-- -- This is file `babel-transforms.lua', -- generated with the docstrip utility. -- -- The original source files were: -- -- babel.dtx (with options: `transforms') -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2012-2024 Javier Bezos and Johannes L. Braams. -- Copyright (C) 1989-2012 Johannes L. Braams and -- any individual authors listed elsewhere in this file. -- All rights reserved. -- -- -- This file is part of the Babel system. -- -------------------------------------- -- -- It may be distributed and/or modified under the -- conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 -- of this license or (at your option) any later version. -- The latest version of this license is in -- http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt -- and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX -- version 2003/12/01 or later. -- -- This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". -- -- The Current Maintainer of this work is Javier Bezos. -- -- The list of derived (unpacked) files belonging to the distribution -- and covered by LPPL is defined by the unpacking scripts (with -- extension |.ins|) which are part of the distribution. -- Babel.linebreaking.replacements = {} Babel.linebreaking.replacements[0] = {} -- pre Babel.linebreaking.replacements[1] = {} -- post function Babel.tovalue(v) if type(v) == 'table' then return Babel.locale_props[v[1]].vars[v[2]] or v[3] else return v end end -- Discretionaries contain strings as nodes function Babel.str_to_nodes(fn, matches, base) local n, head, last if fn == nil then return nil end for s in string.utfvalues(fn(matches)) do if base.id == 7 then base = base.replace end n = node.copy(base) n.char = s if not head then head = n else last.next = n end last = n end return head end Babel.fetch_subtext = {} Babel.ignore_pre_char = function(node) return (node.lang == Babel.nohyphenation) end -- Merging both functions doesn't seen feasible, because there are too -- many differences. Babel.fetch_subtext[0] = function(head) local word_string = '' local word_nodes = {} local lang local item = head local inmath = false while item do if item.id == 11 then inmath = (item.subtype == 0) end if inmath then -- pass elseif item.id == 29 then local locale = node.get_attribute(item, Babel.attr_locale) if lang == locale or lang == nil then lang = lang or locale if Babel.ignore_pre_char(item) then word_string = word_string .. Babel.us_char else word_string = word_string .. unicode.utf8.char(item.char) end word_nodes[#word_nodes+1] = item else break end elseif item.id == 12 and item.subtype == 13 then word_string = word_string .. ' ' word_nodes[#word_nodes+1] = item -- Ignore leading unrecognized nodes, too. elseif word_string ~= '' then word_string = word_string .. Babel.us_char word_nodes[#word_nodes+1] = item -- Will be ignored end item = item.next end -- Here and above we remove some trailing chars but not the -- corresponding nodes. But they aren't accessed. if word_string:sub(-1) == ' ' then word_string = word_string:sub(1,-2) end word_string = unicode.utf8.gsub(word_string, Babel.us_char .. '+$', '') return word_string, word_nodes, item, lang end Babel.fetch_subtext[1] = function(head) local word_string = '' local word_nodes = {} local lang local item = head local inmath = false while item do if item.id == 11 then inmath = (item.subtype == 0) end if inmath then -- pass elseif item.id == 29 then if item.lang == lang or lang == nil then if (item.char ~= 124) and (item.char ~= 61) then -- not =, not | lang = lang or item.lang word_string = word_string .. unicode.utf8.char(item.char) word_nodes[#word_nodes+1] = item end else break end elseif item.id == 7 and item.subtype == 2 then word_string = word_string .. '=' word_nodes[#word_nodes+1] = item elseif item.id == 7 and item.subtype == 3 then word_string = word_string .. '|' word_nodes[#word_nodes+1] = item -- (1) Go to next word if nothing was found, and (2) implicitly -- remove leading USs. elseif word_string == '' then -- pass -- This is the responsible for splitting by words. elseif (item.id == 12 and item.subtype == 13) then break else word_string = word_string .. Babel.us_char word_nodes[#word_nodes+1] = item -- Will be ignored end item = item.next end word_string = unicode.utf8.gsub(word_string, Babel.us_char .. '+$', '') return word_string, word_nodes, item, lang end function Babel.pre_hyphenate_replace(head) Babel.hyphenate_replace(head, 0) end function Babel.post_hyphenate_replace(head) Babel.hyphenate_replace(head, 1) end Babel.us_char = string.char(31) function Babel.hyphenate_replace(head, mode) local u = unicode.utf8 local lbkr = Babel.linebreaking.replacements[mode] local tovalue = Babel.tovalue local word_head = head while true do -- for each subtext block local w, w_nodes, nw, lang = Babel.fetch_subtext[mode](word_head) if Babel.debug then print() print((mode == 0) and '@@@@<' or '@@@@>', w) end if nw == nil and w == '' then break end if not lang then goto next end if not lbkr[lang] then goto next end -- For each saved (pre|post)hyphenation. TODO. Reconsider how -- loops are nested. for k=1, #lbkr[lang] do local p = lbkr[lang][k].pattern local r = lbkr[lang][k].replace local attr = lbkr[lang][k].attr or -1 if Babel.debug then print('*****', p, mode) end -- This variable is set in some cases below to the first *byte* -- after the match, either as found by u.match (faster) or the -- computed position based on sc if w has changed. local last_match = 0 local step = 0 -- For every match. while true do if Babel.debug then print('=====') end local new -- used when inserting and removing nodes local dummy_node -- used by after local matches = { u.match(w, p, last_match) } if #matches < 2 then break end -- Get and remove empty captures (with ()'s, which return a -- number with the position), and keep actual captures -- (from (...)), if any, in matches. local first = table.remove(matches, 1) local last = table.remove(matches, #matches) -- Non re-fetched substrings may contain \31, which separates -- subsubstrings. if string.find(w:sub(first, last-1), Babel.us_char) then break end local save_last = last -- with A()BC()D, points to D -- Fix offsets, from bytes to unicode. Explained above. first = u.len(w:sub(1, first-1)) + 1 last = u.len(w:sub(1, last-1)) -- now last points to C -- This loop stores in a small table the nodes -- corresponding to the pattern. Used by 'data' to provide a -- predictable behavior with 'insert' (w_nodes is modified on -- the fly), and also access to 'remove'd nodes. local sc = first-1 -- Used below, too local data_nodes = {} local enabled = true for q = 1, last-first+1 do data_nodes[q] = w_nodes[sc+q] if enabled and attr > -1 and not node.has_attribute(data_nodes[q], attr) then enabled = false end end -- This loop traverses the matched substring and takes the -- corresponding action stored in the replacement list. -- sc = the position in substr nodes / string -- rc = the replacement table index local rc = 0 ------- TODO. dummy_node? while rc < last-first+1 or dummy_node do -- for each replacement if Babel.debug then print('.....', rc + 1) end sc = sc + 1 rc = rc + 1 if Babel.debug then Babel.debug_hyph(w, w_nodes, sc, first, last, last_match) local ss = '' for itt in node.traverse(head) do if itt.id == 29 then ss = ss .. unicode.utf8.char(itt.char) else ss = ss .. '{' .. itt.id .. '}' end end print('*****************', ss) end local crep = r[rc] local item = w_nodes[sc] local item_base = item local