, [1544]=4, [1545]=6, [1546]=6, [1547]=4, [1548]=6, [1549]=6, [1550]=6, [1551]=6, [1552]=5, [1553]=5, [1554]=5, [1555]=5, [1556]=5, [1557]=5, [1558]=5, [1559]=5, [1560]=5, [1561]=5, [1562]=5, [1563]=6, [1564]=6, [1566]=6, [1567]=6, [1568]=2, [1569]=4, [1570]=3, [1571]=3, [1572]=3, [1573]=3, [1574]=2, [1575]=3, [1576]=2, [1577]=3, [1578]=2, [1579]=2, [1580]=2, [1581]=2, [1582]=2, [1583]=3, [1584]=3, [1585]=3, [1586]=3, [1587]=2, [1588]=2, [1589]=2, [1590]=2, [1591]=2, [1592]=2, [1593]=2, [1594]=2, [1595]=2, [1596]=2, [1597]=2, [1598]=2, [1599]=2, [1600]=2, [1601]=2, [1602]=2, [1603]=2, [1604]=2, [1605]=2, [1606]=2, [1607]=2, [1608]=3, [1609]=2, [1610]=2, [1611]=5, [1612]=5, [1613]=5, [1614]=5, [1615]=5, [1616]=5, [1617]=5, [1618]=5, [1619]=5, [1620]=5, [1621]=5, [1622]=5, [1623]=5, [1624]=5, [1625]=5, [1626]=5, [1627]=5, [1628]=5, [1629]=5, [1630]=5, [1631]=5, [1632]=6, [1633]=6, [1634]=6, [1635]=6, [1636]=6, [1637]=6, [1638]=6, [1639]=6, [1640]=6, [1641]=6, [1642]=6, [1643]=6, [1644]=6, [1645]=6, [1646]=2, [1647]=2, [1648]=5, [1649]=3, [1650]=3, [1651]=3, [1652]=4, [1653]=3, [1654]=3, [1655]=3, [1656]=2, [1657]=2, [1658]=2, [1659]=2, [1660]=2, [1661]=2, [1662]=2, [1663]=2, [1664]=2, [1665]=2, [1666]=2, [1667]=2, [1668]=2, [1669]=2, [1670]=2, [1671]=2, [1672]=3, [1673]=3, [1674]=3, [1675]=3, [1676]=3, [1677]=3, [1678]=3, [1679]=3, [1680]=3, [1681]=3, [1682]=3, [1683]=3, [1684]=3, [1685]=3, [1686]=3, [1687]=3, [1688]=3, [1689]=3, [1690]=2, [1691]=2, [1692]=2, [1693]=2, [1694]=2, [1695]=2, [1696]=2, [1697]=2, [1698]=2, [1699]=2, [1700]=2, [1701]=2, [1702]=2, [1703]=2, [1704]=2, [1705]=2, [1706]=2, [1707]=2, [1708]=2, [1709]=2, [1710]=2, [1711]=2, [1712]=2, [1713]=2, [1714]=2, [1715]=2, [1716]=2, [1717]=2, [1718]=2, [1719]=2, [1720]=2, [1721]=2, [1722]=2, [1723]=2, [1724]=2, [1725]=2, [1726]=2, [1727]=2, [1728]=3, [1729]=2, [1730]=2, [1731]=3, [1732]=3, [1733]=3, [1734]=3, [1735]=3, [1736]=3, [1737]=3, [1738]=3, [1739]=3, [1740]=2, [1741]=3, [1742]=2, [1743]=3, [1744]=2, [1745]=2, [1746]=3, [1747]=3, [1748]=6, [1749]=3, [1750]=5, [1751]=5, [1752]=5, [1753]=5, [1754]=5, [1755]=5, [1756]=5, [1757]=4, [1758]=6, [1759]=5, [1760]=5, [1761]=5, [1762]=5, [1763]=5, [1764]=5, [1765]=6, [1766]=6, [1767]=5, [1768]=5, [1769]=6, [1770]=5, [1771]=5, [1772]=5, [1773]=5, [1774]=3, [1775]=3, [1776]=6, [1777]=6, [1778]=6, [1779]=6, [1780]=6, [1781]=6, [1782]=6, [1783]=6, [1784]=6, [1785]=6, [1786]=2, [1787]=2, [1788]=2, [1789]=6, [1790]=6, [1791]=2, [1792]=6, [1793]=6, [1794]=6, [1795]=6, [1796]=6, [1797]=6, [1798]=6, [1799]=6, [1800]=6, [1801]=6, [1802]=6, [1803]=6, [1804]=6, [1805]=6, [1807]=6, [1808]=3, [1809]=5, [1810]=2, [1811]=2, [1812]=2, [1813]=3, [1814]=3, [1815]=3, [1816]=3, [1817]=3, [1818]=2, [1819]=2, [1820]=2, [1821]=2, [1822]=3, [1823]=2, [1824]=2, [1825]=2, [1826]=2, [1827]=2, [1828]=2, [1829]=2, [1830]=2, [1831]=2, [1832]=3, [1833]=2, [1834]=3, [1835]=2, [1836]=3, [1837]=2, [1838]=2, [1839]=3, [1840]=5, [1841]=5, [1842]=5, [1843]=5, [1844]=5, [1845]=5, [1846]=5, [1847]=5, [1848]=5, [1849]=5, [1850]=5, [1851]=5, [1852]=5, [1853]=5, [1854]=5, [1855]=5, [1856]=5, [1857]=5, [1858]=5, [1859]=5, [1860]=5, [1861]=5, [1862]=5, [1863]=5, [1864]=5, [1865]=5, [1866]=5, [1869]=3, [1870]=2, [1871]=2, [1872]=2, [1873]=2, [1874]=2, [1875]=2, [1876]=2, [1877]=2, [1878]=2, [1879]=2, [1880]=2, [1881]=3, [1882]=3, [1883]=3, [1884]=2, [1885]=2, [1886]=2, [1887]=2, [1888]=2, [1889]=2, [1890]=2, [1891]=2, [1892]=2, [1893]=2, [1894]=2, [1895]=2, [1896]=2, [1897]=2, [1898]=2, [1899]=3, [1900]=3, [1901]=2, [1902]=2, [1903]=2, [1904]=2, [1905]=3, [1906]=2, [1907]=3, [1908]=3, [1909]=2, [1910]=2, [1911]=2, [1912]=3, [1913]=3, [1914]=2, [1915]=2, [1916]=2, [1917]=2, [1918]=2, [1919]=2, [1984]=6, [1985]=6, [1986]=6, [1987]=6, [1988]=6, [1989]=6, [1990]=6, [1991]=6, [1992]=6, [1993]=6, [1994]=2, [1995]=2, [1996]=2, [1997]=2, [1998]=2, [1999]=2, [2000]=2, [2001]=2, [2002]=2, [2003]=2, [2004]=2, [2005]=2, [2006]=2, [2007]=2, [2008]=2, [2009]=2, [2010]=2, [2011]=2, [2012]=2, [2013]=2, [2014]=2, [2015]=2, [2016]=2, [2017]=2, [2018]=2, [2019]=2, [2020]=2, [2021]=2, [2022]=2, [2023]=2, [2024]=2, [2025]=2, [2026]=2, [2027]=5, [2028]=5, [2029]=5, [2030]=5, [2031]=5, [2032]=5, [2033]=5, [2034]=5, [2035]=5, [2036]=6, [2037]=6, [2038]=6, [2039]=6, [2040]=6, [2041]=6, [2042]=2, [2112]=3, [2113]=2, [2114]=2, [2115]=2, [2116]=2, [2117]=2, [2118]=3, [2119]=3, [2120]=2, [2121]=3, [2122]=2, [2123]=2, [2124]=2, [2125]=2, [2126]=2, [2127]=2, [2128]=2, [2129]=2, [2130]=2, [2131]=2, [2132]=3, [2133]=2, [2134]=4, [2135]=4, [2136]=4, [2208]=2, [2209]=2, [2210]=2, [2211]=2, [2212]=2, [2213]=2, [2214]=2, [2215]=2, [2216]=2, [2217]=2, [2218]=3, [2219]=3, [2220]=3, [2221]=4, [2222]=3, [2223]=2, [2224]=2, [2225]=3, [2226]=3, [2227]=2, [2228]=2, [6150]=4, [6151]=2, [6154]=2, [6158]=4, [6176]=2, [6177]=2, [6178]=2, [6179]=2, [6180]=2, [6181]=2, [6182]=2, [6183]=2, [6184]=2, [6185]=2, [6186]=2, [6187]=2, [6188]=2, [6189]=2, [6190]=2, [6191]=2, [6192]=2, [6193]=2, [6194]=2, [6195]=2, [6196]=2, [6197]=2, [6198]=2, [6199]=2, [6200]=2, [6201]=2, [6202]=2, [6203]=2, [6204]=2, [6205]=2, [6206]=2, [6207]=2, [6208]=2, [6209]=2, [6210]=2, [6211]=2, [6212]=2, [6213]=2, [6214]=2, [6215]=2, [6216]=2, [6217]=2, [6218]=2, [6219]=2, [6220]=2, [6221]=2, [6222]=2, [6223]=2, [6224]=2, [6225]=2, [6226]=2, [6227]=2, [6228]=2, [6229]=2, [6230]=2, [6231]=2, [6232]=2, [6233]=2, [6234]=2, [6235]=2, [6236]=2, [6237]=2, [6238]=2, [6239]=2, [6240]=2, [6241]=2, [6242]=2, [6243]=2, [6244]=2, [6245]=2, [6246]=2, [6247]=2, [6248]=2, [6249]=2, [6250]=2, [6251]=2, [6252]=2, [6253]=2, [6254]=2, [6255]=2, [6256]=2, [6257]=2, [6258]=2, [6259]=2, [6260]=2, [6261]=2, [6262]=2, [6263]=2, [6272]=4, [6273]=4, [6274]=4, [6275]=4, [6276]=4, [6277]=4, [6278]=4, [6279]=2, [6280]=2, [6281]=2, [6282]=2, [6283]=2, [6284]=2, [6285]=2, [6286]=2, [6287]=2, [6288]=2, [6289]=2, [6290]=2, [6291]=2, [6292]=2, [6293]=2, [6294]=2, [6295]=2, [6296]=2, [6297]=2, [6298]=2, [6299]=2, [6300]=2, [6301]=2, [6302]=2, [6303]=2, [6304]=2, [6305]=2, [6306]=2, [6307]=2, [6308]=2, [6309]=2, [6310]=2, [6311]=2, [6312]=2, [6314]=2, [8204]=4, [8205]=2, [8294]=4, [8295]=4, [8296]=4, [8297]=4, [43072]=2, [43073]=2, [43074]=2, [43075]=2, [43076]=2, [43077]=2, [43078]=2, [43079]=2, [43080]=2, [43081]=2, [43082]=2, [43083]=2, [43084]=2, [43085]=2, [43086]=2, [43087]=2, [43088]=2, [43089]=2, [43090]=2, [43091]=2, [43092]=2, [43093]=2, [43094]=2, [43095]=2, [43096]=2, [43097]=2, [43098]=2, [43099]=2, [43100]=2, [43101]=2, [43102]=2, [43103]=2, [43104]=2, [43105]=2, [43106]=2, [43107]=2, [43108]=2, [43109]=2, [43110]=2, [43111]=2, [43112]=2, [43113]=2, [43114]=2, [43115]=2, [43116]=2, [43117]=2, [43118]=2, [43119]=2, [43120]=2, [43121]=2, [43122]=1, [43123]=4, [68288]=2, [68289]=2, [68290]=2, [68291]=2, [68292]=2, [68293]=3, [68294]=4, [68295]=3, [68296]=4, [68297]=3, [68298]=3, [68299]=4, [68300]=4, [68301]=1, [68302]=3, [68303]=3, [68304]=3, [68305]=3, [68306]=3, [68307]=2, [68308]=2, [68309]=2, [68310]=2, [68311]=1, [68312]=2, [68313]=2, [68314]=2, [68315]=2, [68316]=2, [68317]=3, [68318]=2, [68319]=2, [68320]=2, [68321]=3, [68322]=4, [68323]=4, [68324]=3, [68331]=2, [68332]=2, [68333]=2, [68334]=2, [68335]=3, [68480]=2, [68481]=3, [68482]=2, [68483]=3, [68484]=3, [68485]=3, [68486]=2, [68487]=2, [68488]=2, [68489]=3, [68490]=2, [68491]=2, [68492]=3, [68493]=2, [68494]=3, [68495]=3, [68496]=2, [68497]=3, [68521]=3, [68522]=3, [68523]=3, [68524]=3, [68525]=2, [68526]=2, [68527]=4, } end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['font-ini']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to font-ini.mkiv", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } local allocate=utilities.storage.allocate fonts=fonts or {} local fonts=fonts fonts.hashes={ identifiers=allocate() } fonts.tables=fonts.tables or {} fonts.helpers=fonts.helpers or {} fonts.tracers=fonts.tracers or {} fonts.specifiers=fonts.specifiers or {} fonts.analyzers={} fonts.readers={} fonts.definers={ methods={} } fonts.loggers={ register=function() end } fontloader.totable=fontloader.to_table end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['font-con']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to font-ini.mkiv", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } local next,tostring,rawget=next,tostring,rawget local format,match,lower,gsub,find=string.format,string.match,string.lower,string.gsub,string.find local sort,insert,concat=table.sort,table.insert,table.concat local sortedkeys,sortedhash,serialize,fastcopy=table.sortedkeys,table.sortedhash,table.serialize,table.fastcopy local derivetable=table.derive local ioflush=io.flush local trace_defining=false trackers.register("fonts.defining",function(v) trace_defining=v end) local trace_scaling=false trackers.register("fonts.scaling",function(v) trace_scaling=v end) local report_defining=logs.reporter("fonts","defining") local fonts=fonts local constructors=fonts.constructors or {} fonts.constructors=constructors local handlers=fonts.handlers or {} fonts.handlers=handlers local allocate=utilities.storage.allocate local setmetatableindex=table.setmetatableindex constructors.dontembed=allocate() constructors.autocleanup=true constructors.namemode="fullpath" constructors.version=1.01 constructors.cache=containers.define("fonts","constructors",constructors.version,false) constructors.privateoffset=0xF0000 constructors.cacheintex=true local designsizes=allocate() constructors.designsizes=designsizes local loadedfonts=allocate() constructors.loadedfonts=loadedfonts local factors={ pt=65536.0, bp=65781.8, } function constructors.setfactor(f) constructors.factor=factors[f or 'pt'] or factors.pt end constructors.setfactor() function constructors.scaled(scaledpoints,designsize) if scaledpoints<0 then local factor=constructors.factor if designsize then if designsize>factor then return (- scaledpoints/1000)*designsize else return (- scaledpoints/1000)*designsize*factor end else return (- scaledpoints/1000)*10*factor end else return scaledpoints end end function constructors.cleanuptable(tfmdata) if constructors.autocleanup and tfmdata.properties.virtualized then for k,v in next,tfmdata.characters do if v.commands then v.commands=nil end end end end function constructors.calculatescale(tfmdata,scaledpoints) local parameters=tfmdata.parameters if scaledpoints<0 then scaledpoints=(- scaledpoints/1000)*(tfmdata.designsize or parameters.designsize) end return scaledpoints,scaledpoints/(parameters.units or 1000) end local unscaled={ ScriptPercentScaleDown=true, ScriptScriptPercentScaleDown=true, RadicalDegreeBottomRaisePercent=true, NoLimitSupFactor=true, NoLimitSubFactor=true, } function constructors.assignmathparameters(target,original) local mathparameters=original.mathparameters if mathparameters and next(mathparameters) then local targetparameters=target.parameters local targetproperties=target.properties local targetmathparameters={} local factor=targetproperties.math_is_scaled and 1 or targetparameters.factor for name,value in next,mathparameters do if unscaled[name] then targetmathparameters[name]=value else targetmathparameters[name]=value*factor end end if not targetmathparameters.FractionDelimiterSize then targetmathparameters.FractionDelimiterSize=1.01*targetparameters.size end if not mathparameters.FractionDelimiterDisplayStyleSize then targetmathparameters.FractionDelimiterDisplayStyleSize=2.40*targetparameters.size end target.mathparameters=targetmathparameters end end function constructors.beforecopyingcharacters(target,original) end function constructors.aftercopyingcharacters(target,original) end constructors.sharefonts=false constructors.nofsharedfonts=0 local sharednames={} function constructors.trytosharefont(target,tfmdata) if constructors.sharefonts then local characters=target.characters local n=1 local t={ target.psname } local u=sortedkeys(characters) for i=1,#u do local k=u[i] n=n+1;t[n]=k n=n+1;t[n]=characters[k].index or k end local h=md5.HEX(concat(t," ")) local s=sharednames[h] if s then if trace_defining then report_defining("font %a uses backend resources of font %a",target.fullname,s) end target.fullname=s constructors.nofsharedfonts=constructors.nofsharedfonts+1 target.properties.sharedwith=s else sharednames[h]=target.fullname end end end function constructors.enhanceparameters(parameters) local xheight=parameters.x_height local quad=parameters.quad local space=parameters.space local stretch=parameters.space_stretch local shrink=parameters.space_shrink local extra=parameters.extra_space local slant=parameters.slant parameters.xheight=xheight parameters.spacestretch=stretch parameters.spaceshrink=shrink parameters.extraspace=extra parameters.em=quad parameters.ex=xheight parameters.slantperpoint=slant parameters.spacing={ width=space, stretch=stretch, shrink=shrink, extra=extra, } end local function mathkerns(v,vdelta) local k={} for i=1,#v do local entry=v[i] local height=entry.height local kern=entry.kern k[i]={ height=height and vdelta*height or 0, kern=kern and vdelta*kern or 0, } end return k end local psfake=0 local function fixedpsname(psname,fallback) local usedname=psname if psname and psname~="" then if find(psname," ") then usedname=gsub(psname,"[%s]+","-") else end elseif not fallback or fallback=="" then psfake=psfake+1 psname="fakename-"..psfake else psname=fallback usedname=gsub(psname,"[^a-zA-Z0-9]+","-") end return usedname,psname~=usedname end function constructors.scale(tfmdata,specification) local target={} if tonumber(specification) then specification={ size=specification } end target.specification=specification local scaledpoints=specification.size local relativeid=specification.relativeid local properties=tfmdata.properties or {} local goodies=tfmdata.goodies or {} local resources=tfmdata.resources or {} local descriptions=tfmdata.descriptions or {} local characters=tfmdata.characters or {} local changed=tfmdata.changed or {} local shared=tfmdata.shared or {} local parameters=tfmdata.parameters or {} local mathparameters=tfmdata.mathparameters or {} local targetcharacters={} local targetdescriptions=derivetable(descriptions) local targetparameters=derivetable(parameters) local targetproperties=derivetable(properties) local targetgoodies=goodies target.characters=targetcharacters target.descriptions=targetdescriptions target.parameters=targetparameters target.properties=targetproperties target.goodies=targetgoodies target.shared=shared target.resources=resources target.unscaled=tfmdata local mathsize=tonumber(specification.mathsize) or 0 local textsize=tonumber(specification.textsize) or scaledpoints local forcedsize=tonumber(parameters.mathsize ) or 0 local extrafactor=tonumber(specification.factor ) or 1 if (mathsize==2 or forcedsize==2) and parameters.scriptpercentage then scaledpoints=parameters.scriptpercentage*textsize/100 elseif (mathsize==3 or forcedsize==3) and parameters.scriptscriptpercentage then scaledpoints=parameters.scriptscriptpercentage*textsize/100 elseif forcedsize>1000 then scaledpoints=forcedsize end targetparameters.mathsize=mathsize targetparameters.textsize=textsize targetparameters.forcedsize=forcedsize targetparameters.extrafactor=extrafactor local tounicode=fonts.mappings.tounicode local defaultwidth=resources.defaultwidth or 0 local defaultheight=resources.defaultheight or 0 local defaultdepth=resources.defaultdepth or 0 local units=parameters.units or 1000 if target.fonts then target.fonts=fastcopy(target.fonts) end targetproperties.language=properties.language or "dflt" targetproperties.script=properties.script or "dflt" targetproperties.mode=properties.mode or "base" local askedscaledpoints=scaledpoints local scaledpoints,delta=constructors.calculatescale(tfmdata,scaledpoints,nil,specification) local hdelta=delta local vdelta=delta target.designsize=parameters.designsize target.units=units target.units_per_em=units local direction=properties.direction or tfmdata.direction or 0 target.direction=direction properties.direction=direction target.size=scaledpoints target.encodingbytes=properties.encodingbytes or 1 target.embedding=properties.embedding or "subset" target.tounicode=1 target.cidinfo=properties.cidinfo target.format=properties.format target.cache=constructors.cacheintex and "yes" or "renew" local fontname=properties.fontname or tfmdata.fontname local fullname=properties.fullname or tfmdata.fullname local filename=properties.filename or tfmdata.filename local psname=properties.psname or tfmdata.psname local name=properties.name or tfmdata.name local psname,psfixed=fixedpsname(psname,fontname or fullname or file.nameonly(filename)) target.fontname=fontname target.fullname=fullname target.filename=filename target.psname=psname target.name=name properties.fontname=fontname properties.fullname=fullname properties.filename=filename properties.psname=psname properties.name=name local expansion=parameters.expansion if expansion then target.stretch=expansion.stretch target.shrink=expansion.shrink target.step=expansion.step target.auto_expand=expansion.auto end local protrusion=parameters.protrusion if protrusion then target.auto_protrude=protrusion.auto end local extendfactor=parameters.extendfactor or 0 if extendfactor~=0 and extendfactor~=1 then hdelta=hdelta*extendfactor target.extend=extendfactor*1000 else target.extend=1000 end local slantfactor=parameters.slantfactor or 0 if slantfactor~=0 then target.slant=slantfactor*1000 else target.slant=0 end targetparameters.factor=delta targetparameters.hfactor=hdelta targetparameters.vfactor=vdelta targetparameters.size=scaledpoints targetparameters.units=units targetparameters.scaledpoints=askedscaledpoints local isvirtual=properties.virtualized or tfmdata.type=="virtual" local hasquality=target.auto_expand or target.auto_protrude local hasitalics=properties.hasitalics local autoitalicamount=properties.autoitalicamount local stackmath=not properties.nostackmath local nonames=properties.noglyphnames local haskerns=properties.haskerns or properties.mode=="base" local hasligatures=properties.hasligatures or properties.mode=="base" local realdimensions=properties.realdimensions local writingmode=properties.writingmode or "horizontal" local identity=properties.identity or "horizontal" if changed and not next(changed) then changed=false end target.type=isvirtual and "virtual" or "real" target.writingmode=writingmode=="vertical" and "vertical" or "horizontal" target.identity=identity=="vertical" and "vertical" or "horizontal" target.postprocessors=tfmdata.postprocessors local targetslant=(parameters.slant or parameters[1] or 0)*factors.pt local targetspace=(parameters.space or parameters[2] or 0)*hdelta local targetspace_stretch=(parameters.space_stretch or parameters[3] or 0)*hdelta local targetspace_shrink=(parameters.space_shrink or parameters[4] or 0)*hdelta local targetx_height=(parameters.x_height or parameters[5] or 0)*vdelta local targetquad=(parameters.quad or parameters[6] or 0)*hdelta local targetextra_space=(parameters.extra_space or parameters[7] or 0)*hdelta targetparameters.slant=targetslant targetparameters.space=targetspace targetparameters.space_stretch=targetspace_stretch targetparameters.space_shrink=targetspace_shrink targetparameters.x_height=targetx_height targetparameters.quad=targetquad targetparameters.extra_space=targetextra_space local ascender=parameters.ascender if ascender then targetparameters.ascender=delta*ascender end local descender=parameters.descender if descender then targetparameters.descender=delta*descender end constructors.enhanceparameters(targetparameters) local protrusionfactor=(targetquad~=0 and 1000/targetquad) or 0 local scaledwidth=defaultwidth*hdelta local scaledheight=defaultheight*vdelta local scaleddepth=defaultdepth*vdelta local hasmath=(properties.hasmath or next(mathparameters)) and true if hasmath then constructors.assignmathparameters(target,tfmdata) properties.hasmath=true target.nomath=false target.MathConstants=target.mathparameters else properties.hasmath=false target.nomath=true target.mathparameters=nil end if hasmath then local mathitalics=properties.mathitalics if mathitalics==false then if trace_defining then report_defining("%s italics %s for font %a, fullname %a, filename %a","math",hasitalics and "ignored" or "disabled",name,fullname,filename) end hasitalics=false autoitalicamount=false end else local textitalics=properties.textitalics if textitalics==false then if trace_defining then report_defining("%s italics %s for font %a, fullname %a, filename %a","text",hasitalics and "ignored" or "disabled",name,fullname,filename) end hasitalics=false autoitalicamount=false end end if trace_defining then report_defining("defining tfm, name %a, fullname %a, filename %a, %spsname %a, hscale %a, vscale %a, math %a, italics %a", name,fullname,filename,psfixed and "(fixed) " or "",psname,hdelta,vdelta, hasmath and "enabled" or "disabled",hasitalics and "enabled" or "disabled") end constructors.beforecopyingcharacters(target,tfmdata) local sharedkerns={} for unicode,character in next,characters do local chr,description,index if changed then local c=changed[unicode] if c then description=descriptions[c] or descriptions[unicode] or character character=characters[c] or character index=description.index or c else description=descriptions[unicode] or character index=description.index or unicode end else description=descriptions[unicode] or character index=description.index or unicode end local width=description.width local height=description.height local depth=description.depth if realdimensions then if not height or height==0 then local bb=description.boundingbox local ht=bb[4] if ht~=0 then height=ht end if not depth or depth==0 then local dp=-bb[2] if dp~=0 then depth=dp end end elseif not depth or depth==0 then local dp=-description.boundingbox[2] if dp~=0 then depth=dp end end end if width then width=hdelta*width else width=scaledwidth end if height then height=vdelta*height else height=scaledheight end if depth and depth~=0 then depth=delta*depth if nonames then chr={ index=index, height=height, depth=depth, width=width, } else chr={ name=description.name, index=index, height=height, depth=depth, width=width, } end else if nonames then chr={ index=index, height=height, width=width, } else chr={ name=description.name, index=index, height=height, width=width, } end end local isunicode=description.unicode if isunicode then chr.unicode=isunicode chr.tounicode=tounicode(isunicode) end if hasquality then local ve=character.expansion_factor if ve then chr.expansion_factor=ve*1000 end local vl=character.left_protruding if vl then chr.left_protruding=protrusionfactor*width*vl end local vr=character.right_protruding if vr then chr.right_protruding=protrusionfactor*width*vr end end if hasmath then local vn=character.next if vn then chr.next=vn else local vv=character.vert_variants if vv then local t={} for i=1,#vv do local vvi=vv[i] t[i]={ ["start"]=(vvi["start"] or 0)*vdelta, ["end"]=(vvi["end"] or 0)*vdelta, ["advance"]=(vvi["advance"] or 0)*vdelta, ["extender"]=vvi["extender"], ["glyph"]=vvi["glyph"], } end chr.vert_variants=t else local hv=character.horiz_variants if hv then local t={} for i=1,#hv do local hvi=hv[i] t[i]={ ["start"]=(hvi["start"] or 0)*hdelta, ["end"]=(hvi["end"] or 0)*hdelta, ["advance"]=(hvi["advance"] or 0)*hdelta, ["extender"]=hvi["extender"], ["glyph"]=hvi["glyph"], } end chr.horiz_variants=t end end end local vi=character.vert_italic if vi and vi~=0 then chr.vert_italic=vi*hdelta end local va=character.accent if va then chr.top_accent=vdelta*va end if stackmath then local mk=character.mathkerns if mk then local tr,tl,br,bl=mk.topright,mk.topleft,mk.bottomright,mk.bottomleft chr.mathkern={ top_right=tr and mathkerns(tr,vdelta) or nil, top_left=tl and mathkerns(tl,vdelta) or nil, bottom_right=br and mathkerns(br,vdelta) or nil, bottom_left=bl and mathkerns(bl,vdelta) or nil, } end end if hasitalics then local vi=character.italic if vi and vi~=0 then chr.italic=vi*hdelta end end elseif autoitalicamount then local vi=description.italic if not vi then local bb=description.boundingbox if bb then local vi=bb[3]-description.width+autoitalicamount if vi>0 then chr.italic=vi*hdelta end else end elseif vi~=0 then chr.italic=vi*hdelta end elseif hasitalics then local vi=character.italic if vi and vi~=0 then chr.italic=vi*hdelta end end if haskerns then local vk=character.kerns if vk then local s=sharedkerns[vk] if not s then s={} for k,v in next,vk do s[k]=v*hdelta end sharedkerns[vk]=s end chr.kerns=s end end if hasligatures then local vl=character.ligatures if vl then if true then chr.ligatures=vl else local tt={} for i,l in next,vl do tt[i]=l end chr.ligatures=tt end end end if isvirtual then local vc=character.commands if vc then local ok=false for i=1,#vc do local key=vc[i][1] if key=="right" or key=="down" then ok=true break end end if ok then local tt={} for i=1,#vc do local ivc=vc[i] local key=ivc[1] if key=="right" then tt[i]={ key,ivc[2]*hdelta } elseif key=="down" then tt[i]={ key,ivc[2]*vdelta } elseif key=="rule" then tt[i]={ key,ivc[2]*vdelta,ivc[3]*hdelta } else tt[i]=ivc end end chr.commands=tt else chr.commands=vc end chr.index=nil end end targetcharacters[unicode]=chr end properties.setitalics=hasitalics constructors.aftercopyingcharacters(target,tfmdata) constructors.trytosharefont(target,tfmdata) return target end function constructors.finalize(tfmdata) if tfmdata.properties and tfmdata.properties.finalized then return end if not tfmdata.characters then return nil end if not tfmdata.goodies then tfmdata.goodies={} end local parameters=tfmdata.parameters if not parameters then return nil end if not parameters.expansion then parameters.expansion={ stretch=tfmdata.stretch or 0, shrink=tfmdata.shrink or 0, step=tfmdata.step or 0, auto=tfmdata.auto_expand or false, } end if not parameters.protrusion then parameters.protrusion={ auto=auto_protrude } end if not parameters.size then parameters.size=tfmdata.size end if not parameters.extendfactor then parameters.extendfactor=tfmdata.extend or 0 end if not parameters.slantfactor then parameters.slantfactor=tfmdata.slant or 0 end local designsize=parameters.designsize if designsize then parameters.minsize=tfmdata.minsize or designsize parameters.maxsize=tfmdata.maxsize or designsize else designsize=factors.pt*10 parameters.designsize=designsize parameters.minsize=designsize parameters.maxsize=designsize end parameters.minsize=tfmdata.minsize or parameters.designsize parameters.maxsize=tfmdata.maxsize or parameters.designsize if not parameters.units then parameters.units=tfmdata.units or tfmdata.units_per_em or 1000 end if not tfmdata.descriptions then local descriptions={} setmetatableindex(descriptions,function(t,k) local v={} t[k]=v return v end) tfmdata.descriptions=descriptions end local properties=tfmdata.properties if not properties then properties={} tfmdata.properties=properties end if not properties.virtualized then properties.virtualized=tfmdata.type=="virtual" end if not tfmdata.properties then tfmdata.properties={ fontname=tfmdata.fontname, filename=tfmdata.filename, fullname=tfmdata.fullname, name=tfmdata.name, psname=tfmdata.psname, encodingbytes=tfmdata.encodingbytes or 1, embedding=tfmdata.embedding or "subset", tounicode=tfmdata.tounicode or 1, cidinfo=tfmdata.cidinfo or nil, format=tfmdata.format or "type1", direction=tfmdata.direction or 0, writingmode=tfmdata.writingmode or "horizontal", identity=tfmdata.identity or "horizontal", } end if not tfmdata.resources then tfmdata.resources={} end if not tfmdata.shared then tfmdata.shared={} end if not properties.hasmath then properties.hasmath=not tfmdata.nomath end tfmdata.MathConstants=nil tfmdata.postprocessors=nil tfmdata.fontname=nil tfmdata.filename=nil tfmdata.fullname=nil tfmdata.name=nil tfmdata.psname=nil tfmdata.encodingbytes=nil tfmdata.embedding=nil tfmdata.tounicode=nil tfmdata.cidinfo=nil tfmdata.format=nil tfmdata.direction=nil tfmdata.type=nil tfmdata.nomath=nil tfmdata.designsize=nil tfmdata.size=nil tfmdata.stretch=nil tfmdata.shrink=nil tfmdata.step=nil tfmdata.auto_expand=nil tfmdata.auto_protrude=nil tfmdata.extend=nil tfmdata.slant=nil tfmdata.units=nil tfmdata.units_per_em=nil tfmdata.cache=nil properties.finalized=true return tfmdata end local hashmethods={} constructors.hashmethods=hashmethods function constructors.hashfeatures(specification) local features=specification.features if features then local t,n={},0 for category,list in sortedhash(features) do if next(list) then local hasher=hashmethods[category] if hasher then local hash=hasher(list) if hash then n=n+1 t[n]=category..":"..hash end end end end if n>0 then return concat(t," & ") end end return "unknown" end hashmethods.normal=function(list) local s={} local n=0 for k,v in next,list do if not k then elseif k=="number" or k=="features" then else n=n+1 s[n]=k..'='..tostring(v) end end if n>0 then sort(s) return concat(s,"+") end end function constructors.hashinstance(specification,force) local hash,size,fallbacks=specification.hash,specification.size,specification.fallbacks if force or not hash then hash=constructors.hashfeatures(specification) specification.hash=hash end if size<1000 and designsizes[hash] then size=math.round(constructors.scaled(size,designsizes[hash])) specification.size=size end if fallbacks then return hash..' @ '..tostring(size)..' @ '..fallbacks else return hash..' @ '..tostring(size) end end function constructors.setname(tfmdata,specification) if constructors.namemode=="specification" then local specname=specification.specification if specname then tfmdata.properties.name=specname if trace_defining then report_otf("overloaded fontname %a",specname) end end end end function constructors.checkedfilename(data) local foundfilename=data.foundfilename if not foundfilename then local askedfilename=data.filename or "" if askedfilename~="" then askedfilename=resolvers.resolve(askedfilename) foundfilename=resolvers.findbinfile(askedfilename,"") or "" if foundfilename=="" then report_defining("source file %a is not found",askedfilename) foundfilename=resolvers.findbinfile(file.basename(askedfilename),"") or "" if foundfilename~="" then report_defining("using source file %a due to cache mismatch",foundfilename) end end end data.foundfilename=foundfilename end return foundfilename end local formats=allocate() fonts.formats=formats setmetatableindex(formats,function(t,k) local l=lower(k) if rawget(t,k) then t[k]=l return l end return rawget(t,file.suffix(l)) end) do local function setindeed(mode,source,target,group,name,position) local action=source[mode] if not action then return end local t=target[mode] if not t then report_defining("fatal error in setting feature %a, group %a, mode %a",name,group,mode) os.exit() elseif position then insert(t,position,{ name=name,action=action }) else for i=1,#t do local ti=t[i] if ti.name==name then ti.action=action return end end insert(t,{ name=name,action=action }) end end local function set(group,name,target,source) target=target[group] if not target then report_defining("fatal target error in setting feature %a, group %a",name,group) os.exit() end local source=source[group] if not source then report_defining("fatal source error in setting feature %a, group %a",name,group) os.exit() end local position=source.position setindeed("node",source,target,group,name,position) setindeed("base",source,target,group,name,position) setindeed("plug",source,target,group,name,position) end local function register(where,specification) local name=specification.name if name and name~="" then local default=specification.default local description=specification.description local initializers=specification.initializers local processors=specification.processors local manipulators=specification.manipulators local modechecker=specification.modechecker if default then where.defaults[name]=default end if description and description~="" then where.descriptions[name]=description end if initializers then set('initializers',name,where,specification) end if processors then set('processors',name,where,specification) end if manipulators then set('manipulators',name,where,specification) end if modechecker then where.modechecker=modechecker end end end constructors.registerfeature=register function constructors.getfeatureaction(what,where,mode,name) what=handlers[what].features if what then where=what[where] if where then mode=where[mode] if mode then for i=1,#mode do local m=mode[i] if m.name==name then return m.action end end end end end end local newfeatures={} constructors.newfeatures=newfeatures constructors.features=newfeatures local function setnewfeatures(what) local handler=handlers[what] local features=handler.features if not features then local tables=handler.tables local statistics=handler.statistics features=allocate { defaults={}, descriptions=tables and tables.features or {}, used=statistics and statistics.usedfeatures or {}, initializers={ base={},node={},plug={} }, processors={ base={},node={},plug={} }, manipulators={ base={},node={},plug={} }, } features.register=function(specification) return register(features,specification) end handler.features=features end return features end setmetatable(newfeatures,{ __call=function(t,k) local v=t[k] return v end, __index=function(t,k) local v=setnewfeatures(k) t[k]=v return v end, }) end do local newhandler={} constructors.handlers=newhandler constructors.newhandler=newhandler local function setnewhandler(what) local handler=handlers[what] if not handler then handler={} handlers[what]=handler end return handler end setmetatable(newhandler,{ __call=function(t,k) local v=t[k] return v end, __index=function(t,k) local v=setnewhandler(k) t[k]=v return v end, }) end do local newenhancer={} constructors.enhancers=newenhancer constructors.newenhancer=newenhancer local function setnewenhancer(format) local handler=handlers[format] local enhancers=handler.enhancers if not enhancers then local actions=allocate() local before=allocate() local after=allocate() local order=allocate() local patches={ before=before,after=after } local trace=false local report=logs.reporter("fonts",format.." enhancing") trackers.register(format..".loading",function(v) trace=v end) local function enhance(name,data,filename,raw) local enhancer=actions[name] if enhancer then if trace then report("apply enhancement %a to file %a",name,filename) ioflush() end enhancer(data,filename,raw) else end end local function apply(data,filename,raw) local basename=file.basename(lower(filename)) if trace then report("%s enhancing file %a","start",filename) end ioflush() for e=1,#order do local enhancer=order[e] local b=before[enhancer] if b then for pattern,action in next,b do if find(basename,pattern) then action(data,filename,raw) end end end enhance(enhancer,data,filename,raw) local a=after[enhancer] if a then for pattern,action in next,a do if find(basename,pattern) then action(data,filename,raw) end end end ioflush() end if trace then report("%s enhancing file %a","stop",filename) end ioflush() end local function register(what,action) if action then if actions[what] then else order[#order+1]=what end actions[what]=action else report("bad enhancer %a",what) end end local function patch(what,where,pattern,action) local pw=patches[what] if pw then local ww=pw[where] if ww then ww[pattern]=action else pw[where]={ [pattern]=action} end end end enhancers={ register=register, apply=apply, patch=patch, patches={ register=patch }, } handler.enhancers=enhancers end return enhancers end setmetatable(newenhancer,{ __call=function(t,k) local v=t[k] return v end, __index=function(t,k) local v=setnewenhancer(k) t[k]=v return v end, }) end function constructors.checkedfeatures(what,features) local defaults=handlers[what].features.defaults if features and next(features) then features=fastcopy(features) for key,value in next,defaults do if features[key]==nil then features[key]=value end end return features else return fastcopy(defaults) end end function constructors.initializefeatures(what,tfmdata,features,trace,report) if features and next(features) then local properties=tfmdata.properties or {} local whathandler=handlers[what] local whatfeatures=whathandler.features local whatmodechecker=whatfeatures.modechecker local mode=properties.mode or (whatmodechecker and whatmodechecker(tfmdata,features,features.mode)) or features.mode or "base" properties.mode=mode features.mode=mode local done={} while true do local redo=false local initializers=whatfeatures.initializers[mode] if initializers then for i=1,#initializers do local step=initializers[i] local feature=step.name local value=features[feature] if not value then elseif done[feature] then else local action=step.action if trace then report("initializing feature %a to %a for mode %a for font %a",feature, value,mode,tfmdata.properties.fullname) end action(tfmdata,value,features) if mode~=properties.mode or mode~=features.mode then if whatmodechecker then properties.mode=whatmodechecker(tfmdata,features,properties.mode) features.mode=properties.mode end if mode~=properties.mode then mode=properties.mode redo=true end end done[feature]=true end if redo then break end end if not redo then break end else break end end properties.mode=mode return true else return false end end function constructors.collectprocessors(what,tfmdata,features,trace,report) local processes,nofprocesses={},0 if features and next(features) then local properties=tfmdata.properties local whathandler=handlers[what] local whatfeatures=whathandler.features local whatprocessors=whatfeatures.processors local mode=properties.mode local processors=whatprocessors[mode] if processors then for i=1,#processors do local step=processors[i] local feature=step.name if features[feature] then local action=step.action if trace then report("installing feature processor %a for mode %a for font %a",feature,mode,tfmdata.properties.fullname) end if action then nofprocesses=nofprocesses+1 processes[nofprocesses]=action end end end elseif trace then report("no feature processors for mode %a for font %a",mode,properties.fullname) end end return processes end function constructors.applymanipulators(what,tfmdata,features,trace,report) if features and next(features) then local properties=tfmdata.properties local whathandler=handlers[what] local whatfeatures=whathandler.features local whatmanipulators=whatfeatures.manipulators local mode=properties.mode local manipulators=whatmanipulators[mode] if manipulators then for i=1,#manipulators do local step=manipulators[i] local feature=step.name local value=features[feature] if value then local action=step.action if trace then report("applying feature manipulator %a for mode %a for font %a",feature,mode,properties.fullname) end if action then action(tfmdata,feature,value) end end end end end end function constructors.addcoreunicodes(unicodes) if not unicodes then unicodes={} end unicodes.space=0x0020 unicodes.hyphen=0x002D unicodes.zwj=0x200D unicodes.zwnj=0x200C return unicodes end end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['luatex-font-enc']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to luatex-*.tex", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } if context then texio.write_nl("fatal error: this module is not for context") os.exit() end local fonts=fonts local encodings={} fonts.encodings=encodings encodings.agl={} encodings.known={} setmetatable(encodings.agl,{ __index=function(t,k) if k=="unicodes" then texio.write(" ") local unicodes=dofile(resolvers.findfile("font-age.lua")) encodings.agl={ unicodes=unicodes } return unicodes else return nil end end }) encodings.cache=containers.define("fonts","enc",encodings.version,true) function encodings.load(filename) local name=file.removesuffix(filename) local data=containers.read(encodings.cache,name) if data then return data end local vector,tag,hash,unicodes={},"",{},{} local foundname=resolvers.findfile(filename,'enc') if foundname and foundname~="" then local ok,encoding,size=resolvers.loadbinfile(foundname) if ok and encoding then encoding=string.gsub(encoding,"%%(.-)\n","") local unicoding=encodings.agl.unicodes local tag,vec=string.match(encoding,"/(%w+)%s*%[(.*)%]%s*def") local i=0 for ch in string.gmatch(vec,"/([%a%d%.]+)") do if ch~=".notdef" then vector[i]=ch if not hash[ch] then hash[ch]=i else end local u=unicoding[ch] if u then unicodes[u]=i end end i=i+1 end end end local data={ name=name, tag=tag, vector=vector, hash=hash, unicodes=unicodes } return containers.write(encodings.cache,name,data) end end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['font-cid']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to font-otf.lua (cidmaps)", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } local format,match,lower=string.format,string.match,string.lower local tonumber=tonumber local P,S,R,C,V,lpegmatch=lpeg.P,lpeg.S,lpeg.R,lpeg.C,lpeg.V,lpeg.match local fonts,logs,trackers=fonts,logs,trackers local trace_loading=false trackers.register("otf.loading",function(v) trace_loading=v end) local report_otf=logs.reporter("fonts","otf loading") local cid={} fonts.cid=cid local cidmap={} local cidmax=10 local number=C(R("09","af","AF")^1) local space=S(" \n\r\t") local spaces=space^0 local period=P(".") local periods=period*period local name=P("/")*C((1-space)^1) local unicodes,names={},{} local function do_one(a,b) unicodes[tonumber(a)]=tonumber(b,16) end local function do_range(a,b,c) c=tonumber(c,16) for i=tonumber(a),tonumber(b) do unicodes[i]=c c=c+1 end end local function do_name(a,b) names[tonumber(a)]=b end local grammar=P { "start", start=number*spaces*number*V("series"), series=(spaces*(V("one")+V("range")+V("named")))^1, one=(number*spaces*number)/do_one, range=(number*periods*number*spaces*number)/do_range, named=(number*spaces*name)/do_name } local function loadcidfile(filename) local data=io.loaddata(filename) if data then unicodes,names={},{} lpegmatch(grammar,data) local supplement,registry,ordering=match(filename,"^(.-)%-(.-)%-()%.(.-)$") return { supplement=supplement, registry=registry, ordering=ordering, filename=filename, unicodes=unicodes, names=names, } end end cid.loadfile=loadcidfile local template="%s-%s-%s.cidmap" local function locate(registry,ordering,supplement) local filename=format(template,registry,ordering,supplement) local hashname=lower(filename) local found=cidmap[hashname] if not found then if trace_loading then report_otf("checking cidmap, registry %a, ordering %a, supplement %a, filename %a",registry,ordering,supplement,filename) end local fullname=resolvers.findfile(filename,'cid') or "" if fullname~="" then found=loadcidfile(fullname) if found then if trace_loading then report_otf("using cidmap file %a",filename) end cidmap[hashname]=found found.usedname=file.basename(filename) end end end return found end function cid.getmap(specification) if not specification then report_otf("invalid cidinfo specification, table expected") return end local registry=specification.registry local ordering=specification.ordering local supplement=specification.supplement local filename=format(registry,ordering,supplement) local lowername=lower(filename) local found=cidmap[lowername] if found then return found end if ordering=="Identity" then local found={ supplement=supplement, registry=registry, ordering=ordering, filename=filename, unicodes={}, names={}, } cidmap[lowername]=found return found end if trace_loading then report_otf("cidmap needed, registry %a, ordering %a, supplement %a",registry,ordering,supplement) end found=locate(registry,ordering,supplement) if not found then local supnum=tonumber(supplement) local cidnum=nil if supnum0 then for s=supnum-1,0,-1 do local c=locate(registry,ordering,s) if c then found,cidnum=c,s break end end end registry=lower(registry) ordering=lower(ordering) if found and cidnum>0 then for s=0,cidnum-1 do local filename=format(template,registry,ordering,s) if not cidmap[filename] then cidmap[filename]=found end end end end return found end end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['font-map']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to font-ini.mkiv", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } local tonumber,next,type=tonumber,next,type local match,format,find,concat,gsub,lower=string.match,string.format,string.find,table.concat,string.gsub,string.lower local P,R,S,C,Ct,Cc,lpegmatch=lpeg.P,lpeg.R,lpeg.S,lpeg.C,lpeg.Ct,lpeg.Cc,lpeg.match local floor=math.floor local formatters=string.formatters local sortedhash,sortedkeys=table.sortedhash,table.sortedkeys local trace_loading=false trackers.register("fonts.loading",function(v) trace_loading=v end) local trace_mapping=false trackers.register("fonts.mapping",function(v) trace_mapping=v end) local report_fonts=logs.reporter("fonts","loading") local force_ligatures=true directives.register("fonts.mapping.forceligatures",function(v) force_ligatures=v end) local fonts=fonts or {} local mappings=fonts.mappings or {} fonts.mappings=mappings local allocate=utilities.storage.allocate local hex=R("AF","af","09") local hexfour=(hex*hex*hex^-2)/function(s) return tonumber(s,16) end local hexsix=(hex*hex*hex^-4)/function(s) return tonumber(s,16) end local dec=(R("09")^1)/tonumber local period=P(".") local unicode=(P("uni")+P("UNI"))*(hexfour*(period+P(-1))*Cc(false)+Ct(hexfour^1)*Cc(true)) local ucode=(P("u")+P("U") )*(hexsix*(period+P(-1))*Cc(false)+Ct(hexsix^1)*Cc(true)) local index=P("index")*dec*Cc(false) local parser=unicode+ucode+index local parsers={} local function makenameparser(str) if not str or str=="" then return parser else local p=parsers[str] if not p then p=P(str)*period*dec*Cc(false) parsers[str]=p end return p end end local f_single=formatters["%04X"] local f_double=formatters["%04X%04X"] local function tounicode16(unicode) if unicode<0xD7FF or (unicode>0xDFFF and unicode<=0xFFFF) then return f_single(unicode) else unicode=unicode-0x10000 return f_double(floor(unicode/1024)+0xD800,unicode%1024+0xDC00) end end local function tounicode16sequence(unicodes) local t={} for l=1,#unicodes do local u=unicodes[l] if u<0xD7FF or (u>0xDFFF and u<=0xFFFF) then t[l]=f_single(u) else u=u-0x10000 t[l]=f_double(floor(u/1024)+0xD800,u%1024+0xDC00) end end return concat(t) end local function tounicode(unicode,name) if type(unicode)=="table" then local t={} for l=1,#unicode do local u=unicode[l] if u<0xD7FF or (u>0xDFFF and u<=0xFFFF) then t[l]=f_single(u) else u=u-0x10000 t[l]=f_double(floor(u/1024)+0xD800,u%1024+0xDC00) end end return concat(t) else if unicode<0xD7FF or (unicode>0xDFFF and unicode<=0xFFFF) then return f_single(unicode) else unicode=unicode-0x10000 return f_double(floor(unicode/1024)+0xD800,unicode%1024+0xDC00) end end end local function fromunicode16(str) if #str==4 then return tonumber(str,16) else local l,r=match(str,"(....)(....)") return 0x10000+(tonumber(l,16)-0xD800)*0x400+tonumber(r,16)-0xDC00 end end mappings.makenameparser=makenameparser mappings.tounicode=tounicode mappings.tounicode16=tounicode16 mappings.tounicode16sequence=tounicode16sequence mappings.fromunicode16=fromunicode16 local ligseparator=P("_") local varseparator=P(".") local namesplitter=Ct(C((1-ligseparator-varseparator)^1)*(ligseparator*C((1-ligseparator-varseparator)^1))^0) do local overloads=allocate { IJ={ name="I_J",unicode={ 0x49,0x4A },mess=0x0132 }, ij={ name="i_j",unicode={ 0x69,0x6A },mess=0x0133 }, ff={ name="f_f",unicode={ 0x66,0x66 },mess=0xFB00 }, fi={ name="f_i",unicode={ 0x66,0x69 },mess=0xFB01 }, fl={ name="f_l",unicode={ 0x66,0x6C },mess=0xFB02 }, ffi={ name="f_f_i",unicode={ 0x66,0x66,0x69 },mess=0xFB03 }, ffl={ name="f_f_l",unicode={ 0x66,0x66,0x6C },mess=0xFB04 }, fj={ name="f_j",unicode={ 0x66,0x6A } }, fk={ name="f_k",unicode={ 0x66,0x6B } }, } local o={} for k,v in next,overloads do local name=v.name local mess=v.mess if name then o[name]=v end if mess then o[mess]=v end o[k]=v end mappings.overloads=o end function mappings.addtounicode(data,filename,checklookups) local resources=data.resources local unicodes=resources.unicodes if not unicodes then if trace_mapping then report_fonts("no unicode list, quitting tounicode for %a",filename) end return end local properties=data.properties local descriptions=data.descriptions local overloads=mappings.overloads unicodes['space']=unicodes['space'] or 32 unicodes['hyphen']=unicodes['hyphen'] or 45 unicodes['zwj']=unicodes['zwj'] or 0x200D unicodes['zwnj']=unicodes['zwnj'] or 0x200C local private=fonts.constructors and fonts.constructors.privateoffset or 0xF0000 local unicodevector=fonts.encodings.agl.unicodes or {} local contextvector=fonts.encodings.agl.ctxcodes or {} local missing={} local nofmissing=0 local oparser=nil local cidnames=nil local cidcodes=nil local cidinfo=properties.cidinfo local usedmap=cidinfo and fonts.cid.getmap(cidinfo) local uparser=makenameparser() if usedmap then oparser=usedmap and makenameparser(cidinfo.ordering) cidnames=usedmap.names cidcodes=usedmap.unicodes end local ns=0 local nl=0 local dlist=sortedkeys(descriptions) for i=1,#dlist do local du=dlist[i] local glyph=descriptions[du] local name=glyph.name if name then local overload=overloads[name] or overloads[du] if overload then glyph.unicode=overload.unicode else local gu=glyph.unicode if not gu or gu==-1 or du>=private or (du>=0xE000 and du<=0xF8FF) or du==0xFFFE or du==0xFFFF then local unicode=unicodevector[name] or contextvector[name] if unicode then glyph.unicode=unicode ns=ns+1 end if (not unicode) and usedmap then local foundindex=lpegmatch(oparser,name) if foundindex then unicode=cidcodes[foundindex] if unicode then glyph.unicode=unicode ns=ns+1 else local reference=cidnames[foundindex] if reference then local foundindex=lpegmatch(oparser,reference) if foundindex then unicode=cidcodes[foundindex] if unicode then glyph.unicode=unicode ns=ns+1 end end if not unicode or unicode=="" then local foundcodes,multiple=lpegmatch(uparser,reference) if foundcodes then glyph.unicode=foundcodes if multiple then nl=nl+1 unicode=true else ns=ns+1 unicode=foundcodes end end end end end end end if not unicode or unicode=="" then local split=lpegmatch(namesplitter,name) local nsplit=split and #split or 0 if nsplit==0 then elseif nsplit==1 then local base=split[1] local u=unicodes[base] or unicodevector[base] or contextvector[name] if not u then elseif type(u)=="table" then if u[1]=private then break end n=n+1 t[n]=u[1] else if u>=private then break end n=n+1 t[n]=u end end if n>0 then if n==1 then unicode=t[1] else unicode=t end glyph.unicode=unicode end end nl=nl+1 end if not unicode or unicode=="" then local foundcodes,multiple=lpegmatch(uparser,name) if foundcodes then glyph.unicode=foundcodes if multiple then nl=nl+1 unicode=true else ns=ns+1 unicode=foundcodes end end end local r=overloads[unicode] if r then unicode=r.unicode glyph.unicode=unicode end if not unicode then missing[du]=true nofmissing=nofmissing+1 end end end else local overload=overloads[du] if overload then glyph.unicode=overload.unicode end end end if type(checklookups)=="function" then checklookups(data,missing,nofmissing) end local unicoded=0 local collected=fonts.handlers.otf.readers.getcomponents(data) local function resolve(glyph,u) local n=#u for i=1,n do if u[i]>private then n=0 break end end if n>0 then if n>1 then glyph.unicode=u else glyph.unicode=u[1] end unicoded=unicoded+1 end end if not collected then elseif force_ligatures then for i=1,#dlist do local du=dlist[i] local u=collected[du] if u then resolve(descriptions[du],u) end end else for i=1,#dlist do local du=dlist[i] local glyph=descriptions[du] if glyph.class=="ligature" and not glyph.unicode then local u=collected[du] if u then resolve(glyph,u) end end end end if trace_mapping and unicoded>0 then report_fonts("%n ligature tounicode mappings deduced from gsub ligature features",unicoded) end if trace_mapping then for i=1,#dlist do local du=dlist[i] local glyph=descriptions[du] local name=glyph.name or "-" local index=glyph.index or 0 local unicode=glyph.unicode if unicode then if type(unicode)=="table" then local unicodes={} for i=1,#unicode do unicodes[i]=formatters("%U",unicode[i]) end report_fonts("internal slot %U, name %a, unicode %U, tounicode % t",index,name,du,unicodes) else report_fonts("internal slot %U, name %a, unicode %U, tounicode %U",index,name,du,unicode) end else report_fonts("internal slot %U, name %a, unicode %U",index,name,du) end end end if trace_loading and (ns>0 or nl>0) then report_fonts("%s tounicode entries added, ligatures %s",nl+ns,ns) end end end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['luatex-fonts-syn']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to luatex-*.tex", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } if context then texio.write_nl("fatal error: this module is not for context") os.exit() end local fonts=fonts fonts.names=fonts.names or {} fonts.names.version=1.001 fonts.names.basename="luatex-fonts-names" fonts.names.cache=containers.define("fonts","data",fonts.names.version,true) local data=nil local loaded=false local fileformats={ "lua","tex","other text files" } function fonts.names.reportmissingbase() texio.write("") fonts.names.reportmissingbase=nil end function fonts.names.reportmissingname() texio.write("") fonts.names.reportmissingname=nil end function fonts.names.resolve(name,sub) if not loaded then local basename=fonts.names.basename if basename and basename~="" then data=containers.read(fonts.names.cache,basename) if not data then basename=file.addsuffix(basename,"lua") for i=1,#fileformats do local format=fileformats[i] local foundname=resolvers.findfile(basename,format) or "" if foundname~="" then data=dofile(foundname) texio.write("") break end end end end loaded=true end if type(data)=="table" and data.version==fonts.names.version then local condensed=string.gsub(string.lower(name),"[^%a%d]","") local found=data.mappings and data.mappings[condensed] if found then local fontname,filename,subfont=found[1],found[2],found[3] if subfont then return filename,fontname else return filename,false end elseif fonts.names.reportmissingname then fonts.names.reportmissingname() return name,false end elseif fonts.names.reportmissingbase then fonts.names.reportmissingbase() end end fonts.names.resolvespec=fonts.names.resolve function fonts.names.getfilename(askedname,suffix) return "" end function fonts.names.ignoredfile(filename) return false end end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['font-oti']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to font-ini.mkiv", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } local lower=string.lower local fonts=fonts local constructors=fonts.constructors local otf=constructors.handlers.otf local otffeatures=constructors.features.otf local registerotffeature=otffeatures.register local otftables=otf.tables or {} otf.tables=otftables local allocate=utilities.storage.allocate registerotffeature { name="features", description="initialization of feature handler", default=true, } local function setmode(tfmdata,value) if value then tfmdata.properties.mode=lower(value) end end otf.modeinitializer=setmode local function setlanguage(tfmdata,value) if value then local cleanvalue=lower(value) local languages=otftables and otftables.languages local properties=tfmdata.properties if not languages then properties.language=cleanvalue elseif languages[value] then properties.language=cleanvalue else properties.language="dflt" end end end local function setscript(tfmdata,value) if value then local cleanvalue=lower(value) local scripts=otftables and otftables.scripts local properties=tfmdata.properties if not scripts then properties.script=cleanvalue elseif scripts[value] then properties.script=cleanvalue else properties.script="dflt" end end end registerotffeature { name="mode", description="mode", initializers={ base=setmode, node=setmode, plug=setmode, } } registerotffeature { name="language", description="language", initializers={ base=setlanguage, node=setlanguage, plug=setlanguage, } } registerotffeature { name="script", description="script", initializers={ base=setscript, node=setscript, plug=setscript, } } otftables.featuretypes=allocate { gpos_single="position", gpos_pair="position", gpos_cursive="position", gpos_mark2base="position", gpos_mark2ligature="position", gpos_mark2mark="position", gpos_context="position", gpos_contextchain="position", gsub_single="substitution", gsub_multiple="substitution", gsub_alternate="substitution", gsub_ligature="substitution", gsub_context="substitution", gsub_contextchain="substitution", gsub_reversecontextchain="substitution", gsub_reversesub="substitution", } function otffeatures.checkeddefaultscript(featuretype,autoscript,scripts) if featuretype=="position" then local default=scripts.dflt if default then if autoscript=="position" or autoscript==true then return default else report_otf("script feature %s not applied, enable default positioning") end else end elseif featuretype=="substitution" then local default=scripts.dflt if default then if autoscript=="substitution" or autoscript==true then return default end end end end function otffeatures.checkeddefaultlanguage(featuretype,autolanguage,languages) if featuretype=="position" then local default=languages.dflt if default then if autolanguage=="position" or autolanguage==true then return default else report_otf("language feature %s not applied, enable default positioning") end else end elseif featuretype=="substitution" then local default=languages.dflt if default then if autolanguage=="substitution" or autolanguage==true then return default end end end end end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['font-otr']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to font-ini.mkiv", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } local next,type=next,type local byte,lower,char,gsub=string.byte,string.lower,string.char,string.gsub local floor,round=math.floor,math.round local P,R,S,C,Cs,Cc,Ct,Carg,Cmt=lpeg.P,lpeg.R,lpeg.S,lpeg.C,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Cc,lpeg.Ct,lpeg.Carg,lpeg.Cmt local lpegmatch=lpeg.match local setmetatableindex=table.setmetatableindex local formatters=string.formatters local sortedkeys=table.sortedkeys local sortedhash=table.sortedhash local stripstring=string.nospaces local utf16_to_utf8_be=utf.utf16_to_utf8_be local report=logs.reporter("otf reader") local trace_cmap=false local trace_cmap_detail=false fonts=fonts or {} local handlers=fonts.handlers or {} fonts.handlers=handlers local otf=handlers.otf or {} handlers.otf=otf local readers=otf.readers or {} otf.readers=readers local streamreader=utilities.files local streamwriter=utilities.files readers.streamreader=streamreader readers.streamwriter=streamwriter local openfile=streamreader.open local closefile=streamreader.close local setposition=streamreader.setposition local skipshort=streamreader.skipshort local readbytes=streamreader.readbytes local readstring=streamreader.readstring local readbyte=streamreader.readcardinal1 local readushort=streamreader.readcardinal2 local readuint=streamreader.readcardinal3 local readulong=streamreader.readcardinal4 local readshort=streamreader.readinteger2 local readlong=streamreader.readinteger4 local readfixed=streamreader.readfixed4 local read2dot14=streamreader.read2dot14 local readfword=readshort local readufword=readushort local readoffset=readushort function streamreader.readtag(f) return lower(stripstring(readstring(f,4))) end local function readlongdatetime(f) local a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h=readbytes(f,8) return 0x100000000*d+0x1000000*e+0x10000*f+0x100*g+h end local tableversion=0.004 readers.tableversion=tableversion local privateoffset=fonts.constructors and fonts.constructors.privateoffset or 0xF0000 local reservednames={ [0]="copyright", "family", "subfamily", "uniqueid", "fullname", "version", "postscriptname", "trademark", "manufacturer", "designer", "description", "vendorurl", "designerurl", "license", "licenseurl", "reserved", "typographicfamily", "typographicsubfamily", "compatiblefullname", "sampletext", "cidfindfontname", "wwsfamily", "wwssubfamily", "lightbackgroundpalette", "darkbackgroundpalette", "variationspostscriptnameprefix", } local platforms={ [0]="unicode", "macintosh", "iso", "windows", "custom", } local encodings={ unicode={ [0]="unicode 1.0 semantics", "unicode 1.1 semantics", "iso/iec 10646", "unicode 2.0 bmp", "unicode 2.0 full", "unicode variation sequences", "unicode full repertoire", }, macintosh={ [0]="roman","japanese","chinese (traditional)","korean","arabic","hebrew","greek","russian", "rsymbol","devanagari","gurmukhi","gujarati","oriya","bengali","tamil","telugu","kannada", "malayalam","sinhalese","burmese","khmer","thai","laotian","georgian","armenian", "chinese (simplified)","tibetan","mongolian","geez","slavic","vietnamese","sindhi", "uninterpreted", }, iso={ [0]="7-bit ascii", "iso 10646", "iso 8859-1", }, windows={ [0]="symbol", "unicode bmp", "shiftjis", "prc", "big5", "wansung", "johab", "reserved 7", "reserved 8", "reserved 9", "unicode ucs-4", }, custom={ } } local decoders={ unicode={}, macintosh={}, iso={}, windows={ ["unicode semantics"]=utf16_to_utf8_be, ["unicode bmp"]=utf16_to_utf8_be, ["unicode full"]=utf16_to_utf8_be, ["unicode 1.0 semantics"]=utf16_to_utf8_be, ["unicode 1.1 semantics"]=utf16_to_utf8_be, ["unicode 2.0 bmp"]=utf16_to_utf8_be, ["unicode 2.0 full"]=utf16_to_utf8_be, ["unicode variation sequences"]=utf16_to_utf8_be, ["unicode full repertoire"]=utf16_to_utf8_be, }, custom={}, } local languages={ unicode={ [ 0]="english", }, macintosh={ [ 0]="english", }, iso={}, windows={ [0x0409]="english - united states", }, custom={}, } local standardromanencoding={ [0]= "notdef",".null","nonmarkingreturn","space","exclam","quotedbl", "numbersign","dollar","percent","ampersand","quotesingle","parenleft", "parenright","asterisk","plus","comma","hyphen","period","slash", "zero","one","two","three","four","five","six","seven","eight", "nine","colon","semicolon","less","equal","greater","question","at", "A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","O", "P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z","bracketleft", "backslash","bracketright","asciicircum","underscore","grave","a","b", "c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q", "r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z","braceleft","bar", "braceright","asciitilde","Adieresis","Aring","Ccedilla","Eacute", "Ntilde","Odieresis","Udieresis","aacute","agrave","acircumflex", "adieresis","atilde","aring","ccedilla","eacute","egrave", "ecircumflex","edieresis","iacute","igrave","icircumflex","idieresis", "ntilde","oacute","ograve","ocircumflex","odieresis","otilde","uacute", "ugrave","ucircumflex","udieresis","dagger","degree","cent","sterling", "section","bullet","paragraph","germandbls","registered","copyright", "trademark","acute","dieresis","notequal","AE","Oslash","infinity", "plusminus","lessequal","greaterequal","yen","mu","partialdiff", "summation","product","pi","integral","ordfeminine","ordmasculine", "Omega","ae","oslash","questiondown","exclamdown","logicalnot", "radical","florin","approxequal","Delta","guillemotleft", "guillemotright","ellipsis","nonbreakingspace","Agrave","Atilde", "Otilde","OE","oe","endash","emdash","quotedblleft","quotedblright", "quoteleft","quoteright","divide","lozenge","ydieresis","Ydieresis", "fraction","currency","guilsinglleft","guilsinglright","fi","fl", "daggerdbl","periodcentered","quotesinglbase","quotedblbase", "perthousand","Acircumflex","Ecircumflex","Aacute","Edieresis","Egrave", "Iacute","Icircumflex","Idieresis","Igrave","Oacute","Ocircumflex", "apple","Ograve","Uacute","Ucircumflex","Ugrave","dotlessi", "circumflex","tilde","macron","breve","dotaccent","ring","cedilla", "hungarumlaut","ogonek","caron","Lslash","lslash","Scaron","scaron", "Zcaron","zcaron","brokenbar","Eth","eth","Yacute","yacute","Thorn", "thorn","minus","multiply","onesuperior","twosuperior","threesuperior", "onehalf","onequarter","threequarters","franc","Gbreve","gbreve", "Idotaccent","Scedilla","scedilla","Cacute","cacute","Ccaron","ccaron", "dcroat", } local weights={ [100]="thin", [200]="extralight", [300]="light", [400]="normal", [500]="medium", [600]="semibold", [700]="bold", [800]="extrabold", [900]="black", } local widths={ [1]="ultracondensed", [2]="extracondensed", [3]="condensed", [4]="semicondensed", [5]="normal", [6]="semiexpanded", [7]="expanded", [8]="extraexpanded", [9]="ultraexpanded", } setmetatableindex(weights,function(t,k) local r=floor((k+50)/100)*100 local v=(r>900 and "black") or rawget(t,r) or "normal" return v end) setmetatableindex(widths,function(t,k) return "normal" end) local panoseweights={ [ 0]="normal", [ 1]="normal", [ 2]="verylight", [ 3]="light", [ 4]="thin", [ 5]="book", [ 6]="medium", [ 7]="demi", [ 8]="bold", [ 9]="heavy", [10]="black", } local panosewidths={ [ 0]="normal", [ 1]="normal", [ 2]="normal", [ 3]="normal", [ 4]="normal", [ 5]="expanded", [ 6]="condensed", [ 7]="veryexpanded", [ 8]="verycondensed", [ 9]="monospaced", } local helpers={} readers.helpers=helpers local function gotodatatable(f,fontdata,tag,criterium) if criterium and f then local datatable=fontdata.tables[tag] if datatable then local tableoffset=datatable.offset setposition(f,tableoffset) return tableoffset end end end local function reportskippedtable(f,fontdata,tag,criterium) if criterium and f then local datatable=fontdata.tables[tag] if datatable then report("loading of table %a skipped",tag) end end end local function setvariabledata(fontdata,tag,data) local variabledata=fontdata.variabledata if variabledata then variabledata[tag]=data else fontdata.variabledata={ [tag]=data } end end helpers.gotodatatable=gotodatatable helpers.setvariabledata=setvariabledata helpers.reportskippedtable=reportskippedtable local platformnames={ postscriptname=true, fullname=true, family=true, subfamily=true, typographicfamily=true, typographicsubfamily=true, compatiblefullname=true, } function readers.name(f,fontdata,specification) local tableoffset=gotodatatable(f,fontdata,"name",true) if tableoffset then local format=readushort(f) local nofnames=readushort(f) local offset=readushort(f) local start=tableoffset+offset local namelists={ unicode={}, windows={}, macintosh={}, } for i=1,nofnames do local platform=platforms[readushort(f)] if platform then local namelist=namelists[platform] if namelist then local encoding=readushort(f) local language=readushort(f) local encodings=encodings[platform] local languages=languages[platform] if encodings and languages then local encoding=encodings[encoding] local language=languages[language] if encoding and language then local index=readushort(f) local name=reservednames[index] namelist[#namelist+1]={ platform=platform, encoding=encoding, language=language, name=name, index=index, length=readushort(f), offset=start+readushort(f), } else skipshort(f,3) end else skipshort(f,3) end else skipshort(f,5) end else skipshort(f,5) end end local names={} local done={} local extras={} local function filter(platform,e,l) local namelist=namelists[platform] for i=1,#namelist do local name=namelist[i] local nametag=name.name local index=name.index if not done[nametag or i] then