%% frenchb.cfg: configuration file for frenchb.ldf %% Daniel Flipo Daniel.Flipo at univ-lille1.fr %% File `frenchb.dtx' %% Babel package for LaTeX version 2e %% Copyright (C) 1989 - 2009 %% by Johannes Braams, TeXniek %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%% WARNING: THIS FILE SHOULD NO LONGER BE USED %%%%%%%%% %% If you want to customise frenchb, please DO NOT hack into the code! %% Do no put any code in this file either, please use the new command %% \frenchbsetup{} with the proper options to customise frenchb. %% %% Add \frenchbsetup{ShowOptions} to your preamble to see the list of %% available options and/or read the documentation. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%