placeholder = Babel.us_char local d if crep and crep.data then item_base = data_nodes[crep.data] end if crep then step = crep.step or step end if crep and crep.after then crep.insert = true if dummy_node then item = dummy_node else -- TODO. if there is a node after? d = node.copy(item_base) head, item = node.insert_after(head, item, d) dummy_node = item end end if crep and not crep.after and dummy_node then node.remove(head, dummy_node) dummy_node = nil end if (not enabled) or (crep and next(crep) == nil) then -- = {} if step == 0 then last_match = save_last -- Optimization else last_match = utf8.offset(w, sc+step) end goto next elseif crep == nil or crep.remove then node.remove(head, item) table.remove(w_nodes, sc) w = u.sub(w, 1, sc-1) .. u.sub(w, sc+1) sc = sc - 1 -- Nothing has been inserted. last_match = utf8.offset(w, sc+1+step) goto next elseif crep and crep.kashida then -- Experimental node.set_attribute(item, Babel.attr_kashida, crep.kashida) last_match = utf8.offset(w, sc+1+step) goto next elseif crep and crep.string then local str = crep.string(matches) if str == '' then -- Gather with nil node.remove(head, item) table.remove(w_nodes, sc) w = u.sub(w, 1, sc-1) .. u.sub(w, sc+1) sc = sc - 1 -- Nothing has been inserted. else local loop_first = true for s in string.utfvalues(str) do d = node.copy(item_base) d.char = s if loop_first then loop_first = false head, new = node.insert_before(head, item, d) if sc == 1 then word_head = head end w_nodes[sc] = d w = u.sub(w, 1, sc-1) .. u.char(s) .. u.sub(w, sc+1) else sc = sc + 1 head, new = node.insert_before(head, item, d) table.insert(w_nodes, sc, new) w = u.sub(w, 1, sc-1) .. u.char(s) .. u.sub(w, sc) end if Babel.debug then print('.....', 'str') Babel.debug_hyph(w, w_nodes, sc, first, last, last_match) end end -- for node.remove(head, item) end -- if '' last_match = utf8.offset(w, sc+1+step) goto next elseif mode == 1 and crep and (crep.pre or crep.no or crep.post) then d = node.new(7, 3) -- (disc, regular) d.pre = Babel.str_to_nodes(crep.pre, matches, item_base) d.post = Babel.str_to_nodes(crep.post, matches, item_base) d.replace = Babel.str_to_nodes(crep.no, matches, item_base) d.attr = item_base.attr if crep.pre == nil then -- TeXbook p96 d.penalty = tovalue(crep.penalty) or tex.hyphenpenalty else d.penalty = tovalue(crep.penalty) or tex.exhyphenpenalty end placeholder = '|' head, new = node.insert_before(head, item, d) elseif mode == 0 and crep and (crep.pre or crep.no or crep.post) then -- ERROR elseif crep and crep.penalty then d = node.new(14, 0) -- (penalty, userpenalty) d.attr = item_base.attr d.penalty = tovalue(crep.penalty) head, new = node.insert_before(head, item, d) elseif crep and crep.space then -- 655360 = 10 pt = 10 * 65536 sp d = node.new(12, 13) -- (glue, spaceskip) local quad = font.getfont(item_base.font).size or 655360 node.setglue(d, tovalue(crep.space[1]) * quad, tovalue(crep.space[2]) * quad, tovalue(crep.space[3]) * quad) if mode == 0 then placeholder = ' ' end head, new = node.insert_before(head, item, d) elseif crep and crep.norule then -- 655360 = 10 pt = 10 * 65536 sp d = node.new(2, 3) -- (rule, empty) = \no*rule local quad = font.getfont(item_base.font).size or 655360 d.width = tovalue(crep.norule[1]) * quad d.height = tovalue(crep.norule[2]) * quad d.depth = tovalue(crep.norule[3]) * quad head, new = node.insert_before(head, item, d) elseif crep and crep.spacefactor then d = node.new(12, 13) -- (glue, spaceskip) local base_font = font.getfont(item_base.font) node.setglue(d, tovalue(crep.spacefactor[1]) * base_font.parameters['space'], tovalue(crep.spacefactor[2]) * base_font.parameters['space_stretch'], tovalue(crep.spacefactor[3]) * base_font.parameters['space_shrink']) if mode == 0 then placeholder = ' ' end head, new = node.insert_before(head, item, d) elseif mode == 0 and crep and crep.space then -- ERROR elseif crep and crep.kern then d = node.new(13, 1) -- (kern, user) local quad = font.getfont(item_base.font).size or 655360 d.attr = item_base.attr d.kern = tovalue(crep.kern) * quad head, new = node.insert_before(head, item, d) elseif crep and crep.node then d = node.new(crep.node[1], crep.node[2]) d.attr = item_base.attr head, new = node.insert_before(head, item, d) end -- ie replacement cases -- Shared by disc, space(factor), kern, node and penalty. if sc == 1 then word_head = head end if crep.insert then w = u.sub(w, 1, sc-1) .. placeholder .. u.sub(w, sc) table.insert(w_nodes, sc, new) last = last + 1 else w_nodes[sc] = d node.remove(head, item) w = u.sub(w, 1, sc-1) .. placeholder .. u.sub(w, sc+1) end last_match = utf8.offset(w, sc+1+step) ::next:: end -- for each replacement if Babel.debug then print('.....', '/') Babel.debug_hyph(w, w_nodes, sc, first, last, last_match) end if dummy_node then node.remove(head, dummy_node) dummy_node = nil end end -- for match end -- for patterns ::next:: word_head = nw end -- for substring return head end -- This table stores capture maps, numbered consecutively Babel.capture_maps = {} -- The following functions belong to the next macro function Babel.capture_func(key, cap) local ret = "[[" .. cap:gsub('{([0-9])}', "]]..m[%1]..[[") .. "]]" local cnt local u = unicode.utf8 ret, cnt = ret:gsub('{([0-9])|([^|]+)|(.-)}', Babel.capture_func_map) if cnt == 0 then ret = u.gsub(ret, '{(%x%x%x%x+)}', function (n) return u.char(tonumber(n, 16)) end) end ret = ret:gsub("%[%[%]%]%.%.", '') ret = ret:gsub("%.%.%[%[%]%]", '') return key .. [[=function(m) return ]] .. ret .. [[ end]] end function Babel.capt_map(from, mapno) return Babel.capture_maps[mapno][from] or from end -- Handle the {n|abc|ABC} syntax in captures function Babel.capture_func_map(capno, from, to) local u = unicode.utf8 from = u.gsub(from, '{(%x%x%x%x+)}', function (n) return u.char(tonumber(n, 16)) end) to = u.gsub(to, '{(%x%x%x%x+)}', function (n) return u.char(tonumber(n, 16)) end) local froms = {} for s in string.utfcharacters(from) do table.insert(froms, s) end local cnt = 1 table.insert(Babel.capture_maps, {}) local mlen = table.getn(Babel.capture_maps) for s in string.utfcharacters(to) do Babel.capture_maps[mlen][froms[cnt]] = s cnt = cnt + 1 end return "]]..Babel.capt_map(m[" .. capno .. "]," .. (mlen) .. ").." .. "[[" end -- Create/Extend reversed sorted list of kashida weights: function Babel.capture_kashida(key, wt) wt = tonumber(wt) if Babel.kashida_wts then for p, q in ipairs(Babel.kashida_wts) do if wt == q then break elseif wt > q then table.insert(Babel.kashida_wts, p, wt) break elseif table.getn(Babel.kashida_wts) == p then table.insert(Babel.kashida_wts, wt) end end else Babel.kashida_wts = { wt } end return 'kashida = ' .. wt end function Babel.capture_node(id, subtype) local sbt = 0 for k, v in pairs(node.subtypes(id)) do if v == subtype then sbt = k end end return 'node = {' .. node.id(id) .. ', ' .. sbt .. '}' end -- Experimental: applies prehyphenation transforms to a string (letters -- and spaces). function Babel.string_prehyphenation(str, locale) local n, head, last, res head = node.new(8, 0) -- dummy (hack just to start) last = head for s in string.utfvalues(str) do if s == 20 then n = node.new(12, 0) else n = node.new(29, 0) n.char = s end node.set_attribute(n, Babel.attr_locale, locale) last.next = n last = n end head = Babel.hyphenate_replace(head, 0) res = '' for n in node.traverse(head) do if n.id == 12 then res = res .. ' ' elseif n.id == 29 then res = res .. unicode.utf8.char(n.char) end end tex.print(res) end