local encoding=name.encoding local language=name.language if (not e or encoding==e) and (not l or language==l) then setposition(f,name.offset) local content=readstring(f,name.length) local decoder=decoders[platform] if decoder then decoder=decoder[encoding] end if decoder then content=decoder(content) end if nametag then names[nametag]={ content=content, platform=platform, encoding=encoding, language=language, } end extras[index]=content done[nametag or i]=true end end end end filter("windows","unicode bmp","english - united states") filter("macintosh","roman","english") filter("windows") filter("macintosh") filter("unicode") fontdata.names=names fontdata.extras=extras if specification.platformnames then local collected={} for platform,namelist in next,namelists do local filtered=false for i=1,#namelist do local entry=namelist[i] local name=entry.name if platformnames[name] then setposition(f,entry.offset) local content=readstring(f,entry.length) local encoding=entry.encoding local decoder=decoders[platform] if decoder then decoder=decoder[encoding] end if decoder then content=decoder(content) end if filtered then filtered[name]=content else filtered={ [name]=content } end end end if filtered then collected[platform]=filtered end end fontdata.platformnames=collected end else fontdata.names={} end end local validutf=lpeg.patterns.validutf8 local function getname(fontdata,key) local names=fontdata.names if names then local value=names[key] if value then local content=value.content return lpegmatch(validutf,content) and content or nil end end end readers["os/2"]=function(f,fontdata) local tableoffset=gotodatatable(f,fontdata,"os/2",true) if tableoffset then local version=readushort(f) local windowsmetrics={ version=version, averagewidth=readshort(f), weightclass=readushort(f), widthclass=readushort(f), fstype=readushort(f), subscriptxsize=readshort(f), subscriptysize=readshort(f), subscriptxoffset=readshort(f), subscriptyoffset=readshort(f), superscriptxsize=readshort(f), superscriptysize=readshort(f), superscriptxoffset=readshort(f), superscriptyoffset=readshort(f), strikeoutsize=readshort(f), strikeoutpos=readshort(f), familyclass=readshort(f), panose={ readbytes(f,10) }, unicoderanges={ readulong(f),readulong(f),readulong(f),readulong(f) }, vendor=readstring(f,4), fsselection=readushort(f), firstcharindex=readushort(f), lastcharindex=readushort(f), typoascender=readshort(f), typodescender=readshort(f), typolinegap=readshort(f), winascent=readushort(f), windescent=readushort(f), } if version>=1 then windowsmetrics.codepageranges={ readulong(f),readulong(f) } end if version>=3 then windowsmetrics.xheight=readshort(f) windowsmetrics.capheight=readshort(f) windowsmetrics.defaultchar=readushort(f) windowsmetrics.breakchar=readushort(f) end windowsmetrics.weight=windowsmetrics.weightclass and weights[windowsmetrics.weightclass] windowsmetrics.width=windowsmetrics.widthclass and widths [windowsmetrics.widthclass] windowsmetrics.panoseweight=panoseweights[windowsmetrics.panose[3]] windowsmetrics.panosewidth=panosewidths [windowsmetrics.panose[4]] fontdata.windowsmetrics=windowsmetrics else fontdata.windowsmetrics={} end end readers.head=function(f,fontdata) local tableoffset=gotodatatable(f,fontdata,"head",true) if tableoffset then local fontheader={ version=readfixed(f), revision=readfixed(f), checksum=readulong(f), magic=readulong(f), flags=readushort(f), units=readushort(f), created=readlongdatetime(f), modified=readlongdatetime(f), xmin=readshort(f), ymin=readshort(f), xmax=readshort(f), ymax=readshort(f), macstyle=readushort(f), smallpixels=readushort(f), directionhint=readshort(f), indextolocformat=readshort(f), glyphformat=readshort(f), } fontdata.fontheader=fontheader else fontdata.fontheader={} end fontdata.nofglyphs=0 end readers.hhea=function(f,fontdata,specification) local tableoffset=gotodatatable(f,fontdata,"hhea",specification.details) if tableoffset then fontdata.horizontalheader={ version=readfixed(f), ascender=readfword(f), descender=readfword(f), linegap=readfword(f), maxadvancewidth=readufword(f), minleftsidebearing=readfword(f), minrightsidebearing=readfword(f), maxextent=readfword(f), caretsloperise=readshort(f), caretsloperun=readshort(f), caretoffset=readshort(f), reserved_1=readshort(f), reserved_2=readshort(f), reserved_3=readshort(f), reserved_4=readshort(f), metricdataformat=readshort(f), nofmetrics=readushort(f), } else fontdata.horizontalheader={ nofmetrics=0, } end end readers.vhea=function(f,fontdata,specification) local tableoffset=gotodatatable(f,fontdata,"vhea",specification.details) if tableoffset then fontdata.verticalheader={ version=readfixed(f), ascender=readfword(f), descender=readfword(f), linegap=readfword(f), maxadvanceheight=readufword(f), mintopsidebearing=readfword(f), minbottomsidebearing=readfword(f), maxextent=readfword(f), caretsloperise=readshort(f), caretsloperun=readshort(f), caretoffset=readshort(f), reserved_1=readshort(f), reserved_2=readshort(f), reserved_3=readshort(f), reserved_4=readshort(f), metricdataformat=readshort(f), nofmetrics=readushort(f), } else fontdata.verticalheader={ nofmetrics=0, } end end readers.maxp=function(f,fontdata,specification) local tableoffset=gotodatatable(f,fontdata,"maxp",specification.details) if tableoffset then local version=readfixed(f) local nofglyphs=readushort(f) fontdata.nofglyphs=nofglyphs if version==0.5 then fontdata.maximumprofile={ version=version, nofglyphs=nofglyphs, } elseif version==1.0 then fontdata.maximumprofile={ version=version, nofglyphs=nofglyphs, points=readushort(f), contours=readushort(f), compositepoints=readushort(f), compositecontours=readushort(f), zones=readushort(f), twilightpoints=readushort(f), storage=readushort(f), functiondefs=readushort(f), instructiondefs=readushort(f), stackelements=readushort(f), sizeofinstructions=readushort(f), componentelements=readushort(f), componentdepth=readushort(f), } else fontdata.maximumprofile={ version=version, nofglyphs=0, } end end end readers.hmtx=function(f,fontdata,specification) local tableoffset=gotodatatable(f,fontdata,"hmtx",specification.glyphs) if tableoffset then local horizontalheader=fontdata.horizontalheader local nofmetrics=horizontalheader.nofmetrics local glyphs=fontdata.glyphs local nofglyphs=fontdata.nofglyphs local width=0 local leftsidebearing=0 for i=0,nofmetrics-1 do local glyph=glyphs[i] width=readshort(f) leftsidebearing=readshort(f) if width~=0 then glyph.width=width end end for i=nofmetrics,nofglyphs-1 do local glyph=glyphs[i] if width~=0 then glyph.width=width end end end end readers.vmtx=function(f,fontdata,specification) local tableoffset=gotodatatable(f,fontdata,"vmtx",specification.glyphs) if tableoffset then local verticalheader=fontdata.verticalheader local nofmetrics=verticalheader.nofmetrics local glyphs=fontdata.glyphs local nofglyphs=fontdata.nofglyphs local vheight=0 local vdefault=verticalheader.ascender+verticalheader.descender local topsidebearing=0 for i=0,nofmetrics-1 do local glyph=glyphs[i] vheight=readshort(f) topsidebearing=readshort(f) if vheight~=0 and vheight~=vdefault then glyph.vheight=vheight end end for i=nofmetrics,nofglyphs-1 do local glyph=glyphs[i] if vheight~=0 and vheight~=vdefault then glyph.vheight=vheight end end end end readers.vorg=function(f,fontdata,specification) reportskippedtable(f,fontdata,"vorg",specification.glyphs) end readers.post=function(f,fontdata,specification) local tableoffset=gotodatatable(f,fontdata,"post",true) if tableoffset then local version=readfixed(f) fontdata.postscript={ version=version, italicangle=round(1000*readfixed(f))/1000, underlineposition=readfword(f), underlinethickness=readfword(f), monospaced=readulong(f), minmemtype42=readulong(f), maxmemtype42=readulong(f), minmemtype1=readulong(f), maxmemtype1=readulong(f), } if not specification.glyphs then elseif version==1.0 then for index=0,#standardromanencoding do glyphs[index].name=standardromanencoding[index] end elseif version==2.0 then local glyphs=fontdata.glyphs local nofglyphs=readushort(f) local indices={} local names={} local maxnames=0 for i=0,nofglyphs-1 do local nameindex=readushort(f) if nameindex>=258 then maxnames=maxnames+1 nameindex=nameindex-257 indices[nameindex]=i else glyphs[i].name=standardromanencoding[nameindex] end end for i=1,maxnames do local mapping=indices[i] if not mapping then report("quit post name fetching at %a of %a: %s",i,maxnames,"no index") break else local length=readbyte(f) if length>0 then glyphs[mapping].name=readstring(f,length) else report("quit post name fetching at %a of %a: %s",i,maxnames,"overflow") break end end end elseif version==2.5 then elseif version==3.0 then end else fontdata.postscript={} end end readers.cff=function(f,fontdata,specification) reportskippedtable(f,fontdata,"cff",specification.glyphs) end local formatreaders={} local duplicatestoo=true local sequence={ { 3,1,4 }, { 3,10,12 }, { 0,3,4 }, { 0,1,4 }, { 0,0,6 }, { 3,0,6 }, { 0,5,14 }, { 0,4,12 }, { 3,10,13 }, } local supported={} for i=1,#sequence do local si=sequence[i] local sp,se,sf=si[1],si[2],si[3] local p=supported[sp] if not p then p={} supported[sp]=p end local e=p[se] if not e then e={} p[se]=e end e[sf]=true end formatreaders[4]=function(f,fontdata,offset) setposition(f,offset+2) local length=readushort(f) local language=readushort(f) local nofsegments=readushort(f)/2 skipshort(f,3) local endchars={} local startchars={} local deltas={} local offsets={} local indices={} local mapping=fontdata.mapping local glyphs=fontdata.glyphs local duplicates=fontdata.duplicates local nofdone=0 for i=1,nofsegments do endchars[i]=readushort(f) end local reserved=readushort(f) for i=1,nofsegments do startchars[i]=readushort(f) end for i=1,nofsegments do deltas[i]=readshort(f) end for i=1,nofsegments do offsets[i]=readushort(f) end local size=(length-2*2-5*2-4*nofsegments*2)/2 for i=1,size-1 do indices[i]=readushort(f) end for segment=1,nofsegments do local startchar=startchars[segment] local endchar=endchars[segment] local offset=offsets[segment] local delta=deltas[segment] if startchar==0xFFFF and endchar==0xFFFF then elseif startchar==0xFFFF and offset==0 then elseif offset==0xFFFF then elseif offset==0 then if trace_cmap_detail then report("format 4.%i segment %2i from %C upto %C at index %H",1,segment,startchar,endchar,(startchar+delta)%65536) end for unicode=startchar,endchar do local index=(unicode+delta)%65536 if index and index>0 then local glyph=glyphs[index] if glyph then local gu=glyph.unicode if not gu then glyph.unicode=unicode nofdone=nofdone+1 elseif gu~=unicode then if duplicatestoo then local d=duplicates[gu] if d then d[unicode]=true else duplicates[gu]={ [unicode]=true } end else report("duplicate case 1: %C %04i %s",unicode,index,glyphs[index].name) end end if not mapping[index] then mapping[index]=unicode end end end end else local shift=(segment-nofsegments+offset/2)-startchar if trace_cmap_detail then report("format 4.%i segment %2i from %C upto %C at index %H",0,segment,startchar,endchar,(startchar+delta)%65536) end for unicode=startchar,endchar do local slot=shift+unicode local index=indices[slot] if index and index>0 then index=(index+delta)%65536 local glyph=glyphs[index] if glyph then local gu=glyph.unicode if not gu then glyph.unicode=unicode nofdone=nofdone+1 elseif gu~=unicode then if duplicatestoo then local d=duplicates[gu] if d then d[unicode]=true else duplicates[gu]={ [unicode]=true } end else report("duplicate case 2: %C %04i %s",unicode,index,glyphs[index].name) end end if not mapping[index] then mapping[index]=unicode end end end end end end return nofdone end formatreaders[6]=function(f,fontdata,offset) setposition(f,offset) local format=readushort(f) local length=readushort(f) local language=readushort(f) local mapping=fontdata.mapping local glyphs=fontdata.glyphs local duplicates=fontdata.duplicates local start=readushort(f) local count=readushort(f) local stop=start+count-1 local nofdone=0 if trace_cmap_detail then report("format 6 from %C to %C",2,start,stop) end for unicode=start,stop do local index=readushort(f) if index>0 then local glyph=glyphs[index] if glyph then local gu=glyph.unicode if not gu then glyph.unicode=unicode nofdone=nofdone+1 elseif gu~=unicode then end if not mapping[index] then mapping[index]=unicode end end end end return nofdone end formatreaders[12]=function(f,fontdata,offset) setposition(f,offset+2+2+4+4) local mapping=fontdata.mapping local glyphs=fontdata.glyphs local duplicates=fontdata.duplicates local nofgroups=readulong(f) local nofdone=0 for i=1,nofgroups do local first=readulong(f) local last=readulong(f) local index=readulong(f) if trace_cmap_detail then report("format 12 from %C to %C starts at index %i",first,last,index) end for unicode=first,last do local glyph=glyphs[index] if glyph then local gu=glyph.unicode if not gu then glyph.unicode=unicode nofdone=nofdone+1 elseif gu~=unicode then local d=duplicates[gu] if d then d[unicode]=true else duplicates[gu]={ [unicode]=true } end end if not mapping[index] then mapping[index]=unicode end end index=index+1 end end return nofdone end formatreaders[13]=function(f,fontdata,offset) setposition(f,offset+2+2+4+4) local mapping=fontdata.mapping local glyphs=fontdata.glyphs local duplicates=fontdata.duplicates local nofgroups=readulong(f) local nofdone=0 for i=1,nofgroups do local first=readulong(f) local last=readulong(f) local index=readulong(f) if first=privateoffset then local limit=privateoffset-1 report("format 13 from %C to %C pruned to %C",first,last,limit) last=limit end for unicode=first,last do list[unicode]=true end nofdone=nofdone+last-first+1 else report("format 13 from %C to %C ignored",first,last) end end return nofdone end formatreaders[14]=function(f,fontdata,offset) if offset and offset~=0 then setposition(f,offset) local format=readushort(f) local length=readulong(f) local nofrecords=readulong(f) local records={} local variants={} local nofdone=0 fontdata.variants=variants for i=1,nofrecords do records[i]={ selector=readuint(f), default=readulong(f), other=readulong(f), } end for i=1,nofrecords do local record=records[i] local selector=record.selector local default=record.default local other=record.other local other=record.other if other~=0 then setposition(f,offset+other) local mapping={} local count=readulong(f) for i=1,count do mapping[readuint(f)]=readushort(f) end nofdone=nofdone+count variants[selector]=mapping end end return nofdone else return 0 end end local function checkcmap(f,fontdata,records,platform,encoding,format) local data=records[platform] if not data then return 0 end data=data[encoding] if not data then return 0 end data=data[format] if not data then return 0 end local reader=formatreaders[format] if not reader then return 0 end local p=platforms[platform] local e=encodings[p] local n=reader(f,fontdata,data) or 0 if trace_cmap then report("cmap checked: platform %i (%s), encoding %i (%s), format %i, new unicodes %i",platform,p,encoding,e and e[encoding] or "?",format,n) end return n end function readers.cmap(f,fontdata,specification) local tableoffset=gotodatatable(f,fontdata,"cmap",specification.glyphs) if tableoffset then local version=readushort(f) local noftables=readushort(f) local records={} local unicodecid=false local variantcid=false local variants={} local duplicates=fontdata.duplicates or {} fontdata.duplicates=duplicates for i=1,noftables do local platform=readushort(f) local encoding=readushort(f) local offset=readulong(f) local record=records[platform] if not record then records[platform]={ [encoding]={ offsets={ offset }, formats={}, } } else local subtables=record[encoding] if not subtables then record[encoding]={ offsets={ offset }, formats={}, } else local offsets=subtables.offsets offsets[#offsets+1]=offset end end end if trace_cmap then report("found cmaps:") end for platform,record in sortedhash(records) do local p=platforms[platform] local e=encodings[p] local sp=supported[platform] local ps=p or "?" if trace_cmap then if sp then report(" platform %i: %s",platform,ps) else report(" platform %i: %s (unsupported)",platform,ps) end end for encoding,subtables in sortedhash(record) do local se=sp and sp[encoding] local es=e and e[encoding] or "?" if trace_cmap then if se then report(" encoding %i: %s",encoding,es) else report(" encoding %i: %s (unsupported)",encoding,es) end end local offsets=subtables.offsets local formats=subtables.formats for i=1,#offsets do local offset=tableoffset+offsets[i] setposition(f,offset) formats[readushort(f)]=offset end record[encoding]=formats if trace_cmap then local list=sortedkeys(formats) for i=1,#list do if not (se and se[list[i]]) then list[i]=list[i].." (unsupported)" end end report(" formats: % t",list) end end end local ok=false for i=1,#sequence do local si=sequence[i] local sp,se,sf=si[1],si[2],si[3] if checkcmap(f,fontdata,records,sp,se,sf)>0 then ok=true end end if not ok then report("no useable unicode cmap found") end fontdata.cidmaps={ version=version, noftables=noftables, records=records, } else fontdata.cidmaps={} end end function readers.loca(f,fontdata,specification) reportskippedtable(f,fontdata,"loca",specification.glyphs) end function readers.glyf(f,fontdata,specification) reportskippedtable(f,fontdata,"glyf",specification.glyphs) end function readers.colr(f,fontdata,specification) reportskippedtable(f,fontdata,"colr",specification.glyphs) end function readers.cpal(f,fontdata,specification) reportskippedtable(f,fontdata,"cpal",specification.glyphs) end function readers.svg(f,fontdata,specification) reportskippedtable(f,fontdata,"svg",specification.glyphs) end function readers.sbix(f,fontdata,specification) reportskippedtable(f,fontdata,"sbix",specification.glyphs) end function readers.cbdt(f,fontdata,specification) reportskippedtable(f,fontdata,"cbdt",specification.glyphs) end function readers.cblc(f,fontdata,specification) reportskippedtable(f,fontdata,"cblc",specification.glyphs) end function readers.ebdt(f,fontdata,specification) reportskippedtable(f,fontdata,"ebdt",specification.glyphs) end function readers.ebsc(f,fontdata,specification) reportskippedtable(f,fontdata,"ebsc",specification.glyphs) end function readers.eblc(f,fontdata,specification) reportskippedtable(f,fontdata,"eblc",specification.glyphs) end function readers.kern(f,fontdata,specification) local tableoffset=gotodatatable(f,fontdata,"kern",specification.kerns) if tableoffset then local version=readushort(f) local noftables=readushort(f) for i=1,noftables do local version=readushort(f) local length=readushort(f) local coverage=readushort(f) local format=bit32.rshift(coverage,8) if format==0 then local nofpairs=readushort(f) local searchrange=readushort(f) local entryselector=readushort(f) local rangeshift=readushort(f) local kerns={} local glyphs=fontdata.glyphs for i=1,nofpairs do local left=readushort(f) local right=readushort(f) local kern=readfword(f) local glyph=glyphs[left] local kerns=glyph.kerns if kerns then kerns[right]=kern else glyph.kerns={ [right]=kern } end end elseif format==2 then report("todo: kern classes") else report("todo: kerns") end end end end function readers.gdef(f,fontdata,specification) reportskippedtable(f,fontdata,"gdef",specification.details) end function readers.gsub(f,fontdata,specification) reportskippedtable(f,fontdata,"gsub",specification.details) end function readers.gpos(f,fontdata,specification) reportskippedtable(f,fontdata,"gpos",specification.details) end function readers.math(f,fontdata,specification) reportskippedtable(f,fontdata,"math",specification.details) end local function getinfo(maindata,sub,platformnames,rawfamilynames,metricstoo,instancenames) local fontdata=sub and maindata.subfonts and maindata.subfonts[sub] or maindata local names=fontdata.names local info=nil if names then local metrics=fontdata.windowsmetrics or {} local postscript=fontdata.postscript or {} local fontheader=fontdata.fontheader or {} local cffinfo=fontdata.cffinfo or {} local filename=fontdata.filename local weight=getname(fontdata,"weight") or (cffinfo and cffinfo.weight) or (metrics and metrics.weight) local width=getname(fontdata,"width") or (cffinfo and cffinfo.width ) or (metrics and metrics.width ) local fontname=getname(fontdata,"postscriptname") local fullname=getname(fontdata,"fullname") local family=getname(fontdata,"family") local subfamily=getname(fontdata,"subfamily") local familyname=getname(fontdata,"typographicfamily") local subfamilyname=getname(fontdata,"typographicsubfamily") local compatiblename=getname(fontdata,"compatiblefullname") if rawfamilynames then else if not familyname then familyname=family end if not subfamilyname then subfamilyname=subfamily end end if platformnames then platformnames=fontdata.platformnames end if instancenames then local variabledata=fontdata.variabledata if variabledata then local instances=variabledata and variabledata.instances if instances then instancenames={} for i=1,#instances do instancenames[i]=lower(stripstring(instances[i].subfamily)) end else instancenames=nil end else instancenames=nil end end info={ subfontindex=fontdata.subfontindex or sub or 0, version=getname(fontdata,"version"), fontname=fontname, fullname=fullname, family=family, subfamily=subfamily, familyname=familyname, subfamilyname=subfamilyname, compatiblename=compatiblename, weight=weight and lower(weight), width=width and lower(width), pfmweight=metrics.weightclass or 400, pfmwidth=metrics.widthclass or 5, panosewidth=metrics.panosewidth, panoseweight=metrics.panoseweight, italicangle=postscript.italicangle or 0, units=fontheader.units or 0, designsize=fontdata.designsize, minsize=fontdata.minsize, maxsize=fontdata.maxsize, monospaced=(tonumber(postscript.monospaced or 0)>0) or metrics.panosewidth=="monospaced", averagewidth=metrics.averagewidth, xheight=metrics.xheight, capheight=metrics.capheight, ascender=metrics.typoascender, descender=metrics.typodescender, platformnames=platformnames or nil, instancenames=instancenames or nil, } if metricstoo then local keys={ "version", "ascender","descender","linegap", "maxadvancewidth","maxadvanceheight","maxextent", "minbottomsidebearing","mintopsidebearing", } local h=fontdata.horizontalheader or {} local v=fontdata.verticalheader or {} if h then local th={} local tv={} for i=1,#keys do local key=keys[i] th[key]=h[key] or 0 tv[key]=v[key] or 0 end info.horizontalmetrics=th info.verticalmetrics=tv end end elseif n then info={ filename=fontdata.filename, comment="there is no info for subfont "..n, } else info={ filename=fontdata.filename, comment="there is no info", } end return info end local function loadtables(f,specification,offset) if offset then setposition(f,offset) end local tables={} local basename=file.basename(specification.filename) local filesize=specification.filesize local filetime=specification.filetime local fontdata={ filename=basename, filesize=filesize, filetime=filetime, version=readstring(f,4), noftables=readushort(f), searchrange=readushort(f), entryselector=readushort(f), rangeshift=readushort(f), tables=tables, foundtables=false, } for i=1,fontdata.noftables do local tag=lower(stripstring(readstring(f,4))) local checksum=readulong(f) local offset=readulong(f) local length=readulong(f) if offset+length>filesize then report("bad %a table in file %a",tag,basename) end tables[tag]={ checksum=checksum, offset=offset, length=length, } end fontdata.foundtables=sortedkeys(tables) if tables.cff or tables.cff2 then fontdata.format="opentype" else fontdata.format="truetype" end return fontdata end local function prepareglyps(fontdata) local glyphs=setmetatableindex(function(t,k) local v={ index=k, } t[k]=v return v end) fontdata.glyphs=glyphs fontdata.mapping={} end local function readtable(tag,f,fontdata,specification,...) local reader=readers[tag] if reader then reader(f,fontdata,specification,...) end end local variablefonts_supported=(context and true) or (logs and logs.application and true) or false local function readdata(f,offset,specification) local fontdata=loadtables(f,specification,offset) if specification.glyphs then prepareglyps(fontdata) end if not variablefonts_supported then specification.instance=nil specification.variable=nil specification.factors=nil end fontdata.temporary={} readtable("name",f,fontdata,specification) local askedname=specification.askedname if askedname then local fullname=getname(fontdata,"fullname") or "" local cleanname=gsub(askedname,"[^a-zA-Z0-9]","") local foundname=gsub(fullname,"[^a-zA-Z0-9]","") if lower(cleanname)~=lower(foundname) then return end end readtable("stat",f,fontdata,specification) readtable("avar",f,fontdata,specification) readtable("fvar",f,fontdata,specification) if variablefonts_supported then if not specification.factors then local instance=specification.instance if type(instance)=="string" then local factors=helpers.getfactors(fontdata,instance) if factors then specification.factors=factors fontdata.factors=factors fontdata.instance=instance report("user instance: %s, factors: % t",instance,factors) else report("user instance: %s, bad factors",instance) end end end if not fontdata.factors then if fontdata.variabledata then local factors=helpers.getfactors(fontdata,true) if factors then specification.factors=factors fontdata.factors=factors fontdata.instance=instance report("font instance: %s, factors: % t",instance,factors) else report("user instance: %s, bad factors",instance) end else report("unknown instance") end end end readtable("os/2",f,fontdata,specification) readtable("head",f,fontdata,specification) readtable("maxp",f,fontdata,specification) readtable("hhea",f,fontdata,specification) readtable("vhea",f,fontdata,specification) readtable("hmtx",f,fontdata,specification) readtable("vmtx",f,fontdata,specification) readtable("vorg",f,fontdata,specification) readtable("post",f,fontdata,specification) readtable("mvar",f,fontdata,specification) readtable("hvar",f,fontdata,specification) readtable("vvar",f,fontdata,specification) readtable("gdef",f,fontdata,specification) readtable("cff",f,fontdata,specification) readtable("cff2",f,fontdata,specification) readtable("cmap",f,fontdata,specification) readtable("loca",f,fontdata,specification) readtable("glyf",f,fontdata,specification) readtable("colr",f,fontdata,specification) readtable("cpal",f,fontdata,specification) readtable("svg",f,fontdata,specification) readtable("sbix",f,fontdata,specification) readtable("cbdt",f,fontdata,specification) readtable("cblc",f,fontdata,specification) readtable("ebdt",f,fontdata,specification) readtable("eblc",f,fontdata,specification) readtable("kern",f,fontdata,specification) readtable("gsub",f,fontdata,specification) readtable("gpos",f,fontdata,specification) readtable("math",f,fontdata,specification) fontdata.locations=nil fontdata.tables=nil fontdata.cidmaps=nil fontdata.dictionaries=nil return fontdata end local function loadfontdata(specification) local filename=specification.filename local fileattr=lfs.attributes(filename) local filesize=fileattr and fileattr.size or 0 local filetime=fileattr and fileattr.modification or 0 local f=openfile(filename,true) if not f then report("unable to open %a",filename) elseif filesize==0 then report("empty file %a",filename) closefile(f) else specification.filesize=filesize specification.filetime=filetime local version=readstring(f,4) local fontdata=nil if version=="OTTO" or version=="true" or version=="\0\1\0\0" then fontdata=readdata(f,0,specification) elseif version=="ttcf" then local subfont=tonumber(specification.subfont) local offsets={} local ttcversion=readulong(f) local nofsubfonts=readulong(f) for i=1,nofsubfonts do offsets[i]=readulong(f) end if subfont then if subfont>=1 and subfont<=nofsubfonts then fontdata=readdata(f,offsets[subfont],specification) else report("no subfont %a in file %a",subfont,filename) end else subfont=specification.subfont if type(subfont)=="string" and subfont~="" then specification.askedname=subfont for i=1,nofsubfonts do fontdata=readdata(f,offsets[i],specification) if fontdata then fontdata.subfontindex=i report("subfont named %a has index %a",subfont,i) break end end if not fontdata then report("no subfont named %a",subfont) end else local subfonts={} fontdata={ filename=filename, filesize=filesize, filetime=filetime, version=version, subfonts=subfonts, ttcversion=ttcversion, nofsubfonts=nofsubfonts, } for i=1,nofsubfonts do subfonts[i]=readdata(f,offsets[i],specification) end end end else report("unknown version %a in file %a",version,filename) end closefile(f) return fontdata or {} end end local function loadfont(specification,n,instance) if type(specification)=="string" then specification={ filename=specification, info=true, details=true, glyphs=true, shapes=true, kerns=true, variable=true, globalkerns=true, lookups=true, subfont=n or true, tounicode=false, instance=instance } end if specification.shapes or specification.lookups or specification.kerns then specification.glyphs=true end if specification.glyphs then specification.details=true end if specification.details then specification.info=true end if specification.platformnames then specification.platformnames=true end if specification.instance or instance then specification.variable=true specification.instance=specification.instance or instance end local function message(str) report("fatal error in file %a: %s\n%s",specification.filename,str,debug.traceback()) end local ok,result=xpcall(loadfontdata,message,specification) if ok then return result end end function readers.loadshapes(filename,n,instance,streams) local fontdata=loadfont { filename=filename, shapes=true, streams=streams, variable=true, subfont=n, instance=instance, } if fontdata then for k,v in next,fontdata.glyphs do v.class=nil v.index=nil v.math=nil end end return fontdata and { filename=filename, format=fontdata.format, glyphs=fontdata.glyphs, units=fontdata.fontheader.units, } or { filename=filename, format="unknown", glyphs={}, units=0, } end function readers.loadfont(filename,n,instance) local fontdata=loadfont { filename=filename, glyphs=true, shapes=false, lookups=true, variable=true, subfont=n, instance=instance, } if fontdata then return { tableversion=tableversion, creator="context mkiv", size=fontdata.filesize, time=fontdata.filetime, glyphs=fontdata.glyphs, descriptions=fontdata.descriptions, format=fontdata.format, goodies={}, metadata=getinfo(fontdata,n,false,false,true,true), properties={ hasitalics=fontdata.hasitalics or false, maxcolorclass=fontdata.maxcolorclass, hascolor=fontdata.hascolor or false, instance=fontdata.instance, factors=fontdata.factors, }, resources={ filename=filename, private=privateoffset, duplicates=fontdata.duplicates or {}, features=fontdata.features or {}, sublookups=fontdata.sublookups or {}, marks=fontdata.marks or {}, markclasses=fontdata.markclasses or {}, marksets=fontdata.marksets or {}, sequences=fontdata.sequences or {}, variants=fontdata.variants, version=getname(fontdata,"version"), cidinfo=fontdata.cidinfo, mathconstants=fontdata.mathconstants, colorpalettes=fontdata.colorpalettes, svgshapes=fontdata.svgshapes, sbixshapes=fontdata.sbixshapes, variabledata=fontdata.variabledata, foundtables=fontdata.foundtables, }, } end end function readers.getinfo(filename,specification) local subfont=nil local platformnames=false local rawfamilynames=false local instancenames=true if type(specification)=="table" then subfont=tonumber(specification.subfont) platformnames=specification.platformnames rawfamilynames=specification.rawfamilynames else subfont=tonumber(specification) end local fontdata=loadfont { filename=filename, details=true, platformnames=platformnames, instancenames=true, } if fontdata then local subfonts=fontdata.subfonts if not subfonts then return getinfo(fontdata,nil,platformnames,rawfamilynames,false,instancenames) elseif not subfont then local info={} for i=1,#subfonts do info[i]=getinfo(fontdata,i,platformnames,rawfamilynames,false,instancenames) end return info elseif subfont>=1 and subfont<=#subfonts then return getinfo(fontdata,subfont,platformnames,rawfamilynames,false,instancenames) else return { filename=filename, comment="there is no subfont "..subfont.." in this file" } end else return { filename=filename, comment="the file cannot be opened for reading", } end end function readers.rehash(fontdata,hashmethod) report("the %a helper is not yet implemented","rehash") end function readers.checkhash(fontdata) report("the %a helper is not yet implemented","checkhash") end function readers.pack(fontdata,hashmethod) report("the %a helper is not yet implemented","pack") end function readers.unpack(fontdata) report("the %a helper is not yet implemented","unpack") end function readers.expand(fontdata) report("the %a helper is not yet implemented","unpack") end function readers.compact(fontdata) report("the %a helper is not yet implemented","compact") end local extenders={} function readers.registerextender(extender) extenders[#extenders+1]=extender end function readers.extend(fontdata) for i=1,#extenders do local extender=extenders[i] local name=extender.name or "unknown" local action=extender.action if action then action(fontdata) end end end end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['font-cff']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to font-ini.mkiv", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } local next,type,tonumber=next,type,tonumber local byte,char,gmatch=string.byte,string.char,string.gmatch local concat,remove=table.concat,table.remove local floor,abs,round,ceil,min,max=math.floor,math.abs,math.round,math.ceil,math.min,math.max local P,C,R,S,C,Cs,Ct=lpeg.P,lpeg.C,lpeg.R,lpeg.S,lpeg.C,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Ct local lpegmatch=lpeg.match local formatters=string.formatters local bytetable=string.bytetable local readers=fonts.handlers.otf.readers local streamreader=readers.streamreader local readstring=streamreader.readstring local readbyte=streamreader.readcardinal1 local readushort=streamreader.readcardinal2 local readuint=streamreader.readcardinal3 local readulong=streamreader.readcardinal4 local setposition=streamreader.setposition local getposition=streamreader.getposition local readbytetable=streamreader.readbytetable local setmetatableindex=table.setmetatableindex local trace_charstrings=false trackers.register("fonts.cff.charstrings",function(v) trace_charstrings=v end) local report=logs.reporter("otf reader","cff") local parsedictionaries local parsecharstring local parsecharstrings local resetcharstrings local parseprivates local startparsing local stopparsing local defaultstrings={ [0]= ".notdef","space","exclam","quotedbl","numbersign","dollar","percent", "ampersand","quoteright","parenleft","parenright","asterisk","plus", "comma","hyphen","period","slash","zero","one","two","three","four", "five","six","seven","eight","nine","colon","semicolon","less", "equal","greater","question","at","A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H", "I","J","K","L","M","N","O","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W", "X","Y","Z","bracketleft","backslash","bracketright","asciicircum", "underscore","quoteleft","a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j", "k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y", "z","braceleft","bar","braceright","asciitilde","exclamdown","cent", "sterling","fraction","yen","florin","section","currency", "quotesingle","quotedblleft","guillemotleft","guilsinglleft", "guilsinglright","fi","fl","endash","dagger","daggerdbl", "periodcentered","paragraph","bullet","quotesinglbase","quotedblbase", "quotedblright","guillemotright","ellipsis","perthousand","questiondown", "grave","acute","circumflex","tilde","macron","breve","dotaccent", "dieresis","ring","cedilla","hungarumlaut","ogonek","caron","emdash", "AE","ordfeminine","Lslash","Oslash","OE","ordmasculine","ae", "dotlessi","lslash","oslash","oe","germandbls","onesuperior", "logicalnot","mu","trademark","Eth","onehalf","plusminus","Thorn", "onequarter","divide","brokenbar","degree","thorn","threequarters", "twosuperior","registered","minus","eth","multiply","threesuperior", "copyright","Aacute","Acircumflex","Adieresis","Agrave","Aring", "Atilde","Ccedilla","Eacute","Ecircumflex","Edieresis","Egrave", "Iacute","Icircumflex","Idieresis","Igrave","Ntilde","Oacute", "Ocircumflex","Odieresis","Ograve","Otilde","Scaron","Uacute", "Ucircumflex","Udieresis","Ugrave","Yacute","Ydieresis","Zcaron", "aacute","acircumflex","adieresis","agrave","aring","atilde", "ccedilla","eacute","ecircumflex","edieresis","egrave","iacute", "icircumflex","idieresis","igrave","ntilde","oacute","ocircumflex", "odieresis","ograve","otilde","scaron","uacute","ucircumflex", "udieresis","ugrave","yacute","ydieresis","zcaron","exclamsmall", "Hungarumlautsmall","dollaroldstyle","dollarsuperior","ampersandsmall", "Acutesmall","parenleftsuperior","parenrightsuperior","twodotenleader", "onedotenleader","zerooldstyle","oneoldstyle","twooldstyle", "threeoldstyle","fouroldstyle","fiveoldstyle","sixoldstyle", "sevenoldstyle","eightoldstyle","nineoldstyle","commasuperior", "threequartersemdash","periodsuperior","questionsmall","asuperior", "bsuperior","centsuperior","dsuperior","esuperior","isuperior", "lsuperior","msuperior","nsuperior","osuperior","rsuperior","ssuperior", "tsuperior","ff","ffi","ffl","parenleftinferior","parenrightinferior", "Circumflexsmall","hyphensuperior","Gravesmall","Asmall","Bsmall", "Csmall","Dsmall","Esmall","Fsmall","Gsmall","Hsmall","Ismall", "Jsmall","Ksmall","Lsmall","Msmall","Nsmall","Osmall","Psmall", "Qsmall","Rsmall","Ssmall","Tsmall","Usmall","Vsmall","Wsmall", "Xsmall","Ysmall","Zsmall","colonmonetary","onefitted","rupiah", "Tildesmall","exclamdownsmall","centoldstyle","Lslashsmall", "Scaronsmall","Zcaronsmall","Dieresissmall","Brevesmall","Caronsmall", "Dotaccentsmall","Macronsmall","figuredash","hypheninferior", "Ogoneksmall","Ringsmall","Cedillasmall","questiondownsmall","oneeighth", "threeeighths","fiveeighths","seveneighths","onethird","twothirds", "zerosuperior","foursuperior","fivesuperior","sixsuperior", "sevensuperior","eightsuperior","ninesuperior","zeroinferior", "oneinferior","twoinferior","threeinferior","fourinferior", "fiveinferior","sixinferior","seveninferior","eightinferior", "nineinferior","centinferior","dollarinferior","periodinferior", "commainferior","Agravesmall","Aacutesmall","Acircumflexsmall", "Atildesmall","Adieresissmall","Aringsmall","AEsmall","Ccedillasmall", "Egravesmall","Eacutesmall","Ecircumflexsmall","Edieresissmall", "Igravesmall","Iacutesmall","Icircumflexsmall","Idieresissmall", "Ethsmall","Ntildesmall","Ogravesmall","Oacutesmall","Ocircumflexsmall", "Otildesmall","Odieresissmall","OEsmall","Oslashsmall","Ugravesmall", "Uacutesmall","Ucircumflexsmall","Udieresissmall","Yacutesmall", "Thornsmall","Ydieresissmall","001.000","001.001","001.002","001.003", "Black","Bold","Book","Light","Medium","Regular","Roman","Semibold", } local cffreaders={ readbyte, readushort, readuint, readulong, } local function readheader(f) local offset=getposition(f) local major=readbyte(f) local header={ offset=offset, major=major, minor=readbyte(f), size=readbyte(f), } if major==1 then header.dsize=readbyte(f) elseif major==2 then header.dsize=readushort(f) else end setposition(f,offset+header.size) return header end local function readlengths(f,longcount) local count=longcount and readulong(f) or readushort(f) if count==0 then return {} end local osize=readbyte(f) local read=cffreaders[osize] if not read then report("bad offset size: %i",osize) return {} end local lengths={} local previous=read(f) for i=1,count do local offset=read(f) local length=offset-previous if length<0 then report("bad offset: %i",length) length=0 end lengths[i]=length previous=offset end return lengths end local function readfontnames(f) local names=readlengths(f) for i=1,#names do names[i]=readstring(f,names[i]) end return names end local function readtopdictionaries(f) local dictionaries=readlengths(f) for i=1,#dictionaries do dictionaries[i]=readstring(f,dictionaries[i]) end return dictionaries end local function readstrings(f) local lengths=readlengths(f) local strings=setmetatableindex({},defaultstrings) local index=#defaultstrings for i=1,#lengths do index=index+1 strings[index]=readstring(f,lengths[i]) end return strings end do local stack={} local top=0 local result={} local strings={} local p_single=P("\00")/function() result.version=strings[stack[top]] or "unset" top=0 end+P("\01")/function() result.notice=strings[stack[top]] or "unset" top=0 end+P("\02")/function() result.fullname=strings[stack[top]] or "unset" top=0 end+P("\03")/function() result.familyname=strings[stack[top]] or "unset" top=0 end+P("\04")/function() result.weight=strings[stack[top]] or "unset" top=0 end+P("\05")/function() result.fontbbox={ unpack(stack,1,4) } top=0 end +P("\13")/function() result.uniqueid=stack[top] top=0 end+P("\14")/function() result.xuid=concat(stack,"",1,top) top=0 end+P("\15")/function() result.charset=stack[top] top=0 end+P("\16")/function() result.encoding=stack[top] top=0 end+P("\17")/function() result.charstrings=stack[top] top=0 end+P("\18")/function() result.private={ size=stack[top-1], offset=stack[top], } top=0 end+P("\19")/function() result.subroutines=stack[top] top=0 end+P("\20")/function() result.defaultwidthx=stack[top] top=0 end+P("\21")/function() result.nominalwidthx=stack[top] top=0 end +P("\24")/function() result.vstore=stack[top] top=0 end+P("\25")/function() result.maxstack=stack[top] top=0 end local p_double=P("\12")*( P("\00")/function() result.copyright=stack[top] top=0 end+P("\01")/function() result.monospaced=stack[top]==1 and true or false top=0 end+P("\02")/function() result.italicangle=stack[top] top=0 end+P("\03")/function() result.underlineposition=stack[top] top=0 end+P("\04")/function() result.underlinethickness=stack[top] top=0 end+P("\05")/function() result.painttype=stack[top] top=0 end+P("\06")/function() result.charstringtype=stack[top] top=0 end+P("\07")/function() result.fontmatrix={ unpack(stack,1,6) } top=0 end+P("\08")/function() result.strokewidth=stack[top] top=0 end+P("\20")/function() result.syntheticbase=stack[top] top=0 end+P("\21")/function() result.postscript=strings[stack[top]] or "unset" top=0 end+P("\22")/function() result.basefontname=strings[stack[top]] or "unset" top=0 end+P("\21")/function() result.basefontblend=stack[top] top=0 end+P("\30")/function() result.cid.registry=strings[stack[top-2]] or "unset" result.cid.ordering=strings[stack[top-1]] or "unset" result.cid.supplement=stack[top] top=0 end+P("\31")/function() result.cid.fontversion=stack[top] top=0 end+P("\32")/function() result.cid.fontrevision=stack[top] top=0 end+P("\33")/function() result.cid.fonttype=stack[top] top=0 end+P("\34")/function() result.cid.count=stack[top] top=0 end+P("\35")/function() result.cid.uidbase=stack[top] top=0 end+P("\36")/function() result.cid.fdarray=stack[top] top=0 end+P("\37")/function() result.cid.fdselect=stack[top] top=0 end+P("\38")/function() result.cid.fontname=strings[stack[top]] or "unset" top=0 end ) local p_last=P("\x0F")/"0"+P("\x1F")/"1"+P("\x2F")/"2"+P("\x3F")/"3"+P("\x4F")/"4"+P("\x5F")/"5"+P("\x6F")/"6"+P("\x7F")/"7"+P("\x8F")/"8"+P("\x9F")/"9"+P("\xAF")/""+P("\xBF")/""+P("\xCF")/""+P("\xDF")/""+P("\xEF")/""+R("\xF0\xFF")/"" local remap={ ["\x00"]="00",["\x01"]="01",["\x02"]="02",["\x03"]="03",["\x04"]="04",["\x05"]="05",["\x06"]="06",["\x07"]="07",["\x08"]="08",["\x09"]="09",["\x0A"]="0.",["\x0B"]="0E",["\x0C"]="0E-",["\x0D"]="0",["\x0E"]="0-",["\x0F"]="0", ["\x10"]="10",["\x11"]="11",["\x12"]="12",["\x13"]="13",["\x14"]="14",["\x15"]="15",["\x16"]="16",["\x17"]="17",["\x18"]="18",["\x19"]="19",["\x1A"]="0.",["\x1B"]="0E",["\x1C"]="0E-",["\x1D"]="0",["\x1E"]="0-",["\x1F"]="0", ["\x20"]="20",["\x21"]="21",["\x22"]="22",["\x23"]="23",["\x24"]="24",["\x25"]="25",["\x26"]="26",["\x27"]="27",["\x28"]="28",["\x29"]="29",["\x2A"]="0.",["\x2B"]="0E",["\x2C"]="0E-",["\x2D"]="0",["\x2E"]="0-",["\x2F"]="0", ["\x30"]="30",["\x31"]="31",["\x32"]="32",["\x33"]="33",["\x34"]="34",["\x35"]="35",["\x36"]="36",["\x37"]="37",["\x38"]="38",["\x39"]="39",["\x3A"]="0.",["\x3B"]="0E",["\x3C"]="0E-",["\x3D"]="0",["\x3E"]="0-",["\x3F"]="0", ["\x40"]="40",["\x41"]="41",["\x42"]="42",["\x43"]="43",["\x44"]="44",["\x45"]="45",["\x46"]="46",["\x47"]="47",["\x48"]="48",["\x49"]="49",["\x4A"]="0.",["\x4B"]="0E",["\x4C"]="0E-",["\x4D"]="0",["\x4E"]="0-",["\x4F"]="0", ["\x50"]="50",["\x51"]="51",["\x52"]="52",["\x53"]="53",["\x54"]="54",["\x55"]="55",["\x56"]="56",["\x57"]="57",["\x58"]="58",["\x59"]="59",["\x5A"]="0.",["\x5B"]="0E",["\x5C"]="0E-",["\x5D"]="0",["\x5E"]="0-",["\x5F"]="0", ["\x60"]="60",["\x61"]="61",["\x62"]="62",["\x63"]="63",["\x64"]="64",["\x65"]="65",["\x66"]="66",["\x67"]="67",["\x68"]="68",["\x69"]="69",["\x6A"]="0.",["\x6B"]="0E",["\x6C"]="0E-",["\x6D"]="0",["\x6E"]="0-",["\x6F"]="0", ["\x70"]="70",["\x71"]="71",["\x72"]="72",["\x73"]="73",["\x74"]="74",["\x75"]="75",["\x76"]="76",["\x77"]="77",["\x78"]="78",["\x79"]="79",["\x7A"]="0.",["\x7B"]="0E",["\x7C"]="0E-",["\x7D"]="0",["\x7E"]="0-",["\x7F"]="0", ["\x80"]="80",["\x81"]="81",["\x82"]="82",["\x83"]="83",["\x84"]="84",["\x85"]="85",["\x86"]="86",["\x87"]="87",["\x88"]="88",["\x89"]="89",["\x8A"]="0.",["\x8B"]="0E",["\x8C"]="0E-",["\x8D"]="0",["\x8E"]="0-",["\x8F"]="0", ["\x90"]="90",["\x91"]="91",["\x92"]="92",["\x93"]="93",["\x94"]="94",["\x95"]="95",["\x96"]="96",["\x97"]="97",["\x98"]="98",["\x99"]="99",["\x9A"]="0.",["\x9B"]="0E",["\x9C"]="0E-",["\x9D"]="0",["\x9E"]="0-",["\x9F"]="0", ["\xA0"]=".0",["\xA1"]=".1",["\xA2"]=".2",["\xA3"]=".3",["\xA4"]=".4",["\xA5"]=".5",["\xA6"]=".6",["\xA7"]=".7",["\xA8"]=".8",["\xA9"]=".9",["\xAA"]="..",["\xAB"]=".E",["\xAC"]=".E-",["\xAD"]=".",["\xAE"]=".-",["\xAF"]=".", ["\xB0"]="E0",["\xB1"]="E1",["\xB2"]="E2",["\xB3"]="E3",["\xB4"]="E4",["\xB5"]="E5",["\xB6"]="E6",["\xB7"]="E7",["\xB8"]="E8",["\xB9"]="E9",["\xBA"]="E.",["\xBB"]="EE",["\xBC"]="EE-",["\xBD"]="E",["\xBE"]="E-",["\xBF"]="E", ["\xC0"]="E-0",["\xC1"]="E-1",["\xC2"]="E-2",["\xC3"]="E-3",["\xC4"]="E-4",["\xC5"]="E-5",["\xC6"]="E-6",["\xC7"]="E-7",["\xC8"]="E-8",["\xC9"]="E-9",["\xCA"]="E-.",["\xCB"]="E-E",["\xCC"]="E-E-",["\xCD"]="E-",["\xCE"]="E--",["\xCF"]="E-", ["\xD0"]="-0",["\xD1"]="-1",["\xD2"]="-2",["\xD3"]="-3",["\xD4"]="-4",["\xD5"]="-5",["\xD6"]="-6",["\xD7"]="-7",["\xD8"]="-8",["\xD9"]="-9",["\xDA"]="-.",["\xDB"]="-E",["\xDC"]="-E-",["\xDD"]="-",["\xDE"]="--",["\xDF"]="-", } local p_nibbles=P("\30")*Cs(((1-p_last)/remap)^0+p_last)/function(n) top=top+1 stack[top]=tonumber(n) or 0 end local p_byte=C(R("\32\246"))/function(b0) top=top+1 stack[top]=byte(b0)-139 end local p_positive=C(R("\247\250"))*C(1)/function(b0,b1) top=top+1 stack[top]=(byte(b0)-247)*256+byte(b1)+108 end local p_negative=C(R("\251\254"))*C(1)/function(b0,b1) top=top+1 stack[top]=-(byte(b0)-251)*256-byte(b1)-108 end local p_short=P("\28")*C(1)*C(1)/function(b1,b2) top=top+1 local n=0x100*byte(b1)+byte(b2) if n>=0x8000 then stack[top]=n-0xFFFF-1 else stack[top]=n end end local p_long=P("\29")*C(1)*C(1)*C(1)*C(1)/function(b1,b2,b3,b4) top=top+1 local n=0x1000000*byte(b1)+0x10000*byte(b2)+0x100*byte(b3)+byte(b4) if n>=0x8000000 then stack[top]=n-0xFFFFFFFF-1 else stack[top]=n end end local p_unsupported=P(1)/function(detail) top=0 end local p_dictionary=( p_byte+p_positive+p_negative+p_short+p_long+p_nibbles+p_single+p_double+p_unsupported )^1 parsedictionaries=function(data,dictionaries,what) stack={} strings=data.strings for i=1,#dictionaries do top=0 result=what=="cff" and { monospaced=false, italicangle=0, underlineposition=-100, underlinethickness=50, painttype=0, charstringtype=2, fontmatrix={ 0.001,0,0,0.001,0,0 }, fontbbox={ 0,0,0,0 }, strokewidth=0, charset=0, encoding=0, cid={ fontversion=0, fontrevision=0, fonttype=0, count=8720, } } or { charstringtype=2, charset=0, vstore=0, cid={ }, } lpegmatch(p_dictionary,dictionaries[i]) dictionaries[i]=result end result={} top=0 stack={} end parseprivates=function(data,dictionaries) stack={} strings=data.strings for i=1,#dictionaries do local private=dictionaries[i].private if private and private.data then top=0 result={ forcebold=false, languagegroup=0, expansionfactor=0.06, initialrandomseed=0, subroutines=0, defaultwidthx=0, nominalwidthx=0, cid={ }, } lpegmatch(p_dictionary,private.data) private.data=result end end result={} top=0 stack={} end local x=0 local y=0 local width=false local r=0 local stems=0 local globalbias=0 local localbias=0 local nominalwidth=0 local defaultwidth=0 local charset=false local globals=false local locals=false local depth=1 local xmin=0 local xmax=0 local ymin=0 local ymax=0 local checked=false local keepcurve=false local version=2 local regions=false local nofregions=0 local region=false local factors=false local axis=false local vsindex=0 local function showstate(where) report("%w%-10s : [%s] n=%i",depth*2,where,concat(stack," ",1,top),top) end local function showvalue(where,value,showstack) if showstack then report("%w%-10s : %s : [%s] n=%i",depth*2,where,tostring(value),concat(stack," ",1,top),top) else report("%w%-10s : %s",depth*2,where,tostring(value)) end end local function xymoveto() if keepcurve then r=r+1 result[r]={ x,y,"m" } end if checked then if x>xmax then xmax=x elseif xymax then ymax=y elseif yxmax then xmax=x elseif xymax then ymax=y elseif yxmax then xmax=x elseif xymax then ymax=y elseif yxmax then xmax=x elseif xymax then ymax=y elseif yxmax then xmax=x1 elseif x1ymax then ymax=y1 elseif y1xmax then xmax=x2 elseif x2ymax then ymax=y2 elseif y2xmax then xmax=x3 elseif x3ymax then ymax=y3 elseif y32 then width=stack[1] if trace_charstrings then showvalue("backtrack width",width) end else width=true end end if trace_charstrings then showstate("rmoveto") end x=x+stack[top-1] y=y+stack[top] top=0 xymoveto() end local function hmoveto() if not width then if top>1 then width=stack[1] if trace_charstrings then showvalue("backtrack width",width) end else width=true end end if trace_charstrings then showstate("hmoveto") end x=x+stack[top] top=0 xmoveto() end local function vmoveto() if not width then if top>1 then width=stack[1] if trace_charstrings then showvalue("backtrack width",width) end else width=true end end if trace_charstrings then showstate("vmoveto") end y=y+stack[top] top=0 ymoveto() end local function rlineto() if trace_charstrings then showstate("rlineto") end for i=1,top,2 do x=x+stack[i] y=y+stack[i+1] xylineto() end top=0 end local function hlineto() if trace_charstrings then showstate("hlineto") end if top==1 then x=x+stack[1] xlineto() else local swap=true for i=1,top do if swap then x=x+stack[i] xlineto() swap=false else y=y+stack[i] ylineto() swap=true end end end top=0 end local function vlineto() if trace_charstrings then showstate("vlineto") end if top==1 then y=y+stack[1] ylineto() else local swap=false for i=1,top do if swap then x=x+stack[i] xlineto() swap=false else y=y+stack[i] ylineto() swap=true end end end top=0 end local function rrcurveto() if trace_charstrings then showstate("rrcurveto") end for i=1,top,6 do local ax=x+stack[i] local ay=y+stack[i+1] local bx=ax+stack[i+2] local by=ay+stack[i+3] x=bx+stack[i+4] y=by+stack[i+5] xycurveto(ax,ay,bx,by,x,y) end top=0 end local function hhcurveto() if trace_charstrings then showstate("hhcurveto") end local s=1 if top%2~=0 then y=y+stack[1] s=2 end for i=s,top,4 do local ax=x+stack[i] local ay=y local bx=ax+stack[i+1] local by=ay+stack[i+2] x=bx+stack[i+3] y=by xycurveto(ax,ay,bx,by,x,y) end top=0 end local function vvcurveto() if trace_charstrings then showstate("vvcurveto") end local s=1 local d=0 if top%2~=0 then d=stack[1] s=2 end for i=s,top,4 do local ax=x+d local ay=y+stack[i] local bx=ax+stack[i+1] local by=ay+stack[i+2] x=bx y=by+stack[i+3] xycurveto(ax,ay,bx,by,x,y) d=0 end top=0 end local function xxcurveto(swap) local last=top%4~=0 and stack[top] if last then top=top-1 end for i=1,top,4 do local ax,ay,bx,by if swap then ax=x+stack[i] ay=y bx=ax+stack[i+1] by=ay+stack[i+2] y=by+stack[i+3] if last and i+3==top then x=bx+last else x=bx end swap=false else ax=x ay=y+stack[i] bx=ax+stack[i+1] by=ay+stack[i+2] x=bx+stack[i+3] if last and i+3==top then y=by+last else y=by end swap=true end xycurveto(ax,ay,bx,by,x,y) end top=0 end local function hvcurveto() if trace_charstrings then showstate("hvcurveto") end xxcurveto(true) end local function vhcurveto() if trace_charstrings then showstate("vhcurveto") end xxcurveto(false) end local function rcurveline() if trace_charstrings then showstate("rcurveline") end for i=1,top-2,6 do local ax=x+stack[i] local ay=y+stack[i+1] local bx=ax+stack[i+2] local by=ay+stack[i+3] x=bx+stack[i+4] y=by+stack[i+5] xycurveto(ax,ay,bx,by,x,y) end x=x+stack[top-1] y=y+stack[top] xylineto() top=0 end local function rlinecurve() if trace_charstrings then showstate("rlinecurve") end if top>6 then for i=1,top-6,2 do x=x+stack[i] y=y+stack[i+1] xylineto() end end local ax=x+stack[top-5] local ay=y+stack[top-4] local bx=ax+stack[top-3] local by=ay+stack[top-2] x=bx+stack[top-1] y=by+stack[top] xycurveto(ax,ay,bx,by,x,y) top=0 end local function flex() if trace_charstrings then showstate("flex") end local ax=x+stack[1] local ay=y+stack[2] local bx=ax+stack[3] local by=ay+stack[4] local cx=bx+stack[5] local cy=by+stack[6] xycurveto(ax,ay,bx,by,cx,cy) local dx=cx+stack[7] local dy=cy+stack[8] local ex=dx+stack[9] local ey=dy+stack[10] x=ex+stack[11] y=ey+stack[12] xycurveto(dx,dy,ex,ey,x,y) top=0 end local function hflex() if trace_charstrings then showstate("hflex") end local ax=x+stack[1] local ay=y local bx=ax+stack[2] local by=ay+stack[3] local cx=bx+stack[4] local cy=by xycurveto(ax,ay,bx,by,cx,cy) local dx=cx+stack[5] local dy=by local ex=dx+stack[6] local ey=y x=ex+stack[7] xycurveto(dx,dy,ex,ey,x,y) top=0 end local function hflex1() if trace_charstrings then showstate("hflex1") end local ax=x+stack[1] local ay=y+stack[2] local bx=ax+stack[3] local by=ay+stack[4] local cx=bx+stack[5] local cy=by xycurveto(ax,ay,bx,by,cx,cy) local dx=cx+stack[6] local dy=by local ex=dx+stack[7] local ey=dy+stack[8] x=ex+stack[9] xycurveto(dx,dy,ex,ey,x,y) top=0 end local function flex1() if trace_charstrings then showstate("flex1") end local ax=x+stack[1] local ay=y+stack[2] local bx=ax+stack[3] local by=ay+stack[4] local cx=bx+stack[5] local cy=by+stack[6] xycurveto(ax,ay,bx,by,cx,cy) local dx=cx+stack[7] local dy=cy+stack[8] local ex=dx+stack[9] local ey=dy+stack[10] if abs(ex-x)>abs(ey-y) then x=ex+stack[11] else y=ey+stack[11] end xycurveto(dx,dy,ex,ey,x,y) top=0 end local function getstem() if top==0 then elseif top%2~=0 then if width then remove(stack,1) else width=remove(stack,1) if trace_charstrings then showvalue("width",width) end end top=top-1 end if trace_charstrings then showstate("stem") end stems=stems+top/2 top=0 end local function getmask() if top==0 then elseif top%2~=0 then if width then remove(stack,1) else width=remove(stack,1) if trace_charstrings then showvalue("width",width) end end top=top-1 end if trace_charstrings then showstate(operator==19 and "hintmark" or "cntrmask") end stems=stems+top/2 top=0 if stems==0 then elseif stems<=8 then return 1 else return floor((stems+7)/8) end end local function unsupported(t) if trace_charstrings then showstate("unsupported "..t) end top=0 end local function unsupportedsub(t) if trace_charstrings then showstate("unsupported sub "..t) end top=0 end local function getstem3() if trace_charstrings then showstate("stem3") end top=0 end local function divide() if version==1 then local d=stack[top] top=top-1 stack[top]=stack[top]/d end end local function closepath() if version==1 then if trace_charstrings then showstate("closepath") end end top=0 end local function hsbw() if version==1 then if trace_charstrings then showstate("dotsection") end width=stack[top] end top=0 end local function seac() if version==1 then if trace_charstrings then showstate("seac") end end top=0 end local function sbw() if version==1 then if trace_charstrings then showstate("sbw") end width=stack[top-1] end top=0 end local function callothersubr() if version==1 then if trace_charstrings then showstate("callothersubr (unsupported)") end end top=0 end local function pop() if version==1 then if trace_charstrings then showstate("pop (unsupported)") end top=top+1 stack[top]=0 else top=0 end end local function setcurrentpoint() if version==1 then if trace_charstrings then showstate("pop (unsupported)") end x=x+stack[top-1] y=y+stack[top] end top=0 end local reginit=false local function updateregions(n) if regions then local current=regions[n] or regions[1] nofregions=#current if axis and n~=reginit then factors={} for i=1,nofregions do local region=current[i] local s=1 for j=1,#axis do local f=axis[j] local r=region[j] local start=r.start local peak=r.peak local stop=r.stop if start>peak or peak>stop then elseif start<0 and stop>0 and peak~=0 then elseif peak==0 then elseif fstop then s=0 break elseif fpeak then s=s*(stop-f)/(stop-peak) else end end factors[i]=s end end end reginit=n end local function setvsindex() local vsindex=stack[top] if trace_charstrings then showstate(formatters["vsindex %i"](vsindex)) end updateregions(vsindex) top=top-1 end local function blend() local n=stack[top] top=top-1 if axis then if trace_charstrings then local t=top-nofregions*n local m=t-n for i=1,n do local k=m+i local d=m+n+(i-1)*nofregions local old=stack[k] local new=old for r=1,nofregions do new=new+stack[d+r]*factors[r] end stack[k]=new showstate(formatters["blend %i of %i: %s -> %s"](i,n,old,new)) end top=t elseif n==1 then top=top-nofregions local v=stack[top] for r=1,nofregions do v=v+stack[top+r]*factors[r] end stack[top]=v else top=top-nofregions*n local d=top local k=top-n for i=1,n do k=k+1 local v=stack[k] for r=1,nofregions do v=v+stack[d+r]*factors[r] end stack[k]=v d=d+nofregions end end else end end local actions={ [0]=unsupported, getstem, unsupported, getstem, vmoveto, rlineto, hlineto, vlineto, rrcurveto, unsupported, unsupported, unsupported, unsupported, hsbw, unsupported, setvsindex, blend, unsupported, getstem, getmask, getmask, rmoveto, hmoveto, getstem, rcurveline, rlinecurve, vvcurveto, hhcurveto, unsupported, unsupported, vhcurveto, hvcurveto, } local subactions={ [000]=dotsection, [001]=getstem3, [002]=getstem3, [006]=seac, [007]=sbw, [012]=divide, [016]=callothersubr, [017]=pop, [033]=setcurrentpoint, [034]=hflex, [035]=flex, [036]=hflex1, [037]=flex1, } local c_endchar=char(14) local passon do local rshift=bit32.rshift local band=bit32.band local round=math.round local encode=table.setmetatableindex(function(t,i) for i=-2048,-1130 do t[i]=char(28,band(rshift(i,8),0xFF),band(i,0xFF)) end for i=-1131,-108 do local v=0xFB00-i-108 t[i]=char(band(rshift(v,8),0xFF),band(v,0xFF)) end for i=-107,107 do t[i]=char(i+139) end for i=108,1131 do local v=0xF700+i-108 t[i]=char(band(rshift(v,8),0xFF),band(v,0xFF)) end for i=1132,2048 do t[i]=char(28,band(rshift(i,8),0xFF),band(i,0xFF)) end return t[i] end) local function setvsindex() local vsindex=stack[top] updateregions(vsindex) top=top-1 end local function blend() local n=stack[top] top=top-1 if not axis then elseif n==1 then top=top-nofregions local v=stack[top] for r=1,nofregions do v=v+stack[top+r]*factors[r] end stack[top]=round(v) else top=top-nofregions*n local d=top local k=top-n for i=1,n do k=k+1 local v=stack[k] for r=1,nofregions do v=v+stack[d+r]*factors[r] end stack[k]=round(v) d=d+nofregions end end end passon=function(operation) if operation==15 then setvsindex() elseif operation==16 then blend() else for i=1,top do r=r+1 result[r]=encode[stack[i]] end r=r+1 result[r]=char(operation) top=0 end end end local process local function call(scope,list,bias) depth=depth+1 if top==0 then showstate(formatters["unknown %s call"](scope)) top=0 else local index=stack[top]+bias top=top-1 if trace_charstrings then showvalue(scope,index,true) end local tab=list[index] if tab then process(tab) else showstate(formatters["unknown %s call %i"](scope,index)) top=0 end end depth=depth-1 end local justpass=false process=function(tab) local i=1 local n=#tab while i<=n do local t=tab[i] if t>=32 then top=top+1 if t<=246 then stack[top]=t-139 i=i+1 elseif t<=250 then stack[top]=t*256-63124+tab[i+1] i=i+2 elseif t<=254 then stack[top]=-t*256+64148-tab[i+1] i=i+2 else local n=0x100*tab[i+1]+tab[i+2] if n>=0x8000 then stack[top]=n-0x10000+(0x100*tab[i+3]+tab[i+4])/0xFFFF else stack[top]=n+(0x100*tab[i+3]+tab[i+4])/0xFFFF end i=i+5 end elseif t==28 then top=top+1 local n=0x100*tab[i+1]+tab[i+2] if n>=0x8000 then stack[top]=n-0x10000 else stack[top]=n end i=i+3 elseif t==11 then if trace_charstrings then showstate("return") end return elseif t==10 then call("local",locals,localbias) i=i+1 elseif t==14 then if width then elseif top>0 then width=stack[1] if trace_charstrings then showvalue("width",width) end else width=true end if trace_charstrings then showstate("endchar") end return elseif t==29 then call("global",globals,globalbias) i=i+1 elseif t==12 then i=i+1 local t=tab[i] local a=subactions[t] if a then a(t) else if trace_charstrings then showvalue("",t) end top=0 end i=i+1 elseif justpass then passon(t) i=i+1 else local a=actions[t] if a then local s=a(t) if s then i=i+s+1 else i=i+1 end else if trace_charstrings then showvalue("",t) end top=0 i=i+1 end end end end local function setbias(globals,locals) if version==1 then return false, false else local g,l=#globals,#locals return ((g<1240 and 107) or (g<33900 and 1131) or 32768)+1, ((l<1240 and 107) or (l<33900 and 1131) or 32768)+1 end end local function processshape(tab,index) tab=bytetable(tab) x=0 y=0 width=false r=0 top=0 stems=0 result={} xmin=0 xmax=0 ymin=0 ymax=0 checked=false if trace_charstrings then report("glyph: %i",index) report("data : % t",tab) end if regions then updateregions(vsindex) end process(tab) local boundingbox={ round(xmin), round(ymin), round(xmax), round(ymax), } if width==true or width==false then width=defaultwidth else width=nominalwidth+width end local glyph=glyphs[index] if justpass then r=r+1 result[r]=c_endchar local stream=concat(result) if glyph then glyph.stream=stream else glyphs[index]={ stream=stream } end elseif glyph then glyph.segments=keepcurve~=false and result or nil glyph.boundingbox=boundingbox if not glyph.width then glyph.width=width end if charset and not glyph.name then glyph.name=charset[index] end elseif keepcurve then glyphs[index]={ segments=result, boundingbox=boundingbox, width=width, name=charset and charset[index] or nil, } else glyphs[index]={ boundingbox=boundingbox, width=width, name=charset and charset[index] or nil, } end if trace_charstrings then report("width : %s",tostring(width)) report("boundingbox: % t",boundingbox) end end startparsing=function(fontdata,data,streams) reginit=false axis=false regions=data.regions justpass=streams==true if regions then regions={ regions } axis=data.factors or false end end stopparsing=function(fontdata,data) stack={} glyphs=false result={} top=0 locals=false globals=false strings=false end local function setwidths(private) if not private then return 0,0 end local privatedata=private.data if not privatedata then return 0,0 end return privatedata.nominalwidthx or 0,privatedata.defaultwidthx or 0 end parsecharstrings=function(fontdata,data,glphs,doshapes,tversion,streams) local dictionary=data.dictionaries[1] local charstrings=dictionary.charstrings keepcurve=doshapes version=tversion strings=data.strings globals=data.routines or {} locals=dictionary.subroutines or {} charset=dictionary.charset vsindex=dictionary.vsindex or 0 glyphs=glphs or {} globalbias,localbias=setbias(globals,locals) nominalwidth,defaultwidth=setwidths(dictionary.private) startparsing(fontdata,data,streams) for index=1,#charstrings do processshape(charstrings[index],index-1) charstrings[index]=nil end stopparsing(fontdata,data) return glyphs end parsecharstring=function(fontdata,data,dictionary,tab,glphs,index,doshapes,tversion) keepcurve=doshapes version=tversion strings=data.strings globals=data.routines or {} locals=dictionary.subroutines or {} charset=false vsindex=dictionary.vsindex or 0 glyphs=glphs or {} globalbias,localbias=setbias(globals,locals) nominalwidth,defaultwidth=setwidths(dictionary.private) processshape(tab,index-1) end end local function readglobals(f,data) local routines=readlengths(f) for i=1,#routines do routines[i]=readbytetable(f,routines[i]) end data.routines=routines end local function readencodings(f,data) data.encodings={} end local function readcharsets(f,data,dictionary) local header=data.header local strings=data.strings local nofglyphs=data.nofglyphs local charsetoffset=dictionary.charset if charsetoffset and charsetoffset~=0 then setposition(f,header.offset+charsetoffset) local format=readbyte(f) local charset={ [0]=".notdef" } dictionary.charset=charset if format==0 then for i=1,nofglyphs do charset[i]=strings[readushort(f)] end elseif format==1 or format==2 then local readcount=format==1 and readbyte or readushort local i=1 while i<=nofglyphs do local sid=readushort(f) local n=readcount(f) for s=sid,sid+n do charset[i]=strings[s] i=i+1 if i>nofglyphs then break end end end else report("cff parser: unsupported charset format %a",format) end else dictionary.nocharset=true dictionary.charset=nil end end local function readprivates(f,data) local header=data.header local dictionaries=data.dictionaries local private=dictionaries[1].private if private then setposition(f,header.offset+private.offset) private.data=readstring(f,private.size) end end local function readlocals(f,data,dictionary) local header=data.header local private=dictionary.private if private then local subroutineoffset=private.data.subroutines if subroutineoffset~=0 then setposition(f,header.offset+private.offset+subroutineoffset) local subroutines=readlengths(f) for i=1,#subroutines do subroutines[i]=readbytetable(f,subroutines[i]) end dictionary.subroutines=subroutines private.data.subroutines=nil else dictionary.subroutines={} end else dictionary.subroutines={} end end local function readcharstrings(f,data,what) local header=data.header local dictionaries=data.dictionaries local dictionary=dictionaries[1] local stringtype=dictionary.charstringtype local offset=dictionary.charstrings if type(offset)~="number" then elseif stringtype==2 then setposition(f,header.offset+offset) local charstrings=readlengths(f,what=="cff2") local nofglyphs=#charstrings for i=1,nofglyphs do charstrings[i]=readstring(f,charstrings[i]) end data.nofglyphs=nofglyphs dictionary.charstrings=charstrings else report("unsupported charstr type %i",stringtype) data.nofglyphs=0 dictionary.charstrings={} end end local function readcidprivates(f,data) local header=data.header local dictionaries=data.dictionaries[1].cid.dictionaries for i=1,#dictionaries do local dictionary=dictionaries[i] local private=dictionary.private if private then setposition(f,header.offset+private.offset) private.data=readstring(f,private.size) end end parseprivates(data,dictionaries) end readers.parsecharstrings=parsecharstrings local function readnoselect(f,fontdata,data,glyphs,doshapes,version,streams) local dictionaries=data.dictionaries local