; This file is part of babel. For further details see: ; https://www.ctan.org/pkg/babel ; This file has been contributed by Claudio Beccari [identification] charset = utf8 version = 0.4 date = 2020-03-22 name.local = Ἐλληνικά ; Name from https://www.iana.org/assignments/language-subtag-registry/language-subtag-registry name.english = Polytonic Greek name.babel = greek name.polyglossia = greek tag.bcp47 = el-polyton tag.opentype = PGR script.name = Greek script.tag.bcp47 = Grek script.tag.opentype = grek polyglossia.variant = polytonic level = 1 encodings = LGR derivate = no require.babel = polytonicgreek [captions] preface = Πρόλογος ref = Ἀναφορές abstract = Περίληψη bib = Βιβλιογραφία chapter = Κεφάλαιο appendix = Παράρτημα contents = Περιεχόμενα listfigure = Κατάλογος Σχημάτων listtable = Κατάλογος Πινάκων index = Εὑρετήριο figure = Σχῆμα table = Πίνακας part = Μέρος encl = Συνημμένα cc = Κοινοποίηση headto = Πρὸς page = Σελίδα see = βλέπε also = βλέπε ἐπίσης proof = Ἀπόδειξη glossary = Γλωσσάρι [captions.licr] preface = \textPi\textrho\'\textomicron\textlambda\textomicron\textgamma\textomicron\textvarsigma ref = \accpsili\textAlpha\textnu\textalpha\textphi\textomicron\textrho\'\textepsilon\textvarsigma abstract = \textPi\textepsilon\textrho\'\textiota\textlambda\texteta\textpsi\texteta bib = \textBeta\textiota\textbeta\textlambda\textiota\textomicron\textgamma\textrho\textalpha\textphi\'\textiota\textalpha chapter = \textKappa\textepsilon\textphi\'\textalpha\textlambda\textalpha\textiota\textomicron appendix = \textPi\textalpha\textrho\'\textalpha\textrho\texttau\texteta\textmu\textalpha contents = \textPi\textepsilon\textrho\textiota\textepsilon\textchi\'\textomicron\textmu\textepsilon\textnu\textalpha listfigure = \textKappa\textalpha\texttau\'\textalpha\textlambda\textomicron\textgamma\textomicron\textvarsigma\space \textSigma\textchi\texteta\textmu\'\textalpha\texttau\textomega\textnu listtable = \textKappa\textalpha\texttau\'\textalpha\textlambda\textomicron\textgamma\textomicron\textvarsigma\space \textPi\textiota\textnu\'\textalpha\textkappa\textomega\textnu index = \textEpsilon\accdasia\textupsilon\textrho\textepsilon\texttau\'\texteta\textrho\textiota\textomicron figure = \textSigma\textchi\'\texteta\textmu\textalpha table = \textPi\'\textiota\textnu\textalpha\textkappa\textalpha\textvarsigma part = \textMu\'\textepsilon\textrho\textomicron\textvarsigma encl = \textSigma\textupsilon\textnu\texteta\textmu\textmu\'\textepsilon\textnu\textalpha cc = \textKappa\textomicron\textiota\textnu\textomicron\textpi\textomicron\'\textiota\texteta\textsigma\texteta headto = \textPi\textrho\textomicron\textvarsigma page = \textSigma\textepsilon\textlambda\'\textiota\textdelta\textalpha see = \textbeta\textlambda\'\textepsilon\textpi\textepsilon also = \textbeta\textlambda\'\textepsilon\textpi\textepsilon\space \>\textepsilon\textpi\'\textiota\textsigma\texteta\textvarsigma proof = \>\textAlpha\textpi\'\textomicron\textdelta\textepsilon\textiota\textxi\texteta glossary = \textGamma\textlambda\textomega\textsigma\textsigma\'\textalpha\textrho\textiota [date.gregorian] date.long = [d] [MMMM] [y] date.short = [d]/[M]/[yy] months.wide.1 = Ἰανουαρίου months.wide.2 = Φεβρουαρίου months.wide.3 = Μαρτίου months.wide.4 = Ἀπριλίου months.wide.5 = Μαΐου months.wide.6 = Ἰουνίου months.wide.7 = Ἰουλίου months.wide.8 = Αὐγούστου months.wide.9 = Σεπτεμβρίου months.wide.10 = Ὀκτωβρίου months.wide.11 = Νοεμβρίου months.wide.12 = Δεκεμβρίου months.narrow.1 = Ι months.narrow.2 = Φ months.narrow.3 = Μ months.narrow.4 = Α months.narrow.5 = Μ months.narrow.6 = Ι months.narrow.7 = Ι months.narrow.8 = Α months.narrow.9 = Σ months.narrow.10 = Ο months.narrow.11 = Ν months.narrow.12 = Δ days.wide.mon = Δευτέρα days.wide.tue = Τρίτη days.wide.wed = Τετάρτη days.wide.thu = Πέμπτη days.wide.fri = Παρασκευή days.wide.sat = Σάββατο days.wide.sun = Κυριακή days.abbreviated.mon = Δευ days.abbreviated.tue = Τρί days.abbreviated.wed = Τετ days.abbreviated.thu = Πέμ days.abbreviated.fri = Παρ days.abbreviated.sat = Σάβ days.abbreviated.sun = Κυρ days.narrow.mon = Δ days.narrow.tue = Τ days.narrow.wed = Τ days.narrow.thu = Π days.narrow.fri = Π days.narrow.sat = Σ days.narrow.sun = Κ dayPeriods.abbreviated.am = π.