; This file is part of babel. For further details see: ; https://www.ctan.org/pkg/babel ; Data has been collected mainly from the following sources: ; * babel language styles (license LPPL): ; https://www.ctan.org/pkg/babel-contrib ; * polyglossia language styles (license LPPL) ; https://www.ctan.org/pkg/polyglossia ; * Common Locale Data Repository (license Unicode): ; http://cldr.unicode.org/ ; http://unicode.org/copyright.html [identification] charset = utf8 version = 1.5 date = 2020-06-30 name.local = עברית name.english = Hebrew name.babel = hebrew name.polyglossia = hebrew tag.bcp47 = he language.tag.bcp47 = he tag.bcp47.likely = he-Hebr-IL tag.opentype = IWR script.name = Hebrew script.tag.bcp47 = Hebr script.tag.opentype = hebr level = 1 encodings = derivate = no [captions] preface = מבוא ref = מקורות abstract = תקציר bib = ביבליוגרפיה chapter = פרק appendix = נספח contents = תוכן העניינים listfigure = רשימת האיורים listtable = רשימת הטבלאות index = מפתח figure = איור table = טבלה part = חלק encl = רצ"ב cc = העתקים headto = אל page = עמוד see = ראה also = ראה גם proof = הוכחה} glossary = מילון מונחים [captions.licr] preface = \hebmem\hebbet\hebvav\hebalef ref = \hebmem\hebqof\hebvav\hebresh\hebvav\hebtav abstract = \hebtav\hebqof\hebtsadi\hebyod\hebresh bib = \hebbet\hebyod\hebbet\heblamed\hebyod\hebvav\hebgimel\hebresh\hebpe\hebyod\hebhe chapter = \hebpe\hebresh\hebqof appendix = \hebnun\hebsamekh\hebpe\hebhet contents = \hebtav\hebvav\hebkaf\hebfinalnun\space \hebhe\hebayin\hebnun\hebyod\hebyod\hebnun\hebyod\hebfinalmem listfigure = \hebresh\hebshin\hebyod\hebmem\hebtav\space \hebhe\hebalef\hebyod\hebvav\hebresh\hebyod\hebfinalmem listtable = \hebresh\hebshin\hebyod\hebmem\hebtav\space \hebhe\hebtet\hebbet\heblamed\hebalef\hebvav\hebtav index = \hebmem\hebpe\hebtav\hebhet figure = \hebalef\hebyod\hebvav\hebresh table = \hebtet\hebbet\heblamed\hebhe part = \hebhet\heblamed\hebqof encl = \hebresh\hebtsadi"\hebbet cc = \hebhe\hebayin\hebtav\hebqof\hebyod\hebfinalmem headto = \hebalef\heblamed page = \hebayin\hebmem\hebvav\hebdalet see = \hebresh\hebalef\hebhe also = \hebresh\hebalef\hebhe\space \hebgimel\hebfinalmem proof = \hebhe\hebvav\hebkaf\hebhet\hebhe} glossary = \hebmem\hebyod\heblamed\hebvav\hebfinalnun\space \hebmem\hebvav\hebnun\hebhet\hebyod\hebfinalmem [date.gregorian] date.long = [d] ב[MMMM] [y] date.short = [d].[M].[y] months.wide.1 = ינואר months.wide.2 = פברואר months.wide.3 = מרץ months.wide.4 = אפריל months.wide.5 = מאי months.wide.6 = יוני months.wide.7 = יולי months.wide.8 = אוגוסט months.wide.9 = ספטמבר months.wide.10 = אוקטובר months.wide.11 = נובמבר months.wide.12 = דצמבר months.narrow.1 = 1 months.narrow.2 = 2 months.narrow.3 = 3 months.narrow.4 = 4 months.narrow.5 = 5 months.narrow.6 = 6 months.narrow.7 = 7 months.narrow.8 = 8 months.narrow.9 = 9 months.narrow.10 = 10 months.narrow.11 = 11 months.narrow.12 = 12 days.wide.mon = יום שני days.wide.tue = יום שלישי days.wide.wed = יום רביעי days.wide.thu = יום חמישי days.wide.fri = יום שישי days.wide.sat = יום שבת days.wide.sun = יום ראשון days.abbreviated.mon = יום ב׳ days.abbreviated.tue = יום ג׳ days.abbreviated.wed = יום ד׳ days.abbreviated.thu = יום ה׳ days.abbreviated.fri = יום ו׳ days.abbreviated.sat = שבת days.abbreviated.sun = יום א׳ days.narrow.mon = ב׳ days.narrow.tue = ג׳ days.narrow.wed = ד׳ days.narrow.thu = ה׳ days.narrow.fri = ו׳ days.narrow.sat = ש׳ days.narrow.sun = א׳ dayPeriods.abbreviated.am = לפנה״צ dayPeriods.abbreviated.pm = אחה״צ dayPeriods.narrow.am = לפנה״צ dayPeriods.narrow.pm = אחה״צ dayPeriods.wide.am = לפנה״צ dayPeriods.wide.pm = אחה״צ [date.gregorian.licr] months.wide.1 = \hebyod\hebnun\hebvav\hebalef\hebresh months.wide.2 = \hebpe\hebbet\hebresh\hebvav\hebalef\hebresh months.wide.3 = \hebmem\hebresh\hebfinaltsadi months.wide.4 = \hebalef\hebpe\hebresh\hebyod\heblamed months.wide.5 = \hebmem\hebalef\hebyod months.wide.6 = \hebyod\hebvav\hebnun\hebyod months.wide.7 = \hebyod\hebvav\heblamed\hebyod months.wide.8 = \hebalef\hebvav\hebgimel\hebvav\hebsamekh\hebtet months.wide.9 = \hebsamekh\hebpe\hebtet\hebmem\hebbet\hebresh months.wide.10 = \hebalef\hebvav\hebqof\hebtet\hebvav\hebbet\hebresh months.wide.11 = \hebnun\hebvav\hebbet\hebmem\hebbet\hebresh months.wide.12 = \hebdalet\hebtsadi\hebmem\hebbet\hebresh [date.hebrew] date.long = [d] ב[MMMM] [y] months.wide.1 = תשרי months.wide.2 = חשוון months.wide.3 = כסלו months.wide.4 = טבת months.wide.5 = שבט months.wide.6 = אדר א׳ months.wide.7 = אדר months.wide.8 = ניסן months.wide.9 = אייר months.wide.10 = סיוון months.wide.11 = תמוז months.wide.12 = אב months.wide.13 = אלול months.narrow.1 = תש׳ months.narrow.2 = חש׳ months.narrow.3 = כס׳ months.narrow.4 = טב׳ months.narrow.5 = שב׳ months.narrow.6 = א״א months.narrow.7 = אד׳ months.narrow.8 = ני׳ months.narrow.9 = אי׳ months.narrow.10 = סי׳ months.narrow.11 = תמ׳ months.narrow.12 = אב months.narrow.13 = אל׳ [time.gregorian] time.medium = [H]:[mm]:[ss] time.short = [H]:[mm] [typography] frenchspacing = no hyphenrules = hebrew lefthyphenmin = 2 righthyphenmin = 3 hyphenchar = prehyphenchar = posthyphenchar = exhyphenchar = preexhyphenchar = postexhyphenchar = hyphenationmin = [characters] delimiters.quotes = ””’’ auxiliary = [\u05BD\u05C4\u200E\u200F \u05B0 \u05B1 \u05B2 \u05B3 \u05B4 \u05B5 \u05B6 \u05B7 \u05B8 \u05B9 \u05BB \u05C2 \u05C1 \u05BC \u05BF ״] exemplarCharacters = [א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י כ ך ל מ ם נ ן ס ע פ ף צ ץ ק ר ש ת] index = [א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י כ ל מ נ ס ע פ צ ק ר ש ת] punctuation = [\\- ‐ – — , ; \\: ! ? . ׳ ' \" ( ) \\[ \\] / ״ ־] [numbers] defaultNumberingSystem = latn minimumGroupingDigits = 1 decimal = . exponential = E group = , infinity = ∞ list = ; minusSign = ‎- nan = NaN perMille = ‰ percentSign = % plusSign = ‎+ superscriptingExponent = × [counters] letters.1 = א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט letters.2 = י כ ל מ נ ס ע פ צ letters.F.15 = טו letters.F.16 = טז letters.F.17 = יז letters.F.18 = יח letters.F.19 = יט letters.3 = ק ר ש ת תק תר תש תת תתק letters.4 = א׳ ב׳ ג׳ ד׳ ה׳ ו׳ ז׳ ח׳ ט׳