dictionary=dictionaries[1] readglobals(f,data) readcharstrings(f,data,version) if version=="cff2" then dictionary.charset=nil else readencodings(f,data) readcharsets(f,data,dictionary) end readprivates(f,data) parseprivates(data,data.dictionaries) readlocals(f,data,dictionary) startparsing(fontdata,data,streams) parsecharstrings(fontdata,data,glyphs,doshapes,version,streams) stopparsing(fontdata,data) end local function readfdselect(f,fontdata,data,glyphs,doshapes,version,streams) local header=data.header local dictionaries=data.dictionaries local dictionary=dictionaries[1] local cid=dictionary.cid local cidselect=cid and cid.fdselect readglobals(f,data) readcharstrings(f,data,version) if version~="cff2" then readencodings(f,data) end local charstrings=dictionary.charstrings local fdindex={} local nofglyphs=data.nofglyphs local maxindex=-1 setposition(f,header.offset+cidselect) local format=readbyte(f) if format==1 then for i=0,nofglyphs do local index=readbyte(i) fdindex[i]=index if index>maxindex then maxindex=index end end elseif format==3 then local nofranges=readushort(f) local first=readushort(f) local index=readbyte(f) while true do local last=readushort(f) if index>maxindex then maxindex=index end for i=first,last do fdindex[i]=index end if last>=nofglyphs then break else first=last+1 index=readbyte(f) end end else end if maxindex>=0 then local cidarray=cid.fdarray setposition(f,header.offset+cidarray) local dictionaries=readlengths(f) for i=1,#dictionaries do dictionaries[i]=readstring(f,dictionaries[i]) end parsedictionaries(data,dictionaries) cid.dictionaries=dictionaries readcidprivates(f,data) for i=1,#dictionaries do readlocals(f,data,dictionaries[i]) end startparsing(fontdata,data,streams) for i=1,#charstrings do parsecharstring(fontdata,data,dictionaries[fdindex[i]+1],charstrings[i],glyphs,i,doshapes,version) charstrings[i]=nil end stopparsing(fontdata,data) end end local gotodatatable=readers.helpers.gotodatatable local function cleanup(data,dictionaries) end function readers.cff(f,fontdata,specification) local tableoffset=gotodatatable(f,fontdata,"cff",specification.details) if tableoffset then local header=readheader(f) if header.major~=1 then report("only version %s is supported for table %a",1,"cff") return end local glyphs=fontdata.glyphs local names=readfontnames(f) local dictionaries=readtopdictionaries(f) local strings=readstrings(f) local data={ header=header, names=names, dictionaries=dictionaries, strings=strings, nofglyphs=fontdata.nofglyphs, } parsedictionaries(data,dictionaries,"cff") local dic=dictionaries[1] local cid=dic.cid fontdata.cffinfo={ familynamename=dic.familyname, fullname=dic.fullname, boundingbox=dic.boundingbox, weight=dic.weight, italicangle=dic.italicangle, underlineposition=dic.underlineposition, underlinethickness=dic.underlinethickness, monospaced=dic.monospaced, } fontdata.cidinfo=cid and { registry=cid.registry, ordering=cid.ordering, supplement=cid.supplement, } if specification.glyphs then local all=specification.shapes or false if cid and cid.fdselect then readfdselect(f,fontdata,data,glyphs,all,"cff") else readnoselect(f,fontdata,data,glyphs,all,"cff") end end cleanup(data,dictionaries) end end function readers.cff2(f,fontdata,specification) local tableoffset=gotodatatable(f,fontdata,"cff2",specification.glyphs) if tableoffset then local header=readheader(f) if header.major~=2 then report("only version %s is supported for table %a",2,"cff2") return end local glyphs=fontdata.glyphs local dictionaries={ readstring(f,header.dsize) } local data={ header=header, dictionaries=dictionaries, nofglyphs=fontdata.nofglyphs, } parsedictionaries(data,dictionaries,"cff2") local offset=dictionaries[1].vstore if offset>0 then local storeoffset=dictionaries[1].vstore+data.header.offset+2 local regions,deltas=readers.helpers.readvariationdata(f,storeoffset,factors) data.regions=regions data.deltas=deltas else data.regions={} data.deltas={} end data.factors=specification.factors local cid=data.dictionaries[1].cid local all=specification.shapes or false if cid and cid.fdselect then readfdselect(f,fontdata,data,glyphs,all,"cff2",specification.streams) else readnoselect(f,fontdata,data,glyphs,all,"cff2",specification.streams) end cleanup(data,dictionaries) end end function readers.cffcheck(filename) local f=io.open(filename,"rb") if f then local fontdata={ glyphs={}, } local header=readheader(f) if header.major~=1 then report("only version %s is supported for table %a",1,"cff") return end local names=readfontnames(f) local dictionaries=readtopdictionaries(f) local strings=readstrings(f) local glyphs={} local data={ header=header, names=names, dictionaries=dictionaries, strings=strings, glyphs=glyphs, nofglyphs=4, } parsedictionaries(data,dictionaries,"cff") local cid=data.dictionaries[1].cid if cid and cid.fdselect then readfdselect(f,fontdata,data,glyphs,false) else readnoselect(f,fontdata,data,glyphs,false) end return data end end end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['font-ttf']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to font-ini.mkiv", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } local next,type,unpack=next,type,unpack local bittest,band,rshift=bit32.btest,bit32.band,bit32.rshift local sqrt,round=math.sqrt,math.round local char=string.char local concat=table.concat local report=logs.reporter("otf reader","ttf") local readers=fonts.handlers.otf.readers local streamreader=readers.streamreader local setposition=streamreader.setposition local getposition=streamreader.getposition local skipbytes=streamreader.skip local readbyte=streamreader.readcardinal1 local readushort=streamreader.readcardinal2 local readulong=streamreader.readcardinal4 local readchar=streamreader.readinteger1 local readshort=streamreader.readinteger2 local read2dot14=streamreader.read2dot14 local readinteger=streamreader.readinteger1 local helpers=readers.helpers local gotodatatable=helpers.gotodatatable local function mergecomposites(glyphs,shapes) local function merge(index,shape,components) local contours={} local points={} local nofcontours=0 local nofpoints=0 local offset=0 local deltas=shape.deltas for i=1,#components do local component=components[i] local subindex=component.index local subshape=shapes[subindex] local subcontours=subshape.contours local subpoints=subshape.points if not subcontours then local subcomponents=subshape.components if subcomponents then subcontours,subpoints=merge(subindex,subshape,subcomponents) end end if subpoints then local matrix=component.matrix local xscale=matrix[1] local xrotate=matrix[2] local yrotate=matrix[3] local yscale=matrix[4] local xoffset=matrix[5] local yoffset=matrix[6] for i=1,#subpoints do local p=subpoints[i] local x=p[1] local y=p[2] nofpoints=nofpoints+1 points[nofpoints]={ xscale*x+xrotate*y+xoffset, yscale*y+yrotate*x+yoffset, p[3] } end for i=1,#subcontours do nofcontours=nofcontours+1 contours[nofcontours]=offset+subcontours[i] end offset=offset+#subpoints else report("missing contours composite %s, component %s of %s, glyph %s",index,i,#components,subindex) end end shape.points=points shape.contours=contours shape.components=nil return contours,points end for index=1,#glyphs do local shape=shapes[index] if shape then local components=shape.components if components then merge(index,shape,components) end end end end local function readnothing(f,nofcontours) return { type="nothing", } end local function curveto(m_x,m_y,l_x,l_y,r_x,r_y) return l_x+2/3*(m_x-l_x),l_y+2/3*(m_y-l_y), r_x+2/3*(m_x-r_x),r_y+2/3*(m_y-r_y), r_x,r_y,"c" end local function applyaxis(glyph,shape,points,deltas) if points then local nofpoints=#points for i=1,#deltas do local deltaset=deltas[i] local xvalues=deltaset.xvalues local yvalues=deltaset.yvalues local dpoints=deltaset.points local factor=deltaset.factor if dpoints then local nofdpoints=#dpoints for i=1,nofdpoints do local d=dpoints[i] local p=points[d] if p then if xvalues then local x=xvalues[d] if x and x~=0 then p[1]=p[1]+factor*x end end if yvalues then local y=yvalues[d] if y and y~=0 then p[2]=p[2]+factor*y end end elseif width then end end else for i=1,nofpoints do local p=points[i] if xvalues then local x=xvalues[i] if x and x~=0 then p[1]=p[1]+factor*x end end if yvalues then local y=yvalues[i] if y and y~=0 then p[2]=p[2]+factor*y end end end end end end end local quadratic=false local function contours2outlines_normal(glyphs,shapes) for index=1,#glyphs do local shape=shapes[index] if shape then local glyph=glyphs[index] local contours=shape.contours local points=shape.points if contours then local nofcontours=#contours local segments={} local nofsegments=0 glyph.segments=segments if nofcontours>0 then local px,py=0,0 local first=1 for i=1,nofcontours do local last=contours[i] if last>=first then local first_pt=points[first] local first_on=first_pt[3] if first==last then first_pt[3]="m" nofsegments=nofsegments+1 segments[nofsegments]=first_pt else local first_on=first_pt[3] local last_pt=points[last] local last_on=last_pt[3] local start=1 local control_pt=false if first_on then start=2 else if last_on then first_pt=last_pt else first_pt={ (first_pt[1]+last_pt[1])/2,(first_pt[2]+last_pt[2])/2,false } end control_pt=first_pt end local x,y=first_pt[1],first_pt[2] if not done then xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax=x,y,x,y done=true end nofsegments=nofsegments+1 segments[nofsegments]={ x,y,"m" } if not quadratic then px,py=x,y end local previous_pt=first_pt for i=first,last do local current_pt=points[i] local current_on=current_pt[3] local previous_on=previous_pt[3] if previous_on then if current_on then local x,y=current_pt[1],current_pt[2] nofsegments=nofsegments+1 segments[nofsegments]={ x,y,"l" } if not quadratic then px,py=x,y end else control_pt=current_pt end elseif current_on then local x1,y1=control_pt[1],control_pt[2] local x2,y2=current_pt[1],current_pt[2] nofsegments=nofsegments+1 if quadratic then segments[nofsegments]={ x1,y1,x2,y2,"q" } else x1,y1,x2,y2,px,py=curveto(x1,y1,px,py,x2,y2) segments[nofsegments]={ x1,y1,x2,y2,px,py,"c" } end control_pt=false else local x2,y2=(previous_pt[1]+current_pt[1])/2,(previous_pt[2]+current_pt[2])/2 local x1,y1=control_pt[1],control_pt[2] nofsegments=nofsegments+1 if quadratic then segments[nofsegments]={ x1,y1,x2,y2,"q" } else x1,y1,x2,y2,px,py=curveto(x1,y1,px,py,x2,y2) segments[nofsegments]={ x1,y1,x2,y2,px,py,"c" } end control_pt=current_pt end previous_pt=current_pt end if first_pt==last_pt then else nofsegments=nofsegments+1 local x2,y2=first_pt[1],first_pt[2] if not control_pt then segments[nofsegments]={ x2,y2,"l" } elseif quadratic then local x1,y1=control_pt[1],control_pt[2] segments[nofsegments]={ x1,y1,x2,y2,"q" } else local x1,y1=control_pt[1],control_pt[2] x1,y1,x2,y2,px,py=curveto(x1,y1,px,py,x2,y2) segments[nofsegments]={ x1,y1,x2,y2,px,py,"c" } end end end end first=last+1 end end end end end end local function contours2outlines_shaped(glyphs,shapes,keepcurve) for index=1,#glyphs do local shape=shapes[index] if shape then local glyph=glyphs[index] local contours=shape.contours local points=shape.points if contours then local nofcontours=#contours local segments=keepcurve and {} or nil local nofsegments=0 if keepcurve then glyph.segments=segments end if nofcontours>0 then local xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax,done=0,0,0,0,false local px,py=0,0 local first=1 for i=1,nofcontours do local last=contours[i] if last>=first then local first_pt=points[first] local first_on=first_pt[3] if first==last then if keepcurve then first_pt[3]="m" nofsegments=nofsegments+1 segments[nofsegments]=first_pt end else local first_on=first_pt[3] local last_pt=points[last] local last_on=last_pt[3] local start=1 local control_pt=false if first_on then start=2 else if last_on then first_pt=last_pt else first_pt={ (first_pt[1]+last_pt[1])/2,(first_pt[2]+last_pt[2])/2,false } end control_pt=first_pt end local x,y=first_pt[1],first_pt[2] if not done then xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax=x,y,x,y done=true else if xxmax then xmax=x end if yymax then ymax=y end end if keepcurve then nofsegments=nofsegments+1 segments[nofsegments]={ x,y,"m" } end if not quadratic then px,py=x,y end local previous_pt=first_pt for i=first,last do local current_pt=points[i] local current_on=current_pt[3] local previous_on=previous_pt[3] if previous_on then if current_on then local x,y=current_pt[1],current_pt[2] if xxmax then xmax=x end if yymax then ymax=y end if keepcurve then nofsegments=nofsegments+1 segments[nofsegments]={ x,y,"l" } end if not quadratic then px,py=x,y end else control_pt=current_pt end elseif current_on then local x1,y1=control_pt[1],control_pt[2] local x2,y2=current_pt[1],current_pt[2] if quadratic then if x1xmax then xmax=x1 end if y1ymax then ymax=y1 end if keepcurve then nofsegments=nofsegments+1 segments[nofsegments]={ x1,y1,x2,y2,"q" } end else x1,y1,x2,y2,px,py=curveto(x1,y1,px,py,x2,y2) if x1xmax then xmax=x1 end if y1ymax then ymax=y1 end if x2xmax then xmax=x2 end if y2ymax then ymax=y2 end if pxxmax then xmax=px end if pyymax then ymax=py end if keepcurve then nofsegments=nofsegments+1 segments[nofsegments]={ x1,y1,x2,y2,px,py,"c" } end end control_pt=false else local x2,y2=(previous_pt[1]+current_pt[1])/2,(previous_pt[2]+current_pt[2])/2 local x1,y1=control_pt[1],control_pt[2] if quadratic then if x1xmax then xmax=x1 end if y1ymax then ymax=y1 end if keepcurve then nofsegments=nofsegments+1 segments[nofsegments]={ x1,y1,x2,y2,"q" } end else x1,y1,x2,y2,px,py=curveto(x1,y1,px,py,x2,y2) if x1xmax then xmax=x1 end if y1ymax then ymax=y1 end if x2xmax then xmax=x2 end if y2ymax then ymax=y2 end if pxxmax then xmax=px end if pyymax then ymax=py end if keepcurve then nofsegments=nofsegments+1 segments[nofsegments]={ x1,y1,x2,y2,px,py,"c" } end end control_pt=current_pt end previous_pt=current_pt end if first_pt==last_pt then elseif not control_pt then if keepcurve then nofsegments=nofsegments+1 segments[nofsegments]={ first_pt[1],first_pt[2],"l" } end else local x1,y1=control_pt[1],control_pt[2] local x2,y2=first_pt[1],first_pt[2] if x1xmax then xmax=x1 end if y1ymax then ymax=y1 end if quadratic then if keepcurve then nofsegments=nofsegments+1 segments[nofsegments]={ x1,y1,x2,y2,"q" } end else x1,y1,x2,y2,px,py=curveto(x1,y1,px,py,x2,y2) if x2xmax then xmax=x2 end if y2ymax then ymax=y2 end if pxxmax then xmax=px end if pyymax then ymax=py end if keepcurve then nofsegments=nofsegments+1 segments[nofsegments]={ x1,y1,x2,y2,px,py,"c" } end end end end end first=last+1 end glyph.boundingbox={ round(xmin),round(ymin),round(xmax),round(ymax) } end end end end end local c_zero=char(0) local s_zero=char(0,0) local function toushort(n) return char(band(rshift(n,8),0xFF),band(n,0xFF)) end local function toshort(n) if n<0 then n=n+0x10000 end return char(band(rshift(n,8),0xFF),band(n,0xFF)) end local function repackpoints(glyphs,shapes) local noboundingbox={ 0,0,0,0 } local result={} for index=1,#glyphs do local shape=shapes[index] if shape then local r=0 local glyph=glyphs[index] if false then else local contours=shape.contours local nofcontours=contours and #contours or 0 local boundingbox=glyph.boundingbox or noboundingbox r=r+1 result[r]=toshort(nofcontours) r=r+1 result[r]=toshort(boundingbox[1]) r=r+1 result[r]=toshort(boundingbox[2]) r=r+1 result[r]=toshort(boundingbox[3]) r=r+1 result[r]=toshort(boundingbox[4]) if nofcontours>0 then for i=1,nofcontours do r=r+1 result[r]=toshort(contours[i]-1) end r=r+1 result[r]=s_zero local points=shape.points local currentx=0 local currenty=0 local xpoints={} local ypoints={} local x=0 local y=0 local lastflag=nil local nofflags=0 for i=1,#points do local pt=points[i] local px=pt[1] local py=pt[2] local fl=pt[3] and 0x01 or 0x00 if px==currentx then fl=fl+0x10 else local dx=round(px-currentx) if dx<-255 or dx>255 then x=x+1 xpoints[x]=toshort(dx) elseif dx<0 then fl=fl+0x02 x=x+1 xpoints[x]=char(-dx) elseif dx>0 then fl=fl+0x12 x=x+1 xpoints[x]=char(dx) else fl=fl+0x02 x=x+1 xpoints[x]=c_zero end end if py==currenty then fl=fl+0x20 else local dy=round(py-currenty) if dy<-255 or dy>255 then y=y+1 ypoints[y]=toshort(dy) elseif dy<0 then fl=fl+0x04 y=y+1 ypoints[y]=char(-dy) elseif dy>0 then fl=fl+0x24 y=y+1 ypoints[y]=char(dy) else fl=fl+0x04 y=y+1 ypoints[y]=c_zero end end currentx=px currenty=py if lastflag==fl then nofflags=nofflags+1 else if nofflags==1 then r=r+1 result[r]=char(lastflag) elseif nofflags==2 then r=r+1 result[r]=char(lastflag,lastflag) elseif nofflags>2 then lastflag=lastflag+0x08 r=r+1 result[r]=char(lastflag,nofflags-1) end nofflags=1 lastflag=fl end end if nofflags==1 then r=r+1 result[r]=char(lastflag) elseif nofflags==2 then r=r+1 result[r]=char(lastflag,lastflag) elseif nofflags>2 then lastflag=lastflag+0x08 r=r+1 result[r]=char(lastflag,nofflags-1) end r=r+1 result[r]=concat(xpoints) r=r+1 result[r]=concat(ypoints) end end glyph.stream=concat(result,"",1,r) else end end end local function readglyph(f,nofcontours) local points={} local contours={} local instructions={} local flags={} for i=1,nofcontours do contours[i]=readshort(f)+1 end local nofpoints=contours[nofcontours] local nofinstructions=readushort(f) skipbytes(f,nofinstructions) local i=1 while i<=nofpoints do local flag=readbyte(f) flags[i]=flag if bittest(flag,0x08) then for j=1,readbyte(f) do i=i+1 flags[i]=flag end end i=i+1 end local x=0 for i=1,nofpoints do local flag=flags[i] local short=bittest(flag,0x02) local same=bittest(flag,0x10) if short then if same then x=x+readbyte(f) else x=x-readbyte(f) end elseif same then else x=x+readshort(f) end points[i]={ x,0,bittest(flag,0x01) } end local y=0 for i=1,nofpoints do local flag=flags[i] local short=bittest(flag,0x04) local same=bittest(flag,0x20) if short then if same then y=y+readbyte(f) else y=y-readbyte(f) end elseif same then else y=y+readshort(f) end points[i][2]=y end return { type="glyph", points=points, contours=contours, nofpoints=nofpoints, } end local function readcomposite(f) local components={} local nofcomponents=0 local instructions=false while true do local flags=readushort(f) local index=readushort(f) local f_xyarg=bittest(flags,0x0002) local f_offset=bittest(flags,0x0800) local xscale=1 local xrotate=0 local yrotate=0 local yscale=1 local xoffset=0 local yoffset=0 local base=false local reference=false if f_xyarg then if bittest(flags,0x0001) then xoffset=readshort(f) yoffset=readshort(f) else xoffset=readchar(f) yoffset=readchar(f) end else if bittest(flags,0x0001) then base=readshort(f) reference=readshort(f) else base=readchar(f) reference=readchar(f) end end if bittest(flags,0x0008) then xscale=read2dot14(f) yscale=xscale if f_xyarg and f_offset then xoffset=xoffset*xscale yoffset=yoffset*yscale end elseif bittest(flags,0x0040) then xscale=read2dot14(f) yscale=read2dot14(f) if f_xyarg and f_offset then xoffset=xoffset*xscale yoffset=yoffset*yscale end elseif bittest(flags,0x0080) then xscale=read2dot14(f) xrotate=read2dot14(f) yrotate=read2dot14(f) yscale=read2dot14(f) if f_xyarg and f_offset then xoffset=xoffset*sqrt(xscale^2+xrotate^2) yoffset=yoffset*sqrt(yrotate^2+yscale^2) end end nofcomponents=nofcomponents+1 components[nofcomponents]={ index=index, usemine=bittest(flags,0x0200), round=bittest(flags,0x0006), base=base, reference=reference, matrix={ xscale,xrotate,yrotate,yscale,xoffset,yoffset }, } if bittest(flags,0x0100) then instructions=true end if not bittest(flags,0x0020) then break end end return { type="composite", components=components, } end function readers.loca(f,fontdata,specification) if specification.glyphs then local datatable=fontdata.tables.loca if datatable then local offset=fontdata.tables.glyf.offset local format=fontdata.fontheader.indextolocformat local locations={} setposition(f,datatable.offset) if format==1 then local nofglyphs=datatable.length/4-2 for i=0,nofglyphs do locations[i]=offset+readulong(f) end fontdata.nofglyphs=nofglyphs else local nofglyphs=datatable.length/2-2 for i=0,nofglyphs do locations[i]=offset+readushort(f)*2 end fontdata.nofglyphs=nofglyphs end fontdata.locations=locations end end end function readers.glyf(f,fontdata,specification) local tableoffset=gotodatatable(f,fontdata,"glyf",specification.glyphs) if tableoffset then local locations=fontdata.locations if locations then local glyphs=fontdata.glyphs local nofglyphs=fontdata.nofglyphs local filesize=fontdata.filesize local nothing={ 0,0,0,0 } local shapes={} local loadshapes=specification.shapes or specification.instance for index=0,nofglyphs do local location=locations[index] if location>=filesize then report("discarding %s glyphs due to glyph location bug",nofglyphs-index+1) fontdata.nofglyphs=index-1 fontdata.badfont=true break elseif location>0 then setposition(f,location) local nofcontours=readshort(f) glyphs[index].boundingbox={ readshort(f), readshort(f), readshort(f), readshort(f), } if not loadshapes then elseif nofcontours==0 then shapes[index]=readnothing(f,nofcontours) elseif nofcontours>0 then shapes[index]=readglyph(f,nofcontours) else shapes[index]=readcomposite(f,nofcontours) end else if loadshapes then shapes[index]={} end glyphs[index].boundingbox=nothing end end if loadshapes then if readers.gvar then readers.gvar(f,fontdata,specification,glyphs,shapes) end mergecomposites(glyphs,shapes) if specification.instance then if specification.streams then repackpoints(glyphs,shapes) else contours2outlines_shaped(glyphs,shapes,specification.shapes) end elseif specification.shapes then contours2outlines_normal(glyphs,shapes) end end end end end local function readtuplerecord(f,nofaxis) local record={} for i=1,nofaxis do record[i]=read2dot14(f) end return record end local function readpoints(f) local count=readbyte(f) if count==0 then return nil,0 else if count<128 then else count=band(count,0x80)*256+readbyte(f) end local points={} local p=0 local n=1 while p0 do local control=readbyte(f) if not control then break end local allzero=bittest(control,0x80) local runlength=band(control,0x3F)+1 if allzero then z=z+runlength else local runreader=bittest(control,0x40) and readshort or readinteger if z>0 then for i=1,z do p=p+1 deltas[p]=0 end z=0 end for i=1,runlength do p=p+1 deltas[p]=runreader(f) end end nofpoints=nofpoints-runlength end if p>0 then return deltas else end end local function readdeltas(f,nofpoints) local deltas={} local p=0 while nofpoints>0 do local control=readbyte(f) if control then local allzero=bittest(control,0x80) local runlength=band(control,0x3F)+1 if allzero then for i=1,runlength do p=p+1 deltas[p]=0 end else local runreader=bittest(control,0x40) and readshort or readinteger for i=1,runlength do p=p+1 deltas[p]=runreader(f) end end nofpoints=nofpoints-runlength else break end end if p>0 then return deltas else end end function readers.gvar(f,fontdata,specification,glyphdata,shapedata) local instance=specification.instance if not instance then return end local factors=specification.factors if not factors then return end local tableoffset=gotodatatable(f,fontdata,"gvar",specification.variable or specification.shapes) if tableoffset then local version=readulong(f) local nofaxis=readushort(f) local noftuples=readushort(f) local tupleoffset=tableoffset+readulong(f) local nofglyphs=readushort(f) local flags=readushort(f) local dataoffset=tableoffset+readulong(f) local data={} local tuples={} local glyphdata=fontdata.glyphs if bittest(flags,0x0001) then for i=1,nofglyphs do data[i]=readulong(f) end else for i=1,nofglyphs do data[i]=2*readushort(f) end end if noftuples>0 then setposition(f,tupleoffset) for i=1,noftuples do tuples[i]=readtuplerecord(f,nofaxis) end end local lastoffset=false for i=1,nofglyphs do local startoffset=dataoffset+data[i] if startoffset==lastoffset then else local shape=shapedata[i-1] if not shape then else lastoffset=startoffset setposition(f,startoffset) local flags=readushort(f) local count=band(flags,0x0FFF) local offset=startoffset+readushort(f) local deltas={} local allpoints=(shape.nofpoints or 0) local shared=false local nofshared=0 if bittest(flags,0x8000) then local current=getposition(f) setposition(f,offset) shared,nofshared=readpoints(f) offset=getposition(f) setposition(f,current) end for j=1,count do local size=readushort(f) local flags=readushort(f) local index=band(flags,0x0FFF) local haspeak=bittest(flags,0x8000) local intermediate=bittest(flags,0x4000) local private=bittest(flags,0x2000) local peak=nil local start=nil local stop=nil local xvalues=nil local yvalues=nil local points=shared local nofpoints=nofshared if haspeak then peak=readtuplerecord(f,nofaxis) else if index+1>#tuples then print("error, bad index",index) end peak=tuples[index+1] end if intermediate then start=readtuplerecord(f,nofaxis) stop=readtuplerecord(f,nofaxis) end if size>0 then local current=getposition(f) setposition(f,offset) if private then points,nofpoints=readpoints(f) end if nofpoints==0 then nofpoints=allpoints+4 end if nofpoints>0 then xvalues=readdeltas(f,nofpoints) yvalues=readdeltas(f,nofpoints) end offset=offset+size setposition(f,current) end if not xvalues and not yvalues then points=nil end local s=1 for i=1,nofaxis do local f=factors[i] local peak=peak and peak [i] or 0 local start=start and start[i] or (peak<0 and peak or 0) local stop=stop and stop [i] or (peak>0 and peak or 0) if start>peak or peak>stop then elseif start<0 and stop>0 and peak~=0 then elseif peak==0 then elseif fstop then s=0 break elseif fpeak then s=s*(stop-f)/(stop-peak) else end end if s~=0 then deltas[#deltas+1]={ factor=s, points=points, xvalues=xvalues, yvalues=yvalues, } end end if shape.type=="glyph" then applyaxis(glyphdata[i],shape,shape.points,deltas) else shape.deltas=deltas end end end end end end end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['font-dsp']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to font-ini.mkiv", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } local next,type=next,type local bittest=bit32.btest local band=bit32.band local extract=bit32.extract local bor=bit32.bor local lshift=bit32.lshift local rshift=bit32.rshift local gsub=string.gsub local lower=string.lower local sub=string.sub local strip=string.strip local tohash=table.tohash local concat=table.concat local copy=table.copy local reversed=table.reversed local sort=table.sort local insert=table.insert local round=math.round local lpegmatch=lpeg.match local setmetatableindex=table.setmetatableindex local formatters=string.formatters local sortedkeys=table.sortedkeys local sortedhash=table.sortedhash local report=logs.reporter("otf reader") local readers=fonts.handlers.otf.readers local streamreader=readers.streamreader local setposition=streamreader.setposition local getposition=streamreader.getposition local readushort=streamreader.readcardinal2 local readulong=streamreader.readcardinal4 local readinteger=streamreader.readinteger1 local readshort=streamreader.readinteger2 local readstring=streamreader.readstring local readtag=streamreader.readtag local readbytes=streamreader.readbytes local readfixed=streamreader.readfixed4 local read2dot14=streamreader.read2dot14 local skipshort=streamreader.skipshort local skipbytes=streamreader.skip local readfword=readshort local readbytetable=streamreader.readbytetable local readbyte=streamreader.readbyte local gsubhandlers={} local gposhandlers={} readers.gsubhandlers=gsubhandlers readers.gposhandlers=gposhandlers local helpers=readers.helpers local gotodatatable=helpers.gotodatatable local setvariabledata=helpers.setvariabledata local lookupidoffset=-1 local classes={ "base", "ligature", "mark", "component", } local gsubtypes={ "single", "multiple", "alternate", "ligature", "context", "chainedcontext", "extension", "reversechainedcontextsingle", } local gpostypes={ "single", "pair", "cursive", "marktobase", "marktoligature", "marktomark", "context", "chainedcontext", "extension", } local chaindirections={ context=0, chainedcontext=1, reversechainedcontextsingle=-1, } local function setmetrics(data,where,tag,d) local w=data[where] if w then local v=w[tag] if v then w[tag]=v+d end end end local variabletags={ hasc=function(data,d) setmetrics(data,"windowsmetrics","typoascender",d) end, hdsc=function(data,d) setmetrics(data,"windowsmetrics","typodescender",d) end, hlgp=function(data,d) setmetrics(data,"windowsmetrics","typolinegap",d) end, hcla=function(data,d) setmetrics(data,"windowsmetrics","winascent",d) end, hcld=function(data,d) setmetrics(data,"windowsmetrics","windescent",d) end, vasc=function(data,d) setmetrics(data,"vhea not done","ascent",d) end, vdsc=function(data,d) setmetrics(data,"vhea not done","descent",d) end, vlgp=function(data,d) setmetrics(data,"vhea not done","linegap",d) end, xhgt=function(data,d) setmetrics(data,"windowsmetrics","xheight",d) end, cpht=function(data,d) setmetrics(data,"windowsmetrics","capheight",d) end, sbxs=function(data,d) setmetrics(data,"windowsmetrics","subscriptxsize",d) end, sbys=function(data,d) setmetrics(data,"windowsmetrics","subscriptysize",d) end, sbxo=function(data,d) setmetrics(data,"windowsmetrics","subscriptxoffset",d) end, sbyo=function(data,d) setmetrics(data,"windowsmetrics","subscriptyoffset",d) end, spxs=function(data,d) setmetrics(data,"windowsmetrics","superscriptxsize",d) end, spys=function(data,d) setmetrics(data,"windowsmetrics","superscriptysize",d) end, spxo=function(data,d) setmetrics(data,"windowsmetrics","superscriptxoffset",d) end, spyo=function(data,d) setmetrics(data,"windowsmetrics","superscriptyoffset",d) end, strs=function(data,d) setmetrics(data,"windowsmetrics","strikeoutsize",d) end, stro=function(data,d) setmetrics(data,"windowsmetrics","strikeoutpos",d) end, unds=function(data,d) setmetrics(data,"postscript","underlineposition",d) end, undo=function(data,d) setmetrics(data,"postscript","underlinethickness",d) end, } local read_cardinal={ streamreader.readcardinal1, streamreader.readcardinal2, streamreader.readcardinal3, streamreader.readcardinal4, } local read_integer={ streamreader.readinteger1, streamreader.readinteger2, streamreader.readinteger3, streamreader.readinteger4, } local lookupnames={ gsub={ single="gsub_single", multiple="gsub_multiple", alternate="gsub_alternate", ligature="gsub_ligature", context="gsub_context", chainedcontext="gsub_contextchain", reversechainedcontextsingle="gsub_reversecontextchain", }, gpos={ single="gpos_single", pair="gpos_pair", cursive="gpos_cursive", marktobase="gpos_mark2base", marktoligature="gpos_mark2ligature", marktomark="gpos_mark2mark", context="gpos_context", chainedcontext="gpos_contextchain", } } local lookupflags=setmetatableindex(function(t,k) local v={ bittest(k,0x0008) and true or false, bittest(k,0x0004) and true or false, bittest(k,0x0002) and true or false, bittest(k,0x0001) and true or false, } t[k]=v return v end) local pattern=lpeg.Cf ( lpeg.Ct("")*lpeg.Cg ( lpeg.C(lpeg.R("az")^1)*lpeg.S(" :=")*(lpeg.patterns.number/tonumber)*lpeg.S(" ,")^0 )^1,rawset ) local hash=table.setmetatableindex(function(t,k) local v=lpegmatch(pattern,k) local t={} for k,v in sortedhash(v) do t[#t+1]=k.."="..v end v=concat(t,",") t[k]=v return v end) helpers.normalizedaxishash=hash local cleanname=fonts.names and fonts.names.cleanname or function(name) return name and (gsub(lower(name),"[^%a%d]","")) or nil end helpers.cleanname=cleanname function helpers.normalizedaxis(str) return hash[str] or str end local function axistofactors(str) return lpegmatch(pattern,str) end local function getaxisscale(segments,minimum,default,maximum,user) if not minimum or not default or not maximum then return false end if usermaximum then user=maximum end if userdefault then default=(user-default)/(maximum-default) else default=0 end if not segments then return default end local e for i=1,#segments do local s=segments[i] if s[1]>=default then if s[2]==default then return default else e=i break end end end if e then local b=segments[e-1] local e=segments[e] return b[2]+(e[2]-b[2])*(default-b[1])/(e[1]-b[1]) else return false end end local function getfactors(data,instancespec) if instancespec==true then elseif type(instancespec)~="string" or instancespec=="" then return end local variabledata=data.variabledata if not variabledata then return end local instances=variabledata.instances local axis=variabledata.axis local segments=variabledata.segments if instances and axis then local values if instancespec==true then values={} for i=1,#axis do values[i]={ value=axis[i].default, } end else for i=1,#instances do local instance=instances[i] if cleanname(instance.subfamily)==instancespec then values=instance.values break end end end if values then local factors={} for i=1,#axis do local a=axis[i] factors[i]=getaxisscale(segments,a.minimum,a.default,a.maximum,values[i].value) end return factors end local values=axistofactors(hash[instancespec] or instancespec) if values then local factors={} for i=1,#axis do local a=axis[i] local d=a.default factors[i]=getaxisscale(segments,a.minimum,d,a.maximum,values[a.name or a.tag] or d) end return factors end end end local function getscales(regions,factors) local scales={} for i=1,#regions do local region=regions[i] local s=1 for j=1,#region do local axis=region[j] local f=factors[j] local start=axis.start local peak=axis.peak local stop=axis.stop if start>peak or peak>stop then elseif start<0 and stop>0 and peak~=0 then elseif peak==0 then elseif fstop then s=0 break elseif fpeak then s=s*(stop-f)/(stop-peak) else end end scales[i]=s end return scales end helpers.getaxisscale=getaxisscale helpers.getfactors=getfactors helpers.getscales=getscales helpers.axistofactors=axistofactors local function readvariationdata(f,storeoffset,factors) local position=getposition(f) setposition(f,storeoffset) local format=readushort(f) local regionoffset=storeoffset+readulong(f) local nofdeltadata=readushort(f) local deltadata={} for i=1,nofdeltadata do deltadata[i]=readulong(f) end setposition(f,regionoffset) local nofaxis=readushort(f) local nofregions=readushort(f) local regions={} for i=1,nofregions do local t={} for i=1,nofaxis do t[i]={ start=read2dot14(f), peak=read2dot14(f), stop=read2dot14(f), } end regions[i]=t end if factors then for i=1,nofdeltadata do setposition(f,storeoffset+deltadata[i]) local nofdeltasets=readushort(f) local nofshorts=readushort(f) local nofregions=readushort(f) local usedregions={} local deltas={} for i=1,nofregions do usedregions[i]=regions[readushort(f)+1] end for i=1,nofdeltasets do local t={} for i=1,nofshorts do t[i]=readshort(f) end for i=nofshorts+1,nofregions do t[i]=readinteger(f) end deltas[i]=t end deltadata[i]={ regions=usedregions, deltas=deltas, scales=factors and getscales(usedregions,factors) or nil, } end end setposition(f,position) return regions,deltadata end helpers.readvariationdata=readvariationdata local function readcoverage(f,offset,simple) setposition(f,offset) local coverageformat=readushort(f) local coverage={} if coverageformat==1 then local nofcoverage=readushort(f) if simple then for i=1,nofcoverage do coverage[i]=readushort(f) end else for i=0,nofcoverage-1 do coverage[readushort(f)]=i end end elseif coverageformat==2 then local nofranges=readushort(f) local n=simple and 1 or 0 for i=1,nofranges do local firstindex=readushort(f) local lastindex=readushort(f) local coverindex=readushort(f) if simple then for i=firstindex,lastindex do coverage[n]=i n=n+1 end else for i=firstindex,lastindex do coverage[i]=n n=n+1 end end end else report("unknown coverage format %a ",coverageformat) end return coverage end local function readclassdef(f,offset,preset) setposition(f,offset) local classdefformat=readushort(f) local classdef={} if type(preset)=="number" then for k=0,preset-1 do classdef[k]=1 end end if classdefformat==1 then local index=readushort(f) local nofclassdef=readushort(f) for i=1,nofclassdef do classdef[index]=readushort(f)+1 index=index+1 end elseif classdefformat==2 then local nofranges=readushort(f) local n=0 for i=1,nofranges do local firstindex=readushort(f) local lastindex=readushort(f) local class=readushort(f)+1 for i=firstindex,lastindex do classdef[i]=class end end else report("unknown classdef format %a ",classdefformat) end if type(preset)=="table" then for k in next,preset do if not classdef[k] then classdef[k]=1 end end end return classdef end local function classtocoverage(defs) if defs then local list={} for index,class in next,defs do local c=list[class] if c then c[#c+1]=index else list[class]={ index } end end return list end end local skips={ [0]=0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4, } local function readvariation(f,offset) local p=getposition(f) setposition(f,offset) local outer=readushort(f) local inner=readushort(f) local format=readushort(f) setposition(f,p) if format==0x8000 then return outer,inner end end local function readposition(f,format,mainoffset,getdelta) if format==0 then return end if format==0x04 then local h=readshort(f) if h==0 then return else return { 0,0,h,0 } end end if format==0x05 then local x=readshort(f) local h=readshort(f) if x==0 and h==0 then return else return { x,0,h,0 } end end if format==0x44 then local h=readshort(f) if getdelta then local d=readshort(f) if d>0 then local outer,inner=readvariation(f,mainoffset+d) if outer then h=h+getdelta(outer,inner) end end else skipshort(f,1) end if h==0 then return else return { 0,0,h,0 } end end local x=bittest(format,0x01) and readshort(f) or 0 local y=bittest(format,0x02) and readshort(f) or 0 local h=bittest(format,0x04) and readshort(f) or 0 local v=bittest(format,0x08) and readshort(f) or 0 if format>=0x10 then local X=bittest(format,0x10) and skipshort(f) or 0 local Y=bittest(format,0x20) and skipshort(f) or 0 local H=bittest(format,0x40) and skipshort(f) or 0 local V=bittest(format,0x80) and skipshort(f) or 0 local s=skips[extract(format,4,4)] if s>0 then skipshort(f,s) end if getdelta then if X>0 then local outer,inner=readvariation(f,mainoffset+X) if outer then x=x+getdelta(outer,inner) end end if Y>0 then local outer,inner=readvariation(f,mainoffset+Y) if outer then y=y+getdelta(outer,inner) end end if H>0 then local outer,inner=readvariation(f,mainoffset+H) if outer then h=h+getdelta(outer,inner) end end if V>0 then local outer,inner=readvariation(f,mainoffset+V) if outer then v=v+getdelta(outer,inner) end end end return { x,y,h,v } elseif x==0 and y==0 and h==0 and v==0 then return else return { x,y,h,v } end end local function readanchor(f,offset,getdelta) if not offset or offset==0 then return nil end setposition(f,offset) local format=readshort(f) local x=readshort(f) local y=readshort(f) if format==3 then if getdelta then local X=readshort(f) local Y=readshort(f) if X>0 then local outer,inner=readvariation(f,offset+X) if outer then x=x+getdelta(outer,inner) end end if Y>0 then local outer,inner=readvariation(f,offset+Y) if outer then y=y+getdelta(outer,inner) end end else skipshort(f,2) end return { x,y } else return { x,y } end end local function readfirst(f,offset) if offset then setposition(f,offset) end return { readushort(f) } end local function readarray(f,offset,first) if offset then setposition(f,offset) end local n=readushort(f) if first then local t={ first } for i=2,n do t[i]=readushort(f) end return t,n elseif n>0 then local t={} for i=1,n do t[i]=readushort(f) end return t,n end end local function readcoveragearray(f,offset,t,simple) if not t then return nil end local n=#t if n==0 then return nil end for i=1,n do t[i]=readcoverage(f,offset+t[i],simple) end return t end local function covered(subset,all) local used,u for i=1,#subset do local s=subset[i] if all[s] then if used then u=u+1 used[u]=s else u=1 used={ s } end end end return used end local function readlookuparray(f,noflookups,nofcurrent) local lookups={} if noflookups>0 then local length=0 for i=1,noflookups do local index=readushort(f)+1 if index>length then length=index end local lookup=readushort(f)+1 local list=lookups[index] if list then list[#list+1]=lookup else lookups[index]={ lookup } end end for index=1,length do if not lookups[index] then lookups[index]=false end end end return lookups end local function unchainedcontext(f,fontdata,lookupid,lookupoffset,offset,glyphs,nofglyphs,what) local tableoffset=lookupoffset+offset setposition(f,tableoffset) local subtype=readushort(f) if subtype==1 then local coverage=readushort(f) local subclasssets=readarray(f) local rules={} if subclasssets then coverage=readcoverage(f,tableoffset+coverage,true) for i=1,#subclasssets do local offset=subclasssets[i] if offset>0 then local firstcoverage=coverage[i] local rulesoffset=tableoffset+offset local subclassrules=readarray(f,rulesoffset) for rule=1,#subclassrules do setposition(f,rulesoffset+subclassrules[rule]) local nofcurrent=readushort(f) local noflookups=readushort(f) local current={ { firstcoverage } } for i=2,nofcurrent do current[i]={ readushort(f) } end local lookups=readlookuparray(f,noflookups,nofcurrent) rules[#rules+1]={ current=current, lookups=lookups } end end end else report("empty subclassset in %a subtype %i","unchainedcontext",subtype) end return { format="glyphs", rules=rules, } elseif subtype==2 then local coverage=readushort(f) local currentclassdef=readushort(f) local subclasssets=readarray(f) local rules={} if subclasssets then coverage=readcoverage(f,tableoffset+coverage) currentclassdef=readclassdef(f,tableoffset+currentclassdef,coverage) local currentclasses=classtocoverage(currentclassdef,fontdata.glyphs) for class=1,#subclasssets do local offset=subclasssets[class] if offset>0 then local firstcoverage=currentclasses[class] if firstcoverage then firstcoverage=covered(firstcoverage,coverage) if firstcoverage then local rulesoffset=tableoffset+offset local subclassrules=readarray(f,rulesoffset) for rule=1,#subclassrules do setposition(f,rulesoffset+subclassrules[rule]) local nofcurrent=readushort(f) local noflookups=readushort(f) local current={ firstcoverage } for i=2,nofcurrent do current[i]=currentclasses[readushort(f)+1] end local lookups=readlookuparray(f,noflookups,nofcurrent) rules[#rules+1]={ current=current, lookups=lookups } end else report("no coverage") end else report("no coverage class") end end end else report("empty subclassset in %a subtype %i","unchainedcontext",subtype) end return { format="class", rules=rules, } elseif subtype==3 then local current=readarray(f) local noflookups=readushort(f) local lookups=readlookuparray(f,noflookups,#current) current=readcoveragearray(f,tableoffset,current,true) return { format="coverage", rules={ { current=current, lookups=lookups, } } } else report("unsupported subtype %a in %a %s",subtype,"unchainedcontext",what) end end local function chainedcontext(f,fontdata,lookupid,lookupoffset,offset,glyphs,nofglyphs,what) local tableoffset=lookupoffset+offset setposition(f,tableoffset) local subtype=readushort(f) if subtype==1 then local coverage=readushort(f) local subclasssets=readarray(f) local rules={} if subclasssets then coverage=readcoverage(f,tableoffset+coverage,true) for i=1,#subclasssets do local offset=subclasssets[i] if offset>0 then local firstcoverage=coverage[i] local rulesoffset=tableoffset+offset local subclassrules=readarray(f,rulesoffset) for rule=1,#subclassrules do setposition(f,rulesoffset+subclassrules[rule]) local nofbefore=readushort(f) local before if nofbefore>0 then before={} for i=1,nofbefore do before[i]={ readushort(f) } end end local nofcurrent=readushort(f) local current={ { firstcoverage } } for i=2,nofcurrent do current[i]={ readushort(f) } end local nofafter=readushort(f) local after if nofafter>0 then after={} for i=1,nofafter do after[i]={ readushort(f) } end end local noflookups=readushort(f) local lookups=readlookuparray(f,noflookups,nofcurrent) rules[#rules+1]={ before=before, current=current, after=after, lookups=lookups, } end end end else report("empty subclassset in %a subtype %i","chainedcontext",subtype) end return { format="glyphs", rules=rules, } elseif subtype==2 then local coverage=readushort(f) local beforeclassdef=readushort(f) local currentclassdef=readushort(f) local afterclassdef=readushort(f) local subclasssets=readarray(f) local rules={} if subclasssets then local coverage=readcoverage(f,tableoffset+coverage) local beforeclassdef=readclassdef(f,tableoffset+beforeclassdef,nofglyphs) local currentclassdef=readclassdef(f,tableoffset+currentclassdef,coverage) local afterclassdef=readclassdef(f,tableoffset+afterclassdef,nofglyphs) local beforeclasses=classtocoverage(beforeclassdef,fontdata.glyphs) local currentclasses=classtocoverage(currentclassdef,fontdata.glyphs) local afterclasses=classtocoverage(afterclassdef,fontdata.glyphs) for class=1,#subclasssets do local offset=subclasssets[class] if offset>0 then local firstcoverage=currentclasses[class] if firstcoverage then firstcoverage=covered(firstcoverage,coverage) if firstcoverage then local rulesoffset=tableoffset+offset local subclassrules=readarray(f,rulesoffset) for rule=1,#subclassrules do setposition(f,rulesoffset+subclassrules[rule]) local nofbefore=readushort(f) local before if nofbefore>0 then before={} for i=1,nofbefore do before[i]=beforeclasses[readushort(f)+1] end end local nofcurrent=readushort(f) local current={ firstcoverage } for i=2,nofcurrent do current[i]=currentclasses[readushort(f)+1] end local nofafter=readushort(f) local after if nofafter>0 then after={} for i=1,nofafter do after[i]=afterclasses[readushort(f)+1] end end local noflookups=readushort(f) local lookups=readlookuparray(f,noflookups,nofcurrent) rules[#rules+1]={ before=before, current=current, after=after, lookups=lookups, } end else report("no coverage") end else report("class is not covered") end end end else report("empty subclassset in %a subtype %i","chainedcontext",subtype) end return { format="class", rules=rules, } elseif subtype==3 then local before=readarray(f) local current=readarray(f) local after=readarray(f) local noflookups=readushort(f) local lookups=readlookuparray(f,noflookups,#current) before=readcoveragearray(f,tableoffset,before,true) current=readcoveragearray(f,tableoffset,current,true) after=readcoveragearray(f,tableoffset,after,true) return { format="coverage", rules={ { before=before, current=current, after=after, lookups=lookups, } } } else report("unsupported subtype %a in %a %s",subtype,"chainedcontext",what) end end local function extension(f,fontdata,lookupid,lookupoffset,offset,glyphs,nofglyphs,types,handlers,what) local tableoffset=lookupoffset+offset setposition(f,tableoffset) local subtype=readushort(f) if subtype==1 then local lookuptype=types[readushort(f)] local faroffset=readulong(f) local handler=handlers[lookuptype] if handler then return handler(f,fontdata,lookupid,tableoffset+faroffset,0,glyphs,nofglyphs),lookuptype else report("no handler for lookuptype %a subtype %a in %s %s",lookuptype,subtype,what,"extension") end else report("unsupported subtype %a in %s %s",subtype,what,"extension") end end function gsubhandlers.single(f,fontdata,lookupid,lookupoffset,offset,glyphs,nofglyphs) local tableoffset=lookupoffset+offset setposition(f,tableoffset) local subtype=readushort(f) if subtype==1 then local coverage=readushort(f) local delta=readshort(f) local coverage=readcoverage(f,tableoffset+coverage) for index in next,coverage do local newindex=index+delta if index>nofglyphs or newindex>nofglyphs then report("invalid index in %s format %i: %i -> %i (max %i)","single",subtype,index,newindex,nofglyphs) coverage[index]=nil else coverage[index]=newindex end end return { coverage=coverage } elseif subtype==2 then local coverage=readushort(f) local nofreplacements=readushort(f) local replacements={} for i=1,nofreplacements do replacements[i]=readushort(f) end local coverage=readcoverage(f,tableoffset+coverage) for index,newindex in next,coverage do newindex=newindex+1 if index>nofglyphs or newindex>nofglyphs then report("invalid index in %s format %i: %i -> %i (max %i)","single",subtype,index,newindex,nofglyphs) coverage[index]=nil else coverage[index]=replacements[newindex] end end return { coverage=coverage } else report("unsupported subtype %a in %a substitution",subtype,"single") end end local function sethandler(f,fontdata,lookupid,lookupoffset,offset,glyphs,nofglyphs,what) local tableoffset=lookupoffset+offset setposition(f,tableoffset) local subtype=readushort(f) if subtype==1 then local coverage=readushort(f) local nofsequence=readushort(f) local sequences={} for i=1,nofsequence do sequences[i]=readushort(f) end for i=1,nofsequence do setposition(f,tableoffset+sequences[i]) local n=readushort(f) local s={} for i=1,n do s[i]=readushort(f) end sequences[i]=s end local coverage=readcoverage(f,tableoffset+coverage) for index,newindex in next,coverage do newindex=newindex+1 if index>nofglyphs or newindex>nofglyphs then report("invalid index in %s format %i: %i -> %i (max %i)",what,subtype,index,newindex,nofglyphs) coverage[index]=nil else coverage[index]=sequences[newindex] end end return { coverage=coverage } else report("unsupported subtype %a in %a substitution",subtype,what) end end function gsubhandlers.multiple(f,fontdata,lookupid,lookupoffset,offset,glyphs,nofglyphs) return sethandler(f,fontdata,lookupid,lookupoffset,offset,glyphs,nofglyphs,"multiple") end function gsubhandlers.alternate(f,fontdata,lookupid,lookupoffset,offset,glyphs,nofglyphs) return sethandler(f,fontdata,lookupid,lookupoffset,offset,glyphs,nofglyphs,"alternate") end function gsubhandlers.ligature(f,fontdata,lookupid,lookupoffset,offset,glyphs,nofglyphs) local tableoffset=lookupoffset+offset setposition(f,tableoffset) local subtype=readushort(f) if subtype==1 then local coverage=readushort(f) local nofsets=readushort(f) local ligatures={} for i=1,nofsets do ligatures[i]=readushort(f) end for i=1,nofsets do local offset=lookupoffset+offset+ligatures[i] setposition(f,offset) local n=readushort(f) local l={} for i=1,n do l[i]=offset+readushort(f) end ligatures[i]=l end local coverage=readcoverage(f,tableoffset+coverage) for index,newindex in next,coverage do local hash={} local ligatures=ligatures[newindex+1] for i=1,#ligatures do local offset=ligatures[i] setposition(f,offset) local lig=readushort(f) local cnt=readushort(f) local hsh=hash for i=2,cnt do local c=readushort(f) local h=hsh[c] if not h then h={} hsh[c]=h end hsh=h end hsh.ligature=lig end coverage[index]=hash end return { coverage=coverage } else report("unsupported subtype %a in %a substitution",subtype,"ligature") end end function gsubhandlers.context(f,fontdata,lookupid,lookupoffset,offset,glyphs,nofglyphs) return unchainedcontext(f,fontdata,lookupid,lookupoffset,offset,glyphs,nofglyphs,"substitution"),"context" end function gsubhandlers.chainedcontext(f,fontdata,lookupid,lookupoffset,offset,glyphs,nofglyphs) return chainedcontext(f,fontdata,lookupid,lookupoffset,offset,glyphs,nofglyphs,"substitution"),"chainedcontext" end function gsubhandlers.extension(f,fontdata,lookupid,lookupoffset,offset,glyphs,nofglyphs) return extension(f,fontdata,lookupid,lookupoffset,offset,glyphs,nofglyphs,gsubtypes,gsubhandlers,"substitution") end function gsubhandlers.reversechainedcontextsingle(f,fontdata,lookupid,lookupoffset,offset,glyphs,nofglyphs) local tableoffset=lookupoffset+offset setposition(f,tableoffset) local subtype=readushort(f) if subtype==1 then local current=readfirst(f) local before=readarray(f) local after=readarray(f) local replacements=readarray(f) current=readcoveragearray(f,tableoffset,current,true) before=readcoveragearray(f,tableoffset,before,true) after=readcoveragearray(f,tableoffset,after,true) return { coverage={ format="reversecoverage", before=before, current=current, after=after, replacements=replacements, } },"reversechainedcontextsingle" else report("unsupported subtype %a in %a substitution",subtype,"reversechainedcontextsingle") end end local function readpairsets(f,tableoffset,sets,format1,format2,mainoffset,getdelta) local done={} for i=1,#sets do local offset=sets[i] local reused=done[offset] if not reused then offset=tableoffset+offset setposition(f,offset) local n=readushort(f) reused={} for i=1,n do reused[i]={ readushort(f), readposition(f,format1,offset,getdelta), readposition(f,format2,offset,getdelta), } end done[offset]=reused end sets[i]=reused end return sets end local function readpairclasssets(f,nofclasses1,nofclasses2,format1,format2,mainoffset,getdelta) local classlist1={} for i=1,nofclasses1 do local classlist2={} classlist1[i]=classlist2 for j=1,nofclasses2 do local one=readposition(f,format1,mainoffset,getdelta) local two=readposition(f,format2,mainoffset,getdelta) if one or two then classlist2[j]={ one,two } else classlist2[j]=false end end end return classlist1 end function gposhandlers.single(f,fontdata,lookupid,lookupoffset,offset,glyphs,nofglyphs) local tableoffset=lookupoffset+offset setposition(f,tableoffset) local subtype=readushort(f) local getdelta=fontdata.temporary.getdelta if subtype==1 then local coverage=readushort(f) local format=readushort(f) local value=readposition(f,format,tableoffset,getdelta) local coverage=readcoverage(f,tableoffset+coverage) for index,newindex in next,coverage do coverage[index]=value end return { format="pair", coverage=coverage, } elseif subtype==2 then local coverage=readushort(f) local format=readushort(f) local nofvalues=readushort(f) local values={} for i=1,nofvalues do values[i]=readposition(f,format,tableoffset,getdelta) end local coverage=readcoverage(f,tableoffset+coverage) for index,newindex in next,coverage do coverage[index]=values[newindex+1] end return { format="pair", coverage=coverage, } else report("unsupported subtype %a in %a positioning",subtype,"single") end end function gposhandlers.pair(f,fontdata,lookupid,lookupoffset,offset,glyphs,nofglyphs) local tableoffset=lookupoffset+offset setposition(f,tableoffset) local subtype=readushort(f) local getdelta=fontdata.temporary.getdelta if subtype==1 then local coverage=readushort(f) local format1=readushort(f) local format2=readushort(f) local sets=readarray(f) sets=readpairsets(f,tableoffset,sets,format1,format2,mainoffset,getdelta) coverage=readcoverage(f,tableoffset+coverage) for index,newindex in next,coverage do local set=sets[newindex+1] local hash={} for i=1,#set do local value=set[i] if value then local other=value[1] local first=value[2] local second=value[3] if first or second then hash[other]={ first,second } else hash[other]=nil end end end coverage[index]=hash end return { format="pair", coverage=coverage, } elseif subtype==2 then local coverage=readushort(f) local format1=readushort(f) local format2=readushort(f) local classdef1=readushort(f) local classdef2=readushort(f) local nofclasses1=readushort(f) local nofclasses2=readushort(f) local classlist=readpairclasssets(f,nofclasses1,nofclasses2,format1,format2,tableoffset,getdelta) coverage=readcoverage(f,tableoffset+coverage) classdef1=readclassdef(f,tableoffset+classdef1,coverage) classdef2=readclassdef(f,tableoffset+classdef2,nofglyphs) local usedcoverage={} for g1,c1 in next,classdef1 do if coverage[g1] then local l1=classlist[c1] if l1 then local hash={} for paired,class in next,classdef2 do local offsets=l1[class] if offsets then local first=offsets[1] local second=offsets[2] if first or second then hash[paired]={ first,second } else end end end usedcoverage[g1]=hash end end end return { format="pair", coverage=usedcoverage, } elseif subtype==3 then report("yet unsupported subtype %a in %a positioning",subtype,"pair") else report("unsupported subtype %a in %a positioning",subtype,"pair") end end function gposhandlers.cursive(f,fontdata,lookupid,lookupoffset,offset,glyphs,nofglyphs) local tableoffset=lookupoffset+offset setposition(f,tableoffset) local subtype=readushort(f) local getdelta=fontdata.temporary.getdelta if subtype==1 then local coverage=tableoffset+readushort(f) local nofrecords=readushort(f) local records={} for i=1,nofrecords do local entry=readushort(f) local exit=readushort(f) records[i]={ entry=entry~=0 and (tableoffset+entry) or false, exit=exit~=0 and (tableoffset+exit ) or false, } end coverage=readcoverage(f,coverage) for i=1,nofrecords do local r=records[i] records[i]={ 1, readanchor(f,r.entry,getdelta) or nil, readanchor(f,r.exit,getdelta) or nil, } end for index,newindex in next,coverage do coverage[index]=records[newindex+1] end return { coverage=coverage, } else report("unsupported subtype %a in %a positioning",subtype,"cursive") end end local function handlemark(f,fontdata,lookupid,lookupoffset,offset,glyphs,nofglyphs,ligature) local tableoffset=lookupoffset+offset setposition(f,tableoffset) local subtype=readushort(f) local getdelta=fontdata.temporary.getdelta if subtype==1 then local markcoverage=tableoffset+readushort(f) local basecoverage=tableoffset+readushort(f) local nofclasses=readushort(f) local markoffset=tableoffset+readushort(f) local baseoffset=tableoffset+readushort(f) local markcoverage=readcoverage(f,markcoverage) local basecoverage=readcoverage(f,basecoverage,true) setposition(f,markoffset) local markclasses={} local nofmarkclasses=readushort(f) local lastanchor=fontdata.lastanchor or 0 local usedanchors={} for i=1,nofmarkclasses do local class=readushort(f)+1 local offset=readushort(f) if offset==0 then markclasses[i]=false else markclasses[i]={ class,markoffset+offset } end usedanchors[class]=true end for i=1,nofmarkclasses do local mc=markclasses[i] if mc then mc[2]=readanchor(f,mc[2],getdelta) end end setposition(f,baseoffset) local nofbaserecords=readushort(f) local baserecords={} if ligature then for i=1,nofbaserecords do local offset=readushort(f) if offset==0 then baserecords[i]=false else baserecords[i]=baseoffset+offset end end for i=1,nofbaserecords do local recordoffset=baserecords[i] if recordoffset then setposition(f,recordoffset) local nofcomponents=readushort(f) local components={} for i=1,nofcomponents do local classes={} for i=1,nofclasses do local offset=readushort(f) if offset~=0 then classes[i]=recordoffset+offset else classes[i]=false end end components[i]=classes end baserecords[i]=components end end local baseclasses={} for i=1,nofclasses do baseclasses[i]={} end for i=1,nofbaserecords do local components=baserecords[i] if components then local b=basecoverage[i] for c=1,#components do local classes=components[c] if classes then for i=1,nofclasses do local anchor=readanchor(f,classes[i],getdelta) local bclass=baseclasses[i] local bentry=bclass[b] if bentry then bentry[c]=anchor else bclass[b]={ [c]=anchor } end end end end end end for index,newindex in next,markcoverage do markcoverage[index]=markclasses[newindex+1] or nil end return { format="ligature", baseclasses=baseclasses, coverage=markcoverage, } else for i=1,nofbaserecords do local r={} for j=1,nofclasses do local offset=readushort(f) if offset==0 then r[j]=false else r[j]=baseoffset+offset end end baserecords[i]=r end local baseclasses={} for i=1,nofclasses do baseclasses[i]={} end for i=1,nofbaserecords do local r=baserecords[i] local b=basecoverage[i] for j=1,nofclasses do baseclasses[j][b]=readanchor(f,r[j],getdelta) end end for index,newindex in next,markcoverage do markcoverage[index]=markclasses[newindex+1] or nil end return { format="base", baseclasses=baseclasses, coverage=markcoverage, } end else report("unsupported subtype %a in",subtype) end end function gposhandlers.marktobase(f,fontdata,lookupid,lookupoffset,offset,glyphs,nofglyphs) return handlemark(f,fontdata,lookupid,lookupoffset,offset,glyphs,nofglyphs) end function gposhandlers.marktoligature(f,fontdata,lookupid,lookupoffset,offset,glyphs,nofglyphs) return handlemark(f,fontdata,lookupid,lookupoffset,offset,glyphs,nofglyphs,true) end function gposhandlers.marktomark(f,fontdata,lookupid,lookupoffset,offset,glyphs,nofglyphs) return handlemark(f,fontdata,lookupid,lookupoffset,offset,glyphs,nofglyphs) end function gposhandlers.context(f,fontdata,lookupid,lookupoffset,offset,glyphs,nofglyphs) return unchainedcontext(f,fontdata,lookupid,lookupoffset,offset,glyphs,nofglyphs,"positioning"),"context" end function gposhandlers.chainedcontext(f,fontdata,lookupid,lookupoffset,offset,glyphs,nofglyphs) return chainedcontext(f,fontdata,lookupid,lookupoffset,offset,glyphs,nofglyphs,"positioning"),"chainedcontext" end function gposhandlers.extension(f,fontdata,lookupid,lookupoffset,offset,glyphs,nofglyphs) return extension(f,fontdata,lookupid,lookupoffset,offset,glyphs,nofglyphs,gpostypes,gposhandlers,"positioning") end do local plugins={} function plugins.size(f,fontdata,tableoffset,feature) if fontdata.designsize then else local function check(offset) setposition(f,offset) local designsize=readushort(f) if designsize>0 then local fontstyleid=readushort(f) local guimenuid=readushort(f) local minsize=readushort(f) local maxsize=readushort(f) if minsize==0 and maxsize==0 and fontstyleid==0 and guimenuid==0 then minsize=designsize maxsize=designsize end if designsize>=minsize and designsize<=maxsize then return minsize,maxsize,designsize end end end local minsize,maxsize,designsize=check(tableoffset+feature.offset+feature.parameters) if not designsize then minsize,maxsize,designsize=check(tableoffset+feature.parameters) if designsize then report("bad size feature in %a, falling back to wrong offset",fontdata.filename or "?") else report("bad size feature in %a,",fontdata.filename or "?") end end if designsize then fontdata.minsize=minsize fontdata.maxsize=maxsize fontdata.designsize=designsize end end end local function reorderfeatures(fontdata,scripts,features) local scriptlangs={} local featurehash={} local featureorder={} for script,languages in next,scripts do for language,record in next,languages do local hash={} local list=record.featureindices for k=1,#list do local index=list[k] local feature=features[index] local lookups=feature.lookups local tag=feature.tag if tag then hash[tag]=true end if lookups then for i=1,#lookups do local lookup=lookups[i] local o=featureorder[lookup] if o then local okay=true for i=1,#o do if o[i]==tag then okay=false break end end if okay then o[#o+1]=tag end else featureorder[lookup]={ tag } end local f=featurehash[lookup] if f then local h=f[tag] if h then local s=h[script] if s then s[language]=true else h[script]={ [language]=true } end else f[tag]={ [script]={ [language]=true } } end else featurehash[lookup]={ [tag]={ [script]={ [language]=true } } } end local h=scriptlangs[tag] if h then local s=h[script] if s then s[language]=true else h[script]={ [language]=true } end else scriptlangs[tag]={ [script]={ [language]=true } } end end end end end end return scriptlangs,featurehash,featureorder end local function readscriplan(f,fontdata,scriptoffset) setposition(f,scriptoffset) local nofscripts=readushort(f) local scripts={} for i=1,nofscripts do scripts[readtag(f)]=scriptoffset+readushort(f) end local languagesystems=setmetatableindex("table") for script,offset in next,scripts do setposition(f,offset) local defaultoffset=readushort(f) local noflanguages=readushort(f) local languages={} if defaultoffset>0 then languages.dflt=languagesystems[offset+defaultoffset] end for i=1,noflanguages do local language=readtag(f) local offset=offset+readushort(f) languages[language]=languagesystems[offset] end scripts[script]=languages end for offset,usedfeatures in next,languagesystems do if offset>0 then setposition(f,offset) local featureindices={} usedfeatures.featureindices=featureindices usedfeatures.lookuporder=readushort(f) usedfeatures.requiredindex=readushort(f) local noffeatures=readushort(f) for i=1,noffeatures do featureindices[i]=readushort(f)+1 end end end return scripts end local function readfeatures(f,fontdata,featureoffset) setposition(f,featureoffset) local features={} local noffeatures=readushort(f) for i=1,noffeatures do features[i]={ tag=readtag(f), offset=readushort(f) } end for i=1,noffeatures do local feature=features[i] local offset=featureoffset+feature.offset setposition(f,offset) local parameters=readushort(f) local noflookups=readushort(f) if noflookups>0 then local lookups={} feature.lookups=lookups for j=1,noflookups do lookups[j]=readushort(f)+1 end end if parameters>0 then feature.parameters=parameters local plugin=plugins[feature.tag] if plugin then plugin(f,fontdata,featureoffset,feature) end end end return features end local function readlookups(f,lookupoffset,lookuptypes,featurehash,featureorder) setposition(f,lookupoffset) local lookups={} local noflookups=readushort(f) for i=1,noflookups do lookups[i]=readushort(f) end for lookupid=1,noflookups do local offset=lookups[lookupid] setposition(f,lookupoffset+offset) local subtables={} local typebits=readushort(f) local flagbits=readushort(f) local lookuptype=lookuptypes[typebits] local lookupflags=lookupflags[flagbits] local nofsubtables=readushort(f) for j=1,nofsubtables do subtables[j]=offset+readushort(f) end local markclass=bittest(flagbits,0x0010) if markclass then markclass=readushort(f) end local markset=rshift(flagbits,8) if markset>0 then markclass=markset end lookups[lookupid]={ type=lookuptype, flags=lookupflags, name=lookupid, subtables=subtables, markclass=markclass, features=featurehash[lookupid], order=featureorder[lookupid], } end return lookups end local f_lookupname=formatters["%s_%s_%s"] local function resolvelookups(f,lookupoffset,fontdata,lookups,lookuptypes,lookuphandlers,what,tableoffset) local sequences=fontdata.sequences or {} local sublookuplist=fontdata.sublookups or {} fontdata.sequences=sequences fontdata.sublookups=sublookuplist local nofsublookups=#sublookuplist local nofsequences=#sequences local lastsublookup=nofsublookups local lastsequence=nofsequences local lookupnames=lookupnames[what] local sublookuphash={} local sublookupcheck={} local glyphs=fontdata.glyphs local nofglyphs=fontdata.nofglyphs or #glyphs local noflookups=#lookups local lookupprefix=sub(what,2,2) for lookupid=1,noflookups do local lookup=lookups[lookupid] local lookuptype=lookup.type local subtables=lookup.subtables local features=lookup.features local handler=lookuphandlers[lookuptype] if handler then local nofsubtables=#subtables local order=lookup.order local flags=lookup.flags if flags[1] then flags[1]="mark" end if flags[2] then flags[2]="ligature" end if flags[3] then flags[3]="base" end local markclass=lookup.markclass if nofsubtables>0 then local steps={} local nofsteps=0 local oldtype=nil for s=1,nofsubtables do local step,lt=handler(f,fontdata,lookupid,lookupoffset,subtables[s],glyphs,nofglyphs) if lt then lookuptype=lt if oldtype and lt~=oldtype then report("messy %s lookup type %a and %a",what,lookuptype,oldtype) end oldtype=lookuptype end if not step then report("unsupported %s lookup type %a",what,lookuptype) else nofsteps=nofsteps+1 steps[nofsteps]=step local rules=step.rules if rules then for i=1,#rules do local rule=rules[i] local before=rule.before local current=rule.current local after=rule.after if before then for i=1,#before do before[i]=tohash(before[i]) end rule.before=reversed(before) end if current then for i=1,#current do current[i]=tohash(current[i]) end end if after then for i=1,#after do after[i]=tohash(after[i]) end end end end end end if nofsteps~=nofsubtables then report("bogus subtables removed in %s lookup type %a",what,lookuptype) end lookuptype=lookupnames[lookuptype] or lookuptype if features then nofsequences=nofsequences+1 local