μ. dayPeriods.abbreviated.pm = μ.μ. dayPeriods.narrow.am = πμ dayPeriods.narrow.pm = μμ dayPeriods.wide.am = π.μ. dayPeriods.wide.pm = μ.μ. [date.gregorian.licr] months.wide.1 = \accpsili\textIota\textalpha\textnu\textomicron\textupsilon\textalpha\textrho\'\textiota\textomicron\textupsilon months.wide.2 = \textPhi\textepsilon\textbeta\textrho\textomicron\textupsilon\textalpha\textrho\'\textiota\textomicron\textupsilon months.wide.3 = \textMu\textalpha\textrho\texttau\'\textiota\textomicron\textupsilon months.wide.4 = \accpsili\textAlpha\textpi\textrho\textiota\textlambda\'\textiota\textomicron\textupsilon months.wide.5 = \textMu\textalpha\textdialytikatonos\textiota\textomicron\textupsilon months.wide.6 = \accpsili\textIota\textomicron\textupsilon\textnu\'\textiota\textomicron\textupsilon months.wide.7 = \accpsili\textIota\textomicron\textupsilon\textlambda\'\textiota\textomicron\textupsilon months.wide.8 = \accpsili\textAlpha\textupsilon\textgamma\textomicron\'\textupsilon\textsigma\texttau\textomicron\textupsilon months.wide.9 = \textSigma\textepsilon\textpi\texttau\textepsilon\textmu\textbeta\textrho\'\textiota\textomicron\textupsilon months.wide.10 = \accpsili\textOmicron\textkappa\texttau\textomega\textbeta\textrho\'\textiota\textomicron\textupsilon months.wide.11 = \textNu\textomicron\textepsilon\textmu\textbeta\textrho\'\textiota\textomicron\textupsilon months.wide.12 = \textDelta\textepsilon\textkappa\textepsilon\textmu\textbeta\textrho\'\textiota\textomicron\textupsilon [time.gregorian] time.medium = [h]:[mm]:[ss] [a] time.short = [h]:[mm] [a] [typography] frenchspacing = no hyphenrules = polygreek lefthyphenmin = 1 righthyphenmin = 1 hyphenchar = prehyphenchar = posthyphenchar = exhyphenchar = preexhyphenchar = postexhyphenchar = hyphenationmin = ; The syntax is liable to change in 'other' values hyphenate.other = "0027 "2019 "02BC "1FBD "1FBF [characters] delimiters.quotes = «»“” auxiliary = [ἀ ἄ ἂ ἆ ἁ ἅ ἃ ἇ ὰ ᾶ ἐ ἔ ἒ ἑ ἕ ἓ ὲ ἠ ἤ ἢ ἦ ἡ ἥ ἣ ἧ ὴ ῆ ἰ ἴ ἲ ἶ ἱ ἵ ἳ ἷ ὶ ῖ ῒ ῗ ὄ ὂ ὃ ὸ ὐ ὔ ὒ ὖ ὑ ὕ ὓ ὗ ὺ ῦ ῢ ῧ ὤ ὢ ὦ ὥ ὣ ὧ ὼ ῶ] exemplarCharacters = [α ά β γ δ ε έ ζ η ή θ ι ί ϊ ΐ κ λ μ ν ξ ο ό π ρ σ ς τ υ ύ ϋ ΰ φ χ ψ ω ώ] index = [Α Β Γ Δ Ε Ζ Η Θ Ι Κ Λ Μ Ν Ξ Ο Π Ρ Σ Τ Υ Φ Χ Ψ Ω] punctuation = [\\- ‐ – — , ; \\: ! . … \" « » ( ) \\[ \\] § @ * / \\\\ \\&] [numbers] defaultNumberingSystem = latn minimumGroupingDigits = 1 decimal = , exponential = e group = . infinity = ∞ list = ; minusSign = - nan = NaN perMille = ‰ percentSign = % plusSign = + superscriptingExponent = × [counters] ; Important note: the way the keraia is defined is tentative, and very ; likely it will change. Do *not* rely on it. lower.modern.1 = α β γ δ ε στ ζ η θ lower.modern.2 = ι κ λ μ ν ξ ο π ϟ lower.modern.3 = ρ σ τ υ φ χ ψ ω ϡ lower.modern.4 = ͵α ͵β ͵γ ͵δ ͵ε ͵στ ͵ζ ͵η ͵θ lower.modern.S.321 = ʹ upper.modern.1 = Α Β Γ Δ Ε ΣΤ Ζ Η Θ upper.modern.2 = Ι Κ Λ Μ Ν Ξ Ο Π Ϟ upper.modern.3 = Ρ Σ Τ Υ Φ Χ Ψ Ω Ϡ upper.modern.4 = ͵Α ͵Β ͵Γ ͵Δ ͵Ε ͵ΣΤ ͵Ζ ͵Η ͵Θ upper.modern.S.321 = ʹ lower.ancient.1 = α β γ δ ε ϛ ζ η θ lower.ancient.2 = ι κ λ μ ν ξ ο π ϟ lower.ancient.3 = ρ σ τ υ φ χ ψ ω ϡ lower.ancient.4 = ͵α ͵β ͵γ ͵δ ͵ε ͵Ϛ ͵ζ ͵η ͵θ lower.ancient.S.321 = ʹ upper.ancient.1 = Α Β Γ Δ Ε Ϛ Ζ Η Θ upper.ancient.2 = Ι Κ Λ Μ Ν Ξ Ο Π Ϟ upper.ancient.3 = Ρ Σ Τ Υ Φ Χ Ψ Ω Ϡ upper.ancient.4 = ͵Α ͵Β ͵Γ ͵Δ ͵Ε ͵Ϛ ͵Ζ ͵Η ͵Θ upper.ancient.S.321 = ʹ