l={ index=nofsequences, name=f_lookupname(lookupprefix,"s",lookupid+lookupidoffset), steps=steps, nofsteps=nofsteps, type=lookuptype, markclass=markclass or nil, flags=flags, order=order, features=features, } sequences[nofsequences]=l lookup.done=l else nofsublookups=nofsublookups+1 local l={ index=nofsublookups, name=f_lookupname(lookupprefix,"l",lookupid+lookupidoffset), steps=steps, nofsteps=nofsteps, type=lookuptype, markclass=markclass or nil, flags=flags, } sublookuplist[nofsublookups]=l sublookuphash[lookupid]=nofsublookups sublookupcheck[lookupid]=0 lookup.done=l end else report("no subtables for lookup %a",lookupid) end else report("no handler for lookup %a with type %a",lookupid,lookuptype) end end local reported={} local function report_issue(i,what,sequence,kind) local name=sequence.name if not reported[name] then report("rule %i in %s lookup %a has %s lookups",i,what,name,kind) reported[name]=true end end for i=lastsequence+1,nofsequences do local sequence=sequences[i] local steps=sequence.steps for i=1,#steps do local step=steps[i] local rules=step.rules if rules then for i=1,#rules do local rule=rules[i] local rlookups=rule.lookups if not rlookups then report_issue(i,what,sequence,"no") elseif not next(rlookups) then report_issue(i,what,sequence,"empty") rule.lookups=nil else local length=#rlookups for index=1,length do local lookuplist=rlookups[index] if lookuplist then local length=#lookuplist local found={} local noffound=0 for index=1,length do local lookupid=lookuplist[index] if lookupid then local h=sublookuphash[lookupid] if not h then local lookup=lookups[lookupid] if lookup then local d=lookup.done if d then nofsublookups=nofsublookups+1 h={ index=nofsublookups, name=f_lookupname(lookupprefix,"d",lookupid+lookupidoffset), derived=true, steps=d.steps, nofsteps=d.nofsteps, type=d.lookuptype or "gsub_single", markclass=d.markclass or nil, flags=d.flags, } sublookuplist[nofsublookups]=copy(h) sublookuphash[lookupid]=nofsublookups sublookupcheck[lookupid]=1 h=nofsublookups else report_issue(i,what,sequence,"missing") rule.lookups=nil break end else report_issue(i,what,sequence,"bad") rule.lookups=nil break end else sublookupcheck[lookupid]=sublookupcheck[lookupid]+1 end if h then noffound=noffound+1 found[noffound]=h end end end rlookups[index]=noffound>0 and found or false else rlookups[index]=false end end end end end end end for i,n in sortedhash(sublookupcheck) do local l=lookups[i] local t=l.type if n==0 and t~="extension" then local d=l.done report("%s lookup %s of type %a is not used",what,d and d.name or l.name,t) end end end local function loadvariations(f,fontdata,variationsoffset,lookuptypes,featurehash,featureorder) setposition(f,variationsoffset) local version=readulong(f) local nofrecords=readulong(f) local records={} for i=1,nofrecords do records[i]={ conditions=readulong(f), substitutions=readulong(f), } end for i=1,nofrecords do local record=records[i] local offset=record.conditions if offset==0 then record.condition=nil record.matchtype="always" else setposition(f,variationsoffset+offset) local nofconditions=readushort(f) local conditions={} for i=1,nofconditions do conditions[i]=variationsoffset+offset+readulong(f) end record.conditions=conditions record.matchtype="condition" end end for i=1,nofrecords do local record=records[i] if record.matchtype=="condition" then local conditions=record.conditions for i=1,#conditions do setposition(f,conditions[i]) conditions[i]={ format=readushort(f), axis=readushort(f), minvalue=read2dot14(f), maxvalue=read2dot14(f), } end end end for i=1,nofrecords do local record=records[i] local offset=record.substitutions if offset==0 then record.substitutions={} else setposition(f,variationsoffset+offset) local version=readulong(f) local nofsubstitutions=readushort(f) local substitutions={} for i=1,nofsubstitutions do substitutions[readushort(f)]=readulong(f) end for index,alternates in sortedhash(substitutions) do if index==0 then record.substitutions=false else local tableoffset=variationsoffset+offset+alternates setposition(f,tableoffset) local parameters=readulong(f) local noflookups=readushort(f) local lookups={} for i=1,noflookups do lookups[i]=readushort(f) end record.substitutions=lookups end end end end setvariabledata(fontdata,"features",records) end local function readscripts(f,fontdata,what,lookuptypes,lookuphandlers,lookupstoo) local tableoffset=gotodatatable(f,fontdata,what,true) if tableoffset then local version=readulong(f) local scriptoffset=tableoffset+readushort(f) local featureoffset=tableoffset+readushort(f) local lookupoffset=tableoffset+readushort(f) local variationsoffset=version>0x00010000 and (tableoffset+readulong(f)) or 0 if not scriptoffset then return end local scripts=readscriplan(f,fontdata,scriptoffset) local features=readfeatures(f,fontdata,featureoffset) local scriptlangs,featurehash,featureorder=reorderfeatures(fontdata,scripts,features) if fontdata.features then fontdata.features[what]=scriptlangs else fontdata.features={ [what]=scriptlangs } end if not lookupstoo then return end local lookups=readlookups(f,lookupoffset,lookuptypes,featurehash,featureorder) if lookups then resolvelookups(f,lookupoffset,fontdata,lookups,lookuptypes,lookuphandlers,what,tableoffset) end if variationsoffset>0 then loadvariations(f,fontdata,variationsoffset,lookuptypes,featurehash,featureorder) end end end local function checkkerns(f,fontdata,specification) local datatable=fontdata.tables.kern if not datatable then return end local features=fontdata.features local gposfeatures=features and features.gpos local name if not gposfeatures or not gposfeatures.kern then name="kern" elseif specification.globalkerns then name="globalkern" else report("ignoring global kern table using gpos kern feature") return end setposition(f,datatable.offset) local version=readushort(f) local noftables=readushort(f) if noftables>1 then report("adding global kern table as gpos feature %a",name) local kerns=setmetatableindex("table") for i=1,noftables do local version=readushort(f) local length=readushort(f) local coverage=readushort(f) local format=bit32.rshift(coverage,8) if format==0 then local nofpairs=readushort(f) local searchrange=readushort(f) local entryselector=readushort(f) local rangeshift=readushort(f) for i=1,nofpairs do kerns[readushort(f)][readushort(f)]=readfword(f) end elseif format==2 then else end end local feature={ dflt={ dflt=true } } if not features then fontdata.features={ gpos={ [name]=feature } } elseif not gposfeatures then fontdata.features.gpos={ [name]=feature } else gposfeatures[name]=feature end local sequences=fontdata.sequences if not sequences then sequences={} fontdata.sequences=sequences end local nofsequences=#sequences+1 sequences[nofsequences]={ index=nofsequences, name=name, steps={ { coverage=kerns, format="kern", }, }, nofsteps=1, type="gpos_pair", flags={ false,false,false,false }, order={ name }, features={ [name]=feature }, } else report("ignoring empty kern table of feature %a",name) end end function readers.gsub(f,fontdata,specification) if specification.details then readscripts(f,fontdata,"gsub",gsubtypes,gsubhandlers,specification.lookups) end end function readers.gpos(f,fontdata,specification) if specification.details then readscripts(f,fontdata,"gpos",gpostypes,gposhandlers,specification.lookups) if specification.lookups then checkkerns(f,fontdata,specification) end end end end function readers.gdef(f,fontdata,specification) if not specification.glyphs then return end local datatable=fontdata.tables.gdef if datatable then local tableoffset=datatable.offset setposition(f,tableoffset) local version=readulong(f) local classoffset=tableoffset+readushort(f) local attachmentoffset=tableoffset+readushort(f) local ligaturecarets=tableoffset+readushort(f) local markclassoffset=tableoffset+readushort(f) local marksetsoffset=version>=0x00010002 and (tableoffset+readushort(f)) local varsetsoffset=version>=0x00010003 and (tableoffset+readulong(f)) local glyphs=fontdata.glyphs local marks={} local markclasses=setmetatableindex("table") local marksets=setmetatableindex("table") fontdata.marks=marks fontdata.markclasses=markclasses fontdata.marksets=marksets setposition(f,classoffset) local classformat=readushort(f) if classformat==1 then local firstindex=readushort(f) local lastindex=firstindex+readushort(f)-1 for index=firstindex,lastindex do local class=classes[readushort(f)] if class=="mark" then marks[index]=true end glyphs[index].class=class end elseif classformat==2 then local nofranges=readushort(f) for i=1,nofranges do local firstindex=readushort(f) local lastindex=readushort(f) local class=classes[readushort(f)] if class then for index=firstindex,lastindex do glyphs[index].class=class if class=="mark" then marks[index]=true end end end end end setposition(f,markclassoffset) local classformat=readushort(f) if classformat==1 then local firstindex=readushort(f) local lastindex=firstindex+readushort(f)-1 for index=firstindex,lastindex do markclasses[readushort(f)][index]=true end elseif classformat==2 then local nofranges=readushort(f) for i=1,nofranges do local firstindex=readushort(f) local lastindex=readushort(f) local class=markclasses[readushort(f)] for index=firstindex,lastindex do class[index]=true end end end if marksetsoffset and marksetsoffset>tableoffset then setposition(f,marksetsoffset) local format=readushort(f) if format==1 then local nofsets=readushort(f) local sets={} for i=1,nofsets do sets[i]=readulong(f) end for i=1,nofsets do local offset=sets[i] if offset~=0 then marksets[i]=readcoverage(f,marksetsoffset+offset) end end end end local factors=specification.factors if (specification.variable or factors) and varsetsoffset and varsetsoffset>tableoffset then local regions,deltas=readvariationdata(f,varsetsoffset,factors) if factors then fontdata.temporary.getdelta=function(outer,inner) local delta=deltas[outer+1] if delta then local d=delta.deltas[inner+1] if d then local scales=delta.scales local dd=0 for i=1,#scales do local di=d[i] if di then dd=dd+scales[i]*di else break end end return round(dd) end end return 0 end end end end end local function readmathvalue(f) local v=readshort(f) skipshort(f,1) return v end local function readmathconstants(f,fontdata,offset) setposition(f,offset) fontdata.mathconstants={ ScriptPercentScaleDown=readshort(f), ScriptScriptPercentScaleDown=readshort(f), DelimitedSubFormulaMinHeight=readushort(f), DisplayOperatorMinHeight=readushort(f), MathLeading=readmathvalue(f), AxisHeight=readmathvalue(f), AccentBaseHeight=readmathvalue(f), FlattenedAccentBaseHeight=readmathvalue(f), SubscriptShiftDown=readmathvalue(f), SubscriptTopMax=readmathvalue(f), SubscriptBaselineDropMin=readmathvalue(f), SuperscriptShiftUp=readmathvalue(f), SuperscriptShiftUpCramped=readmathvalue(f), SuperscriptBottomMin=readmathvalue(f), SuperscriptBaselineDropMax=readmathvalue(f), SubSuperscriptGapMin=readmathvalue(f), SuperscriptBottomMaxWithSubscript=readmathvalue(f), SpaceAfterScript=readmathvalue(f), UpperLimitGapMin=readmathvalue(f), UpperLimitBaselineRiseMin=readmathvalue(f), LowerLimitGapMin=readmathvalue(f), LowerLimitBaselineDropMin=readmathvalue(f), StackTopShiftUp=readmathvalue(f), StackTopDisplayStyleShiftUp=readmathvalue(f), StackBottomShiftDown=readmathvalue(f), StackBottomDisplayStyleShiftDown=readmathvalue(f), StackGapMin=readmathvalue(f), StackDisplayStyleGapMin=readmathvalue(f), StretchStackTopShiftUp=readmathvalue(f), StretchStackBottomShiftDown=readmathvalue(f), StretchStackGapAboveMin=readmathvalue(f), StretchStackGapBelowMin=readmathvalue(f), FractionNumeratorShiftUp=readmathvalue(f), FractionNumeratorDisplayStyleShiftUp=readmathvalue(f), FractionDenominatorShiftDown=readmathvalue(f), FractionDenominatorDisplayStyleShiftDown=readmathvalue(f), FractionNumeratorGapMin=readmathvalue(f), FractionNumeratorDisplayStyleGapMin=readmathvalue(f), FractionRuleThickness=readmathvalue(f), FractionDenominatorGapMin=readmathvalue(f), FractionDenominatorDisplayStyleGapMin=readmathvalue(f), SkewedFractionHorizontalGap=readmathvalue(f), SkewedFractionVerticalGap=readmathvalue(f), OverbarVerticalGap=readmathvalue(f), OverbarRuleThickness=readmathvalue(f), OverbarExtraAscender=readmathvalue(f), UnderbarVerticalGap=readmathvalue(f), UnderbarRuleThickness=readmathvalue(f), UnderbarExtraDescender=readmathvalue(f), RadicalVerticalGap=readmathvalue(f), RadicalDisplayStyleVerticalGap=readmathvalue(f), RadicalRuleThickness=readmathvalue(f), RadicalExtraAscender=readmathvalue(f), RadicalKernBeforeDegree=readmathvalue(f), RadicalKernAfterDegree=readmathvalue(f), RadicalDegreeBottomRaisePercent=readshort(f), } end local function readmathglyphinfo(f,fontdata,offset) setposition(f,offset) local italics=readushort(f) local accents=readushort(f) local extensions=readushort(f) local kerns=readushort(f) local glyphs=fontdata.glyphs if italics~=0 then setposition(f,offset+italics) local coverage=readushort(f) local nofglyphs=readushort(f) coverage=readcoverage(f,offset+italics+coverage,true) setposition(f,offset+italics+4) for i=1,nofglyphs do local italic=readmathvalue(f) if italic~=0 then local glyph=glyphs[coverage[i]] local math=glyph.math if not math then glyph.math={ italic=italic } else math.italic=italic end end end fontdata.hasitalics=true end if accents~=0 then setposition(f,offset+accents) local coverage=readushort(f) local nofglyphs=readushort(f) coverage=readcoverage(f,offset+accents+coverage,true) setposition(f,offset+accents+4) for i=1,nofglyphs do local accent=readmathvalue(f) if accent~=0 then local glyph=glyphs[coverage[i]] local math=glyph.math if not math then glyph.math={ accent=accent } else math.accent=accent end end end end if extensions~=0 then setposition(f,offset+extensions) end if kerns~=0 then local kernoffset=offset+kerns setposition(f,kernoffset) local coverage=readushort(f) local nofglyphs=readushort(f) if nofglyphs>0 then local function get(offset) setposition(f,kernoffset+offset) local n=readushort(f) if n==0 then local k=readmathvalue(f) if k==0 then else return { { kern=k } } end else local l={} for i=1,n do l[i]={ height=readmathvalue(f) } end for i=1,n do l[i].kern=readmathvalue(f) end l[n+1]={ kern=readmathvalue(f) } return l end end local kernsets={} for i=1,nofglyphs do local topright=readushort(f) local topleft=readushort(f) local bottomright=readushort(f) local bottomleft=readushort(f) kernsets[i]={ topright=topright~=0 and topright or nil, topleft=topleft~=0 and topleft or nil, bottomright=bottomright~=0 and bottomright or nil, bottomleft=bottomleft~=0 and bottomleft or nil, } end coverage=readcoverage(f,kernoffset+coverage,true) for i=1,nofglyphs do local kernset=kernsets[i] if next(kernset) then local k=kernset.topright if k then kernset.topright=get(k) end local k=kernset.topleft if k then kernset.topleft=get(k) end local k=kernset.bottomright if k then kernset.bottomright=get(k) end local k=kernset.bottomleft if k then kernset.bottomleft=get(k) end if next(kernset) then local glyph=glyphs[coverage[i]] local math=glyph.math if math then math.kerns=kernset else glyph.math={ kerns=kernset } end end end end end end end local function readmathvariants(f,fontdata,offset) setposition(f,offset) local glyphs=fontdata.glyphs local minoverlap=readushort(f) local vcoverage=readushort(f) local hcoverage=readushort(f) local vnofglyphs=readushort(f) local hnofglyphs=readushort(f) local vconstruction={} local hconstruction={} for i=1,vnofglyphs do vconstruction[i]=readushort(f) end for i=1,hnofglyphs do hconstruction[i]=readushort(f) end fontdata.mathconstants.MinConnectorOverlap=minoverlap local function get(offset,coverage,nofglyphs,construction,kvariants,kparts,kitalic) if coverage~=0 and nofglyphs>0 then local coverage=readcoverage(f,offset+coverage,true) for i=1,nofglyphs do local c=construction[i] if c~=0 then local index=coverage[i] local glyph=glyphs[index] local math=glyph.math setposition(f,offset+c) local assembly=readushort(f) local nofvariants=readushort(f) if nofvariants>0 then local variants,v=nil,0 for i=1,nofvariants do local variant=readushort(f) if variant==index then elseif variants then v=v+1 variants[v]=variant else v=1 variants={ variant } end skipshort(f) end if not variants then elseif not math then math={ [kvariants]=variants } glyph.math=math else math[kvariants]=variants end end if assembly~=0 then setposition(f,offset+c+assembly) local italic=readmathvalue(f) local nofparts=readushort(f) local parts={} for i=1,nofparts do local p={ glyph=readushort(f), start=readushort(f), ["end"]=readushort(f), advance=readushort(f), } local flags=readushort(f) if bittest(flags,0x0001) then p.extender=1 end parts[i]=p end if not math then math={ [kparts]=parts } glyph.math=math else math[kparts]=parts end if italic and italic~=0 then math[kitalic]=italic end end end end end end get(offset,vcoverage,vnofglyphs,vconstruction,"vvariants","vparts","vitalic") get(offset,hcoverage,hnofglyphs,hconstruction,"hvariants","hparts","hitalic") end function readers.math(f,fontdata,specification) local tableoffset=gotodatatable(f,fontdata,"math",specification.glyphs) if tableoffset then local version=readulong(f) local constants=readushort(f) local glyphinfo=readushort(f) local variants=readushort(f) if constants==0 then report("the math table of %a has no constants",fontdata.filename) else readmathconstants(f,fontdata,tableoffset+constants) end if glyphinfo~=0 then readmathglyphinfo(f,fontdata,tableoffset+glyphinfo) end if variants~=0 then readmathvariants(f,fontdata,tableoffset+variants) end end end function readers.colr(f,fontdata,specification) local tableoffset=gotodatatable(f,fontdata,"colr",specification.glyphs) if tableoffset then local version=readushort(f) if version~=0 then report("table version %a of %a is not supported (yet), maybe font %s is bad",version,"colr",fontdata.filename) return end if not fontdata.tables.cpal then report("color table %a in font %a has no mandate %a table","colr",fontdata.filename,"cpal") fontdata.colorpalettes={} end local glyphs=fontdata.glyphs local nofglyphs=readushort(f) local baseoffset=readulong(f) local layeroffset=readulong(f) local noflayers=readushort(f) local layerrecords={} local maxclass=0 setposition(f,tableoffset+layeroffset) for i=1,noflayers do local slot=readushort(f) local class=readushort(f) if class<0xFFFF then class=class+1 if class>maxclass then maxclass=class end end layerrecords[i]={ slot=slot, class=class, } end fontdata.maxcolorclass=maxclass setposition(f,tableoffset+baseoffset) for i=0,nofglyphs-1 do local glyphindex=readushort(f) local firstlayer=readushort(f) local noflayers=readushort(f) local t={} for i=1,noflayers do t[i]=layerrecords[firstlayer+i] end glyphs[glyphindex].colors=t end end fontdata.hascolor=true end function readers.cpal(f,fontdata,specification) local tableoffset=gotodatatable(f,fontdata,"cpal",specification.glyphs) if tableoffset then local version=readushort(f) local nofpaletteentries=readushort(f) local nofpalettes=readushort(f) local nofcolorrecords=readushort(f) local firstcoloroffset=readulong(f) local colorrecords={} local palettes={} for i=1,nofpalettes do palettes[i]=readushort(f) end if version==1 then local palettettypesoffset=readulong(f) local palettelabelsoffset=readulong(f) local paletteentryoffset=readulong(f) end setposition(f,tableoffset+firstcoloroffset) for i=1,nofcolorrecords do local b,g,r,a=readbytes(f,4) colorrecords[i]={ r,g,b,a~=255 and a or nil, } end for i=1,nofpalettes do local p={} local o=palettes[i] for j=1,nofpaletteentries do p[j]=colorrecords[o+j] end palettes[i]=p end fontdata.colorpalettes=palettes end end function readers.svg(f,fontdata,specification) local tableoffset=gotodatatable(f,fontdata,"svg",specification.glyphs) if tableoffset then local version=readushort(f) local glyphs=fontdata.glyphs local indexoffset=tableoffset+readulong(f) local reserved=readulong(f) setposition(f,indexoffset) local nofentries=readushort(f) local entries={} for i=1,nofentries do entries[i]={ first=readushort(f), last=readushort(f), offset=indexoffset+readulong(f), length=readulong(f), } end for i=1,nofentries do local entry=entries[i] setposition(f,entry.offset) entries[i]={ first=entry.first, last=entry.last, data=readstring(f,entry.length) } end fontdata.svgshapes=entries end fontdata.hascolor=true end function readers.sbix(f,fontdata,specification) local tableoffset=gotodatatable(f,fontdata,"sbix",specification.glyphs) if tableoffset then local version=readushort(f) local flags=readushort(f) local nofstrikes=readulong(f) local strikes={} local nofglyphs=fontdata.nofglyphs for i=1,nofstrikes do strikes[i]=readulong(f) end local shapes={} local done=0 for i=1,nofstrikes do local strikeoffset=strikes[i]+tableoffset setposition(f,strikeoffset) strikes[i]={ ppem=readushort(f), ppi=readushort(f), offset=strikeoffset } end sort(strikes,function(a,b) if b.ppem==a.ppem then return b.ppi0 then setposition(f,strikeoffset+glyphoffset) shapes[i]={ x=readshort(f), y=readshort(f), tag=readtag(f), data=readstring(f,datasize-8), ppem=strikeppem, ppi=strikeppi, } done=done+1 if done==nofglyphs then break end end end glyphoffset=nextoffset end end fontdata.sbixshapes=shapes end end function readers.stat(f,fontdata,specification) local tableoffset=gotodatatable(f,fontdata,"stat",true) if tableoffset then local extras=fontdata.extras local version=readulong(f) local axissize=readushort(f) local nofaxis=readushort(f) local axisoffset=readulong(f) local nofvalues=readushort(f) local valuesoffset=readulong(f) local fallbackname=extras[readushort(f)] local axis={} local values={} setposition(f,tableoffset+axisoffset) for i=1,nofaxis do axis[i]={ tag=readtag(f), name=lower(extras[readushort(f)]), ordering=readushort(f), variants={} } end setposition(f,tableoffset+valuesoffset) for i=1,nofvalues do values[i]=readushort(f) end for i=1,nofvalues do setposition(f,tableoffset+valuesoffset+values[i]) local format=readushort(f) local index=readushort(f)+1 local flags=readushort(f) local name=lower(extras[readushort(f)]) local value=readfixed(f) local variant if format==1 then variant={ flags=flags, name=name, value=value, } elseif format==2 then variant={ flags=flags, name=name, value=value, minimum=readfixed(f), maximum=readfixed(f), } elseif format==3 then variant={ flags=flags, name=name, value=value, link=readfixed(f), } end insert(axis[index].variants,variant) end sort(axis,function(a,b) return a.ordering=lastto then else values[#values+1]={ f,t } lasfrom,lastto=f,t end end nofvalues=#values if nofvalues>2 then local some=values[1] if some[1]==-1 and some[2]==-1 then some=values[nofvalues] if some[1]==1 and some[2]==1 then for i=2,size-1 do some=values[i] if some[1]==0 and some[2]==0 then return values end end end end end return false end local version=readulong(f) local reserved=readulong(f) local nofaxis=readulong(f) local segments={} for i=1,nofaxis do segments[i]=collect() end setvariabledata(fontdata,"segments",segments) end end function readers.fvar(f,fontdata,specification) local tableoffset=gotodatatable(f,fontdata,"fvar",true) if tableoffset then local version=readulong(f) local offsettoaxis=tableoffset+readushort(f) local reserved=skipshort(f) local nofaxis=readushort(f) local sizeofaxis=readushort(f) local nofinstances=readushort(f) local sizeofinstances=readushort(f) local extras=fontdata.extras local axis={} local instances={} setposition(f,offsettoaxis) for i=1,nofaxis do axis[i]={ tag=readtag(f), minimum=readfixed(f), default=readfixed(f), maximum=readfixed(f), flags=readushort(f), name=lower(extras[readushort(f)] or "bad name"), } local n=sizeofaxis-20 if n>0 then skipbytes(f,n) elseif n<0 then end end local nofbytes=2+2+2+nofaxis*4 local readpsname=nofbytes<=sizeofinstances local skippable=sizeofinstances-nofbytes for i=1,nofinstances do local subfamid=readushort(f) local flags=readushort(f) local values={} for i=1,nofaxis do values[i]={ axis=axis[i].tag, value=readfixed(f), } end local psnameid=readpsname and readushort(f) or 0xFFFF if subfamid==2 or subfamid==17 then elseif subfamid==0xFFFF then subfamid=nil elseif subfamid<=256 or subfamid>=32768 then subfamid=nil end if psnameid==6 then elseif psnameid==0xFFFF then psnameid=nil elseif psnameid<=256 or psnameid>=32768 then psnameid=nil end instances[i]={ subfamily=extras[subfamid], psname=psnameid and extras[psnameid] or nil, values=values, } if skippable>0 then skipbytes(f,skippable) end end setvariabledata(fontdata,"axis",axis) setvariabledata(fontdata,"instances",instances) end end function readers.hvar(f,fontdata,specification) local factors=specification.factors if not factors then return end local tableoffset=gotodatatable(f,fontdata,"hvar",specification.variable) if not tableoffset then return end local version=readulong(f) local variationoffset=tableoffset+readulong(f) local advanceoffset=tableoffset+readulong(f) local lsboffset=tableoffset+readulong(f) local rsboffset=tableoffset+readulong(f) local regions={} local variations={} local innerindex={} local outerindex={} if variationoffset>0 then regions,deltas=readvariationdata(f,variationoffset,factors) end if not regions then return end if advanceoffset>0 then setposition(f,advanceoffset) local format=readushort(f) local mapcount=readushort(f) local entrysize=rshift(band(format,0x0030),4)+1 local nofinnerbits=band(format,0x000F)+1 local innermask=lshift(1,nofinnerbits)-1 local readcardinal=read_cardinal[entrysize] for i=0,mapcount-1 do local mapdata=readcardinal(f) outerindex[i]=rshift(mapdata,nofinnerbits) innerindex[i]=band(mapdata,innermask) end local glyphs=fontdata.glyphs for i=0,fontdata.nofglyphs-1 do local glyph=glyphs[i] local width=glyph.width if width then local outer=outerindex[i] or 0 local inner=innerindex[i] or i if outer and inner then local delta=deltas[outer+1] if delta then local d=delta.deltas[inner+1] if d then local scales=delta.scales local deltaw=0 for i=1,#scales do local di=d[i] if di then deltaw=deltaw+scales[i]*di else break end end glyph.width=width+round(deltaw) end end end end end end end function readers.vvar(f,fontdata,specification) if not specification.variable then return end end function readers.mvar(f,fontdata,specification) local tableoffset=gotodatatable(f,fontdata,"mvar",specification.variable) if tableoffset then local version=readulong(f) local reserved=skipshort(f,1) local recordsize=readushort(f) local nofrecords=readushort(f) local offsettostore=tableoffset+readushort(f) local dimensions={} local factors=specification.factors if factors then local regions,deltas=readvariationdata(f,offsettostore,factors) for i=1,nofrecords do local tag=readtag(f) local var=variabletags[tag] if var then local outer=readushort(f) local inner=readushort(f) local delta=deltas[outer+1] if delta then local d=delta.deltas[inner+1] if d then local scales=delta.scales local dd=0 for i=1,#scales do dd=dd+scales[i]*d[i] end var(fontdata,round(dd)) end end else skipshort(f,2) end if recordsize>8 then skipbytes(recordsize-8) end end end end end end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['font-oup']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to font-ini.mkiv", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } local next,type=next,type local P,R,S=lpeg.P,lpeg.R,lpeg.S local lpegmatch=lpeg.match local insert,remove,copy,unpack=table.insert,table.remove,table.copy,table.unpack local formatters=string.formatters local sortedkeys=table.sortedkeys local sortedhash=table.sortedhash local tohash=table.tohash local report=logs.reporter("otf reader") local trace_markwidth=false trackers.register("otf.markwidth",function(v) trace_markwidth=v end) local readers=fonts.handlers.otf.readers local privateoffset=fonts.constructors and fonts.constructors.privateoffset or 0xF0000 local f_private=formatters["P%05X"] local f_unicode=formatters["U%05X"] local f_index=formatters["I%05X"] local f_character_y=formatters["%C"] local f_character_n=formatters["[ %C ]"] local check_duplicates=true local check_soft_hyphen=false directives.register("otf.checksofthyphen",function(v) check_soft_hyphen=v end) local function replaced(list,index,replacement) if type(list)=="number" then return replacement elseif type(replacement)=="table" then local t={} local n=index-1 for i=1,n do t[i]=list[i] end for i=1,#replacement do n=n+1 t[n]=replacement[i] end for i=index+1,#list do n=n+1 t[n]=list[i] end else list[index]=replacement return list end end local function unifyresources(fontdata,indices) local descriptions=fontdata.descriptions local resources=fontdata.resources if not descriptions or not resources then return end local variants=fontdata.resources.variants if variants then for selector,unicodes in next,variants do for unicode,index in next,unicodes do unicodes[unicode]=indices[index] end end end local function remark(marks) if marks then local newmarks={} for k,v in next,marks do local u=indices[k] if u then newmarks[u]=v else report("discarding mark %i",k) end end return newmarks end end local marks=resources.marks if marks then resources.marks=remark(marks) end local markclasses=resources.markclasses if markclasses then for class,marks in next,markclasses do markclasses[class]=remark(marks) end end local marksets=resources.marksets if marksets then for class,marks in next,marksets do marksets[class]=remark(marks) end end local done={} local duplicates=check_duplicates and resources.duplicates if duplicates and not next(duplicates) then duplicates=false end local function recover(cover) for i=1,#cover do local c=cover[i] if not done[c] then local t={} for k,v in next,c do t[indices[k]]=v end cover[i]=t done[c]=d end end end local function recursed(c) local t={} for g,d in next,c do if type(d)=="table" then t[indices[g]]=recursed(d) else t[g]=indices[d] end end return t end local function unifythem(sequences) if not sequences then return end for i=1,#sequences do local sequence=sequences[i] local kind=sequence.type local steps=sequence.steps local features=sequence.features if steps then for i=1,#steps do local step=steps[i] if kind=="gsub_single" then local c=step.coverage if c then local t1=done[c] if not t1 then t1={} if duplicates then for g1,d1 in next,c do local ug1=indices[g1] local ud1=indices[d1] t1[ug1]=ud1 local dg1=duplicates[ug1] if dg1 then for u in next,dg1 do t1[u]=ud1 end end end else for g1,d1 in next,c do t1[indices[g1]]=indices[d1] end end done[c]=t1 end step.coverage=t1 end elseif kind=="gpos_pair" then local c=step.coverage if c then local t1=done[c] if not t1 then t1={} for g1,d1 in next,c do local t2=done[d1] if not t2 then t2={} for g2,d2 in next,d1 do t2[indices[g2]]=d2 end done[d1]=t2 end t1[indices[g1]]=t2 end done[c]=t1 end step.coverage=t1 end elseif kind=="gsub_ligature" then local c=step.coverage if c then step.coverage=recursed(c) end elseif kind=="gsub_alternate" or kind=="gsub_multiple" then local c=step.coverage if c then local t1=done[c] if not t1 then t1={} if duplicates then for g1,d1 in next,c do for i=1,#d1 do d1[i]=indices[d1[i]] end local ug1=indices[g1] t1[ug1]=d1 local dg1=duplicates[ug1] if dg1 then for u in next,dg1 do t1[u]=copy(d1) end end end else for g1,d1 in next,c do for i=1,#d1 do d1[i]=indices[d1[i]] end t1[indices[g1]]=d1 end end done[c]=t1 end step.coverage=t1 end elseif kind=="gpos_mark2base" or kind=="gpos_mark2mark" or kind=="gpos_mark2ligature" then local c=step.coverage if c then local t1=done[c] if not t1 then t1={} for g1,d1 in next,c do t1[indices[g1]]=d1 end done[c]=t1 end step.coverage=t1 end local c=step.baseclasses if c then local t1=done[c] if not t1 then for g1,d1 in next,c do local t2=done[d1] if not t2 then t2={} for g2,d2 in next,d1 do t2[indices[g2]]=d2 end done[d1]=t2 end c[g1]=t2 end done[c]=c end end elseif kind=="gpos_single" then local c=step.coverage if c then local t1=done[c] if not t1 then t1={} if duplicates then for g1,d1 in next,c do local ug1=indices[g1] t1[ug1]=d1 local dg1=duplicates[ug1] if dg1 then for u in next,dg1 do t1[u]=d1 end end end else for g1,d1 in next,c do t1[indices[g1]]=d1 end end done[c]=t1 end step.coverage=t1 end elseif kind=="gpos_cursive" then local c=step.coverage if c then local t1=done[c] if not t1 then t1={} if duplicates then for g1,d1 in next,c do local ug1=indices[g1] t1[ug1]=d1 local dg1=duplicates[ug1] if dg1 then for u in next,dg1 do t1[u]=copy(d1) end end end else for g1,d1 in next,c do t1[indices[g1]]=d1 end end done[c]=t1 end step.coverage=t1 end end local rules=step.rules if rules then for i=1,#rules do local rule=rules[i] local before=rule.before if before then recover(before) end local after=rule.after if after then recover(after) end local current=rule.current if current then recover(current) end local replacements=rule.replacements if replacements then if not done[replacements] then local r={} for k,v in next,replacements do r[indices[k]]=indices[v] end rule.replacements=r done[replacements]=r end end end end end end end end unifythem(resources.sequences) unifythem(resources.sublookups) end local function copyduplicates(fontdata) if check_duplicates then local descriptions=fontdata.descriptions local resources=fontdata.resources local duplicates=resources.duplicates if check_soft_hyphen then local ds=descriptions[0xAD] if not ds or ds.width==0 then if ds then descriptions[0xAD]=nil report("patching soft hyphen") else report("adding soft hyphen") end if not duplicates then duplicates={} resources.duplicates=duplicates end local dh=duplicates[0x2D] if dh then dh[#dh+1]={ [0xAD]=true } else duplicates[0x2D]={ [0xAD]=true } end end end if duplicates then for u,d in next,duplicates do local du=descriptions[u] if du then local t={ f_character_y(u),"@",f_index(du.index),"->" } local n=0 local m=25 for u in next,d do if descriptions[u] then if n0 then t={} n=0 local loops=0 while true do loops=loops+1 local old=nofmissing for i=1,#ligatures do recursed(ligatures[i]) end if nofmissing<=0 then report("all done in %s loops",loops) return elseif old==nofmissing then break end end t=nil n=0 end if nofmissing>0 then local done={} for i,r in next,missing do if r then local data=descriptions[i] local name=data and data.name or f_index(i) if not ignore[name] then done[name]=true end end end if next(done) then report("not unicoded: % t",table.sortedkeys(done)) end end end local function unifymissing(fontdata) if not fonts.mappings then require("font-map") require("font-agl") end local unicodes={} local private=fontdata.private local resources=fontdata.resources resources.unicodes=unicodes for unicode,d in next,fontdata.descriptions do if unicode0 then report("%s bogus names removed (verbose unicode)",n) end if c>0 then report("%s base class tags removed (default is base)",c) end end end function readers.getcomponents(fontdata) local resources=fontdata.resources if resources then local sequences=resources.sequences if sequences then local collected={} for i=1,#sequences do local sequence=sequences[i] if sequence.type=="gsub_ligature" then local steps=sequence.steps if steps then local l={} local function traverse(p,k,v) if k=="ligature" then collected[v]={ unpack(l) } else insert(l,k) for k,vv in next,v do traverse(p,k,vv) end remove(l) end end for i=1,#steps do local coverage=steps[i].coverage if coverage then for k,v in next,coverage do traverse(k,k,v) end end end end end end if next(collected) then while true do local done=false for k,v in next,collected do for i=1,#v do local vi=v[i] if vi==k then collected[k]=nil break else local c=collected[vi] if c then done=true local t={} local n=i-1 for j=1,n do t[j]=v[j] end for j=1,#c do n=n+1 t[n]=c[j] end for j=i+1,#v do n=n+1 t[n]=v[j] end collected[k]=t break end end end end if not done then break end end return collected end end end end readers.unifymissing=unifymissing function readers.rehash(fontdata,hashmethod) if not (fontdata and fontdata.glyphs) then return end if hashmethod=="indices" then fontdata.hashmethod="indices" elseif hashmethod=="names" then fontdata.hashmethod="names" local indices=unifyglyphs(fontdata,true) unifyresources(fontdata,indices) copyduplicates(fontdata) unifymissing(fontdata) else fontdata.hashmethod="unicodes" local indices=unifyglyphs(fontdata) unifyresources(fontdata,indices) copyduplicates(fontdata) unifymissing(fontdata) stripredundant(fontdata) end end function readers.checkhash(fontdata) local hashmethod=fontdata.hashmethod if hashmethod=="unicodes" then fontdata.names=nil elseif hashmethod=="names" and fontdata.names then unifyresources(fontdata,fontdata.names) copyduplicates(fontdata) fontdata.hashmethod="unicodes" fontdata.names=nil else readers.rehash(fontdata,"unicodes") end end function readers.addunicodetable(fontdata) local resources=fontdata.resources local unicodes=resources.unicodes if not unicodes then local descriptions=fontdata.descriptions if descriptions then unicodes={} resources.unicodes=unicodes for u,d in next,descriptions do local n=d.name if n then unicodes[n]=u end end end end end local concat,sort=table.concat,table.sort local next,type,tostring=next,type,tostring local criterium=1 local threshold=0 local trace_packing=false trackers.register("otf.packing",function(v) trace_packing=v end) local trace_loading=false trackers.register("otf.loading",function(v) trace_loading=v end) local report_otf=logs.reporter("fonts","otf loading") local function tabstr_normal(t) local s={} local n=0 for k,v in next,t do n=n+1 if type(v)=="table" then s[n]=k..">"..tabstr_normal(v) elseif v==true then s[n]=k.."+" elseif v then s[n]=k.."="..v else s[n]=k.."-" end end if n==0 then return "" elseif n==1 then return s[1] else sort(s) return concat(s,",") end end local function tabstr_flat(t) local s={} local n=0 for k,v in next,t do n=n+1 s[n]=k.."="..v end if n==0 then return "" elseif n==1 then return s[1] else sort(s) return concat(s,",") end end local function tabstr_mixed(t) local s={} local n=#t if n==0 then return "" elseif n==1 then local k=t[1] if k==true then return "++" elseif k==false then return "--" else return tostring(k) end else for i=1,n do local k=t[i] if k==true then s[i]="++" elseif k==false then s[i]="--" else s[i]=k end end return concat(s,",") end end local function tabstr_boolean(t) local s={} local n=0 for k,v in next,t do n=n+1 if v then s[n]=k.."+" else s[n]=k.."-" end end if n==0 then return "" elseif n==1 then return s[1] else sort(s) return concat(s,",") end end function readers.pack(data) if data then local h,t,c={},{},{} local hh,tt,cc={},{},{} local nt,ntt=0,0 local function pack_normal(v) local tag=tabstr_normal(v) local ht=h[tag] if ht then c[ht]=c[ht]+1 return ht else nt=nt+1 t[nt]=v h[tag]=nt c[nt]=1 return nt end end local function pack_flat(v) local tag=tabstr_flat(v) local ht=h[tag] if ht then c[ht]=c[ht]+1 return ht else nt=nt+1 t[nt]=v h[tag]=nt c[nt]=1 return nt end end local function pack_boolean(v) local tag=tabstr_boolean(v) local ht=h[tag] if ht then c[ht]=c[ht]+1 return ht else nt=nt+1 t[nt]=v h[tag]=nt c[nt]=1 return nt end end local function pack_indexed(v) local tag=concat(v," ") local ht=h[tag] if ht then c[ht]=c[ht]+1 return ht else nt=nt+1 t[nt]=v h[tag]=nt c[nt]=1 return nt end end local function pack_mixed(v) local tag=tabstr_mixed(v) local ht=h[tag] if ht then c[ht]=c[ht]+1 return ht else nt=nt+1 t[nt]=v h[tag]=nt c[nt]=1 return nt end end local function pack_final(v) if c[v]<=criterium then return t[v] else local hv=hh[v] if hv then return hv else ntt=ntt+1 tt[ntt]=t[v] hh[v]=ntt cc[ntt]=c[v] return ntt end end end local function success(stage,pass) if nt==0 then if trace_loading or trace_packing then report_otf("pack quality: nothing to pack") end return false elseif nt>=threshold then local one,two,rest=0,0,0 if pass==1 then for k,v in next,c do if v==1 then one=one+1 elseif v==2 then two=two+1 else rest=rest+1 end end else for k,v in next,cc do if v>20 then rest=rest+1 elseif v>10 then two=two+1 else one=one+1 end end data.tables=tt end if trace_loading or trace_packing then report_otf("pack quality: stage %s, pass %s, %s packed, 1-10:%s, 11-20:%s, rest:%s (criterium: %s)", stage,pass,one+two+rest,one,two,rest,criterium) end return true else if trace_loading or trace_packing then report_otf("pack quality: stage %s, pass %s, %s packed, aborting pack (threshold: %s)", stage,pass,nt,threshold) end return false end end local function packers(pass) if pass==1 then return pack_normal,pack_indexed,pack_flat,pack_boolean,pack_mixed else return pack_final,pack_final,pack_final,pack_final,pack_final end end local resources=data.resources local sequences=resources.sequences local sublookups=resources.sublookups local features=resources.features local palettes=resources.colorpalettes local variable=resources.variabledata local chardata=characters and characters.data local descriptions=data.descriptions or data.glyphs if not descriptions then return end for pass=1,2 do if trace_packing then report_otf("start packing: stage 1, pass %s",pass) end local pack_normal,pack_indexed,pack_flat,pack_boolean,pack_mixed=packers(pass) for unicode,description in next,descriptions do local boundingbox=description.boundingbox if boundingbox then description.boundingbox=pack_indexed(boundingbox) end local math=description.math if math then local kerns=math.kerns if kerns then for tag,kern in next,kerns do kerns[tag]=pack_normal(kern) end end end end local function packthem(sequences) for i=1,#sequences do local sequence=sequences[i] local kind=sequence.type local steps=sequence.steps local order=sequence.order local features=sequence.features local flags=sequence.flags if steps then for i=1,#steps do local step=steps[i] if kind=="gpos_pair" then local c=step.coverage if c then if step.format=="kern" then for g1,d1 in next,c do c[g1]=pack_normal(d1) end else for g1,d1 in next,c do for g2,d2 in next,d1 do local f=d2[1] if f then d2[1]=pack_indexed(f) end local s=d2[2] if s then d2[2]=pack_indexed(s) end end end end end elseif kind=="gpos_single" then local c=step.coverage if c then if step.format=="kern" then step.coverage=pack_normal(c) else for g1,d1 in next,c do c[g1]=pack_indexed(d1) end end end elseif kind=="gpos_cursive" then local c=step.coverage if c then for g1,d1 in next,c do local f=d1[2] if f then d1[2]=pack_indexed(f) end local s=d1[3] if s then d1[3]=pack_indexed(s) end end end elseif kind=="gpos_mark2base" or kind=="gpos_mark2mark" then local c=step.baseclasses if c then for g1,d1 in next,c do for g2,d2 in next,d1 do d1[g2]=pack_indexed(d2) end end end local c=step.coverage if c then for g1,d1 in next,c do d1[2]=pack_indexed(d1[2]) end end elseif kind=="gpos_mark2ligature" then local c=step.baseclasses if c then for g1,d1 in next,c do for g2,d2 in next,d1 do for g3,d3 in next,d2 do d2[g3]=pack_indexed(d3) end end end end local c=step.coverage if c then for g1,d1 in next,c do d1[2]=pack_indexed(d1[2]) end end end local rules=step.rules if rules then for i=1,#rules do local rule=rules[i] local r=rule.before if r then for i=1,#r do r[i]=pack_boolean(r[i]) end end local r=rule.after if r then for i=1,#r do r[i]=pack_boolean(r[i]) end end local r=rule.current if r then for i=1,#r do r[i]=pack_boolean(r[i]) end end local r=rule.replacements if r then rule.replacements=pack_flat (r) end end end end end if order then sequence.order=pack_indexed(order) end if features then for script,feature in next,features do features[script]=pack_normal(feature) end end if flags then sequence.flags=pack_normal(flags) end end end if sequences then packthem(sequences) end if sublookups then packthem(sublookups) end if features then for k,list in next,features do for feature,spec in next,list do list[feature]=pack_normal(spec) end end end if palettes then for i=1,#palettes do local p=palettes[i] for j=1,#p do p[j]=pack_indexed(p[j]) end end end if variable then local instances=variable.instances if instances then for i=1,#instances do local v=instances[i].values for j=1,#v do v[j]=pack_normal(v[j]) end end end local function packdeltas(main) if main then local deltas=main.deltas if deltas then for i=1,#deltas do local di=deltas[i] local d=di.deltas local r=di.regions for j=1,#d do d[j]=pack_indexed(d[j]) end di.regions=pack_indexed(di.regions) end end local regions=main.regions if regions then for i=1,#regions do local r=regions[i] for j=1,#r do r[j]=pack_normal(r[j]) end end end end end packdeltas(variable.global) packdeltas(variable.horizontal) packdeltas(variable.vertical) packdeltas(variable.metrics) end if not success(1,pass) then return end end if nt>0 then for pass=1,2 do if trace_packing then report_otf("start packing: stage 2, pass %s",pass) end local pack_normal,pack_indexed,pack_flat,pack_boolean,pack_mixed=packers(pass) for unicode,description in next,descriptions do local math=description.math if math then local kerns=math.kerns if kerns then math.kerns=pack_normal(kerns) end end end local function packthem(sequences) for i=1,#sequences do local sequence=sequences[i] local kind=sequence.type local steps=sequence.steps local features=sequence.features if steps then for i=1,#steps do local step=steps[i] if kind=="gpos_pair" then local c=step.coverage if c then if step.format=="kern" then else for g1,d1 in next,c do for g2,d2 in next,d1 do d1[g2]=pack_normal(d2) end end end end end local rules=step.rules if rules then for i=1,#rules do local rule=rules[i] local r=rule.before if r then rule.before=pack_normal(r) end local r=rule.after if r then rule.after=pack_normal(r) end local r=rule.current if r then rule.current=pack_normal(r) end end end end end if features then sequence.features=pack_normal(features) end end end if sequences then packthem(sequences) end if sublookups then packthem(sublookups) end if variable then local function unpackdeltas(main) if main then local regions=main.regions if regions then main.regions=pack_normal(regions) end end end unpackdeltas(variable.global) unpackdeltas(variable.horizontal) unpackdeltas(variable.vertical) unpackdeltas(variable.metrics) end end for pass=1,2 do if trace_packing then report_otf("start packing: stage 3, pass %s",pass) end local pack_normal,pack_indexed,pack_flat,pack_boolean,pack_mixed=packers(pass) local function packthem(sequences) for i=1,#sequences do local sequence=sequences[i] local kind=sequence.type local steps=sequence.steps local features=sequence.features if steps then for i=1,#steps do local step=steps[i] if kind=="gpos_pair" then local c=step.coverage if c then if step.format=="kern" then else for g1,d1 in next,c do c[g1]=pack_normal(d1) end end end end end end end end if sequences then packthem(sequences) end if sublookups then packthem(sublookups) end end end end end local unpacked_mt={ __index=function(t,k) t[k]=false return k end } function readers.unpack(data) if data then local tables=data.tables if tables then local resources=data.resources local descriptions=data.descriptions or data.glyphs local sequences=resources.sequences local sublookups=resources.sublookups local features=resources.features local palettes=resources.colorpalettes local variable=resources.variabledata local unpacked={} setmetatable(unpacked,unpacked_mt) for unicode,description in next,descriptions do local tv=tables[description.boundingbox] if tv then description.boundingbox=tv end local math=description.math if math then local kerns=math.kerns if kerns then local tm=tables[kerns] if tm then math.kerns=tm kerns=unpacked[tm] end if kerns then for k,kern in next,kerns do local tv=tables[kern] if tv then kerns[k]=tv end end end end end end local function unpackthem(sequences) for i=1,#sequences do local sequence=sequences[i] local kind=sequence.type local steps=sequence.steps local order=sequence.order local features=sequence.features local flags=sequence.flags local markclass=sequence.markclass if steps then for i=1,#steps do local step=steps[i] if kind=="gpos_pair" then local c=step.coverage if c then if step.format=="kern" then for g1,d1 in next,c do local tv=tables[d1] if tv then c[g1]=tv end end else for g1,d1 in next,c do local tv=tables[d1] if tv then c[g1]=tv d1=tv end for g2,d2 in next,d1 do local tv=tables[d2] if tv then d1[g2]=tv d2=tv end local f=tables[d2[1]] if f then d2[1]=f end local s=tables[d2[2]] if s then d2[2]=s end end end end end elseif kind=="gpos_single" then local c=step.coverage if c then if step.format=="kern" then local tv=tables[c] if tv then step.coverage=tv end else for g1,d1 in next,c do local tv=tables[d1] if tv then c[g1]=tv end end end end elseif kind=="gpos_cursive" then local c=step.coverage if c then for g1,d1 in next,c do local f=tables[d1[2]] if f then d1[2]=f end local s=tables[d1[3]] if s then d1[3]=s end end end elseif kind=="gpos_mark2base" or kind=="gpos_mark2mark" then local c=step.baseclasses if c then for g1,d1 in next,c do for g2,d2 in next,d1 do local tv=tables[d2] if tv then d1[g2]=tv end end end end local c=step.coverage if c then for g1,d1 in next,c do local tv=tables[d1[2]] if tv then d1[2]=tv end end end elseif kind=="gpos_mark2ligature" then local c=step.baseclasses if c then for g1,d1 in next,c do for g2,d2 in next,d1 do for g3,d3 in next,d2 do local tv=tables[d2[g3]] if tv then d2[g3]=tv end end end end end local c=step.coverage if c then for g1,d1 in next,c do local tv=tables[d1[2]] if tv then d1[2]=tv end end end end local rules=step.rules if rules then for i=1,#rules do local rule=rules[i] local before=rule.before if before then local tv=tables[before] if tv then rule.before=tv before=tv end for i=1,#before do local tv=tables[before[i]] if tv then before[i]=tv end end end local after=rule.after if after then local tv=tables[after] if tv then rule.after=tv after=tv end for i=1,#after do local tv=tables[after[i]] if tv then after[i]=tv end end end local current=rule.current if current then local tv=tables[current] if tv then rule.current=tv current=tv end for i=1,#current do local tv=tables[current[i]] if tv then current[i]=tv end end end local replacements=rule.replacements if replacements then local tv=tables[replacements] if tv then rule.replacements=tv end end end end end end if features then local tv=tables[features] if tv then sequence.features=tv features=tv end for script,feature in next,features do local tv=tables[feature] if tv then features[script]=tv end end end if order then local tv=tables[order] if tv then sequence.order=tv end end if flags then local tv=tables[flags] if tv then sequence.flags=tv end end end end if sequences then unpackthem(sequences) end if sublookups then unpackthem(sublookups) end if features then for k,list in next,features do for feature,spec in next,list do local tv=tables[spec] if tv then list[feature]=tv end end end end if palettes then for i=1,#palettes do local p=palettes[i] for j=1,#p do local tv=tables[p[j]] if tv then p[j]=tv end end end end if variable then local instances=variable.instances if instances then for i=1,#instances do local v=instances[i].values for j=1,#v do local tv=tables[v[j]] if tv then v[j]=tv end end end end local function unpackdeltas(main) if main then local deltas=main.deltas if deltas then for i=1,#deltas do local di=deltas[i] local d=di.deltas local r=di.regions for j=1,#d do local tv=tables[d[j]] if tv then d[j]=tv end end local tv=di.regions if tv then di.regions=tv end end end local regions=main.regions if regions then local tv=tables[regions] if tv then main.regions=tv regions=tv end for i=1,#regions do local r=regions[i] for j=1,#r do local tv=tables[r[j]] if tv then r[j]=tv end end end end end end unpackdeltas(variable.global) unpackdeltas(variable.horizontal) unpackdeltas(variable.vertical) unpackdeltas(variable.metrics) end data.tables=nil end end end local mt={ __index=function(t,k) if k=="height" then local ht=t.boundingbox[4] return ht<0 and 0 or ht elseif k=="depth" then local dp=-t.boundingbox[2] return dp<0 and 0 or dp elseif k=="width" then return 0 elseif k=="name" then return forcenotdef and ".notdef" end end } local function sameformat(sequence,steps,first,nofsteps,kind) return true end local function mergesteps_1(lookup,strict) local steps=lookup.steps local nofsteps=lookup.nofsteps local first=steps[1] if strict then local f=first.format for i=2,nofsteps do if steps[i].format~=f then report("not merging %a steps of %a lookup %a, different formats",nofsteps,lookup.type,lookup.name) return 0 end end end report("merging %a steps of %a lookup %a",nofsteps,lookup.type,lookup.name) local target=first.coverage for i=2,nofsteps do for k,v in next,steps[i].coverage do if not target[k] then target[k]=v end end end lookup.nofsteps=1 lookup.merged=true lookup.steps={ first } return nofsteps-1 end local function mergesteps_2(lookup,strict) local steps=lookup.steps local nofsteps=lookup.nofsteps local first=steps[1] if strict then local f=first.format for i=2,nofsteps do if steps[i].format~=f then report("not merging %a steps of %a lookup %a, different formats",nofsteps,lookup.type,lookup.name) return 0 end end end report("merging %a steps of %a lookup %a",nofsteps,lookup.type,lookup.name) local target=first.coverage for i=2,nofsteps do for k,v in next,steps[i].coverage do local tk=target[k] if tk then for k,v in next,v do if not tk[k] then tk[k]=v end end else target[k]=v end end end lookup.nofsteps=1 lookup.steps={ first } return nofsteps-1 end local function mergesteps_3(lookup,strict) local steps=lookup.steps local nofsteps=lookup.nofsteps local first=steps[1] report("merging %a steps of %a lookup %a",nofsteps,lookup.type,lookup.name) local baseclasses={} local coverage={} local used={} for i=1,nofsteps do local offset=i*10 local step=steps[i] for k,v in sortedhash(step.baseclasses) do baseclasses[offset+k]=v end for k,v in next,step.coverage do local tk=coverage[k] if tk then for k,v in next,v do if not tk[k] then tk[k]=v local c=offset+v[1] v[1]=c if not used[c] then used[c]=true end end end else coverage[k]=v local c=offset+v[1] v[1]=c if not used[c] then used[c]=true end end end end for k,v in next,baseclasses do if not used[k] then baseclasses[k]=nil report("discarding not used baseclass %i",k) end end first.baseclasses=baseclasses first.coverage=coverage lookup.nofsteps=1 lookup.steps={ first } return nofsteps-1 end local function nested(old,new) for k,v in next,old do if k=="ligature" then if not new.ligature then new.ligature=v end else local n=new[k] if n then nested(v,n) else new[k]=v end end end end local function mergesteps_4(lookup) local steps=lookup.steps local nofsteps=lookup.nofsteps local first=steps[1] report("merging %a steps of %a lookup %a",nofsteps,lookup.type,lookup.name) local target=first.coverage for i=2,nofsteps do for k,v in next,steps[i].coverage do local tk=target[k] if tk then nested(v,tk) else target[k]=v end end end lookup.nofsteps=1 lookup.steps={ first } return nofsteps-1 end local function checkkerns(lookup) local steps=lookup.steps local nofsteps=lookup.nofsteps for i=1,nofsteps do local step=steps[i] if step.format=="pair" then local coverage=step.coverage local kerns=true for g1,d1 in next,coverage do if d1[1]~=0 or d1[2]~=0 or d1[4]~=0 then kerns=false break end end if kerns then report("turning pairs of step %a of %a lookup %a into kerns",i,lookup.type,lookup.name) for g1,d1 in next,coverage do coverage[g1]=d1[3] end step.format="kern" end end end end local function checkpairs(lookup) local steps=lookup.steps local nofsteps=lookup.nofsteps local kerned=0 for i=1,nofsteps do local step=steps[i] if step.format=="pair" then local coverage=step.coverage local kerns=true for g1,d1 in next,coverage do for g2,d2 in next,d1 do if d2[2] then kerns=false break else local v=d2[1] if v[1]~=0 or v[2]~=0 or v[4]~=0 then kerns=false break end end end end if kerns then report("turning pairs of step %a of %a lookup %a into kerns",i,lookup.type,lookup.name) for g1,d1 in next,coverage do for g2,d2 in next,d1 do d1[g2]=d2[1][3] end end step.format="kern" kerned=kerned+1 end end end return kerned end function readers.compact(data) if not data or data.compacted then return else data.compacted=true end local resources=data.resources local merged=0 local kerned=0 local allsteps=0 local function compact(what) local lookups=resources[what] if lookups then for i=1,#lookups do local lookup=lookups[i] local nofsteps=lookup.nofsteps allsteps=allsteps+nofsteps if nofsteps>1 then local kind=lookup.type if kind=="gsub_single" or kind=="gsub_alternate" or kind=="gsub_multiple" then merged=merged+mergesteps_1(lookup) elseif kind=="gsub_ligature" then merged=merged+mergesteps_4(lookup) elseif kind=="gpos_single" then merged=merged+mergesteps_1(lookup,true) checkkerns(lookup) elseif kind=="gpos_pair" then merged=merged+mergesteps_2(lookup,true) kerned=kerned+checkpairs(lookup) elseif kind=="gpos_cursive" then merged=merged+mergesteps_2(lookup) elseif kind=="gpos_mark2mark" or kind=="gpos_mark2base" or kind=="gpos_mark2ligature" then merged=merged+mergesteps_3(lookup) end end end else report("no lookups in %a",what) end end compact("sequences") compact("sublookups") if merged>0 then report("%i steps of %i removed due to merging",merged,allsteps) end if kerned>0 then report("%i steps of %i steps turned from pairs into kerns",kerned,allsteps) end end function readers.expand(data) if not data or data.expanded then return else data.expanded=true end local resources=data.resources local sublookups=resources.sublookups local sequences=resources.sequences local markclasses=resources.markclasses local descriptions=data.descriptions if descriptions then local defaultwidth=resources.defaultwidth or 0 local defaultheight=resources.defaultheight or 0 local defaultdepth=resources.defaultdepth or 0 local basename=trace_markwidth and file.basename(resources.filename) for u,d in next,descriptions do local bb=d.boundingbox local wd=d.width if not wd then d.width=defaultwidth elseif trace_markwidth and wd~=0 and d.class=="mark" then report("mark %a with width %b found in %a",d.name or "",wd,basename) end if bb then local ht=bb[4] local dp=-bb[2] if ht==0 or ht<0 then else d.height=ht end if dp==0 or dp<0 then else d.depth=dp end end end end local function expandlookups(sequences) if sequences then for i=1,#sequences do local sequence=sequences[i] local steps=sequence.steps if steps then local kind=sequence.type local markclass=sequence.markclass if markclass then if not markclasses then report_warning("missing markclasses") sequence.markclass=false else sequence.markclass=markclasses[markclass] end end for i=1,sequence.nofsteps do local step=steps[i] local baseclasses=step.baseclasses if baseclasses then local coverage=step.coverage for k,v in next,coverage do v[1]=baseclasses[v[1]] end elseif kind=="gpos_cursive" then local coverage=step.coverage for k,v in next,coverage do v[1]=coverage end end local rules=step.rules if rules then local rulehash={} local rulesize=0 local coverage={} local lookuptype=sequence.type step.coverage=coverage for nofrules=1,#rules do local rule=rules[nofrules] local current=rule.current local before=rule.before local after=rule.after local replacements=rule.replacements or false local sequence={} local nofsequences=0 if before then for n=1,#before do nofsequences=nofsequences+1 sequence[nofsequences]=before[n] end end local start=nofsequences+1 for n=1,#current do nofsequences=nofsequences+1 sequence[nofsequences]=current[n] end local stop=nofsequences if after then for n=1,#after do nofsequences=nofsequences+1 sequence[nofsequences]=after[n] end end local lookups=rule.lookups or false local subtype=nil if lookups then for i=1,#lookups do local lookups=lookups[i] if lookups then for k,v in next,lookups do local lookup=sublookups[v] if lookup then lookups[k]=lookup if not subtype then subtype=lookup.type end else end end end end end if sequence[1] then rulesize=rulesize+1 rulehash[rulesize]={ nofrules, lookuptype, sequence, start, stop, lookups, replacements, subtype, } for unic in next,sequence[start] do local cu=coverage[unic] if not cu then coverage[unic]=rulehash end end end end end end end end end end expandlookups(sequences) expandlookups(sublookups) end end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['font-otl']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to font-ini.mkiv", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files", } local lower=string.lower local type,next,tonumber,tostring,unpack=type,next,tonumber,tostring,unpack local abs=math.abs local derivetable=table.derive local formatters=string.formatters local setmetatableindex=table.setmetatableindex local allocate=utilities.storage.allocate local registertracker=trackers.register local registerdirective=directives.register local starttiming=statistics.starttiming local stoptiming=statistics.stoptiming local elapsedtime=statistics.elapsedtime local findbinfile=resolvers.findbinfile local trace_loading=false registertracker("otf.loading",function(v) trace_loading=v end) local trace_features=false registertracker("otf.features",function(v) trace_features=v end) local trace_defining=false registertracker("fonts.defining",function(v) trace_defining=v end) local report_otf=logs.reporter("fonts","otf loading") local fonts=fonts local otf=fonts.handlers.otf otf.version=3.029 otf.cache=containers.define("fonts","otl",otf.version,true) otf.svgcache=containers.define("fonts","svg",otf.version,true) otf.sbixcache=containers.define("fonts","sbix",otf.version,true) otf.pdfcache=containers.define("fonts","pdf",otf.version,true) otf.svgenabled=false otf.sbixenabled=false local otfreaders=otf.readers local hashes=fonts.hashes local definers=fonts.definers local readers=fonts.readers local constructors=fonts.constructors local otffeatures=constructors.features.otf local registerotffeature=otffeatures.register local otfenhancers=constructors.enhancers.otf local registerotfenhancer=otfenhancers.register local forceload=false local cleanup=0 local syncspace=true local forcenotdef=false local applyruntimefixes=fonts.treatments and fonts.treatments.applyfixes local wildcard="*" local default="dflt" local formats=fonts.formats formats.otf="opentype" formats.ttf="truetype" formats.ttc="truetype" registerdirective("fonts.otf.loader.cleanup",function(v) cleanup=tonumber(v) or (v and 1) or 0 end) registerdirective("fonts.otf.loader.force",function(v) forceload=v end) registerdirective("fonts.otf.loader.syncspace",function(v) syncspace=v end) registerdirective("fonts.otf.loader.forcenotdef",function(v) forcenotdef=v end) registerotfenhancer("check extra features",function() end) function otf.load(filename,sub,instance) local base=file.basename(file.removesuffix(filename)) local name=file.removesuffix(base) local attr=lfs.attributes(filename) local size=attr and attr.size or 0 local time=attr and attr.modification or 0 if sub=="" then sub=false end local hash=name if sub then hash=hash.."-"..sub end if instance then hash=hash.."-"..instance end hash=containers.cleanname(hash) local data=containers.read(otf.cache,hash) local reload=not data or data.size~=size or data.time~=time or data.tableversion~=otfreaders.tableversion if forceload then report_otf("forced reload of %a due to hard coded flag",filename) reload=true end if reload then report_otf("loading %a, hash %a",filename,hash) starttiming(otfreaders) data=otfreaders.loadfont(filename,sub or 1,instance) if data then local resources=data.resources local svgshapes=resources.svgshapes local sbixshapes=resources.sbixshapes if svgshapes then resources.svgshapes=nil if otf.svgenabled then local timestamp=os.date() containers.write(otf.svgcache,hash,{ svgshapes=svgshapes, timestamp=timestamp, }) data.properties.svg={ hash=hash, timestamp=timestamp, } end end if sbixshapes then resources.sbixshapes=nil if otf.sbixenabled then local timestamp=os.date() containers.write(otf.sbixcache,hash,{ sbixshapes=sbixshapes, timestamp=timestamp, }) data.properties.sbix={ hash=hash, timestamp=timestamp, } end end otfreaders.compact(data) otfreaders.rehash(data,"unicodes") otfreaders.addunicodetable(data) otfreaders.extend(data) otfreaders.pack(data) report_otf("loading done") report_otf("saving %a in cache",filename) data=containers.write(otf.cache,hash,data) if cleanup>1 then collectgarbage("collect") end stoptiming(otfreaders) if elapsedtime then report_otf("loading, optimizing, packing and caching time %s",elapsedtime(otfreaders)) end if cleanup>3 then collectgarbage("collect") end data=containers.read(otf.cache,hash) if cleanup>2 then collectgarbage("collect") end else data=nil report_otf("loading failed due to read error") end end if data then if trace_defining then report_otf("loading from cache using hash %a",hash) end otfreaders.unpack(data) otfreaders.expand(data) otfreaders.addunicodetable(data) otfenhancers.apply(data,filename,data) if applyruntimefixes then applyruntimefixes(filename,data) end data.metadata.math=data.resources.mathconstants local classes=data.resources.classes if not classes then local descriptions=data.descriptions classes=setmetatableindex(function(t,k) local d=descriptions[k] local v=(d and d.class or "base") or false t[k]=v return v end) data.resources.classes=classes end end return data end function otf.setfeatures(tfmdata,features) local okay=constructors.initializefeatures("otf",tfmdata,features,trace_features,report_otf) if okay then return constructors.collectprocessors("otf",tfmdata,features,trace_features,report_otf) else return {} end end local function copytotfm(data,cache_id) if data then local metadata=data.metadata local properties=derivetable(data.properties) local descriptions=derivetable(data.descriptions) local goodies=derivetable(data.goodies) local characters={} local parameters={} local mathparameters={} local resources=data.resources local unicodes=resources.unicodes local spaceunits=500 local spacer="space" local designsize=metadata.designsize or 100 local minsize=metadata.minsize or designsize local maxsize=metadata.maxsize or designsize local mathspecs=metadata.math if designsize==0 then designsize=100 minsize=100 maxsize=100 end if mathspecs then for name,value in next,mathspecs do mathparameters[name]=value end end for unicode in next,data.descriptions do characters[unicode]={} end if mathspecs then for unicode,character in next,characters do local d=descriptions[unicode] local m=d.math if m then local italic=m.italic local vitalic=m.vitalic local variants=m.hvariants local parts=m.hparts if variants then local c=character for i=1,#variants do local un=variants[i] c.next=un c=characters[un] end c.horiz_variants=parts elseif parts then character.horiz_variants=parts italic=m.hitalic end local variants=m.vvariants local parts=m.vparts if variants then local c=character for i=1,#variants do local un=variants[i] c.next=un c=characters[un] end c.vert_variants=parts elseif parts then character.vert_variants=parts end if italic and italic~=0 then character.italic=italic end if vitalic and vitalic~=0 then character.vert_italic=vitalic end local accent=m.accent if accent then character.accent=accent end local kerns=m.kerns if kerns then character.mathkerns=kerns end end end end local filename=constructors.checkedfilename(resources) local fontname=metadata.fontname local fullname=metadata.fullname or fontname local psname=fontname or fullname local units=metadata.units or 1000 if units==0 then units=1000 metadata.units=1000 report_otf("changing %a units to %a",0,units) end local monospaced=metadata.monospaced local charwidth=metadata.averagewidth local charxheight=metadata.xheight local italicangle=metadata.italicangle local hasitalics=metadata.hasitalics properties.monospaced=monospaced properties.hasitalics=hasitalics parameters.italicangle=italicangle parameters.charwidth=charwidth parameters.charxheight=charxheight local space=0x0020 local emdash=0x2014 if monospaced then if descriptions[space] then spaceunits,spacer=descriptions[space].width,"space" end if not spaceunits and descriptions[emdash] then spaceunits,spacer=descriptions[emdash].width,"emdash" end if not spaceunits and charwidth then spaceunits,spacer=charwidth,"charwidth" end else if descriptions[space] then spaceunits,spacer=descriptions[space].width,"space" end if not spaceunits and descriptions[emdash] then spaceunits,spacer=descriptions[emdash].width/2,"emdash/2" end if not spaceunits and charwidth then spaceunits,spacer=charwidth,"charwidth" end end spaceunits=tonumber(spaceunits) or units/2 parameters.slant=0 parameters.space=spaceunits parameters.space_stretch=1*units/2 parameters.space_shrink=1*units/3 parameters.x_height=2*units/5 parameters.quad=units if spaceunits<2*units/5 then end if italicangle and italicangle~=0 then parameters.italicangle=italicangle parameters.italicfactor=math.cos(math.rad(90+italicangle)) parameters.slant=- math.tan(italicangle*math.pi/180) end if monospaced then parameters.space_stretch=0 parameters.space_shrink=0 elseif syncspace then parameters.space_stretch=spaceunits/2 parameters.space_shrink=spaceunits/3 end parameters.extra_space=parameters.space_shrink if charxheight then parameters.x_height=charxheight else local x=0x0078 if x then local x=descriptions[x] if x then parameters.x_height=x.height end end end parameters.designsize=(designsize/10)*65536 parameters.minsize=(minsize/10)*65536 parameters.maxsize=(maxsize/10)*65536 parameters.ascender=abs(metadata.ascender or 0) parameters.descender=abs(metadata.descender or 0) parameters.units=units properties.space=spacer properties.encodingbytes=2 properties.format=data.format or formats.otf properties.noglyphnames=true properties.filename=filename properties.fontname=fontname properties.fullname=fullname properties.psname=psname properties.name=filename or fullname return { characters=characters, descriptions=descriptions, parameters=parameters, mathparameters=mathparameters, resources=resources, properties=properties, goodies=goodies, } end end local converters={ woff={ cachename="webfonts", action=otf.readers.woff2otf, } } local function checkconversion(specification) local filename=specification.filename local converter=converters[lower(file.suffix(filename))] if converter then local base=file.basename(filename) local name=file.removesuffix(base) local attr=lfs.attributes(filename) local size=attr and attr.size or 0 local time=attr and attr.modification or 0 if size>0 then local cleanname=containers.cleanname(name) local cachename=caches.setfirstwritablefile(cleanname,converter.cachename) if not io.exists(cachename) or (time~=lfs.attributes(cachename).modification) then report_otf("caching font %a in %a",filename,cachename) converter.action(filename,cachename) lfs.touch(cachename,time,time) end specification.filename=cachename end end end local function otftotfm(specification) local cache_id=specification.hash local tfmdata=containers.read(constructors.cache,cache_id) if not tfmdata then checkconversion(specification) local name=specification.name local sub=specification.sub local subindex=specification.subindex local filename=specification.filename local features=specification.features.normal local instance=specification.instance or (features and features.axis) local rawdata=otf.load(filename,sub,instance) if rawdata and next(rawdata) then local descriptions=rawdata.descriptions rawdata.lookuphash={} tfmdata=copytotfm(rawdata,cache_id) if tfmdata and next(tfmdata) then local features=constructors.checkedfeatures("otf",features) local shared=tfmdata.shared if not shared then shared={} tfmdata.shared=shared end shared.rawdata=rawdata shared.dynamics={} tfmdata.changed={} shared.features=features shared.processes=otf.setfeatures(tfmdata,features) end end containers.write(constructors.cache,cache_id,tfmdata) end return tfmdata end local function read_from_otf(specification) local tfmdata=otftotfm(specification) if tfmdata then tfmdata.properties.name=specification.name tfmdata.properties.sub=specification.sub tfmdata=constructors.scale(tfmdata,specification) local allfeatures=tfmdata.shared.features or specification.features.normal constructors.applymanipulators("otf",tfmdata,allfeatures,trace_features,report_otf) constructors.setname(tfmdata,specification) fonts.loggers.register(tfmdata,file.suffix(specification.filename),specification) end return tfmdata end local function checkmathsize(tfmdata,mathsize) local mathdata=tfmdata.shared.rawdata.metadata.math local mathsize=tonumber(mathsize) if mathdata then local parameters=tfmdata.parameters parameters.scriptpercentage=mathdata.ScriptPercentScaleDown parameters.scriptscriptpercentage=mathdata.ScriptScriptPercentScaleDown parameters.mathsize=mathsize end end registerotffeature { name="mathsize", description="apply mathsize specified in the font", initializers={ base=checkmathsize, node=checkmathsize, } } function otf.collectlookups(rawdata,kind,script,language) if not kind then return end if not script then script=default end if not language then language=default end local lookupcache=rawdata.lookupcache if not lookupcache then lookupcache={} rawdata.lookupcache=lookupcache end local kindlookup=lookupcache[kind] if not kindlookup then kindlookup={} lookupcache[kind]=kindlookup end local scriptlookup=kindlookup[script] if not scriptlookup then scriptlookup={} kindlookup[script]=scriptlookup end local languagelookup=scriptlookup[language] if not languagelookup then local sequences=rawdata.resources.sequences local featuremap={} local featurelist={} if sequences then for s=1,#sequences do local sequence=sequences[s] local features=sequence.features if features then features=features[kind] if features then features=features[script] or features[wildcard] if features then features=features[language] or features[wildcard] if features then if not featuremap[sequence] then featuremap[sequence]=true featurelist[#featurelist+1]=sequence end end end end end end if #featurelist==0 then featuremap,featurelist=false,false end else featuremap,featurelist=false,false end languagelookup={ featuremap,featurelist } scriptlookup[language]=languagelookup end return unpack(languagelookup) end local function getgsub(tfmdata,k,kind,value) local shared=tfmdata.shared local rawdata=shared and shared.rawdata if rawdata then local sequences=rawdata.resources.sequences if sequences then local properties=tfmdata.properties local validlookups,lookuplist=otf.collectlookups(rawdata,kind,properties.script,properties.language) if validlookups then for i=1,#lookuplist do local lookup=lookuplist[i] local steps=lookup.steps local nofsteps=lookup.nofsteps for i=1,nofsteps do local coverage=steps[i].coverage if coverage then local found=coverage[k] if found then return found,lookup.type end end end end end end end end otf.getgsub=getgsub function otf.getsubstitution(tfmdata,k,kind,value) local found,kind=getgsub(tfmdata,k,kind,value) if not found then elseif kind=="gsub_single" then return found elseif kind=="gsub_alternate" then local choice=tonumber(value) or 1 return found[choice] or found[1] or k end return k end otf.getalternate=otf.getsubstitution function otf.getmultiple(tfmdata,k,kind) local found,kind=getgsub(tfmdata,k,kind) if found and kind=="gsub_multiple" then return found end return { k } end function otf.getkern(tfmdata,left,right,kind) local kerns=getgsub(tfmdata,left,kind or "kern",true) if kerns then local found=kerns[right] local kind=type(found) if kind=="table" then found=found[1][3] elseif kind~="number" then found=false end if found then return found*tfmdata.parameters.factor end end return 0 end local function check_otf(forced,specification,suffix) local name=specification.name if forced then name=specification.forcedname end local fullname=findbinfile(name,suffix) or "" if fullname=="" then fullname=fonts.names.getfilename(name,suffix) or "" end if fullname~="" and not fonts.names.ignoredfile(fullname) then specification.filename=fullname return read_from_otf(specification) end end local function opentypereader(specification,suffix) local forced=specification.forced or "" if formats[forced] then return check_otf(true,specification,forced) else return check_otf(false,specification,suffix) end end readers.opentype=opentypereader function readers.otf(specification) return opentypereader(specification,"otf") end function readers.ttf(specification) return opentypereader(specification,"ttf") end function readers.ttc(specification) return opentypereader(specification,"ttf") end function readers.woff(specification) checkconversion(specification) opentypereader(specification,"") end function otf.scriptandlanguage(tfmdata,attr) local properties=tfmdata.properties return properties.script or "dflt",properties.language or "dflt" end local function justset(coverage,unicode,replacement) coverage[unicode]=replacement end otf.coverup={ stepkey="steps", actions={ chainsubstitution=justset, chainposition=justset, substitution=justset, alternate=justset, multiple=justset, kern=justset, pair=justset, ligature=function(coverage,unicode,ligature) local first=ligature[1] local tree=coverage[first] if not tree then tree={} coverage[first]=tree end for i=2,#ligature do local l=ligature[i] local t=tree[l] if not t then t={} tree[l]=t end tree=t end tree.ligature=unicode end, }, register=function(coverage,featuretype,format) return { format=format, coverage=coverage, } end } end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['font-oto']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to font-ini.mkiv", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } local concat,unpack=table.concat,table.unpack local insert,remove=table.insert,table.remove local format,gmatch,gsub,find,match,lower,strip=string.format,string.gmatch,string.gsub,string.find,string.match,string.lower,string.strip local type,next,tonumber,tostring,rawget=type,next,tonumber,tostring,rawget local trace_baseinit=false trackers.register("otf.baseinit",function(v) trace_baseinit=v end) local trace_singles=false trackers.register("otf.singles",function(v) trace_singles=v end) local trace_multiples=false trackers.register("otf.multiples",function(v) trace_multiples=v end) local trace_alternatives=false trackers.register("otf.alternatives",function(v) trace_alternatives=v end) local trace_ligatures=false trackers.register("otf.ligatures",function(v) trace_ligatures=v end) local trace_kerns=false trackers.register("otf.kerns",function(v) trace_kerns=v end) local trace_preparing=false trackers.register("otf.preparing",function(v) trace_preparing=v end) local report_prepare=logs.reporter("fonts","otf prepare") local fonts=fonts local otf=fonts.handlers.otf local otffeatures=otf.features local registerotffeature=otffeatures.register otf.defaultbasealternate="none" local wildcard="*" local default="dflt" local formatters=string.formatters local f_unicode=formatters["%U"] local f_uniname=formatters["%U (%s)"] local f_unilist=formatters["% t (% t)"] local function gref(descriptions,n) if type(n)=="number" then local name=descriptions[n].name if name then return f_uniname(n,name) else return f_unicode(n) end elseif n then local num,nam,j={},{},0 for i=1,#n do local ni=n[i] if tonumber(ni) then j=j+1 local di=descriptions[ni] num[j]=f_unicode(ni) nam[j]=di and di.name or "-" end end return f_unilist(num,nam) else return "" end end local function cref(feature,sequence) return formatters["feature %a, type %a, chain lookup %a"](feature,sequence.type,sequence.name) end local function report_alternate(feature,sequence,descriptions,unicode,replacement,value,comment) report_prepare("%s: base alternate %s => %s (%S => %S)", cref(feature,sequence), gref(descriptions,unicode), replacement and gref(descriptions,replacement), value, comment) end local function report_substitution(feature,sequence,descriptions,unicode,substitution) report_prepare("%s: base substitution %s => %S", cref(feature,sequence), gref(descriptions,unicode), gref(descriptions,substitution)) end local function report_ligature(feature,sequence,descriptions,unicode,ligature) report_prepare("%s: base ligature %s => %S", cref(feature,sequence), gref(descriptions,ligature), gref(descriptions,unicode)) end local function report_kern(feature,sequence,descriptions,unicode,otherunicode,value) report_prepare("%s: base kern %s + %s => %S", cref(feature,sequence), gref(descriptions,unicode), gref(descriptions,otherunicode), value) end local basehash,basehashes,applied={},1,{} local function registerbasehash(tfmdata) local properties=tfmdata.properties local hash=concat(applied," ") local base=basehash[hash] if not base then basehashes=basehashes+1 base=basehashes basehash[hash]=base end properties.basehash=base properties.fullname=(properties.fullname or properties.name).."-"..base applied={} end local function registerbasefeature(feature,value) applied[#applied+1]=feature.."="..tostring(value) end local function makefake(tfmdata,name,present) local resources=tfmdata.resources local private=resources.private local character={ intermediate=true,ligatures={} } resources.unicodes[name]=private tfmdata.characters[private]=character tfmdata.descriptions[private]={ name=name } resources.private=private+1 present[name]=private return character end local function make_1(present,tree,name) for k,v in next,tree do if k=="ligature" then present[name]=v else make_1(present,v,name.."_"..k) end end end local function make_2(present,tfmdata,characters,tree,name,preceding,unicode,done) for k,v in next,tree do if k=="ligature" then local character=characters[preceding] if not character then if trace_baseinit then report_prepare("weird ligature in lookup %a, current %C, preceding %C",sequence.name,v,preceding) end character=makefake(tfmdata,name,present) end local ligatures=character.ligatures if ligatures then ligatures[unicode]={ char=v } else character.ligatures={ [unicode]={ char=v } } end if done then local d=done[name] if not d then done[name]={ "dummy",v } else d[#d+1]=v end end else local code=present[name] or unicode local name=name.."_"..k make_2(present,tfmdata,characters,v,name,code,k,done) end end end local function preparesubstitutions(tfmdata,feature,value,validlookups,lookuplist) local characters=tfmdata.characters local descriptions=tfmdata.descriptions local resources=tfmdata.resources local changed=tfmdata.changed local ligatures={} local alternate=tonumber(value) or true and 1 local defaultalt=otf.defaultbasealternate local trace_singles=trace_baseinit and trace_singles local trace_alternatives=trace_baseinit and trace_alternatives local trace_ligatures=trace_baseinit and trace_ligatures if not changed then changed={} tfmdata.changed=changed end for i=1,#lookuplist do local sequence=lookuplist[i] local steps=sequence.steps local kind=sequence.type if kind=="gsub_single" then for i=1,#steps do for unicode,data in next,steps[i].coverage do if trace_singles then report_substitution(feature,sequence,descriptions,unicode,data) end changed[unicode]=data end end elseif kind=="gsub_alternate" then for i=1,#steps do for unicode,data in next,steps[i].coverage do if not changed[unicode] then local replacement=data[alternate] if replacement then changed[unicode]=replacement if trace_alternatives then report_alternate(feature,sequence,descriptions,unicode,replacement,value,"normal") end elseif defaultalt=="first" then replacement=data[1] changed[unicode]=replacement if trace_alternatives then report_alternate(feature,sequence,descriptions,unicode,replacement,value,defaultalt) end elseif defaultalt=="last" then replacement=data[#data] if trace_alternatives then report_alternate(feature,sequence,descriptions,unicode,replacement,value,defaultalt) end else if trace_alternatives then report_alternate(feature,sequence,descriptions,unicode,replacement,value,"unknown") end end end end end elseif kind=="gsub_ligature" then for i=1,#steps do for unicode,data in next,steps[i].coverage do ligatures[#ligatures+1]={ unicode,data,"" } if trace_ligatures then report_ligature(feature,sequence,descriptions,unicode,data) end end end end end local nofligatures=#ligatures if nofligatures>0 then local characters=tfmdata.characters local present={} local done=trace_baseinit and trace_ligatures and {} for i=1,nofligatures do local ligature=ligatures[i] local unicode,tree=ligature[1],ligature[2] make_1(present,tree,"ctx_"..unicode) end for i=1,nofligatures do local ligature=ligatures[i] local unicode,tree,lookupname=ligature[1],ligature[2],ligature[3] make_2(present,tfmdata,characters,tree,"ctx_"..unicode,unicode,unicode,done,sequence) end end end local function preparepositionings(tfmdata,feature,value,validlookups,lookuplist) local characters=tfmdata.characters local descriptions=tfmdata.descriptions local resources=tfmdata.resources local properties=tfmdata.properties local traceindeed=trace_baseinit and trace_kerns for i=1,#lookuplist do local sequence=lookuplist[i] local steps=sequence.steps local kind=sequence.type local format=sequence.format if kind=="gpos_pair" then for i=1,#steps do local step=steps[i] if step.format=="kern" then for unicode,data in next,steps[i].coverage do local character=characters[unicode] local kerns=character.kerns if not kerns then kerns={} character.kerns=kerns end if traceindeed then for otherunicode,kern in next,data do if not kerns[otherunicode] and kern~=0 then kerns[otherunicode]=kern report_kern(feature,sequence,descriptions,unicode,otherunicode,kern) end end else for otherunicode,kern in next,data do if not kerns[otherunicode] and kern~=0 then kerns[otherunicode]=kern end end end end else for unicode,data in next,steps[i].coverage do local character=characters[unicode] local kerns=character.kerns for otherunicode,kern in next,data do if not kern[2] and not (kerns and kerns[otherunicode]) then local kern=kern[1] if kern[1]~=0 or kern[2]~=0 or kern[4]~=0 then else kern=kern[3] if kern~=0 then if kerns then kerns[otherunicode]=kern else kerns={ [otherunicode]=kern } character.kerns=kerns end if traceindeed then report_kern(feature,sequence,descriptions,unicode,otherunicode,kern) end end end end end end end end end end end local function initializehashes(tfmdata) end local function featuresinitializer(tfmdata,value) if true then local starttime=trace_preparing and os.clock() local features=tfmdata.shared.features local fullname=tfmdata.properties.fullname or "?" if features then initializehashes(tfmdata) local collectlookups=otf.collectlookups local rawdata=tfmdata.shared.rawdata local properties=tfmdata.properties local script=properties.script local language=properties.language local rawresources=rawdata.resources local rawfeatures=rawresources and rawresources.features local basesubstitutions=rawfeatures and rawfeatures.gsub local basepositionings=rawfeatures and rawfeatures.gpos if basesubstitutions or basepositionings then local sequences=tfmdata.resources.sequences for s=1,#sequences do local sequence=sequences[s] local sfeatures=sequence.features if sfeatures then local order=sequence.order if order then for i=1,#order do local feature=order[i] local value=features[feature] if value then local validlookups,lookuplist=collectlookups(rawdata,feature,script,language) if not validlookups then elseif basesubstitutions and basesubstitutions[feature] then if trace_preparing then report_prepare("filtering base %s feature %a for %a with value %a","sub",feature,fullname,value) end preparesubstitutions(tfmdata,feature,value,validlookups,lookuplist) registerbasefeature(feature,value) elseif basepositionings and basepositionings[feature] then if trace_preparing then report_prepare("filtering base %a feature %a for %a with value %a","pos",feature,fullname,value) end preparepositionings(tfmdata,feature,value,validlookups,lookuplist) registerbasefeature(feature,value) end end end end end end end registerbasehash(tfmdata) end if trace_preparing then report_prepare("preparation time is %0.3f seconds for %a",os.clock()-starttime,fullname) end end end registerotffeature { name="features", description="features", default=true, initializers={ base=featuresinitializer, } } otf.basemodeinitializer=featuresinitializer end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['font-otj']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to font-lib.mkiv", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files", } if not nodes.properties then return end local next,rawget,tonumber=next,rawget,tonumber local fastcopy=table.fastcopy local registertracker=trackers.register local trace_injections=false registertracker("fonts.injections",function(v) trace_injections=v end) local trace_marks=false registertracker("fonts.injections.marks",function(v) trace_marks=v end) local trace_cursive=false registertracker("fonts.injections.cursive",function(v) trace_cursive=v end) local trace_spaces=false registertracker("fonts.injections.spaces",function(v) trace_spaces=v end) local report_injections=logs.reporter("fonts","injections") local report_spaces=logs.reporter("fonts","spaces") local attributes,nodes,node=attributes,nodes,node fonts=fonts local hashes=fonts.hashes local fontdata=hashes.identifiers nodes.injections=nodes.injections or {} local injections=nodes.injections local tracers=nodes.tracers local setcolor=tracers and tracers.colors.set local resetcolor=tracers and tracers.colors.reset local nodecodes=nodes.nodecodes local glyph_code=nodecodes.glyph local disc_code=nodecodes.disc local kern_code=nodecodes.kern local glue_code=nodecodes.glue local nuts=nodes.nuts local nodepool=nuts.pool local newkern=nodepool.kern local tonode=nuts.tonode local tonut=nuts.tonut local getfield=nuts.getfield local setfield=nuts.setfield local getnext=nuts.getnext local getprev=nuts.getprev local getid=nuts.getid local getfont=nuts.getfont local getchar=nuts.getchar local getoffsets=nuts.getoffsets local getboth=nuts.getboth local getdisc=nuts.getdisc local setdisc=nuts.setdisc local setoffsets=nuts.setoffsets local ischar=nuts.is_char local getkern=nuts.getkern local setkern=nuts.setkern local setlink=nuts.setlink local setwidth=nuts.setwidth local getwidth=nuts.getwidth local traverse_id=nuts.traverse_id local traverse_char=nuts.traverse_char local insert_node_before=nuts.insert_before local insert_node_after=nuts.insert_after local properties=nodes.properties.data function injections.installnewkern(nk) newkern=nk or newkern end local nofregisteredkerns=0 local nofregisteredpairs=0 local nofregisteredmarks=0 local nofregisteredcursives=0 local keepregisteredcounts=false function injections.keepcounts() keepregisteredcounts=true end function injections.resetcounts() nofregisteredkerns=0 nofregisteredpairs=0 nofregisteredmarks=0 nofregisteredcursives=0 keepregisteredcounts=false end function injections.reset(n) local p=rawget(properties,n) if p then p.injections=false else properties[n]=false end end function injections.copy(target,source) local sp=rawget(properties,source) if sp then local tp=rawget(properties,target) local si=sp.injections if si then si=fastcopy(si) if tp then tp.injections=si else properties[target]={ injections=si, } end elseif tp then tp.injections=false else properties[target]={ injections={} } end else local tp=rawget(properties,target) if tp then tp.injections=false else properties[target]=false end end end function injections.setligaindex(n,index) local p=rawget(properties,n) if p then local i=p.injections if i then i.ligaindex=index else p.injections={ ligaindex=index } end else properties[n]={ injections={ ligaindex=index } } end end function injections.getligaindex(n,default) local p=rawget(properties,n) if p then local i=p.injections if i then return i.ligaindex or default end end return default end function injections.setcursive(start,nxt,factor,rlmode,exit,entry,tfmstart,tfmnext) local dx=factor*(exit[1]-entry[1]) local dy=-factor*(exit[2]-entry[2]) local ws=tfmstart.width local wn=tfmnext.width nofregisteredcursives=nofregisteredcursives+1 if rlmode<0 then dx=-(dx+wn) else dx=dx-ws end if dx==0 then dx=0 end local p=rawget(properties,start) if p then local i=p.injections if i then i.cursiveanchor=true else p.injections={ cursiveanchor=true, } end else properties[start]={ injections={ cursiveanchor=true, }, } end local p=rawget(properties,nxt) if p then local i=p.injections if i then i.cursivex=dx i.cursivey=dy else p.injections={ cursivex=dx, cursivey=dy, } end else properties[nxt]={ injections={ cursivex=dx, cursivey=dy, }, } end return dx,dy,nofregisteredcursives end function injections.setpair(current,factor,rlmode,r2lflag,spec,injection) local x=factor*spec[1] local y=factor*spec[2] local w=factor*spec[3] local h=factor*spec[4] if x~=0 or w~=0 or y~=0 or h~=0 then local yoffset=y-h local leftkern=x local rightkern=w-x if leftkern~=0 or rightkern~=0 or yoffset~=0 then nofregisteredpairs=nofregisteredpairs+1 if rlmode and rlmode<0 then leftkern,rightkern=rightkern,leftkern end if not injection then injection="injections" end local p=rawget(properties,current) if p then local i=rawget(p,injection) if i then if leftkern~=0 then i.leftkern=(i.leftkern or 0)+leftkern end if rightkern~=0 then i.rightkern=(i.rightkern or 0)+rightkern end if yoffset~=0 then i.yoffset=(i.yoffset or 0)+yoffset end elseif leftkern~=0 or rightkern~=0 then p[injection]={ leftkern=leftkern, rightkern=rightkern, yoffset=yoffset, } else p[injection]={ yoffset=yoffset, } end elseif leftkern~=0 or rightkern~=0 then properties[current]={ [injection]={ leftkern=leftkern, rightkern=rightkern, yoffset=yoffset, }, } else properties[current]={ [injection]={ yoffset=yoffset, }, } end return x,y,w,h,nofregisteredpairs end end return x,y,w,h end function injections.setkern(current,factor,rlmode,x,injection) local dx=factor*x if dx~=0 then nofregisteredkerns=nofregisteredkerns+1 local p=rawget(properties,current) if not injection then injection="injections" end if p then local i=rawget(p,injection) if i then i.leftkern=dx+(i.leftkern or 0) else p[injection]={ leftkern=dx, } end else properties[current]={ [injection]={ leftkern=dx, }, } end return dx,nofregisteredkerns else return 0,0 end end function injections.setmark(start,base,factor,rlmode,ba,ma,tfmbase,mkmk,checkmark) local dx,dy=factor*(ba[1]-ma[1]),factor*(ba[2]-ma[2]) nofregisteredmarks=nofregisteredmarks+1 if rlmode>=0 then dx=tfmbase.width-dx end local p=rawget(properties,start) if p then local i=p.injections if i then if i.markmark then else i.markx=dx i.marky=dy i.markdir=rlmode or 0 i.markbase=nofregisteredmarks i.markbasenode=base i.markmark=mkmk i.checkmark=checkmark end else p.injections={ markx=dx, marky=dy, markdir=rlmode or 0, markbase=nofregisteredmarks, markbasenode=base, markmark=mkmk, checkmark=checkmark, } end else properties[start]={ injections={ markx=dx, marky=dy, markdir=rlmode or 0, markbase=nofregisteredmarks, markbasenode=base, markmark=mkmk, checkmark=checkmark, }, } end return dx,dy,nofregisteredmarks end local function dir(n) return (n and n<0 and "r-to-l") or (n and n>0 and "l-to-r") or "unset" end local function showchar(n,nested) local char=getchar(n) report_injections("%wfont %s, char %U, glyph %c",nested and 2 or 0,getfont(n),char,char) end local function show(n,what,nested,symbol) if n then local p=rawget(properties,n) if p then local i=rawget(p,what) if i then local leftkern=i.leftkern or 0 local rightkern=i.rightkern or 0 local yoffset=i.yoffset or 0 local markx=i.markx or 0 local marky=i.marky or 0 local markdir=i.markdir or 0 local markbase=i.markbase or 0 local cursivex=i.cursivex or 0 local cursivey=i.cursivey or 0 local ligaindex=i.ligaindex or 0 local cursbase=i.cursiveanchor local margin=nested and 4 or 2 if rightkern~=0 or yoffset~=0 then report_injections("%w%s pair: lx %p, rx %p, dy %p",margin,symbol,leftkern,rightkern,yoffset) elseif leftkern~=0 then report_injections("%w%s kern: dx %p",margin,symbol,leftkern) end if markx~=0 or marky~=0 or markbase~=0 then report_injections("%w%s mark: dx %p, dy %p, dir %s, base %s",margin,symbol,markx,marky,markdir,markbase~=0 and "yes" or "no") end if cursivex~=0 or cursivey~=0 then if cursbase then report_injections("%w%s curs: base dx %p, dy %p",margin,symbol,cursivex,cursivey) else report_injections("%w%s curs: dx %p, dy %p",margin,symbol,cursivex,cursivey) end elseif cursbase then report_injections("%w%s curs: base",margin,symbol) end if ligaindex~=0 then report_injections("%w%s liga: index %i",margin,symbol,ligaindex) end end end end end local function showsub(n,what,where) report_injections("begin subrun: %s",where) for n in traverse_id(glyph_code,n) do showchar(n,where) show(n,what,where," ") end report_injections("end subrun") end local function trace(head,where) report_injections("begin run %s: %s kerns, %s pairs, %s marks and %s cursives registered", where or "",nofregisteredkerns,nofregisteredpairs,nofregisteredmarks,nofregisteredcursives) local n=head while n do local id=getid(n) if id==glyph_code then showchar(n) show(n,"injections",false," ") show(n,"preinjections",false,"<") show(n,"postinjections",false,">") show(n,"replaceinjections",false,"=") show(n,"emptyinjections",false,"*") elseif id==disc_code then local pre,post,replace=getdisc(n) if pre then showsub(pre,"preinjections","pre") end if post then showsub(post,"postinjections","post") end if replace then showsub(replace,"replaceinjections","replace") end show(n,"emptyinjections",false,"*") end n=getnext(n) end report_injections("end run") end local function show_result(head) local current=head local skipping=false while current do local id=getid(current) if id==glyph_code then local w=getwidth(current) local x,y=getoffsets(current) report_injections("char: %C, width %p, xoffset %p, yoffset %p",getchar(current),w,x,y) skipping=false elseif id==kern_code then report_injections("kern: %p",getkern(current)) skipping=false elseif not skipping then report_injections() skipping=true end current=getnext(current) end end local function inject_kerns_only(head,where) head=tonut(head) if trace_injections then trace(head,"kerns") end local current=head local prev=nil local next=nil local prevdisc=nil local prevglyph=nil local pre=nil local post=nil local replace=nil local pretail=nil local posttail=nil local replacetail=nil while current do local next=getnext(current) local char,id=ischar(current) if char then local p=rawget(properties,current) if p then local i=p.injections if i then local leftkern=i.leftkern if leftkern and leftkern~=0 then head=insert_node_before(head,current,newkern(leftkern)) end end if prevdisc then local done=false if post then local i=p.postinjections if i then local leftkern=i.leftkern if leftkern and leftkern~=0 then setlink(posttail,newkern(leftkern)) done=true end end end if replace then local i=p.replaceinjections if i then local leftkern=i.leftkern if leftkern and leftkern~=0 then setlink(replacetail,newkern(leftkern)) done=true end end else local i=p.emptyinjections if i then local leftkern=i.leftkern if leftkern and leftkern~=0 then setfield(prev,"replace",newkern(leftkern)) end end end if done then setdisc(prevdisc,pre,post,replace) end end end prevdisc=nil prevglyph=current elseif char==false then prevdisc=nil prevglyph=current elseif id==disc_code then pre,post,replace,pretail,posttail,replacetail=getdisc(current,true) local done=false if pre then for n in traverse_char(pre) do local p=rawget(properties,n) if p then local i=p.injections or p.preinjections if i then local leftkern=i.leftkern if leftkern and leftkern~=0 then pre=insert_node_before(pre,n,newkern(leftkern)) done=true end end end end end if post then for n in traverse_char(post) do local p=rawget(properties,n) if p then local i=p.injections or p.postinjections if i then local leftkern=i.leftkern if leftkern and leftkern~=0 then post=insert_node_before(post,n,newkern(leftkern)) done=true end end end end end if replace then for n in traverse_char(replace) do local p=rawget(properties,n) if p then local i=p.injections or p.replaceinjections if i then local leftkern=i.leftkern if leftkern and leftkern~=0 then replace=insert_node_before(replace,n,newkern(leftkern)) done=true end end end end end if done then setdisc(current,pre,post,replace) end prevglyph=nil prevdisc=current else prevglyph=nil prevdisc=nil end prev=current current=next end if keepregisteredcounts then keepregisteredcounts=false else nofregisteredkerns=0 end return tonode(head),true end local function inject_pairs_only(head,where) head=tonut(head) if trace_injections then trace(head,"pairs") end local current=head local prev=nil local next=nil local prevdisc=nil local prevglyph=nil local pre=nil local post=nil local replace=nil local pretail=nil local posttail=nil local replacetail=nil while current do local next=getnext(current) local char,id=ischar(current) if char then local p=rawget(properties,current) if p then local i=p.injections if i then local yoffset=i.yoffset if yoffset and yoffset~=0 then setoffsets(current,false,yoffset) end local leftkern=i.leftkern if leftkern and leftkern~=0 then head=insert_node_before(head,current,newkern(leftkern)) end local rightkern=i.rightkern if rightkern and rightkern~=0 then insert_node_after(head,current,newkern(rightkern)) end else local i=p.emptyinjections if i then local rightkern=i.rightkern if rightkern and rightkern~=0 then if next and getid(next)==disc_code then if replace then else setfield(next,"replace",newkern(rightkern)) end end end end end if prevdisc then local done=false if post then local i=p.postinjections if i then local leftkern=i.leftkern if leftkern and leftkern~=0 then setlink(posttail,newkern(leftkern)) done=true end end end if replace then local i=p.replaceinjections if i then local leftkern=i.leftkern if leftkern and leftkern~=0 then setlink(replacetail,newkern(leftkern)) done=true end end else local i=p.emptyinjections if i then local leftkern=i.leftkern if leftkern and leftkern~=0 then setfield(prev,"replace",newkern(leftkern)) end end end if done then setdisc(prevdisc,pre,post,replace) end end end prevdisc=nil prevglyph=current elseif char==false then prevdisc=nil prevglyph=current elseif id==disc_code then pre,post,replace,pretail,posttail,replacetail=getdisc(current,true) local done=false if pre then for n in traverse_char(pre) do local p=rawget(properties,n) if p then local i=p.injections or p.preinjections if i then local yoffset=i.yoffset if yoffset and yoffset~=0 then setoffsets(n,false,yoffset) end local leftkern=i.leftkern if leftkern and leftkern~=0 then pre=insert_node_before(pre,n,newkern(leftkern)) done=true end local rightkern=i.rightkern if rightkern and rightkern~=0 then insert_node_after(pre,n,newkern(rightkern)) done=true end end end end end if post then for n in traverse_char(post) do local p=rawget(properties,n) if p then local i=p.injections or p.postinjections if i then local yoffset=i.yoffset if yoffset and yoffset~=0 then setoffsets(n,false,yoffset) end local leftkern=i.leftkern if leftkern and leftkern~=0 then post=insert_node_before(post,n,newkern(leftkern)) done=true end local rightkern=i.rightkern if rightkern and rightkern~=0 then insert_node_after(post,n,newkern(rightkern)) done=true end end end end end if replace then for n in traverse_char(replace) do local p=rawget(properties,n) if p then local i=p.injections or p.replaceinjections if i then local yoffset=i.yoffset if yoffset and yoffset~=0 then setoffsets(n,false,yoffset) end local leftkern=i.leftkern if leftkern and leftkern~=0 then replace=insert_node_before(replace,n,newkern(leftkern)) done=true end local rightkern=i.rightkern if rightkern and rightkern~=0 then insert_node_after(replace,n,newkern(rightkern)) done=true end end end end end if prevglyph then if pre then local p=rawget(properties,prevglyph) if p then local i=p.preinjections if i then local rightkern=i.rightkern if rightkern and rightkern~=0 then pre=insert_node_before(pre,pre,newkern(rightkern)) done=true end end end end if replace then local p=rawget(properties,prevglyph) if p then local i=p.replaceinjections if i then local rightkern=i.rightkern if rightkern and rightkern~=0 then replace=insert_node_before(replace,replace,newkern(rightkern)) done=true end end end end end if done then setdisc(current,pre,post,replace) end prevglyph=nil prevdisc=current else prevglyph=nil prevdisc=nil end prev=current current=next end if keepregisteredcounts then keepregisteredcounts=false else nofregisteredkerns=0 end return tonode(head),true end local function showoffset(n,flag) local x,y=getoffsets(n) if x~=0 or y~=0 then setcolor(n,flag and "darkred" or "darkgreen") else resetcolor(n) end end local function inject_everything(head,where) head=tonut(head) if trace_injections then trace(head,"everything") end local hascursives=nofregisteredcursives>0 local hasmarks=nofregisteredmarks>0 local current=head local last=nil local font=font local markdata=nil local prev=nil local next=nil local prevdisc=nil local prevglyph=nil local pre=nil local post=nil local replace=nil local pretail=nil local posttail=nil local replacetail=nil local cursiveanchor=nil local minc=0 local maxc=0 local glyphs={} local marks={} local nofmarks=0 local function processmark(p,n,pn) local px,py=getoffsets(p) local nx,ny=getoffsets(n) local ox=0 local rightkern=nil local pp=rawget(properties,p) if pp then pp=pp.injections if pp then rightkern=pp.rightkern end end if rightkern then if pn.markdir<0 then ox=px-pn.markx-rightkern else if false then local leftkern=pp.leftkern if leftkern then ox=px-pn.markx-leftkern else ox=px-pn.markx end else ox=px-pn.markx-rightkern end end else ox=px-pn.markx if pn.checkmark then local wn=getwidth(n) if wn~=0 then wn=wn/2 if trace_injections then report_injections("correcting non zero width mark %C",getchar(n)) end insert_node_before(n,n,newkern(-wn)) insert_node_after(n,n,newkern(-wn)) end end end local oy=ny+py+pn.marky setoffsets(n,ox,oy) if trace_marks then showoffset(n,true) end end while current do local next=getnext(current) local char,id=ischar(current) if char then local p=rawget(properties,current) if p then local i=p.injections if i then local pm=i.markbasenode if pm then nofmarks=nofmarks+1 marks[nofmarks]=current else local yoffset=i.yoffset if yoffset and yoffset~=0 then setoffsets(current,false,yoffset) end if hascursives then local cursivex=i.cursivex if cursivex then if cursiveanchor then if cursivex~=0 then i.leftkern=(i.leftkern or 0)+cursivex end if maxc==0 then minc=1 maxc=1 glyphs[1]=cursiveanchor else maxc=maxc+1 glyphs[maxc]=cursiveanchor end properties[cursiveanchor].cursivedy=i.cursivey last=current else maxc=0 end elseif maxc>0 then local nx,ny=getoffsets(current) for i=maxc,minc,-1 do local ti=glyphs[i] ny=ny+properties[ti].cursivedy setoffsets(ti,false,ny) if trace_cursive then showoffset(ti) end end maxc=0 cursiveanchor=nil end if i.cursiveanchor then cursiveanchor=current else if maxc>0 then local nx,ny=getoffsets(current) for i=maxc,minc,-1 do local ti=glyphs[i] ny=ny+properties[ti].cursivedy setoffsets(ti,false,ny) if trace_cursive then showoffset(ti) end end maxc=0 end cursiveanchor=nil end end local leftkern=i.leftkern if leftkern and leftkern~=0 then head=insert_node_before(head,current,newkern(leftkern)) end local rightkern=i.rightkern if rightkern and rightkern~=0 then insert_node_after(head,current,newkern(rightkern)) end end else local i=p.emptyinjections if i then local rightkern=i.rightkern if rightkern and rightkern~=0 then if next and getid(next)==disc_code then if replace then else setfield(next,"replace",newkern(rightkern)) end end end end end if prevdisc then if p then local done=false if post then local i=p.postinjections if i then local leftkern=i.leftkern if leftkern and leftkern~=0 then setlink(posttail,newkern(leftkern)) done=true end end end if replace then local i=p.replaceinjections if i then local leftkern=i.leftkern if leftkern and leftkern~=0 then setlink(replacetail,newkern(leftkern)) done=true end end else local i=p.emptyinjections if i then local leftkern=i.leftkern if leftkern and leftkern~=0 then setfield(prev,"replace",newkern(leftkern)) end end end if done then setdisc(prevdisc,pre,post,replace) end end end else if hascursives and maxc>0 then local nx,ny=getoffsets(current) for i=maxc,minc,-1 do local ti=glyphs[i] ny=ny+properties[ti].cursivedy local xi,yi=getoffsets(ti) setoffsets(ti,xi,yi+ny) end maxc=0 cursiveanchor=nil end end prevdisc=nil prevglyph=current elseif char==false then prevdisc=nil prevglyph=current elseif id==disc_code then pre,post,replace,pretail,posttail,replacetail=getdisc(current,true) local done=false if pre then for n in traverse_char(pre) do local p=rawget(properties,n) if p then local i=p.injections or p.preinjections if i then local yoffset=i.yoffset if yoffset and yoffset~=0 then setoffsets(n,false,yoffset) end local leftkern=i.leftkern if leftkern and leftkern~=0 then pre=insert_node_before(pre,n,newkern(leftkern)) done=true end local rightkern=i.rightkern if rightkern and rightkern~=0 then insert_node_after(pre,n,newkern(rightkern)) done=true end if hasmarks then local pm=i.markbasenode if pm then processmark(pm,current,i) end end end end end end if post then for n in traverse_char(post) do local p=rawget(properties,n) if p then local i=p.injections or p.postinjections if i then local yoffset=i.yoffset if yoffset and yoffset~=0 then setoffsets(n,false,yoffset) end local leftkern=i.leftkern if leftkern and leftkern~=0 then post=insert_node_before(post,n,newkern(leftkern)) done=true end local rightkern=i.rightkern if rightkern and rightkern~=0 then insert_node_after(post,n,newkern(rightkern)) done=true end if hasmarks then local pm=i.markbasenode if pm then processmark(pm,current,i) end end end end end end if replace then for n in traverse_char(replace) do local p=rawget(properties,n) if p then local i=p.injections or p.replaceinjections if i then local yoffset=i.yoffset if yoffset and yoffset~=0 then setoffsets(n,false,yoffset) end local leftkern=i.leftkern if leftkern and leftkern~=0 then replace=insert_node_before(replace,n,newkern(leftkern)) done=true end local rightkern=i.rightkern if rightkern and rightkern~=0 then insert_node_after(replace,n,newkern(rightkern)) done=true end if hasmarks then local pm=i.markbasenode if pm then processmark(pm,current,i) end end end end end end if prevglyph then if pre then local p=rawget(properties,prevglyph) if p then local i=p.preinjections if i then local rightkern=i.rightkern if rightkern and rightkern~=0 then pre=insert_node_before(pre,pre,newkern(rightkern)) done=true end end end end if replace then local p=rawget(properties,prevglyph) if p then local i=p.replaceinjections if i then local rightkern=i.rightkern if rightkern and rightkern~=0 then replace=insert_node_before(replace,replace,newkern(rightkern)) done=true end end end end end if done then setdisc(current,pre,post,replace) end prevglyph=nil prevdisc=current else prevglyph=nil prevdisc=nil end prev=current current=next end if hascursives and maxc>0 then local nx,ny=getoffsets(last) for i=maxc,minc,-1 do local ti=glyphs[i] ny=ny+properties[ti].cursivedy setoffsets(ti,false,ny) if trace_cursive then showoffset(ti) end end end if nofmarks>0 then for i=1,nofmarks do local m=marks[i] local p=rawget(properties,m) local i=p.injections local b=i.markbasenode processmark(b,m,i) end elseif hasmarks then end if keepregisteredcounts then keepregisteredcounts=false else nofregisteredkerns=0 nofregisteredpairs=0 nofregisteredmarks=0 nofregisteredcursives=0 end return tonode(head),true end local triggers=false function nodes.injections.setspacekerns(font,sequence) if triggers then triggers[font]=sequence else triggers={ [font]=sequence } end end local getthreshold if context then local threshold=1 local parameters=fonts.hashes.parameters directives.register("otf.threshold",function(v) threshold=tonumber(v) or 1 end) getthreshold=function(font) local p=parameters[font] local f=p.factor local s=p.spacing local t=threshold*(s and s.width or p.space or 0)-2 return t>0 and t or 0,f end else injections.threshold=0 getthreshold=function(font) local p=fontdata[font].parameters local f=p.factor local s=p.spacing local t=injections.threshold*(s and s.width or p.space or 0)-2 return t>0 and t or 0,f end end injections.getthreshold=getthreshold function injections.isspace(n,threshold,id) if (id or getid(n))==glue_code then local w=getwidth(n) if threshold and w>threshold then return 32 end end end local function injectspaces(head) if not triggers then return head,false end local lastfont=nil local spacekerns=nil local leftkerns=nil local rightkerns=nil local factor=0 local threshold=0 local leftkern=false local rightkern=false local function updatefont(font,trig) leftkerns=trig.left rightkerns=trig.right lastfont=font threshold, factor=getthreshold(font) end for n in traverse_id(glue_code,tonut(head)) do local prev,next=getboth(n) local prevchar=ischar(prev) local nextchar=ischar(next) if nextchar then local font=getfont(next) local trig=triggers[font] if trig then if lastfont~=font then updatefont(font,trig) end if rightkerns then rightkern=rightkerns[nextchar] end end end if prevchar then local font=getfont(prev) local trig=triggers[font] if trig then if lastfont~=font then updatefont(font,trig) end if leftkerns then leftkern=leftkerns[prevchar] end end end if leftkern then local old=getwidth(n) if old>threshold then if rightkern then local new=old+(leftkern+rightkern)*factor if trace_spaces then report_spaces("%C [%p -> %p] %C",prevchar,old,new,nextchar) end setwidth(n,new) leftkern=false else local new=old+leftkern*factor if trace_spaces then report_spaces("%C [%p -> %p]",prevchar,old,new) end setwidth(n,new) end end leftkern=false elseif rightkern then local old=getwidth(n) if old>threshold then local new=old+rightkern*factor if trace_spaces then report_spaces("[%p -> %p] %C",nextchar,old,new) end setwidth(n,new) end rightkern=false end end triggers=false return head,true end function injections.handler(head,where) if triggers then head=injectspaces(head) end if nofregisteredmarks>0 or nofregisteredcursives>0 then if trace_injections then report_injections("injection variant %a","everything") end return inject_everything(head,where) elseif nofregisteredpairs>0 then if trace_injections then report_injections("injection variant %a","pairs") end return inject_pairs_only(head,where) elseif nofregisteredkerns>0 then if trace_injections then report_injections("injection variant %a","kerns") end return inject_kerns_only(head,where) else return head,false end end end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['font-ota']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to font-otf.lua (analysing)", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } local type=type if not trackers then trackers={ register=function() end } end local fonts,nodes,node=fonts,nodes,node local allocate=utilities.storage.allocate local otf=fonts.handlers.otf local analyzers=fonts.analyzers local initializers=allocate() local methods=allocate() analyzers.initializers=initializers analyzers.methods=methods local a_state=attributes.private('state') local nuts=nodes.nuts local tonut=nuts.tonut local getnext=nuts.getnext local getprev=nuts.getprev local getprev=nuts.getprev local getprop=nuts.getprop local setprop=nuts.setprop local getfont=nuts.getfont local getsubtype=nuts.getsubtype local getchar=nuts.getchar local ischar=nuts.is_char local traverse_id=nuts.traverse_id local end_of_math=nuts.end_of_math local nodecodes=nodes.nodecodes local disc_code=nodecodes.disc local math_code=nodecodes.math local fontdata=fonts.hashes.identifiers local categories=characters and characters.categories or {} local chardata=characters and characters.data local otffeatures=fonts.constructors.features.otf local registerotffeature=otffeatures.register local s_init=1 local s_rphf=7 local s_medi=2 local s_half=8 local s_fina=3 local s_pref=9 local s_isol=4 local s_blwf=10 local s_mark=5 local s_pstf=11 local s_rest=6 local states={ init=s_init, medi=s_medi, med2=s_medi, fina=s_fina, fin2=s_fina, fin3=s_fina, isol=s_isol, mark=s_mark, rest=s_rest, rphf=s_rphf, half=s_half, pref=s_pref, blwf=s_blwf, pstf=s_pstf, } local features={ init=s_init, medi=s_medi, med2=s_medi, fina=s_fina, fin2=s_fina, fin3=s_fina, isol=s_isol, rphf=s_rphf, half=s_half, pref=s_pref, blwf=s_blwf, pstf=s_pstf, } analyzers.states=states analyzers.features=features analyzers.useunicodemarks=false function analyzers.setstate(head,font) local useunicodemarks=analyzers.useunicodemarks local tfmdata=fontdata[font] local descriptions=tfmdata.descriptions local first,last,current,n,done=nil,nil,head,0,false current=tonut(current) while current do local char,id=ischar(current,font) if char and not getprop(current,a_state) then done=true local d=descriptions[char] if d then if d.class=="mark" then done=true setprop(current,a_state,s_mark) elseif useunicodemarks and categories[char]=="mn" then done=true setprop(current,a_state,s_mark) elseif n==0 then first,last,n=current,current,1 setprop(current,a_state,s_init) else last,n=current,n+1 setprop(current,a_state,s_medi) end else if first and first==last then setprop(last,a_state,s_isol) elseif last then setprop(last,a_state,s_fina) end first,last,n=nil,nil,0 end elseif char==false then if first and first==last then setprop(last,a_state,s_isol) elseif last then setprop(last,a_state,s_fina) end first,last,n=nil,nil,0 if id==math_code then current=end_of_math(current) end elseif id==disc_code then setprop(current,a_state,s_medi) last=current else if first and first==last then setprop(last,a_state,s_isol) elseif last then setprop(last,a_state,s_fina) end first,last,n=nil,nil,0 if id==math_code then current=end_of_math(current) end end current=getnext(current) end if first and first==last then setprop(last,a_state,s_isol) elseif last then setprop(last,a_state,s_fina) end return head,done end local function analyzeinitializer(tfmdata,value) local script,language=otf.scriptandlanguage(tfmdata) local action=initializers[script] if not action then elseif type(action)=="function" then return action(tfmdata,value) else local action=action[language] if action then return action(tfmdata,value) end end end local function analyzeprocessor(head,font,attr) local tfmdata=fontdata[font] local script,language=otf.scriptandlanguage(tfmdata,attr) local action=methods[script] if not action then elseif type(action)=="function" then return action(head,font,attr) else action=action[language] if action then return action(head,font,attr) end end return head,false end registerotffeature { name="analyze", description="analysis of character classes", default=true, initializers={ node=analyzeinitializer, }, processors={ position=1, node=analyzeprocessor, } } methods.latn=analyzers.setstate local arab_warned={} local function warning(current,what) local char=getchar(current) if not arab_warned[char] then log.report("analyze","arab: character %C has no %a class",char,what) arab_warned[char]=true end end local mappers={ l=s_init, d=s_medi, c=s_medi, r=s_fina, u=s_isol, } local classifiers=characters.classifiers if not classifiers then local f_arabic,l_arabic=characters.blockrange("arabic") local f_syriac,l_syriac=characters.blockrange("syriac") local f_mandiac,l_mandiac=characters.blockrange("mandiac") local f_nko,l_nko=characters.blockrange("nko") local f_ext_a,l_ext_a=characters.blockrange("arabicextendeda") classifiers=table.setmetatableindex(function(t,k) if type(k)=="number" then local c=chardata[k] local v=false if c then local arabic=c.arabic if arabic then v=mappers[arabic] if not v then log.report("analyze","error in mapping arabic %C",k) v=false end elseif (k>=f_arabic and k<=l_arabic) or (k>=f_syriac and k<=l_syriac) or (k>=f_mandiac and k<=l_mandiac) or (k>=f_nko and k<=l_nko) or (k>=f_ext_a and k<=l_ext_a) then if categories[k]=="mn" then v=s_mark else v=s_rest end end end t[k]=v return v end end) characters.classifiers=classifiers end function methods.arab(head,font,attr) local first,last=nil,nil local c_first,c_last=nil,nil local current,done=head,false current=tonut(current) while current do local char,id=ischar(current,font) if char and not getprop(current,a_state) then done=true local classifier=classifiers[char] if not classifier then if last then if c_last==s_medi or c_last==s_fina then setprop(last,a_state,s_fina) else warning(last,"fina") setprop(last,a_state,s_error) end first,last=nil,nil elseif first then if c_first==s_medi or c_first==s_fina then setprop(first,a_state,s_isol) else warning(first,"isol") setprop(first,a_state,s_error) end first=nil end elseif classifier==s_mark then setprop(current,a_state,s_mark) elseif classifier==s_isol then if last then if c_last==s_medi or c_last==s_fina then setprop(last,a_state,s_fina) else warning(last,"fina") setprop(last,a_state,s_error) end first,last=nil,nil elseif first then if c_first==s_medi or c_first==s_fina then setprop(first,a_state,s_isol) else warning(first,"isol") setprop(first,a_state,s_error) end first=nil end setprop(current,a_state,s_isol) elseif classifier==s_medi then if first then last=current c_last=classifier setprop(current,a_state,s_medi) else setprop(current,a_state,s_init) first=current c_first=classifier end elseif classifier==s_fina then if last then if getprop(last,a_state)~=s_init then setprop(last,a_state,s_medi) end setprop(current,a_state,s_fina) first,last=nil,nil elseif first then setprop(current,a_state,s_fina) first=nil else setprop(current,a_state,s_isol) end else setprop(current,a_state,s_rest) if last then if c_last==s_medi or c_last==s_fina then setprop(last,a_state,s_fina) else warning(last,"fina") setprop(last,a_state,s_error) end first,last=nil,nil elseif first then if c_first==s_medi or c_first==s_fina then setprop(first,a_state,s_isol) else warning(first,"isol") setprop(first,a_state,s_error) end first=nil end end else if last then if c_last==s_medi or c_last==s_fina then setprop(last,a_state,s_fina) else warning(last,"fina") setprop(last,a_state,s_error) end first,last=nil,nil elseif first then if c_first==s_medi or c_first==s_fina then setprop(first,a_state,s_isol) else warning(first,"isol") setprop(first,a_state,s_error) end first=nil end if id==math_code then current=end_of_math(current) end end current=getnext(current) end if last then if c_last==s_medi or c_last==s_fina then setprop(last,a_state,s_fina) else warning(last,"fina") setprop(last,a_state,s_error) end elseif first then if c_first==s_medi or c_first==s_fina then setprop(first,a_state,s_isol) else warning(first,"isol") setprop(first,a_state,s_error) end end return head,done end methods.syrc=methods.arab methods.mand=methods.arab methods.nko=methods.arab directives.register("otf.analyze.useunicodemarks",function(v) analyzers.useunicodemarks=v end) end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['font-ots']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to font-ini.mkiv", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files", } local type,next,tonumber=type,next,tonumber local random=math.random local formatters=string.formatters local insert=table.insert local registertracker=trackers.register local logs=logs local trackers=trackers local nodes=nodes local attributes=attributes local fonts=fonts local otf=fonts.handlers.otf local tracers=nodes.tracers local trace_singles=false registertracker("otf.singles",function(v) trace_singles=v end) local trace_multiples=false registertracker("otf.multiples",function(v) trace_multiples=v end) local trace_alternatives=false registertracker("otf.alternatives",function(v) trace_alternatives=v end) local trace_ligatures=false registertracker("otf.ligatures",function(v) trace_ligatures=v end) local trace_contexts=false registertracker("otf.contexts",function(v) trace_contexts=v end) local trace_marks=false registertracker("otf.marks",function(v) trace_marks=v end) local trace_kerns=false registertracker("otf.kerns",function(v) trace_kerns=v end) local trace_cursive=false registertracker("otf.cursive",function(v) trace_cursive=v end) local trace_preparing=false registertracker("otf.preparing",function(v) trace_preparing=v end) local trace_bugs=false registertracker("otf.bugs",function(v) trace_bugs=v end) local trace_details=false registertracker("otf.details",function(v) trace_details=v end) local trace_steps=false registertracker("otf.steps",function(v) trace_steps=v end) local trace_skips=false registertracker("otf.skips",function(v) trace_skips=v end) local trace_directions=false registertracker("otf.directions",function(v) trace_directions=v end) local trace_plugins=false registertracker("otf.plugins",function(v) trace_plugins=v end) local trace_kernruns=false registertracker("otf.kernruns",function(v) trace_kernruns=v end) local trace_discruns=false registertracker("otf.discruns",function(v) trace_discruns=v end) local trace_compruns=false registertracker("otf.compruns",function(v) trace_compruns=v end) local trace_testruns=false registertracker("otf.testruns",function(v) trace_testruns=v end) local optimizekerns=true local report_direct=logs.reporter("fonts","otf direct") local report_subchain=logs.reporter("fonts","otf subchain") local report_chain=logs.reporter("fonts","otf chain") local report_process=logs.reporter("fonts","otf process") local report_warning=logs.reporter("fonts","otf warning") local report_run=logs.reporter("fonts","otf run") registertracker("otf.replacements","otf.singles,otf.multiples,otf.alternatives,otf.ligatures") registertracker("otf.positions","otf.marks,otf.kerns,otf.cursive") registertracker("otf.actions","otf.replacements,otf.positions") registertracker("otf.injections","nodes.injections") registertracker("otf.sample","otf.steps,otf.actions,otf.analyzing") local nuts=nodes.nuts local tonode=nuts.tonode local tonut=nuts.tonut local getfield=nuts.getfield local setfield=nuts.setfield local getnext=nuts.getnext local setnext=nuts.setnext local getprev=nuts.getprev local setprev=nuts.setprev local getboth=nuts.getboth local setboth=nuts.setboth local getid=nuts.getid local getattr=nuts.getattr local setattr=nuts.setattr local getprop=nuts.getprop local setprop=nuts.setprop local getfont=nuts.getfont local getsubtype=nuts.getsubtype local setsubtype=nuts.setsubtype local getchar=nuts.getchar local setchar=nuts.setchar local getdisc=nuts.getdisc local setdisc=nuts.setdisc local setlink=nuts.setlink local getcomponents=nuts.getcomponents local setcomponents=nuts.setcomponents local getdir=nuts.getdir local getwidth=nuts.getwidth local ischar=nuts.is_char local insert_node_after=nuts.insert_after local copy_node=nuts.copy local copy_node_list=nuts.copy_list local find_node_tail=nuts.tail local flush_node_list=nuts.flush_list local flush_node=nuts.flush_node local end_of_math=nuts.end_of_math local traverse_nodes=nuts.traverse local traverse_id=nuts.traverse_id local set_components=nuts.set_components local take_components=nuts.take_components local count_components=nuts.count_components local copy_no_components=nuts.copy_no_components local copy_only_glyphs=nuts.copy_only_glyphs local setmetatableindex=table.setmetatableindex local nodecodes=nodes.nodecodes local glyphcodes=nodes.glyphcodes local disccodes=nodes.disccodes local glyph_code=nodecodes.glyph local glue_code=nodecodes.glue local disc_code=nodecodes.disc local math_code=nodecodes.math local dir_code=nodecodes.dir local localpar_code=nodecodes.localpar local discretionary_code=disccodes.discretionary local ligature_code=glyphcodes.ligature local a_state=attributes.private('state') local a_noligature=attributes.private("noligature") local injections=nodes.injections local setmark=injections.setmark local setcursive=injections.setcursive local setkern=injections.setkern local setpair=injections.setpair local resetinjection=injections.reset local copyinjection=injections.copy local setligaindex=injections.setligaindex local getligaindex=injections.getligaindex local fontdata=fonts.hashes.identifiers local fontfeatures=fonts.hashes.features local otffeatures=fonts.constructors.features.otf local registerotffeature=otffeatures.register local onetimemessage=fonts.loggers.onetimemessage or function() end local getrandom=utilities and utilities.randomizer and utilities.randomizer.get otf.defaultnodealternate="none" local tfmdata=false local characters=false local descriptions=false local marks=false local classes=false local currentfont=false local factor=0 local threshold=0 local checkmarks=false local sweepnode=nil local sweepprev=nil local sweepnext=nil local sweephead={} local notmatchpre={} local notmatchpost={} local notmatchreplace={} local handlers={} local isspace=injections.isspace local getthreshold=injections.getthreshold local checkstep=(tracers and tracers.steppers.check) or function() end local registerstep=(tracers and tracers.steppers.register) or function() end local registermessage=(tracers and tracers.steppers.message) or function() end local function checkdisccontent(d) local pre,post,replace=getdisc(d) if pre then for n in traverse_id(glue_code,pre) do print("pre",nodes.idstostring(pre)) break end end if post then for n in traverse_id(glue_code,post) do print("pos",nodes.idstostring(post)) break end end if replace then for n in traverse_id(glue_code,replace) do print("rep",nodes.idstostring(replace)) break end end end local function logprocess(...) if trace_steps then registermessage(...) end report_direct(...) end local function logwarning(...) report_direct(...) end local f_unicode=formatters["%U"] local f_uniname=formatters["%U (%s)"] local f_unilist=formatters["% t (% t)"] local function gref(n) if type(n)=="number" then local description=descriptions[n] local name=description and description.name if name then return f_uniname(n,name) else return f_unicode(n) end elseif n then local num,nam={},{} for i=1,#n do local ni=n[i] if tonumber(ni) then local di=descriptions[ni] num[i]=f_unicode(ni) nam[i]=di and di.name or "-" end end return f_unilist(num,nam) else return "" end end local function cref(dataset,sequence,index) if not dataset then return "no valid dataset" elseif index then return formatters["feature %a, type %a, chain lookup %a, index %a"](dataset[4],sequence.type,sequence.name,index) else return formatters["feature %a, type %a, chain lookup %a"](dataset[4],sequence.type,sequence.name) end end local function pref(dataset,sequence) return formatters["feature %a, type %a, lookup %a"](dataset[4],sequence.type,sequence.name) end local function mref(rlmode) if not rlmode or rlmode==0 then return "---" elseif rlmode==-1 or rlmode=="+TRT" then return "r2l" else return "l2r" end end local function flattendisk(head,disc) local pre,post,replace,pretail,posttail,replacetail=getdisc(disc,true) local prev,next=getboth(disc) local ishead=head==disc setdisc(disc) flush_node(disc) if pre then flush_node_list(pre) end if post then flush_node_list(post) end if ishead then if replace then if next then setlink(replacetail,next) end return replace,replace elseif next then return next,next else return end else if replace then if next then setlink(replacetail,next) end setlink(prev,replace) return head,replace else setlink(prev,next) return head,next end end end local function appenddisc(disc,list) local pre,post,replace,pretail,posttail,replacetail=getdisc(disc,true) local posthead=list local replacehead=copy_node_list(list) if post then setlink(posttail,posthead) else post=posthead end if replace then setlink(replacetail,replacehead) else replace=replacehead end setdisc(disc,pre,post,replace) end local take_components=getcomponents local set_components=setcomponents local function count_components(start,marks) if getid(start)~=glyph_code then return 0 elseif getsubtype(start)==ligature_code then local i=0 local components=getcomponents(start) while components do i=i+count_components(components,marks) components=getnext(components) end return i elseif not marks[getchar(start)] then return 1 else return 0 end end local function markstoligature(head,start,stop,char) if start==stop and getchar(start)==char then return head,start else local prev=getprev(start) local next=getnext(stop) setprev(start) setnext(stop) local base=copy_no_components(start,copyinjection) if head==start then head=base end resetinjection(base) setchar(base,char) setsubtype(base,ligature_code) set_components(base,start) setlink(prev,base,next) return head,base end end local function toligature(head,start,stop,char,dataset,sequence,markflag,discfound) if getattr(start,a_noligature)==1 then return head,start end if start==stop and getchar(start)==char then resetinjection(start) setchar(start,char) return head,start end local prev=getprev(start) local next=getnext(stop) local comp=start setprev(start) setnext(stop) local base=copy_no_components(start,copyinjection) if start==head then head=base end resetinjection(base) setchar(base,char) setsubtype(base,ligature_code) set_components(base,comp) setlink(prev,base,next) if not discfound then local deletemarks=markflag~="mark" local components=start local baseindex=0 local componentindex=0 local head=base local current=base while start do local char=getchar(start) if not marks[char] then baseindex=baseindex+componentindex componentindex=count_components(start,marks) elseif not deletemarks then setligaindex(start,baseindex+getligaindex(start,componentindex)) if trace_marks then logwarning("%s: keep mark %s, gets index %s",pref(dataset,sequence),gref(char),getligaindex(start)) end local n=copy_node(start) copyinjection(n,start) head,current=insert_node_after(head,current,n) elseif trace_marks then logwarning("%s: delete mark %s",pref(dataset,sequence),gref(char)) end start=getnext(start) end local start=getnext(current) while start do local char=ischar(start) if char then if marks[char] then setligaindex(start,baseindex+getligaindex(start,componentindex)) if trace_marks then logwarning("%s: set mark %s, gets index %s",pref(dataset,sequence),gref(char),getligaindex(start)) end start=getnext(start) else break end else break end end else local discprev,discnext=getboth(discfound) if discprev and discnext then local pre,post,replace,pretail,posttail,replacetail=getdisc(discfound,true) if not replace then local prev=getprev(base) local comp=take_components(base) local copied=copy_only_glyphs(comp) if pre then setlink(discprev,pre) else setnext(discprev) end pre=comp if post then setlink(posttail,discnext) setprev(post) else post=discnext setprev(discnext) end setlink(prev,discfound,next) setboth(base) set_components(base,copied) replace=base setdisc(discfound,pre,post,replace) base=prev end end end return head,base end local function multiple_glyphs(head,start,multiple,ignoremarks,what) local nofmultiples=#multiple if nofmultiples>0 then resetinjection(start) setchar(start,multiple[1]) if nofmultiples>1 then local sn=getnext(start) for k=2,nofmultiples do local n=copy_node(start) resetinjection(n) setchar(n,multiple[k]) insert_node_after(head,start,n) start=n end if what==true then elseif what>1 then local m=multiple[nofmultiples] for i=2,what do local n=copy_node(start) resetinjection(n) setchar(n,m) insert_node_after(head,start,n) start=n end end end return head,start,true else if trace_multiples then logprocess("no multiple for %s",gref(getchar(start))) end return head,start,false end end local function get_alternative_glyph(start,alternatives,value) local n=#alternatives if n==1 then return alternatives[1],trace_alternatives and "1 (only one present)" elseif value=="random" then local r=getrandom and getrandom("glyph",1,n) or random(1,n) return alternatives[r],trace_alternatives and formatters["value %a, taking %a"](value,r) elseif value=="first" then return alternatives[1],trace_alternatives and formatters["value %a, taking %a"](value,1) elseif value=="last" then return alternatives[n],trace_alternatives and formatters["value %a, taking %a"](value,n) end value=value==true and 1 or tonumber(value) if type(value)~="number" then return alternatives[1],trace_alternatives and formatters["invalid value %s, taking %a"](value,1) end if value>n then local defaultalt=otf.defaultnodealternate if defaultalt=="first" then return alternatives[n],trace_alternatives and formatters["invalid value %s, taking %a"](value,1) elseif defaultalt=="last" then return alternatives[1],trace_alternatives and formatters["invalid value %s, taking %a"](value,n) else return false,trace_alternatives and formatters["invalid value %a, %s"](value,"out of range") end elseif value==0 then return getchar(start),trace_alternatives and formatters["invalid value %a, %s"](value,"no change") elseif value<1 then return alternatives[1],trace_alternatives and formatters["invalid value %a, taking %a"](value,1) else return alternatives[value],trace_alternatives and formatters["value %a, taking %a"](value,value) end end function handlers.gsub_single(head,start,dataset,sequence,replacement) if trace_singles then logprocess("%s: replacing %s by single %s",pref(dataset,sequence),gref(getchar(start)),gref(replacement)) end resetinjection(start) setchar(start,replacement) return head,start,true end function handlers.gsub_alternate(head,start,dataset,sequence,alternative) local kind=dataset[4] local what=dataset[1] local value=what==true and tfmdata.shared.features[kind] or what local choice,comment=get_alternative_glyph(start,alternative,value) if choice then if trace_alternatives then logprocess("%s: replacing %s by alternative %a to %s, %s",pref(dataset,sequence),gref(getchar(start)),gref(choice),comment) end resetinjection(start) setchar(start,choice) else if trace_alternatives then logwarning("%s: no variant %a for %s, %s",pref(dataset,sequence),value,gref(getchar(start)),comment) end end return head,start,true end function handlers.gsub_multiple(head,start,dataset,sequence,multiple) if trace_multiples then logprocess("%s: replacing %s by multiple %s",pref(dataset,sequence),gref(getchar(start)),gref(multiple)) end return multiple_glyphs(head,start,multiple,sequence.flags[1],dataset[1]) end function handlers.gsub_ligature(head,start,dataset,sequence,ligature) local current=getnext(start) if not current then return head,start,false,nil end local stop=nil local startchar=getchar(start) if marks[startchar] then while current do local char=ischar(current,currentfont) if char then local lg=ligature[char] if lg then stop=current ligature=lg current=getnext(current) else break end else break end end if stop then local lig=ligature.ligature if lig then if trace_ligatures then local stopchar=getchar(stop) head,start=markstoligature(head,start,stop,lig) logprocess("%s: replacing %s upto %s by ligature %s case 1",pref(dataset,sequence),gref(startchar),gref(stopchar),gref(getchar(start))) else head,start=markstoligature(head,start,stop,lig) end return head,start,true,false else end end else local skipmark=sequence.flags[1] local discfound=false local lastdisc=nil while current do local char,id=ischar(current,currentfont) if char then if skipmark and marks[char] then current=getnext(current) else local lg=ligature[char] if lg then if not discfound and lastdisc then discfound=lastdisc lastdisc=nil end stop=current ligature=lg current=getnext(current) else break end end elseif char==false then break elseif id==disc_code then local replace=getfield(current,"replace") if replace then while replace do local char,id=ischar(replace,currentfont) if char then local lg=ligature[char] if lg then ligature=lg replace=getnext(replace) else return head,start,false,false end else return head,start,false,false end end stop=current end lastdisc=current current=getnext(current) else break end end local lig=ligature.ligature if lig then if stop then if trace_ligatures then local stopchar=getchar(stop) head,start=toligature(head,start,stop,lig,dataset,sequence,skipmark,discfound) logprocess("%s: replacing %s upto %s by ligature %s case 2",pref(dataset,sequence),gref(startchar),gref(stopchar),gref(lig)) else head,start=toligature(head,start,stop,lig,dataset,sequence,skipmark,discfound) end else resetinjection(start) setchar(start,lig) if trace_ligatures then logprocess("%s: replacing %s by (no real) ligature %s case 3",pref(dataset,sequence),gref(startchar),gref(lig)) end end return head,start,true,discfound else end end return head,start,false,discfound end function handlers.gpos_single(head,start,dataset,sequence,kerns,rlmode,step,i,injection) local startchar=getchar(start) if step.format=="pair" then local dx,dy,w,h=setpair(start,factor,rlmode,sequence.flags[4],kerns,injection) if trace_kerns then logprocess("%s: shifting single %s by (%p,%p) and correction (%p,%p)",pref(dataset,sequence),gref(startchar),dx,dy,w,h) end else local k=setkern(start,factor,rlmode,kerns,injection) if trace_kerns then logprocess("%s: shifting single %s by %p",pref(dataset,sequence),gref(startchar),k) end end return head,start,false end function handlers.gpos_pair(head,start,dataset,sequence,kerns,rlmode,step,i,injection) local snext=getnext(start) if not snext then return head,start,false else local prev=start while snext do local nextchar=ischar(snext,currentfont) if nextchar then local krn=kerns[nextchar] if not krn and marks[nextchar] then prev=snext snext=getnext(snext) elseif not krn then break elseif step.format=="pair" then local a,b=krn[1],krn[2] if optimizekerns then if not b and a[1]==0 and a[2]==0 and a[4]==0 then local k=setkern(snext,factor,rlmode,a[3],injection) if trace_kerns then logprocess("%s: shifting single %s by %p",pref(dataset,sequence),gref(nextchar),k) end return head,start,true end end if a and #a>0 then local x,y,w,h=setpair(start,factor,rlmode,sequence.flags[4],a,injection) if trace_kerns then local startchar=getchar(start) logprocess("%s: shifting first of pair %s and %s by (%p,%p) and correction (%p,%p) as %s",pref(dataset,sequence),gref(startchar),gref(nextchar),x,y,w,h,injection or "injections") end end if b and #b>0 then local x,y,w,h=setpair(snext,factor,rlmode,sequence.flags[4],b,injection) if trace_kerns then local startchar=getchar(snext) logprocess("%s: shifting second of pair %s and %s by (%p,%p) and correction (%p,%p) as %s",pref(dataset,sequence),gref(startchar),gref(nextchar),x,y,w,h,injection or "injections") end end return head,start,true elseif krn~=0 then local k=setkern(snext,factor,rlmode,krn,injection) if trace_kerns then logprocess("%s: inserting kern %p between %s and %s as %s",pref(dataset,sequence),k,gref(getchar(prev)),gref(nextchar),injection or "injections") end return head,start,true else break end else break end end return head,start,false end end function handlers.gpos_mark2base(head,start,dataset,sequence,markanchors,rlmode) local markchar=getchar(start) if marks[markchar] then local base=getprev(start) if base then local basechar=ischar(base,currentfont) if basechar then if marks[basechar] then while base do base=getprev(base) if base then basechar=ischar(base,currentfont) if basechar then if not marks[basechar] then break end else if trace_bugs then logwarning("%s: no base for mark %s, case %i",pref(dataset,sequence),gref(markchar),1) end return head,start,false end else if trace_bugs then logwarning("%s: no base for mark %s, case %i",pref(dataset,sequence),gref(markchar),2) end return head,start,false end end end local ba=markanchors[1][basechar] if ba then local ma=markanchors[2] local dx,dy,bound=setmark(start,base,factor,rlmode,ba,ma,characters[basechar],false,checkmarks) if trace_marks then logprocess("%s, anchor %s, bound %s: anchoring mark %s to basechar %s => (%p,%p)", pref(dataset,sequence),anchor,bound,gref(markchar),gref(basechar),dx,dy) end return head,start,true end elseif trace_bugs then logwarning("%s: nothing preceding, case %i",pref(dataset,sequence),1) end elseif trace_bugs then logwarning("%s: nothing preceding, case %i",pref(dataset,sequence),2) end elseif trace_bugs then logwarning("%s: mark %s is no mark",pref(dataset,sequence),gref(markchar)) end return head,start,false end function handlers.gpos_mark2ligature(head,start,dataset,sequence,markanchors,rlmode) local markchar=getchar(start) if marks[markchar] then local base=getprev(start) if base then local basechar=ischar(base,currentfont) if basechar then if marks[basechar] then while base do base=getprev(base) if base then basechar=ischar(base,currentfont) if basechar then if not marks[basechar] then break end else if trace_bugs then logwarning("%s: no base for mark %s, case %i",pref(dataset,sequence),gref(markchar),1) end return head,start,false end else if trace_bugs then logwarning("%s: no base for mark %s, case %i",pref(dataset,sequence),gref(markchar),2) end return head,start,false end end end local ba=markanchors[1][basechar] if ba then local ma=markanchors[2] if ma then local index=getligaindex(start) ba=ba[index] if ba then local dx,dy,bound=setmark(start,base,factor,rlmode,ba,ma,characters[basechar],false,checkmarks) if trace_marks then logprocess("%s, anchor %s, index %s, bound %s: anchoring mark %s to baselig %s at index %s => (%p,%p)", pref(dataset,sequence),anchor,index,bound,gref(markchar),gref(basechar),index,dx,dy) end return head,start,true else if trace_bugs then logwarning("%s: no matching anchors for mark %s and baselig %s with index %a",pref(dataset,sequence),gref(markchar),gref(basechar),index) end end end elseif trace_bugs then onetimemessage(currentfont,basechar,"no base anchors",report_fonts) end elseif trace_bugs then logwarning("%s: prev node is no char, case %i",pref(dataset,sequence),1) end elseif trace_bugs then logwarning("%s: prev node is no char, case %i",pref(dataset,sequence),2) end elseif trace_bugs then logwarning("%s: mark %s is no mark",pref(dataset,sequence),gref(markchar)) end return head,start,false end function handlers.gpos_mark2mark(head,start,dataset,sequence,markanchors,rlmode) local markchar=getchar(start) if marks[markchar] then local base=getprev(start) local slc=getligaindex(start) if slc then while base do local blc=getligaindex(base) if blc and blc~=slc then base=getprev(base) else break end end end if base then local basechar=ischar(base,currentfont) if basechar then local ba=markanchors[1][basechar] if ba then local ma=markanchors[2] local dx,dy,bound=setmark(start,base,factor,rlmode,ba,ma,characters[basechar],true,checkmarks) if trace_marks then logprocess("%s, anchor %s, bound %s: anchoring mark %s to basemark %s => (%p,%p)", pref(dataset,sequence),anchor,bound,gref(markchar),gref(basechar),dx,dy) end return head,start,true end end end elseif trace_bugs then logwarning("%s: mark %s is no mark",pref(dataset,sequence),gref(markchar)) end return head,start,false end function handlers.gpos_cursive(head,start,dataset,sequence,exitanchors,rlmode,step,i) local startchar=getchar(start) if marks[startchar] then if trace_cursive then logprocess("%s: ignoring cursive for mark %s",pref(dataset,sequence),gref(startchar)) end else local nxt=getnext(start) while nxt do local nextchar=ischar(nxt,currentfont) if not nextchar then break elseif marks[nextchar] then nxt=getnext(nxt) else local exit=exitanchors[3] if exit then local entry=exitanchors[1][nextchar] if entry then entry=entry[2] if entry then local dx,dy,bound=setcursive(start,nxt,factor,rlmode,exit,entry,characters[startchar],characters[nextchar]) if trace_cursive then logprocess("%s: moving %s to %s cursive (%p,%p) using anchor %s and bound %s in %s mode",pref(dataset,sequence),gref(startchar),gref(nextchar),dx,dy,anchor,bound,mref(rlmode)) end return head,start,true end end end break end end end return head,start,false end local chainprocs={} local function logprocess(...) if trace_steps then registermessage(...) end report_subchain(...) end local logwarning=report_subchain local function logprocess(...) if trace_steps then registermessage(...) end report_chain(...) end local logwarning=report_chain local function reversesub(head,start,stop,dataset,sequence,replacements,rlmode) local char=getchar(start) local replacement=replacements[char] if replacement then if trace_singles then logprocess("%s: single reverse replacement of %s by %s",cref(dataset,sequence),gref(char),gref(replacement)) end resetinjection(start) setchar(start,replacement) return head,start,true else return head,start,false end end chainprocs.reversesub=reversesub local function reportzerosteps(dataset,sequence) logwarning("%s: no steps",cref(dataset,sequence)) end local function reportmoresteps(dataset,sequence) logwarning("%s: more than 1 step",cref(dataset,sequence)) end function chainprocs.gsub_single(head,start,stop,dataset,sequence,currentlookup,chainindex) local steps=currentlookup.steps local nofsteps=currentlookup.nofsteps if nofsteps>1 then reportmoresteps(dataset,sequence) end if nofsteps==0 then reportzerosteps(dataset,sequence) else local current=start local mapping=steps[1].coverage while current do local currentchar=ischar(current) if currentchar then local replacement=mapping[currentchar] if not replacement or replacement=="" then if trace_bugs then logwarning("%s: no single for %s",cref(dataset,sequence,chainindex),gref(currentchar)) end else if trace_singles then logprocess("%s: replacing single %s by %s",cref(dataset,sequence,chainindex),gref(currentchar),gref(replacement)) end resetinjection(current) setchar(current,replacement) end return head,start,true elseif currentchar==false then break elseif current==stop then break else current=getnext(current) end end end return head,start,false end function chainprocs.gsub_multiple(head,start,stop,dataset,sequence,currentlookup) local steps=currentlookup.steps local nofsteps=currentlookup.nofsteps if nofsteps>1 then reportmoresteps(dataset,sequence) end if nofsteps==0 then reportzerosteps(dataset,sequence) else local startchar=getchar(start) local replacement=steps[1].coverage[startchar] if not replacement or replacement=="" then if trace_bugs then logwarning("%s: no multiple for %s",cref(dataset,sequence),gref(startchar)) end else if trace_multiples then logprocess("%s: replacing %s by multiple characters %s",cref(dataset,sequence),gref(startchar),gref(replacement)) end return multiple_glyphs(head,start,replacement,sequence.flags[1],dataset[1]) end end return head,start,false end function chainprocs.gsub_alternate(head,start,stop,dataset,sequence,currentlookup) local steps=currentlookup.steps local nofsteps=currentlookup.nofsteps if nofsteps>1 then reportmoresteps(dataset,sequence) end if nofsteps==0 then reportzerosteps(dataset,sequence) else local kind=dataset[4] local what=dataset[1] local value=what==true and tfmdata.shared.features[kind] or what local current=start local mapping=steps[1].coverage while current do local currentchar=ischar(current) if currentchar then local alternatives=mapping[currentchar] if alternatives then local choice,comment=get_alternative_glyph(current,alternatives,value) if choice then if trace_alternatives then logprocess("%s: replacing %s by alternative %a to %s, %s",cref(dataset,sequence),gref(char),choice,gref(choice),comment) end resetinjection(start) setchar(start,choice) else if trace_alternatives then logwarning("%s: no variant %a for %s, %s",cref(dataset,sequence),value,gref(char),comment) end end end return head,start,true elseif currentchar==false then break elseif current==stop then break else current=getnext(current) end end end return head,start,false end function chainprocs.gsub_ligature(head,start,stop,dataset,sequence,currentlookup,chainindex) local steps=currentlookup.steps local nofsteps=currentlookup.nofsteps if nofsteps>1 then reportmoresteps(dataset,sequence) end if nofsteps==0 then reportzerosteps(dataset,sequence) else local startchar=getchar(start) local ligatures=steps[1].coverage[startchar] if not ligatures then if trace_bugs then logwarning("%s: no ligatures starting with %s",cref(dataset,sequence,chainindex),gref(startchar)) end else local current=getnext(start) local discfound=false local last=stop local nofreplacements=1 local skipmark=currentlookup.flags[1] while current do local id=getid(current) if id==disc_code then if not discfound then discfound=current end if current==stop then break else current=getnext(current) end else local schar=getchar(current) if skipmark and marks[schar] then current=getnext(current) else local lg=ligatures[schar] if lg then ligatures=lg last=current nofreplacements=nofreplacements+1 if current==stop then break else current=getnext(current) end else break end end end end local ligature=ligatures.ligature if ligature then if chainindex then stop=last end if trace_ligatures then if start==stop then logprocess("%s: replacing character %s by ligature %s case 3",cref(dataset,sequence,chainindex),gref(startchar),gref(ligature)) else logprocess("%s: replacing character %s upto %s by ligature %s case 4",cref(dataset,sequence,chainindex),gref(startchar),gref(getchar(stop)),gref(ligature)) end end head,start=toligature(head,start,stop,ligature,dataset,sequence,skipmark,discfound) return head,start,true,nofreplacements,discfound elseif trace_bugs then if start==stop then logwarning("%s: replacing character %s by ligature fails",cref(dataset,sequence,chainindex),gref(startchar)) else logwarning("%s: replacing character %s upto %s by ligature fails",cref(dataset,sequence,chainindex),gref(startchar),gref(getchar(stop))) end end end end return head,start,false,0,false end function chainprocs.gpos_single(head,start,stop,dataset,sequence,currentlookup,rlmode,chainindex) local steps=currentlookup.steps local nofsteps=currentlookup.nofsteps if nofsteps>1 then reportmoresteps(dataset,sequence) end if nofsteps==0 then reportzerosteps(dataset,sequence) else local startchar=getchar(start) local step=steps[1] local kerns=step.coverage[startchar] if not kerns then elseif step.format=="pair" then local dx,dy,w,h=setpair(start,factor,rlmode,sequence.flags[4],kerns) if trace_kerns then logprocess("%s: shifting single %s by (%p,%p) and correction (%p,%p)",cref(dataset,sequence),gref(startchar),dx,dy,w,h) end else local k=setkern(start,factor,rlmode,kerns,injection) if trace_kerns then logprocess("%s: shifting single %s by %p",cref(dataset,sequence),gref(startchar),k) end end end return head,start,false end function chainprocs.gpos_pair(head,start,stop,dataset,sequence,currentlookup,rlmode,chainindex) local steps=currentlookup.steps local nofsteps=currentlookup.nofsteps if nofsteps>1 then reportmoresteps(dataset,sequence) end if nofsteps==0 then reportzerosteps(dataset,sequence) else local snext=getnext(start) if snext then local startchar=getchar(start) local step=steps[1] local kerns=step.coverage[startchar] if kerns then local prev=start while snext do local nextchar=ischar(snext,currentfont) if not nextchar then break end local krn=kerns[nextchar] if not krn and marks[nextchar] then prev=snext snext=getnext(snext) elseif not krn then break elseif step.format=="pair" then local a,b=krn[1],krn[2] if optimizekerns then if not b and a[1]==0 and a[2]==0 and a[4]==0 then local k=setkern(snext,factor,rlmode,a[3],"injections") if trace_kerns then logprocess("%s: shifting single %s by %p",cref(dataset,sequence),gref(startchar),k) end return head,start,true end end if a and #a>0 then local startchar=getchar(start) local x,y,w,h=setpair(start,factor,rlmode,sequence.flags[4],a,"injections") if trace_kerns then logprocess("%s: shifting first of pair %s and %s by (%p,%p) and correction (%p,%p)",cref(dataset,sequence),gref(startchar),gref(nextchar),x,y,w,h) end end if b and #b>0 then local startchar=getchar(start) local x,y,w,h=setpair(snext,factor,rlmode,sequence.flags[4],b,"injections") if trace_kerns then logprocess("%s: shifting second of pair %s and %s by (%p,%p) and correction (%p,%p)",cref(dataset,sequence),gref(startchar),gref(nextchar),x,y,w,h) end end return head,start,true elseif krn~=0 then local k=setkern(snext,factor,rlmode,krn) if trace_kerns then logprocess("%s: inserting kern %s between %s and %s",cref(dataset,sequence),k,gref(getchar(prev)),gref(nextchar)) end return head,start,true else break end end end end end return head,start,false end function chainprocs.gpos_mark2base(head,start,stop,dataset,sequence,currentlookup,rlmode) local steps=currentlookup.steps local nofsteps=currentlookup.nofsteps if nofsteps>1 then reportmoresteps(dataset,sequence) end if nofsteps==0 then reportzerosteps(dataset,sequence) else local markchar=getchar(start) if marks[markchar] then local markanchors=steps[1].coverage[markchar] if markanchors then local base=getprev(start) if base then local basechar=ischar(base,currentfont) if basechar then if marks[basechar] then while base do base=getprev(base) if base then local basechar=ischar(base,currentfont) if basechar then if not marks[basechar] then break end else if trace_bugs then logwarning("%s: no base for mark %s, case %i",pref(dataset,sequence),gref(markchar),1) end return head,start,false end else if trace_bugs then logwarning("%s: no base for mark %s, case %i",pref(dataset,sequence),gref(markchar),2) end return head,start,false end end end local ba=markanchors[1][basechar] if ba then local ma=markanchors[2] if ma then local dx,dy,bound=setmark(start,base,factor,rlmode,ba,ma,characters[basechar],false,checkmarks) if trace_marks then logprocess("%s, anchor %s, bound %s: anchoring mark %s to basechar %s => (%p,%p)", cref(dataset,sequence),anchor,bound,gref(markchar),gref(basechar),dx,dy) end return head,start,true end end elseif trace_bugs then logwarning("%s: prev node is no char, case %i",cref(dataset,sequence),1) end elseif trace_bugs then logwarning("%s: prev node is no char, case %i",cref(dataset,sequence),2) end elseif trace_bugs then logwarning("%s: mark %s has no anchors",cref(dataset,sequence),gref(markchar)) end elseif trace_bugs then logwarning("%s: mark %s is no mark",cref(dataset,sequence),gref(markchar)) end end return head,start,false end function chainprocs.gpos_mark2ligature(head,start,stop,dataset,sequence,currentlookup,rlmode) local steps=currentlookup.steps local nofsteps=currentlookup.nofsteps if nofsteps>1 then reportmoresteps(dataset,sequence) end if nofsteps==0 then reportzerosteps(dataset,sequence) else local markchar=getchar(start) if marks[markchar] then local markanchors=steps[1].coverage[markchar] if markanchors then local base=getprev(start) if base then local basechar=ischar(base,currentfont) if basechar then if marks[basechar] then while base do base=getprev(base) if base then local basechar=ischar(base,currentfont) if basechar then if not marks[basechar] then break end else if trace_bugs then logwarning("%s: no base for mark %s, case %i",cref(dataset,sequence),markchar,1) end return head,start,false end else if trace_bugs then logwarning("%s: no base for mark %s, case %i",cref(dataset,sequence),markchar,2) end return head,start,false end end end local ba=markanchors[1][basechar] if ba then local ma=markanchors[2] if ma then local index=getligaindex(start) ba=ba[index] if ba then local dx,dy,bound=setmark(start,base,factor,rlmode,ba,ma,characters[basechar],false,checkmarks) if trace_marks then logprocess("%s, anchor %s, bound %s: anchoring mark %s to baselig %s at index %s => (%p,%p)", cref(dataset,sequence),anchor,a or bound,gref(markchar),gref(basechar),index,dx,dy) end return head,start,true end end end elseif trace_bugs then logwarning("%s, prev node is no char, case %i",cref(dataset,sequence),1) end elseif trace_bugs then logwarning("%s, prev node is no char, case %i",cref(dataset,sequence),2) end elseif trace_bugs then logwarning("%s, mark %s has no anchors",cref(dataset,sequence),gref(markchar)) end elseif trace_bugs then logwarning("%s, mark %s is no mark",cref(dataset,sequence),gref(markchar)) end end return head,start,false end function chainprocs.gpos_mark2mark(head,start,stop,dataset,sequence,currentlookup,rlmode) local steps=currentlookup.steps local nofsteps=currentlookup.nofsteps if nofsteps>1 then reportmoresteps(dataset,sequence) end if nofsteps==0 then reportzerosteps(dataset,sequence) else local markchar=getchar(start) if marks[markchar] then local markanchors=steps[1].coverage[markchar] if markanchors then local base=getprev(start) local slc=getligaindex(start) if slc then while base do local blc=getligaindex(base) if blc and blc~=slc then base=getprev(base) else break end end end if base then local basechar=ischar(base,currentfont) if basechar then local ba=markanchors[1][basechar] if ba then local ma=markanchors[2] if ma then local dx,dy,bound=setmark(start,base,factor,rlmode,ba,ma,characters[basechar],true,checkmarks) if trace_marks then logprocess("%s, anchor %s, bound %s: anchoring mark %s to basemark %s => (%p,%p)", cref(dataset,sequence),anchor,bound,gref(markchar),gref(basechar),dx,dy) end return head,start,true end end elseif trace_bugs then logwarning("%s: prev node is no mark, case %i",cref(dataset,sequence),1) end elseif trace_bugs then logwarning("%s: prev node is no mark, case %i",cref(dataset,sequence),2) end elseif trace_bugs then logwarning("%s: mark %s has no anchors",cref(dataset,sequence),gref(markchar)) end elseif trace_bugs then logwarning("%s: mark %s is no mark",cref(dataset,sequence),gref(markchar)) end end return head,start,false end function chainprocs.gpos_cursive(head,start,stop,dataset,sequence,currentlookup,rlmode) local steps=currentlookup.steps local nofsteps=currentlookup.nofsteps if nofsteps>1 then reportmoresteps(dataset,sequence) end if nofsteps==0 then reportzerosteps(dataset,sequence) else local startchar=getchar(start) local exitanchors=steps[1].coverage[startchar] if exitanchors then if marks[startchar] then if trace_cursive then logprocess("%s: ignoring cursive for mark %s",pref(dataset,sequence),gref(startchar)) end else local nxt=getnext(start) while nxt do local nextchar=ischar(nxt,currentfont) if not nextchar then break elseif marks[nextchar] then nxt=getnext(nxt) else local exit=exitanchors[3] if exit then local entry=exitanchors[1][nextchar] if entry then entry=entry[2] if entry then local dx,dy,bound=setcursive(start,nxt,factor,rlmode,exit,entry,characters[startchar],characters[nextchar]) if trace_cursive then logprocess("%s: moving %s to %s cursive (%p,%p) using anchor %s and bound %s in %s mode",pref(dataset,sequence),gref(startchar),gref(nextchar),dx,dy,anchor,bound,mref(rlmode)) end return head,start,true end end elseif trace_bugs then onetimemessage(currentfont,startchar,"no entry anchors",report_fonts) end break end end end elseif trace_cursive and trace_details then logprocess("%s, cursive %s is already done",pref(dataset,sequence),gref(getchar(start)),alreadydone) end end return head,start,false end local function show_skip(dataset,sequence,char,ck,class) logwarning("%s: skipping char %s, class %a, rule %a, lookuptype %a",cref(dataset,sequence),gref(char),class,ck[1],ck[8] or ck[2]) end local new_kern=nuts.pool.kern local function checked(head) local current=head while current do if getid(current)==glue_code then local kern=new_kern(getwidth(current)) if head==current then local next=getnext(current) if next then setlink(kern,next) end flush_node(current) head=kern current=next else local prev,next=getboth(current) setlink(prev,kern,next) flush_node(current) current=next end else current=getnext(current) end end return head end local function setdiscchecked(d,pre,post,replace) if pre then pre=checked(pre) end if post then post=checked(post) end if replace then replace=checked(replace) end setdisc(d,pre,post,replace) end local noflags={ false,false,false,false } local function chainrun(head,start,last,dataset,sequence,rlmode,ck,skipped) local size=ck[5]-ck[4]+1 local flags=sequence.flags or noflags local done=false local skipmark=flags[1] local chainlookups=ck[6] if chainlookups then local nofchainlookups=#chainlookups if size==1 then local chainlookup=chainlookups[1] for j=1,#chainlookup do local chainstep=chainlookup[j] local chainkind=chainstep.type local chainproc=chainprocs[chainkind] if chainproc then local ok head,start,ok=chainproc(head,start,last,dataset,sequence,chainstep,rlmode,1) if ok then done=true end else logprocess("%s: %s is not yet supported (1)",cref(dataset,sequence),chainkind) end end else local i=1 while start do if skipped then while start do local char=getchar(start) local class=classes[char] if class then if class==skipmark or class==skipligature or class==skipbase or (markclass and class=="mark" and not markclass[char]) then start=getnext(start) else break end else break end end end local chainlookup=chainlookups[i] if chainlookup then for j=1,#chainlookup do local chainstep=chainlookup[j] local chainkind=chainstep.type local chainproc=chainprocs[chainkind] if chainproc then local ok,n head,start,ok,n=chainproc(head,start,last,dataset,sequence,chainstep,rlmode,i) if ok then done=true if n and n>1 and i+n>nofchainlookups then break end end else logprocess("%s: %s is not yet supported (2)",cref(dataset,sequence),chainkind) end end end i=i+1 if i>size or not start then break elseif start then start=getnext(start) end end end else local replacements=ck[7] if replacements then head,start,done=reversesub(head,start,last,dataset,sequence,replacements,rlmode) else done=true if trace_contexts then logprocess("%s: skipping match",cref(dataset,sequence)) end end end return head,start,done end local function chaindisk(head,start,dataset,sequence,rlmode,ck,skipped) if not start then return head,start,false end local startishead=start==head local seq=ck[3] local f=ck[4] local l=ck[5] local s=#seq local done=false local sweepnode=sweepnode local sweeptype=sweeptype local sweepoverflow=false local keepdisc=not sweepnode local lookaheaddisc=nil local backtrackdisc=nil local current=start local last=start local prev=getprev(start) local hasglue=false local i=f while i<=l do local id=getid(current) if id==glyph_code then i=i+1 last=current current=getnext(current) elseif id==glue_code then i=i+1 last=current current=getnext(current) hasglue=true elseif id==disc_code then if keepdisc then keepdisc=false lookaheaddisc=current local replace=getfield(current,"replace") if not replace then sweepoverflow=true sweepnode=current current=getnext(current) else while replace and i<=l do if getid(replace)==glyph_code then i=i+1 end replace=getnext(replace) end current=getnext(replace) end last=current else head,current=flattendisk(head,current) end else last=current current=getnext(current) end if current then elseif sweepoverflow then break elseif sweeptype=="post" or sweeptype=="replace" then current=getnext(sweepnode) if current then sweeptype=nil sweepoverflow=true else break end else break end end if sweepoverflow then local prev=current and getprev(current) if not current or prev~=sweepnode then local head=getnext(sweepnode) local tail=nil if prev then tail=prev setprev(current,sweepnode) else tail=find_node_tail(head) end setnext(sweepnode,current) setprev(head) setnext(tail) appenddisc(sweepnode,head) end end if l1 then local current=prev local i=f local t=sweeptype=="pre" or sweeptype=="replace" if not current and t and current==checkdisk then current=getprev(sweepnode) end while current and i>1 do local id=getid(current) if id==glyph_code then i=i-1 elseif id==glue_code then i=i-1 hasglue=true elseif id==disc_code then if keepdisc then keepdisc=false if notmatchpost[current]~=notmatchreplace[current] then backtrackdisc=current end local replace=getfield(current,"replace") while replace and i>1 do if getid(replace)==glyph_code then i=i-1 end replace=getnext(replace) end elseif notmatchpost[current]~=notmatchreplace[current] then head,current=flattendisk(head,current) end end current=getprev(current) if t and current==checkdisk then current=getprev(sweepnode) end end end local done=false if lookaheaddisc then local cf=start local cl=getprev(lookaheaddisc) local cprev=getprev(start) local insertedmarks=0 while cprev do local char=ischar(cf,currentfont) if char and marks[char] then insertedmarks=insertedmarks+1 cf=cprev startishead=cf==head cprev=getprev(cprev) else break end end setlink(cprev,lookaheaddisc) setprev(cf) setnext(cl) if startishead then head=lookaheaddisc end local pre,post,replace=getdisc(lookaheaddisc) local new=copy_node_list(cf) local cnew=new if pre then setlink(find_node_tail(cf),pre) end if replace then local tail=find_node_tail(new) setlink(tail,replace) end for i=1,insertedmarks do cnew=getnext(cnew) end cl=start local clast=cnew for i=f,l do cl=getnext(cl) clast=getnext(clast) end if not notmatchpre[lookaheaddisc] then local ok=false cf,start,ok=chainrun(cf,start,cl,dataset,sequence,rlmode,ck,skipped) if ok then done=true end end if not notmatchreplace[lookaheaddisc] then local ok=false new,cnew,ok=chainrun(new,cnew,clast,dataset,sequence,rlmode,ck,skipped) if ok then done=true end end if hasglue then setdiscchecked(lookaheaddisc,cf,post,new) else setdisc(lookaheaddisc,cf,post,new) end start=getprev(lookaheaddisc) sweephead[cf]=getnext(clast) sweephead[new]=getnext(cl) elseif backtrackdisc then local cf=getnext(backtrackdisc) local cl=start local cnext=getnext(start) local insertedmarks=0 while cnext do local char=ischar(cnext,currentfont) if char and marks[char] then insertedmarks=insertedmarks+1 cl=cnext cnext=getnext(cnext) else break end end if cnext then setprev(cnext,backtrackdisc) end setnext(backtrackdisc,cnext) setprev(cf) setnext(cl) local pre,post,replace,pretail,posttail,replacetail=getdisc(backtrackdisc,true) local new=copy_node_list(cf) local cnew=find_node_tail(new) for i=1,insertedmarks do cnew=getprev(cnew) end local clast=cnew for i=f,l do clast=getnext(clast) end if not notmatchpost[backtrackdisc] then local ok=false cf,start,ok=chainrun(cf,start,last,dataset,sequence,rlmode,ck,skipped) if ok then done=true end end if not notmatchreplace[backtrackdisc] then local ok=false new,cnew,ok=chainrun(new,cnew,clast,dataset,sequence,rlmode,ck,skipped) if ok then done=true end end if post then setlink(posttail,cf) else post=cf end if replace then setlink(replacetail,new) else replace=new end if hasglue then setdiscchecked(backtrackdisc,pre,post,replace) else setdisc(backtrackdisc,pre,post,replace) end start=getprev(backtrackdisc) sweephead[post]=getnext(clast) sweephead[replace]=getnext(last) else local ok=false head,start,ok=chainrun(head,start,last,dataset,sequence,rlmode,ck,skipped) if ok then done=true end end return head,start,done end local function chaintrac(head,start,dataset,sequence,rlmode,ck,skipped) local rule=ck[1] local lookuptype=ck[8] or ck[2] local nofseq=#ck[3] local first=ck[4] local last=ck[5] local char=getchar(start) logwarning("%s: rule %s matches at char %s for (%s,%s,%s) chars, lookuptype %a", cref(dataset,sequence),rule,gref(char),first-1,last-first+1,nofseq-last,lookuptype) end local function handle_contextchain(head,start,dataset,sequence,contexts,rlmode) local sweepnode=sweepnode local sweeptype=sweeptype local currentfont=currentfont local diskseen=false local checkdisc=sweeptype and getprev(head) local flags=sequence.flags or noflags local done=false local skipmark=flags[1] local skipligature=flags[2] local skipbase=flags[3] local markclass=sequence.markclass local skipped=false local startprev, startnext=getboth(start) for k=1,#contexts do local match=true local current=start local last=start local ck=contexts[k] local seq=ck[3] local s=#seq local size=1 if s==1 then local char=ischar(current,currentfont) if char then if not seq[1][char] then match=false end end else local f=ck[4] local l=ck[5] size=l-f+1 if size>1 then local discfound local n=f+1 last=startnext while n<=l do if not last and (sweeptype=="post" or sweeptype=="replace") then last=getnext(sweepnode) sweeptype=nil end if last then local char,id=ischar(last,currentfont) if char then local class=classes[char] if class then if class==skipmark or class==skipligature or class==skipbase or (markclass and class=="mark" and not markclass[char]) then skipped=true if trace_skips then show_skip(dataset,sequence,char,ck,class) end last=getnext(last) elseif seq[n][char] then if nl then break end else notmatchpre[last]=true break end end if n<=l then notmatchpre[last]=true end else notmatchpre[last]=true end if replace then while replace do if seq[n][getchar(replace)] then n=n+1 replace=getnext(replace) if n>l then break end else notmatchreplace[last]=true if notmatchpre[last] then match=false end break end end if notmatchpre[last] then match=false end end last=getnext(last) else match=false break end else match=false break end end end if match and f>1 then if startprev then local prev=startprev if prev==checkdisc and (sweeptype=="pre" or sweeptype=="replace") then prev=getprev(sweepnode) end if prev then local discfound local n=f-1 while n>=1 do if prev then local char,id=ischar(prev,currentfont) if char then local class=classes[char] if class then if class==skipmark or class==skipligature or class==skipbase or (markclass and class=="mark" and not markclass[char]) then skipped=true if trace_skips then show_skip(dataset,sequence,char,ck,class) end prev=getprev(prev) elseif seq[n][char] then if n>1 then prev=getprev(prev) end n=n-1 else if discfound then notmatchreplace[discfound]=true if notmatchpost[discfound] then match=false end else match=false end break end else if discfound then notmatchreplace[discfound]=true if notmatchpost[discfound] then match=false end else match=false end break end elseif char==false then if discfound then notmatchreplace[discfound]=true if notmatchpost[discfound] then match=false end else match=false end break elseif id==disc_code then diskseen=true discfound=prev notmatchpre[prev]=true notmatchpost[prev]=nil notmatchreplace[prev]=nil local pre,post,replace,pretail,posttail,replacetail=getdisc(prev,true) if pre~=start and post~=start and replace~=start then if post then local n=n while posttail do if seq[n][getchar(posttail)] then n=n-1 if posttail==post then break else posttail=getprev(posttail) if n<1 then break end end else notmatchpost[prev]=true break end end if n>=1 then notmatchpost[prev]=true end else notmatchpost[prev]=true end if replace then while replacetail do if seq[n][getchar(replacetail)] then n=n-1 if replacetail==replace then break else replacetail=getprev(replacetail) if n<1 then break end end else notmatchreplace[prev]=true if notmatchpost[prev] then match=false end break end end if not match then break end end end prev=getprev(prev) elseif id==glue_code and seq[n][32] and isspace(prev,threshold,id) then n=n-1 prev=getprev(prev) else match=false break end else match=false break end end else match=false end else match=false end end if match and s>l then local current=last and getnext(last) if not current and (sweeptype=="post" or sweeptype=="replace") then current=getnext(sweepnode) end if current then local discfound local n=l+1 while n<=s do if current then local char,id=ischar(current,currentfont) if char then local class=classes[char] if class then if class==skipmark or class==skipligature or class==skipbase or (markclass and class=="mark" and not markclass[char]) then skipped=true if trace_skips then show_skip(dataset,sequence,char,ck,class) end current=getnext(current) elseif seq[n][char] then if ns then break end else notmatchpre[current]=true break end end if n<=s then notmatchpre[current]=true end else notmatchpre[current]=true end if replace then while replace do if seq[n][getchar(replace)] then n=n+1 replace=getnext(replace) if n>s then break end else notmatchreplace[current]=true if not notmatchpre[current] then match=false end break end end if not match then break end else end current=getnext(current) elseif id==glue_code and seq[n][32] and isspace(current,threshold,id) then n=n+1 current=getnext(current) else match=false break end else match=false break end end else match=false end end end if match then if trace_contexts then chaintrac(head,start,dataset,sequence,rlmode,ck,skipped) end if diskseen or sweepnode then head,start,done=chaindisk(head,start,dataset,sequence,rlmode,ck,skipped) else head,start,done=chainrun(head,start,last,dataset,sequence,rlmode,ck,skipped) end if done then break end end end if diskseen then notmatchpre={} notmatchpost={} notmatchreplace={} end return head,start,done end handlers.gsub_context=handle_contextchain handlers.gsub_contextchain=handle_contextchain handlers.gsub_reversecontextchain=handle_contextchain handlers.gpos_contextchain=handle_contextchain handlers.gpos_context=handle_contextchain local function chained_contextchain(head,start,stop,dataset,sequence,currentlookup,rlmode) local steps=currentlookup.steps local nofsteps=currentlookup.nofsteps if nofsteps>1 then reportmoresteps(dataset,sequence) end return handle_contextchain(head,start,dataset,sequence,currentlookup,rlmode) end chainprocs.gsub_context=chained_contextchain chainprocs.gsub_contextchain=chained_contextchain chainprocs.gsub_reversecontextchain=chained_contextchain chainprocs.gpos_contextchain=chained_contextchain chainprocs.gpos_context=chained_contextchain local missing=setmetatableindex("table") local function logprocess(...) if trace_steps then registermessage(...) end report_process(...) end local logwarning=report_process local function report_missing_coverage(dataset,sequence) local t=missing[currentfont] if not t[sequence] then t[sequence]=true logwarning("missing coverage for feature %a, lookup %a, type %a, font %a, name %a", dataset[4],sequence.name,sequence.type,currentfont,tfmdata.properties.fullname) end end local resolved={} local sequencelists=setmetatableindex(function(t,font) local sequences=fontdata[font].resources.sequences if not sequences or not next(sequences) then sequences=false end t[font]=sequences return sequences end) do local autofeatures=fonts.analyzers.features local featuretypes=otf.tables.featuretypes local defaultscript=otf.features.checkeddefaultscript local defaultlanguage=otf.features.checkeddefaultlanguage local wildcard="*" local default="dflt" local function initialize(sequence,script,language,enabled,autoscript,autolanguage) local features=sequence.features if features then local order=sequence.order if order then local featuretype=featuretypes[sequence.type or "unknown"] for i=1,#order do local kind=order[i] local valid=enabled[kind] if valid then local scripts=features[kind] local languages=scripts and ( scripts[script] or scripts[wildcard] or (autoscript and defaultscript(featuretype,autoscript,scripts)) ) local enabled=languages and ( languages[language] or languages[wildcard] or (autolanguage and defaultlanguage(featuretype,autolanguage,languages)) ) if enabled then return { valid,autofeatures[kind] or false,sequence,kind } end end end else end end return false end function otf.dataset(tfmdata,font) local shared=tfmdata.shared local properties=tfmdata.properties local language=properties.language or "dflt" local script=properties.script or "dflt" local enabled=shared.features local autoscript=enabled and enabled.autoscript local autolanguage=enabled and enabled.autolanguage local res=resolved[font] if not res then res={} resolved[font]=res end local rs=res[script] if not rs then rs={} res[script]=rs end local rl=rs[language] if not rl then rl={ } rs[language]=rl local sequences=tfmdata.resources.sequences if sequences then for s=1,#sequences do local v=enabled and initialize(sequences[s],script,language,enabled,autoscript,autolanguage) if v then rl[#rl+1]=v end end end end return rl end end local function report_disc(what,n) report_run("%s: %s > %s",what,n,languages.serializediscretionary(n)) end local function kernrun(disc,k_run,font,attr,...) if trace_kernruns then report_disc("kern",disc) end local prev,next=getboth(disc) local nextstart=next local done=false local pre,post,replace,pretail,posttail,replacetail=getdisc(disc,true) local prevmarks=prev while prevmarks do local char=ischar(prevmarks,font) if char and marks[char] then prevmarks=getprev(prevmarks) else break end end if prev and not ischar(prev,font) then prev=false end if next and not ischar(next,font) then next=false end if pre then if k_run(pre,"injections",nil,font,attr,...) then done=true end if prev then local nest=getprev(pre) setlink(prev,pre) if k_run(prevmarks,"preinjections",pre,font,attr,...) then done=true end setprev(pre,nest) setnext(prev,disc) end end if post then if k_run(post,"injections",nil,font,attr,...) then done=true end if next then setlink(posttail,next) if k_run(posttail,"postinjections",next,font,attr,...) then done=true end setnext(posttail) setprev(next,disc) end end if replace then if k_run(replace,"injections",nil,font,attr,...) then done=true end if prev then local nest=getprev(replace) setlink(prev,replace) if k_run(prevmarks,"replaceinjections",replace,font,attr,...) then done=true end setprev(replace,nest) setnext(prev,disc) end if next then setlink(replacetail,next) if k_run(replacetail,"replaceinjections",next,font,attr,...) then done=true end setnext(replacetail) setprev(next,disc) end elseif prev and next then setlink(prev,next) if k_run(prevmarks,"emptyinjections",next,font,attr,...) then done=true end setlink(prev,disc,next) end return nextstart,done end local function comprun(disc,c_run,...) if trace_compruns then report_disc("comp",disc) end local pre,post,replace=getdisc(disc) local renewed=false if pre then sweepnode=disc sweeptype="pre" local new,done=c_run(pre,...) if done then pre=new renewed=true end end if post then sweepnode=disc sweeptype="post" local new,done=c_run(post,...) if done then post=new renewed=true end end if replace then sweepnode=disc sweeptype="replace" local new,done=c_run(replace,...) if done then replace=new renewed=true end end sweepnode=nil sweeptype=nil if renewed then setdisc(disc,pre,post,replace) end return getnext(disc),renewed end local function testrun(disc,t_run,c_run,...) if trace_testruns then report_disc("test",disc) end local prev,next=getboth(disc) if not next then return end local pre,post,replace,pretail,posttail,replacetail=getdisc(disc,true) local done=false if (post or replace) and prev then if post then setlink(posttail,next) else post=next end if replace then setlink(replacetail,next) else replace=next end local d_post=t_run(post,next,...) local d_replace=t_run(replace,next,...) if (d_post and d_post>0) or (d_replace and d_replace>0) then local d=d_replace or d_post if d_post and d0 then d=d+1 end l=lg s=getnext(s) sstop=s==stop if not s then s=ss ss=nil end while getid(s)==disc_code do ss=getnext(s) s=getfield(s,"replace") if not s then s=ss ss=nil end end else break end end if l and l.ligature then lastd=d end end else end if lastd then return lastd end start=startnext else break end end end local function k_run_single(sub,injection,last,font,attr,lookupcache,step,dataset,sequence,rlmode,handler) local a if attr then a=getattr(sub,0) end if not a or (a==attr) then for n in traverse_nodes(sub) do if n==last then break end local char=ischar(n) if char then local lookupmatch=lookupcache[char] if lookupmatch then local h,d,ok=handler(sub,n,dataset,sequence,lookupmatch,rlmode,step,1,injection) if ok then return true end end end end end end local function c_run_multiple(head,font,attr,steps,nofsteps,dataset,sequence,rlmode,handler) local done=false local sweep=sweephead[head] if sweep then start=sweep sweephead[head]=nil else start=head end while start do local char=ischar(start,font) if char then local a if attr then a=getattr(start,0) end if not a or (a==attr) then for i=1,nofsteps do local step=steps[i] local lookupcache=step.coverage if lookupcache then local lookupmatch=lookupcache[char] if lookupmatch then local ok head,start,ok=handler(head,start,dataset,sequence,lookupmatch,rlmode,step,i) if ok then done=true break elseif not start then break end end else report_missing_coverage(dataset,sequence) end end if start then start=getnext(start) end else start=getnext(start) end elseif char==false then return head,done elseif sweep then return head,done else start=getnext(start) end end return head,done end local function t_run_multiple(start,stop,font,attr,steps,nofsteps) local lastd=nil while start~=stop do local char=ischar(start,font) if char then local a if attr then a=getattr(start,0) end local startnext=getnext(start) if not a or (a==attr) then for i=1,nofsteps do local step=steps[i] local lookupcache=step.coverage if lookupcache then local lookupmatch=lookupcache[char] if lookupmatch then local s=startnext local ss=nil local sstop=s==stop if not s then s=ss ss=nil end while getid(s)==disc_code do ss=getnext(s) s=getfield(s,"replace") if not s then s=ss ss=nil end end local l=nil local d=0 while s do local lg=lookupmatch[getchar(s)] if lg then if sstop then d=1 elseif d>0 then d=d+1 end l=lg s=getnext(s) sstop=s==stop if not s then s=ss ss=nil end while getid(s)==disc_code do ss=getnext(s) s=getfield(s,"replace") if not s then s=ss ss=nil end end else break end end if l and l.ligature then lastd=d end end else report_missing_coverage(dataset,sequence) end end else end if lastd then return lastd end start=startnext else break end end end local function k_run_multiple(sub,injection,last,font,attr,steps,nofsteps,dataset,sequence,rlmode,handler) local a if attr then a=getattr(sub,0) end if not a or (a==attr) then for n in traverse_nodes(sub) do if n==last then break end local char=ischar(n) if char then for i=1,nofsteps do local step=steps[i] local lookupcache=step.coverage if lookupcache then local lookupmatch=lookupcache[char] if lookupmatch then local h,d,ok=handler(head,n,dataset,sequence,lookupmatch,step,rlmode,i,injection) if ok then return true end end else report_missing_coverage(dataset,sequence) end end end end end end local function txtdirstate(start,stack,top,rlparmode) local dir=getdir(start) local new=1 if dir=="+TRT" then top=top+1 stack[top]=dir new=-1 elseif dir=="+TLT" then top=top+1 stack[top]=dir elseif dir=="-TRT" or dir=="-TLT" then top=top-1 if stack[top]=="+TRT" then new=-1 end else new=rlparmode end if trace_directions then report_process("directions after txtdir %a: parmode %a, txtmode %a, level %a",dir,mref(rlparmode),mref(new),top) end return getnext(start),top,new end local function pardirstate(start) local dir=getdir(start) local new=0 if dir=="TLT" then new=1 elseif dir=="TRT" then new=-1 end if trace_directions then report_process("directions after pardir %a: parmode %a",dir,mref(new)) end return getnext(start),new,new end otf.helpers=otf.helpers or {} otf.helpers.txtdirstate=txtdirstate otf.helpers.pardirstate=pardirstate local function featuresprocessor(head,font,attr,direction) local sequences=sequencelists[font] if not sequencelists then return head,false end nesting=nesting+1 if nesting==1 then currentfont=font tfmdata=fontdata[font] descriptions=tfmdata.descriptions characters=tfmdata.characters local resources=tfmdata.resources marks=resources.marks classes=resources.classes threshold, factor=getthreshold(font) checkmarks=tfmdata.properties.checkmarks elseif currentfont~=font then report_warning("nested call with a different font, level %s, quitting",nesting) nesting=nesting-1 return head,false end head=tonut(head) if trace_steps then checkstep(head) end local initialrl=direction=="TRT" and -1 or 0 local done=false local datasets=otf.dataset(tfmdata,font,attr) local dirstack={} sweephead={} for s=1,#datasets do local dataset=datasets[s] local attribute=dataset[2] local sequence=dataset[3] local rlparmode=initialrl local topstack=0 local typ=sequence.type local gpossing=typ=="gpos_single" or typ=="gpos_pair" local handler=handlers[typ] local steps=sequence.steps local nofsteps=sequence.nofsteps if not steps then local h,d,ok=handler(head,head,dataset,sequence,nil,nil,nil,0,font,attr) if ok then done=true if h then head=h end end elseif typ=="gsub_reversecontextchain" then local start=find_node_tail(head) local rlmode=0 while start do local char=ischar(start,font) if char then local a if attr then a=getattr(start,0) end if not a or (a==attr) then for i=1,nofsteps do local step=steps[i] local lookupcache=step.coverage if lookupcache then local lookupmatch=lookupcache[char] if lookupmatch then local ok head,start,ok=handler(head,start,dataset,sequence,lookupmatch,rlmode,step,i) if ok then done=true break end end else report_missing_coverage(dataset,sequence) end end if start then start=getprev(start) end else start=getprev(start) end else start=getprev(start) end end else local start=head local rlmode=initialrl if nofsteps==1 then local step=steps[1] local lookupcache=step.coverage if not lookupcache then report_missing_coverage(dataset,sequence) else while start do local char,id=ischar(start,font) if char then local a if attr then if getattr(start,0)==attr and (not attribute or getprop(start,a_state)==attribute) then a=true end elseif not attribute or getprop(start,a_state)==attribute then a=true end if a then local lookupmatch=lookupcache[char] if lookupmatch then local ok head,start,ok=handler(head,start,dataset,sequence,lookupmatch,rlmode,step,1) if ok then done=true end end if start then start=getnext(start) end else start=getnext(start) end elseif char==false then start=getnext(start) elseif id==glue_code then start=getnext(start) elseif id==disc_code then local ok if gpossing then start,ok=kernrun(start,k_run_single,font,attr,lookupcache,step,dataset,sequence,rlmode,handler) elseif typ=="gsub_ligature" then start,ok=testrun(start,t_run_single,c_run_single,font,attr,lookupcache,step,dataset,sequence,rlmode,handler) else start,ok=comprun(start,c_run_single,font,attr,lookupcache,step,dataset,sequence,rlmode,handler) end if ok then done=true end elseif id==math_code then start=getnext(end_of_math(start)) elseif id==dir_code then start,topstack,rlmode=txtdirstate(start,dirstack,topstack,rlparmode) elseif id==localpar_code then start,rlparmode,rlmode=pardirstate(start) else start=getnext(start) end end end else while start do local char,id=ischar(start,font) if char then local a if attr then if getattr(start,0)==attr and (not attribute or getprop(start,a_state)==attribute) then a=true end elseif not attribute or getprop(start,a_state)==attribute then a=true end if a then for i=1,nofsteps do local step=steps[i] local lookupcache=step.coverage if lookupcache then local lookupmatch=lookupcache[char] if lookupmatch then local ok head,start,ok=handler(head,start,dataset,sequence,lookupmatch,rlmode,step,i) if ok then done=true break elseif not start then break end end else report_missing_coverage(dataset,sequence) end end if start then start=getnext(start) end else start=getnext(start) end elseif char==false then start=getnext(start) elseif id==glue_code then start=getnext(start) elseif id==disc_code then local ok if gpossing then start,ok=kernrun(start,k_run_multiple,font,attr,steps,nofsteps,dataset,sequence,rlmode,handler) elseif typ=="gsub_ligature" then start,ok=testrun(start,t_run_multiple,c_run_multiple,font,attr,steps,nofsteps,dataset,sequence,rlmode,handler) else start,ok=comprun(start,c_run_multiple,font,attr,steps,nofsteps,dataset,sequence,rlmode,handler) end if ok then done=true end elseif id==math_code then start=getnext(end_of_math(start)) elseif id==dir_code then start,topstack,rlmode=txtdirstate(start,dirstack,topstack,rlparmode) elseif id==localpar_code then start,rlparmode,rlmode=pardirstate(start) else start=getnext(start) end end end end if trace_steps then registerstep(head) end end nesting=nesting-1 head=tonode(head) return head,done end local plugins={} otf.plugins=plugins function otf.registerplugin(name,f) if type(name)=="string" and type(f)=="function" then plugins[name]={ name,f } end end local function plugininitializer(tfmdata,value) if type(value)=="string" then tfmdata.shared.plugin=plugins[value] end end local function pluginprocessor(head,font) local s=fontdata[font].shared local p=s and s.plugin if p then if trace_plugins then report_process("applying plugin %a",p[1]) end return p[2](head,font) else return head,false end end local function featuresinitializer(tfmdata,value) end registerotffeature { name="features", description="features", default=true, initializers={ position=1, node=featuresinitializer, plug=plugininitializer, }, processors={ node=featuresprocessor, plug=pluginprocessor, } } otf.nodemodeinitializer=featuresinitializer otf.featuresprocessor=featuresprocessor otf.handlers=handlers local setspacekerns=nodes.injections.setspacekerns if not setspacekerns then os.exit() end if fontfeatures then function otf.handlers.trigger_space_kerns(head,start,dataset,sequence,_,_,_,_,font,attr) local features=fontfeatures[font] local enabled=features and features.spacekern and features.kern if enabled then setspacekerns(font,sequence) end return head,start,enabled end else function otf.handlers.trigger_space_kerns(head,start,dataset,sequence,_,_,_,_,font,attr) local shared=fontdata[font].shared local features=shared and shared.features local enabled=features and features.spacekern and features.kern if enabled then setspacekerns(font,sequence) end return head,start,enabled end end local function hasspacekerns(data) local sequences=data.resources.sequences for i=1,#sequences do local sequence=sequences[i] local steps=sequence.steps if steps and sequence.features.kern then for i=1,#steps do local coverage=steps[i].coverage if not coverage then elseif coverage[32] then return true else for k,v in next,coverage do if v[32] then return true end end end end end end return false end otf.readers.registerextender { name="spacekerns", action=function(data) data.properties.hasspacekerns=hasspacekerns(data) end } local function spaceinitializer(tfmdata,value) local resources=tfmdata.resources local spacekerns=resources and resources.spacekerns local properties=tfmdata.properties if value and spacekerns==nil then if properties and properties.hasspacekerns then local sequences=resources.sequences local left={} local right={} local last=0 local feat=nil for i=1,#sequences do local sequence=sequences[i] local steps=sequence.steps if steps then local kern=sequence.features.kern if kern then if feat then for script,languages in next,kern do local f=feat[script] if f then for l in next,languages do f[l]=true end else feat[script]=languages end end else feat=kern end for i=1,#steps do local step=steps[i] local coverage=step.coverage local rules=step.rules local format=step.format if rules then elseif coverage then local single=format==gpos_single local kerns=coverage[32] if kerns then for k,v in next,kerns do if type(v)~="table" then right[k]=v elseif single then right[k]=v[3] else local one=v[1] if one then right[k]=one[3] end end end end for k,v in next,coverage do local kern=v[32] if kern then if type(kern)~="table" then left[k]=kern elseif single then left[k]=v[3] else local one=v[1] if one then left[k]=one[3] end end end end end end last=i end else end end left=next(left) and left or false right=next(right) and right or false if left or right then spacekerns={ left=left, right=right, } if last>0 then local triggersequence={ features={ kern=feat or { dflt={ dflt=true,} } }, flags=noflags, name="trigger_space_kerns", order={ "kern" }, type="trigger_space_kerns", left=left, right=right, } insert(sequences,last,triggersequence) end else spacekerns=false end else spacekerns=false end resources.spacekerns=spacekerns end return spacekerns end registerotffeature { name="spacekern", description="space kern injection", default=true, initializers={ node=spaceinitializer, }, } local function markinitializer(tfmdata,value) local properties=tfmdata.properties properties.checkmarks=value end registerotffeature { name="checkmarks", description="check mark widths", default=true, initializers={ node=markinitializer, }, } end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['font-osd']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to font-ini.mkiv", author="Kai Eigner, TAT Zetwerk / Hans Hagen, PRAGMA ADE", copyright="TAT Zetwerk / PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } local insert,imerge,copy=table.insert,table.imerge,table.copy local next,type=next,type local report_devanagari=logs.reporter("otf","devanagari") fonts=fonts or {} fonts.analyzers=fonts.analyzers or {} fonts.analyzers.methods=fonts.analyzers.methods or { node={ otf={} } } local otf=fonts.handlers.otf local handlers=otf.handlers local methods=fonts.analyzers.methods local otffeatures=fonts.constructors.features.otf local registerotffeature=otffeatures.register local nuts=nodes.nuts local tonode=nuts.tonode local tonut=nuts.tonut local getnext=nuts.getnext local getprev=nuts.getprev local getboth=nuts.getboth local getid=nuts.getid local getchar=nuts.getchar local getfont=nuts.getfont local getsubtype=nuts.getsubtype local setlink=nuts.setlink local setnext=nuts.setnext local setprev=nuts.setprev local setchar=nuts.setchar local getprop=nuts.getprop local setprop=nuts.setprop local ischar=nuts.is_char local insert_node_after=nuts.insert_after local copy_node=nuts.copy local remove_node=nuts.remove local flush_list=nuts.flush_list local flush_node=nuts.flush_node local copyinjection=nodes.injections.copy local unsetvalue=attributes.unsetvalue local fontdata=fonts.hashes.identifiers local a_state=attributes.private('state') local a_syllabe=attributes.private('syllabe') local dotted_circle=0x25CC local states=fonts.analyzers.states local s_rphf=states.rphf local s_half=states.half local s_pref=states.pref local s_blwf=states.blwf local s_pstf=states.pstf local replace_all_nbsp=nil replace_all_nbsp=function(head) replace_all_nbsp=typesetters and typesetters.characters and typesetters.characters.replacenbspaces or function(head) return head end return replace_all_nbsp(head) end local xprocesscharacters=nil if context then xprocesscharacters=function(head,font) xprocesscharacters=nodes.handlers.characters return xprocesscharacters(head,font) end else xprocesscharacters=function(head,font) xprocesscharacters=nodes.handlers.nodepass return xprocesscharacters(head,font) end end local function processcharacters(head,font) return tonut(xprocesscharacters(tonode(head))) end local consonant={ [0x0915]=true,[0x0916]=true,[0x0917]=true,[0x0918]=true, [0x0919]=true,[0x091A]=true,[0x091B]=true,[0x091C]=true, [0x091D]=true,[0x091E]=true,[0x091F]=true,[0x0920]=true, [0x0921]=true,[0x0922]=true,[0x0923]=true,[0x0924]=true, [0x0925]=true,[0x0926]=true,[0x0927]=true,[0x0928]=true, [0x0929]=true,[0x092A]=true,[0x092B]=true,[0x092C]=true, [0x092D]=true,[0x092E]=true,[0x092F]=true,[0x0930]=true, [0x0931]=true,[0x0932]=true,[0x0933]=true,[0x0934]=true, [0x0935]=true,[0x0936]=true,[0x0937]=true,[0x0938]=true, [0x0939]=true,[0x0958]=true,[0x0959]=true,[0x095A]=true, [0x095B]=true,[0x095C]=true,[0x095D]=true,[0x095E]=true, [0x095F]=true,[0x0979]=true,[0x097A]=true, [0x0C95]=true,[0x0C96]=true,[0x0C97]=true,[0x0C98]=true, [0x0C99]=true,[0x0C9A]=true,[0x0C9B]=true,[0x0C9C]=true, [0x0C9D]=true,[0x0C9E]=true,[0x0C9F]=true,[0x0CA0]=true, [0x0CA1]=true,[0x0CA2]=true,[0x0CA3]=true,[0x0CA4]=true, [0x0CA5]=true,[0x0CA6]=true,[0x0CA7]=true,[0x0CA8]=true, [0x0CA9]=true,[0x0CAA]=true,[0x0CAB]=true,[0x0CAC]=true, [0x0CAD]=true,[0x0CAE]=true,[0x0CAF]=true,[0x0CB0]=true, [0x0CB1]=true,[0x0CB2]=true,[0x0CB3]=true,[0x0CB4]=true, [0x0CB5]=true,[0x0CB6]=true,[0x0CB7]=true,[0x0CB8]=true, [0x0CB9]=true, [0x0CDE]=true, [0x0D15]=true,[0x0D16]=true,[0x0D17]=true,[0x0D18]=true, [0x0D19]=true,[0x0D1A]=true,[0x0D1B]=true,[0x0D1C]=true, [0x0D1D]=true,[0x0D1E]=true,[0x0D1F]=true,[0x0D20]=true, [0x0D21]=true,[0x0D22]=true,[0x0D23]=true,[0x0D24]=true, [0x0D25]=true,[0x0D26]=true,[0x0D27]=true,[0x0D28]=true, [0x0D29]=true,[0x0D2A]=true,[0x0D2B]=true,[0x0D2C]=true, [0x0D2D]=true,[0x0D2E]=true,[0x0D2F]=true,[0x0D30]=true, [0x0D31]=true,[0x0D32]=true,[0x0D33]=true,[0x0D34]=true, [0x0D35]=true,[0x0D36]=true,[0x0D37]=true,[0x0D38]=true, [0x0D39]=true,[0x0D3A]=true, } local independent_vowel={ [0x0904]=true,[0x0905]=true,[0x0906]=true,[0x0907]=true, [0x0908]=true,[0x0909]=true,[0x090A]=true,[0x090B]=true, [0x090C]=true,[0x090D]=true,[0x090E]=true,[0x090F]=true, [0x0910]=true,[0x0911]=true,[0x0912]=true,[0x0913]=true, [0x0914]=true,[0x0960]=true,[0x0961]=true,[0x0972]=true, [0x0973]=true,[0x0974]=true,[0x0975]=true,[0x0976]=true, [0x0977]=true, [0x0C85]=true,[0x0C86]=true,[0x0C87]=true,[0x0C88]=true, [0x0C89]=true,[0x0C8A]=true,[0x0C8B]=true,[0x0C8C]=true, [0x0C8D]=true,[0x0C8E]=true,[0x0C8F]=true,[0x0C90]=true, [0x0C91]=true,[0x0C92]=true,[0x0C93]=true,[0x0C94]=true, [0x0D05]=true,[0x0D06]=true,[0x0D07]=true,[0x0D08]=true, [0x0D09]=true,[0x0D0A]=true,[0x0D0B]=true,[0x0D0C]=true, [0x0D0E]=true,[0x0D0F]=true,[0x0D10]=true,[0x0D12]=true, [0x0D13]=true,[0x0D14]=true, } local dependent_vowel={ [0x093A]=true,[0x093B]=true,[0x093E]=true,[0x093F]=true, [0x0940]=true,[0x0941]=true,[0x0942]=true,[0x0943]=true, [0x0944]=true,[0x0945]=true,[0x0946]=true,[0x0947]=true, [0x0948]=true,[0x0949]=true,[0x094A]=true,[0x094B]=true, [0x094C]=true,[0x094E]=true,[0x094F]=true,[0x0955]=true, [0x0956]=true,[0x0957]=true,[0x0962]=true,[0x0963]=true, [0x0CBE]=true,[0x0CBF]=true,[0x0CC0]=true,[0x0CC1]=true, [0x0CC2]=true,[0x0CC3]=true,[0x0CC4]=true,[0x0CC5]=true, [0x0CC6]=true,[0x0CC7]=true,[0x0CC8]=true,[0x0CC9]=true, [0x0CCA]=true,[0x0CCB]=true,[0x0CCC]=true, [0x0D3E]=true,[0x0D3F]=true,[0x0D40]=true,[0x0D41]=true, [0x0D42]=true,[0x0D43]=true,[0x0D44]=true,[0x0D46]=true, [0x0D47]=true,[0x0D48]=true,[0x0D4A]=true,[0x0D4B]=true, [0x0D4C]=true,[0x0D57]=true, } local vowel_modifier={ [0x0900]=true,[0x0901]=true,[0x0902]=true,[0x0903]=true, [0xA8E0]=true,[0xA8E1]=true,[0xA8E2]=true,[0xA8E3]=true, [0xA8E4]=true,[0xA8E5]=true,[0xA8E6]=true,[0xA8E7]=true, [0xA8E8]=true,[0xA8E9]=true,[0xA8EA]=true,[0xA8EB]=true, [0xA8EC]=true,[0xA8ED]=true,[0xA8EE]=true,[0xA8EF]=true, [0xA8F0]=true,[0xA8F1]=true, [0x0D02]=true,[0x0D03]=true, } local stress_tone_mark={ [0x0951]=true,[0x0952]=true,[0x0953]=true,[0x0954]=true, [0x0CCD]=true, [0x0D4D]=true, } local nukta={ [0x093C]=true, [0x0CBC]=true, } local halant={ [0x094D]=true, [0x0CCD]=true, [0x0D4D]=true, } local ra={ [0x0930]=true, [0x0CB0]=true, [0x0D30]=true, } local c_anudatta=0x0952 local c_nbsp=0x00A0 local c_zwnj=0x200C local c_zwj=0x200D local zw_char={ [0x200C]=true, [0x200D]=true, } local pre_mark={ [0x093F]=true,[0x094E]=true, [0x0D46]=true,[0x0D47]=true,[0x0D48]=true, } local above_mark={ [0x0900]=true,[0x0901]=true,[0x0902]=true,[0x093A]=true, [0x0945]=true,[0x0946]=true,[0x0947]=true,[0x0948]=true, [0x0951]=true,[0x0953]=true,[0x0954]=true,[0x0955]=true, [0xA8E0]=true,[0xA8E1]=true,[0xA8E2]=true,[0xA8E3]=true, [0xA8E4]=true,[0xA8E5]=true,[0xA8E6]=true,[0xA8E7]=true, [0xA8E8]=true,[0xA8E9]=true,[0xA8EA]=true,[0xA8EB]=true, [0xA8EC]=true,[0xA8ED]=true,[0xA8EE]=true,[0xA8EF]=true, [0xA8F0]=true,[0xA8F1]=true, [0x0D4E]=true, } local below_mark={ [0x093C]=true,[0x0941]=true,[0x0942]=true,[0x0943]=true, [0x0944]=true,[0x094D]=true,[0x0952]=true,[0x0956]=true, [0x0957]=true,[0x0962]=true,[0x0963]=true, } local post_mark={ [0x0903]=true,[0x093B]=true,[0x093E]=true,[0x0940]=true, [0x0949]=true,[0x094A]=true,[0x094B]=true,[0x094C]=true, [0x094F]=true, } local twopart_mark={ [0x0D4A]={ 0x0D46,0x0D3E,}, [0x0D4B]={ 0x0D47,0x0D3E,}, [0x0D4C]={ 0x0D46,0x0D57,}, } local mark_four={} for k,v in next,pre_mark do mark_four[k]=pre_mark end for k,v in next,above_mark do mark_four[k]=above_mark end for k,v in next,below_mark do mark_four[k]=below_mark end for k,v in next,post_mark do mark_four[k]=post_mark end local mark_above_below_post={} for k,v in next,above_mark do mark_above_below_post[k]=above_mark end for k,v in next,below_mark do mark_above_below_post[k]=below_mark end for k,v in next,post_mark do mark_above_below_post[k]=post_mark end local reorder_class={ [0x0930]="before postscript", [0x093F]="before half", [0x0940]="after subscript", [0x0941]="after subscript", [0x0942]="after subscript", [0x0943]="after subscript", [0x0944]="after subscript", [0x0945]="after subscript", [0x0946]="after subscript", [0x0947]="after subscript", [0x0948]="after subscript", [0x0949]="after subscript", [0x094A]="after subscript", [0x094B]="after subscript", [0x094C]="after subscript", [0x0962]="after subscript", [0x0963]="after subscript", [0x093E]="after subscript", [0x0CB0]="after postscript", [0x0CBF]="before subscript", [0x0CC6]="before subscript", [0x0CCC]="before subscript", [0x0CBE]="before subscript", [0x0CE2]="before subscript", [0x0CE3]="before subscript", [0x0CC1]="before subscript", [0x0CC2]="before subscript", [0x0CC3]="after subscript", [0x0CC4]="after subscript", [0x0CD5]="after subscript", [0x0CD6]="after subscript", } local dflt_true={ dflt=true } local dev2_defaults={ dev2=dflt_true, } local deva_defaults={ dev2=dflt_true, deva=dflt_true, } local false_flags={ false,false,false,false } local both_joiners_true={ [0x200C]=true, [0x200D]=true, } local sequence_reorder_matras={ features={ dv01=dev2_defaults }, flags=false_flags, name="dv01_reorder_matras", order={ "dv01" }, type="devanagari_reorder_matras", nofsteps=1, steps={ { osdstep=true, coverage=pre_mark, } } } local sequence_reorder_reph={ features={ dv02=dev2_defaults }, flags=false_flags, name="dv02_reorder_reph", order={ "dv02" }, type="devanagari_reorder_reph", nofsteps=1, steps={ { osdstep=true, coverage={}, } } } local sequence_reorder_pre_base_reordering_consonants={ features={ dv03=dev2_defaults }, flags=false_flags, name="dv03_reorder_pre_base_reordering_consonants", order={ "dv03" }, type="devanagari_reorder_pre_base_reordering_consonants", nofsteps=1, steps={ { osdstep=true, coverage={}, } } } local sequence_remove_joiners={ features={ dv04=deva_defaults }, flags=false_flags, name="dv04_remove_joiners", order={ "dv04" }, type="devanagari_remove_joiners", nofsteps=1, steps={ { osdstep=true, coverage=both_joiners_true, }, } } local basic_shaping_forms={ nukt=true, akhn=true, rphf=true, pref=true, rkrf=true, blwf=true, half=true, pstf=true, vatu=true, cjct=true, } local valid={ akhn=true, rphf=true, pref=true, half=true, blwf=true, pstf=true, pres=true, blws=true, psts=true, } local function initializedevanagi(tfmdata) local script,language=otf.scriptandlanguage(tfmdata,attr) if script=="deva" or script=="dev2" or script=="mlym" or script=="mlm2" then local resources=tfmdata.resources local devanagari=resources.devanagari if not devanagari then report_devanagari("adding devanagari features to font") local gsubfeatures=resources.features.gsub local sequences=resources.sequences local sharedfeatures=tfmdata.shared.features local lastmatch=0 for s=1,#sequences do local features=sequences[s].features if features then for k,v in next,features do if basic_shaping_forms[k] then lastmatch=s end end end end local insertindex=lastmatch+1 gsubfeatures["dv01"]=dev2_defaults gsubfeatures["dv02"]=dev2_defaults gsubfeatures["dv03"]=dev2_defaults gsubfeatures["dv04"]=deva_defaults local reorder_pre_base_reordering_consonants=copy(sequence_reorder_pre_base_reordering_consonants) local reorder_reph=copy(sequence_reorder_reph) local reorder_matras=copy(sequence_reorder_matras) local remove_joiners=copy(sequence_remove_joiners) insert(sequences,insertindex,reorder_pre_base_reordering_consonants) insert(sequences,insertindex,reorder_reph) insert(sequences,insertindex,reorder_matras) insert(sequences,insertindex,remove_joiners) local blwfcache={} local seqsubset={} local rephstep={ coverage={} } local devanagari={ reph=false, vattu=false, blwfcache=blwfcache, seqsubset=seqsubset, reorderreph=rephstep, } reorder_reph.steps={ rephstep } local pre_base_reordering_consonants={} reorder_pre_base_reordering_consonants.steps[1].coverage=pre_base_reordering_consonants resources.devanagari=devanagari for s=1,#sequences do local sequence=sequences[s] local steps=sequence.steps local nofsteps=sequence.nofsteps local features=sequence.features local has_rphf=features.rphf local has_blwf=features.blwf if has_rphf and has_rphf.deva then devanagari.reph=true elseif has_blwf and has_blwf.deva then devanagari.vattu=true for i=1,nofsteps do local step=steps[i] local coverage=step.coverage if coverage then for k,v in next,coverage do if not blwfcache[k] then blwfcache[k]=v end end end end end for kind,spec in next,features do if spec.dev2 and valid[kind] then for i=1,nofsteps do local step=steps[i] local coverage=step.coverage if coverage then local reph=false if kind=="rphf" then if true then for k,v in next,ra do local r=coverage[k] if r then local h=false for k,v in next,halant do local h=r[k] if h then reph=h.ligature or false break end end if reph then break end end end else end end seqsubset[#seqsubset+1]={ kind,coverage,reph } end end end if kind=="pref" then local steps=sequence.steps local nofsteps=sequence.nofsteps for i=1,nofsteps do local step=steps[i] local coverage=step.coverage if coverage then for k,v in next,halant do local h=coverage[k] if h then local found=false for k,v in next,h do found=v and v.ligature if found then pre_base_reordering_consonants[k]=found break end end if found then break end end end end end end end end if script=="deva" then sharedfeatures["dv04"]=true elseif script=="dev2" then sharedfeatures["dv01"]=true sharedfeatures["dv02"]=true sharedfeatures["dv03"]=true sharedfeatures["dv04"]=true elseif script=="mlym" then sharedfeatures["pstf"]=true elseif script=="mlm2" then sharedfeatures["pstf"]=true sharedfeatures["pref"]=true sharedfeatures["dv03"]=true gsubfeatures ["dv03"]=dev2_defaults insert(sequences,insertindex,sequence_reorder_pre_base_reordering_consonants) end end end end registerotffeature { name="devanagari", description="inject additional features", default=true, initializers={ node=initializedevanagi, }, } local function deva_initialize(font,attr) local tfmdata=fontdata[font] local datasets=otf.dataset(tfmdata,font,attr) local devanagaridata=datasets.devanagari if not devanagaridata then devanagaridata={ reph=false, vattu=false, blwfcache={}, } datasets.devanagari=devanagaridata local resources=tfmdata.resources local devanagari=resources.devanagari for s=1,#datasets do local dataset=datasets[s] if dataset and dataset[1] then local kind=dataset[4] if kind=="rphf" then devanagaridata.reph=true elseif kind=="blwf" then devanagaridata.vattu=true devanagaridata.blwfcache=devanagari.blwfcache end end end end return devanagaridata.reph,devanagaridata.vattu,devanagaridata.blwfcache end local function deva_reorder(head,start,stop,font,attr,nbspaces) local reph,vattu,blwfcache=deva_initialize(font,attr) local current=start local n=getnext(start) local base=nil local firstcons=nil local lastcons=nil local basefound=false if reph and ra[getchar(start)] and halant[getchar(n)] then if n==stop then return head,stop,nbspaces end if getchar(getnext(n))==c_zwj then current=start else current=getnext(n) setprop(start,a_state,s_rphf) end end if getchar(current)==c_nbsp then if current==stop then stop=getprev(stop) head=remove_node(head,current) flush_node(current) return head,stop,nbspaces else nbspaces=nbspaces+1 base=current firstcons=current lastcons=current current=getnext(current) if current~=stop then if nukta[getchar(current)] then current=getnext(current) end if getchar(current)==c_zwj then if current~=stop then local next=getnext(current) if next~=stop and halant[getchar(next)] then current=next next=getnext(current) local tmp=next and getnext(next) or nil local changestop=next==stop local tempcurrent=copy_node(next) copyinjection(tempcurrent,next) local nextcurrent=copy_node(current) copyinjection(nextcurrent,current) setlink(tempcurrent,nextcurrent) setprop(tempcurrent,a_state,s_blwf) tempcurrent=processcharacters(tempcurrent,font) setprop(tempcurrent,a_state,unsetvalue) if getchar(next)==getchar(tempcurrent) then flush_list(tempcurrent) local n=copy_node(current) copyinjection(n,current) setchar(current,dotted_circle) head=insert_node_after(head,current,n) else setchar(current,getchar(tempcurrent)) local freenode=getnext(current) setlink(current,tmp) flush_node(freenode) flush_list(tempcurrent) if changestop then stop=current end end end end end end end end while not basefound do local char=getchar(current) if consonant[char] then setprop(current,a_state,s_half) if not firstcons then firstcons=current end lastcons=current if not base then base=current elseif blwfcache[char] then setprop(current,a_state,s_blwf) else base=current end end basefound=current==stop current=getnext(current) end if base~=lastcons then local np=base local n=getnext(base) local ch=getchar(n) if nukta[ch] then np=n n=getnext(n) ch=getchar(n) end if halant[ch] then if lastcons~=stop then local ln=getnext(lastcons) if nukta[getchar(ln)] then lastcons=ln end end local nn=getnext(n) local ln=getnext(lastcons) setlink(np,nn) setnext(lastcons,n) if ln then setprev(ln,n) end setnext(n,ln) setprev(n,lastcons) if lastcons==stop then stop=n end end end n=getnext(start) if n~=stop and ra[getchar(start)] and halant[getchar(n)] and not zw_char[getchar(getnext(n))] then local matra=base if base~=stop then local next=getnext(base) if dependent_vowel[getchar(next)] then matra=next end end local sp=getprev(start) local nn=getnext(n) local mn=getnext(matra) setlink(sp,nn) setlink(matra,start) setlink(n,mn) if head==start then head=nn end start=nn if matra==stop then stop=n end end local current=start while current~=stop do local next=getnext(current) if next~=stop and halant[getchar(next)] and getchar(getnext(next))==c_zwnj then setprop(current,a_state,unsetvalue) end current=next end if base~=stop and getprop(base,a_state) then local next=getnext(base) if halant[getchar(next)] and not (next~=stop and getchar(getnext(next))==c_zwj) then setprop(base,a_state,unsetvalue) end end local current,allreordered,moved=start,false,{ [base]=true } local a,b,p,bn=base,base,base,getnext(base) if base~=stop and nukta[getchar(bn)] then a,b,p=bn,bn,bn end while not allreordered do local c=current local n=getnext(current) local l=nil if c~=stop then local ch=getchar(n) if nukta[ch] then c=n n=getnext(n) ch=getchar(n) end if c~=stop then if halant[ch] then c=n n=getnext(n) ch=getchar(n) end while c~=stop and dependent_vowel[ch] do c=n n=getnext(n) ch=getchar(n) end if c~=stop then if vowel_modifier[ch] then c=n n=getnext(n) ch=getchar(n) end if c~=stop and stress_tone_mark[ch] then c=n n=getnext(n) end end end end local bp=getprev(firstcons) local cn=getnext(current) local last=getnext(c) while cn~=last do if pre_mark[getchar(cn)] then if bp then setnext(bp,cn) end local prev,next=getboth(cn) if next then setprev(next,prev) end setnext(prev,next) if cn==stop then stop=prev end setprev(cn,bp) setlink(cn,firstcons) if firstcons==start then if head==start then head=cn end start=cn end break end cn=getnext(cn) end allreordered=c==stop current=getnext(c) end if reph or vattu then local current,cns=start,nil while current~=stop do local c=current local n=getnext(current) if ra[getchar(current)] and halant[getchar(n)] then c=n n=getnext(n) local b,bn=base,base while bn~=stop do local next=getnext(bn) if dependent_vowel[getchar(next)] then b=next end bn=next end if getprop(current,a_state)==s_rphf then if b~=current then if current==start then if head==start then head=n end start=n end if b==stop then stop=c end local prev=getprev(current) setlink(prev,n) local next=getnext(b) setlink(c,next) setlink(b,current) end elseif cns and getnext(cns)~=current then local cp=getprev(current) local cnsn=getnext(cns) setlink(cp,n) setlink(cns,current) setlink(c,cnsn) if c==stop then stop=cp break end current=getprev(n) end else local char=getchar(current) if consonant[char] then cns=current local next=getnext(cns) if halant[getchar(next)] then cns=next end elseif char==c_nbsp then nbspaces=nbspaces+1 cns=current local next=getnext(cns) if halant[getchar(next)] then cns=next end end end current=getnext(current) end end if getchar(base)==c_nbsp then nbspaces=nbspaces-1 head=remove_node(head,base) flush_node(base) end return head,stop,nbspaces end function handlers.devanagari_reorder_matras(head,start) local current=start local startfont=getfont(start) local startattr=getprop(start,a_syllabe) while current do local char=ischar(current,startfont) local next=getnext(current) if char and getprop(current,a_syllabe)==startattr then if halant[char] and not getprop(current,a_state) then if next then local char=ischar(next,startfont) if char and zw_char[char] and getprop(next,a_syllabe)==startattr then current=next next=getnext(current) end end local startnext=getnext(start) head=remove_node(head,start) setlink(start,next) setlink(current,start) start=startnext break end else break end current=next end return head,start,true end function handlers.devanagari_reorder_reph(head,start) local current=getnext(start) local startnext=nil local startprev=nil local startfont=getfont(start) local startattr=getprop(start,a_syllabe) while current do local char=ischar(current,startfont) if char and getprop(current,a_syllabe)==startattr then if halant[char] and not getprop(current,a_state) then local next=getnext(current) if next then local nextchar=ischar(next,startfont) if nextchar and zw_char[nextchar] and getprop(next,a_syllabe)==startattr then current=next next=getnext(current) end end startnext=getnext(start) head=remove_node(head,start) setlink(start,next) setlink(current,start) start=startnext startattr=getprop(start,a_syllabe) break end current=getnext(current) else break end end if not startnext then current=getnext(start) while current do local char=ischar(current,startfont) if char and getprop(current,a_syllabe)==startattr then if getprop(current,a_state)==s_pstf then startnext=getnext(start) head=remove_node(head,start) setlink(getprev(current),start) setlink(start,current) start=startnext startattr=getprop(start,a_syllabe) break end current=getnext(current) else break end end end if not startnext then current=getnext(start) local c=nil while current do local char=ischar(current,startfont) if char and getprop(current,a_syllabe)==startattr then if not c and mark_above_below_post[char] and reorder_class[char]~="after subscript" then c=current end current=getnext(current) else break end end if c then startnext=getnext(start) head=remove_node(head,start) setlink(getprev(c),start) setlink(start,c) start=startnext startattr=getprop(start,a_syllabe) end end if not startnext then current=start local next=getnext(current) while next do local nextchar=ischar(next,startfont) if nextchar and getprop(next,a_syllabe)==startattr then current=next next=getnext(current) else break end end if start~=current then startnext=getnext(start) head=remove_node(head,start) setlink(start,getnext(current)) setlink(current,start) start=startnext end end return head,start,true end function handlers.devanagari_reorder_pre_base_reordering_consonants(head,start) local current=start local startnext=nil local startprev=nil local startfont=getfont(start) local startattr=getprop(start,a_syllabe) while current do local char=ischar(current,startfont) if char and getprop(current,a_syllabe)==startattr then local next=getnext(current) if halant[char] and not getprop(current,a_state) then if next then local nextchar=ischar(next,startfont) if nextchar and getprop(next,a_syllabe)==startattr then if nextchar==c_zwnj or nextchar==c_zwj then current=next next=getnext(current) end end end startnext=getnext(start) removenode(start,start) setlink(start,next) setlink(current,start) start=startnext break end current=next else break end end if not startnext then current=getnext(start) startattr=getprop(start,a_syllabe) while current do local char=ischar(current,startfont) if char and getprop(current,a_syllabe)==startattr then if not consonant[char] and getprop(current,a_state) then startnext=getnext(start) removenode(start,start) setlink(getprev(current),start) setlink(start,current) start=startnext break end current=getnext(current) else break end end end return head,start,true end function handlers.devanagari_remove_joiners(head,start,kind,lookupname,replacement) local stop=getnext(start) local font=getfont(start) local last=start while stop do local char=ischar(stop,font) if char and (char==c_zwnj or char==c_zwj) then last=stop stop=getnext(stop) else break end end local prev=getprev(start) if stop then setnext(last) setlink(prev,stop) elseif prev then setnext(prev) end if head==start then head=stop end flush_list(start) return head,stop,true end local function dev2_initialize(font,attr) local devanagari=fontdata[font].resources.devanagari if devanagari then return devanagari.seqsubset or {},devanagari.reorderreph or {} else return {},{} end end local function dev2_reorder(head,start,stop,font,attr,nbspaces) local seqsubset,reorderreph=dev2_initialize(font,attr) local reph=false local halfpos=nil local basepos=nil local subpos=nil local postpos=nil local locl={} for i=1,#seqsubset do local subset=seqsubset[i] local kind=subset[1] local lookupcache=subset[2] if kind=="rphf" then reph=subset[3] local current=start local last=getnext(stop) while current~=last do if current~=stop then local c=locl[current] or getchar(current) local found=lookupcache[c] if found then local next=getnext(current) local n=locl[next] or getchar(next) if found[n] then local afternext=next~=stop and getnext(next) if afternext and zw_char[getchar(afternext)] then current=next current=getnext(current) elseif current==start then setprop(current,a_state,s_rphf) current=next else current=next end end end end current=getnext(current) end elseif kind=="pref" then local current=start local last=getnext(stop) while current~=last do if current~=stop then local c=locl[current] or getchar(current) local found=lookupcache[c] if found then local next=getnext(current) local n=locl[next] or getchar(next) if found[n] then setprop(current,a_state,s_pref) setprop(next,a_state,s_pref) current=next end end end current=getnext(current) end elseif kind=="half" then local current=start local last=getnext(stop) while current~=last do if current~=stop then local c=locl[current] or getchar(current) local found=lookupcache[c] if found then local next=getnext(current) local n=locl[next] or getchar(next) if found[n] then if next~=stop and getchar(getnext(next))==c_zwnj then current=next else setprop(current,a_state,s_half) if not halfpos then halfpos=current end end current=getnext(current) end end end current=getnext(current) end elseif kind=="blwf" then local current=start local last=getnext(stop) while current~=last do if current~=stop then local c=locl[current] or getchar(current) local found=lookupcache[c] if found then local next=getnext(current) local n=locl[next] or getchar(next) if found[n] then setprop(current,a_state,s_blwf) setprop(next,a_state,s_blwf) current=next subpos=current end end end current=getnext(current) end elseif kind=="pstf" then local current=start local last=getnext(stop) while current~=last do if current~=stop then local c=locl[current] or getchar(current) local found=lookupcache[c] if found then local next=getnext(current) local n=locl[next] or getchar(next) if found[n] then setprop(current,a_state,s_pstf) setprop(next,a_state,s_pstf) current=next postpos=current end end end current=getnext(current) end end end reorderreph.coverage={ [reph]=true } local current,base,firstcons=start,nil,nil if getprop(start,a_state)==s_rphf then current=getnext(getnext(start)) end if current~=getnext(stop) and getchar(current)==c_nbsp then if current==stop then stop=getprev(stop) head=remove_node(head,current) flush_node(current) return head,stop,nbspaces else nbspaces=nbspaces+1 base=current current=getnext(current) if current~=stop then local char=getchar(current) if nukta[char] then current=getnext(current) char=getchar(current) end if char==c_zwj then local next=getnext(current) if current~=stop and next~=stop and halant[getchar(next)] then current=next next=getnext(current) local tmp=getnext(next) local changestop=next==stop setnext(next,nil) setprop(current,a_state,s_pref) current=processcharacters(current,font) setprop(current,a_state,s_blwf) current=processcharacters(current,font) setprop(current,a_state,s_pstf) current=processcharacters(current,font) setprop(current,a_state,unsetvalue) if halant[getchar(current)] then setnext(getnext(current),tmp) local nc=copy_node(current) copyinjection(nc,current) setchar(current,dotted_circle) head=insert_node_after(head,current,nc) else setnext(current,tmp) if changestop then stop=current end end end end end end else local last=getnext(stop) while current~=last do local next=getnext(current) if consonant[getchar(current)] then if not (current~=stop and next~=stop and halant[getchar(next)] and getchar(getnext(next))==c_zwj) then if not firstcons then firstcons=current end local a=getprop(current,a_state) if not (a==s_pref or a==s_blwf or a==s_pstf) then base=current end end end current=next end if not base then base=firstcons end end if not base then if getprop(start,a_state)==s_rphf then setprop(start,a_state,unsetvalue) end return head,stop,nbspaces else if getprop(base,a_state) then setprop(base,a_state,unsetvalue) end basepos=base end if not halfpos then halfpos=base end if not subpos then subpos=base end if not postpos then postpos=subpos or base end local moved={} local current=start local last=getnext(stop) while current~=last do local char,target,cn=locl[current] or getchar(current),nil,getnext(current) local tpm=twopart_mark[char] if tpm then local extra=copy_node(current) copyinjection(extra,current) char=tpm[1] setchar(current,char) setchar(extra,tpm[2]) head=insert_node_after(head,current,extra) end if not moved[current] and dependent_vowel[char] then if pre_mark[char] then moved[current]=true local prev,next=getboth(current) setlink(prev,next) if current==stop then stop=getprev(current) end if halfpos==start then if head==start then head=current end start=current end setlink(getprev(halfpos),current) setlink(current,halfpos) halfpos=current elseif above_mark[char] then target=basepos if subpos==basepos then subpos=current end if postpos==basepos then postpos=current end basepos=current elseif below_mark[char] then target=subpos if postpos==subpos then postpos=current end subpos=current elseif post_mark[char] then target=postpos postpos=current end if mark_above_below_post[char] then local prev=getprev(current) if prev~=target then local next=getnext(current) setlink(prev,next) if current==stop then stop=prev end setlink(current,getnext(target)) setlink(target,current) end end end current=cn end local current,c=start,nil while current~=stop do local char=getchar(current) if halant[char] or stress_tone_mark[char] then if not c then c=current end else c=nil end local next=getnext(current) if c and nukta[getchar(next)] then if head==c then head=next end if stop==next then stop=current end setlink(getprev(c),next) local nextnext=getnext(next) setnext(current,nextnext) local nextnextnext=getnext(nextnext) if nextnextnext then setprev(nextnextnext,current) end setlink(nextnext,c) end if stop==current then break end current=getnext(current) end if getchar(base)==c_nbsp then if base==stop then stop=getprev(stop) end nbspaces=nbspaces-1 head=remove_node(head,base) flush_node(base) end return head,stop,nbspaces end local separator={} imerge(separator,consonant) imerge(separator,independent_vowel) imerge(separator,dependent_vowel) imerge(separator,vowel_modifier) imerge(separator,stress_tone_mark) for k,v in next,nukta do separator[k]=true end for k,v in next,halant do separator[k]=true end local function analyze_next_chars_one(c,font,variant) local n=getnext(c) if not n then return c end if variant==1 then local v=ischar(n,font) if v and nukta[v] then n=getnext(n) if n then v=ischar(n,font) end end if n and v then local nn=getnext(n) if nn then local vv=ischar(nn,font) if vv then local nnn=getnext(nn) if nnn then local vvv=ischar(nnn,font) if vvv then if vv==c_zwj and consonant[vvv] then c=nnn elseif (vv==c_zwnj or vv==c_zwj) and halant[vvv] then local nnnn=getnext(nnn) if nnnn then local vvvv=ischar(nnnn,font) if vvvv and consonant[vvvv] then c=nnnn end end end end end end end end elseif variant==2 then local v=ischar(n,font) if v and nukta[v] then c=n end n=getnext(c) if n then v=ischar(n,font) if v then local nn=getnext(n) if nn then local vv=ischar(nn,font) if vv and zw_char[v] then n=nn v=vv nn=getnext(nn) vv=nn and ischar(nn,font) end if vv and halant[v] and consonant[vv] then c=nn end end end end end local n=getnext(c) if not n then return c end local v=ischar(n,font) if not v then return c end if dependent_vowel[v] then c=getnext(c) n=getnext(c) if not n then return c end v=ischar(n,font) if not v then return c end end if nukta[v] then c=getnext(c) n=getnext(c) if not n then return c end v=ischar(n,font) if not v then return c end end if halant[v] then c=getnext(c) n=getnext(c) if not n then return c end v=ischar(n,font) if not v then return c end end if vowel_modifier[v] then c=getnext(c) n=getnext(c) if not n then return c end v=ischar(n,font) if not v then return c end end if stress_tone_mark[v] then c=getnext(c) n=getnext(c) if not n then return c end v=ischar(n,font) if not v then return c end end if stress_tone_mark[v] then return n else return c end end local function analyze_next_chars_two(c,font) local n=getnext(c) if not n then return c end local v=ischar(n,font) if v and nukta[v] then c=n end n=c while true do local nn=getnext(n) if nn then local vv=ischar(nn,font) if vv then if halant[vv] then n=nn local nnn=getnext(nn) if nnn then local vvv=ischar(nnn,font) if vvv and zw_char[vvv] then n=nnn end end elseif vv==c_zwnj or vv==c_zwj then local nnn=getnext(nn) if nnn then local vvv=ischar(nnn,font) if vvv and halant[vvv] then n=nnn end end else break end local nn=getnext(n) if nn then local vv=ischar(nn,font) if vv and consonant[vv] then n=nn local nnn=getnext(nn) if nnn then local vvv=ischar(nnn,font) if vvv and nukta[vvv] then n=nnn end end c=n else break end else break end else break end else break end end if not c then return end local n=getnext(c) if not n then return c end local v=ischar(n,font) if not v then return c end if v==c_anudatta then c=n n=getnext(c) if not n then return c end v=ischar(n,font) if not v then return c end end if halant[v] then c=n n=getnext(c) if not n then return c end v=ischar(n,font) if not v then return c end if v==c_zwnj or v==c_zwj then c=n n=getnext(c) if not n then return c end v=ischar(n,font) if not v then return c end end else if dependent_vowel[v] then c=n n=getnext(c) if not n then return c end v=ischar(n,font) if not v then return c end end if nukta[v] then c=n n=getnext(c) if not n then return c end v=ischar(n,font) if not v then return c end end if halant[v] then c=n n=getnext(c) if not n then return c end v=ischar(n,font) if not v then return c end end end if vowel_modifier[v] then c=n n=getnext(c) if not n then return c end v=ischar(n,font) if not v then return c end end if stress_tone_mark[v] then c=n n=getnext(c) if not n then return c end v=ischar(n,font) if not v then return c end end if stress_tone_mark[v] then return n else return c end end local function inject_syntax_error(head,current,mark) local signal=copy_node(current) copyinjection(signal,current) if mark==pre_mark then setchar(signal,dotted_circle) else setchar(current,dotted_circle) end return insert_node_after(head,current,signal) end function methods.deva(head,font,attr) head=tonut(head) local current=head local start=true local done=false local nbspaces=0 while current do local char=ischar(current,font) if char then done=true local syllablestart=current local syllableend=nil local c=current local n=getnext(c) local first=char if n and ra[first] then local second=ischar(n,font) if second and halant[second] then local n=getnext(n) if n then local third=ischar(n,font) if third then c=n first=third end end end end local standalone=first==c_nbsp if standalone then local prev=getprev(current) if prev then local prevchar=ischar(prev,font) if not prevchar then elseif not separator[prevchar] then else standalone=false end else end end if standalone then local syllableend=analyze_next_chars_one(c,font,2) current=getnext(syllableend) if syllablestart~=syllableend then head,current,nbspaces=deva_reorder(head,syllablestart,syllableend,font,attr,nbspaces) current=getnext(current) end else if consonant[char] then local prevc=true while prevc do prevc=false local n=getnext(current) if not n then break end local v=ischar(n,font) if not v then break end if nukta[v] then n=getnext(n) if not n then break end v=ischar(n,font) if not v then break end end if halant[v] then n=getnext(n) if not n then break end v=ischar(n,font) if not v then break end if v==c_zwnj or v==c_zwj then n=getnext(n) if not n then break end v=ischar(n,font) if not v then break end end if consonant[v] then prevc=true current=n end end end local n=getnext(current) if n then local v=ischar(n,font) if v and nukta[v] then current=n n=getnext(current) end end syllableend=current current=n if current then local v=ischar(current,font) if not v then elseif halant[v] then local n=getnext(current) if n then local v=ischar(n,font) if v and zw_char[v] then syllableend=n current=getnext(n) else syllableend=current current=n end else syllableend=current current=n end else if dependent_vowel[v] then syllableend=current current=getnext(current) v=ischar(current,font) end if v and vowel_modifier[v] then syllableend=current current=getnext(current) v=ischar(current,font) end if v and stress_tone_mark[v] then syllableend=current current=getnext(current) end end end if syllablestart~=syllableend then head,current,nbspaces=deva_reorder(head,syllablestart,syllableend,font,attr,nbspaces) current=getnext(current) end elseif independent_vowel[char] then syllableend=current current=getnext(current) if current then local v=ischar(current,font) if v then if vowel_modifier[v] then syllableend=current current=getnext(current) v=ischar(current,font) end if v and stress_tone_mark[v] then syllableend=current current=getnext(current) end end end else local mark=mark_four[char] if mark then head,current=inject_syntax_error(head,current,mark) end current=getnext(current) end end else current=getnext(current) end start=false end if nbspaces>0 then head=replace_all_nbsp(head) end head=tonode(head) return head,done end function methods.dev2(head,font,attr) head=tonut(head) local current=head local start=true local done=false local syllabe=0 local nbspaces=0 while current do local syllablestart=nil local syllableend=nil local char=ischar(current,font) if char then done=true syllablestart=current local c=current local n=getnext(current) if n and ra[char] then local nextchar=ischar(n,font) if nextchar and halant[nextchar] then local n=getnext(n) if n then local nextnextchar=ischar(n,font) if nextnextchar then c=n char=nextnextchar end end end end if independent_vowel[char] then current=analyze_next_chars_one(c,font,1) syllableend=current else local standalone=char==c_nbsp if standalone then nbspaces=nbspaces+1 local p=getprev(current) if not p then elseif ischar(p,font) then elseif not separator[getchar(p)] then else standalone=false end end if standalone then current=analyze_next_chars_one(c,font,2) syllableend=current elseif consonant[getchar(current)] then current=analyze_next_chars_two(current,font) syllableend=current end end end if syllableend then syllabe=syllabe+1 local c=syllablestart local n=getnext(syllableend) while c~=n do setprop(c,a_syllabe,syllabe) c=getnext(c) end end if syllableend and syllablestart~=syllableend then head,current,nbspaces=dev2_reorder(head,syllablestart,syllableend,font,attr,nbspaces) end if not syllableend then local char=ischar(current,font) if char and not getprop(current,a_state) then local mark=mark_four[char] if mark then head,current=inject_syntax_error(head,current,mark) end end end start=false current=getnext(current) end if nbspaces>0 then head=replace_all_nbsp(head) end head=tonode(head) return head,done end methods.mlym=methods.deva methods.mlm2=methods.dev2 end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['font-ocl']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to font-otf.lua (context)", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } local tostring,next,format=tostring,next,string.format local round,max=math.round,math.round local sortedkeys,sortedhash=table.sortedkeys,table.sortedhash local setmetatableindex=table.setmetatableindex local formatters=string.formatters local tounicode=fonts.mappings.tounicode local otf=fonts.handlers.otf local f_color=formatters["pdf:direct:%f %f %f rg"] local f_gray=formatters["pdf:direct:%f g"] if context then local startactualtext=nil local stopactualtext=nil function otf.getactualtext(s) if not startactualtext then startactualtext=backends.codeinjections.startunicodetoactualtextdirect stopactualtext=backends.codeinjections.stopunicodetoactualtextdirect end return startactualtext(s),stopactualtext() end else local tounicode=fonts.mappings.tounicode16 function otf.getactualtext(s) return "/Span << /ActualText >> BDC", "EMC" end end local sharedpalettes={} local hash=setmetatableindex(function(t,k) local v={ "special",k } t[k]=v return v end) if context then local colors=attributes.list[attributes.private('color')] or {} local transparencies=attributes.list[attributes.private('transparency')] or {} function otf.registerpalette(name,values) sharedpalettes[name]=values for i=1,#values do local v=values[i] local c=nil local t=nil if type(v)=="table" then c=colors.register(name,"rgb", max(round((v.r or 0)*255),255)/255, max(round((v.g or 0)*255),255)/255, max(round((v.b or 0)*255),255)/255 ) else c=colors[v] t=transparencies[v] end if c and t then values[i]=hash["pdf:direct:"..lpdf.color(1,c).." "..lpdf.transparency(t)] elseif c then values[i]=hash["pdf:direct:"..lpdf.color(1,c)] elseif t then values[i]=hash["pdf:direct:"..lpdf.color(1,t)] end end end else function otf.registerpalette(name,values) sharedpalettes[name]=values for i=1,#values do local v=values[i] values[i]=hash[f_color( max(round((v.r or 0)*255),255)/255, max(round((v.g or 0)*255),255)/255, max(round((v.b or 0)*255),255)/255 )] end end end local function convert(t,k) local v={} for i=1,#k do local p=k[i] local r,g,b=p[1],p[2],p[3] if r==g and g==b then v[i]=hash[f_gray(r/255)] else v[i]=hash[f_color(r/255,g/255,b/255)] end end t[k]=v return v end local function initializecolr(tfmdata,kind,value) if value then local resources=tfmdata.resources local palettes=resources.colorpalettes if palettes then local converted=resources.converted if not converted then converted=setmetatableindex(convert) resources.converted=converted end local colorvalues=sharedpalettes[value] or converted[palettes[tonumber(value) or 1] or palettes[1]] or {} local classes=#colorvalues if classes==0 then return end local characters=tfmdata.characters local descriptions=tfmdata.descriptions local properties=tfmdata.properties properties.virtualized=true tfmdata.fonts={ { id=0 } } local widths=setmetatableindex(function(t,k) local v={ "right",-k } t[k]=v return v end) local getactualtext=otf.getactualtext local default=colorvalues[#colorvalues] local b,e=getactualtext(tounicode(0xFFFD)) local start={ "special","pdf:page:q" } local stop={ "special","pdf:raw:Q" } local actualb={ "special","pdf:page:"..b } local actuale={ "special","pdf:page:"..e } local cache=setmetatableindex(function(t,k) local v={ "char",k } t[k]=v return v end) for unicode,character in next,characters do local description=descriptions[unicode] if description then local colorlist=description.colors if colorlist then local u=description.unicode or characters[unicode].unicode local w=character.width or 0 local s=#colorlist local goback=w~=0 and widths[w] or nil local t={ start, not u and actualb or { "special","pdf:raw:"..getactualtext(tounicode(u)) } } local n=2 local l=nil for i=1,s do local entry=colorlist[i] local v=colorvalues[entry.class] or default if v and l~=v then n=n+1 t[n]=v l=v end n=n+1 t[n]=cache[entry.slot] if s>1 and i temp-otf-svg-shape.log","w") end end function otfsvg.topdf(svgshapes) local pdfshapes={} local inkscape=runner() if inkscape then local nofshapes=#svgshapes local f_svgfile=formatters["temp-otf-svg-shape-%i.svg"] local f_pdffile=formatters["temp-otf-svg-shape-%i.pdf"] local f_convert=formatters["%s --export-pdf=%s\n"] local filterglyph=otfsvg.filterglyph local nofdone=0 report_svg("processing %i svg containers",nofshapes) statistics.starttiming() for i=1,nofshapes do local entry=svgshapes[i] for index=entry.first,entry.last do local data=filterglyph(entry,index) if data and data~="" then local svgfile=f_svgfile(index) local pdffile=f_pdffile(index) savedata(svgfile,data) inkscape:write(f_convert(svgfile,pdffile)) pdfshapes[index]=true nofdone=nofdone+1 if nofdone%100==0 then report_svg("%i shapes processed",nofdone) end end end end inkscape:write("quit\n") inkscape:close() report_svg("processing %i pdf results",nofshapes) for index in next,pdfshapes do local svgfile=f_svgfile(index) local pdffile=f_pdffile(index) pdfshapes[index]=loaddata(pdffile) remove(svgfile) remove(pdffile) end statistics.stoptiming() if statistics.elapsedseconds then report_svg("svg conversion time %s",statistics.elapsedseconds() or "-") end end return pdfshapes end end local function initializesvg(tfmdata,kind,value) if value and otf.svgenabled then local svg=tfmdata.properties.svg local hash=svg and svg.hash local timestamp=svg and svg.timestamp if not hash then return end local pdffile=containers.read(otf.pdfcache,hash) local pdfshapes=pdffile and pdffile.pdfshapes if not pdfshapes or pdffile.timestamp~=timestamp then local svgfile=containers.read(otf.svgcache,hash) local svgshapes=svgfile and svgfile.svgshapes pdfshapes=svgshapes and otfsvg.topdf(svgshapes) or {} containers.write(otf.pdfcache,hash,{ pdfshapes=pdfshapes, timestamp=timestamp, }) end pdftovirtual(tfmdata,pdfshapes,"svg") end end fonts.handlers.otf.features.register { name="svg", description="svg glyphs", manipulators={ base=initializesvg, node=initializesvg, } } local otfsbix=otf.sbix or {} otf.sbix=otfsbix otf.sbixenabled=true do local report_sbix=logs.reporter("fonts","sbix conversion") local loaddata=io.loaddata local savedata=io.savedata local remove=os.remove local runner=sandbox and sandbox.registerrunner { name="otfsbix", program="gm", template="convert -quality 100 temp-otf-sbix-shape.sbix temp-otf-sbix-shape.pdf > temp-otf-svg-shape.log", } if not runner then runner=function() return os.execute("gm convert -quality 100 temp-otf-sbix-shape.sbix temp-otf-sbix-shape.pdf > temp-otf-svg-shape.log") end end function otfsbix.topdf(sbixshapes) local pdfshapes={} local sbixfile="temp-otf-sbix-shape.sbix" local pdffile="temp-otf-sbix-shape.pdf" local nofdone=0 local indices=sortedkeys(sbixshapes) local nofindices=#indices report_sbix("processing %i sbix containers",nofindices) statistics.starttiming() for i=1,nofindices do local index=indices[i] local entry=sbixshapes[index] local data=entry.data local x=entry.x local y=entry.y savedata(sbixfile,data) runner() pdfshapes[index]={ x=x~=0 and x or nil, y=y~=0 and y or nil, data=loaddata(pdffile), } nofdone=nofdone+1 if nofdone%100==0 then report_sbix("%i shapes processed",nofdone) end end report_sbix("processing %i pdf results",nofindices) remove(sbixfile) remove(pdffile) statistics.stoptiming() if statistics.elapsedseconds then report_sbix("sbix conversion time %s",statistics.elapsedseconds() or "-") end return pdfshapes end end local function initializesbix(tfmdata,kind,value) if value and otf.sbixenabled then local sbix=tfmdata.properties.sbix local hash=sbix and sbix.hash local timestamp=sbix and sbix.timestamp if not hash then return end local pdffile=containers.read(otf.pdfcache,hash) local pdfshapes=pdffile and pdffile.pdfshapes if not pdfshapes or pdffile.timestamp~=timestamp then local sbixfile=containers.read(otf.sbixcache,hash) local sbixshapes=sbixfile and sbixfile.sbixshapes pdfshapes=sbixshapes and otfsbix.topdf(sbixshapes) or {} containers.write(otf.pdfcache,hash,{ pdfshapes=pdfshapes, timestamp=timestamp, }) end pdftovirtual(tfmdata,pdfshapes,"sbix") end end fonts.handlers.otf.features.register { name="sbix", description="sbix glyphs", manipulators={ base=initializesbix, node=initializesbix, } } end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['font-otc']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to font-otf.lua (context)", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } local format,insert,sortedkeys,tohash=string.format,table.insert,table.sortedkeys,table.tohash local type,next=type,next local lpegmatch=lpeg.match local utfbyte,utflen,utfsplit=utf.byte,utf.len,utf.split local trace_loading=false trackers.register("otf.loading",function(v) trace_loading=v end) local report_otf=logs.reporter("fonts","otf loading") local fonts=fonts local otf=fonts.handlers.otf local registerotffeature=otf.features.register local setmetatableindex=table.setmetatableindex local normalized={ substitution="substitution", single="substitution", ligature="ligature", alternate="alternate", multiple="multiple", kern="kern", pair="pair", chainsubstitution="chainsubstitution", chainposition="chainposition", } local types={ substitution="gsub_single", ligature="gsub_ligature", alternate="gsub_alternate", multiple="gsub_multiple", kern="gpos_pair", pair="gpos_pair", chainsubstitution="gsub_contextchain", chainposition="gpos_contextchain", } local names={ gsub_single="gsub", gsub_multiple="gsub", gsub_alternate="gsub", gsub_ligature="gsub", gsub_context="gsub", gsub_contextchain="gsub", gsub_reversecontextchain="gsub", gpos_single="gpos", gpos_pair="gpos", gpos_cursive="gpos", gpos_mark2base="gpos", gpos_mark2ligature="gpos", gpos_mark2mark="gpos", gpos_context="gpos", gpos_contextchain="gpos", } setmetatableindex(types,function(t,k) t[k]=k return k end) local everywhere={ ["*"]={ ["*"]=true } } local noflags={ false,false,false,false } local function getrange(sequences,category) local count=#sequences local first=nil local last=nil for i=1,count do local t=sequences[i].type if t and names[t]==category then if not first then first=i end last=i end end return first or 1,last or count end local function validspecification(specification,name) local dataset=specification.dataset if dataset then elseif specification[1] then dataset=specification specification={ dataset=dataset } else dataset={ { data=specification.data } } specification.data=nil specification.dataset=dataset end local first=dataset[1] if first then first=first.data end if not first then report_otf("invalid feature specification, no dataset") return end if type(name)~="string" then name=specification.name or first.name end if type(name)~="string" then report_otf("invalid feature specification, no name") return end local n=#dataset if n>0 then for i=1,n do setmetatableindex(dataset[i],specification) end return specification,name end end local function addfeature(data,feature,specifications) if not specifications then report_otf("missing specification") return end local descriptions=data.descriptions local resources=data.resources local features=resources.features local sequences=resources.sequences if not features or not sequences then report_otf("missing specification") return end local alreadydone=resources.alreadydone if not alreadydone then alreadydone={} resources.alreadydone=alreadydone end if alreadydone[specifications] then return else alreadydone[specifications]=true end local fontfeatures=resources.features or everywhere local unicodes=resources.unicodes local splitter=lpeg.splitter(" ",unicodes) local done=0 local skip=0 local aglunicodes=false local specifications=validspecification(specifications,feature) if not specifications then return end local function tounicode(code) if not code then return end if type(code)=="number" then return code end local u=unicodes[code] if u then return u end if utflen(code)==1 then u=utfbyte(code) if u then return u end end if not aglunicodes then aglunicodes=fonts.encodings.agl.unicodes end return aglunicodes[code] end local coverup=otf.coverup local coveractions=coverup.actions local stepkey=coverup.stepkey local register=coverup.register local function prepare_substitution(list,featuretype,nocheck) local coverage={} local cover=coveractions[featuretype] for code,replacement in next,list do local unicode=tounicode(code) local description=descriptions[unicode] if not nocheck and not description then skip=skip+1 else if type(replacement)=="table" then replacement=replacement[1] end replacement=tounicode(replacement) if replacement and descriptions[replacement] then cover(coverage,unicode,replacement) done=done+1 else skip=skip+1 end end end return coverage end local function prepare_alternate(list,featuretype,nocheck) local coverage={} local cover=coveractions[featuretype] for code,replacement in next,list do local unicode=tounicode(code) local description=descriptions[unicode] if not nocheck and not description then skip=skip+1 elseif type(replacement)=="table" then local r={} for i=1,#replacement do local u=tounicode(replacement[i]) r[i]=(nocheck or descriptions[u]) and u or unicode end cover(coverage,unicode,r) done=done+1 else local u=tounicode(replacement) if u then cover(coverage,unicode,{ u }) done=done+1 else skip=skip+1 end end end return coverage end local function prepare_multiple(list,featuretype,nocheck) local coverage={} local cover=coveractions[featuretype] for code,replacement in next,list do local unicode=tounicode(code) local description=descriptions[unicode] if not nocheck and not description then skip=skip+1 elseif type(replacement)=="table" then local r,n={},0 for i=1,#replacement do local u=tounicode(replacement[i]) if nocheck or descriptions[u] then n=n+1 r[n]=u end end if n>0 then cover(coverage,unicode,r) done=done+1 else skip=skip+1 end else local u=tounicode(replacement) if u then cover(coverage,unicode,{ u }) done=done+1 else skip=skip+1 end end end return coverage end local function prepare_ligature(list,featuretype,nocheck) local coverage={} local cover=coveractions[featuretype] for code,ligature in next,list do local unicode=tounicode(code) local description=descriptions[unicode] if not nocheck and not description then skip=skip+1 else if type(ligature)=="string" then ligature={ lpegmatch(splitter,ligature) } end local present=true for i=1,#ligature do local l=ligature[i] local u=tounicode(l) if nocheck or descriptions[u] then ligature[i]=u else present=false break end end if present then cover(coverage,unicode,ligature) done=done+1 else skip=skip+1 end end end return coverage end local function resetspacekerns() data.properties.hasspacekerns=true data.resources .spacekerns=nil end local function prepare_kern(list,featuretype) local coverage={} local cover=coveractions[featuretype] local isspace=false for code,replacement in next,list do local unicode=tounicode(code) local description=descriptions[unicode] if description and type(replacement)=="table" then local r={} for k,v in next,replacement do local u=tounicode(k) if u then r[u]=v if u==32 then isspace=true end end end if next(r) then cover(coverage,unicode,r) done=done+1 if unicode==32 then isspace=true end else skip=skip+1 end else skip=skip+1 end end if isspace then resetspacekerns() end return coverage end local function prepare_pair(list,featuretype) local coverage={} local cover=coveractions[featuretype] if cover then for code,replacement in next,list do local unicode=tounicode(code) local description=descriptions[unicode] if description and type(replacement)=="table" then local r={} for k,v in next,replacement do local u=tounicode(k) if u then r[u]=v if u==32 then isspace=true end end end if next(r) then cover(coverage,unicode,r) done=done+1 if unicode==32 then isspace=true end else skip=skip+1 end else skip=skip+1 end end if isspace then resetspacekerns() end else report_otf("unknown cover type %a",featuretype) end return coverage end local function prepare_chain(list,featuretype,sublookups) local rules=list.rules local coverage={} if rules then local rulehash={} local rulesize=0 local sequence={} local nofsequences=0 local lookuptype=types[featuretype] for nofrules=1,#rules do local rule=rules[nofrules] local current=rule.current local before=rule.before local after=rule.after local replacements=rule.replacements or false local sequence={} local nofsequences=0 if before then for n=1,#before do nofsequences=nofsequences+1 sequence[nofsequences]=before[n] end end local start=nofsequences+1 for n=1,#current do nofsequences=nofsequences+1 sequence[nofsequences]=current[n] end local stop=nofsequences if after then for n=1,#after do nofsequences=nofsequences+1 sequence[nofsequences]=after[n] end end local lookups=rule.lookups or false local subtype=nil if lookups and sublookups then for k,v in next,lookups do local t=type(v) if t=="table" then for i=1,#v do local vi=v[i] if type(vi)~="table" then v[i]={ vi } end end elseif t=="number" then local lookup=sublookups[v] if lookup then lookups[k]={ lookup } if not subtype then subtype=lookup.type end else lookups[k]=false end else lookups[k]=false end end end if nofsequences>0 then local hashed={} for i=1,nofsequences do local t={} local s=sequence[i] for i=1,#s do local u=tounicode(s[i]) if u then t[u]=true end end hashed[i]=t end sequence=hashed rulesize=rulesize+1 rulehash[rulesize]={ nofrules, lookuptype, sequence, start, stop, lookups, replacements, subtype, } for unic in next,sequence[start] do local cu=coverage[unic] if not cu then coverage[unic]=rulehash end end end end end return coverage end local dataset=specifications.dataset local function report(name,category,position,first,last,sequences) report_otf("injecting name %a of category %a at position %i in [%i,%i] of [%i,%i]", name,category,position,first,last,1,#sequences) end local function inject(specification,sequences,sequence,first,last,category,name) local position=specification.position or false if not position then position=specification.prepend if position==true then if trace_loading then report(name,category,first,first,last,sequences) end insert(sequences,first,sequence) return end end if not position then position=specification.append if position==true then if trace_loading then report(name,category,last+1,first,last,sequences) end insert(sequences,last+1,sequence) return end end local kind=type(position) if kind=="string" then local index=false for i=first,last do local s=sequences[i] local f=s.features if f then for k in next,f do if k==position then index=i break end end if index then break end end end if index then position=index else position=last+1 end elseif kind=="number" then if position<0 then position=last-position+1 end if position>last then position=last+1 elseif position0 then for k,v in next,askedfeatures do if v[1] then askedfeatures[k]=tohash(v) end end if featureflags[1] then featureflags[1]="mark" end if featureflags[2] then featureflags[2]="ligature" end if featureflags[3] then featureflags[3]="base" end local steptype=types[featuretype] local sequence={ chain=featurechain, features={ [feature]=askedfeatures }, flags=featureflags, name=feature, order=featureorder, [stepkey]=steps, nofsteps=nofsteps, type=steptype, } local first,last=getrange(sequences,category) inject(specification,sequences,sequence,first,last,category,feature) local features=fontfeatures[category] if not features then features={} fontfeatures[category]=features end local k=features[feature] if not k then k={} features[feature]=k end for script,languages in next,askedfeatures do local kk=k[script] if not kk then kk={} k[script]=kk end for language,value in next,languages do kk[language]=value end end end end end if trace_loading then report_otf("registering feature %a, affected glyphs %a, skipped glyphs %a",feature,done,skip) end end otf.enhancers.addfeature=addfeature local extrafeatures={} local knownfeatures={} function otf.addfeature(name,specification) if type(name)=="table" then specification=name end if type(specification)~="table" then report_otf("invalid feature specification, no valid table") return end specification,name=validspecification(specification,name) if name and specification then local slot=knownfeatures[name] if not slot then slot=#extrafeatures+1 knownfeatures[name]=slot elseif specification.overload==false then slot=#extrafeatures+1 knownfeatures[name]=slot else end specification.name=name extrafeatures[slot]=specification end end local function enhance(data,filename,raw) for slot=1,#extrafeatures do local specification=extrafeatures[slot] addfeature(data,specification.name,specification) end end otf.enhancers.enhance=enhance otf.enhancers.register("check extra features",enhance) local tlig={ [0x2013]={ 0x002D,0x002D }, [0x2014]={ 0x002D,0x002D,0x002D }, } local tlig_specification={ type="ligature", features=everywhere, data=tlig, order={ "tlig" }, flags=noflags, prepend=true, } otf.addfeature("tlig",tlig_specification) registerotffeature { name='tlig', description='tex ligatures', } local trep={ [0x0027]=0x2019, } local trep_specification={ type="substitution", features=everywhere, data=trep, order={ "trep" }, flags=noflags, prepend=true, } otf.addfeature("trep",trep_specification) registerotffeature { name='trep', description='tex replacements', } local anum_arabic={ [0x0030]=0x0660, [0x0031]=0x0661, [0x0032]=0x0662, [0x0033]=0x0663, [0x0034]=0x0664, [0x0035]=0x0665, [0x0036]=0x0666, [0x0037]=0x0667, [0x0038]=0x0668, [0x0039]=0x0669, } local anum_persian={ [0x0030]=0x06F0, [0x0031]=0x06F1, [0x0032]=0x06F2, [0x0033]=0x06F3, [0x0034]=0x06F4, [0x0035]=0x06F5, [0x0036]=0x06F6, [0x0037]=0x06F7, [0x0038]=0x06F8, [0x0039]=0x06F9, } local function valid(data) local features=data.resources.features if features then for k,v in next,features do for k,v in next,v do if v.arab then return true end end end end end local anum_specification={ { type="substitution", features={ arab={ urd=true,dflt=true } }, order={ "anum" }, data=anum_arabic, flags=noflags, valid=valid, }, { type="substitution", features={ arab={ urd=true } }, order={ "anum" }, data=anum_persian, flags=noflags, valid=valid, }, } otf.addfeature("anum",anum_specification) registerotffeature { name='anum', description='arabic digits', } local lookups={} local protect={} local revert={} local zwj={ 0x200C } otf.addfeature { name="blockligatures", type="chainsubstitution", nocheck=true, prepend=true, future=true, lookups={ { type="multiple", data=lookups, }, }, data={ rules=protect, } } otf.addfeature { name="blockligatures", type="chainsubstitution", nocheck=true, append=true, overload=false, lookups={ { type="ligature", data=lookups, }, }, data={ rules=revert, } } registerotffeature { name='blockligatures', description='block certain ligatures', } local settings_to_array=utilities.parsers and utilities.parsers.settings_to_array or function(s) return string.split(s,",") end local function blockligatures(str) local t=settings_to_array(str) for i=1,#t do local ti=utfsplit(t[i]) if #ti>1 then local one=ti[1] local two=ti[2] lookups[one]={ one,0x200C } local one={ one } local two={ two } local new=#protect+1 protect[new]={ current={ one,two }, lookups={ 1 }, } revert[new]={ current={ one,zwj }, after={ two }, lookups={ 1 }, } end end end otf.helpers.blockligatures=blockligatures if context then interfaces.implement { name="blockligatures", arguments="string", actions=blockligatures, } end end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['font-onr']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to font-ini.mkiv", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } local fonts,logs,trackers,resolvers=fonts,logs,trackers,resolvers local next,type,tonumber,rawget,rawset=next,type,tonumber,rawget,rawset local match,lower,gsub,strip,find=string.match,string.lower,string.gsub,string.strip,string.find local char,byte,sub=string.char,string.byte,string.sub local abs=math.abs local bxor,rshift=bit32.bxor,bit32.rshift local P,S,R,Cmt,C,Ct,Cs,Carg,Cf,Cg=lpeg.P,lpeg.S,lpeg.R,lpeg.Cmt,lpeg.C,lpeg.Ct,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Carg,lpeg.Cf,lpeg.Cg local lpegmatch,patterns=lpeg.match,lpeg.patterns local trace_indexing=false trackers.register("afm.indexing",function(v) trace_indexing=v end) local trace_loading=false trackers.register("afm.loading",function(v) trace_loading=v end) local report_afm=logs.reporter("fonts","afm loading") local report_pfb=logs.reporter("fonts","pfb loading") local handlers=fonts.handlers local afm=handlers.afm or {} handlers.afm=afm local readers=afm.readers or {} afm.readers=readers afm.version=1.512 local get_indexes,get_shapes do local decrypt do local r,c1,c2,n=0,0,0,0 local function step(c) local cipher=byte(c) local plain=bxor(cipher,rshift(r,8)) r=((cipher+r)*c1+c2)%65536 return char(plain) end decrypt=function(binary,initial,seed) r,c1,c2,n=initial,52845,22719,seed binary=gsub(binary,".",step) return sub(binary,n+1) end end local charstrings=P("/CharStrings") local subroutines=P("/Subrs") local encoding=P("/Encoding") local dup=P("dup") local put=P("put") local array=P("array") local name=P("/")*C((R("az")+R("AZ")+R("09")+S("-_."))^1) local digits=R("09")^1 local cardinal=digits/tonumber local spaces=P(" ")^1 local spacing=patterns.whitespace^0 local routines,vector,chars,n,m local initialize=function(str,position,size) n=0 m=size return position+1 end local setroutine=function(str,position,index,size) local forward=position+tonumber(size) local stream=decrypt(sub(str,position+1,forward),4330,4) routines[index]={ byte(stream,1,#stream) } return forward end local setvector=function(str,position,name,size) local forward=position+tonumber(size) if n>=m then return #str elseif forward<#str then vector[n]=name n=n+1 return forward else return #str end end local setshapes=function(str,position,name,size) local forward=position+tonumber(size) local stream=sub(str,position+1,forward) if n>m then return #str elseif forward<#str then vector[n]=name n=n+1 chars [n]=decrypt(stream,4330,4) return forward else return #str end end local p_rd=spacing*(P("RD")+P("-|")) local p_np=spacing*(P("NP")+P("|")) local p_nd=spacing*(P("ND")+P("|")) local p_filterroutines= (1-subroutines)^0*subroutines*spaces*Cmt(cardinal,initialize)*(Cmt(cardinal*spaces*cardinal*p_rd,setroutine)*p_np+P(1))^1 local p_filtershapes= (1-charstrings)^0*charstrings*spaces*Cmt(cardinal,initialize)*(Cmt(name*spaces*cardinal*p_rd,setshapes)*p_nd+P(1))^1 local p_filternames=Ct ( (1-charstrings)^0*charstrings*spaces*Cmt(cardinal,initialize)*(Cmt(name*spaces*cardinal,setvector)+P(1))^1 ) local p_filterencoding=(1-encoding)^0*encoding*spaces*digits*spaces*array*(1-dup)^0*Cf( Ct("")*Cg(spacing*dup*spaces*cardinal*spaces*name*spaces*put)^1 ,rawset) local function loadpfbvector(filename,shapestoo) local data=io.loaddata(resolvers.findfile(filename)) if not data then report_pfb("no data in %a",filename) return end if not (find(data,"!PS%-AdobeFont%-") or find(data,"%%!FontType1")) then report_pfb("no font in %a",filename) return end local ascii,binary=match(data,"(.*)eexec%s+......(.*)") if not binary then report_pfb("no binary data in %a",filename) return end binary=decrypt(binary,55665,4) local names={} local encoding=lpegmatch(p_filterencoding,ascii) local glyphs={} routines,vector,chars={},{},{} if shapestoo then lpegmatch(p_filterroutines,binary) lpegmatch(p_filtershapes,binary) local data={ dictionaries={ { charstrings=chars, charset=vector, subroutines=routines, } }, } fonts.handlers.otf.readers.parsecharstrings(false,data,glyphs,true,true) else lpegmatch(p_filternames,binary) end names=vector routines,vector,chars=nil,nil,nil return names,encoding,glyphs end local pfb=handlers.pfb or {} handlers.pfb=pfb pfb.loadvector=loadpfbvector get_indexes=function(data,pfbname) local vector=loadpfbvector(pfbname) if vector then local characters=data.characters if trace_loading then report_afm("getting index data from %a",pfbname) end for index=1,#vector do local name=vector[index] local char=characters[name] if char then if trace_indexing then report_afm("glyph %a has index %a",name,index) end char.index=index end end end end get_shapes=function(pfbname) local vector,encoding,glyphs=loadpfbvector(pfbname,true) return glyphs end end local spacer=patterns.spacer local whitespace=patterns.whitespace local lineend=patterns.newline local spacing=spacer^0 local number=spacing*S("+-")^-1*(R("09")+S("."))^1/tonumber local name=spacing*C((1-whitespace)^1) local words=spacing*((1-lineend)^1/strip) local rest=(1-lineend)^0 local fontdata=Carg(1) local semicolon=spacing*P(";") local plus=spacing*P("plus")*number local minus=spacing*P("minus")*number local function addkernpair(data,one,two,value) local chr=data.characters[one] if chr then local kerns=chr.kerns if kerns then kerns[two]=tonumber(value) else chr.kerns={ [two]=tonumber(value) } end end end local p_kernpair=(fontdata*P("KPX")*name*name*number)/addkernpair local chr=false local ind=0 local function start(data,version) data.metadata.afmversion=version ind=0 chr={} end local function stop() ind=0 chr=false end local function setindex(i) if i<0 then ind=ind+1 else ind=i end chr={ index=ind } end local function setwidth(width) chr.width=width end local function setname(data,name) data.characters[name]=chr end local function setboundingbox(boundingbox) chr.boundingbox=boundingbox end local function setligature(plus,becomes) local ligatures=chr.ligatures if ligatures then ligatures[plus]=becomes else chr.ligatures={ [plus]=becomes } end end local p_charmetric=(( P("C")*number/setindex+P("WX")*number/setwidth+P("N")*fontdata*name/setname+P("B")*Ct((number)^4)/setboundingbox+P("L")*(name)^2/setligature )*semicolon )^1 local p_charmetrics=P("StartCharMetrics")*number*(p_charmetric+(1-P("EndCharMetrics")))^0*P("EndCharMetrics") local p_kernpairs=P("StartKernPairs")*number*(p_kernpair+(1-P("EndKernPairs" )))^0*P("EndKernPairs" ) local function set_1(data,key,a) data.metadata[lower(key)]=a end local function set_2(data,key,a,b) data.metadata[lower(key)]={ a,b } end local function set_3(data,key,a,b,c) data.metadata[lower(key)]={ a,b,c } end local p_parameters=P(false)+fontdata*((P("FontName")+P("FullName")+P("FamilyName"))/lower)*words/function(data,key,value) data.metadata[key]=value end+fontdata*((P("Weight")+P("Version"))/lower)*name/function(data,key,value) data.metadata[key]=value end+fontdata*P("IsFixedPitch")*name/function(data,pitch) data.metadata.monospaced=toboolean(pitch,true) end+fontdata*P("FontBBox")*Ct(number^4)/function(data,boundingbox) data.metadata.boundingbox=boundingbox end+fontdata*((P("CharWidth")+P("CapHeight")+P("XHeight")+P("Descender")+P("Ascender")+P("ItalicAngle"))/lower)*number/function(data,key,value) data.metadata[key]=value end+P("Comment")*spacing*(P(false)+(fontdata*C("DESIGNSIZE")*number*rest)/set_1 +(fontdata*C("TFM designsize")*number*rest)/set_1+(fontdata*C("DesignSize")*number*rest)/set_1+(fontdata*C("CODINGSCHEME")*words*rest)/set_1 +(fontdata*C("CHECKSUM")*number*words*rest)/set_1 +(fontdata*C("SPACE")*number*plus*minus*rest)/set_3 +(fontdata*C("QUAD")*number*rest)/set_1 +(fontdata*C("EXTRASPACE")*number*rest)/set_1 +(fontdata*C("NUM")*number*number*number*rest)/set_3 +(fontdata*C("DENOM")*number*number*rest)/set_2 +(fontdata*C("SUP")*number*number*number*rest)/set_3 +(fontdata*C("SUB")*number*number*rest)/set_2 +(fontdata*C("SUPDROP")*number*rest)/set_1 +(fontdata*C("SUBDROP")*number*rest)/set_1 +(fontdata*C("DELIM")*number*number*rest)/set_2 +(fontdata*C("AXISHEIGHT")*number*rest)/set_1 ) local fullparser=(P("StartFontMetrics")*fontdata*name/start )*(p_charmetrics+p_kernpairs+p_parameters+(1-P("EndFontMetrics")) )^0*(P("EndFontMetrics")/stop ) local fullparser=(P("StartFontMetrics")*fontdata*name/start )*(p_charmetrics+p_kernpairs+p_parameters+(1-P("EndFontMetrics")) )^0*(P("EndFontMetrics")/stop ) local infoparser=(P("StartFontMetrics")*fontdata*name/start )*(p_parameters+(1-P("EndFontMetrics")) )^0*(P("EndFontMetrics")/stop ) local function read(filename,parser) local afmblob=io.loaddata(filename) if afmblob then local data={ resources={ filename=resolvers.unresolve(filename), version=afm.version, creator="context mkiv", }, properties={ hasitalics=false, }, goodies={}, metadata={ filename=file.removesuffix(file.basename(filename)) }, characters={ }, descriptions={ }, } if trace_loading then report_afm("parsing afm file %a",filename) end lpegmatch(parser,afmblob,1,data) return data else if trace_loading then report_afm("no valid afm file %a",filename) end return nil end end function readers.loadfont(afmname,pfbname) local data=read(resolvers.findfile(afmname),fullparser) if data then if not pfbname or pfbname=="" then pfbname=resolvers.findfile(file.replacesuffix(file.nameonly(afmname),"pfb")) end if pfbname and pfbname~="" then data.resources.filename=resolvers.unresolve(pfbname) get_indexes(data,pfbname) return data else report_afm("no pfb file for %a",afmname) end end end function readers.loadshapes(filename) local fullname=resolvers.findfile(filename) or "" if fullname=="" then return { filename="not found: "..filename, glyphs={} } else return { filename=fullname, format="opentype", glyphs=get_shapes(fullname) or {}, units=1000, } end end function readers.getinfo(filename) local data=read(resolvers.findfile(filename),infoparser) if data then return data.metadata end end end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['font-one']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to font-ini.mkiv", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } local fonts,logs,trackers,containers,resolvers=fonts,logs,trackers,containers,resolvers local next,type,tonumber,rawget=next,type,tonumber,rawget local match,gmatch,lower,gsub,strip,find=string.match,string.gmatch,string.lower,string.gsub,string.strip,string.find local char,byte,sub=string.char,string.byte,string.sub local abs=math.abs local bxor,rshift=bit32.bxor,bit32.rshift local P,S,R,Cmt,C,Ct,Cs,Carg=lpeg.P,lpeg.S,lpeg.R,lpeg.Cmt,lpeg.C,lpeg.Ct,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Carg local lpegmatch,patterns=lpeg.match,lpeg.patterns local trace_features=false trackers.register("afm.features",function(v) trace_features=v end) local trace_indexing=false trackers.register("afm.indexing",function(v) trace_indexing=v end) local trace_loading=false trackers.register("afm.loading",function(v) trace_loading=v end) local trace_defining=false trackers.register("fonts.defining",function(v) trace_defining=v end) local report_afm=logs.reporter("fonts","afm loading") local setmetatableindex=table.setmetatableindex local derivetable=table.derive local findbinfile=resolvers.findbinfile local definers=fonts.definers local readers=fonts.readers local constructors=fonts.constructors local afm=constructors.handlers.afm local pfb=constructors.handlers.pfb local otf=fonts.handlers.otf local otfreaders=otf.readers local otfenhancers=otf.enhancers local afmfeatures=constructors.features.afm local registerafmfeature=afmfeatures.register local afmenhancers=constructors.enhancers.afm local registerafmenhancer=afmenhancers.register afm.version=1.512 afm.cache=containers.define("fonts","one",afm.version,true) afm.autoprefixed=true afm.helpdata={} afm.syncspace=true local overloads=fonts.mappings.overloads local applyruntimefixes=fonts.treatments and fonts.treatments.applyfixes function afm.load(filename) filename=resolvers.findfile(filename,'afm') or "" if filename~="" and not fonts.names.ignoredfile(filename) then local name=file.removesuffix(file.basename(filename)) local data=containers.read(afm.cache,name) local attr=lfs.attributes(filename) local size,time=attr.size or 0,attr.modification or 0 local pfbfile=file.replacesuffix(name,"pfb") local pfbname=resolvers.findfile(pfbfile,"pfb") or "" if pfbname=="" then pfbname=resolvers.findfile(file.basename(pfbfile),"pfb") or "" end local pfbsize,pfbtime=0,0 if pfbname~="" then local attr=lfs.attributes(pfbname) pfbsize=attr.size or 0 pfbtime=attr.modification or 0 end if not data or data.size~=size or data.time~=time or data.pfbsize~=pfbsize or data.pfbtime~=pfbtime then report_afm("reading %a",filename) data=afm.readers.loadfont(filename,pfbname) if data then afmenhancers.apply(data,filename) fonts.mappings.addtounicode(data,filename) otfreaders.pack(data) data.size=size data.time=time data.pfbsize=pfbsize data.pfbtime=pfbtime report_afm("saving %a in cache",name) data=containers.write(afm.cache,name,data) data=containers.read(afm.cache,name) end end if data then otfreaders.unpack(data) otfreaders.expand(data) otfreaders.addunicodetable(data) otfenhancers.apply(data,filename,data) if applyruntimefixes then applyruntimefixes(filename,data) end end return data end end local uparser=fonts.mappings.makenameparser() local function enhance_unify_names(data,filename) local unicodevector=fonts.encodings.agl.unicodes local unicodes={} local names={} local private=constructors.privateoffset local descriptions=data.descriptions for name,blob in next,data.characters do local code=unicodevector[name] if not code then code=lpegmatch(uparser,name) if type(code)~="number" then code=private private=private+1 report_afm("assigning private slot %U for unknown glyph name %a",code,name) end end local index=blob.index unicodes[name]=code names[name]=index blob.name=name descriptions[code]={ boundingbox=blob.boundingbox, width=blob.width, kerns=blob.kerns, index=index, name=name, } end for unicode,description in next,descriptions do local kerns=description.kerns if kerns then local krn={} for name,kern in next,kerns do local unicode=unicodes[name] if unicode then krn[unicode]=kern else end end description.kerns=krn end end data.characters=nil local resources=data.resources local filename=resources.filename or file.removesuffix(file.basename(filename)) resources.filename=resolvers.unresolve(filename) resources.unicodes=unicodes resources.marks={} resources.private=private end local everywhere={ ["*"]={ ["*"]=true } } local noflags={ false,false,false,false } local function enhance_normalize_features(data) local ligatures=setmetatableindex("table") local kerns=setmetatableindex("table") local extrakerns=setmetatableindex("table") for u,c in next,data.descriptions do local l=c.ligatures local k=c.kerns local e=c.extrakerns if l then ligatures[u]=l for u,v in next,l do l[u]={ ligature=v } end c.ligatures=nil end if k then kerns[u]=k for u,v in next,k do k[u]=v end c.kerns=nil end if e then extrakerns[u]=e for u,v in next,e do e[u]=v end c.extrakerns=nil end end local features={ gpos={}, gsub={}, } local sequences={ } if next(ligatures) then features.gsub.liga=everywhere data.properties.hasligatures=true sequences[#sequences+1]={ features={ liga=everywhere, }, flags=noflags, name="s_s_0", nofsteps=1, order={ "liga" }, type="gsub_ligature", steps={ { coverage=ligatures, }, }, } end if next(kerns) then features.gpos.kern=everywhere data.properties.haskerns=true sequences[#sequences+1]={ features={ kern=everywhere, }, flags=noflags, name="p_s_0", nofsteps=1, order={ "kern" }, type="gpos_pair", steps={ { format="kern", coverage=kerns, }, }, } end if next(extrakerns) then features.gpos.extrakerns=everywhere data.properties.haskerns=true sequences[#sequences+1]={ features={ extrakerns=everywhere, }, flags=noflags, name="p_s_1", nofsteps=1, order={ "extrakerns" }, type="gpos_pair", steps={ { format="kern", coverage=extrakerns, }, }, } end data.resources.features=features data.resources.sequences=sequences end local function enhance_fix_names(data) for k,v in next,data.descriptions do local n=v.name local r=overloads[n] if r then local name=r.name if trace_indexing then report_afm("renaming characters %a to %a",n,name) end v.name=name v.unicode=r.unicode end end end local addthem=function(rawdata,ligatures) if ligatures then local descriptions=rawdata.descriptions local resources=rawdata.resources local unicodes=resources.unicodes for ligname,ligdata in next,ligatures do local one=descriptions[unicodes[ligname]] if one then for _,pair in next,ligdata do local two,three=unicodes[pair[1]],unicodes[pair[2]] if two and three then local ol=one.ligatures if ol then if not ol[two] then ol[two]=three end else one.ligatures={ [two]=three } end end end end end end end local function enhance_add_ligatures(rawdata) addthem(rawdata,afm.helpdata.ligatures) end local function enhance_add_extra_kerns(rawdata) local descriptions=rawdata.descriptions local resources=rawdata.resources local unicodes=resources.unicodes local function do_it_left(what) if what then for unicode,description in next,descriptions do local kerns=description.kerns if kerns then local extrakerns for complex,simple in next,what do complex=unicodes[complex] simple=unicodes[simple] if complex and simple then local ks=kerns[simple] if ks and not kerns[complex] then if extrakerns then extrakerns[complex]=ks else extrakerns={ [complex]=ks } end end end end if extrakerns then description.extrakerns=extrakerns end end end end end local function do_it_copy(what) if what then for complex,simple in next,what do complex=unicodes[complex] simple=unicodes[simple] if complex and simple then local complexdescription=descriptions[complex] if complexdescription then local simpledescription=descriptions[complex] if simpledescription then local extrakerns local kerns=simpledescription.kerns if kerns then for unicode,kern in next,kerns do if extrakerns then extrakerns[unicode]=kern else extrakerns={ [unicode]=kern } end end end local extrakerns=simpledescription.extrakerns if extrakerns then for unicode,kern in next,extrakerns do if extrakerns then extrakerns[unicode]=kern else extrakerns={ [unicode]=kern } end end end if extrakerns then complexdescription.extrakerns=extrakerns end end end end end end end do_it_left(afm.helpdata.leftkerned) do_it_left(afm.helpdata.bothkerned) do_it_copy(afm.helpdata.bothkerned) do_it_copy(afm.helpdata.rightkerned) end local function adddimensions(data) if data then for unicode,description in next,data.descriptions do local bb=description.boundingbox if bb then local ht,dp=bb[4],-bb[2] if ht==0 or ht<0 then else description.height=ht end if dp==0 or dp<0 then else description.depth=dp end end end end end local function copytotfm(data) if data and data.descriptions then local metadata=data.metadata local resources=data.resources local properties=derivetable(data.properties) local descriptions=derivetable(data.descriptions) local goodies=derivetable(data.goodies) local characters={} local parameters={} local unicodes=resources.unicodes for unicode,description in next,data.descriptions do characters[unicode]={} end local filename=constructors.checkedfilename(resources) local fontname=metadata.fontname or metadata.fullname local fullname=metadata.fullname or metadata.fontname local endash=0x0020 local emdash=0x2014 local spacer="space" local spaceunits=500 local monospaced=metadata.monospaced local charwidth=metadata.charwidth local italicangle=metadata.italicangle local charxheight=metadata.xheight and metadata.xheight>0 and metadata.xheight properties.monospaced=monospaced parameters.italicangle=italicangle parameters.charwidth=charwidth parameters.charxheight=charxheight if properties.monospaced then if descriptions[endash] then spaceunits,spacer=descriptions[endash].width,"space" end if not spaceunits and descriptions[emdash] then spaceunits,spacer=descriptions[emdash].width,"emdash" end if not spaceunits and charwidth then spaceunits,spacer=charwidth,"charwidth" end else if descriptions[endash] then spaceunits,spacer=descriptions[endash].width,"space" end if not spaceunits and charwidth then spaceunits,spacer=charwidth,"charwidth" end end spaceunits=tonumber(spaceunits) if spaceunits<200 then end parameters.slant=0 parameters.space=spaceunits parameters.space_stretch=500 parameters.space_shrink=333 parameters.x_height=400 parameters.quad=1000 if italicangle and italicangle~=0 then parameters.italicangle=italicangle parameters.italicfactor=math.cos(math.rad(90+italicangle)) parameters.slant=- math.tan(italicangle*math.pi/180) end if monospaced then parameters.space_stretch=0 parameters.space_shrink=0 elseif afm.syncspace then parameters.space_stretch=spaceunits/2 parameters.space_shrink=spaceunits/3 end parameters.extra_space=parameters.space_shrink if charxheight then parameters.x_height=charxheight else local x=0x0078 if x then local x=descriptions[x] if x then parameters.x_height=x.height end end end if metadata.sup then local dummy={ 0,0,0 } parameters[ 1]=metadata.designsize or 0 parameters[ 2]=metadata.checksum or 0 parameters[ 3], parameters[ 4], parameters[ 5]=unpack(metadata.space or dummy) parameters[ 6]=metadata.quad or 0 parameters[ 7]=metadata.extraspace or 0 parameters[ 8], parameters[ 9], parameters[10]=unpack(metadata.num or dummy) parameters[11], parameters[12]=unpack(metadata.denom or dummy) parameters[13], parameters[14], parameters[15]=unpack(metadata.sup or dummy) parameters[16], parameters[17]=unpack(metadata.sub or dummy) parameters[18]=metadata.supdrop or 0 parameters[19]=metadata.subdrop or 0 parameters[20], parameters[21]=unpack(metadata.delim or dummy) parameters[22]=metadata.axisheight or 0 end parameters.designsize=(metadata.designsize or 10)*65536 parameters.ascender=abs(metadata.ascender or 0) parameters.descender=abs(metadata.descender or 0) parameters.units=1000 properties.spacer=spacer properties.encodingbytes=2 properties.format=fonts.formats[filename] or "type1" properties.filename=filename properties.fontname=fontname properties.fullname=fullname properties.psname=fullname properties.name=filename or fullname or fontname if next(characters) then return { characters=characters, descriptions=descriptions, parameters=parameters, resources=resources, properties=properties, goodies=goodies, } end end return nil end function afm.setfeatures(tfmdata,features) local okay=constructors.initializefeatures("afm",tfmdata,features,trace_features,report_afm) if okay then return constructors.collectprocessors("afm",tfmdata,features,trace_features,report_afm) else return {} end end local function addtables(data) local resources=data.resources local lookuptags=resources.lookuptags local unicodes=resources.unicodes if not lookuptags then lookuptags={} resources.lookuptags=lookuptags end setmetatableindex(lookuptags,function(t,k) local v=type(k)=="number" and ("lookup "..k) or k t[k]=v return v end) if not unicodes then unicodes={} resources.unicodes=unicodes setmetatableindex(unicodes,function(t,k) setmetatableindex(unicodes,nil) for u,d in next,data.descriptions do local n=d.name if n then t[n]=u end end return rawget(t,k) end) end constructors.addcoreunicodes(unicodes) end local function afmtotfm(specification) local afmname=specification.filename or specification.name if specification.forced=="afm" or specification.format=="afm" then if trace_loading then report_afm("forcing afm format for %a",afmname) end else local tfmname=findbinfile(afmname,"ofm") or "" if tfmname~="" then if trace_loading then report_afm("fallback from afm to tfm for %a",afmname) end return end end if afmname~="" then local features=constructors.checkedfeatures("afm",specification.features.normal) specification.features.normal=features constructors.hashinstance(specification,true) specification=definers.resolve(specification) local cache_id=specification.hash local tfmdata=containers.read(constructors.cache,cache_id) if not tfmdata then local rawdata=afm.load(afmname) if rawdata and next(rawdata) then addtables(rawdata) adddimensions(rawdata) tfmdata=copytotfm(rawdata) if tfmdata and next(tfmdata) then local shared=tfmdata.shared if not shared then shared={} tfmdata.shared=shared end shared.rawdata=rawdata shared.dynamics={} tfmdata.changed={} shared.features=features shared.processes=afm.setfeatures(tfmdata,features) end elseif trace_loading then report_afm("no (valid) afm file found with name %a",afmname) end tfmdata=containers.write(constructors.cache,cache_id,tfmdata) end return tfmdata end end local function read_from_afm(specification) local tfmdata=afmtotfm(specification) if tfmdata then tfmdata.properties.name=specification.name tfmdata=constructors.scale(tfmdata,specification) local allfeatures=tfmdata.shared.features or specification.features.normal constructors.applymanipulators("afm",tfmdata,allfeatures,trace_features,report_afm) fonts.loggers.register(tfmdata,'afm',specification) end return tfmdata end registerafmfeature { name="mode", description="mode", initializers={ base=otf.modeinitializer, node=otf.modeinitializer, } } registerafmfeature { name="features", description="features", default=true, initializers={ node=otf.nodemodeinitializer, base=otf.basemodeinitializer, }, processors={ node=otf.featuresprocessor, } } fonts.formats.afm="type1" fonts.formats.pfb="type1" local function check_afm(specification,fullname) local foundname=findbinfile(fullname,'afm') or "" if foundname=="" then foundname=fonts.names.getfilename(fullname,"afm") or "" end if foundname=="" and afm.autoprefixed then local encoding,shortname=match(fullname,"^(.-)%-(.*)$") if encoding and shortname and fonts.encodings.known[encoding] then shortname=findbinfile(shortname,'afm') or "" if shortname~="" then foundname=shortname if trace_defining then report_afm("stripping encoding prefix from filename %a",afmname) end end end end if foundname~="" then specification.filename=foundname specification.format="afm" return read_from_afm(specification) end end function readers.afm(specification,method) local fullname=specification.filename or "" local tfmdata=nil if fullname=="" then local forced=specification.forced or "" if forced~="" then tfmdata=check_afm(specification,specification.name.."."..forced) end if not tfmdata then local check_tfm=readers.check_tfm method=(check_tfm and (method or definers.method or "afm or tfm")) or "afm" if method=="tfm" then tfmdata=check_tfm(specification,specification.name) elseif method=="afm" then tfmdata=check_afm(specification,specification.name) elseif method=="tfm or afm" then tfmdata=check_tfm(specification,specification.name) or check_afm(specification,specification.name) else tfmdata=check_afm(specification,specification.name) or check_tfm(specification,specification.name) end end else tfmdata=check_afm(specification,fullname) end return tfmdata end function readers.pfb(specification,method) local original=specification.specification if trace_defining then report_afm("using afm reader for %a",original) end specification.forced="afm" local function swap(name) local value=specification[swap] if value then specification[swap]=gsub("%.pfb",".afm",1) end end swap("filename") swap("fullname") swap("forcedname") swap("specification") return readers.afm(specification,method) end registerafmenhancer("unify names",enhance_unify_names) registerafmenhancer("add ligatures",enhance_add_ligatures) registerafmenhancer("add extra kerns",enhance_add_extra_kerns) registerafmenhancer("normalize features",enhance_normalize_features) registerafmenhancer("check extra features",otfenhancers.enhance) registerafmenhancer("fix names",enhance_fix_names) end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['font-afk']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to font-afm.lua", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files", dataonly=true, } local allocate=utilities.storage.allocate fonts.handlers.afm.helpdata={ ligatures=allocate { ['f']={ { 'f','ff' }, { 'i','fi' }, { 'l','fl' }, }, ['ff']={ { 'i','ffi' } }, ['fi']={ { 'i','fii' } }, ['fl']={ { 'i','fli' } }, ['s']={ { 't','st' } }, ['i']={ { 'j','ij' } }, }, texligatures=allocate { ['quoteleft']={ { 'quoteleft','quotedblleft' } }, ['quoteright']={ { 'quoteright','quotedblright' } }, ['hyphen']={ { 'hyphen','endash' } }, ['endash']={ { 'hyphen','emdash' } } }, leftkerned=allocate { AEligature="A",aeligature="a", OEligature="O",oeligature="o", IJligature="I",ijligature="i", AE="A",ae="a", OE="O",oe="o", IJ="I",ij="i", Ssharp="S",ssharp="s", }, rightkerned=allocate { AEligature="E",aeligature="e", OEligature="E",oeligature="e", IJligature="J",ijligature="j", AE="E",ae="e", OE="E",oe="e", IJ="J",ij="j", Ssharp="S",ssharp="s", }, bothkerned=allocate { Acircumflex="A",acircumflex="a", Ccircumflex="C",ccircumflex="c", Ecircumflex="E",ecircumflex="e", Gcircumflex="G",gcircumflex="g", Hcircumflex="H",hcircumflex="h", Icircumflex="I",icircumflex="i", Jcircumflex="J",jcircumflex="j", Ocircumflex="O",ocircumflex="o", Scircumflex="S",scircumflex="s", Ucircumflex="U",ucircumflex="u", Wcircumflex="W",wcircumflex="w", Ycircumflex="Y",ycircumflex="y", Agrave="A",agrave="a", Egrave="E",egrave="e", Igrave="I",igrave="i", Ograve="O",ograve="o", Ugrave="U",ugrave="u", Ygrave="Y",ygrave="y", Atilde="A",atilde="a", Itilde="I",itilde="i", Otilde="O",otilde="o", Utilde="U",utilde="u", Ntilde="N",ntilde="n", Adiaeresis="A",adiaeresis="a",Adieresis="A",adieresis="a", Ediaeresis="E",ediaeresis="e",Edieresis="E",edieresis="e", Idiaeresis="I",idiaeresis="i",Idieresis="I",idieresis="i", Odiaeresis="O",odiaeresis="o",Odieresis="O",odieresis="o", Udiaeresis="U",udiaeresis="u",Udieresis="U",udieresis="u", Ydiaeresis="Y",ydiaeresis="y",Ydieresis="Y",ydieresis="y", Aacute="A",aacute="a", Cacute="C",cacute="c", Eacute="E",eacute="e", Iacute="I",iacute="i", Lacute="L",lacute="l", Nacute="N",nacute="n", Oacute="O",oacute="o", Racute="R",racute="r", Sacute="S",sacute="s", Uacute="U",uacute="u", Yacute="Y",yacute="y", Zacute="Z",zacute="z", Dstroke="D",dstroke="d", Hstroke="H",hstroke="h", Tstroke="T",tstroke="t", Cdotaccent="C",cdotaccent="c", Edotaccent="E",edotaccent="e", Gdotaccent="G",gdotaccent="g", Idotaccent="I",idotaccent="i", Zdotaccent="Z",zdotaccent="z", Amacron="A",amacron="a", Emacron="E",emacron="e", Imacron="I",imacron="i", Omacron="O",omacron="o", Umacron="U",umacron="u", Ccedilla="C",ccedilla="c", Kcedilla="K",kcedilla="k", Lcedilla="L",lcedilla="l", Ncedilla="N",ncedilla="n", Rcedilla="R",rcedilla="r", Scedilla="S",scedilla="s", Tcedilla="T",tcedilla="t", Ohungarumlaut="O",ohungarumlaut="o", Uhungarumlaut="U",uhungarumlaut="u", Aogonek="A",aogonek="a", Eogonek="E",eogonek="e", Iogonek="I",iogonek="i", Uogonek="U",uogonek="u", Aring="A",aring="a", Uring="U",uring="u", Abreve="A",abreve="a", Ebreve="E",ebreve="e", Gbreve="G",gbreve="g", Ibreve="I",ibreve="i", Obreve="O",obreve="o", Ubreve="U",ubreve="u", Ccaron="C",ccaron="c", Dcaron="D",dcaron="d", Ecaron="E",ecaron="e", Lcaron="L",lcaron="l", Ncaron="N",ncaron="n", Rcaron="R",rcaron="r", Scaron="S",scaron="s", Tcaron="T",tcaron="t", Zcaron="Z",zcaron="z", dotlessI="I",dotlessi="i", dotlessJ="J",dotlessj="j", AEligature="AE",aeligature="ae",AE="AE",ae="ae", OEligature="OE",oeligature="oe",OE="OE",oe="oe", IJligature="IJ",ijligature="ij",IJ="IJ",ij="ij", Lstroke="L",lstroke="l",Lslash="L",lslash="l", Ostroke="O",ostroke="o",Oslash="O",oslash="o", Ssharp="SS",ssharp="ss", Aumlaut="A",aumlaut="a", Eumlaut="E",eumlaut="e", Iumlaut="I",iumlaut="i", Oumlaut="O",oumlaut="o", Uumlaut="U",uumlaut="u", } } end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['font-tfm']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to font-ini.mkiv", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } local next,type=next,type local match,format=string.match,string.format local concat,sortedhash=table.concat,table.sortedhash local trace_defining=false trackers.register("fonts.defining",function(v) trace_defining=v end) local trace_features=false trackers.register("tfm.features",function(v) trace_features=v end) local report_defining=logs.reporter("fonts","defining") local report_tfm=logs.reporter("fonts","tfm loading") local findbinfile=resolvers.findbinfile local setmetatableindex=table.setmetatableindex local fonts=fonts local handlers=fonts.handlers local readers=fonts.readers local constructors=fonts.constructors local encodings=fonts.encodings local tfm=constructors.handlers.tfm tfm.version=1.000 tfm.maxnestingdepth=5 tfm.maxnestingsize=65536*1024 local otf=fonts.handlers.otf local otfenhancers=otf.enhancers local tfmfeatures=constructors.features.tfm local registertfmfeature=tfmfeatures.register local tfmenhancers=constructors.enhancers.tfm local registertfmenhancer=tfmenhancers.register constructors.resolvevirtualtoo=false fonts.formats.tfm="type1" fonts.formats.ofm="type1" function tfm.setfeatures(tfmdata,features) local okay=constructors.initializefeatures("tfm",tfmdata,features,trace_features,report_tfm) if okay then return constructors.collectprocessors("tfm",tfmdata,features,trace_features,report_tfm) else return {} end end local depth={} local function read_from_tfm(specification) local filename=specification.filename local size=specification.size depth[filename]=(depth[filename] or 0)+1 if trace_defining then report_defining("loading tfm file %a at size %s",filename,size) end local tfmdata=font.read_tfm(filename,size) if tfmdata then local features=specification.features and specification.features.normal or {} local features=constructors.checkedfeatures("tfm",features) specification.features.normal=features local newtfmdata=(depth[filename]==1) and tfm.reencode(tfmdata,specification) if newtfmdata then tfmdata=newtfmdata end local resources=tfmdata.resources or {} local properties=tfmdata.properties or {} local parameters=tfmdata.parameters or {} local shared=tfmdata.shared or {} shared.features=features shared.resources=resources properties.name=tfmdata.name properties.fontname=tfmdata.fontname properties.psname=tfmdata.psname properties.fullname=tfmdata.fullname properties.filename=specification.filename properties.format=fonts.formats.tfm tfmdata.properties=properties tfmdata.resources=resources tfmdata.parameters=parameters tfmdata.shared=shared shared.rawdata={ resources=resources } shared.features=features if newtfmdata then if not resources.marks then resources.marks={} end if not resources.sequences then resources.sequences={} end if not resources.features then resources.features={ gsub={}, gpos={}, } end if not tfmdata.changed then tfmdata.changed={} end if not tfmdata.descriptions then tfmdata.descriptions=tfmdata.characters end otf.readers.addunicodetable(tfmdata) tfmenhancers.apply(tfmdata,filename) constructors.applymanipulators("tfm",tfmdata,features,trace_features,report_tfm) otf.readers.unifymissing(tfmdata) fonts.mappings.addtounicode(tfmdata,filename) tfmdata.tounicode=1 local tounicode=fonts.mappings.tounicode for unicode,v in next,tfmdata.characters do local u=v.unicode if u then v.tounicode=tounicode(u) end end if tfmdata.usedbitmap then tfm.addtounicode(tfmdata) end end shared.processes=next(features) and tfm.setfeatures(tfmdata,features) or nil parameters.factor=1 parameters.size=size parameters.slant=parameters.slant or parameters[1] or 0 parameters.space=parameters.space or parameters[2] or 0 parameters.space_stretch=parameters.space_stretch or parameters[3] or 0 parameters.space_shrink=parameters.space_shrink or parameters[4] or 0 parameters.x_height=parameters.x_height or parameters[5] or 0 parameters.quad=parameters.quad or parameters[6] or 0 parameters.extra_space=parameters.extra_space or parameters[7] or 0 constructors.enhanceparameters(parameters) if newtfmdata then elseif constructors.resolvevirtualtoo then fonts.loggers.register(tfmdata,file.suffix(filename),specification) local vfname=findbinfile(specification.name,'ovf') if vfname and vfname~="" then local vfdata=font.read_vf(vfname,size) if vfdata then local chars=tfmdata.characters for k,v in next,vfdata.characters do chars[k].commands=v.commands end properties.virtualized=true tfmdata.fonts=vfdata.fonts tfmdata.type="virtual" local fontlist=vfdata.fonts local name=file.nameonly(filename) for i=1,#fontlist do local n=fontlist[i].name local s=fontlist[i].size local d=depth[filename] s=constructors.scaled(s,vfdata.designsize) if d>tfm.maxnestingdepth then report_defining("too deeply nested virtual font %a with size %a, max nesting depth %s",n,s,tfm.maxnestingdepth) fontlist[i]={ id=0 } elseif (d>1) and (s>tfm.maxnestingsize) then report_defining("virtual font %a exceeds size %s",n,s) fontlist[i]={ id=0 } else local t,id=fonts.constructors.readanddefine(n,s) fontlist[i]={ id=id } end end end end end properties.haskerns=true properties.hasligatures=true resources.unicodes={} resources.lookuptags={} depth[filename]=depth[filename]-1 return tfmdata else depth[filename]=depth[filename]-1 end end local function check_tfm(specification,fullname) local foundname=findbinfile(fullname,'tfm') or "" if foundname=="" then foundname=findbinfile(fullname,'ofm') or "" end if foundname=="" then foundname=fonts.names.getfilename(fullname,"tfm") or "" end if foundname~="" then specification.filename=foundname specification.format="ofm" return read_from_tfm(specification) elseif trace_defining then report_defining("loading tfm with name %a fails",specification.name) end end readers.check_tfm=check_tfm function readers.tfm(specification) local fullname=specification.filename or "" if fullname=="" then local forced=specification.forced or "" if forced~="" then fullname=specification.name.."."..forced else fullname=specification.name end end return check_tfm(specification,fullname) end readers.ofm=readers.tfm do local outfiles={} local tfmcache=table.setmetatableindex(function(t,tfmdata) local id=font.define(tfmdata) t[tfmdata]=id return id end) local encdone=table.setmetatableindex("table") function tfm.reencode(tfmdata,specification) local features=specification.features if not features then return end local features=features.normal if not features then return end local tfmfile=file.basename(tfmdata.name) local encfile=features.reencode local pfbfile=features.pfbfile local bitmap=features.bitmap if not encfile then return end local pfbfile=outfiles[tfmfile] if pfbfile==nil then if bitmap then pfbfile=false elseif type(pfbfile)~="string" then pfbfile=tfmfile end if type(pfbfile)=="string" then pfbfile=file.addsuffix(pfbfile,"pfb") report_tfm("using type1 shapes from %a for %a",pfbfile,tfmfile) else report_tfm("using bitmap shapes for %a",tfmfile) pfbfile=false end outfiles[tfmfile]=pfbfile end local encoding=false local vector=false if type(pfbfile)=="string" then local pfb=fonts.constructors.handlers.pfb if pfb and pfb.loadvector then local v,e=pfb.loadvector(pfbfile) if v then vector=v end if e then encoding=e end end end if type(encfile)=="string" and encfile~="auto" then encoding=fonts.encodings.load(file.addsuffix(encfile,"enc")) if encoding then encoding=encoding.vector end end if not encoding then report_tfm("bad encoding for %a, quitting",tfmfile) return end local unicoding=fonts.encodings.agl and fonts.encodings.agl.unicodes local virtualid=tfmcache[tfmdata] local tfmdata=table.copy(tfmdata) local characters={} local originals=tfmdata.characters local indices={} local parentfont={ "font",1 } local private=fonts.constructors.privateoffset local reported=encdone[tfmfile][encfile] local backmap=vector and table.swapped(vector) local done={} for index,name in sortedhash(encoding) do local unicode=unicoding[name] local original=originals[index] if original then if unicode then original.unicode=unicode else unicode=private private=private+1 if not reported then report_tfm("glyph %a in font %a with encoding %a gets unicode %U",name,tfmfile,encfile,unicode) end end characters[unicode]=original indices[index]=unicode original.name=name if backmap then original.index=backmap[name] else original.commands={ parentfont,{ "char",index } } original.oindex=index end done[name]=true elseif not done[name] then report_tfm("bad index %a in font %a with name %a",index,tfmfile,name) end end encdone[tfmfile][encfile]=true for k,v in next,characters do local kerns=v.kerns if kerns then local t={} for k,v in next,kerns do local i=indices[k] if i then t[i]=v end end v.kerns=next(t) and t or nil end local ligatures=v.ligatures if ligatures then local t={} for k,v in next,ligatures do local i=indices[k] if i then t[i]=v v.char=indices[v.char] end end v.ligatures=next(t) and t or nil end end tfmdata.fonts={ { id=virtualid } } tfmdata.characters=characters tfmdata.fullname=tfmdata.fullname or tfmdata.name tfmdata.psname=file.nameonly(pfbfile or tfmdata.name) tfmdata.filename=pfbfile tfmdata.encodingbytes=2 tfmdata.format="type1" tfmdata.tounicode=1 tfmdata.embedding="subset" tfmdata.usedbitmap=bitmap and virtualid return tfmdata end end do local template=[[ /CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin 12 dict begin begincmap /CIDSystemInfo << /Registry (TeX) /Ordering (bitmap-%s) /Supplement 0 >> def /CMapName /TeX-bitmap-%s def /CMapType 2 def 1 begincodespacerange <00> endcodespacerange %s beginbfchar %s endbfchar endcmap CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop end end end ]] local flushstreamobject=lpdf and lpdf.flushstreamobject local setfontattributes=pdf.setfontattributes if not flushstreamobject then flushstreamobject=function(data) return pdf.obj { immediate=true, type="stream", string=data, } end end if not setfontattributes then setfontattributes=function(id,data) print(format("your luatex is too old so no tounicode bitmap font%i",id)) end end function tfm.addtounicode(tfmdata) local id=tfmdata.usedbitmap local map={} local char={} for k,v in next,tfmdata.characters do local index=v.oindex local tounicode=v.tounicode if index and tounicode then map[index]=tounicode end end for k,v in sortedhash(map) do char[#char+1]=format("<%02X> <%s>",k,v) end char=concat(char,"\n") local stream=format(template,id,id,#char,char) local reference=flushstreamobject(stream,nil,true) setfontattributes(id,format("/ToUnicode %i 0 R",reference)) end end do local everywhere={ ["*"]={ ["*"]=true } } local noflags={ false,false,false,false } local function enhance_normalize_features(data) local ligatures=setmetatableindex("table") local kerns=setmetatableindex("table") local characters=data.characters for u,c in next,characters do local l=c.ligatures local k=c.kerns if l then ligatures[u]=l for u,v in next,l do l[u]={ ligature=v.char } end c.ligatures=nil end if k then kerns[u]=k for u,v in next,k do k[u]=v end c.kerns=nil end end for u,l in next,ligatures do for k,v in next,l do local vl=v.ligature local dl=ligatures[vl] if dl then for kk,vv in next,dl do v[kk]=vv end end end end local features={ gpos={}, gsub={}, } local sequences={ } if next(ligatures) then features.gsub.liga=everywhere data.properties.hasligatures=true sequences[#sequences+1]={ features={ liga=everywhere, }, flags=noflags, name="s_s_0", nofsteps=1, order={ "liga" }, type="gsub_ligature", steps={ { coverage=ligatures, }, }, } end if next(kerns) then features.gpos.kern=everywhere data.properties.haskerns=true sequences[#sequences+1]={ features={ kern=everywhere, }, flags=noflags, name="p_s_0", nofsteps=1, order={ "kern" }, type="gpos_pair", steps={ { format="kern", coverage=kerns, }, }, } end data.resources.features=features data.resources.sequences=sequences data.shared.resources=data.shared.resources or resources end registertfmenhancer("normalize features",enhance_normalize_features) registertfmenhancer("check extra features",otfenhancers.enhance) end registertfmfeature { name="mode", description="mode", initializers={ base=otf.modeinitializer, node=otf.modeinitializer, } } registertfmfeature { name="features", description="features", default=true, initializers={ base=otf.basemodeinitializer, node=otf.nodemodeinitializer, }, processors={ node=otf.featuresprocessor, } } end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['font-lua']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to font-ini.mkiv", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } local trace_defining=false trackers.register("fonts.defining",function(v) trace_defining=v end) local report_lua=logs.reporter("fonts","lua loading") local fonts=fonts local readers=fonts.readers fonts.formats.lua="lua" local function check_lua(specification,fullname) local fullname=resolvers.findfile(fullname) or "" if fullname~="" then local loader=loadfile(fullname) loader=loader and loader() return loader and loader(specification) end end readers.check_lua=check_lua function readers.lua(specification) local original=specification.specification if trace_defining then report_lua("using lua reader for %a",original) end local fullname=specification.filename or "" if fullname=="" then local forced=specification.forced or "" if forced~="" then fullname=specification.name.."."..forced else fullname=specification.name end end return check_lua(specification,fullname) end end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['font-def']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to font-ini.mkiv", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } local lower,gsub=string.lower,string.gsub local tostring,next=tostring,next local lpegmatch=lpeg.match local suffixonly,removesuffix,basename=file.suffix,file.removesuffix,file.basename local formatters=string.formatters local sortedhash,sortedkeys=table.sortedhash,table.sortedkeys local allocate=utilities.storage.allocate local trace_defining=false trackers .register("fonts.defining",function(v) trace_defining=v end) local directive_embedall=false directives.register("fonts.embedall",function(v) directive_embedall=v end) trackers.register("fonts.loading","fonts.defining","otf.loading","afm.loading","tfm.loading") trackers.register("fonts.all","fonts.*","otf.*","afm.*","tfm.*") local report_defining=logs.reporter("fonts","defining") local fonts=fonts local fontdata=fonts.hashes.identifiers local readers=fonts.readers local definers=fonts.definers local specifiers=fonts.specifiers local constructors=fonts.constructors local fontgoodies=fonts.goodies readers.sequence=allocate { 'otf','ttf','afm','tfm','lua' } local variants=allocate() specifiers.variants=variants definers.methods=definers.methods or {} local internalized=allocate() local lastdefined=nil local loadedfonts=constructors.loadedfonts local designsizes=constructors.designsizes local resolvefile=fontgoodies and fontgoodies.filenames and fontgoodies.filenames.resolve or function(s) return s end local splitter,splitspecifiers=nil,"" local P,C,S,Cc=lpeg.P,lpeg.C,lpeg.S,lpeg.Cc local left=P("(") local right=P(")") local colon=P(":") local space=P(" ") definers.defaultlookup="file" local prefixpattern=P(false) local function addspecifier(symbol) splitspecifiers=splitspecifiers..symbol local method=S(splitspecifiers) local lookup=C(prefixpattern)*colon local sub=left*C(P(1-left-right-method)^1)*right local specification=C(method)*C(P(1)^1) local name=C((1-sub-specification)^1) splitter=P((lookup+Cc(""))*name*(sub+Cc(""))*(specification+Cc(""))) end local function addlookup(str,default) prefixpattern=prefixpattern+P(str) end definers.addlookup=addlookup addlookup("file") addlookup("name") addlookup("spec") local function getspecification(str) return lpegmatch(splitter,str or "") end definers.getspecification=getspecification function definers.registersplit(symbol,action,verbosename) addspecifier(symbol) variants[symbol]=action if verbosename then variants[verbosename]=action end end local function makespecification(specification,lookup,name,sub,method,detail,size) size=size or 655360 if not lookup or lookup=="" then lookup=definers.defaultlookup end if trace_defining then report_defining("specification %a, lookup %a, name %a, sub %a, method %a, detail %a", specification,lookup,name,sub,method,detail) end local t={ lookup=lookup, specification=specification, size=size, name=name, sub=sub, method=method, detail=detail, resolved="", forced="", features={}, } return t end definers.makespecification=makespecification function definers.analyze(specification,size) local lookup,name,sub,method,detail=getspecification(specification or "") return makespecification(specification,lookup,name,sub,method,detail,size) end definers.resolvers=definers.resolvers or {} local resolvers=definers.resolvers function resolvers.file(specification) local name=resolvefile(specification.name) local suffix=lower(suffixonly(name)) if fonts.formats[suffix] then specification.forced=suffix specification.forcedname=name specification.name=removesuffix(name) else specification.name=name end end function resolvers.name(specification) local resolve=fonts.names.resolve if resolve then local resolved,sub,subindex,instance=resolve(specification.name,specification.sub,specification) if resolved then specification.resolved=resolved specification.sub=sub specification.subindex=subindex if instance then specification.instance=instance local features=specification.features if not features then features={} specification.features=features end local normal=features.normal if not normal then normal={} features.normal=normal end normal.instance=instance if not callbacks.supported.glyph_stream_provider then normal.variableshapes=true end end local suffix=lower(suffixonly(resolved)) if fonts.formats[suffix] then specification.forced=suffix specification.forcedname=resolved specification.name=removesuffix(resolved) else specification.name=resolved end end else resolvers.file(specification) end end function resolvers.spec(specification) local resolvespec=fonts.names.resolvespec if resolvespec then local resolved,sub,subindex=resolvespec(specification.name,specification.sub,specification) if resolved then specification.resolved=resolved specification.sub=sub specification.subindex=subindex specification.forced=lower(suffixonly(resolved)) specification.forcedname=resolved specification.name=removesuffix(resolved) end else resolvers.name(specification) end end function definers.resolve(specification) if not specification.resolved or specification.resolved=="" then local r=resolvers[specification.lookup] if r then r(specification) end end if specification.forced=="" then specification.forced=nil specification.forcedname=nil end specification.hash=lower(specification.name..' @ '..constructors.hashfeatures(specification)) if specification.sub and specification.sub~="" then specification.hash=specification.sub..' @ '..specification.hash end return specification end function definers.applypostprocessors(tfmdata) local postprocessors=tfmdata.postprocessors if postprocessors then local properties=tfmdata.properties for i=1,#postprocessors do local extrahash=postprocessors[i](tfmdata) if type(extrahash)=="string" and extrahash~="" then extrahash=gsub(lower(extrahash),"[^a-z]","-") properties.fullname=formatters["%s-%s"](properties.fullname,extrahash) end end end return tfmdata end local function checkembedding(tfmdata) local properties=tfmdata.properties local embedding if directive_embedall then embedding="full" elseif properties and properties.filename and constructors.dontembed[properties.filename] then embedding="no" else embedding="subset" end if properties then properties.embedding=embedding else tfmdata.properties={ embedding=embedding } end tfmdata.embedding=embedding end local function checkfeatures(tfmdata) local resources=tfmdata.resources local shared=tfmdata.shared if resources and shared then local features=resources.features local usedfeatures=shared.features if features and usedfeatures then local usedlanguage=usedfeatures.language or "dflt" local usedscript=usedfeatures.script or "dflt" local function check(what) if what then local foundlanguages={} for feature,scripts in next,what do if usedscript=="auto" or scripts["*"] then elseif not scripts[usedscript] then else for script,languages in next,scripts do if languages["*"] then elseif not languages[usedlanguage] then report_defining("font %!font:name!, feature %a, script %a, no language %a", tfmdata,feature,script,usedlanguage) end end end for script,languages in next,scripts do for language in next,languages do foundlanguages[language]=true end end end if false then foundlanguages["*"]=nil foundlanguages=sortedkeys(foundlanguages) for feature,scripts in sortedhash(what) do for script,languages in next,scripts do if not languages["*"] then for i=1,#foundlanguages do local language=foundlanguages[i] if not languages[language] then report_defining("font %!font:name!, feature %a, script %a, no language %a", tfmdata,feature,script,language) end end end end end end end end check(features.gsub) check(features.gpos) end end end function definers.loadfont(specification) local hash=constructors.hashinstance(specification) local tfmdata=loadedfonts[hash] if not tfmdata then local forced=specification.forced or "" if forced~="" then local reader=readers[lower(forced)] tfmdata=reader and reader(specification) if not tfmdata then report_defining("forced type %a of %a not found",forced,specification.name) end else local sequence=readers.sequence for s=1,#sequence do local reader=sequence[s] if readers[reader] then if trace_defining then report_defining("trying (reader sequence driven) type %a for %a with file %a",reader,specification.name,specification.filename) end tfmdata=readers[reader](specification) if tfmdata then break else specification.filename=nil end end end end if tfmdata then tfmdata=definers.applypostprocessors(tfmdata) checkembedding(tfmdata) loadedfonts[hash]=tfmdata designsizes[specification.hash]=tfmdata.parameters.designsize checkfeatures(tfmdata) end end if not tfmdata then report_defining("font with asked name %a is not found using lookup %a",specification.name,specification.lookup) end return tfmdata end function constructors.checkvirtualids() end function constructors.readanddefine(name,size) local specification=definers.analyze(name,size) local method=specification.method if method and variants[method] then specification=variants[method](specification) end specification=definers.resolve(specification) local hash=constructors.hashinstance(specification) local id=definers.registered(hash) if not id then local tfmdata=definers.loadfont(specification) if tfmdata then tfmdata.properties.hash=hash constructors.checkvirtualids(tfmdata) id=font.define(tfmdata) definers.register(tfmdata,id) else id=0 end end return fontdata[id],id end function definers.current() return lastdefined end function definers.registered(hash) local id=internalized[hash] return id,id and fontdata[id] end function definers.register(tfmdata,id) if tfmdata and id then local hash=tfmdata.properties.hash if not hash then report_defining("registering font, id %a, name %a, invalid hash",id,tfmdata.properties.filename or "?") elseif not internalized[hash] then internalized[hash]=id if trace_defining then report_defining("registering font, id %s, hash %a",id,hash) end fontdata[id]=tfmdata end end end function definers.read(specification,size,id) statistics.starttiming(fonts) if type(specification)=="string" then specification=definers.analyze(specification,size) end local method=specification.method if method and variants[method] then specification=variants[method](specification) end specification=definers.resolve(specification) local hash=constructors.hashinstance(specification) local tfmdata=definers.registered(hash) if tfmdata then if trace_defining then report_defining("already hashed: %s",hash) end else tfmdata=definers.loadfont(specification) if tfmdata then if trace_defining then report_defining("loaded and hashed: %s",hash) end tfmdata.properties.hash=hash if id then definers.register(tfmdata,id) end else if trace_defining then report_defining("not loaded and hashed: %s",hash) end end end lastdefined=tfmdata or id if not tfmdata then report_defining("unknown font %a, loading aborted",specification.name) elseif trace_defining and type(tfmdata)=="table" then local properties=tfmdata.properties or {} local parameters=tfmdata.parameters or {} report_defining("using %a font with id %a, name %a, size %a, bytes %a, encoding %a, fullname %a, filename %a", properties.format or "unknown",id,properties.name,parameters.size,properties.encodingbytes, properties.encodingname,properties.fullname,basename(properties.filename)) end statistics.stoptiming(fonts) return tfmdata end function font.getfont(id) return fontdata[id] end callbacks.register('define_font',definers.read,"definition of fonts (tfmdata preparation)") end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['luatex-fonts-def']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to luatex-*.tex", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } if context then texio.write_nl("fatal error: this module is not for context") os.exit() end local fonts=fonts fonts.constructors.namemode="specification" function fonts.definers.getspecification(str) return "",str,"",":",str end local list={} local function issome () list.lookup='name' end local function isfile () list.lookup='file' end local function isname () list.lookup='name' end local function thename(s) list.name=s end local function issub (v) list.sub=v end local function iscrap (s) list.crap=string.lower(s) end local function iskey (k,v) list[k]=v end local function istrue (s) list[s]=true end local function isfalse(s) list[s]=false end local P,S,R,C=lpeg.P,lpeg.S,lpeg.R,lpeg.C local spaces=P(" ")^0 local namespec=(1-S("/:("))^0 local crapspec=spaces*P("/")*(((1-P(":"))^0)/iscrap)*spaces local filename_1=P("file:")/isfile*(namespec/thename) local filename_2=P("[")*P(true)/isname*(((1-P("]"))^0)/thename)*P("]") local fontname_1=P("name:")/isname*(namespec/thename) local fontname_2=P(true)/issome*(namespec/thename) local sometext=(R("az","AZ","09")+S("+-.{}"))^1 local truevalue=P("+")*spaces*(sometext/istrue) local falsevalue=P("-")*spaces*(sometext/isfalse) local keyvalue=(C(sometext)*spaces*P("=")*spaces*C(sometext))/iskey local somevalue=sometext/istrue local subvalue=P("(")*(C(P(1-S("()"))^1)/issub)*P(")") local option=spaces*(keyvalue+falsevalue+truevalue+somevalue)*spaces local options=P(":")*spaces*(P(";")^0*option)^0 local pattern=(filename_1+filename_2+fontname_1+fontname_2)*subvalue^0*crapspec^0*options^0 local function colonized(specification) list={} lpeg.match(pattern,specification.specification) list.crap=nil if list.name then specification.name=list.name list.name=nil end if list.lookup then specification.lookup=list.lookup list.lookup=nil end if list.sub then specification.sub=list.sub list.sub=nil end specification.features.normal=fonts.handlers.otf.features.normalize(list) return specification end fonts.definers.registersplit(":",colonized,"cryptic") fonts.definers.registersplit("",colonized,"more cryptic") function fonts.definers.applypostprocessors(tfmdata) local postprocessors=tfmdata.postprocessors if postprocessors then for i=1,#postprocessors do local extrahash=postprocessors[i](tfmdata) if type(extrahash)=="string" and extrahash~="" then extrahash=string.gsub(lower(extrahash),"[^a-z]","-") tfmdata.properties.fullname=format("%s-%s",tfmdata.properties.fullname,extrahash) end end end return tfmdata end end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['luatex-fonts-ext']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to luatex-*.tex", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } if context then texio.write_nl("fatal error: this module is not for context") os.exit() end local fonts=fonts local otffeatures=fonts.constructors.features.otf local function initializeitlc(tfmdata,value) if value then local parameters=tfmdata.parameters local italicangle=parameters.italicangle if italicangle and italicangle~=0 then local properties=tfmdata.properties local factor=tonumber(value) or 1 properties.hasitalics=true properties.autoitalicamount=factor*(parameters.uwidth or 40)/2 end end end otffeatures.register { name="itlc", description="italic correction", initializers={ base=initializeitlc, node=initializeitlc, } } local function initializeslant(tfmdata,value) value=tonumber(value) if not value then value=0 elseif value>1 then value=1 elseif value<-1 then value=-1 end tfmdata.parameters.slantfactor=value end otffeatures.register { name="slant", description="slant glyphs", initializers={ base=initializeslant, node=initializeslant, } } local function initializeextend(tfmdata,value) value=tonumber(value) if not value then value=0 elseif value>10 then value=10 elseif value<-10 then value=-10 end tfmdata.parameters.extendfactor=value end otffeatures.register { name="extend", description="scale glyphs horizontally", initializers={ base=initializeextend, node=initializeextend, } } fonts.protrusions=fonts.protrusions or {} fonts.protrusions.setups=fonts.protrusions.setups or {} local setups=fonts.protrusions.setups local function initializeprotrusion(tfmdata,value) if value then local setup=setups[value] if setup then local factor,left,right=setup.factor or 1,setup.left or 1,setup.right or 1 local emwidth=tfmdata.parameters.quad tfmdata.parameters.protrusion={ auto=true, } for i,chr in next,tfmdata.characters do local v,pl,pr=setup[i],nil,nil if v then pl,pr=v[1],v[2] end if pl and pl~=0 then chr.left_protruding=left*pl*factor end if pr and pr~=0 then chr.right_protruding=right*pr*factor end end end end end otffeatures.register { name="protrusion", description="shift characters into the left and or right margin", initializers={ base=initializeprotrusion, node=initializeprotrusion, } } fonts.expansions=fonts.expansions or {} fonts.expansions.setups=fonts.expansions.setups or {} local setups=fonts.expansions.setups local function initializeexpansion(tfmdata,value) if value then local setup=setups[value] if setup then local factor=setup.factor or 1 tfmdata.parameters.expansion={ stretch=10*(setup.stretch or 0), shrink=10*(setup.shrink or 0), step=10*(setup.step or 0), auto=true, } for i,chr in next,tfmdata.characters do local v=setup[i] if v and v~=0 then chr.expansion_factor=v*factor else chr.expansion_factor=factor end end end end end otffeatures.register { name="expansion", description="apply hz optimization", initializers={ base=initializeexpansion, node=initializeexpansion, } } function fonts.loggers.onetimemessage() end local byte=string.byte fonts.expansions.setups['default']={ stretch=2,shrink=2,step=.5,factor=1, [byte('A')]=0.5,[byte('B')]=0.7,[byte('C')]=0.7,[byte('D')]=0.5,[byte('E')]=0.7, [byte('F')]=0.7,[byte('G')]=0.5,[byte('H')]=0.7,[byte('K')]=0.7,[byte('M')]=0.7, [byte('N')]=0.7,[byte('O')]=0.5,[byte('P')]=0.7,[byte('Q')]=0.5,[byte('R')]=0.7, [byte('S')]=0.7,[byte('U')]=0.7,[byte('W')]=0.7,[byte('Z')]=0.7, [byte('a')]=0.7,[byte('b')]=0.7,[byte('c')]=0.7,[byte('d')]=0.7,[byte('e')]=0.7, [byte('g')]=0.7,[byte('h')]=0.7,[byte('k')]=0.7,[byte('m')]=0.7,[byte('n')]=0.7, [byte('o')]=0.7,[byte('p')]=0.7,[byte('q')]=0.7,[byte('s')]=0.7,[byte('u')]=0.7, [byte('w')]=0.7,[byte('z')]=0.7, [byte('2')]=0.7,[byte('3')]=0.7,[byte('6')]=0.7,[byte('8')]=0.7,[byte('9')]=0.7, } fonts.protrusions.setups['default']={ factor=1,left=1,right=1, [0x002C]={ 0,1 }, [0x002E]={ 0,1 }, [0x003A]={ 0,1 }, [0x003B]={ 0,1 }, [0x002D]={ 0,1 }, [0x2013]={ 0,0.50 }, [0x2014]={ 0,0.33 }, [0x3001]={ 0,1 }, [0x3002]={ 0,1 }, [0x060C]={ 0,1 }, [0x061B]={ 0,1 }, [0x06D4]={ 0,1 }, } fonts.handlers.otf.features.normalize=function(t) if t.rand then t.rand="random" end return t end function fonts.helpers.nametoslot(name) local t=type(name) if t=="string" then local tfmdata=fonts.hashes.identifiers[currentfont()] local shared=tfmdata and tfmdata.shared local fntdata=shared and shared.rawdata return fntdata and fntdata.resources.unicodes[name] elseif t=="number" then return n end end fonts.encodings=fonts.encodings or {} local reencodings={} fonts.encodings.reencodings=reencodings local function specialreencode(tfmdata,value) local encoding=value and reencodings[value] if encoding then local temp={} local char=tfmdata.characters for k,v in next,encoding do temp[k]=char[v] end for k,v in next,temp do char[k]=temp[k] end return string.format("reencoded:%s",value) end end local function reencode(tfmdata,value) tfmdata.postprocessors=tfmdata.postprocessors or {} table.insert(tfmdata.postprocessors, function(tfmdata) return specialreencode(tfmdata,value) end ) end otffeatures.register { name="reencode", description="reencode characters", manipulators={ base=reencode, node=reencode, } } local function ignore(tfmdata,key,value) if value then tfmdata.mathparameters=nil end end otffeatures.register { name="ignoremathconstants", description="ignore math constants table", initializers={ base=ignore, node=ignore, } } local setmetatableindex=table.setmetatableindex local function additalictowidth(tfmdata,key,value) local characters=tfmdata.characters local resources=tfmdata.resources local additions={} local private=resources.private for unicode,old_c in next,characters do local oldwidth=old_c.width local olditalic=old_c.italic if olditalic and olditalic~=0 then private=private+1 local new_c={ width=oldwidth+olditalic, height=old_c.height, depth=old_c.depth, commands={ { "slot",1,private }, { "right",olditalic }, }, } setmetatableindex(new_c,old_c) characters[unicode]=new_c additions[private]=old_c end end for k,v in next,additions do characters[k]=v end resources.private=private end otffeatures.register { name="italicwidths", description="add italic to width", manipulators={ base=additalictowidth, } } end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference fonts.handlers.otf.addfeature { ["dataset"]={ { ["data"]={ ["À"]={ "A","̀" }, ["Á"]={ "A","́" }, ["Â"]={ "A","̂" }, ["Ã"]={ "A","̃" }, ["Ä"]={ "A","̈" }, ["Å"]={ "A","̊" }, ["Ç"]={ "C","̧" }, ["È"]={ "E","̀" }, ["É"]={ "E","́" }, ["Ê"]={ "E","̂" }, ["Ë"]={ "E","̈" }, ["Ì"]={ "I","̀" }, ["Í"]={ "I","́" }, ["Î"]={ "I","̂" }, ["Ï"]={ "I","̈" }, ["Ñ"]={ "N","̃" }, ["Ò"]={ "O","̀" }, ["Ó"]={ "O","́" }, ["Ô"]={ "O","̂" }, ["Õ"]={ "O","̃" }, ["Ö"]={ "O","̈" }, ["Ù"]={ "U","̀" }, ["Ú"]={ "U","́" }, ["Û"]={ "U","̂" }, ["Ü"]={ "U","̈" }, ["Ý"]={ "Y","́" }, ["à"]={ "a","̀" }, ["á"]={ "a","́" }, ["â"]={ "a","̂" }, ["ã"]={ "a","̃" }, ["ä"]={ "a","̈" }, ["å"]={ "a","̊" }, ["ç"]={ "c","̧" }, ["è"]={ "e","̀" }, ["é"]={ "e","́" }, ["ê"]={ "e","̂" }, ["ë"]={ "e","̈" }, ["ì"]={ "i","̀" }, ["í"]={ "i","́" }, ["î"]={ "i","̂" }, ["ï"]={ "i","̈" }, ["ñ"]={ "n","̃" }, ["ò"]={ "o","̀" }, ["ó"]={ "o","́" }, ["ô"]={ "o","̂" }, ["õ"]={ "o","̃" }, ["ö"]={ "o","̈" }, ["ù"]={ "u","̀" }, ["ú"]={ "u","́" }, ["û"]={ "u","̂" }, ["ü"]={ "u","̈" }, ["ý"]={ "y","́" }, ["ÿ"]={ "y","̈" }, ["Ā"]={ "A","̄" }, ["ā"]={ "a","̄" }, ["Ă"]={ "A","̆" }, ["ă"]={ "a","̆" }, ["Ą"]={ "A","̨" }, ["ą"]={ "a","̨" }, ["Ć"]={ "C","́" }, ["ć"]={ "c","́" }, ["Ĉ"]={ "C","̂" }, ["ĉ"]={ "c","̂" }, ["Ċ"]={ "C","̇" }, ["ċ"]={ "c","̇" }, ["Č"]={ "C","̌" }, ["č"]={ "c","̌" }, ["Ď"]={ "D","̌" }, ["ď"]={ "d","̌" }, ["Ē"]={ "E","̄" }, ["ē"]={ "e","̄" }, ["Ĕ"]={ "E","̆" }, ["ĕ"]={ "e","̆" }, ["Ė"]={ "E","̇" }, ["ė"]={ "e","̇" }, ["Ę"]={ "E","̨" }, ["ę"]={ "e","̨" }, ["Ě"]={ "E","̌" }, ["ě"]={ "e","̌" }, ["Ĝ"]={ "G","̂" }, ["ĝ"]={ "g","̂" }, ["Ğ"]={ "G","̆" }, ["ğ"]={ "g","̆" }, ["Ġ"]={ "G","̇" }, ["ġ"]={ "g","̇" }, ["Ģ"]={ "G","̧" }, ["ģ"]={ "g","̧" }, ["Ĥ"]={ "H","̂" }, ["ĥ"]={ "h","̂" }, ["Ĩ"]={ "I","̃" }, ["ĩ"]={ "i","̃" }, ["Ī"]={ "I","̄" }, ["ī"]={ "i","̄" }, ["Ĭ"]={ "I","̆" }, ["ĭ"]={ "i","̆" }, ["Į"]={ "I","̨" }, ["į"]={ "i","̨" }, ["İ"]={ "I","̇" }, ["Ĵ"]={ "J","̂" }, ["ĵ"]={ "j","̂" }, ["Ķ"]={ "K","̧" }, ["ķ"]={ "k","̧" }, ["Ĺ"]={ "L","́" }, ["ĺ"]={ "l","́" }, ["Ļ"]={ "L","̧" }, ["ļ"]={ "l","̧" }, ["Ľ"]={ "L","̌" }, ["ľ"]={ "l","̌" }, ["Ń"]={ "N","́" }, ["ń"]={ "n","́" }, ["Ņ"]={ "N","̧" }, ["ņ"]={ "n","̧" }, ["Ň"]={ "N","̌" }, ["ň"]={ "n","̌" }, ["Ō"]={ "O","̄" }, ["ō"]={ "o","̄" }, ["Ŏ"]={ "O","̆" }, ["ŏ"]={ "o","̆" }, ["Ő"]={ "O","̋" }, ["ő"]={ "o","̋" }, ["Ŕ"]={ "R","́" }, ["ŕ"]={ "r","́" }, ["Ŗ"]={ "R","̧" }, ["ŗ"]={ "r","̧" }, ["Ř"]={ "R","̌" }, ["ř"]={ "r","̌" }, ["Ś"]={ "S","́" }, ["ś"]={ "s","́" }, ["Ŝ"]={ "S","̂" }, ["ŝ"]={ "s","̂" }, ["Ş"]={ "S","̧" }, ["ş"]={ "s","̧" }, ["Š"]={ "S","̌" }, ["š"]={ "s","̌" }, ["Ţ"]={ "T","̧" }, ["ţ"]={ "t","̧" }, ["Ť"]={ "T","̌" }, ["ť"]={ "t","̌" }, ["Ũ"]={ "U","̃" }, ["ũ"]={ "u","̃" }, ["Ū"]={ "U","̄" }, ["ū"]={ "u","̄" }, ["Ŭ"]={ "U","̆" }, ["ŭ"]={ "u","̆" }, ["Ů"]={ "U","̊" }, ["ů"]={ "u","̊" }, ["Ű"]={ "U","̋" }, ["ű"]={ "u","̋" }, ["Ų"]={ "U","̨" }, ["ų"]={ "u","̨" }, ["Ŵ"]={ "W","̂" }, ["ŵ"]={ "w","̂" }, ["Ŷ"]={ "Y","̂" }, ["ŷ"]={ "y","̂" }, ["Ÿ"]={ "Y","̈" }, ["Ź"]={ "Z","́" }, ["ź"]={ "z","́" }, ["Ż"]={ "Z","̇" }, ["ż"]={ "z","̇" }, ["Ž"]={ "Z","̌" }, ["ž"]={ "z","̌" }, ["Ơ"]={ "O","̛" }, ["ơ"]={ "o","̛" }, ["Ư"]={ "U","̛" }, ["ư"]={ "u","̛" }, ["Ǎ"]={ "A","̌" }, ["ǎ"]={ "a","̌" }, ["Ǐ"]={ "I","̌" }, ["ǐ"]={ "i","̌" }, ["Ǒ"]={ "O","̌" }, ["ǒ"]={ "o","̌" }, ["Ǔ"]={ "U","̌" }, ["ǔ"]={ "u","̌" }, ["Ǖ"]={ "Ü","̄" }, ["ǖ"]={ "ü","̄" }, ["Ǘ"]={ "Ü","́" }, ["ǘ"]={ "ü","́" }, ["Ǚ"]={ "Ü","̌" }, ["ǚ"]={ "ü","̌" }, ["Ǜ"]={ "Ü","̀" }, ["ǜ"]={ "ü","̀" }, ["Ǟ"]={ "Ä","̄" }, ["ǟ"]={ "ä","̄" }, ["Ǡ"]={ "Ȧ","̄" }, ["ǡ"]={ "ȧ","̄" }, ["Ǣ"]={ "Æ","̄" }, ["ǣ"]={ "æ","̄" }, ["Ǧ"]={ "G","̌" }, ["ǧ"]={ "g","̌" }, ["Ǩ"]={ "K","̌" }, ["ǩ"]={ "k","̌" }, ["Ǫ"]={ "O","̨" }, ["ǫ"]={ "o","̨" }, ["Ǭ"]={ "Ǫ","̄" }, ["ǭ"]={ "ǫ","̄" }, ["Ǯ"]={ "Ʒ","̌" }, ["ǯ"]={ "ʒ","̌" }, ["ǰ"]={ "j","̌" }, ["Ǵ"]={ "G","́" }, ["ǵ"]={ "g","́" }, ["Ǹ"]={ "N","̀" }, ["ǹ"]={ "n","̀" }, ["Ǻ"]={ "Å","́" }, ["ǻ"]={ "å","́" }, ["Ǽ"]={ "Æ","́" }, ["ǽ"]={ "æ","́" }, ["Ǿ"]={ "Ø","́" }, ["ǿ"]={ "ø","́" }, ["Ȁ"]={ "A","̏" }, ["ȁ"]={ "a","̏" }, ["Ȃ"]={ "A","̑" }, ["ȃ"]={ "a","̑" }, ["Ȅ"]={ "E","̏" }, ["ȅ"]={ "e","̏" }, ["Ȇ"]={ "E","̑" }, ["ȇ"]={ "e","̑" }, ["Ȉ"]={ "I","̏" }, ["ȉ"]={ "i","̏" }, ["Ȋ"]={ "I","̑" }, ["ȋ"]={ "i","̑" }, ["Ȍ"]={ "O","̏" }, ["ȍ"]={ "o","̏" }, ["Ȏ"]={ "O","̑" }, ["ȏ"]={ "o","̑" }, ["Ȑ"]={ "R","̏" }, ["ȑ"]={ "r","̏" }, ["Ȓ"]={ "R","̑" }, ["ȓ"]={ "r","̑" }, ["Ȕ"]={ "U","̏" }, ["ȕ"]={ "u","̏" }, ["Ȗ"]={ "U","̑" }, ["ȗ"]={ "u","̑" }, ["Ș"]={ "S","̦" }, ["ș"]={ "s","̦" }, ["Ț"]={ "T","̦" }, ["ț"]={ "t","̦" }, ["Ȟ"]={ "H","̌" }, ["ȟ"]={ "h","̌" }, ["Ȧ"]={ "A","̇" }, ["ȧ"]={ "a","̇" }, ["Ȩ"]={ "E","̧" }, ["ȩ"]={ "e","̧" }, ["Ȫ"]={ "Ö","̄" }, ["ȫ"]={ "ö","̄" }, ["Ȭ"]={ "Õ","̄" }, ["ȭ"]={ "õ","̄" }, ["Ȯ"]={ "O","̇" }, ["ȯ"]={ "o","̇" }, ["Ȱ"]={ "Ȯ","̄" }, ["ȱ"]={ "ȯ","̄" }, ["Ȳ"]={ "Y","̄" }, ["ȳ"]={ "y","̄" }, ["̈́"]={ "̈","́" }, ["΅"]={ "¨","́" }, ["Ά"]={ "Α","́" }, ["Έ"]={ "Ε","́" }, ["Ή"]={ "Η","́" }, ["Ί"]={ "Ι","́" }, ["Ό"]={ "Ο","́" }, ["Ύ"]={ "Υ","́" }, ["Ώ"]={ "Ω","́" }, ["ΐ"]={ "ϊ","́" }, ["Ϊ"]={ "Ι","̈" }, ["Ϋ"]={ "Υ","̈" }, ["ά"]={ "α","́" }, ["έ"]={ "ε","́" }, ["ή"]={ "η","́" }, ["ί"]={ "ι","́" }, ["ΰ"]={ "ϋ","́" }, ["ϊ"]={ "ι","̈" }, ["ϋ"]={ "υ","̈" }, ["ό"]={ "ο","́" }, ["ύ"]={ "υ","́" }, ["ώ"]={ 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["づ"]={ "つ","゙" }, ["で"]={ "て","゙" }, ["ど"]={ "と","゙" }, ["ば"]={ "は","゙" }, ["ぱ"]={ "は","゚" }, ["び"]={ "ひ","゙" }, ["ぴ"]={ "ひ","゚" }, ["ぶ"]={ "ふ","゙" }, ["ぷ"]={ "ふ","゚" }, ["べ"]={ "へ","゙" }, ["ぺ"]={ "へ","゚" }, ["ぼ"]={ "ほ","゙" }, ["ぽ"]={ "ほ","゚" }, ["ゔ"]={ "う","゙" }, ["ゞ"]={ "ゝ","゙" }, ["ガ"]={ "カ","゙" }, ["ギ"]={ "キ","゙" }, ["グ"]={ "ク","゙" }, ["ゲ"]={ "ケ","゙" }, ["ゴ"]={ "コ","゙" }, ["ザ"]={ "サ","゙" }, ["ジ"]={ "シ","゙" }, ["ズ"]={ "ス","゙" }, ["ゼ"]={ "セ","゙" }, ["ゾ"]={ "ソ","゙" }, ["ダ"]={ "タ","゙" }, ["ヂ"]={ "チ","゙" }, ["ヅ"]={ "ツ","゙" }, ["デ"]={ "テ","゙" }, ["ド"]={ "ト","゙" }, ["バ"]={ "ハ","゙" }, ["パ"]={ "ハ","゚" }, ["ビ"]={ "ヒ","゙" }, ["ピ"]={ "ヒ","゚" }, ["ブ"]={ "フ","゙" }, ["プ"]={ "フ","゚" }, ["ベ"]={ "ヘ","゙" }, ["ペ"]={ "ヘ","゚" }, ["ボ"]={ "ホ","゙" }, ["ポ"]={ "ホ","゚" }, ["ヴ"]={ "ウ","゙" }, ["ヷ"]={ "ワ","゙" }, ["ヸ"]={ "ヰ","゙" }, ["ヹ"]={ "ヱ","゙" }, ["ヺ"]={ "ヲ","゙" }, ["ヾ"]={ "ヽ","゙" }, ["יִ"]={ "י","ִ" }, ["ײַ"]={ "ײ","ַ" }, ["שׁ"]={ "ש","ׁ" }, ["שׂ"]={ "ש","ׂ" }, ["שּׁ"]={ "שּ","ׁ" }, ["שּׂ"]={ "שּ","ׂ" }, ["אַ"]={ "א","ַ" }, ["אָ"]={ "א","ָ" }, ["אּ"]={ "א","ּ" }, ["בּ"]={ "ב","ּ" }, ["גּ"]={ "ג","ּ" }, ["דּ"]={ "ד","ּ" }, ["הּ"]={ "ה","ּ" }, ["וּ"]={ "ו","ּ" }, ["זּ"]={ "ז","ּ" }, ["טּ"]={ "ט","ּ" }, ["יּ"]={ "י","ּ" }, ["ךּ"]={ "ך","ּ" }, ["כּ"]={ "כ","ּ" }, ["לּ"]={ "ל","ּ" }, ["מּ"]={ "מ","ּ" }, ["נּ"]={ "נ","ּ" }, ["סּ"]={ "ס","ּ" }, ["ףּ"]={ "ף","ּ" }, ["פּ"]={ "פ","ּ" }, ["צּ"]={ "צ","ּ" }, ["קּ"]={ "ק","ּ" }, ["רּ"]={ "ר","ּ" }, ["שּ"]={ "ש","ּ" }, ["תּ"]={ "ת","ּ" }, ["וֹ"]={ "ו","ֹ" }, ["בֿ"]={ "ב","ֿ" }, ["כֿ"]={ "כ","ֿ" }, ["פֿ"]={ "פ","ֿ" }, ["𑂚"]={ "𑂙","𑂺" }, ["𑂜"]={ "𑂛","𑂺" }, ["𑂫"]={ "𑂥","𑂺" }, ["𑄮"]={ "𑄱","𑄧" }, ["𑄯"]={ "𑄲","𑄧" }, ["𑍋"]={ "𑍇","𑌾" }, ["𑍌"]={ "𑍇","𑍗" }, ["𑒻"]={ "𑒹","𑒺" }, ["𑒼"]={ "𑒹","𑒰" }, ["𑒾"]={ "𑒹","𑒽" }, ["𑖺"]={ "𑖸","𑖯" }, ["𑖻"]={ "𑖹","𑖯" }, ["𝅗𝅥"]={ "𝅗","𝅥" }, ["𝅘𝅥"]={ "𝅘","𝅥" }, ["𝅘𝅥𝅮"]={ "𝅘𝅥","𝅮" }, ["𝅘𝅥𝅯"]={ "𝅘𝅥","𝅯" }, ["𝅘𝅥𝅰"]={ "𝅘𝅥","𝅰" }, ["𝅘𝅥𝅱"]={ "𝅘𝅥","𝅱" }, ["𝅘𝅥𝅲"]={ "𝅘𝅥","𝅲" }, ["𝆹𝅥"]={ "𝆹","𝅥" }, ["𝆺𝅥"]={ "𝆺","𝅥" }, ["𝆹𝅥𝅮"]={ "𝆹𝅥","𝅮" }, ["𝆺𝅥𝅮"]={ "𝆺𝅥","𝅮" }, ["𝆹𝅥𝅯"]={ "𝆹𝅥","𝅯" }, ["𝆺𝅥𝅯"]={ "𝆺𝅥","𝅯" }, }, }, }, ["name"]="collapse", ["prepend"]=true, ["type"]="ligature", } end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['font-gbn']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to luatex-*.tex", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } if context then texio.write_nl("fatal error: this module is not for context") os.exit() end local fonts=fonts local nodes=nodes local nuts=nodes.nuts local traverse_id=nuts.traverse_id local flush_node=nuts.flush_node local glyph_code=nodes.nodecodes.glyph local disc_code=nodes.nodecodes.disc local tonode=nuts.tonode local tonut=nuts.tonut local getfont=nuts.getfont local getchar=nuts.getchar local getid=nuts.getid local getboth=nuts.getboth local getprev=nuts.getprev local getnext=nuts.getnext local getdisc=nuts.getdisc local setchar=nuts.setchar local setlink=nuts.setlink local setprev=nuts.setprev local n_ligaturing=node.ligaturing local n_kerning=node.kerning local ligaturing=nuts.ligaturing local kerning=nuts.kerning local basemodepass=true local function l_warning() texio.write_nl("warning: node.ligaturing called directly") l_warning=nil end local function k_warning() texio.write_nl("warning: node.kerning called directly") k_warning=nil end function node.ligaturing(...) if basemodepass and l_warning then l_warning() end return n_ligaturing(...) end function node.kerning(...) if basemodepass and k_warning then k_warning() end return n_kerning(...) end function nodes.handlers.setbasemodepass(v) basemodepass=v end function nodes.handlers.nodepass(head) local fontdata=fonts.hashes.identifiers if fontdata then local nuthead=tonut(head) local usedfonts={} local basefonts={} local prevfont=nil local basefont=nil local variants=nil local redundant=nil for n in traverse_id(glyph_code,nuthead) do local font=getfont(n) if font~=prevfont then if basefont then basefont[2]=getprev(n) end prevfont=font local used=usedfonts[font] if not used then local tfmdata=fontdata[font] if tfmdata then local shared=tfmdata.shared if shared then local processors=shared.processes if processors and #processors>0 then usedfonts[font]=processors elseif basemodepass then basefont={ n,nil } basefonts[#basefonts+1]=basefont end end local resources=tfmdata.resources variants=resources and resources.variants variants=variants and next(variants) and variants or false end else local tfmdata=fontdata[prevfont] if tfmdata then local resources=tfmdata.resources variants=resources and resources.variants variants=variants and next(variants) and variants or false end end end if variants then local char=getchar(n) if char>=0xFE00 and (char<=0xFE0F or (char>=0xE0100 and char<=0xE01EF)) then local hash=variants[char] if hash then local p=getprev(n) if p and getid(p)==glyph_code then local variant=hash[getchar(p)] if variant then setchar(p,variant) end end end if not redundant then redundant={ n } else redundant[#redundant+1]=n end end end end local nofbasefonts=#basefonts if redundant then for i=1,#redundant do local r=redundant[i] local p,n=getboth(r) if r==nuthead then nuthead=n setprev(n) else setlink(p,n) end if nofbasefonts>0 then for i=1,nofbasefonts do local bi=basefonts[i] if r==bi[1] then bi[1]=n end if r==bi[2] then bi[2]=n end end end flush_node(r) end end for d in traverse_id(disc_code,nuthead) do local _,_,r=getdisc(d) if r then for n in traverse_id(glyph_code,r) do local font=getfont(n) if font~=prevfont then prevfont=font local used=usedfonts[font] if not used then local tfmdata=fontdata[font] if tfmdata then local shared=tfmdata.shared if shared then local processors=shared.processes if processors and #processors>0 then usedfonts[font]=processors end end end end end end end end if next(usedfonts) then for font,processors in next,usedfonts do for i=1,#processors do head=processors[i](head,font,0) or head end end end if basemodepass and nofbasefonts>0 then for i=1,nofbasefonts do local range=basefonts[i] local start=range[1] local stop=range[2] if start then local front=nuthead==start local prev,next if stop then next=getnext(stop) start,stop=ligaturing(start,stop) start,stop=kerning(start,stop) else prev=getprev(start) start=ligaturing(start) start=kerning(start) end if prev then setlink(prev,start) end if next then setlink(stop,next) end if front and nuthead~=start then head=tonode(start) end end end end return head,true else return head,false end end function nodes.handlers.basepass(head) if not basemodepass then head=n_ligaturing(head) head=n_kerning(head) end return head,true end local nodepass=nodes.handlers.nodepass local basepass=nodes.handlers.basepass local injectpass=nodes.injections.handler local protectpass=nodes.handlers.protectglyphs function nodes.simple_font_handler(head) if head then head=nodepass(head) head=injectpass(head) if not basemodepass then head=basepass(head) end protectpass(head) return head,true else return head,false end end end -- closure